Ejemplo n.º 1
 *   Now our scanpage routine.
static void
   register shalfword cmd;
   register chardesctype *cd;
   register fontmaptype *cfnt = 0;
   integer fnt;
   integer mychar;
   register frametype *frp = frames;

#ifdef DEBUG
   if (dd(D_PAGE))
   fprintf(stderr,"PPrescanning page %ld\n", pagenum);
#else   /* ~SHORTINT */
   fprintf(stderr,"PPrescanning page %d\n", pagenum);
#endif  /* ~SHORTINT */
#endif  /* DEBUG */
   curfnt = NULL;
   curpos = NULL;
   while (1) {
      switch (cmd=dvibyte()) {
case 255: /* pTeX's dir or undefined */
         if (!noptex) {
/* illegal commands */
case 131: case 136: case 139: /* set4, put4, bop */
case 247: case 248: case 249: /* pre, post, post_post */
case 250: case 251: case 252: case 253: case 254: /* undefined */
            "! DVI file contains unexpected command (%d)",cmd);
case 132: case 137: /* eight-byte commands setrule, putrule */
case 146: case 151: case 156: case 160: case 165: case 170:
   /* four-byte commands right4, w4, x4, down4, y4, z4 */
case 145: case 150: case 155: case 159: case 164: case 169:
   /* three-byte commands right3, w3, x3, down3, y3, z3 */
case 144: case 149: case 154: case 158: case 163: case 168:
   /* two-byte commands right2, w2, x2, down2, y2, z2 */
case 143: case 148: case 153: case 157: case 162: case 167:
   /* one-byte commands right1, w1, x1, down1, y1, z1 */
case 147: case 152: case 161: case 166: /* w0, x0, y0, z0 */
case 138: case 141: case 142: /* nop, push, pop */
case 130: case 135: /* set3, put3 */
         if (noptex) {
               "! DVI file contains unexpected pTeX command (%d)",cmd);
         mychar = dvibyte(); mychar = (mychar << 8) + dvibyte();
         mychar = (mychar << 8) + dvibyte();
         goto dochar;
case 129: case 134: /* set2, put2 */
         if (noomega && noptex) {
               "! DVI file contains unexpected command (%d)",cmd);
         mychar = dvibyte(); mychar = (mychar << 8) + dvibyte();
         goto dochar;
case 128: case 133: cmd = dvibyte(); /* set1, put1 commands drops through */
default:    /* these are commands 0 (setchar0) thru 127 (setchar 127) */
         mychar = cmd;
         if (curfnt==NULL)
            error("! Bad DVI file: no font selected");
         if (mychar>=curfnt->maxchars) {
            sprintf(errbuf,"! invalid char %d from font %s", mychar, curfnt->name);
         if (curfnt->loaded == 2) { /* scanning a virtual font character */
            frp->curp = curpos;
            frp->curl = curlim;
            frp->ff = ffont;
            frp->curf = curfnt;
            if (++frp == &frames[MAXFRAME] )
               error("! virtual recursion stack overflow");
            cd = curfnt->chardesc + mychar;
            if (cd->packptr == 0) {
               fprintf(stderr, "Wrong char code: %04X\n", mychar);
               error("! a non-existent virtual char is being used; check vf/tfm files");
            curpos = cd->packptr + 2;
            curlim = curpos + (256*(long)(*cd->packptr)+(*(cd->packptr+1)));
            ffont = curfnt->localfonts;
            if (ffont==NULL)
               curfnt = NULL;
         } else if (curfnt->loaded == 3)
            curfnt->chardesc[mychar].flags = EXISTS;
case 171: case 172: case 173: case 174: case 175: case 176: case 177:
case 178: case 179: case 180: case 181: case 182: case 183: case 184:
case 185: case 186: case 187: case 188: case 189: case 190: case 191:
case 192: case 193: case 194: case 195: case 196: case 197: case 198:
case 199: case 200: case 201: case 202: case 203: case 204: case 205:
case 206: case 207: case 208: case 209: case 210: case 211: case 212:
case 213: case 214: case 215: case 216: case 217: case 218: case 219:
case 220: case 221: case 222: case 223: case 224: case 225: case 226:
case 227: case 228: case 229: case 230: case 231: case 232: case 233:
case 234: case 235: case 236: case 237: case 238: /* font selection commands */
         if (cmd < 235) fnt = cmd - 171; /* fntnum0 thru fntnum63 */
         else {
            fnt = dvibyte(); /* fnt1 */
            while (cmd-- > 235)
               fnt = (fnt << 8) + dvibyte();
         for (cfnt=ffont; cfnt; cfnt = cfnt->next)
            if (cfnt->fontnum == fnt) goto fontfound;
         error("! no font selected");
fontfound:  curfnt = cfnt->desc;
case 239: predospecial((integer)dvibyte(), 1); break; /* xxx1 */
case 240: predospecial((integer)twobytes(), 1); break; /* xxx2 */
case 241: predospecial(threebytes(), 1); break; /* xxx3 */
case 242: predospecial(signedquad(), 1); break; /* xxx4 */
case 243: case 244: case 245: case 246: fontdef(cmd-242); break; /* fntdef1 */
case 140: /* eop or end of virtual char */
         if (curpos) {
            curfnt = frp->curf;
            ffont = frp->ff;
            curlim = frp->curl;
            curpos = frp->curp;
Ejemplo n.º 2
dopage P1H(void)
   register shalfword cmd ;
   register integer p ;
   register chardesctype *cd ;
   register integer h ;
   register fontmaptype *cfnt ;
   register frametype *frp = frames ;
   integer fnt ;
#ifdef Omega
   integer mychar;
   int charmove ;
   struct dvistack *sp = stack ;
