Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: list.c Proyecto: abrt/abrt
int cmd_info(int argc, const char **argv)
    const char *program_usage_string = _(
        "& info [options] DIR..."

    int opt_detailed = 0;
    int text_size = CD_TEXT_ATT_SIZE_BZ;
    struct options program_options[] = {
        /* deprecate -d option with --pretty=full*/
        OPT_BOOL(   'd', "detailed" , &opt_detailed, _("Show detailed report")),
        OPT_INTEGER('s', "size",      &text_size,    _("Text larger than this will be shown abridged")),

    parse_opts(argc, (char **)argv, program_options, program_usage_string);
    argv += optind;

    if (!argv[0])
        show_usage_and_die(program_usage_string, program_options);

    if (text_size <= 0)
        text_size = INT_MAX;

    int errs = 0;
    while (*argv)
        const char *dump_dir = *argv++;
        problem_data_t *problem = load_problem_data(dump_dir);
        if (!problem)
            error_msg(_("No such problem directory '%s'"), dump_dir);

        _cmd_info(problem, opt_detailed, text_size);
        if (*argv)

    return errs;
int main(int argc, char **argv)

    GList *dir_list = NULL;
    GList *file_list = NULL;
    char *preserve = NULL;

    /* Can't keep these strings/structs static: _() doesn't support that */
    const char *program_usage_string = _(
        "\b [-v] [-d SIZE:DIR]... [-f SIZE:DIR]... [-p DIR]\n"
        "Deletes dump dirs (-d) or files (-f) in DIRs until they are smaller than SIZE"
    enum {
        OPT_v = 1 << 0,
        OPT_d = 1 << 1,
        OPT_f = 1 << 2,
        OPT_p = 1 << 3,
    /* Keep enum above and order of options below in sync! */
    struct options program_options[] = {
        OPT_LIST(  'd', NULL, &dir_list , "SIZE:DIR", _("Delete dump dirs")),
        OPT_LIST(  'f', NULL, &file_list, "SIZE:DIR", _("Delete files")),
        OPT_STRING('p', NULL, &preserve , "DIR"     , _("Preserve this dump dir")),
    /*unsigned opts =*/ parse_opts(argc, argv, program_options, program_usage_string);
    argv += optind;
    if (argv[0] || !(dir_list || file_list))
        show_usage_and_die(program_usage_string, program_options);


    g_list_foreach(dir_list, delete_dirs, preserve);
    g_list_foreach(file_list, delete_files, NULL);

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int cmd_report(int argc, const char **argv)
    const char *program_usage_string = _(
        "& report [options] DIR..."

    enum {
        OPT_v = 1 << 0,
        OPT_d = 1 << 1,
        OPT_u = 1 << 2,

    struct options program_options[] = {
        OPT_BOOL('d', "delete", NULL, _("Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting")),
        OPT_BOOL('u', "unsafe", NULL, _("Ignore security checks to be able to "
                                        "report all problems")),

    unsigned opts = parse_opts(argc, (char **)argv, program_options, program_usage_string);
    argv += optind;

    if (!argv[0])
        show_usage_and_die(program_usage_string, program_options);

    export_abrt_envvars(/*prog_prefix:*/ 0);


    int report_flags = 0;
    if (opts & OPT_d)
        report_flags |= CMD_REPORT_REMOVE;
    if (opts & OPT_u)
        report_flags |= CMD_REPORT_UNSAFE;

    return _cmd_report(argv, report_flags);
Ejemplo n.º 4
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    enum {
        OPT_v = 1 << 0,
        OPT_d = 1 << 1,
        OPT_g = 1 << 2,
        OPT_b = 1 << 3,
        OPT_u = 1 << 4,
        OPT_r = 1 << 5,

    const char *bugs = NULL, *release = NULL, *dump_dir_path = ".";
    /* Keep enum above and order of options below in sync! */
    struct options program_options[] = {
        OPT_STRING('b', "bugs", &bugs, "ID1[,ID2,...]" , _("List of bug ids")),
        OPT_STRING('u', "url", &bodhi_url, "URL", _("Specify a bodhi server url")),
        OPT_OPTSTRING('r', "release", &release, "RELEASE", _("Specify a release")),

    const char *program_usage_string = _(
        "& [-v] [-r[RELEASE]] (-b ID1[,ID2,...] | PKG-NAME) [PKG-NAME]... \n"
        "Search for updates on bodhi server"

    unsigned opts =  parse_opts(argc, argv, program_options, program_usage_string);

    if (!bugs && !argv[optind])
        show_usage_and_die(program_usage_string, program_options);

    struct strbuf *query = strbuf_new();
    if (bugs)
        query = strbuf_append_strf(query, "bugs=%s&", bugs);

    if (opts & OPT_r)
        if (release)
            query = strbuf_append_strf(query, "release=%s&", release);
            struct dump_dir *dd = dd_opendir(dump_dir_path, DD_OPEN_READONLY);
            if (!dd)

            problem_data_t *problem_data = create_problem_data_from_dump_dir(dd);
            if (!problem_data)
                xfunc_die(); /* create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg */

            char *product, *version;
            map_string_t *osinfo = new_map_string();
            problem_data_get_osinfo(problem_data, osinfo);
            parse_osinfo_for_rhts(osinfo, &product, &version);
            query = strbuf_append_strf(query, "release=f%s&", version);

    if (argv[optind])
        char *escaped = g_uri_escape_string(argv[optind], NULL, 0);
        query = strbuf_append_strf(query, "package=%s&", escaped);

    if (query->buf[query->len - 1] == '&')
        query->buf[query->len - 1] = '\0';

    log(_("Searching for updates"));
    GHashTable *update_hash_tbl = bodhi_query_list(query->buf, release);

    if (!update_hash_tbl || !g_hash_table_size(update_hash_tbl))
        log(_("No updates for this package found"));
        /*if (update_hash_tbl) g_hash_table_unref(update_hash_tbl);*/
        return 0;

    GHashTableIter iter;
    char *name;
    struct bodhi *b;
    struct strbuf *q = strbuf_new();
    g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, update_hash_tbl);
    while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (void **) &name, (void **) &b))
        char *installed_pkg_nvr = rpm_get_nvr_by_pkg_name(name);
        if (installed_pkg_nvr && rpmvercmp(installed_pkg_nvr, b->nvr) >= 0)
            log_info("Update %s is older or same as local version %s, skipping", b->nvr, installed_pkg_nvr);

        strbuf_append_strf(q, " %s", b->nvr);


    if (!q->len)
        log(_("Local version of the package is newer than available updates"));
        return 0;

    /* Message is split into text and command in order to make
     * translator's job easier

    /* We suggest the command which is most likely to exist on user's system,
     * and which is familiar to the largest population of users.
     * There are other tools (pkcon et al) which might be somewhat more
     * convenient (for example, they might be usable from non-root), but they
     * might be not present on the system, may evolve or be superseded,
     * while yum is unlikely to do so.
    strbuf_prepend_str(q, "yum update --enablerepo=fedora --enablerepo=updates-testing");

    char *msg = xasprintf(_("An update exists which might fix your problem. "
                "You can install it by running: %s. "
                "Do you want to continue with reporting the bug?"),

    return !ask_yes_no(msg);
Ejemplo n.º 5
int main(int argc, char **argv)

    /* I18n */
    setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
    bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);

    /* Can't keep these strings/structs static: _() doesn't support that */
    const char *program_usage_string = _(
        "& [-v] [-d DIR] [-m MESSAGEID] [-F FMTFILE] [-p NONE|ESSENTIAL|FULL] [-s SYSLOGID]\n"
        "Reports problem information into systemd journal.\n"
        "The tool reads problem directory DIR and sends its details\n"
        "into systemd journal as a message. If MESSAGEID is defined, the tool\n"
        "creates a catalog message as well.\n"
    enum {
        OPT_v = 1 << 0,
        OPT_d = 1 << 1,
        OPT_m = 1 << 2,
        OPT_F = 1 << 3,
        OPT_p = 1 << 4,
        OPT_s = 1 << 5,
        OPT_D = 1 << 6,
    const char *dump_dir_name = ".";
    const char *message_id = NULL;
    const char *fmt_file = NULL;
    const char *dump = NULL;
    const char *syslog_id = NULL;
    /* Keep enum above and order of options below in sync! */
    struct options program_options[] = {
        OPT_STRING('d', NULL          , &dump_dir_name, "DIR"   , _("Problem directory")),
        OPT_STRING('m', "message-id"  , &message_id,    "STR"   , _("Catalog message id")),
        OPT_STRING('F', NULL          , &fmt_file     , "FILE"  , _("Formatting file for catalog message")),
        OPT_STRING('p', "dump"        , &dump         , "STR"   , _("Dump problem dir into systemd journal fields")),
        OPT_STRING('s', "syslog-id"   , &syslog_id    , "STR"   , _("Define SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER systemd journal field")),
        OPT_BOOL(  'D', NULL          , NULL                    , _("Debug")),
    unsigned opts = parse_opts(argc, argv, program_options, program_usage_string);

    unsigned dump_opt = DUMP_NONE;
    if (opts & OPT_p)
        if (dump && strcmp(dump, "NONE") == 0)
            /* PASS */;
        else if (dump && strcmp(dump, "ESSENTIAL") == 0)
            dump_opt = DUMP_ESSENTIAL;
        else if (dump && strcmp(dump, "FULL") == 0)
            dump_opt = DUMP_FULL;
            error_msg("Parameter --dump takes NONE|ESSENTIAL|FULL values");
            show_usage_and_die(program_usage_string, program_options);


    problem_data_t *problem_data = create_problem_data_for_reporting(dump_dir_name);
    if (!problem_data)
        xfunc_die(); /* create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg */

    problem_formatter_t *pf = problem_formatter_new();

    if (fmt_file)
        if (problem_formatter_load_file(pf, fmt_file))
            error_msg_and_die("Invalid format file: %s", fmt_file);
        if (problem_formatter_load_string(pf, PROBLEM_REPORT_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE))
            error_msg_and_die("BUG: Invalid default problem report format string");

    problem_report_settings_t report_settings = problem_formatter_get_settings(pf);
    report_settings.prs_shortbt_max_frames = 5;
    report_settings.prs_shortbt_max_text_size = 0; /* always short bt */
    problem_formatter_set_settings(pf, report_settings);

