Ejemplo n.º 1
bool AddressSpace::getDyninstRTLibName() {
    // Set the name of the dyninst RT lib
    if (dyninstRT_name.length() == 0) {
        // Get env variable
        if (getenv("DYNINSTAPI_RT_LIB") != NULL) {
            dyninstRT_name = getenv("DYNINSTAPI_RT_LIB");
        else {
            std::string msg = std::string("Environment variable ") +
               std::string("DYNINSTAPI_RT_LIB") +
               std::string(" has not been defined");
            showErrorCallback(101, msg);
            return false;
    //Canonicalize name
    char *sptr = P_strdup(dyninstRT_name.c_str());
    for (unsigned i=0; i<strlen(sptr); i++)
       if (sptr[i] == '/') sptr[i] = '\\';
    dyninstRT_name = sptr;
    if (_access(dyninstRT_name.c_str(), 04)) {
        std::string msg = std::string("Runtime library ") + dyninstRT_name +
                       std::string(" does not exist or cannot be accessed!");
        showErrorCallback(101, msg);
        return false;

    return true;
/*Start RTP Progress Function
  Variable Definition:
  -- client_data: callback function widget
  Return Value: NULL
void startRTPProgress(CLIENT_DATA *client_data){
	struct sigaction	handler;								//sigaction structure
	u_int32				rcvd_buffer_size = 50 * BUFFER_SIZE;	//received buffer size

	//Create socket for incoming connections
	rtp_client = setupClientUDPSocket(itoa(client_rtp_port));
	if (rtp_client < 0){
		showErrorCallback(client_data->window, "setupClientUDPSocket() failed: unable to connect!");
	//Set the received buffer size
	setsockopt(rtp_client, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, &rcvd_buffer_size, sizeof(rcvd_buffer_size));

	//Set signal handler for SIGIOHandler
	handler.sa_handler = SIGIOHandler;
	//Create mask that mask all signals
	if (sigfillset(&handler.sa_mask) < 0){
		showErrorCallback(client_data->window, "sigfillset() failed!");
	//No flags
	handler.sa_flags = 0;
	//Set the "SIGIO" signal
	if (sigaction(SIGIO, &handler, 0) < 0){
		showErrorCallback(client_data->window, "sigaction() failed for SIGIO!");
	//We must own the socket to receive the SIGIO message
	if (fcntl(rtp_client, F_SETOWN, getpid()) < 0){
		showErrorCallback(client_data->window, "Unable to set process owner to us!");
	//Arrage for nonblocking I/O and SIGIO delivery
	if (fcntl(rtp_client, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK | FASYNC) < 0){
		showErrorCallback(client_data->window, "Unable to put client sock into non-blocking/async mode!");

Ejemplo n.º 3
// findVariable
//	scp	- a BPatch_point that defines the scope of the current search
//	name	- name of the variable to find.
BPatch_variableExpr *BPatch_image::findVariableInScope(BPatch_point &scp,
        const char *name)
    // Get the function to search for it's local variables.
    // XXX - should really use more detailed scoping info here - jkh 6/30/99
    BPatch_function *func = const_cast<BPatch_function *> (scp.getFunction());
    if (!func) {
        pdstring msg = pdstring("point passed to findVariable lacks a function\n address point type passed?");
        showErrorCallback(100, msg);
        return NULL;
    BPatch_localVar *lv = func->findLocalVar(name);

    if (!lv) {
        // look for it in the parameter scope now
        lv = func->findLocalParam(name);
    if (lv) {
        // create a local expr with the correct frame offset or absolute
        //   address if that is what is needed
        return new BPatch_variableExpr(proc, (void *) lv->getFrameOffset(),
                                       lv->getRegister(), lv->getType(), lv->getStorageClass(), &scp);

    // finally check the global scope.
    // return findVariable(name);