   integer v, w, x, y, z ;
   integer roundpos ;
   integer thinspace ;
   integer vertsmallspace ;
#ifdef XENIX
   integer iconv ;
   integer viconv ;

   iconv = (integer)(1.0 / conv + 0.5) ;
   viconv = (integer)(1.0 / vconv + 0.5) ;
#ifdef __THINK__
   integer  iconv ;
   integer viconv ;

    iconv = (integer)(1.0 /  conv + 0.5) ;
   viconv = (integer)(1.0 / vconv + 0.5) ;
#ifdef EMTEX
   emclear() ;
   pageinit() ;
   bopcolor(1) ;
   thinspace =  (integer)(0.025*DPI/conv) ; /* 0.025 inches */
   vertsmallspace = (integer)(0.025*VDPI/vconv) ; /* 0.025 inches */
#ifdef HPS
   if (HPS_FLAG) pagecounter++ ;
   H_BREAK = (30 * DPI / 400 ) ; /* 30 seems to have worked well at 400 dpi */
   w = x = y = z = 0 ;
   h = (integer) (DPI / conv * hoff / 4736286.72) ;
   v = (integer) (DPI / conv * voff / 4736286.72) ;
   hh = PixRound(h) ;
   vv = PixRound(v) ;
   curfnt = NULL ;
   curpos = NULL ;
   charmove = 0 ;
   switch (cmd=dvibyte()) {
case 138: goto beginloop ; /* nop command does nuttin */
 *   For put1 commands, we subtract the width of the character before
 *   dropping through to the normal character setting routines.  This
#ifdef Omega
case 134: /* put2 */
   mychar = dvibyte() ;
   mychar = (mychar << 8) + dvibyte() ;
   charmove = 0 ;
   goto dochar ;
case 133: /* put1 */
   mychar = dvibyte() ;
   charmove = 0 ;
   goto dochar ;
case 129: /* set2 */
   mychar = dvibyte() ;
   mychar = (mychar << 8) + dvibyte() ;
   charmove = 1 ;
   goto dochar ;
case 128: /* set1 */
   mychar = dvibyte() ;
   charmove = 1 ;
   goto dochar ;
default: /* these are commands 0 (setchar0) thru 127 (setchar127) */
   mychar = cmd ;
   charmove = 1 ;
case 133: /* put1 */
   cmd = dvibyte() ;
   charmove = 0 ;
   goto dochar ;
case 128: cmd = dvibyte() ; /* set1 command drops through to setchar */
default: /* these are commands 0 (setchar0) thru 127 (setchar127) */
   charmove = 1 ;
#ifdef HPS
     HREF_COUNT-- ;
     start_new_box() ;
   if (HPS_FLAG && NEED_NEW_BOX) {
       NEED_NEW_BOX = 0;
#ifdef Omega
   cd = &(curfnt->chardesc[mychar]) ;
   cd = &(curfnt->chardesc[cmd]) ;
   if (cd->flags & EXISTS) {
      if (curfnt->loaded == 2) { /* virtual character being typeset */
         if (charmove) {
            sp->hh = hh + cd->pixelwidth ;
            sp->h = h + cd->TFMwidth ;
         } else {
            sp->hh = hh ; sp->h = h ;
         sp->vv = vv ; sp-> v = v ;
         sp->w = w ; sp->x = x ; sp->y = y ; sp->z = z ;
         if (++sp >= &stack[STACKSIZE]) error("! Out of stack space") ;
         w = x = y = z = 0 ; /* will be in relative units at new stack level */
         frp->curp = curpos ;
         frp->curl = curlim ;
         frp->ff = ffont ;
         frp->curf = curfnt ;
         if (++frp == &frames[MAXFRAME] )
            error("! virtual recursion stack overflow") ;
         curpos = cd->packptr + 2 ;
         curlim = curpos + (256*(long)(*cd->packptr)+(*(cd->packptr+1))) ;
         ffont = curfnt->localfonts ;
         if (ffont) {
            curfnt = ffont->desc ;
            thinspace = curfnt->thinspace ;
         } else {
            curfnt = NULL ;
            thinspace = vertsmallspace ;
         goto beginloop ;
#ifdef Omega
      drawchar(cd, mychar) ;
      drawchar(cd, cmd) ;
   if (charmove) {
      h += cd->TFMwidth ;
      hh += cd->pixelwidth ;
   goto setmotion ;
#ifdef Omega
case 130: case 131: case 135: case 136: case 139: 
case 129: case 130: case 131: case 134: case 135: case 136: case 139: 
case 247: case 248: case 249: case 250: case 251: case 252: case 253:
case 254: case 255: /* unimplemented or illegal commands */
   error("! synch") ;
case 132: case 137: /* rules */
 { integer ry, rx , rxx, ryy ;
   ry = signedquad() ; rx = signedquad() ;
   if (rx>0 && ry>0) {
      if (curpos) {
         rx = scalewidth(rx, (frp-1)->curf->scaledsize) ;
         ry = scalewidth(ry, (frp-1)->curf->scaledsize) ;
      rxx = (int)(conv * rx + 0.9999999) ;
      ryy = (int)(vconv * ry + 0.9999999) ;
      drawrule(rxx, ryy) ;
   } else
      rxx = 0 ;
   if (cmd == 137) goto beginloop ;
   h += rx ; hh += rxx ;
   goto setmotion ;
case 141: /* push */
#ifdef HPS
    if (HPS_FLAG) pushcount++ ;
      HREF_COUNT-- ;
      start_new_box() ;
     } */
    if (HPS_FLAG && NEED_NEW_BOX) {
       NEED_NEW_BOX = 0;
    /* printf("push %i, %i\n", pushcount, inHTMLregion) ; */
   sp->hh = hh ; sp->vv = vv ; sp->h = h ; sp->v = v ;
   sp->w = w ; sp->x = x ; sp->y = y ; sp->z = z ;
   if (++sp >= &stack[STACKSIZE]) error("! Out of stack space") ;
   goto beginloop ;
case 140: /* eop or end of virtual character */
   if (curpos == NULL) { /* eop */
#ifdef HPS
     if (HPS_FLAG && inHTMLregion) PAGEUS_INTERUPPTUS = 1 ;
    /* printf("Page interrupted"); */
   --frp ;
   curfnt = frp->curf ;
   thinspace = (curfnt) ? curfnt->thinspace : vertsmallspace ;
   ffont = frp->ff ;
   curlim = frp->curl ;
   curpos = frp->curp ;
   if (hh < (sp-1)->hh+2 && hh > (sp-1)->hh-2)
      (sp-1)->hh = hh; /* retain `intelligence' of pixel width, if close */ 
   /* falls through */
case 142: /* pop */
#ifdef HPS
   pushcount-- ;
