Ejemplo n.º 1
** When joining 'ktables', constants from one of the subpatterns must
** be renumbered; 'correctkeys' corrects their indices (adding 'n'
** to each of them)
static void correctkeys (TTree *tree, int n) {
  if (n == 0) return;  /* no correction? */
  switch (tree->tag) {
    case TOpenCall: case TCall: case TRunTime: case TRule: {
      if (tree->key > 0)
        tree->key += n;
    case TCapture: {
      if (tree->key > 0 && tree->cap != Carg && tree->cap != Cnum)
        tree->key += n;
    default: break;
  switch (numsiblings[tree->tag]) {
    case 1:  /* correctkeys(sib1(tree), n); */
      tree = sib1(tree); goto tailcall;
    case 2:
      correctkeys(sib1(tree), n);
      tree = sib2(tree); goto tailcall;  /* correctkeys(sib2(tree), n); */
    default: assert(numsiblings[tree->tag] == 0); break;
Ejemplo n.º 2
** Make final adjustments in a tree. Fix open calls in tree 't',
** making them refer to their respective rules or raising appropriate
** errors (if not inside a grammar). Correct associativity of associative
** constructions (making them right associative). Assume that tree's
** ktable is at the top of the stack (for error messages).
static void finalfix (lua_State *L, int postable, TTree *g, TTree *t) {
  switch (t->tag) {
    case TGrammar:  /* subgrammars were already fixed */
    case TOpenCall: {
      if (g != NULL)  /* inside a grammar? */
        fixonecall(L, postable, g, t);
      else {  /* open call outside grammar */
        lua_rawgeti(L, -1, t->key);
        luaL_error(L, "rule '%s' used outside a grammar", val2str(L, -1));
    case TSeq: case TChoice:
  switch (numsiblings[t->tag]) {
    case 1: /* finalfix(L, postable, g, sib1(t)); */
      t = sib1(t); goto tailcall;
    case 2:
      finalfix(L, postable, g, sib1(t));
      t = sib2(t); goto tailcall;  /* finalfix(L, postable, g, sib2(t)); */
    default: assert(numsiblings[t->tag] == 0); break;
Ejemplo n.º 3
** Constant capture
static int lp_constcapture (lua_State *L) {
  int i;
  int n = lua_gettop(L);  /* number of values */
  if (n == 0)  /* no values? */
    newleaf(L, TTrue);  /* no capture */
  else if (n == 1)
    newemptycapkey(L, Cconst, 1);  /* single constant capture */
  else {  /* create a group capture with all values */
    TTree *tree = newtree(L, 1 + 3 * (n - 1) + 2);
    newktable(L, n);  /* create a 'ktable' for new tree */
    tree->tag = TCapture;
    tree->cap = Cgroup;
    tree->key = 0;
    tree = sib1(tree);
    for (i = 1; i <= n - 1; i++) {
      tree->tag = TSeq;
      tree->u.ps = 3;  /* skip TCapture and its sibling */
      auxemptycap(sib1(tree), Cconst);
      sib1(tree)->key = addtoktable(L, i);
      tree = sib2(tree);
    auxemptycap(tree, Cconst);
    tree->key = addtoktable(L, i);
  return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static void verifygrammar (lua_State *L, TTree *grammar) {
  int passed[MAXRULES];
  TTree *rule;
  /* check left-recursive rules */
  for (rule = sib1(grammar); rule->tag == TRule; rule = sib2(rule)) {
    if (rule->key == 0) continue;  /* unused rule */
    verifyrule(L, sib1(rule), passed, 0, 0);
  assert(rule->tag == TTrue);
  /* check infinite loops inside rules */
  for (rule = sib1(grammar); rule->tag == TRule; rule = sib2(rule)) {
    if (rule->key == 0) continue;  /* unused rule */
    if (checkloops(sib1(rule))) {
      lua_rawgeti(L, -1, rule->key);  /* get rule's key */
      luaL_error(L, "empty loop in rule '%s'", val2str(L, -1));
  assert(rule->tag == TTrue);
Ejemplo n.º 5
** Build a sequence of 'n' nodes, each with tag 'tag' and 'u.n' got
** from the array 's' (or 0 if array is NULL). (TSeq is binary, so it
** must build a sequence of sequence of sequence...)
static void fillseq (TTree *tree, int tag, int n, const char *s) {
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {  /* initial n-1 copies of Seq tag; Seq ... */
    tree->tag = TSeq; tree->u.ps = 2;
    sib1(tree)->tag = tag;
    sib1(tree)->u.n = s ? (byte)s[i] : 0;
    tree = sib2(tree);
  tree->tag = tag;  /* last one does not need TSeq */
  tree->u.n = s ? (byte)s[i] : 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
