Ejemplo n.º 1
	Response Response::htmlResponse(const std::string& _fileName, unsigned _code) {
		// Open file
		File* pageFile = File::openExisting(_fileName);
		if(pageFile) {
			Response r(_code, shortDesc(_code));
			r.headers()["Content-type"] = "text/html";
			return r;
		else return response404();
Ejemplo n.º 2
void Forge::NameWeapon(CHAR_DATA & ch, const char * argument)
    // Check for name effect
    AFFECT_DATA * paf(FindNameEffect(ch));
    if (paf == NULL)
        send_to_char("You have no weapon waiting to receive a Name.\n", &ch);

    // Verify the object
    OBJ_DATA * obj(FindNameableObject(ch, *paf));
    affect_remove(&ch, paf);
    if (obj == NULL)
        send_to_char("You are no longer carrying the weapon you empowered to receive a Name.\n", &ch);

    // Object exists and is carried by the char, so name it according to the argument
    act("You pass your hand over $p, willing the Name into it.", &ch, obj, NULL, TO_CHAR);
    act("$n passes $s hand over $p, murmuring softly.", &ch, obj, NULL, TO_ROOM);

    // Echo about the naming
    std::ostringstream mess;
    mess << "A deep rush of power sweeps over $p as it claims the Name \"" << argument << "\"!";
    act(mess.str().c_str(), &ch, &obj, NULL, TO_ALL);

    // Add the name to the short desc
    std::string shortDesc(obj->short_descr);
    shortDesc += ", \"";
    shortDesc += argument;
    shortDesc += '"';
    SetBasicDescs(*obj, shortDesc.c_str(), true);

    // Create lore
    static char *his_her       [] = { "its", "his", "her" };
    const char * ch_name(IS_NPC(&ch) ? ch.short_descr : ch.name);
    std::ostringstream lore;
    lore << "Forged by the " << race_table[ch.race].name << " smith " << ch_name;
    lore << ", this mighty " << flag_string(weapon_class, obj->value[0]) << " was given its Name by the same.";
    lore << "Imbuing it with " << his_her[ch.sex] << " own power, " << ch_name << " marked \"" << argument;
    lore << "\" as an extension of " << his_her[ch.sex] << " very being.";
    copy_string(obj->lore, lore.str().c_str());
    obj->lore = format_string(obj->lore);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void Drakes::AdjustDrake(CHAR_DATA & ch, CHAR_DATA & drake, int stoneType, const Info & info, int level, Age age)
    // Set the appropriate strings
    const char * stoneName(material_table[stoneType].name);
    std::string shortDesc(BuildShortDesc(stoneName, age));
    std::string longDesc(shortDesc + " is here.\n");
    longDesc[0] = UPPER(longDesc[0]);
    setName(drake, shortDesc.c_str());
    copy_string(drake.short_descr, shortDesc.c_str());
    copy_string(drake.long_descr, longDesc.c_str());
    copy_string(drake.description, BuildDescription(ch, stoneName, age).c_str());

    // Seed any random values with ch's id
    srand(ch.id + 12345);

    // Adjust damage type and damverb
    drake.dam_type = info.damageType;
    const char * damverb("strike");
    switch (info.damageType)
        case DAM_BASH:
            switch ((rand() + stoneType) % 3)
                case 0: damverb = "slam"; break;
                case 1: damverb = "smash"; break;
                case 2: damverb = "crush"; break;

        case DAM_SLASH:
            switch ((rand() + stoneType) % 3)
                case 0: damverb = "slice"; break;
                case 1: damverb = "claw"; break;
                case 2: damverb = "talon"; break;
        case DAM_PIERCE:
            switch ((rand() + stoneType) % 2)
                case 0: damverb = "bite"; break;
                case 1: damverb = "strike"; break;
    copy_string(drake.dam_verb, damverb);

    // Perform basic adjustments
    drake.level = UMAX(1, level + age);
    drake.damroll = (level / 10) + (age * 4);
    drake.hitroll = (level * 2) / 3;
    drake.damage[0] = (level * 2) / 3;
    drake.damage[1] = 4;
    drake.damage[2] = drake.damroll;
    drake.max_hit = dice(level * 4, 19) + 400 + (age * 100);

    // Adjust for damage and hp mods
    drake.damage[0] = (drake.damage[0] * (100 + info.damageMod)) / 100;
    drake.max_hit = (drake.max_hit * (100 + info.hpMod)) / 100;

    // Adjust stats
    for (size_t i(0); i < MAX_STATS; ++i)
        drake.perm_stat[i] = 18 + age;
        drake.mod_stat[i] = 18 + age;
        drake.max_stat[i] = 18 + age;

    // Fill in resistances
    for (size_t i(0); i < info.resistances.size(); ++i)
        drake.resist[info.resistances[i].type] = info.resistances[i].modBase + (age * info.resistances[i].modStep);

