Ejemplo n.º 1
void CAccess::createGui()
	QWidget* pMainWindow = (QWidget*)simGetMainWindow(1);
	mtbRobotDialog=new CMtbRobotDialog(pMainWindow); // The plugin dialog
	simSetModuleMenuItemState(mtbRobotDialog->dialogMenuItemHandle,1,"MTB Robot Properties");
Ejemplo n.º 2
void CAccess::createGui()
#ifdef _WIN32 // only the Windows version has a dialog!
	k3Dialog=new CK3Dialog(); // The plugin dialog
	simSetModuleMenuItemState(k3Dialog->dialogMenuItemHandle,1,"Khepera III Properties");
#endif // _WIN32
Ejemplo n.º 3
// This is the plugin start routine (called just once, just after the plugin was loaded):
VREP_DLLEXPORT unsigned char v_repStart(void* reservedPointer,int reservedInt)
	// Dynamically load and bind V-REP functions:
	 // ******************************************
	 // 1. Figure out this plugin's directory:
	 char curDirAndFile[1024];
 #ifdef _WIN32
	 _getcwd(curDirAndFile, sizeof(curDirAndFile));
 #elif defined (__linux) || defined (__APPLE__)
	 getcwd(curDirAndFile, sizeof(curDirAndFile));
	 std::string currentDirAndPath(curDirAndFile);
	 // 2. Append the V-REP library's name:
	 std::string temp(currentDirAndPath);
 #ifdef _WIN32
 #elif defined (__linux)
 #elif defined (__APPLE__)
 #endif /* __linux || __APPLE__ */
	// 3. Load the V-REP library:
	if (vrepLib==NULL)
		std::cout << "Error, could not find or correctly load the V-REP library. Cannot start 'Collada' plugin.\n";
		return(0); // Means error, V-REP will unload this plugin
	if (getVrepProcAddresses(vrepLib)==0)
		std::cout << "Error, could not find all required functions in the V-REP library. Cannot start 'Collada' plugin.\n";
		return(0); // Means error, V-REP will unload this plugin
	// ******************************************

	// Check the version of V-REP:
	// ******************************************
	int vrepVer;
	if (vrepVer<20604) // if V-REP version is smaller than 2.06.04
		std::cout << "Sorry, your V-REP copy is somewhat old. Cannot start 'Collada' plugin.\n";
		return(0); // Means error, V-REP will unload this plugin
	// ******************************************

	// Check if V-REP runs in headless mode:
	// ******************************************
	if (simGetBooleanParameter(sim_boolparam_headless)>0)
		std::cout << "V-REP runs in headless mode. Cannot start 'Collada' plugin.\n";
		return(0); // Means error, V-REP will unload this plugin
	// ******************************************

	QWidget* pMainWindow = (QWidget*)simGetMainWindow(1);
	colladaDialog=new CColladaDialog(pMainWindow); // The plugin dialog
	simSetModuleMenuItemState(colladaDialog->dialogMenuItemHandle,1,"COLLADA import/export...");

	return(PLUGIN_VERSION); // initialization went fine, we return the version number of this plugin (can be queried with simGetModuleName)
// This is the plugin start routine (called just once, just after the plugin was loaded):
VREP_DLLEXPORT unsigned char v_repStart(void* reservedPointer,int reservedInt)
	// Dynamically load and bind V-REP functions:
	 // ******************************************
	 // 1. Figure out this plugin's directory:
	 char curDirAndFile[1024];
 #ifdef _WIN32
	 _getcwd(curDirAndFile, sizeof(curDirAndFile));
 #elif defined (__linux) || defined (__APPLE__)
	 getcwd(curDirAndFile, sizeof(curDirAndFile));
	 std::string currentDirAndPath(curDirAndFile);
	 // 2. Append the V-REP library's name:
	 std::string temp(currentDirAndPath);
 #ifdef _WIN32
 #elif defined (__linux)
 #elif defined (__APPLE__)
 #endif /* __linux || __APPLE__ */
	// 3. Load the V-REP library:
	if (vrepLib==NULL)
		std::cout << "Error, could not find or correctly load the V-REP library. Cannot start 'Urdf' plugin.\n";
		return(0); // Means error, V-REP will unload this plugin
	if (getVrepProcAddresses(vrepLib)==0)
		std::cout << "Error, could not find all required functions in the V-REP library. Cannot start 'Urdf' plugin.\n";
		return(0); // Means error, V-REP will unload this plugin
	// ******************************************