    /* Modify problem_data to meet reporter's needs */
    /* We want to have only binary name in problem report assigned to executable element */
    const char *exe = problem_data_get_content_or_NULL(problem_data, FILENAME_EXECUTABLE);
    char *binary_name = NULL;
    if (exe)
        binary_name = strrchr(exe, '/') + 1;

    if (binary_name)
        problem_data_add_text_noteditable(problem_data, BINARY_NAME, binary_name);

    /* crash_function element is neeeded by systemd journal messages, save ??, if it doesn't exist */
    const char *crash_function = problem_data_get_content_or_NULL(problem_data, FILENAME_CRASH_FUNCTION);
    if (!crash_function)
        problem_data_add_text_noteditable(problem_data, "crash_function", "??");

    /* Add SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER into problem data */
    if (syslog_id || (syslog_id = getenv("REPORTER_JOURNAL_SYSLOG_ID")))
        problem_data_add_text_noteditable(problem_data, SYSLOG_ID, syslog_id);

    /* Add MESSAGE_ID into problem data */
    if (message_id)
        problem_data_add_text_noteditable(problem_data, MESSAGE_ID, message_id);

    /* Generating of problem report */
    problem_report_t *pr = NULL;
    if (problem_formatter_generate_report(pf, problem_data, &pr))
        error_msg_and_die("Failed to format bug report from problem data");

    /* Debug */
    if (opts & OPT_D)
        log("Message: %s\n"
                , problem_report_get_summary(pr)
                , problem_report_get_description(pr)

        return 0;

    msg_content_t *msg_c = create_journal_message(problem_data, pr, dump_opt);

    /* post journal message */
    sd_journal_sendv(msg_content_get_data(msg_c), msg_content_get_size(msg_c));



    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    /* I18n */
    setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
    bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);


    const char *program_usage_string = _(
        "& [-v -i -n INCREMENT] -e|--event EVENT DIR..."

    char *event_name = NULL;
    int interactive = 0; /* must be _int_, OPT_BOOL expects that! */
    int nice_incr = 0;

    struct options program_options[] = {
        OPT_STRING('e', "event" , &event_name, "EVENT",  _("Run EVENT on DIR")),
        OPT_BOOL('i', "interactive" , &interactive, _("Communicate directly to the user")),
        OPT_INTEGER('n',     "nice" , &nice_incr,   _("Increment the nice value by INCREMENT")),

    parse_opts(argc, argv, program_options, program_usage_string);
    argv += optind;
    if (!*argv || !event_name)
        show_usage_and_die(program_usage_string, program_options);


    const char *const opt_env_nice = getenv("ABRT_EVENT_NICE");
    if (opt_env_nice != NULL && opt_env_nice[0] != '\0')
        log_debug("Using ABRT_EVENT_NICE=%s to increment the nice value", opt_env_nice);
        nice_incr = xatoi(opt_env_nice);

    if (nice_incr != 0)
        log_debug("Incrementing the nice value by %d", nice_incr);
        const int ret = nice(nice_incr);
        if (ret == -1)
            perror_msg_and_die("Failed to increment the nice value");

    bool post_create = (strcmp(event_name, "post-create") == 0);
    char *dump_dir_name = NULL;
    while (*argv)
        dump_dir_name = xstrdup(*argv++);
        int i = strlen(dump_dir_name);
        while (--i >= 0)
            if (dump_dir_name[i] != '/')
        dump_dir_name[++i] = '\0';

        struct dump_dir *dd = dd_opendir(dump_dir_name, /*flags:*/ DD_OPEN_READONLY);
        if (!dd)
            return 1;

        uid = dd_load_text_ext(dd, FILENAME_UID, DD_FAIL_QUIETLY_ENOENT);

        struct run_event_state *run_state = new_run_event_state();
        if (!interactive)
        run_state->logging_callback = do_log;
        if (post_create)
            run_state->post_run_callback = is_crash_a_dup;

        int r = run_event_on_dir_name(run_state, dump_dir_name, event_name);

        const bool no_action_for_event = (r == 0 && run_state->children_count == 0);

        /* Needed only if is_crash_a_dup() was called, but harmless
         * even if it wasn't:

        if (no_action_for_event)
            error_msg_and_die("No actions are found for event '%s'", event_name);

//TODO: consider this case:
// new dump is created, post-create detects that it is a dup,
// but then load_crash_info(dup_name) *FAILS*.
// In this case, we later delete damaged dup_name (right?)
// but new dump never gets its FILENAME_COUNT set!

        /* Is crash a dup? (In this case, is_crash_a_dup() should have
         * aborted "post-create" event processing as soon as it saw uuid
         * and determined that there is another crash with same uuid.
         * In this case it sets crash_dump_dup_name)
        if (crash_dump_dup_name)
            error_msg_and_die("DUP_OF_DIR: %s", crash_dump_dup_name);

        /* Was there error on one of processing steps in run_event? */
        if (r != 0)
            return r; /* yes */

        dump_dir_name = NULL;

    /* exit 0 means, that there is no duplicate of dump-dir */
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    /* I18n */
    setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
    bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);


    GList *dir_list = NULL;
    GList *file_list = NULL;
    char *preserve = NULL;

    /* Can't keep these strings/structs static: _() doesn't support that */
    const char *program_usage_string = _(
        "& [-v] [-d SIZE:DIR]... [-f SIZE:DIR]... [-p DIR] [FILE]...\n"
        "Deletes problem dirs (-d) or files (-f) in DIRs until they are smaller than SIZE.\n"
        "FILEs are preserved (never deleted)."
    enum {
        OPT_v = 1 << 0,
        OPT_d = 1 << 1,
        OPT_f = 1 << 2,
        OPT_p = 1 << 3,
    /* Keep enum above and order of options below in sync! */
    struct options program_options[] = {
        OPT_LIST('d'  , NULL, &dir_list , "SIZE:DIR", _("Delete whole problem directories")),
        OPT_LIST('f'  , NULL, &file_list, "SIZE:DIR", _("Delete files inside this directory")),
        OPT_STRING('p', NULL, &preserve,  "DIR"     , _("Preserve this directory")),
    /*unsigned opts =*/ parse_opts(argc, argv, program_options, program_usage_string);
    argv += optind;
    if ((argv[0] && !file_list)
     || !(dir_list || file_list)
    ) {
        show_usage_and_die(program_usage_string, program_options);

    /* We don't have children, so this is not needed: */
    //export_abrt_envvars(/*set_pfx:*/ 0);

    /* Preserve not only files specified on command line, but,
     * if they are symlinks, preserve also the real files they point to:
    GList *preserve_files_list = NULL;
    while (*argv)
        char *name = *argv++;
        /* Since we don't bother freeing preserve_files_list on exit,
         * we take a shortcut and insert name instead of xstrdup(name)
         * in the next line:
        preserve_files_list = g_list_prepend(preserve_files_list, name);

        char *rp = realpath(name, NULL);
        if (rp)
            if (strcmp(rp, name) != 0)
                preserve_files_list = g_list_prepend(preserve_files_list, rp);
    /* Not really necessary, but helps to reduce confusion when debugging */
    preserve_files_list = g_list_reverse(preserve_files_list);

    g_list_foreach(dir_list, delete_dirs, preserve);
    g_list_foreach(file_list, delete_files, preserve_files_list);

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    /* I18n */
    setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
    bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);


    page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);

    GList *match_list = NULL;

    /* Can't keep these strings/structs static: _() doesn't support that */
    const char *program_usage_string = _(
        "& [-vs] [-F STR]... FILE PROG [ARGS]\n"
        "Watch log file FILE, run PROG when it grows or is replaced"
    enum {
        OPT_v = 1 << 0,
        OPT_s = 1 << 1,
    /* Keep enum above and order of options below in sync! */
    struct options program_options[] = {
        OPT_BOOL('s', NULL, NULL              , _("Log to syslog")),
        OPT_LIST('F', NULL, &match_list, "STR", _("Don't run PROG if STRs aren't found")),
    unsigned opts = parse_opts(argc, argv, program_options, program_usage_string);


    msg_prefix = g_progname;
    if ((opts & OPT_s) || getenv("ABRT_SYSLOG"))
        logmode = LOGMODE_JOURNAL;

    argv += optind;
    if (!argv[0] || !argv[1])
        show_usage_and_die(program_usage_string, program_options);