  /* printf("pop %i\n", pushcount) ; */
   if (--sp < stack) error("! More pops than pushes") ;
#ifdef HPS
   if (HPS_FLAG) {
      hhmem = hh ; vvmem = vv ; 
   hh = sp->hh ; vv = sp->vv ; h = sp->h ; v = sp->v ; 
   w = sp->w ; x = sp->x ; y = sp->y ; z = sp->z ;
#ifdef HPS
   if (HPS_FLAG && inHTMLregion && (hhmem - hh > H_BREAK) && (pushcount > 0) &&
       (pushcount < current_pushcount)) 
     end_current_box() ;
   goto beginloop ;
case 143: /* right1 */
   p = signedbyte() ; goto horizontalmotion ;
case 144: /* right2 */
   p = signedpair() ; goto horizontalmotion ;
case 145: /* right3 */
   p = signedtrio() ; goto horizontalmotion ;
case 146: /* right4 */
   p = signedquad() ; goto horizontalmotion ;
case 147: /* w0 */
   p = w ; goto horizontalmotion ;
case 148: /* w1 */
   p = w = signedbyte() ; goto horizontalmotion ;
case 149: /* w2 */
   p = w = signedpair() ; goto horizontalmotion ;
case 150: /* w3 */
   p = w = signedtrio() ; goto horizontalmotion ;
case 151: /* w4 */
   p = w = signedquad() ; goto horizontalmotion ;
case 152: /* x0 */
   p = x ; goto horizontalmotion ;
case 153: /* x1 */
   p = x = signedbyte() ; goto horizontalmotion ;
case 154: /* x2 */
   p = x = signedpair() ; goto horizontalmotion ;
case 155: /* x3 */
   p = x = signedtrio() ; goto horizontalmotion ;
case 156: /* x4 */
   p = x = signedquad() ; goto horizontalmotion ;
case 157: /* down1 */
   p = signedbyte() ; goto verticalmotion ;
case 158: /* down2 */
   p = signedpair() ; goto verticalmotion ;
case 159: /* down3 */
   p = signedtrio() ; goto verticalmotion ;
case 160: /* down4 */
   p = signedquad() ; goto verticalmotion ;
case 161: /* y0 */
   p = y ; goto verticalmotion ;
case 162: /* y1 */
   p = y = signedbyte() ; goto verticalmotion ;
case 163: /* y2 */
   p = y = signedpair() ; goto verticalmotion ;
case 164: /* y3 */
   p = y = signedtrio() ; goto verticalmotion ;
case 165: /* y4 */
   p = y = signedquad() ; goto verticalmotion ;
case 166: /* z0 */
   p = z ; goto verticalmotion ;
case 167: /* z1 */
   p = z = signedbyte() ; goto verticalmotion ;
case 168: /* z2 */
   p = z = signedpair() ; goto verticalmotion ;
case 169: /* z3 */
   p = z = signedtrio() ; goto verticalmotion ;
case 170: /* z4 */
   p = z = signedquad() ; goto verticalmotion ;
case 171: case 172: case 173: case 174: case 175: case 176: case 177:
case 178: case 179: case 180: case 181: case 182: case 183: case 184:
case 185: case 186: case 187: case 188: case 189: case 190: case 191:
case 192: case 193: case 194: case 195: case 196: case 197: case 198:
case 199: case 200: case 201: case 202: case 203: case 204: case 205:
case 206: case 207: case 208: case 209: case 210: case 211: case 212:
case 213: case 214: case 215: case 216: case 217: case 218: case 219:
case 220: case 221: case 222: case 223: case 224: case 225: case 226:
case 227: case 228: case 229: case 230: case 231: case 232: case 233:
case 234: case 235: case 236: case 237: case 238: /* font selection commands */
   if (cmd < 235) fnt = cmd - 171 ; /* fntnum0 thru fntnum63 */
   else {
      fnt = dvibyte() ;
      while (cmd-- > 235)
         fnt = (fnt << 8) + dvibyte() ;
   if (curpos || fnt > 255) {
      for (cfnt=ffont; cfnt; cfnt = cfnt->next)
         if (cfnt->fontnum == fnt) break ;
      curfnt = cfnt->desc ;
   } else
      curfnt = baseFonts[fnt] ;
   thinspace = curfnt->thinspace ;
   goto beginloop ;
case 243: case 244: case 245: case 246: /*fntdef1 */
   skipover(cmd - 230) ;
   skipover(dvibyte() + dvibyte()) ;
   goto beginloop ;
case 239: /* xxx1 */
   p = dvibyte() ;
   dospecial(p) ;
   goto beginloop ;
case 240: /* xxx2 */
   p = twobytes() ;
   dospecial(p) ;
   goto beginloop ;
case 241: /* xxx3 */
   p = threebytes() ;
   dospecial(p) ;
   goto beginloop ;
case 242: /* xxx4 */
   p = signedquad() ;
   dospecial(p) ;
   goto beginloop ;

 *   The calculations here are crucial to the appearance of the document.
 *   If the motion is small, we round the amount of relative motion; otherwise,
 *   we update the position and round the new position.  Then we check to
 *   insure that the rounded position didn't accumulate an error that was
 *   greater than maxdrift.
/* vertical motion cases */
      if (curpos)
         p = scalewidth(p, (frp-1)->curf->scaledsize) ;
      v += p ;
      if (p >= vertsmallspace) vv = VPixRound(v) ;
      else if (p <= -vertsmallspace) vv = VPixRound(v) ;
      { vv += VPixRound(p) ;
        roundpos = VPixRound(v) ;
        if (roundpos - vv > vmaxdrift) vv = roundpos - vmaxdrift ;
        else if (vv - roundpos > vmaxdrift) vv = roundpos + vmaxdrift ;
#ifdef HPS
   /* printf("Doing vertical motion: p = %i, v = %i, vv = %i\n",p,v,vv); */
		/* printf("inHTMLregion %i\n", inHTMLregion) ; */
     if (HPS_FLAG && inHTMLregion) NEED_NEW_BOX = 1 /* vertical_in_hps() */;
      goto beginloop ;
 *   Horizontal motion is analogous. We know the exact width of each
 *   character in pixels. Kerning is distinguished from space between
 *   words if it's less than a thinspace and not more negative than would
 *   occur when an accent is being positioned by backspacing.