	// Check the version of V-REP:
	// ******************************************
	int vrepVer;
	if (vrepVer<30001) // if V-REP version is smaller than 3.00.01
		std::cout << "Sorry, your V-REP copy is somewhat old. Cannot start 'Urdf' plugin.\n";
		return(0); // Means error, V-REP will unload this plugin
	// ******************************************

	// Check if V-REP runs in headless mode:
	// ******************************************
	if (simGetBooleanParameter(sim_boolparam_headless)>0)
		std::cout << "V-REP runs in headless mode. Cannot start 'Urdf' plugin.\n";
		return(0); // Means error, V-REP will unload this plugin
	// ******************************************

	QWidget* pMainWindow = (QWidget*)simGetMainWindow(1);
	urdfDialog=new CUrdfDialog(pMainWindow); // The plugin dialog
	simSetModuleMenuItemState(urdfDialog->dialogMenuItemHandle,1,"URDF import...");

    int inputArgsTypes[] = {
        sim_lua_arg_string, // URDF contents
        sim_lua_arg_bool, // assign collision links to layer 9
        sim_lua_arg_bool, // assign joints to layer 10
        sim_lua_arg_bool, // convex decompose
        sim_lua_arg_bool, // create visual links if none
        sim_lua_arg_bool, // show convex decomposition dialog
        sim_lua_arg_bool, // center model above ground
        sim_lua_arg_bool, // prepare model definition if feasible
        sim_lua_arg_bool, // alternate local respondable masks
        sim_lua_arg_bool  // enable position control for revolute and prismatic joints

        "string robot_name=simExtImportUrdf("
         "string urdf,"
         "bool hideCollisionLinks,"
         "bool hideJoints,"
         "bool convexDecomposeNonConvexCollidables,"
         "bool createVisualIfNone,"
         "bool showConvexDecompositionDlg,"
         "bool centerAboveGround,"
         "bool makeModel,"
         "bool noSelfCollision,"
         "bool positionCtrl"
        inputArgsTypes, v_repImportUrdfCallback);

    int inputArgsTypesFile[] = {
        sim_lua_arg_string, // filenameAndPath
        sim_lua_arg_bool, // assign collision links to layer 9
        sim_lua_arg_bool, // assign joints to layer 10
        sim_lua_arg_bool, // convex decompose
        sim_lua_arg_bool, // create visual links if none
        sim_lua_arg_bool, // show convex decomposition dialog
        sim_lua_arg_bool, // center model above ground
        sim_lua_arg_bool, // prepare model definition if feasible
        sim_lua_arg_bool, // alternate local respondable masks
        sim_lua_arg_bool  // enable position control for revolute and prismatic joints

         "string robot_name=simExtImportUrdf("
          "string fileAndPath,"
          "bool hideCollisionLinks,"
          "bool hideJoints,"
          "bool convexDecomposeNonConvexCollidables,"
          "bool createVisualIfNone,"
          "bool showConvexDecompositionDlg,"
          "bool centerAboveGround,"
          "bool makeModel,"
          "bool noSelfCollision,"
          "bool positionCtrl"
         inputArgsTypesFile, v_repImportUrdfCallback);

	return(PLUGIN_VERSION); // initialization went fine, we return the version number of this plugin (can be queried with simGetModuleName)