    /* We want to support -F "`echo foo; echo bar`" -
     * need to split strings by newline, and be careful about
     * possible last empty string: "foo\nbar\n" = "foo", "bar",
     * NOT "foo", "bar", ""!
    for (GList *l = match_list; l; l = l->next)
        char *eol = strchr((char*)l->data, '\n');
        if (!eol)
        *eol++ = '\0';
        if (!*eol)
        l = g_list_append(l, eol); /* in fact, always returns unchanged l */

    const char *filename = *argv++;

    int inotify_fd = inotify_init();
    if (inotify_fd == -1)
        perror_msg_and_die("inotify_init failed");

    struct stat statbuf;
    int file_fd = -1;
    int wd = -1;

    while (1)
        /* If file is already opened, scan it from current pos */
        if (file_fd >= 0)
            memset(&statbuf, 0, sizeof(statbuf));
            if (fstat(file_fd, &statbuf) != 0)
                goto close_fd;
            run_scanner_prog(file_fd, &statbuf, match_list, argv);

            /* Was file deleted or replaced? */
            ino_t fd_ino = statbuf.st_ino;
            if (stat(filename, &statbuf) != 0 || statbuf.st_ino != fd_ino) /* yes */
                log_info("Inode# changed, closing fd");
                if (wd >= 0)
                    inotify_rm_watch(inotify_fd, wd);
                file_fd = -1;
                wd = -1;

        /* If file isn't opened, try to open it and scan */
        if (file_fd < 0)
            file_fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY);
            if (file_fd >= 0)
                log_info("Opened '%s'", filename);
                /* For -w case, if we don't have inotify watch yet, open one */
                if (wd < 0)
                    wd = inotify_add_watch(inotify_fd, filename, IN_MODIFY | IN_MOVE_SELF | IN_DELETE_SELF);
                    if (wd < 0)
                        perror_msg("inotify_add_watch failed on '%s'", filename);
                        log_info("Added inotify watch for '%s'", filename);
                if (fstat(file_fd, &statbuf) == 0)
                    /* If file is large, skip the beginning.
                     * IOW: ignore old log messages because they are unlikely
                     * to have sufficiently recent data to be useful.
                    if (statbuf.st_size > (MAX_SCAN_BLOCK - READ_AHEAD))
                        lseek(file_fd, statbuf.st_size - (MAX_SCAN_BLOCK - READ_AHEAD), SEEK_SET);
                    /* Note that statbuf is filled by fstat by now,
                     * run_scanner_prog needs that
                    run_scanner_prog(file_fd, &statbuf, match_list, argv);

        /* Even if log file grows all the time, say, a new line every 5 ms,
         * we don't want to scan it all the time. Sleep a bit and let it grow
         * in bigger increments.
         * Sleep longer if file does not exist.
        sleep(file_fd >= 0 ? 1 : 59);

        /* Now wait for it to change, be moved or deleted */
        if (wd >= 0)
            char buf[4096];
            log_debug("Waiting for '%s' to change", filename);
            /* We block here: */
            int len = read(inotify_fd, buf, sizeof(buf));
            if (len < 0 && errno != EINTR) /* I saw EINTR here on strace attach */
                perror_msg("Error reading inotify fd");
            /* we don't actually check what happened to file -
             * the code will handle all possibilities.
            log_debug("Change in '%s' detected", filename);
            /* Let them finish writing to the log file. otherwise
             * we may end up trying to analyze partial oops.

    } /* while (1) */

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    /* I18n */
    setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
    bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);


    /* Can't keep these strings/structs static: _() doesn't support that */
    const char *program_usage_string = _(
        "& [-vsoxm] [-d DIR]/[-D] [FILE]\n"
        "Extract Xorg crash from FILE (or standard input)"
    /* Keep OPT_z enums and order of options below in sync! */
    struct options program_options[] = {
        OPT_BOOL(  's', NULL, NULL, _("Log to syslog")),
        OPT_BOOL(  'o', NULL, NULL, _("Print found crash data on standard output")),
        OPT_STRING('d', NULL, &debug_dumps_dir, "DIR", _("Create problem directory in DIR for every crash found")),
        OPT_BOOL(  'D', NULL, NULL, _("Same as -d DumpLocation, DumpLocation is specified in abrt.conf")),
        OPT_BOOL(  'x', NULL, NULL, _("Make the problem directory world readable")),
        OPT_BOOL(  'm', NULL, NULL, _("Print search string(s) to stdout and exit")),
    unsigned opts = g_opts = parse_opts(argc, argv, program_options, program_usage_string);


    msg_prefix = g_progname;
    if ((opts & OPT_s) || getenv("ABRT_SYSLOG"))
        logmode = LOGMODE_JOURNAL;

    if (opts & OPT_m)
        return 0;

    if (opts & OPT_D)
        if (opts & OPT_d)
            show_usage_and_die(program_usage_string, program_options);
        debug_dumps_dir = g_settings_dump_location;
        g_settings_dump_location = NULL;

    argv += optind;
    if (argv[0])
        xmove_fd(xopen(argv[0], O_RDONLY), STDIN_FILENO);

    char *line;
    while ((line = xmalloc_fgetline(stdin)) != NULL)
        char *p = skip_pfx(line);
        if (strcmp(p, "Backtrace:") == 0)

    /* If we are run by a log watcher, this delays log rescan
     * (because log watcher waits to us to terminate)
     * and possibly prevents dreaded "abrt storm".
    if (opts & (OPT_d|OPT_D))
        if (g_bt_count > MAX_DUMPED_DD_COUNT)
            sleep(g_bt_count - MAX_DUMPED_DD_COUNT);

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 10
int main(int argc, char **argv)

    /* I18n */
    setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
    bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);

    /* Can't keep these strings/structs static: _() doesn't support that */
    const char *program_usage_string = _(
        "\n& [-vbf] [-g GROUP-NAME]... [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR"
        "\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE..."
        "\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] -w"
        "\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... -h DUPHASH"
        "\nReports problem to Bugzilla."
        "\nThe tool reads DIR. Then it logs in to Bugzilla and tries to find a bug"
        "\nwith the same abrt_hash:HEXSTRING in 'Whiteboard'."
        "\nIf such bug is not found, then a new bug is created. Elements of DIR"
        "\nare stored in the bug as part of bug description or as attachments,"
        "\ndepending on their type and size."
        "\nOtherwise, if such bug is found and it is marked as CLOSED DUPLICATE,"
        "\nthe tool follows the chain of duplicates until it finds a non-DUPLICATE bug."
        "\nThe tool adds a new comment to found bug."
        "\nThe URL to new or modified bug is printed to stdout and recorded in"
        "\n'reported_to' element."
        "\nOption -t uploads FILEs to the already created bug on Bugzilla site."
        "\nThe bug ID is retrieved from directory specified by -d DIR."
        "\nIf problem data in DIR was never reported to Bugzilla, upload will fail."
        "\nOption -tID uploads FILEs to the bug with specified ID on Bugzilla site."
        "\n-d DIR is ignored."
        "\nOption -w adds bugzilla user to bug's CC list."
        "\nIf not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "CONF_DIR"/plugins/bugzilla.conf"
        "\nIts lines should have 'PARAM = VALUE' format."
        "\nRecognized string parameters: BugzillaURL, Login, Password, OSRelease."
        "\nRecognized boolean parameter (VALUE should be 1/0, yes/no): SSLVerify."
        "\nParameters can be overridden via $Bugzilla_PARAM environment variables."
        "\nFMTFILE and FMTFILE2 default to "CONF_DIR"/plugins/bugzilla_format.conf"
    enum {
        OPT_v = 1 << 0,
        OPT_d = 1 << 1,
        OPT_c = 1 << 2,
        OPT_F = 1 << 3,
        OPT_A = 1 << 4,
        OPT_t = 1 << 5,
        OPT_b = 1 << 6,
        OPT_f = 1 << 7,
        OPT_w = 1 << 8,
        OPT_h = 1 << 9,
        OPT_g = 1 << 10,
        OPT_D = 1 << 11,
    const char *dump_dir_name = ".";
    GList *conf_file = NULL;
    const char *fmt_file = CONF_DIR"/plugins/bugzilla_format.conf";
    const char *fmt_file2 = fmt_file;
    char *abrt_hash = NULL;
    char *ticket_no = NULL;
    char *debug_str = NULL;
    GList *group = NULL;
    /* Keep enum above and order of options below in sync! */
    struct options program_options[] = {
        OPT_STRING(   'd', NULL, &dump_dir_name , "DIR"    , _("Problem directory")),
        OPT_LIST(     'c', NULL, &conf_file     , "FILE"   , _("Configuration file (may be given many times)")),
        OPT_STRING(   'F', NULL, &fmt_file      , "FILE"   , _("Formatting file for initial comment")),
        OPT_STRING(   'A', NULL, &fmt_file2     , "FILE"   , _("Formatting file for duplicates")),
        OPT_OPTSTRING('t', "ticket", &ticket_no , "ID"     , _("Attach FILEs [to bug with this ID]")),
        OPT_BOOL(     'b', NULL, NULL,                       _("When creating bug, attach binary files too")),
        OPT_BOOL(     'f', NULL, NULL,                       _("Force reporting even if this problem is already reported")),
        OPT_BOOL(     'w', NULL, NULL,                       _("Add bugzilla user to CC list [of bug with this ID]")),
        OPT_STRING(   'h', "duphash", &abrt_hash, "DUPHASH", _("Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH")),
        OPT_LIST(     'g', "group", &group      , "GROUP"  , _("Restrict access to this group only")),
        OPT_OPTSTRING('D', "debug", &debug_str  , "STR"    , _("Debug")),
    unsigned opts = parse_opts(argc, argv, program_options, program_usage_string);
    argv += optind;


    map_string_t *settings = new_map_string();
    struct bugzilla_struct rhbz = { 0 };
        if (!conf_file)
            conf_file = g_list_append(conf_file, (char*) CONF_DIR"/plugins/bugzilla.conf");
        while (conf_file)
            char *fn = (char *)conf_file->data;
            VERB1 log("Loading settings from '%s'", fn);
            load_conf_file(fn, settings, /*skip key w/o values:*/ false);
            VERB3 log("Loaded '%s'", fn);
            conf_file = g_list_delete_link(conf_file, conf_file);
        set_settings(&rhbz, settings);
        /* WRONG! set_settings() does not copy the strings, it merely sets up pointers
         * to settings[] dictionary:

    VERB1 log("Initializing XML-RPC library");
    xmlrpc_env env;
    if (env.fault_occurred)

    struct abrt_xmlrpc *client;
    client = abrt_xmlrpc_new_client(rhbz.b_bugzilla_xmlrpc, rhbz.b_ssl_verify);
    unsigned rhbz_ver = rhbz_version(client);

    if (abrt_hash)
        log(_("Looking for similar problems in bugzilla"));
        char *hash;
        if (prefixcmp(abrt_hash, "abrt_hash:"))
            hash = xasprintf("abrt_hash:%s", abrt_hash);
            hash = xstrdup(abrt_hash);

        /* it's Fedora specific */
        xmlrpc_value *all_bugs = rhbz_search_duphash(client,
                                /*product:*/ "Fedora",
                                /*version:*/ NULL,
                                /*component:*/ NULL,
        unsigned all_bugs_size = rhbz_array_size(all_bugs);
        if (all_bugs_size > 0)
            int bug_id = rhbz_get_bug_id_from_array0(all_bugs, rhbz_ver);
            printf("%i\n", bug_id);

        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

    if (rhbz.b_login[0] == '\0')
        rhbz.b_login = ask_bz_login(_("Login is not provided by configuration. Please enter your BZ login:"******"Password is not provided by configuration. Please enter the password for '%s':"), rhbz.b_login);
        rhbz.b_password = ask_bz_password(question);

    if (opts & OPT_t)
        if ((!argv[0] && !(opts & OPT_w)) || (argv[0] && (opts & OPT_w)))
            show_usage_and_die(program_usage_string, program_options);

        if (!ticket_no)
            struct dump_dir *dd = dd_opendir(dump_dir_name, /*flags:*/ 0);
            if (!dd)
            report_result_t *reported_to = find_in_reported_to(dd, "Bugzilla:");

            if (!reported_to || !reported_to->url)
                error_msg_and_die(_("Can't get Bugzilla ID because this problem has not yet been reported to Bugzilla."));

            char *url = reported_to->url;
            reported_to->url = NULL;

            if (prefixcmp(url, rhbz.b_bugzilla_url) != 0)
                error_msg_and_die(_("This problem has been reported to Bugzilla '%s' which differs from the configured Bugzilla '%s'."), url, rhbz.b_bugzilla_url);

            ticket_no = strrchr(url, '=');
            if (!ticket_no)
                error_msg_and_die(_("Malformed url to Bugzilla '%s'."), url);

            /* won't ever call free on it - it simplifies the code a lot */
            ticket_no = xstrdup(ticket_no + 1);
            log(_("Using Bugzilla ID '%s'"), ticket_no);

        login(client, &rhbz);

        if (opts & OPT_w)
            rhbz_mail_to_cc(client, xatoi_positive(ticket_no), rhbz.b_login, /* require mail notify */ 0);
        {   /* Attach files to existing BZ */
            while (*argv)
                const char *filename = *argv++;
                VERB1 log("Attaching file '%s' to bug %s", filename, ticket_no);

                int fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY);
                if (fd < 0)
                    perror_msg("Can't open '%s'", filename);

                struct stat st;
                if (fstat(fd, &st) != 0 || !S_ISREG(st.st_mode))
                    error_msg("'%s': not a regular file", filename);

                rhbz_attach_fd(client, ticket_no, filename, fd, /*flags*/ 0);

        log(_("Logging out"));

#if 0  /* enable if you search for leaks (valgrind etc) */
        return 0;

    /* Create new bug in Bugzilla */

    if (!(opts & OPT_f))
        struct dump_dir *dd = dd_opendir(dump_dir_name, /*flags:*/ 0);
        if (!dd)
        report_result_t *reported_to = find_in_reported_to(dd, "Bugzilla:");

        if (reported_to && reported_to->url)
            char *msg = xasprintf("This problem was already reported to Bugzilla (see '%s')."
                            " Do you still want to create a new bug?",
            int yes = ask_yes_no(msg);
            if (!yes)
                return 0;

    problem_data_t *problem_data = create_problem_data_for_reporting(dump_dir_name);
    if (!problem_data)
        xfunc_die(); /* create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg */

    const char *component = problem_data_get_content_or_die(problem_data, FILENAME_COMPONENT);
    const char *duphash   = problem_data_get_content_or_NULL(problem_data, FILENAME_DUPHASH);
//COMPAT, remove after 2.1 release
    if (!duphash) duphash = problem_data_get_content_or_die(problem_data, "global_uuid");

    if (!rhbz.b_product || !*rhbz.b_product) /* if not overridden or empty... */
        map_string_t *osinfo = new_map_string();
        problem_data_get_osinfo(problem_data, osinfo);
        parse_osinfo_for_bz(osinfo, &rhbz.b_product, &rhbz.b_product_version);

        if (!rhbz.b_product)
            error_msg_and_die(_("Can't determine Bugzilla Product from problem data."));

    if (opts & OPT_D)
        GList *comment_fmt_spec = load_bzrep_conf_file(fmt_file);
        struct strbuf *bzcomment_buf = strbuf_new();
        generate_bz_comment(bzcomment_buf, problem_data, comment_fmt_spec);
        char *bzcomment = strbuf_free_nobuf(bzcomment_buf);
        char *summary = create_summary_string(problem_data, comment_fmt_spec);
        printf("summary: %s\n"
                , summary, bzcomment

    login(client, &rhbz);

    int bug_id = 0;

    /* If REMOTE_RESULT contains "DUPLICATE 12345", we consider it a dup of 12345
     * and won't search on bz server.
    char *remote_result;
    remote_result = problem_data_get_content_or_NULL(problem_data, FILENAME_REMOTE_RESULT);
    if (remote_result)
        char *cmd = strtok(remote_result, " \n");
        char *id = strtok(NULL, " \n");

        if (!prefixcmp(cmd, "DUPLICATE"))
            errno = 0;
            char *e;
            bug_id = strtoul(id, &e, 10);
            if (errno || id == e || *e != '\0' || bug_id > INT_MAX)
                /* error / no digits / illegal trailing chars / too big a number */
                bug_id = 0;

    struct bug_info *bz = NULL;
    if (!bug_id)
        log(_("Checking for duplicates"));

        int existing_id = -1;
        int crossver_id = -1;
            /* Figure out whether we want to match component
             * when doing dup search.
            const char *component_substitute = is_in_comma_separated_list(component, rhbz.b_DontMatchComponents) ? NULL : component;

            /* We don't do dup detection across versions (see below why),
             * but we do add a note if cross-version potential dup exists.
             * For that, we search for cross version dups first:
            xmlrpc_value *crossver_bugs = rhbz_search_duphash(client, rhbz.b_product, /*version:*/ NULL,
                            component_substitute, duphash);
            unsigned crossver_bugs_count = rhbz_array_size(crossver_bugs);
            VERB3 log("Bugzilla has %i reports with duphash '%s' including cross-version ones",
                    crossver_bugs_count, duphash);
            if (crossver_bugs_count > 0)
                crossver_id = rhbz_get_bug_id_from_array0(crossver_bugs, rhbz_ver);

            if (crossver_bugs_count > 0)
                /* In dup detection we require match in product *and version*.
                 * Otherwise we sometimes have bugs in e.g. Fedora 17
                 * considered to be dups of Fedora 16 bugs.
                 * Imagine that F16 is "end-of-lifed" - allowing cross-version
                 * match will make all newly detected crashes DUPed
                 * to a bug in a dead release.
                xmlrpc_value *dup_bugs = rhbz_search_duphash(client, rhbz.b_product,
                                rhbz.b_product_version, component_substitute, duphash);
                unsigned dup_bugs_count = rhbz_array_size(dup_bugs);
                VERB3 log("Bugzilla has %i reports with duphash '%s'",
                        dup_bugs_count, duphash);
                if (dup_bugs_count > 0)
                    existing_id = rhbz_get_bug_id_from_array0(dup_bugs, rhbz_ver);

        if (existing_id < 0)
            /* Create new bug */
            log(_("Creating a new bug"));

            GList *comment_fmt_spec = load_bzrep_conf_file(fmt_file);

            struct strbuf *bzcomment_buf = strbuf_new();
            generate_bz_comment(bzcomment_buf, problem_data, comment_fmt_spec);
            if (crossver_id >= 0)
                strbuf_append_strf(bzcomment_buf, "\nPotential duplicate: bug %u\n", crossver_id);
            char *bzcomment = strbuf_free_nobuf(bzcomment_buf);
            char *summary = create_summary_string(problem_data, comment_fmt_spec);
            int new_id = rhbz_new_bug(client, problem_data, rhbz.b_product, rhbz.b_product_version,
                    summary, bzcomment,

            if (new_id == -1)
                error_msg_and_die(_("Failed to create a new bug."));

            log(_("Adding attachments to bug %i"), new_id);
            char new_id_str[sizeof(int)*3 + 2];
            sprintf(new_id_str, "%i", new_id);

            attach_files(client, new_id_str, problem_data, comment_fmt_spec);