/* horizontal motion cases */
      if (curpos)
         p = scalewidth(p, (frp-1)->curf->scaledsize) ;
      h += p ;
      if (p >= thinspace || p <= -6 * thinspace) {
         hh = PixRound(h) ; goto beginloop ;
      else hh += PixRound(p) ;
#ifdef HPS
    /* printf("Doing horizontal motion: p = %i, h = %i, hh = %i\n",p,h,hh); */
      roundpos = PixRound(h) ;
      if (roundpos - hh > maxdrift) { hh = roundpos - maxdrift ; }
      else if (hh - roundpos > maxdrift) { hh = roundpos + maxdrift ; }
goto beginloop ;

   } /* end of the big switch */
   pageend() ;
Ejemplo n.º 3
zfirstpar ( eightbits o ) 
  register integer Result; switch ( o ) 
  {case 0 : 
  case 1 : 
  case 2 : 
  case 3 : 
  case 4 : 
  case 5 : 
  case 6 : 
  case 7 : 
  case 8 : 
  case 9 : 
  case 10 : 
  case 11 : 
  case 12 : 
  case 13 : 
  case 14 : 
  case 15 : 
  case 16 : 
  case 17 : 
  case 18 : 
  case 19 : 
  case 20 : 
  case 21 : 
  case 22 : 
  case 23 : 
  case 24 : 
  case 25 : 
  case 26 : 
  case 27 : 
  case 28 : 
  case 29 : 
  case 30 : 
  case 31 : 
  case 32 : 
  case 33 : 
  case 34 : 
  case 35 : 
  case 36 : 
  case 37 : 
  case 38 : 
  case 39 : 
  case 40 : 
  case 41 : 
  case 42 : 
  case 43 : 
  case 44 : 
  case 45 : 
  case 46 : 
  case 47 : 
  case 48 : 
  case 49 : 
  case 50 : 
  case 51 : 
  case 52 : 
  case 53 : 
  case 54 : 
  case 55 : 
  case 56 : 
  case 57 : 
  case 58 : 
  case 59 : 
  case 60 : 
  case 61 : 
  case 62 : 
  case 63 : 
    Result = o - 0 ;
    break ;
  case 64 : 
  case 71 : 
  case 245 : 
  case 246 : 
  case 239 : 
    Result = getbyte () ;
    break ;
  case 65 : 
  case 72 : 
  case 240 : 
    Result = gettwobytes () ;
    break ;
  case 66 : 
  case 73 : 
  case 241 : 
    Result = getthreebytes () ;
    break ;
  case 242 : 
  case 243 : 
    Result = signedquad () ;
    break ;
  case 67 : 
  case 68 : 
  case 69 : 
  case 70 : 
  case 244 : 
  case 247 : 
  case 248 : 
  case 249 : 
  case 250 : 
  case 251 : 
  case 252 : 
  case 253 : 
  case 254 : 
  case 255 : 
    Result = 0 ;
    break ;
  case 74 : 
  case 75 : 
  case 76 : 
  case 77 : 
  case 78 : 
  case 79 : 
  case 80 : 
  case 81 : 
  case 82 : 
  case 83 : 
  case 84 : 
  case 85 : 
  case 86 : 
  case 87 : 
  case 88 : 
  case 89 : 
  case 90 : 
  case 91 : 
  case 92 : 
  case 93 : 
  case 94 : 
  case 95 : 
  case 96 : 
  case 97 : 
  case 98 : 
  case 99 : 
  case 100 : 
  case 101 : 
  case 102 : 
  case 103 : 
  case 104 : 
  case 105 : 
  case 106 : 
  case 107 : 
  case 108 : 
  case 109 : 
  case 110 : 
  case 111 : 
  case 112 : 
  case 113 : 
  case 114 : 
  case 115 : 
  case 116 : 
  case 117 : 
  case 118 : 
  case 119 : 
  case 120 : 
  case 121 : 
  case 122 : 
  case 123 : 
  case 124 : 
  case 125 : 
  case 126 : 
  case 127 : 
  case 128 : 
  case 129 : 
  case 130 : 
  case 131 : 
  case 132 : 
  case 133 : 
  case 134 : 
  case 135 : 
  case 136 : 
  case 137 : 
    Result = o - 74 ;
    break ;
  case 138 : 
  case 139 : 
  case 140 : 
  case 141 : 
  case 142 : 
  case 143 : 
  case 144 : 
  case 145 : 
  case 146 : 
  case 147 : 
  case 148 : 
  case 149 : 
  case 150 : 
  case 151 : 
  case 152 : 
  case 153 : 
  case 154 : 
  case 155 : 
  case 156 : 
  case 157 : 
  case 158 : 
  case 159 : 
  case 160 : 
  case 161 : 
  case 162 : 
  case 163 : 
  case 164 : 
  case 165 : 
  case 166 : 
  case 167 : 
  case 168 : 
  case 169 : 
  case 170 : 
  case 171 : 
  case 172 : 
  case 173 : 
  case 174 : 
  case 175 : 
  case 176 : 
  case 177 : 
  case 178 : 
  case 179 : 
  case 180 : 
  case 181 : 
  case 182 : 
  case 183 : 
  case 184 : 
  case 185 : 
  case 186 : 
  case 187 : 
  case 188 : 
  case 189 : 
  case 190 : 
  case 191 : 
  case 192 : 
  case 193 : 
  case 194 : 
  case 195 : 
  case 196 : 
  case 197 : 
  case 198 : 
  case 199 : 
  case 200 : 
  case 201 : 
    Result = o - 74 ;
    break ;
  case 202 : 
  case 203 : 
  case 204 : 
  case 205 : 
  case 206 : 
  case 207 : 
  case 208 : 
  case 209 : 
  case 210 : 
  case 211 : 
  case 212 : 
  case 213 : 
  case 214 : 
  case 215 : 
  case 216 : 
  case 217 : 
  case 218 : 
  case 219 : 
  case 220 : 
  case 221 : 
  case 222 : 
  case 223 : 
  case 224 : 
  case 225 : 
  case 226 : 
  case 227 : 
  case 228 : 
  case 229 : 
  case 230 : 
  case 231 : 
  case 232 : 
  case 233 : 
  case 234 : 
  case 235 : 
  case 236 : 
  case 237 : 
  case 238 : 
    Result = o - 74 ;
    break ;
      fprintf ( stderr , "%s\n",  "internal error" ) ;
      uexit ( 1 ) ;
    break ;
  return Result ;
Ejemplo n.º 4
   register int cmd;
   integer lmaxpages = maxpages;
   integer mpagenum;
   integer pageseq = 0;
   int ntfirst = notfirst;

   pprescan = 1;
 *   Now we look for the first page to process.  If we get to the end of
 *   the file before the page, we complain (fatally).