    // Restore random seed

    // Determine duration until next age level up
    int duration((age + 1) * 260);
    if (age == Ancient) duration = -1;
    else duration = (duration * (100 + info.maturationMod)) / 100;

    // Mark the drake's stone type and age in the modifier and level fields
    AFFECT_DATA af = {0};
    af.where    = TO_AFFECTS;
    af.type     = gsn_wakenedstone;
    af.modifier = stoneType;
    af.level    = age;
    af.duration = duration;
    affect_to_char(&drake, &af);

    // Adjust the drake's level for overwhelm
    drake.level += SpecialCount(drake, Overwhelm);
Ejemplo n.º 4
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// NOTE: MacOs X has a lower rlimit for opened file descriptor than Linux (256
// in Snow Leopard vs 512 in SLC5). This is a problem for some of the workflows
// that open many small root datafiles.  Notice that this is safe to do also
// for Linux, but we agreed not to change the behavior there for the moment.
// Also the limits imposed by ulimit are not affected and still apply, if
// there.
#ifdef __APPLE__
  struct rlimit limits;
  getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &limits);
  limits.rlim_cur = (OPEN_MAX < limits.rlim_max) ? OPEN_MAX : limits.rlim_max;
  setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &limits);

  // We must initialize the plug-in manager first
  try {
  } catch(const std::exception& e) {
    std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
    return 1;
  // Decide whether to use the multi-thread or single-thread message logger
  //    (Just walk the command-line arguments, since the boost parser will
  //    be run below and can lead to error messages which should be sent via
  //    the message logger)
  bool multiThreadML = false;
  for (int i=0; i<argc; ++i) {
    if ( (std::strncmp (argv[i],"-t", 20) == 0) ||
         (std::strncmp (argv[i],"--multithreadML", 20) == 0) )
    { multiThreadML = true; 
  // if ( multiThreadML ) std::cerr << "\n\n multiThreadML \n\n";
  // Load the message service plug-in
  boost::shared_ptr<edm::Presence> theMessageServicePresence;

  if (multiThreadML)
    try {
      theMessageServicePresence = boost::shared_ptr<edm::Presence>(edm::PresenceFactory::get()->
    } catch(cms::Exception& e) {
      std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
      return 1;
  } else {
    try {
      theMessageServicePresence = boost::shared_ptr<edm::Presence>(edm::PresenceFactory::get()->
    } catch(cms::Exception& e) {
      std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
      return 1;
  // Specify default services to be enabled with their default parameters.
  // The parameters for these can be overridden from the configuration files.
  std::vector<std::string> defaultServices;
#ifdef linux

  // These cannot be overridden from the configuration files.
  // An exception will be thrown if any of these is specified there.
  std::vector<std::string> forcedServices;

  std::string descString(argv[0]);
  descString += " [options] [--";
  descString += kParameterSetOpt;
  descString += "] config_file \nAllowed options";
  boost::program_options::options_description desc(descString);
    (kHelpCommandOpt, "produce help message")
    (kParameterSetCommandOpt, boost::program_options::value<std::string>(), "configuration file")
    (kJobreportCommandOpt, boost::program_options::value<std::string>(),
    	"file name to use for a job report file: default extension is .xml")
    	"enable job report files (if any) specified in configuration file")
    (kJobModeCommandOpt, boost::program_options::value<std::string>(),
    	"Job Mode for MessageLogger defaults - default mode is grid")
    	"MessageLogger handles multiple threads - default is single-thread")
    (kStrictOpt, "strict parsing");

  // anything at the end will be ignored, and sent to python
  boost::program_options::positional_options_description p;
  p.add(kParameterSetOpt, 1).add(kPythonOpt, -1);

  // This --fwk option is not used anymore, but I'm leaving it around as
  // it might be useful again in the future for code development
  // purposes.  We originally used it when implementing the boost
  // state machine code.
  boost::program_options::options_description hidden("hidden options");
  hidden.add_options()("fwk", "For use only by Framework Developers")
    (kPythonOpt, boost::program_options::value< std::vector<std::string> >(), 
     "options at the end to be passed to python");
  boost::program_options::options_description all_options("All Options");

  boost::program_options::variables_map vm;
  try {
  } catch(boost::program_options::error const& iException) {
    edm::LogError("FwkJob") << "Exception from command line processing: " << iException.what();
    edm::LogSystem("CommandLineProcessing") << "Exception from command line processing: " << iException.what() << "\n";
    return 7000;
  if(vm.count(kHelpOpt)) {
    std::cout << desc <<std::endl;
    if(!vm.count(kParameterSetOpt)) edm::HaltMessageLogging();
    return 0;
  if(!vm.count(kParameterSetOpt)) {
    std::string shortDesc("ConfigFileNotFound");
    std::ostringstream longDesc;
    longDesc << "cmsRun: No configuration file given.\n"
	     << "For usage and an options list, please do '"
	     << argv[0]
	     <<  " --"
	     << kHelpOpt
	     << "'.";
    int exitCode = 7001;
    edm::LogAbsolute(shortDesc) << longDesc.str() << "\n";
    return exitCode;