//TODO: free_comment_fmt_spec(comment_fmt_spec);

            bz = new_bug_info();
            bz->bi_status = xstrdup("NEW");
            bz->bi_id = new_id;
            goto log_out;

        bug_id = existing_id;

    bz = rhbz_bug_info(client, bug_id);

    log(_("Bug is already reported: %i"), bz->bi_id);

    /* Follow duplicates */
    if ((strcmp(bz->bi_status, "CLOSED") == 0)
     && (strcmp(bz->bi_resolution, "DUPLICATE") == 0)
    ) {
        struct bug_info *origin;
        origin = rhbz_find_origin_bug_closed_duplicate(client, bz);
        if (origin)
            bz = origin;

    if (strcmp(bz->bi_status, "CLOSED") != 0)
        /* Add user's login to CC if not there already */
        if (strcmp(bz->bi_reporter, rhbz.b_login) != 0
         && !g_list_find_custom(bz->bi_cc_list, rhbz.b_login, (GCompareFunc)g_strcmp0)
        ) {
            log(_("Adding %s to CC list"), rhbz.b_login);
            rhbz_mail_to_cc(client, bz->bi_id, rhbz.b_login, RHBZ_NOMAIL_NOTIFY);

        /* Add comment and bt */
        const char *comment = problem_data_get_content_or_NULL(problem_data, FILENAME_COMMENT);
        if (comment && comment[0])
            GList *comment_fmt_spec = load_bzrep_conf_file(fmt_file2);
            struct strbuf *bzcomment_buf = strbuf_new();
            generate_bz_comment(bzcomment_buf, problem_data, comment_fmt_spec);
            char *bzcomment = strbuf_free_nobuf(bzcomment_buf);
//TODO: free_comment_fmt_spec(comment_fmt_spec);

            int dup_comment = is_comment_dup(bz->bi_comments, bzcomment);
            if (!dup_comment)
                log(_("Adding new comment to bug %d"), bz->bi_id);
                rhbz_add_comment(client, bz->bi_id, bzcomment, 0);

                const char *bt = problem_data_get_content_or_NULL(problem_data, FILENAME_BACKTRACE);
                unsigned rating = 0;
                const char *rating_str = problem_data_get_content_or_NULL(problem_data, FILENAME_RATING);
                /* python doesn't have rating file */
                if (rating_str)
                    rating = xatou(rating_str);
                if (bt && rating > bz->bi_best_bt_rating)
                    char bug_id_str[sizeof(int)*3 + 2];
                    sprintf(bug_id_str, "%i", bz->bi_id);
                    log(_("Attaching better backtrace"));
                    rhbz_attach_blob(client, bug_id_str, FILENAME_BACKTRACE, bt, strlen(bt),
                log(_("Found the same comment in the bug history, not adding a new one"));

    log(_("Logging out"));

    log(_("Status: %s%s%s %s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u"),
                bz->bi_resolution ? " " : "",
                bz->bi_resolution ? bz->bi_resolution : "",

    struct dump_dir *dd = dd_opendir(dump_dir_name, /*flags:*/ 0);
    if (dd)
        char *msg = xasprintf("Bugzilla: URL=%s/show_bug.cgi?id=%u", rhbz.b_bugzilla_url, bz->bi_id);
        add_reported_to(dd, msg);

#if 0  /* enable if you search for leaks (valgrind etc) */
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 11
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    /* I18n */
    setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
    bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);


    /* Can't keep these strings/structs static: _() doesn't support that */
    const char *program_usage_string = _(
        "& [-vusoxm] [-d DIR]/[-D] [FILE]\n"
        "Extract oops from FILE (or standard input)"
    enum {
        OPT_v = 1 << 0,
        OPT_s = 1 << 1,
        OPT_o = 1 << 2,
        OPT_d = 1 << 3,
        OPT_D = 1 << 4,
        OPT_u = 1 << 5,
        OPT_x = 1 << 6,
        OPT_t = 1 << 7,
        OPT_m = 1 << 8,
    char *problem_dir = NULL;
    char *dump_location = NULL;
    /* Keep enum above and order of options below in sync! */
    struct options program_options[] = {
        OPT_BOOL(  's', NULL, NULL, _("Log to syslog")),
        OPT_BOOL(  'o', NULL, NULL, _("Print found oopses on standard output")),
        /* oopses don't contain any sensitive info, and even
         * the old koops app was showing the oopses to all users
        OPT_STRING('d', NULL, &dump_location, "DIR", _("Create new problem directory in DIR for every oops found")),
        OPT_BOOL(  'D', NULL, NULL, _("Same as -d DumpLocation, DumpLocation is specified in abrt.conf")),
        OPT_STRING('u', NULL, &problem_dir, "PROBLEM", _("Save the extracted information in PROBLEM")),
        OPT_BOOL(  'x', NULL, NULL, _("Make the problem directory world readable")),
        OPT_BOOL(  't', NULL, NULL, _("Throttle problem directory creation to 1 per second")),
        OPT_BOOL(  'm', NULL, NULL, _("Print search string(s) to stdout and exit")),
    unsigned opts = parse_opts(argc, argv, program_options, program_usage_string);


    msg_prefix = g_progname;
    if ((opts & OPT_s) || getenv("ABRT_SYSLOG"))
        logmode = LOGMODE_JOURNAL;

    if (opts & OPT_m)
        char *oops_string_filter_regex = abrt_oops_string_filter_regex();
        if (oops_string_filter_regex)
            regex_t filter_re;
            if (regcomp(&filter_re, oops_string_filter_regex, REG_NOSUB) != 0)
                perror_msg_and_die(_("Failed to compile regex"));

            const regex_t *filter[] = { &filter_re, NULL };



        return 1;

    if (opts & OPT_D)
        if (opts & OPT_d)
            show_usage_and_die(program_usage_string, program_options);
        dump_location = g_settings_dump_location;
        g_settings_dump_location = NULL;

    int oops_utils_flags = 0;
    if ((opts & OPT_x))
        oops_utils_flags |= ABRT_OOPS_WORLD_READABLE;

    if ((opts & OPT_t))
        oops_utils_flags |= ABRT_OOPS_THROTTLE_CREATION;

    if ((opts & OPT_o))
        oops_utils_flags |= ABRT_OOPS_PRINT_STDOUT;

    argv += optind;
    if (argv[0])
        xmove_fd(xopen(argv[0], O_RDONLY), STDIN_FILENO);

    GList *oops_list = NULL;
    scan_syslog_file(&oops_list, STDIN_FILENO);

    unsigned errors = 0;
    if (opts & OPT_u)
        log_warning("Updating problem directory");
        switch (g_list_length(oops_list))
            case 0:
                    error_msg(_("Can't update the problem: no oops found"));
                    errors = 1;
                    log_notice(_("More oopses found: process only the first one"));
                /* falls trought */
            case 1:
                    struct dump_dir *dd = dd_opendir(problem_dir, /*open for writing*/0);
                    if (dd)
                        abrt_oops_save_data_in_dump_dir(dd, (char *)oops_list->data, /*no proc modules*/NULL);
        errors = abrt_oops_process_list(oops_list, dump_location,
                                        ABRT_DUMP_OOPS_ANALYZER, oops_utils_flags);

    //oops_list = NULL;

    return errors;
Ejemplo n.º 12
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int expert_mode = 0;

    const char *prgname = "abrt";

    /* I18n */
    setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
    bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);

    /* without this the name is set to argv[0] which confuses
     * desktops which uses the name to find the corresponding .desktop file
     * trac#180
     * env variable can be used to override the default prgname, so it's the
     * same as the application which is calling us (trac#303)
     * note that g_set_prgname has to be called before gtk_init
    char *env_prgname = getenv("LIBREPORT_PRGNAME");
    g_set_prgname(env_prgname ? env_prgname : prgname);

    gtk_init(&argc, &argv);

    /* Can't keep these strings/structs static: _() doesn't support that */
    const char *program_usage_string = _(
        "& [-vpdx] [-e EVENT]... [-g GUI_FILE] PROBLEM_DIR\n"
        "GUI tool to analyze and report problem saved in specified PROBLEM_DIR"
    enum {
        OPT_v = 1 << 0,
        OPT_g = 1 << 1,
        OPT_p = 1 << 2,
        OPT_d = 1 << 3,
        OPT_e = 1 << 4,
        OPT_x = 1 << 5,
    /* Keep enum above and order of options below in sync! */
    struct options program_options[] = {
        OPT_STRING('g', NULL, &g_glade_file, "FILE",          _("Alternate GUI file")),
        OPT_BOOL(  'p', NULL, NULL,                           _("Add program names to log")),
        OPT_BOOL(  'd', "delete", NULL,                       _("Remove PROBLEM_DIR after reporting")),
        OPT_LIST(  'e', "event", &g_auto_event_list, "EVENT", _("Run only these events")),
        OPT_BOOL(  'x', "expert", &expert_mode,               _("Expert mode")),
    unsigned opts = parse_opts(argc, argv, program_options, program_usage_string);
    argv += optind;
    if (!argv[0] || argv[1]) /* zero or >1 arguments */
        show_usage_and_die(program_usage_string, program_options);

    /* Allow algorithms to add mallocated strings */
    for (GList *elem = g_auto_event_list; elem; elem = g_list_next(elem))
        elem->data = xstrdup((const char *)elem->data);

    export_abrt_envvars(opts & OPT_p);

    g_dump_dir_name = xstrdup(argv[0]);

    /* load /etc/abrt/events/foo.{conf,xml} stuff
       and $XDG_CACHE_HOME/abrt/events/foo.conf */
    g_event_config_list = load_event_config_data();


