int main(int argc, char** argv)
  // read input polyhedron
  Polyhedron_3 polyhedron;
  std::ifstream input((argc>1)?argv[1]:"data/");
  input >> polyhedron;

  // initialize indices of vertices, halfedges and faces

  // pick up some source points inside faces,
  const unsigned int randSeed = argc > 2 ? boost::lexical_cast<unsigned int>(argv[2]) : 7915421;
  CGAL::Random rand(randSeed);
  // by copying the faces in a vector to get a direct access to faces
  std::size_t nb_faces=num_faces(polyhedron);
  face_iterator fit, fit_end;
  boost::tie(fit, fit_end) = faces(polyhedron);
  std::vector<face_descriptor> face_vector(fit, fit_end);
  // and creating a vector of Face_location objects
  const std::size_t nb_source_points = 30;
  Traits::Barycentric_coordinates face_location = {{0.25, 0.5, 0.25}};
  std::vector<Face_location> faceLocations(nb_source_points, Face_location(face_descriptor(), face_location));
  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nb_source_points; ++i)
    faceLocations[i].first=face_vector[rand.get_int(0, static_cast<int>(nb_faces))];

  // construct a shortest path query object and add a range of source points
  Surface_mesh_shortest_path shortest_paths(polyhedron);
  shortest_paths.add_source_points(faceLocations.begin(), faceLocations.end());

  // For all vertices in the polyhedron, compute the points of
  // the shortest path to the source point and write them
  // into a file readable using the CGAL Polyhedron demo
  std::ofstream output("shortest_paths_multiple_sources.cgal");
  vertex_iterator vit, vit_end;
  for ( boost::tie(vit, vit_end) = vertices(polyhedron);
        vit != vit_end; ++vit)
    std::vector<Traits::Point_3> points;
    shortest_paths.shortest_path_points_to_source_points(*vit, std::back_inserter(points));

    // print the points
    output << points.size() << " ";
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i)
      output << " " << points[i];
    output << std::endl;

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  // read input polyhedron
  Polyhedron_3 polyhedron;
  std::ifstream input((argc>1)?argv[1]:"data/");
  input >> polyhedron;

  // initialize indices of vertices, halfedges and facets

  // pick up a random face
  const size_t randSeed = argc > 2 ? std::atoi(argv[2]) : 7915421;
  CGAL::Random rand(randSeed);
  const int target_face_index = rand.get_int(0, num_faces(polyhedron));
  face_iterator face_it = faces(polyhedron).first;
  // ... and define a barycentric coordinate inside the face
  Traits::Barycentric_coordinate face_location = {{0.25, 0.5, 0.25}};

  // construct a shortest path query object and add a source point
  Surface_mesh_shortest_path shortest_paths(polyhedron);
  shortest_paths.add_source_point(*face_it, face_location);

  // For all vertices in the polyhedron, compute the points of
  // the shortest path to the source point and write them
  // into a file readable using the CGAL Polyhedron demo
  std::ofstream output("shortest_paths_with_id.cgal");
  vertex_iterator vit, vit_end;
  for ( boost::tie(vit, vit_end) = vertices(polyhedron);
        vit != vit_end; ++vit)
    std::vector<Traits::Point_3> points;
    shortest_paths.shortest_path_points_to_source_points(*vit, std::back_inserter(points));

    // print the points
    output << points.size() << " ";
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i)
      output << " " << points[i];
    output << std::endl;

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  // read input polyhedron
  Polyhedron_3 polyhedron;
  std::ifstream input((argc>1)?argv[1]:"data/");
  input >> polyhedron;

  // initialize indices of vertices, halfedges and facets

  // pick up a random face
  const size_t randSeed = argc > 2 ? std::atoi(argv[2]) : 7915421;
  CGAL::Random rand(randSeed);
  const int target_face_index = rand.get_int(0, num_faces(polyhedron));
  face_iterator face_it = faces(polyhedron).first;
  // ... and define a barycentric coordinate inside the face
  Barycentric_coordinate face_location = {{0.25, 0.5, 0.25}};

  // construct a shortest path query object and add a source point
  Surface_mesh_shortest_path shortest_paths(polyhedron);
  shortest_paths.add_source_point(*face_it, face_location);

  // pick a random target point inside a face
  face_it = faces(polyhedron).first;
  std::advance(face_it, rand.get_int(0, num_faces(polyhedron)));

  // collect the sequence of simplicies crossed by the shortest path
  Sequence_collector sequence_collector;
  shortest_paths.shortest_path_sequence_to_source_points(*face_it, face_location, sequence_collector);

  // print the sequence using the visitor pattern
  Print_visitor print_visitor(polyhedron);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < sequence_collector.sequence.size(); ++i)
    boost::apply_visitor(print_visitor, sequence_collector.sequence[i]);

  return 0;