** Check whether a rule can be left recursive; raise an error in that
** case; otherwise return 1 iff pattern is nullable. Assume ktable at
** the top of the stack.
static int verifyrule (lua_State *L, TTree *tree, int *passed, int npassed,
                       int nullable) {
  switch (tree->tag) {
    case TChar: case TSet: case TAny:
    case TFalse:
      return nullable;  /* cannot pass from here */
    case TTrue:
    case TBehind:  /* look-behind cannot have calls */
      return 1;
    case TNot: case TAnd: case TRep:
      /* return verifyrule(L, sib1(tree), passed, npassed, 1); */
      tree = sib1(tree); nullable = 1; goto tailcall;
    case TCapture: case TRunTime:
      /* return verifyrule(L, sib1(tree), passed, npassed); */
      tree = sib1(tree); goto tailcall;
    case TCall:
      /* return verifyrule(L, sib2(tree), passed, npassed); */
      tree = sib2(tree); goto tailcall;
    case TSeq:  /* only check 2nd child if first is nullable */
      if (!verifyrule(L, sib1(tree), passed, npassed, 0))
        return nullable;
      /* else return verifyrule(L, sib2(tree), passed, npassed); */
      tree = sib2(tree); goto tailcall;
    case TChoice:  /* must check both children */
      nullable = verifyrule(L, sib1(tree), passed, npassed, nullable);
      /* return verifyrule(L, sib2(tree), passed, npassed, nullable); */
      tree = sib2(tree); goto tailcall;
    case TRule:
      if (npassed >= MAXRULES)
        return verifyerror(L, passed, npassed);
      else {
        passed[npassed++] = tree->key;
        /* return verifyrule(L, sib1(tree), passed, npassed); */
        tree = sib1(tree); goto tailcall;
    case TGrammar:
      return nullable(tree);  /* sub-grammar cannot be left recursive */
    default: assert(0); return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
static void buildgrammar (lua_State *L, TTree *grammar, int frule, int n) {
  int i;
  TTree *nd = sib1(grammar);  /* auxiliary pointer to traverse the tree */
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {  /* add each rule into new tree */
    int ridx = frule + 2*i + 1;  /* index of i-th rule */
    int rulesize;
    TTree *rn = gettree(L, ridx, &rulesize);
    nd->tag = TRule;
    nd->key = 0;
    nd->cap = i;  /* rule number */
    nd->u.ps = rulesize + 1;  /* point to next rule */
    memcpy(sib1(nd), rn, rulesize * sizeof(TTree));  /* copy rule */
    mergektable(L, ridx, sib1(nd));  /* merge its ktable into new one */
    nd = sib2(nd);  /* move to next rule */
  nd->tag = TTrue;  /* finish list of rules */
Ejemplo n.º 8
** Check whether a tree has potential infinite loops
static int checkloops (TTree *tree) {
  if (tree->tag == TRep && nullable(sib1(tree)))
    return 1;
  else if (tree->tag == TGrammar)
    return 0;  /* sub-grammars already checked */
  else {
    switch (numsiblings[tree->tag]) {
      case 1:  /* return checkloops(sib1(tree)); */
        tree = sib1(tree); goto tailcall;
      case 2:
        if (checkloops(sib1(tree))) return 1;
        /* else return checkloops(sib2(tree)); */
        tree = sib2(tree); goto tailcall;
      default: assert(numsiblings[tree->tag] == 0); return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
** [t1 - t2] == Seq (Not t2) t1
** If t1 and t2 are charsets, make their difference.
static int lp_sub (lua_State *L) {
  Charset st1, st2;
  int s1, s2;
  TTree *t1 = getpatt(L, 1, &s1);
  TTree *t2 = getpatt(L, 2, &s2);
  if (tocharset(t1, &st1) && tocharset(t2, &st2)) {
    TTree *t = newcharset(L);
    loopset(i, treebuffer(t)[i] = st1.cs[i] & ~st2.cs[i]);
  else {
    TTree *tree = newtree(L, 2 + s1 + s2);
    tree->tag = TSeq;  /* sequence of... */
    tree->u.ps =  2 + s2;
    sib1(tree)->tag = TNot;  /* ...not... */
    memcpy(sib1(sib1(tree)), t2, s2 * sizeof(TTree));  /* ...t2 */
    memcpy(sib2(tree), t1, s1 * sizeof(TTree));  /* ... and t1 */
    joinktables(L, 1, sib1(tree), 2);
  return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 10
** add to tree a sequence where first sibling is 'sib' (with size
** 'sibsize'); returns position for second sibling
static TTree *seqaux (TTree *tree, TTree *sib, int sibsize) {
  tree->tag = TSeq; tree->u.ps = sibsize + 1;
  memcpy(sib1(tree), sib, sibsize * sizeof(TTree));
  return sib2(tree);