    /* If we have something else to try, don't report errors on this failure. */
    bool reportErrors = true;
    char mangledName[100];
    func->getName( mangledName, 100 );
    char * lastScoping = NULL;
    if( strrchr( mangledName, ':' ) != NULL ) {
        reportErrors = false;
    BPatch_variableExpr * gsVar = findVariable( name, reportErrors );

    if( gsVar == NULL ) {
        /* Try finding it with the function's scope prefixed. */

        if( (lastScoping = strrchr( mangledName, ':' )) != NULL ) {
            * (lastScoping + sizeof(char)) = '\0';
            char scopedName[200];
            memmove( scopedName, mangledName, strlen( mangledName ) );
            memmove( scopedName + strlen( mangledName ), name, strlen( name ) );
            scopedName[ strlen( mangledName ) + strlen( name ) ] = '\0';
            bperr( "Searching for scoped name '%s'\n", scopedName );
            gsVar = findVariable( scopedName );
    return gsVar;
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool process::getDyninstRTLibName() {
  if (dyninstRT_name.length() == 0) {
    // Get env variable
    if (getenv("DYNINSTAPI_RT_LIB") != NULL) {
      dyninstRT_name = getenv("DYNINSTAPI_RT_LIB");
    else {
      pdstring msg = pdstring( "Environment variable " + pdstring( "DYNINSTAPI_RT_LIB" )
			       + " has not been defined for process " ) + pdstring( getPid() );
      showErrorCallback(101, msg);
      return false;
  // Check to see if the library given exists.
  if (access(dyninstRT_name.c_str(), R_OK)) {
    pdstring msg = pdstring("Runtime library ") + dyninstRT_name
      + pdstring(" does not exist or cannot be accessed!");
    showErrorCallback(101, msg);
    return false;
  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
instrCodeNode *instrCodeNode::newInstrCodeNode(pdstring name_, const Focus &f,
                                               pd_process *proc, bool arg_dontInsertData, 
                                               pdstring hw_cntr_str)
  instrCodeNode_Val *nodeVal;
  // it's fine to use a code node with data inserted for a code node
  // that doesn't need data to be inserted
  pdstring key_name = instrCodeNode_Val::construct_key_name(name_, f.getName());
  bool foundIt = allInstrCodeNodeVals.find(key_name, nodeVal);

  if(! foundIt) {
    HwEvent* hw = NULL;
    /* if PAPI isn't available, hw_cntr_str should always be "" */
    if (hw_cntr_str != "") {
#ifdef PAPI
      papiMgr* papi;
      papi = proc->getPapiMgr();
      hw = papi->createHwEvent(hw_cntr_str);

      if (hw == NULL) {
	string msg = pdstring("unable to add PAPI hardware event: ") 
	             + hw_cntr_str;
        showErrorCallback(125, msg.c_str());
        return NULL;

    nodeVal = new instrCodeNode_Val(name_, f, proc, arg_dontInsertData, hw);

  instrCodeNode *retNode = new instrCodeNode(nodeVal);
  return retNode;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void insnCodeGen::generateBranch(codeGen &gen, long disp, bool link)
    if (ABS(disp) > MAX_BRANCH) {
	// Too far to branch, and no proc to register trap.
	fprintf(stderr, "ABS OFF: 0x%lx, MAX: 0x%lx\n",
           ABS(disp), (unsigned long) MAX_BRANCH);
	bperr( "Error: attempted a branch of 0x%lx\n", disp);
	logLine("a branch too far\n");
	showErrorCallback(52, "Internal error: branch too far");
	bperr( "Attempted to make a branch of offset 0x%lx\n", disp);

    instruction insn;
    IFORM_OP_SET(insn, Bop);
    IFORM_LI_SET(insn, disp >> 2);
    IFORM_AA_SET(insn, 0);
    if (link)
        IFORM_LK_SET(insn, 1);
        IFORM_LK_SET(insn, 0);