 *   Incidentally, we don't use the DVI file's bop backpointer to skip
 *   over pages at high speed, because we want to look to for special
 *   header that might be in skipped pages.
   while (1) {
      cmd = skipnop();
      if (cmd==248)
         error("! End of document before first specified page");
      if (cmd!=139)
         error("! Bad DVI file: expected bop");
      pagenum = signedquad();
      mpagenum = abspage ? pageseq : pagenum;
      if (mpagenum == firstpage && ntfirst)
      if (mpagenum == lastpage && notlast)
      if (ntfirst && mpagenum == firstpage && firstmatch == firstseq)
         ntfirst = 0;
      if (ntfirst ||
          ((evenpages && (pagenum & 1)) || (oddpages && (pagenum & 1)==0) ||
           (pagelist && !InPageList(pagenum)))) {
      } else {
         if (notlast && mpagenum == lastpage)
 *   Here we scan for each of the sections.  First we initialize some of
 *   the variables we need.  We don't have to be as smart as before in
 *   skipping pages.
   while (lmaxpages > 0) {
      if (!(evenpages && (pagenum & 1)) &&
         !(oddpages && (pagenum & 1)==0) &&
         !(pagelist && !InPageList(pagenum))) {
      } else
      mpagenum = abspage ? pageseq : pagenum;
      if (mpagenum == lastpage && notlast)
      if (notlast && mpagenum == lastpage && lastmatch == lastseq)
         lmaxpages = -1; /* we are done after this page. */
      if (cmd==248) break;
      if (cmd!=139)
         error("! Bad DVI file: expected bop");
      pagenum = signedquad();
   fseek(dvifile, 0L, 0);
   pprescan = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void mainbody( void ) {
  initialize () ;
  opengffile () ;
  o = getbyte () ;
  if ( o != 247 ) 
    fprintf ( stderr , "%s%s%c\n",  "Bad GF file: " , "First byte isn't start of preamble!"     , '!' ) ;
    uexit ( 1 ) ;
  o = getbyte () ;
  if ( o != 131 ) 
    fprintf ( stderr , "%s%s%ld%s%ld%c\n",  "Bad GF file: " , "identification byte should be " ,     (long)131 , " not " , (long)o , '!' ) ;
    uexit ( 1 ) ;
  o = getbyte () ;
  putc ( '\'' ,  stdout );
  while ( o > 0 ) {
    o = o - 1 ;
    putc ( xchr [getbyte () ],  stdout );
  { putc ( '\'' ,  stdout );  putc ( '\n',  stdout ); }
  do {
      gfprevptr = curloc ;
    do {
	a = curloc ;
      o = getbyte () ;
      p = firstpar ( o ) ;
      if ( eof ( gffile ) ) 
	fprintf ( stderr , "%s%s%c\n",  "Bad GF file: " , "the file ended prematurely" ,         '!' ) ;
	uexit ( 1 ) ;
      if ( o == 243 ) 
	  if ( wantsmnemonics ) 
	    putc ('\n',  stdout );
	    fprintf ( stdout , "%ld%s%s%ld%s",  (long)a , ": " , "yyy " , (long)p , " (" ) ;
	  if ( wantsmnemonics ) 
	    printscaled ( p ) ;
	    putc ( ')' ,  stdout );
	o = 244 ;
      else if ( ( o >= 239 ) && ( o <= 242 ) ) 
	  if ( wantsmnemonics ) 
	    putc ('\n',  stdout );
	    fprintf ( stdout , "%ld%s%s",  (long)a , ": " , "xxx '" ) ;
	  badchar = false ;
	  b = 16 ;
	  if ( p < 0 ) 
	    putc ('\n',  stdout );
	    fprintf ( stdout , "%ld%s%s%s",  (long)a , ": " , "! " , "string of negative length!" ) 
	    putc ('\n',  stdout );
	  while ( p > 0 ) {
	    q = getbyte () ;
	    if ( ( q < 32 ) || ( q > 126 ) ) 
	    badchar = true ;
	    if ( wantsmnemonics ) 
	      putc ( xchr [q ],  stdout );
	      if ( b < linelength ) 
	      b = b + 1 ;
	      else {
		putc ('\n',  stdout );
		b = 2 ;
	    p = p - 1 ;
	  if ( wantsmnemonics ) 
	  putc ( '\'' ,  stdout );
	  if ( badchar ) 
	    putc ('\n',  stdout );
	    fprintf ( stdout , "%ld%s%s%s",  (long)a , ": " , "! " ,             "non-ASCII character in xxx command!" ) ;
	    putc ('\n',  stdout );
	o = 244 ;
      else if ( o == 244 ) {
	if ( wantsmnemonics ) 
	  putc ('\n',  stdout );
	  fprintf ( stdout , "%ld%s%s",  (long)a , ": " , "no op" ) ;
    } while ( ! ( o != 244 ) ) ;
    if ( o != 248 ) 
      if ( o != 67 ) {
	if ( o != 68 ) 
	  fprintf ( stderr , "%s%s%ld%s%ld%c%c\n",  "Bad GF file: " , "byte " , (long)curloc - 1 ,           " is not boc (" , (long)o , ')' , '!' ) ;
	  uexit ( 1 ) ;
      putc ('\n',  stdout );
      fprintf ( stdout , "%ld%s",  (long)curloc - 1 , ": beginning of char " ) ;
      a = curloc - 1 ;
      totalchars = totalchars + 1 ;
      if ( o == 67 ) 
	charactercode = signedquad () ;
	p = signedquad () ;
	c = charactercode % 256 ;
	if ( c < 0 ) 
	c = c + 256 ;
	minmstated = signedquad () ;
	maxmstated = signedquad () ;