    /* list of workflows applicable to the currently processed problem */
    GList *possible_names = list_possible_events_glist(g_dump_dir_name, "workflow");
    GHashTable *possible_workflows = load_workflow_config_data_from_list(possible_names, WORKFLOWS_DIR);
    g_list_free_full(possible_names, free);

    /* if we have only 1 workflow, we can use the events from it as default */
    if (!expert_mode && g_auto_event_list == NULL && g_hash_table_size(possible_workflows) == 1)
        GHashTableIter iter;
        gpointer key, value;

        g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, possible_workflows);
        if (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, &key, &value))
            log_notice("autoselected workflow: '%s'", (char *)key);
            g_auto_event_list = wf_get_event_names((workflow_t *)value);


    g_custom_logger = &show_error_as_msgbox;
    GtkApplication *app = gtk_application_new("org.freedesktop.libreport.report", G_APPLICATION_NON_UNIQUE);
    g_signal_connect(app, "activate", G_CALLBACK(activate_wizard), (gpointer)&expert_mode);
    g_signal_connect(app, "startup",  G_CALLBACK(startup_wizard),  NULL);
    /* Enter main loop */
    g_application_run(G_APPLICATION(app), argc, argv);

    if (opts & OPT_d)


    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 13
unsigned parse_opts(int argc, char **argv, const struct options *opt,
                const char *usage)
    int help = 0;
    int size = parse_opt_size(opt);
    const int LONGOPT_OFFSET = 256;

    struct strbuf *shortopts = strbuf_new();

    struct option *longopts = xzalloc(sizeof(longopts[0]) * (size+2));
    struct option *curopt = longopts;
    int ii;
    for (ii = 0; ii < size; ++ii)
        curopt->name = opt[ii].long_name;
        /*curopt->flag = 0; - xzalloc did it */
        if (opt[ii].short_name)
            curopt->val = opt[ii].short_name;
            curopt->val = LONGOPT_OFFSET + ii;

        switch (opt[ii].type)
            case OPTION_BOOL:
                curopt->has_arg = no_argument;
                if (opt[ii].short_name)
                    strbuf_append_char(shortopts, opt[ii].short_name);
            case OPTION_INTEGER:
            case OPTION_STRING:
            case OPTION_LIST:
                curopt->has_arg = required_argument;
                if (opt[ii].short_name)
                    strbuf_append_strf(shortopts, "%c:", opt[ii].short_name);
            case OPTION_OPTSTRING:
                curopt->has_arg = optional_argument;
                if (opt[ii].short_name)
                    strbuf_append_strf(shortopts, "%c::", opt[ii].short_name);
            case OPTION_GROUP:
            case OPTION_END:
        //log("curopt[%d].name:'%s' .has_arg:%d .flag:%p .val:%d", (int)(curopt-longopts),
        //      curopt->name, curopt->has_arg, curopt->flag, curopt->val);
         * getopt_long() thinks that NULL name marks the end of longopts.
         * Example:
         * [0] name:'verbose' val:'v'
         * [1] name:NULL      val:'c'
         * [2] name:'force'   val:'f'
         * ... ... ...
         * In this case, --force won't be accepted!
         * Therefore we can only advance if name is not NULL.
        if (curopt->name)
    curopt->name = "help";
    curopt->has_arg = no_argument;
    curopt->flag = &help;
    curopt->val = 1;
    /* xzalloc did it already:
    curopt->name = NULL;
    curopt->has_arg = 0;
    curopt->flag = NULL;
    curopt->val = 0;

    unsigned retval = 0;
    while (1)
        int c = getopt_long(argc, argv, shortopts->buf, longopts, NULL);

        if (c == -1)

        if (c == '?' || help)
            xfunc_error_retval = 0; /* this isn't error, exit code = 0 */
            show_usage_and_die(usage, opt);

        for (ii = 0; ii < size; ++ii)
            if (opt[ii].short_name == c || LONGOPT_OFFSET + ii == c)
                if (ii < sizeof(retval)*8)
                    retval |= (1 << ii);

                if (opt[ii].value != NULL) switch (opt[ii].type)
                    case OPTION_BOOL:
                        *(int*)(opt[ii].value) += 1;
                    case OPTION_INTEGER:
                        *(int*)(opt[ii].value) = xatoi(optarg);
                    case OPTION_STRING:
                    case OPTION_OPTSTRING:
                        if (optarg)
                            *(char**)(opt[ii].value) = (char*)optarg;
                    case OPTION_LIST:
                        *(GList**)(opt[ii].value) = g_list_append(*(GList**)(opt[ii].value), optarg);
                    case OPTION_GROUP:
                    case OPTION_END:


    return retval;
Ejemplo n.º 14
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    /* I18n */
    setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
    bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);


    /* Can't keep these strings/structs static: _() doesn't support that */

    const char *program_usage_string_template = _(
        "& [-vsoxtf] [-e]/[-c CURSOR] [-d DIR]/[-D]\n"
        "Extract Xorg crash from systemd-journal\n"
        "-c and -e options conflicts because both specifies the first read message.\n"
        "-e is useful only for -f because the following of journal starts by reading \n"
        "the entire journal if the last seen possition is not available.\n"
        "The last seen position is saved in %s\n"
        "Journal filter is required parameter and must be specified either by parameter\n"
        "-j or in %s conf file.\n"

    char program_usage_string[strlen(program_usage_string_template)
                            + strlen(ABRT_JOURNAL_XORG_WATCH_STATE_FILE)
                            + strlen(XORG_CONF_PATH)];
    sprintf(program_usage_string, program_usage_string_template,

    enum {
        OPT_v = 1 << 0,
        OPT_s = 1 << 1,
        OPT_o = 1 << 2,
        OPT_d = 1 << 3,
        OPT_D = 1 << 4,
        OPT_x = 1 << 5,
        OPT_t = 1 << 6,
        OPT_c = 1 << 7,
        OPT_e = 1 << 8,
        OPT_f = 1 << 9,
        OPT_a = 1 << 10,
        OPT_J = 1 << 11,
        OPT_j = 1 << 12,

    char *cursor = NULL;
    char *dump_location = NULL;
    char *journal_dir = NULL;
    GList *journal_filters = NULL;

    /* Keep enum above and order of options below in sync! */
    struct options program_options[] = {
        OPT_BOOL(  's', NULL, NULL, _("Log to syslog")),
        OPT_BOOL(  'o', NULL, NULL, _("Print found crashes on standard output")),
        OPT_STRING('d', NULL, &dump_location, "DIR", _("Create new problem directory in DIR for every crash found")),
        OPT_BOOL(  'D', NULL, NULL, _("Same as -d DumpLocation, DumpLocation is specified in abrt.conf")),
        OPT_BOOL(  'x', NULL, NULL, _("Make the problem directory world readable")),
        OPT_BOOL(  't', NULL, NULL, _("Throttle problem directory creation to 1 per second")),
        OPT_STRING('c', NULL, &cursor, "CURSOR", _("Start reading systemd-journal from the CURSOR position")),
        OPT_BOOL(  'e', NULL, NULL, _("Start reading systemd-journal from the end")),
        OPT_BOOL(  'f', NULL, NULL, _("Follow systemd-journal from the last seen position (if available)")),
        OPT_BOOL(  'a', NULL, NULL, _("Read journal files from all machines")),
        OPT_STRING('J', NULL, &journal_dir,  "PATH", _("Read all journal files from directory at PATH")),
        OPT_LIST(  'j', NULL, &journal_filters,  "FILTER", _("Journal filter e.g. '_COMM=gdm-x-session' (may be given many times)")),
    unsigned opts = parse_opts(argc, argv, program_options, program_usage_string);


    msg_prefix = g_progname;
    if ((opts & OPT_s) || getenv("ABRT_SYSLOG"))
        logmode = LOGMODE_JOURNAL;

    if ((opts & OPT_c) && (opts & OPT_e))
        error_msg_and_die(_("You need to specify either -c CURSOR or -e"));

    if (opts & OPT_D)
        if (opts & OPT_d)
            show_usage_and_die(program_usage_string, program_options);
        dump_location = g_settings_dump_location;
        g_settings_dump_location = NULL;

    int xorg_utils_flags = 0;
    if ((opts & OPT_x))
        xorg_utils_flags |= ABRT_XORG_WORLD_READABLE;

    if ((opts & OPT_t))
        xorg_utils_flags |= ABRT_XORG_THROTTLE_CREATION;

    if ((opts & OPT_o))
        xorg_utils_flags |= ABRT_XORG_PRINT_STDOUT;

    /* get journal filters */
    const char *const env_journal_filter = getenv("ABRT_DUMP_JOURNAL_XORG_DEBUG_FILTER");
    bool free_filter_list_data = false;
    GList *xorg_journal_filter = NULL;
    if (env_journal_filter != NULL)
        xorg_journal_filter = g_list_append(xorg_journal_filter, (gpointer)env_journal_filter);
        log_debug("Using journal filter from environment variable");
    else if (journal_filters != NULL)
        xorg_journal_filter = journal_filters;
        log_debug("Using journal filter passed by parameter -j");
        map_string_t *settings = new_map_string();
        log_notice("Loading settings from '%s'", XORG_CONF);
        load_abrt_plugin_conf_file(XORG_CONF, settings);
        log_debug("Loaded '%s'", XORG_CONF);
        const char *conf_journal_filters = get_map_string_item_or_NULL(settings, "JournalFilters");
        xorg_journal_filter = parse_list(conf_journal_filters);
        /* list data will be free by g_list_free_full */
        free_filter_list_data = true;
        if (xorg_journal_filter)
            log_debug("Using journal filter from conf file %s", XORG_CONF);

    if (xorg_journal_filter == NULL)
        error_msg_and_die(_("Journal filter must be specified either by parameter -j or stored in /etc/abrt/plugins/xorg.conf file"));

    abrt_journal_t *journal = NULL;
    if ((opts & OPT_J))
        log_debug("Using journal files from directory '%s'", journal_dir);

        if (abrt_journal_open_directory(&journal, journal_dir))
            error_msg_and_die(_("Cannot initialize systemd-journal in directory '%s'"), journal_dir);
        if (((opts & OPT_a) ? abrt_journal_new_merged : abrt_journal_new)(&journal))
            error_msg_and_die(_("Cannot open systemd-journal"));

    if (abrt_journal_set_journal_filter(journal, xorg_journal_filter) < 0)
        error_msg_and_die(_("Cannot filter systemd-journal to Xorg data only"));