Ejemplo n.º 7
bool process::loadDYNINSTlib() {
  /* Look for a function we can hijack to forcibly load dyninstapi_rt. 
     This is effectively an inferior RPC with the caveat that we're
     overwriting code instead of allocating memory from the RT heap. 
     (So 'hijack' doesn't mean quite what you might think.) */
  Address codeBase = findFunctionToHijack(this);	

  if( !codeBase ) { return false; }
  /* glibc 2.3.4 and higher adds a fourth parameter to _dl_open().
     While we could probably get away with treating the three and four
     -argument functions the same, check the version anyway, since
     we'll probably need to later. */
  bool useFourArguments = true;
  Symbol libcVersionSymbol;
  if( getSymbolInfo( "__libc_version", libcVersionSymbol ) ) {
    char libcVersion[ sizeof( int ) * libcVersionSymbol.size() + 1 ];
	libcVersion[ sizeof( int ) * libcVersionSymbol.size() ] = '\0';
    if( ! readDataSpace( (void *) libcVersionSymbol.addr(), libcVersionSymbol.size(), libcVersion, true ) ) {
      fprintf( stderr, "%s[%d]: warning, failed to read libc version, assuming 2.3.4+\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
    else {
      startup_printf( "%s[%d]: libcVersion: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, libcVersion );

      /* We could potentially add a sanity check here to make sure we're looking at 2.3.x. */
      int microVersion = ((int)libcVersion[4]) - ((int)'0');
      if( microVersion <= 3 ) {
	    useFourArguments = false;
      } /* end if we read the version symbol */
    } /* end if we found the version symbol */

  if( useFourArguments ) { startup_printf( "%s[%d]: using four arguments.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); }

  /* Fetch the name of the run-time library. */
  const char DyninstEnvVar[]="DYNINSTAPI_RT_LIB";
  if( ! dyninstRT_name.length() ) { // we didn't get anything on the command line
    if (getenv(DyninstEnvVar) != NULL) {
      dyninstRT_name = getenv(DyninstEnvVar);
    } else {
      pdstring msg = pdstring( "Environment variable " + pdstring( DyninstEnvVar )
			       + " has not been defined for process " ) + pdstring( getPid() );
      showErrorCallback(101, msg);
      return false;
    } /* end if enviromental variable not found */
  } /* end enviromental variable extraction */
  /* Save the (main thread's) current PC.*/
  savedPC = getRepresentativeLWP()->getActiveFrame().getPC();	
  /* _dl_open() takes three arguments: a pointer to the library name,
     the DLOPEN_MODE, and the return address of the current frame
     (that is, the location of the SIGILL-generating bundle we'll use
     to handleIfDueToDyninstLib()).  We construct the first here. */
  /* Write the string to entry, and then move the PC to the next bundle. */
  codeGen gen(BYTES_TO_SAVE);
  Address dyninstlib_addr = gen.used() + codeBase;
  gen.copy(dyninstRT_name.c_str(), dyninstRT_name.length()+1);
  Address dlopencall_addr = gen.used() + codeBase;
  /* At this point, we use the generic iRPC headers and trailers
     around the call to _dl_open.  (Note that pre-1.35 versions
     of this file had a simpler mechanism well-suited to boot-
     strapping a new port.  The current complexity is to handle
     the attach() case, where we don't know if execution was stopped
     at the entry the entry point to a function. */

  bool ok = theRpcMgr->emitInferiorRPCheader(gen);
  if( ! ok ) { return false; }
  /* Generate the call to _dl_open with a large dummy constant as the
     the third argument to make sure we generate the same size code the second
     time around, with the correct "return address." (dyninstlib_brk_addr) */
  // As a quick note, we want to "return" to the beginning of the restore
  // segment, not dyninstlib_brk_addr (or we skip all the restores).
  // Of course, we're not sure what this addr represents....

