Ejemplo n.º 1
sim_db_update_host_properties (SimDatabase        *database,
                               SimUuid            *context_id,
                               SimUuid            *sensor_id,
                               SimIdmEntry        *entry,
                               SimIdmEntryChanges *changes,
                               gboolean            is_ip_update)
    gchar *query;
    gchar *values;
    gchar *property, *e_property;
    const gchar *host_id_str;
    const gchar *ip_str;

    host_id_str = sim_uuid_get_db_string (sim_idm_entry_get_host_id (entry));
    ip_str = sim_inet_get_db_string (sim_idm_entry_get_ip (entry));

    // 'host' and 'host_sensor_reference' table
    if (changes->host_id)
        query = g_strdup_printf ("INSERT IGNORE INTO host (id, ctx, asset, threshold_c, threshold_a) VALUES (%s, %s, %d, %d, %d)", host_id_str, sim_uuid_get_db_string (context_id), 2, 30, 30);
        sim_database_execute_no_query (database, query);
        g_free (query);

        query = g_strdup_printf ("INSERT IGNORE INTO host_sensor_reference (host_id, sensor_id) VALUES (%s, %s)", host_id_str, sim_uuid_get_db_string (sensor_id));
        sim_database_execute_no_query (database, query);
        g_free (query);

    if (changes->hostname)
        query = g_strdup_printf ("UPDATE host SET hostname = '%s' WHERE id = %s AND ctx = %s", sim_idm_entry_get_hostname (entry), host_id_str, sim_uuid_get_db_string (context_id));
        sim_database_execute_no_query (database, query);
        g_free (query);


    if (changes->fqdns)
        query = g_strdup_printf ("UPDATE host SET fqdns = '%s' WHERE id = %s AND ctx = %s", sim_idm_entry_get_fqdns (entry), host_id_str, sim_uuid_get_db_string (context_id));
        sim_database_execute_no_query (database, query);
        g_free (query);

    query = NULL;

    // 'host_ip' table
    if (changes->ip || changes->mac)
        const gchar *mac_text;
        gchar *mac_bin;

        mac_text = sim_idm_entry_get_mac (entry);

        if (is_ip_update)
            if (mac_text)
                mac_bin = sim_mac_to_db_string (mac_text);

                query = g_strdup_printf ("UPDATE host_ip SET ip=%s, mac=%s "
                                         "WHERE host_id = %s",

                g_free (mac_bin);
                query = g_strdup_printf ("UPDATE host_ip SET ip=%s "
                                         "WHERE host_id = %s",
            if (mac_text)
                mac_bin = sim_mac_to_db_string (mac_text);
                query = g_strdup_printf ("REPLACE host_ip (host_id, ip, mac) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", host_id_str, ip_str, mac_bin);
                g_free (mac_bin);
                query = g_strdup_printf ("REPLACE host_ip (host_id, ip) VALUES (%s, %s)", host_id_str, ip_str);

    if (query)
        sim_database_execute_no_query (database, query);
        g_free (query);

    // 'host_properties' table
    if (changes->username)
        property = (gchar *)sim_idm_entry_get_username (entry);
        /* Delete old usernames */
        query = g_strdup_printf ("DELETE FROM host_properties WHERE host_id = %s AND property_ref = %d", host_id_str, SIM_HOST_PROP_USERNAME);
        sim_database_execute_no_query (database, query);
        g_free (query);
        if (property != NULL && strlen(property) > 0)
            /* Here, I need to SPLIT the user name. I need a row for each one */
            gchar **usernames = NULL;
            gchar **username_loop= NULL;
            usernames = username_loop  = g_strsplit (property, ",", -1);
            while (*username_loop)
                e_property = sim_database_str_escape (database, *username_loop, 0);
                query = g_strdup_printf ("REPLACE host_properties (host_id, property_ref, source_id, value) VALUES (%s, %d, %d, '%s')", host_id_str, SIM_HOST_PROP_USERNAME, sim_idm_entry_get_source_id (entry), e_property);
                sim_database_execute_no_query (database, query);
                g_free (query);
                g_free (e_property);
            g_strfreev (usernames);

    if (changes->os)

        //ENG-99163 We cannot use replace here, becuase value is part of the primary key.
        // We only should allow one os per host_id.
        // At this point we know that the revelance of the property>=old property relevance.

        e_property = sim_database_str_escape (database, sim_idm_entry_get_os (entry), 0);

        query = g_strdup_printf ("DELETE FROM host_properties WHERE host_id = %s and property_ref=%d", host_id_str, SIM_HOST_PROP_OS);
        sim_database_execute_no_query (database, query);
        g_free (query);

        query = g_strdup_printf ("REPLACE host_properties (host_id, property_ref, source_id, value) VALUES (%s, %d, %d, '%s')", host_id_str, SIM_HOST_PROP_OS, sim_idm_entry_get_source_id (entry), e_property);
        sim_database_execute_no_query (database, query);
        g_free (query);
        g_free (e_property);

    if (changes->cpu)
        e_property = sim_database_str_escape (database, sim_idm_entry_get_cpu (entry), 0);
        query = g_strdup_printf ("REPLACE host_properties (host_id, property_ref, source_id, value) VALUES (%s, %d, %d, '%s')", host_id_str, SIM_HOST_PROP_CPU, sim_idm_entry_get_source_id (entry), e_property);
        sim_database_execute_no_query (database, query);
        g_free (query);
        g_free (e_property);