	minnstated = signedquad () ;
	maxnstated = signedquad () ;
      else {
	charactercode = getbyte () ;
	p = -1 ;
	c = charactercode ;
	q = getbyte () ;
	maxmstated = getbyte () ;
	minmstated = maxmstated - q ;
	q = getbyte () ;
	maxnstated = getbyte () ;
	minnstated = maxnstated - q ;
      fprintf ( stdout , "%ld",  (long)c ) ;
      if ( charactercode != c ) 
      fprintf ( stdout , "%s%ld",  " with extension " , (long)( charactercode - c ) / 256 ) ;
      if ( wantsmnemonics ) 
      fprintf ( stdout , "%s%ld%s%ld%c%ld%s%ld\n",  ": " , (long)minmstated , "<=m<=" , (long)maxmstated , ' ' ,       (long)minnstated , "<=n<=" , (long)maxnstated ) ;
      maxmobserved = -1 ;
      if ( charptr [c ]!= p ) 
	fprintf ( stdout , "%ld%s%s%s%ld%s%ld%c",  (long)a , ": " , "! " ,         "previous character pointer should be " , (long)charptr [c ], ", not " , (long)p         , '!' ) ;
	putc ('\n',  stdout );
      else if ( p > 0 ) {
	if ( wantsmnemonics ) 
	fprintf ( stdout , "%s%ld%c\n",          "(previous character with the same code started at byte " , (long)p , ')' ) 
      charptr [c ]= gfprevptr ;
      if ( wantsmnemonics ) 
      fprintf ( stdout , "%s%ld%c",  "(initially n=" , (long)maxnstated , ')' ) ;
      if ( wantspixels ) 
	maxcol = maxmstated - minmstated - 1 ;
	if ( maxcol > maxcols ) 
	maxcol = maxcols ;
	maxrow = maxnstated - minnstated ;
	if ( maxrow > maxrows ) 
	maxrow = maxrows ;
	if ( ( maxrow >= 0 ) && ( maxcol >= 0 ) ) 
	imagearray = xcallocarray ( pixel , maxcol , maxrow ) ;
      m = 0 ;
      n = 0 ;
      paintswitch = 0 ;
      if ( ! dochar () ) 
	fprintf ( stderr , "%s%s%c\n",  "Bad GF file: " , "char ended unexpectedly" , '!' ) 
	uexit ( 1 ) ;
      maxnobserved = n ;
      if ( wantspixels ) 
	if ( ( maxmobserved > maxcol ) || ( maxnobserved > maxrow ) ) 
	fprintf ( stdout , "%s\n",          "(The character is too large to be displayed in full.)" ) ;
	if ( maxcol > maxmobserved ) 
	maxcol = maxmobserved ;
	if ( maxrow > maxnobserved ) 
	maxrow = maxnobserved ;
	if ( maxcol >= 0 ) 
	  fprintf ( stdout , "%s%ld%c%ld%s\n",  ".<--This pixel's lower left corner is at (" ,           (long)minmstated , ',' , (long)maxnstated + 1 , ") in METAFONT coordinates" ) ;
	  n = 0 ;
	  while ( n <= maxrow ) {
	    m = 0 ;
	    b = 0 ;
	    while ( m <= maxcol ) {
	      if ( imagearray [m + ( maxcol + 1 ) * n ]== 0 ) 
	      b = b + 1 ;
	      else {
		while ( b > 0 ) {
		  putc ( ' ' ,  stdout );
		  b = b - 1 ;
		putc ( '*' ,  stdout );
	      m = m + 1 ;
	    putc ('\n',  stdout );
	    n = n + 1 ;
	  fprintf ( stdout , "%s%ld%c%ld%s\n",  ".<--This pixel's upper left corner is at (" ,           (long)minmstated , ',' , (long)maxnstated - maxrow , ") in METAFONT coordinates"           ) ;
	fprintf ( stdout , "%s\n",  "(The character is entirely blank.)" ) ;
	if ( ( maxrow >= 0 ) && ( maxcol >= 0 ) ) 
	  libcfree ( imagearray ) ;
	  imagearray = nil ;
      maxmobserved = minmstated + maxmobserved + 1 ;
      n = maxnstated - maxnobserved ;
      if ( minmstated < minmoverall ) 
      minmoverall = minmstated ;
      if ( maxmobserved > maxmoverall ) 
      maxmoverall = maxmobserved ;
      if ( n < minnoverall ) 
      minnoverall = n ;
      if ( maxnstated > maxnoverall ) 
      maxnoverall = maxnstated ;
      if ( maxmobserved > maxmstated ) 
      fprintf ( stdout , "%s%ld%c\n",  "The previous character should have had max m >= " ,       (long)maxmobserved , '!' ) ;
      if ( n < minnstated ) 
      fprintf ( stdout , "%s%ld%c\n",  "The previous character should have had min n <= " ,       (long)n , '!' ) ;
  } while ( ! ( o == 248 ) ) ;
  putc ('\n',  stdout );
  readpostamble () ;
  fprintf ( stdout , "%s%ld%s",  "The file had " , (long)totalchars , " character" ) ;
  if ( totalchars != 1 ) 
  putc ( 's' ,  stdout );
  fprintf ( stdout , "%s\n",  " altogether." ) ;
Ejemplo n.º 6
readpostamble ( void ) 
  integer k  ;
  integer p, q, m, u, v, w, c  ;
  postloc = curloc - 1 ;
  fprintf ( stdout , "%s%ld",  "Postamble starts at byte " , (long)postloc ) ;
  if ( postloc == gfprevptr ) 
  { putc ( '.' ,  stdout );  putc ( '\n',  stdout ); }
  fprintf ( stdout , "%s%ld%c\n",  ", after special info at byte " , (long)gfprevptr , '.' ) 
  p = signedquad () ;
  if ( p != gfprevptr ) 
    fprintf ( stdout , "%ld%s%s%s%ld%s%ld%s%ld%c",  (long)a , ": " , "! " , "backpointer in byte " , (long)curloc - 4 ,     " should be " , (long)gfprevptr , " not " , (long)p , '!' ) ;