  pdvector< AstNode * > dlOpenArguments( 4 );
  AstNode * dlOpenCall;
  dlOpenArguments[ 0 ] = new AstNode( AstNode::Constant, (void *)dyninstlib_addr );
  dlOpenArguments[ 1 ] = new AstNode( AstNode::Constant, (void *)DLOPEN_MODE );
  dlOpenArguments[ 2 ] = new AstNode( AstNode::Constant, (void *)0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF );
  if( useFourArguments ) { 
  	/* I derived the -2 as follows: from dlfcn/dlopen.c in the glibc sources, line 59,
  	   we find the call to _dl_open(), whose last argument is 'args->file == NULL ? LM_ID_BASE : NS'.
  	   Since the filename we pass in is non-null, this means we (would) pass in NS, which
  	   is defined to be __LM_ID_CALLER in the same file, line 48.  (Since glibc must be shared
  	   for us to be calling _dl_open(), we fall into the second case of the #ifdef.)  __LM_ID_CALLER
  	   is defined in include/dlfcn.h, where it has the value -2. */
    dlOpenArguments[ 3 ] = new AstNode( AstNode::Constant, (void *)(long unsigned int)-2 );
  dlOpenCall = new AstNode( "_dl_open", dlOpenArguments );
  /* Remember where we originally generated the call. */
  codeBufIndex_t index = gen.getIndex();
  /* emitInferiorRPCheader() configures (the global) registerSpace for us. */
  dlOpenCall->generateCode( this, regSpace, gen, true, true );

  // Okay, we're done with the generation, and we know where we'll be.
  // Go back and regenerate it
  Address dlopenRet = codeBase + gen.used();

  /* Clean up the reference counts before regenerating. */
  removeAst( dlOpenCall );
  removeAst( dlOpenArguments[ 2 ] );
  dlOpenArguments[ 2 ] = new AstNode( AstNode::Constant, (void *)dlopenRet );
  dlOpenCall = new AstNode( "_dl_open", dlOpenArguments );
  /* Regenerate the call at the same original location with the correct constants. */
  dlOpenCall->generateCode( this, regSpace, gen, true, true );

  /* Clean up the reference counting. */
  removeAst( dlOpenCall );
  removeAst( dlOpenArguments[ 0 ] );
  removeAst( dlOpenArguments[ 1 ] );
  removeAst( dlOpenArguments[ 2 ] );
  if( useFourArguments ) { removeAst( dlOpenArguments[ 3 ] ); }

  // Okay, that was fun. Now restore. And trap. And stuff.
  unsigned breakOffset, resultOffset, justAfterResultOffset;
  ok = theRpcMgr->emitInferiorRPCtrailer(gen, breakOffset, false, 
					 resultOffset, justAfterResultOffset );
  if( ! ok ) { return false; }					 

  /* Let everyone else know that we're expecting a SIGILL. */
  dyninstlib_brk_addr = codeBase + breakOffset;

  assert(gen.used() < BYTES_TO_SAVE);

  /* Save the function we're going to hijack. */
  InsnAddr iAddr = InsnAddr::generateFromAlignedDataAddress( codeBase, this );
  /* We need to save the whole buffer, because we don't know how big gen is
     when we do the restore.  This could be made more efficient by storing
     gen.used() somewhere. */
  iAddr.saveBundlesTo( savedCodeBuffer, sizeof( savedCodeBuffer ) / 16 );

  /* Write the call into the mutatee. */
  InsnAddr jAddr = InsnAddr::generateFromAlignedDataAddress( codeBase, this );
  jAddr.writeBundlesFrom( (unsigned char *)gen.start_ptr(), gen.used() / 16 );

  /* Now that we know where the code will start, move the (main thread's) PC there. */
  getRepresentativeLWP()->changePC( dlopencall_addr, NULL );

  /* Let them know we're working on it. */
  setBootstrapState( loadingRT_bs );
  return true;
} /* end dlopenDYNINSTlib() */
Ejemplo n.º 8
/*Handle Server Response Function
  Variable Definition:
  -- widget: window widget
  -- client_socket: socket connected to the server
  Return value: if handle server response successful return true, else return false
bool handleServerResponse(GtkWidget *widget, int client_socket){
	RTSP_HEADER		*header;						//_rtsp_header structure header pointer
	FILE 			*channel;						//file stream for client socket
	char 			response_line[STRING_SIZE];		//server response line
	char			version[STRING_SIZE];			//rtsp version field: RTSP/1.0
	char			status_code[NUMBER_SIZE];		//rtsp response status code
	char			status_message[STRING_SIZE];	//rtsp response status message
	char			field_value[HALFBUF_SIZE];		//field value string
	char			*content;						//rtsp response content
	char			*p;								//string pointer
	int				count;							//counter
	//Initialize response_line, version, status_code, status_message, and field_value buffer
	memset(response_line, 0, STRING_SIZE);
	memset(version, 0, STRING_SIZE);
	memset(status_code, 0, NUMBER_SIZE);
	memset(status_message, 0, STRING_SIZE);
	memset(field_value, 0, HALFBUF_SIZE);