    /* free filter list */
    if (free_filter_list_data)
        g_list_free_full(xorg_journal_filter, free);

    if ((opts & OPT_e) && abrt_journal_seek_tail(journal) < 0)
        error_msg_and_die(_("Cannot seek to the end of journal"));

    if ((opts & OPT_f))
        if (!cursor)
            abrt_journal_restore_position(journal, ABRT_JOURNAL_XORG_WATCH_STATE_FILE);
        else if(abrt_journal_set_cursor(journal, cursor))
            error_msg_and_die(_("Failed to start watch from cursor '%s'"), cursor);

        watch_journald(journal, dump_location, xorg_utils_flags);

        abrt_journal_save_current_position(journal, ABRT_JOURNAL_XORG_WATCH_STATE_FILE);
        if (cursor && abrt_journal_set_cursor(journal, cursor))
            error_msg_and_die(_("Failed to set systemd-journal cursor '%s'"), cursor);

        /* Compatibility hack, a watch's callback gets the journal already moved
         * to a next message.*/

        GList *crashes = abrt_journal_extract_xorg_crashes(journal);
        abrt_xorg_process_list_of_crashes(crashes, dump_location, xorg_utils_flags);
        g_list_free_full(crashes, (GDestroyNotify)xorg_crash_info_free);


    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 15
int main(int argc, char **argv)

    /* I18n */
    setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
    bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);

    const char *program_usage_string = _(
        "\n& [-vf] [-c CONFFILE]... [-F FMTFILE] [-A FMTFILE2] -d DIR"
        "\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] FILE..."
        "\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... [-d DIR] -t[ID] -w"
        "\n& [-v] [-c CONFFILE]... -h DUPHASH"
        "\nReports problem to MantisBT."
        "\nThe tool reads DIR. Then it tries to find an issue"
        "\nwith the same abrt_hash in custom field 'abrt_hash'."
        "\nIf such issue is not found, then a new issue is created. Elements of DIR"
        "\nare stored in the issue as part of issue description or as attachments,"
        "\ndepending on their type and size."
        "\nOtherwise, if such issue is found and it is marked as CLOSED DUPLICATE,"
        "\nthe tool follows the chain of duplicates until it finds a non-DUPLICATE issue."
        "\nThe tool adds a new comment to found issue."
        "\nThe URL to new or modified issue is printed to stdout and recorded in"
        "\n'reported_to' element."
        "\nOption -t uploads FILEs to the already created issue on MantisBT site."
        "\nThe issue ID is retrieved from directory specified by -d DIR."
        "\nIf problem data in DIR was never reported to MantisBT, upload will fail."
        "\nOption -tID uploads FILEs to the issue with specified ID on MantisBT site."
        "\n-d DIR is ignored."
        "\nOption -r sets the last url from reporter_to element which is prefixed with"
        "\nTRACKER_NAME to URL field. This option is applied only when a new issue is to be"
        "\nfiled. The default value is 'ABRT Server'"
        "\nIf not specified, CONFFILE defaults to "CONF_DIR"/plugins/mantisbt.conf"
        "\nand user's local ~"USER_HOME_CONFIG_PATH"/mantisbt.conf."
        "\nIts lines should have 'PARAM = VALUE' format."
        "\nRecognized string parameters: MantisbtURL, Login, Password, Project, ProjectVersion."
        "\nRecognized boolean parameter (VALUE should be 1/0, yes/no): SSLVerify, CreatePrivate."
        "\nUser's local configuration overrides the system wide configuration."
        "\nParameters can be overridden via $Mantisbt_PARAM environment variables."
        "\nFMTFILE default to "CONF_DIR"/plugins/mantisbt_format.conf."
        "\nFMTFILE2 default to "CONF_DIR"/plugins/mantisbt_formatdup.conf."

    enum {
        OPT_v = 1 << 0,
        OPT_d = 1 << 1,
        OPT_c = 1 << 2,
        OPT_F = 1 << 3,
        OPT_A = 1 << 4,
        OPT_t = 1 << 5,
        OPT_f = 1 << 6,
        OPT_h = 1 << 7,
        OPT_r = 1 << 8,
        OPT_D = 1 << 9,

    const char *dump_dir_name = ".";
    GList *conf_file = NULL;
    const char *fmt_file = CONF_DIR"/plugins/mantisbt_format.conf";
    const char *fmt_file2 = CONF_DIR"/plugins/mantisbt_formatdup.conf";
    char *abrt_hash = NULL;
    char *ticket_no = NULL;
    const char *tracker_str = "ABRT Server";
    char *debug_str = NULL;
    mantisbt_settings_t mbt_settings = { 0 };
    /* Keep enum above and order of options below in sync! */
    struct options program_options[] = {
        OPT_STRING(   'd', NULL, &dump_dir_name , "DIR"    , _("Problem directory")),
        OPT_LIST(     'c', NULL, &conf_file     , "FILE"   , _("Configuration file (may be given many times)")),
        OPT_STRING(   'F', NULL, &fmt_file      , "FILE"   , _("Formatting file for initial comment")),
        OPT_STRING(   'A', NULL, &fmt_file2     , "FILE"   , _("Formatting file for duplicates")),
        OPT_OPTSTRING('t', "ticket", &ticket_no , "ID"     , _("Attach FILEs [to issue with this ID]")),
        OPT_BOOL(     'f', NULL, NULL,                       _("Force reporting even if this problem is already reported")),
        OPT_STRING(   'h', "duphash", &abrt_hash, "DUPHASH", _("Print BUG_ID which has given DUPHASH")),
        OPT_STRING(   'r', "tracker", &tracker_str, "TRACKER_NAME", _("A name of bug tracker for an additional URL from 'reported_to'")),

        OPT_OPTSTRING('D', "debug", &debug_str  , "STR"    , _("Debug")),

    unsigned opts = parse_opts(argc, argv, program_options, program_usage_string);
    argv += optind;


    map_string_t *settings = new_map_string();

        char *local_conf = NULL;
        if (!conf_file)
            conf_file = g_list_append(conf_file, (char*) CONF_DIR"/plugins/mantisbt.conf");
            local_conf = xasprintf("%s"USER_HOME_CONFIG_PATH"/mantisbt.conf", getenv("HOME"));
            conf_file = g_list_append(conf_file, local_conf);
        while (conf_file)
            char *fn = (char *)conf_file->data;
            log_notice("Loading settings from '%s'", fn);
            load_conf_file(fn, settings, /*skip key w/o values:*/ false);
            log_debug("Loaded '%s'", fn);
            conf_file = g_list_delete_link(conf_file, conf_file);

        struct dump_dir *dd = NULL;
        if (abrt_hash == NULL)
            dd = dd_opendir(dump_dir_name, /*flags:*/ 0);
            if (!dd)
                error_msg_and_die(_("Can't open problem dir '%s'."), dump_dir_name);

        set_settings(&mbt_settings, settings, dd);
        /* WRONG! set_settings() does not copy the strings, it merely sets up pointers
         * to settings[] dictionary:

    /* No connection is opened between client and server. Users authentication
     * is performed on every SOAP method call. In the first step we verify the
     * credentials by calling 'mc_login' method.  In the case the credentials are
     * correctly applies the reporter uses them in the next requests. It is not
     * necessary to call 'mc_login' method because the method provides only
     * verification of credentials.

    if (abrt_hash)
        log_warning(_("Looking for similar problems in MantisBT"));
        GList *ids = mantisbt_search_by_abrt_hash(&mbt_settings, abrt_hash);

        if (ids == NULL)
            return EXIT_FAILURE;

        return EXIT_SUCCESS;


    if (opts & OPT_t)
        if (!argv[0])
            show_usage_and_die(program_usage_string, program_options);

        if (!ticket_no)
            struct dump_dir *dd = dd_opendir(dump_dir_name, /*flags:*/ 0);
            if (!dd)
            report_result_t *reported_to = find_in_reported_to(dd, "MantisBT");

            if (!reported_to || !reported_to->url)
                error_msg_and_die(_("Can't get MantisBT ID because this problem has not yet been reported to MantisBT."));

            char *url = reported_to->url;
            reported_to->url = NULL;

            if (prefixcmp(url, mbt_settings.m_mantisbt_url) != 0)
                error_msg_and_die(_("This problem has been reported to MantisBT '%s' which differs from the configured MantisBT '%s'."), url, mbt_settings.m_mantisbt_url);

            ticket_no = strrchr(url, '=');
            if (!ticket_no)
                error_msg_and_die(_("Malformed url to MantisBT '%s'."), url);

            /* won't ever call free on it - it simplifies the code a lot */
            ticket_no = xstrdup(ticket_no + 1);
            log_warning(_("Using MantisBT ID '%s'"), ticket_no);

