Ejemplo n.º 1
unsigned char sht_measure(sht_value *p_sht_value, unsigned char *p_checksum, unsigned char mode, unsigned char pin)
// makes a measurement (humidity/temperature) with checksum
	unsigned char error=0;
	unsigned char i;

	sht_value this_sht_value;
	/* sht_transstart(pin); //transmission start */
	{ //send command to sensor
		case TEMP : error+=sht_write_byte(MEASURE_TEMP, pin); /*usart_write("TEMP: ");*/ break;
		case HUMI : error+=sht_write_byte(MEASURE_HUMI, pin); /*usart_write("HUMI: ");*/ break;
		default : break;

	for (i=0;i<500;i++) {
		if(SHT_DATA(pin)==0) break; //wait until sensor has finished the measurement
		_delay_ms(1);  	// neccesary since the AVR is so much faster than the old 8051
							// and the 210ms for 14bit measuremnt are only a rough estimate

	if(SHT_DATA(pin)) error+=1; // or timeout is reached 

	this_sht_value.i = 256*sht_read_byte(ACK, pin); //read the first byte (MSB)
	this_sht_value.i +=sht_read_byte(ACK, pin); //read the second byte (LSB)
	*p_checksum =sht_read_byte(noACK, pin); //read checksum
	*(p_sht_value)= this_sht_value;
	return error;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// writes the status register with checksum (8-bit)
char sht_write_statusreg(unsigned char *p_value)
  unsigned char error=0;
  sht_transstart();                   //transmission start
  error+=sht_write_byte(STATUS_REG_W);//send command to sensor
  error+=sht_write_byte(*p_value);    //send value of status register
  return error;                     //error>=1 in case of no response form the sensor
Ejemplo n.º 3
// start measurement (humidity/temperature)
char sht_measure_start(unsigned char mode)
	sht_transstart(); // transmission start
	switch(mode) {  // send command to sensor
		case TEMP: return(sht_write_byte(MEASURE_TEMP)); //break;
		case HUMI: return(sht_write_byte(MEASURE_HUMI)); //break;
		default:	break;
	return 1; // error
Ejemplo n.º 4
unsigned char sht_write_statusreg(unsigned char *p_sht_value, unsigned char pin)
// writes the status register with checksum (8-bit)
	unsigned char error=0;
	sht_transstart(pin); //transmission start
	error+=sht_write_byte(STATUS_REG_W, pin);//send command to sensor
	error+=sht_write_byte(*p_sht_value, pin); //send value of status register
	return error; //error>=1 in case of no response form the sensor
Ejemplo n.º 5
char sht_measure(unsigned char mode)
// makes a measurement (humidity/temperature) with checksum
  unsigned error=0;
  unsigned int i;
  unsigned char LSB;
  unsigned char MSB;
  unsigned char tmp = 0;
  unsigned char bits = 8;

  sht_transstart();                   //transmission start
  switch(mode){                     //send command to sensor
    case TEMP	: error+=sht_write_byte(MEASURE_TEMP); sht_crc_shuffle_byte(MEASURE_TEMP);break;
    case HUMI	: error+=sht_write_byte(MEASURE_HUMI); sht_crc_shuffle_byte(MEASURE_HUMI);break;
    default     : break;	 
  for (i=0;i<40000;i++) {
  	if(DATA_IN==0) {
            break; //wait until sensor has finished the measurement
	Delay100TCYx(4);      //50 us
      error+=1;                // or timeout (~2 sec.) is reached
  MSB  = sht_read_byte(ACK);    //read the first byte (MSB)
  LSB  = sht_read_byte(ACK);    //read the second byte (LSB)
  CurrentValue = MSB * 256 + LSB;
  CheckSum = sht_read_byte(noACK);  //read checksum

  	while( bits--)
		tmp >>=1;
		if( sht_crc & 0b10000000)
			tmp |= 0b10000000;
		sht_crc <<=1;

  if (tmp != CheckSum) {
      return 1;
  return error;
Ejemplo n.º 6
char sht_read_statusreg(void)
// reads the status register with checksum (8-bit)
  unsigned char error=0;
  unsigned char tmp = 0;
  unsigned char bits = 8;
  sht_transstart();                   //transmission start
  error=sht_write_byte(STATUS_REG_R); //send command to sensor
  StatusReg =sht_read_byte(ACK);      //read status register (8-bit)
  CheckSum  =sht_read_byte(noACK);    //read checksum (8-bit)
  while( bits--)
	tmp >>=1;
	if( sht_crc & 0b10000000)
		tmp |= 0b10000000;
	sht_crc <<=1;

  if (tmp != CheckSum) {

  return error;                     //error=1 in case of no response form the sensor
Ejemplo n.º 7
// resets the sensor by a softreset
char sht_softreset(void)
	unsigned char error=0;
	sht_connectionreset();              //reset communication
	error+=sht_write_byte(RESET);      //send RESET-command to sensor
	return error;                     //error=1 in case of no response form the sensor
Ejemplo n.º 8
// reads the status register with checksum (8-bit)
char sht_read_statusreg(unsigned char *p_value, unsigned char *p_checksum)
  unsigned char error=0;
  sht_transstart();                   //transmission start
  error=sht_write_byte(STATUS_REG_R); //send command to sensor
  *p_value=sht_read_byte(ACK);        //read status register (8-bit)
  *p_checksum=sht_read_byte(noACK);   //read checksum (8-bit)
  return error;                     //error=1 in case of no response form the sensor
Ejemplo n.º 9
char sht_measure( unsigned char *p_value, unsigned char *p_checksum, unsigned char mode )
 	unsigned error=0;
  	unsigned long i;

  	sht_transstart();                  	// transmission start

  	switch( mode ) {                    // send command to sensor

    	case SHT_MODE_TEMP: 
			error += sht_write_byte( MEASURE_TEMP ); 

    	case SHT_MODE_HUMI: 
			error += sht_write_byte( MEASURE_HUMI ); 


	// wait until sensor has finished the measurement
	sht_measure_timer = 0;
	while ( sht_measure_timer < SHT_READ_TIMEOUT ) {
		if ( 0 == ( PORTCbits.RC5 ) ) {

  	if ( PORTCbits.RC5 ) {       		// or timeout (~2 sec.) is reached
		error += 1; 

  	*(p_value)  = sht_read_byte( ACK );  	// read the first byte (MSB)
  	*(p_value+1)= sht_read_byte( ACK );  	// read the second byte (LSB)
  	*p_checksum = sht_read_byte( noACK );	// read checksum

  	return error;
Ejemplo n.º 10
unsigned char sht_softreset(unsigned char pin)
// resets the sensor by a softreset
	// rockclimber
	asm volatile ("nop"::);

	unsigned char error=0;
	sht_connectionreset(pin); //reset communication
	error+=sht_write_byte(RESET_SHT, pin); //send RESET_SHT-command to sensor
	return error; //error=1 in case of no response form the sensor