  if(!vm.count(kParameterSetOpt)) {
    std::string shortDesc("ConfigFileNotFound");
    std::ostringstream longDesc;
    longDesc << "No configuration file given \n"
	     <<" please do '"
	     << argv[0]
	     <<  " --"
	     << kHelpOpt
	     << "'.";
    int exitCode = 7001;
    jobRep->reportError(shortDesc, longDesc.str(), exitCode);
    edm::LogSystem(shortDesc) << longDesc.str() << "\n";
    return exitCode;

  // Decide whether to enable creation of job report xml file 
  //  We do this first so any errors will be reported
  std::string jobReportFile;
  if (vm.count("jobreport")) {
    jobReportFile = vm["jobreport"].as<std::string>();
  } else if (vm.count("enablejobreport")) {
    jobReportFile = "FrameworkJobReport.xml";
  std::auto_ptr<std::ofstream> jobReportStreamPtr = std::auto_ptr<std::ofstream>(jobReportFile.empty() ? 0 : new std::ofstream(jobReportFile.c_str()));
  // Make JobReport Service up front
  //NOTE: JobReport must have a lifetime shorter than jobReportStreamPtr so that when the JobReport destructor
  // is called jobReportStreamPtr is still valid
  std::auto_ptr<edm::JobReport> jobRepPtr(new edm::JobReport(jobReportStreamPtr.get()));  
  boost::shared_ptr<edm::serviceregistry::ServiceWrapper<edm::JobReport> > jobRep( new edm::serviceregistry::ServiceWrapper<edm::JobReport>(jobRepPtr) );
  edm::ServiceToken jobReportToken = 
  std::string fileName(vm[kParameterSetOpt].as<std::string>());
  boost::shared_ptr<edm::ProcessDesc> processDesc;
  try {
    processDesc = edm::readConfig(fileName, argc, argv);
  catch(cms::Exception& iException) {
    std::string shortDesc("ConfigFileReadError");
    std::ostringstream longDesc;
    longDesc << "Problem with configuration file " << fileName
             <<  "\n" << iException.what();
    int exitCode = 7002;
    jobRep->get().reportError(shortDesc, longDesc.str(), exitCode);
    edm::LogSystem(shortDesc) << longDesc.str() << "\n";
    return exitCode;

  processDesc->addServices(defaultServices, forcedServices);
  // Decide what mode of hardcoded MessageLogger defaults to use 
  if (vm.count("mode")) {
    std::string jobMode = vm["mode"].as<std::string>();
    edm::MessageDrop::instance()->jobMode = jobMode;

    edm::LogSystem("CommandLineProcessing") << "Strict configuration processing is now done from python";
  // Now create and configure the services
  EventProcessorWithSentry proc;
  int rc = -1; // we should never return this value!
  try {
	      edm::EventProcessor(processDesc, jobReportToken, 
    EventProcessorWithSentry procTmp(procP);
    proc = procTmp;
    if(!proc->forkProcess(jobReportFile)) {
      return 0;
    bool onlineStateTransitions = false;
    rc = 0;
    // Disable Root Error Handler so we do not throw because of ROOT errors.
    edm::ServiceToken token = proc->getToken();
    edm::ServiceRegistry::Operate operate(token);
    edm::Service<edm::RootHandlers> rootHandler;
  catch (edm::Exception& e) {
    rc = e.returnCode();
    edm::printCmsException(e, kProgramName, &(jobRep->get()), rc);
  catch (cms::Exception& e) {
    rc = 8001;
    edm::printCmsException(e, kProgramName, &(jobRep->get()), rc);
  catch(std::bad_alloc& bda) {
    rc = 8004;
    edm::printBadAllocException(kProgramName, &(jobRep->get()), rc);
  catch (std::exception& e) {
    rc = 8002;
    edm::printStdException(e, kProgramName, &(jobRep->get()), rc);
  catch (...) {
    rc = 8003;
    edm::printUnknownException(kProgramName, &(jobRep->get()), rc);
  // Disable Root Error Handler again, just in case an exception
  // caused the above disabling of the handler to be bypassed.
  return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 5
	Response Response::jsonResponse(const Json& _payload, unsigned _code) {
		Response r(_code, shortDesc(_code));
		r.headers()["Content-type"] = "application/json";
		return r;
Ejemplo n.º 6
	Response Response::response404(const std::string& _customMessage) {
		Response r(404, shortDesc(404));
		return r;
Ejemplo n.º 7
	Response Response::response200(const std::string& _customMessage) {
		Response r(200, shortDesc(200));
		return r;