    if (changes->memory)
        query = g_strdup_printf ("REPLACE host_properties (host_id, property_ref, source_id, value) VALUES (%s, %d, %d, '%d')", host_id_str, SIM_HOST_PROP_MEMORY, sim_idm_entry_get_source_id (entry),  sim_idm_entry_get_memory (entry));
        sim_database_execute_no_query (database, query);
        g_free (query);

    if (changes->video)
        e_property = sim_database_str_escape (database, sim_idm_entry_get_video (entry), 0);
        query = g_strdup_printf ("REPLACE host_properties (host_id, property_ref, source_id, value) VALUES (%s, %d, %d, '%s')", host_id_str, SIM_HOST_PROP_VIDEO, sim_idm_entry_get_source_id (entry), e_property);
        sim_database_execute_no_query (database, query);
        g_free (query);
        g_free (e_property);

    if (changes->state)
        e_property = sim_database_str_escape (database, sim_idm_entry_get_state(entry), 0);
        query = g_strdup_printf ("REPLACE host_properties (host_id, property_ref, source_id, value) VALUES (%s, %d, %d, '%s')", host_id_str, SIM_HOST_PROP_STATE, sim_idm_entry_get_source_id (entry), e_property);
        sim_database_execute_no_query (database, query);
        g_free (query);
        g_free (e_property);

    // 'host_services' table
    if (changes->service)
#if 0
        // Currently disabled
        query = g_strdup_printf ("DELETE FROM host_services WHERE host_id = %s AND nagios = 0", host_id_str);
        sim_database_execute_no_query (database, query);
        g_free (query);

        values = sim_idm_entry_service_get_string_db_insert (entry, database);
        if (values)
            query = g_strdup_printf ("INSERT INTO host_services (host_id, host_ip, port, protocol, service, version, source_id) VALUES %s ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE service = VALUES(service), source_id = VALUES(source_id)", values);
            sim_database_execute_no_query (database, query);
            g_free (query);
            g_free (values);

    // 'host_software' table
    if (changes->software)
        values = sim_idm_entry_software_get_string_db_insert (entry, database);
        if (values)
            query = g_strdup_printf ("INSERT INTO host_software (host_id, cpe, banner, source_id) VALUES %s ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE banner = VALUES(banner), source_id = VALUES(source_id)", values);
            sim_database_execute_no_query (database, query);
            g_free (query);
            g_free (values);

    // Specific code for the web interface
    if (changes->ip)
        // These queries mitigate performance problems with many hosts/nets.
        // Probably could be resolved with radix trees in the web
        if (is_ip_update)
            query = g_strdup_printf ("DELETE FROM host_net_reference WHERE host_id = %s",
            sim_database_execute_no_query (database, query);
            g_free (query);

        query = g_strdup_printf ("REPLACE INTO host_net_reference SELECT host.id, net_id FROM host, host_ip, net_cidrs "
                                 "WHERE host.id = host_ip.host_id AND host_ip.ip >= net_cidrs.begin AND host_ip.ip <= net_cidrs.end AND host_id = %s",
        sim_database_execute_no_query (database, query);
        g_free (query);

    if (changes->ip || changes->username || changes->hostname || changes->mac || changes->os || changes->cpu || changes->memory || changes->video || changes->service || changes->software || changes->state)
        // This query is exclusively used to notify the web server about changes on hosts/nets
        // This could be executed in fewer cases by not caching some asset trees on the web
        sim_database_execute_no_query (database, "REPLACE INTO config (conf, value) VALUES ('latest_asset_change', utc_timestamp())");

    // Specific code for the web interface
Ejemplo n.º 2
sim_event_enrich_idm (SimEvent *event)
	SimIdmEntry *entry;
	// IDM queries only if the IDM info is empty, usefull for not overwriting forwarded events

	if (!event->src_username && !event->src_hostname && !event->src_mac && !event->src_id)
		entry = sim_idm_get (sim_context_get_id (event->context), event->src_ia);

		if (entry)
			const gchar *value;

			value = sim_idm_entry_get_username (entry);
	    if (value)
				event->src_username_raw = g_strdup (value);
			  event->src_username = sim_command_idm_event_parse_username (value);

			value = sim_idm_entry_get_hostname (entry);
      if (value)
	      event->src_hostname = g_strdup(value);

			value = sim_idm_entry_get_mac(entry);
		  if (value)
			  event->src_mac = g_strdup(value);

			event->src_id = g_object_ref (sim_idm_entry_get_host_id (entry));

			g_object_unref (entry);
	if (!event->dst_username && !event->dst_hostname && !event->dst_mac && !event->dst_id)
		entry = sim_idm_get (sim_context_get_id (event->context), event->dst_ia);

		if (entry)
			const gchar *value;

			value = sim_idm_entry_get_username (entry);
	    if (value)
				event->dst_username_raw = g_strdup (value);
			  event->dst_username = sim_command_idm_event_parse_username (value);

			value = sim_idm_entry_get_hostname (entry);
      if (value)
	      event->dst_hostname = g_strdup(value);

			value = sim_idm_entry_get_mac(entry);
		  if (value)
			  event->dst_mac = g_strdup(value);

			event->dst_id = g_object_ref (sim_idm_entry_get_host_id (entry));

			g_object_unref (entry);