	//Create an input stream from the socket
	channel = fdopen(client_socket, "r");
	if (channel == NULL){
		showErrorCallback(widget, "fdopen() failed: unable to create received channel!");
		return false;
	//Get server Response Line
	if (fgets(response_line, STRING_SIZE, channel) == NULL){
		showErrorCallback(widget, "recv() failed: unable to receive RTSP Response Line!");
		return false;
	//Output the client_socket id and Response Line
	printf("Got a call on %d: response = %s", client_socket, response_line);
	//Get server Header Lines
	header = getHeaderLines(channel);

#ifdef	DEBUG
	RTSP_HEADER		*debug_header_node;

	fputs("RTSP response header lines:\n", stdout);
	//Output the RTSP response header lines
	for (debug_header_node = header->next; debug_header_node != NULL; debug_header_node = debug_header_node->next){
		fputs(debug_header_node->field_name, stdout);
		fputs(": ", stdout);
		fputs(debug_header_node->field_value, stdout);
		fputc('\n', stdout);

	//Get server response content
	content = getResponseContents(channel);

#ifdef	DEBUG
	fputs("RTSP response content:\n", stdout);
	fputs(content, stdout);

	//Get the rtsp version, status code, and status message
	sscanf(response_line, "%s%s%s", version, status_code, status_message);
	//Test the status code is neither 200 (OK) nor 304 (Not Modified)
	if ((strcmp(status_code, "200") != 0) && (strcmp(status_code, "304") != 0)){
		showErrorCallback(widget, content);
		return false;
	//Test the session field
	if (fieldExist(header, "session", field_value)){
		//Set the session id
		session_id = atoi(field_value);
	//Test the transport field
	if (fieldExist(header, "transport", field_value)){
		//Remove the protocol type, protocol method, client port, and server port
		for (count = 0; count < NUMBER_SIZE; count++){
			p = splitNameAndValue(field_value, ';');
		//Get the server rtp port number
		splitNameAndValue(p, '=');
		//Set the server rtp port number
		server_rtp_port = atoi(p);
	//Close file stream

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 9
bool handleServerResponse(GtkWidget *widget, int client_socket) {
	RTSP_HEADER	*header;
	FILE 	*channel;
	char 	response_line[STRING_SIZE];
	char	version[STRING_SIZE];
	char	status_code[NUMBER_SIZE];
	char	status_message[STRING_SIZE];
	char	field_value[HALFBUF_SIZE];
	char	*content;		
	char	*p;
	int	count;
	//initialize all the strings to be empty
	memset(response_line, 0, STRING_SIZE);
	memset(version, 0, STRING_SIZE);
	memset(status_code, 0, NUMBER_SIZE);
	memset(status_message, 0, STRING_SIZE);
	memset(field_value, 0, HALFBUF_SIZE);

	//Create an input stream from the socket
	channel = fdopen(client_socket, "r");

	if (channel == NULL) {
		showErrorCallback(widget, "Unable to create received channel!");
		return false;
	//Get server Response Line
	if (fgets(response_line, STRING_SIZE, channel) == NULL) {
		showErrorCallback(widget, "Unable to receive RTSP Response!");
		return false;

	//Output the client_socket id and Response Line
	printf("Call on %d: response = %s", client_socket, response_line);
	//Get server Header Lines
	header = getHeaderLines(channel);

	//Get server response content
	content = getResponseContents(channel);

	//Get the rtsp version, status code, and status message
	sscanf(response_line, "%s%s%s", version, status_code, status_message);