    putc ('\n',  stdout );
  designsize = signedquad () ;
  checksum = signedquad () ;
  fprintf ( stdout , "%s%ld%s",  "design size = " , (long)designsize , " (" ) ;
  printscaled ( designsize / 16 ) ;
  fprintf ( stdout , "%s\n",  "pt)" ) ;
  fprintf ( stdout , "%s%ld\n",  "check sum = " , (long)checksum ) ;
  hppp = signedquad () ;
  vppp = signedquad () ;
  fprintf ( stdout , "%s%ld%s",  "hppp = " , (long)hppp , " (" ) ;
  printscaled ( hppp ) ;
  { putc ( ')' ,  stdout );  putc ( '\n',  stdout ); }
  fprintf ( stdout , "%s%ld%s",  "vppp = " , (long)vppp , " (" ) ;
  printscaled ( vppp ) ;
  { putc ( ')' ,  stdout );  putc ( '\n',  stdout ); }
  pixratio = ( designsize / ((double) 1048576L ) ) * ( hppp / ((double) 
  1048576L ) ) ;
  minmstated = signedquad () ;
  maxmstated = signedquad () ;
  minnstated = signedquad () ;
  maxnstated = signedquad () ;
  fprintf ( stdout , "%s%ld%s%ld\n",  "min m = " , (long)minmstated , ", max m = " , (long)maxmstated ) ;
  if ( minmstated > minmoverall ) 
    fprintf ( stdout , "%ld%s%s%s%ld%c",  (long)a , ": " , "! " , "min m should be <=" , (long)minmoverall ,     '!' ) ;
    putc ('\n',  stdout );
  if ( maxmstated < maxmoverall ) 
    fprintf ( stdout , "%ld%s%s%s%ld%c",  (long)a , ": " , "! " , "max m should be >=" , (long)maxmoverall ,     '!' ) ;
    putc ('\n',  stdout );
  fprintf ( stdout , "%s%ld%s%ld\n",  "min n = " , (long)minnstated , ", max n = " , (long)maxnstated ) ;
  if ( minnstated > minnoverall ) 
    fprintf ( stdout , "%ld%s%s%s%ld%c",  (long)a , ": " , "! " , "min n should be <=" , (long)minnoverall ,     '!' ) ;
    putc ('\n',  stdout );
  if ( maxnstated < maxnoverall ) 
    fprintf ( stdout , "%ld%s%s%s%ld%c",  (long)a , ": " , "! " , "max n should be >=" , (long)maxnoverall ,     '!' ) ;
    putc ('\n',  stdout );
  do {
      a = curloc ;
    k = getbyte () ;
    if ( ( k == 245 ) || ( k == 246 ) ) 
      c = firstpar ( k ) ;
      if ( k == 245 ) 
	u = signedquad () ;
	v = signedquad () ;
      else {
	u = getbyte () * 65536L ;
	v = 0 ;
      w = signedquad () ;
      p = signedquad () ;
      fprintf ( stdout , "%s%ld%s%ld%s",  "Character " , (long)c , ": dx " , (long)u , " (" ) ;
      printscaled ( u ) ;
      if ( v != 0 ) 
	fprintf ( stdout , "%s%ld%s",  "), dy " , (long)v , " (" ) ;
	printscaled ( v ) ;
      fprintf ( stdout , "%s%ld%s",  "), width " , (long)w , " (" ) ;
      w = round ( w * pixratio ) ;
      printscaled ( w ) ;
      fprintf ( stdout , "%s%ld\n",  "), loc " , (long)p ) ;
      if ( charptr [c ]== 0 ) 
	fprintf ( stdout , "%ld%s%s%s",  (long)a , ": " , "! " ,         "duplicate locator for this character!" ) ;
	putc ('\n',  stdout );
      else if ( p != charptr [c ]) 
	fprintf ( stdout , "%ld%s%s%s%ld%c",  (long)a , ": " , "! " , "character location should be " ,         (long)charptr [c ], '!' ) ;
	putc ('\n',  stdout );
      charptr [c ]= 0 ;
      k = 244 ;
  } while ( ! ( k != 244 ) ) ;
  if ( k != 249 ) 
    fprintf ( stdout , "%ld%s%s%s",  (long)a , ": " , "! " , "should be postpost!" ) ;
    putc ('\n',  stdout );
  {register integer for_end; k = 0 ;for_end = 255 ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
    if ( charptr [k ]> 0 ) 
      fprintf ( stdout , "%ld%s%s%s%ld%c",  (long)a , ": " , "! " , "missing locator for character " , (long)k       , '!' ) ;
      putc ('\n',  stdout );
  while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
  q = signedquad () ;
  if ( q != postloc ) 
    fprintf ( stdout , "%ld%s%s%s%ld%s%ld%c",  (long)a , ": " , "! " , "postamble pointer should be " ,     (long)postloc , " not " , (long)q , '!' ) ;
    putc ('\n',  stdout );
  m = getbyte () ;
  if ( m != 131 ) 
    fprintf ( stdout , "%ld%s%s%s%ld%s%ld%c",  (long)a , ": " , "! " , "identification byte should be " , (long)131     , ", not " , (long)m , '!' ) ;
    putc ('\n',  stdout );
  k = curloc ;
  m = 223 ;
  while ( ( m == 223 ) && ! eof ( gffile ) ) m = getbyte () ;
  if ( ! eof ( gffile ) ) 
    fprintf ( stderr , "%s%s%ld%s%c\n",  "Bad GF file: " , "signature in byte " , (long)curloc - 1 ,     " should be 223" , '!' ) ;
    uexit ( 1 ) ;
  else if ( curloc < k + 4 ) 
    fprintf ( stdout , "%ld%s%s%s",  (long)a , ": " , "! " ,     "not enough signature bytes at end of file!" ) ;
    putc ('\n',  stdout );
Ejemplo n.º 7
 *   And now the big routine.