        /* Attach files to existing MantisBT issues */
        while (*argv)
            const char *path = *argv++;
            char *filename = basename(path);
            log_warning(_("Attaching file '%s' to issue %s"), filename, ticket_no);
            mantisbt_attach_file(&mbt_settings, ticket_no, filename, path);

        return 0;

    /* Create new issue in MantisBT */

    if (!(opts & OPT_f))
        struct dump_dir *dd = dd_opendir(dump_dir_name, /*flags:*/ 0);
        if (!dd)
        report_result_t *reported_to = find_in_reported_to(dd, "MantisBT");

        if (reported_to && reported_to->url)
            char *msg = xasprintf(_("This problem was already reported to MantisBT (see '%s')."
                            " Do you still want to create a new issue?"),
            int yes = ask_yes_no(msg);
            if (!yes)
                return 0;

    problem_data_t *problem_data = create_problem_data_for_reporting(dump_dir_name);
    if (!problem_data)
        xfunc_die(); /* create_problem_data_for_reporting already emitted error msg */

    const char *category = problem_data_get_content_or_die(problem_data, FILENAME_COMPONENT);
    const char *duphash   = problem_data_get_content_or_die(problem_data, FILENAME_DUPHASH);

    if (opts & OPT_D)
        problem_formatter_t *pf = problem_formatter_new();
        problem_formatter_add_section(pf, PR_SEC_ADDITIONAL_INFO, /* optional section */ 0);

        if (problem_formatter_load_file(pf, fmt_file))
            error_msg_and_die("Invalid format file: %s", fmt_file);

        problem_report_t *pr = NULL;
        if (problem_formatter_generate_report(pf, problem_data, &pr))
            error_msg_and_die("Failed to format issue report from problem data");

        printf("summary: %s\n"
                "Additional info:\n%s\n"
                , problem_report_get_summary(pr)
                , problem_report_get_description(pr)
                , problem_report_get_section(pr, PR_SEC_ADDITIONAL_INFO)

        for (GList *a = problem_report_get_attachments(pr); a != NULL; a = g_list_next(a))
            printf(" %s\n", (const char *)a->data);


     unsigned long bug_id = 0;

    /* If REMOTE_RESULT contains "DUPLICATE 12345", we consider it a dup of 12345
     * and won't search on MantisBT server.
    char *remote_result;
    remote_result = problem_data_get_content_or_NULL(problem_data, FILENAME_REMOTE_RESULT);
    if (remote_result)
        char *cmd = strtok(remote_result, " \n");
        char *id = strtok(NULL, " \n");

        if (!prefixcmp(cmd, "DUPLICATE"))
            errno = 0;
            char *e;
            bug_id = strtoul(id, &e, 10);
            if (errno || id == e || *e != '\0' || bug_id > INT_MAX)
                /* error / no digits / illegal trailing chars / too big a number */
                bug_id = 0;

    mantisbt_issue_info_t *ii;
    if (!bug_id)
        log_warning(_("Checking for duplicates"));

        int existing_id = -1;
        int crossver_id = -1;
            /* Figure out whether we want to match category
             * when doing dup search.
            const char *category_substitute = is_in_comma_separated_list(category, mbt_settings.m_DontMatchComponents) ? NULL : category;

            /* We don't do dup detection across versions (see below why),
             * but we do add a note if cross-version potential dup exists.
             * For that, we search for cross version dups first:
            // SOAP API searching method is not in the final version, it's possible the project will be string
            GList *crossver_bugs_ids = mantisbt_search_duplicate_issues(&mbt_settings, category_substitute, /*version*/ NULL, duphash);

            unsigned crossver_bugs_count = g_list_length(crossver_bugs_ids);
            log_debug("MantisBT has %i reports with duphash '%s' including cross-version ones",
                    crossver_bugs_count, duphash);
            if (crossver_bugs_count > 0)
                crossver_id = atoi(g_list_first(crossver_bugs_ids)->data);

            if (crossver_bugs_count > 0)
                // SOAP API searching method is not in the final version, it's possible the project will be string
                GList *dup_bugs_ids = mantisbt_search_duplicate_issues(&mbt_settings, category_substitute, mbt_settings.m_project_version, duphash);

                unsigned dup_bugs_count =  g_list_length(dup_bugs_ids);
                log_debug("MantisBT has %i reports with duphash '%s'",
                        dup_bugs_count, duphash);
                if (dup_bugs_count > 0)
                    existing_id = atoi(g_list_first(dup_bugs_ids)->data);

        if (existing_id < 0)
            /* Create new issue */
            log_warning(_("Creating a new issue"));
            problem_formatter_t *pf = problem_formatter_new();
            problem_formatter_add_section(pf, PR_SEC_ADDITIONAL_INFO, 0);

            if (problem_formatter_load_file(pf, fmt_file))
                error_msg_and_die(_("Invalid format file: %s"), fmt_file);

            problem_report_t *pr = NULL;
            if (problem_formatter_generate_report(pf, problem_data, &pr))
                error_msg_and_die(_("Failed to format problem data"));

            if (crossver_id >= 0)
                        problem_report_get_buffer(pr, PR_SEC_DESCRIPTION),
                        "\nPotential duplicate: issue %u\n", crossver_id);


            /* get tracker URL if exists */
            struct dump_dir *dd = dd_opendir(dump_dir_name, 0);
            char *tracker_url = NULL;
            if (dd)
                report_result_t *reported_to = find_in_reported_to(dd, tracker_str);

                if (reported_to && reported_to->url)
                    log_warning(_("Adding External URL to issue"));
                    tracker_url = xstrdup(reported_to->url);

            int new_id = mantisbt_create_new_issue(&mbt_settings, problem_data, pr, tracker_url);


            if (new_id == -1)
                return EXIT_FAILURE;

            log_warning(_("Adding attachments to issue %i"), new_id);
            char *new_id_str = xasprintf("%u", new_id);

            for (GList *a = problem_report_get_attachments(pr); a != NULL; a = g_list_next(a))
                const char *item_name = (const char *)a->data;
                struct problem_item *item = problem_data_get_item_or_NULL(problem_data, item_name);
                if (!item)
                else if (item->flags & CD_FLAG_TXT)
                    mantisbt_attach_data(&mbt_settings, new_id_str, item_name, item->content, strlen(item->content));
                else if (item->flags & CD_FLAG_BIN)
                    mantisbt_attach_file(&mbt_settings, new_id_str, item_name, item->content);

            ii = mantisbt_issue_info_new();
            ii->mii_id = new_id;
            ii->mii_status = xstrdup("new");

            goto finish;

        bug_id = existing_id;

    ii = mantisbt_get_issue_info(&mbt_settings, bug_id);

    log_warning(_("Bug is already reported: %i"), ii->mii_id);

    /* Follow duplicates */
    if ((strcmp(ii->mii_status, "closed") == 0)
     && (strcmp(ii->mii_resolution, "duplicate") == 0)
    ) {
        mantisbt_issue_info_t *origin = mantisbt_find_origin_bug_closed_duplicate(&mbt_settings, ii);
        if (origin)
            ii = origin;

    /* TODO CC list
     * Is no MantisBT SOAP API method which allows adding users to CC list
     * without updating issue.

    /* Add comment and bt */
    const char *comment = problem_data_get_content_or_NULL(problem_data, FILENAME_COMMENT);
    if (comment && comment[0])
        problem_formatter_t *pf = problem_formatter_new();

        if (problem_formatter_load_file(pf, fmt_file2))
            error_msg_and_die(_("Invalid duplicate format file: '%s"), fmt_file2);

        problem_report_t *pr;
        if (problem_formatter_generate_report(pf, problem_data, &pr))
            error_msg_and_die(_("Failed to format duplicate comment from problem data"));

        const char *mbtcomment = problem_report_get_description(pr);

        int dup_comment = is_comment_dup(ii->mii_notes, mbtcomment);
        if (!dup_comment)
            log_warning(_("Adding new comment to issue %d"), ii->mii_id);
            mantisbt_add_issue_note(&mbt_settings, ii->mii_id, mbtcomment);

            const char *bt = problem_data_get_content_or_NULL(problem_data, FILENAME_BACKTRACE);
            unsigned rating = 0;
            const char *rating_str = problem_data_get_content_or_NULL(problem_data, FILENAME_RATING);
            /* python doesn't have rating file */
            if (rating_str)
                rating = xatou(rating_str);
            if (bt && rating > ii->mii_best_bt_rating)
                char *bug_id_str = xasprintf("%i", ii->mii_id);

                log_warning(_("Attaching better backtrace"));

                // find unique filename of attachment
                char *name = NULL;
                for (int i = 0;; ++i)
                    if (i == 0)
                        name = xasprintf("%s", FILENAME_BACKTRACE);
                        name = xasprintf("%s%d", FILENAME_BACKTRACE, i);

                    if (g_list_find_custom(ii->mii_attachments, name, (GCompareFunc) strcmp) == NULL)

                mantisbt_attach_data(&mbt_settings, bug_id_str, name, bt, strlen(bt));

            log_warning(_("Found the same comment in the issue history, not adding a new one"));


    log_warning(_("Status: %s%s%s %s/view.php?id=%u"),
                ii->mii_resolution ? " " : "",
                ii->mii_resolution ? ii->mii_resolution : "",

    struct dump_dir *dd = dd_opendir(dump_dir_name, /*flags:*/ 0);
    if (dd)
        report_result_t rr = { .label = (char *)"MantisBT" };
        rr.url = xasprintf("%s/view.php?id=%u", mbt_settings.m_mantisbt_url, ii->mii_id);
        add_reported_to_entry(dd, &rr);

    return 0;