	//Test the status code is neither 200 (OK) nor 304 (Not Modified)
	if ((strcmp(status_code, "200") != 0) && (strcmp(status_code, "304") != 0)) {
		showErrorCallback(widget, content);
		return false;
	//Test the session field
	if (fieldExist(header, "session", field_value)) {
		//Set the session id
		session_id = atoi(field_value);

	//Test the transport field
	if (fieldExist(header, "transport", field_value)) {
		//Remove the protocol type, protocol method, client port, and server port
		for (count = 0; count < NUMBER_SIZE; count++) {
			p = splitNameAndValue(field_value, ';');

		//Get the server rtp port number
		splitNameAndValue(p, '=');
		//Set the server rtp port number
		server_rtp_port = atoi(p);
	//Close file stream

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 * BPatch_image::findVariable
 * Returns a BPatch_variableExpr* representing the given variable in the
 * application image.  If no such variable exists, returns NULL.
 * name		The name of the variable to look up.
 * First look for the name with an `_' prepended to it, and if that is not
 *   found try the original name.
BPatch_variableExpr *BPatch_image::findVariableInt(const char *name, bool showError)
    pdvector<int_variable *> vars;
    process *llproc = proc->llproc;

    if (!llproc->findVarsByAll(name, vars)) {
        // _name?
        pdstring under_name = pdstring("_") + pdstring(name);
        if (!llproc->findVarsByAll(under_name, vars)) {
            // "default Namespace prefix?
            if (defaultNamespacePrefix) {
                pdstring prefix_name = pdstring(defaultNamespacePrefix) + pdstring(".") + pdstring(name);
                if (!llproc->findVarsByAll(prefix_name, vars)) {
                    if (showError) {
                        pdstring msg = pdstring("Unable to find variable: ") + pdstring(prefix_name);
                        showErrorCallback(100, msg);
                    return NULL;
            } else {
                if (showError) {
                    pdstring msg = pdstring("Unable to find variable: ") + pdstring(name);
                    showErrorCallback(100, msg);
                return NULL;

    if (vars.size() > 1) {
        cerr << "Warning: found multiple matches for var " << name << endl;

    int_variable *var = vars[0];

    BPatch_variableExpr *bpvar = AddrToVarExpr->hash[var->getAddress()];
    if (bpvar) {
        return bpvar;
    // XXX - should this stuff really be by image ??? jkh 3/19/99
    BPatch_Vector<BPatch_module *> *mods = getModules();
    BPatch_type *type = NULL;

    // XXX look up the type off of the int_variable's module
    BPatch_module *module = NULL;
    for (unsigned int m = 0; m < mods->size(); m++) {
        if( (*mods)[m]->lowlevel_mod() == var->mod() ) {
            module = (*mods)[m];
    if(module) {
        type = module->getModuleTypes()->findVariableType(name);
    else {
        bperr("findVariable: failed look up module %s\n",
    if(!type) {
        //  if we can't find the type in the module, check the other modules
        //  (fixes prob on alpha) --  actually seems like most missing types
        //  end up in DEFAULT_MODULE
        for (unsigned int m = 0; m < mods->size(); m++) {
            BPatch_module *tm = (*mods)[m];
            type = tm->getModuleTypes()->findVariableType(name);
            if (type) {
#if 0
                char buf1[1024], buf2[1024];
                tm->getName(buf1, 1024);
                module->getName(buf2, 1024);
                fprintf(stderr, "%s[%d]:  found type for %s in module %s, not %s\n", FILE__, __LINE__, name, buf2, buf1);


        if (!type) {
            char buf[128];
            sprintf(buf, "%s[%d]:  cannot find type for var %s\n", FILE__, __LINE__, name);
            BPatch_reportError(BPatchWarning, 0, buf);
            type = BPatch::bpatch->type_Untyped;

    char *nameCopy = strdup(name);
    BPatch_variableExpr *ret = new BPatch_variableExpr((char *) nameCopy,
            proc, (void *)var->getAddress(),
    AddrToVarExpr->hash[var->getAddress()] = ret;
    return ret;