   register shalfword cmd ;
   register integer i ;

#ifdef DEBUG
   if (dd(D_PAGE))
   (void)fprintf(stderr,"Skipping page %ld\n", pagenum) ;
#else   /* ~SHORTINT */
   (void)fprintf(stderr,"Skipping page %d\n", pagenum) ;
#endif  /* ~SHORTINT */
#endif  /* DEBUG */
   skipover(40) ; /* skip rest of bop command */
   while ((cmd=dvibyte())!=140) {
     switch (cmd) {
/* illegal options */
case 129: case 130: case 131: case 134: case 135: case 136: case 139: 
case 247: case 248: case 249: case 250: case 251: case 252: case 253:
case 254: case 255:
            "! DVI file contains unexpected command (%ld)",cmd) ;
#else   /* ~SHORTINT */
            "! DVI file contains unexpected command (%d)",cmd) ;
#endif  /* ~SHORTINT */
         error(errbuf) ;
/* eight byte commands */
case 132: case 137:
   cmd = dvibyte() ;
   cmd = dvibyte() ;
   cmd = dvibyte() ;
   cmd = dvibyte() ;
/* four byte commands */
case 146: case 151: case 156: case 160: case 165: case 170: case 238:
   cmd = dvibyte() ;
/* three byte commands */
case 145: case 150: case 155: case 159: case 164: case 169: case 237:
   cmd = dvibyte() ;
/* two byte commands */
case 144: case 149: case 154: case 158: case 163: case 168: case 236:
   cmd = dvibyte() ;
/* one byte commands */
case 128: case 133: case 143: case 148: case 153: case 157: case 162:
case 167: case 235:
   cmd = dvibyte() ;
   break ;
/* specials */
case 239: i = dvibyte() ; predospecial(i, 0) ; break ;
case 240: i = twobytes() ; predospecial(i, 0) ; break ;
case 241: i = threebytes() ; predospecial(i, 0) ; break ;
case 242: i = signedquad() ; predospecial(i, 0) ; break ;
/* font definition */
case 243: case 244: case 245: case 246:
   fontdef(cmd - 242) ;
   break ;
default: ;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 *   Now we have the main procedure.
dosection(sectiontype *s, int c)
   charusetype *cu;
   integer prevptr;
   int np;
   int k;
   integer thispage = 0;
   char buf[104];

#ifdef HPS
	 if (HPS_FLAG) pagecounter = 0;

   if (multiplesects) {
   snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "(%.99s)", fulliname);
   if (multiplesects)
 *   We insure raster is even-word aligned, because download might want that.
   if (bytesleft & 1) {
   cu = (charusetype *) (s + 1);
   psfont = 1;
   while (cu->fd) {
      if (cu->psfused)
         cu->fd->psflag = EXISTS;
      download(cu++, psfont++);
   if (! multiplesects) {
   for (cu=(charusetype *)(s+1); cu->fd; cu++)
      cu->fd->psflag = 0;
   while (c > 0) {
      prevptr = s->bos;
      if (! reverse)
         fseek(dvifile, (long)prevptr, 0);
      np = s->numpages;
      while (np-- != 0) {
         if (reverse)
            fseek(dvifile, (long)prevptr, 0);
         pagenum = signedquad();
	 if ((evenpages && (pagenum & 1)) || (oddpages && (pagenum & 1)==0) ||
	  (pagelist && !InPageList(pagenum))) {
	    if (reverse) {
               prevptr = signedquad()+1;
	    } else {
	    ++np;	/* this page wasn't counted for s->numpages */
 *   We want to take the base 10 log of the number.  It's probably
 *   small, so we do it quick.
         if (! quiet) {
            int t = pagenum, i = 0;
            if (t < 0) {
               t = -t;
            do {
               t /= 10;
            } while (t > 0);
            if (pagecopies < 20)
               i += pagecopies - 1;
            if (i + prettycolumn > STDOUTSIZE) {
               fprintf(stderr, "\n");
               prettycolumn = 0;
            prettycolumn += i + 1;
            fprintf(stderr, "[%ld", pagenum);
#else  /* ~SHORTINT */
            fprintf(stderr, "[%d", pagenum);
#endif /* ~SHORTINT */
         prevptr = signedquad()+1;
         for (k=0; k<pagecopies; k++) {
            if (k == 0) {
               if (pagecopies > 1)
                  thispage = ftell(dvifile);
            } else {
               fseek(dvifile, (long)thispage, 0);
               if (prettycolumn + 1 > STDOUTSIZE) {
                  fprintf(stderr, "\n");
                  prettycolumn = 0;
               fprintf(stderr, ".");
         if (! quiet) {
            fprintf(stderr, "] ");
            prettycolumn += 2;
         if (! reverse)
   if (! multiplesects && ! disablecomments) {
      fprintf(bitfile, "%%%%Trailer\n");
   if (multiplesects) {
      if (! disablecomments) {
         fprintf(bitfile, "%%DVIPSSectionTrailer\n");
#ifdef HPS
   if (HPS_FLAG) cmdout("\nend"); /* close off HPSDict */
   if (multiplesects && ! disablecomments) {
      fprintf(bitfile, "%%DVIPSEndSection\n");
      linepos = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 *   And now the big routine.
   register shalfword cmd;
   register integer i;

#ifdef DEBUG
   if (dd(D_PAGE))
   fprintf(stderr,"Skipping page %ld\n", pagenum);
#else   /* ~SHORTINT */
   fprintf(stderr,"Skipping page %d\n", pagenum);
#endif  /* ~SHORTINT */
#endif  /* DEBUG */
/* skipover(40); skip rest of bop command? how did this get in here? */
   while ((cmd=dvibyte())!=140) {
     switch (cmd) {
case 255: /* pTeX's dir or undefined */
   if (!noptex) {
      cmd = dvibyte();
/* illegal commands */
case 139: case 247: case 248: case 249: /* bop, pre, post, post_post */
case 250: case 251: case 252: case 253: case 254: /* undefined */
            "! DVI file contains unexpected command (%d)",cmd);
/* eight byte commands */
case 132: case 137:
   cmd = dvibyte();
   cmd = dvibyte();
   cmd = dvibyte();
   cmd = dvibyte();
/* four byte commands */
case 131: case 136:
case 146: case 151: case 156: case 160: case 165: case 170: case 238:
   cmd = dvibyte();
/* three byte commands */
case 130: case 135:
case 145: case 150: case 155: case 159: case 164: case 169: case 237:
   cmd = dvibyte();
/* two byte commands */
case 129: case 134:
case 144: case 149: case 154: case 158: case 163: case 168: case 236:
   cmd = dvibyte();
/* one byte commands */
case 128: case 133:
case 143: case 148: case 153: case 157: case 162: case 167: case 235:
   cmd = dvibyte();
/* specials */
case 239: i = dvibyte(); predospecial(i, 0); break;
case 240: i = twobytes(); predospecial(i, 0); break;
case 241: i = threebytes(); predospecial(i, 0); break;
case 242: i = signedquad(); predospecial(i, 0); break;
/* font definition */
case 243: case 244: case 245: case 246:
   fontdef(cmd - 242);