Ejemplo n.º 1
void AnimationCandy::animate(Framebuffer &leds, CHSV baseColor, const uint8_t step)
	for(uint8_t i=0; i<GARLAND_LENGTH; ++i) {
		leds[garland_leds[0][i]] = CHSV(baseColor.hue, sin8(step*2), sin8(step));
		leds[garland_leds[1][i]] = CHSV(baseColor.hue, sin8(step*2+127), sin8(step+127));
Ejemplo n.º 2
void AnimationMultiPoints::animate(Framebuffer &leds, CHSV baseColor, const uint8_t step)
	Point p1(sin8(step), 42, CHSV(HUE_RED+baseColor.hue, 127, 255));
	Point p2(sin8(255-step), 64, CHSV(HUE_BLUE+baseColor.hue, 255, 255));
	Point p3(sin8(64-step), 32, CHSV(HUE_GREEN+baseColor.hue, 255, 255));

	for(uint8_t col=0; col<COLUMNS; ++col) {
		for(uint8_t line=0; line<LINES; ++line) {
			const uint8_t led_id = column_leds[col][line];
			CRGB color = p1.computeCHSVFor(map(realLine(col, line), 0, 2*LINES, 0, 255));
			color += p2.computeCHSVFor(map(realLine(col, line), 0, 2*LINES, 0, 255));
			color += p3.computeCHSVFor(map(realLine(col, line), 0, 2*LINES, 0, 255));
			leds[led_id] = color;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 void tick(unsigned long t) {
   for(int col = 0; col < width; col++) {
     for( int row = 0; row < height; row++) {
       uint8_t s = sin8(col * 3 + t);
       uint8_t c = cos8(row * 2 + t);
       pixel(col, row) = qadd8(s, c);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void motionPlan() {
    // if gaze transition is in progress, ...
    if(lookCount == 0) {
        // if gaze transition is just starting, pick new gaze target
        if(moveCount == moveLength) {
            // store old positions
            for(uint32_t i = 0; i < NUM_DOFS; i++)
                desrOld[i] = desrNew[i];
            // calculate new gaze parameters, independent from previous gaze
            gazeFocus = rand()%(focusMax - focusMin) + focusMin;
            gazePitch = rand()%(pitchMax - pitchMin) + pitchMin;
            gazeYaw = rand()%(yawMax - yawMin) + yawMin;
            // convert gaze parameters to joint positions
            desrNew[0] = J00_Cnt + gazeFocus;       // neck pitch
            desrNew[1] = J01_Cnt + gazeYaw*1/2;     // head rotation
            desrNew[2] = J02_Cnt - gazeYaw*1/4;     // head roll
            desrNew[3] = J03_Cnt + gazePitch*2/3 + gazeFocus;
            desrNew[4] = J04_Cnt - gazePitch*1/3;   // eye pitch
            desrNew[5] = J05_Cnt - gazeYaw*1/2;     // left eye yaw
            desrNew[6] = J06_Cnt - gazeYaw*1/2;     // right eye yaw
            desrNew[7] = eyelidsMax + 4*(gazeFocus - focusMax); // eyelids
            desrNew[8] = J08_Cnt + gazePitch*2;     // right ear rotation
            desrNew[9] = J09_Cnt + gazeFocus*2;     // right ear extension
            desrNew[10] = J10_Cnt - gazePitch*2;    // left ear rotation
            desrNew[11] = J11_Cnt + gazeFocus*2;    // left ear extension
        // if gaze transition is complete, reset counters
        else if(moveCount == 0) {
            // store new values directly as desired values, instead of
            // interpolating
            for(uint32_t i = 0; i < NUM_DOFS; i++)
                desrPos[i] = desrNew[i];
            // pick random time for next gaze transition
            lookCount = rand()%(CTRL_FREQ*(lookPeriodMax - lookPeriodMin)) 
                        + CTRL_FREQ*lookPeriodMin;
            // reset transition counter
            moveCount = moveLength;
        // if gaze is in progress, interpolate between previous and next
        else {
            int32_t moveScalar = sin8(moveCount*128/moveLength + 64);
            for(uint32_t i = 0; i < NUM_DOFS; i++)
                desrPos[i] = desrOld[i] + (desrNew[i]-desrOld[i])*moveScalar/255;
    // if gaze transition is not in progress, decrement counter
    else {
        desrPos[7] = desrNew[7];
    // if blink is in progress, ...
    if(blinkCount1 == 0) {
        // if blink is completed, reset counters
        if(blinkCount2 == 0) {
            blinkCount1 = rand()%(CTRL_FREQ*(blinkPeriodMax - blinkPeriodMin)) 
                          + CTRL_FREQ*blinkPeriodMin;
            blinkCount2 = blinkLength;
        else {
            // if in first half of blink, interpolate from open to closed
            if(blinkCount2 > blinkLength/2)
                desrPos[7] = eyelidsMin + (desrPos[7] - eyelidsMin)            \
                             *(blinkCount2 - blinkLength/2)/(blinkLength/2);
            // if in second half of blink, interpolate from closed to open
                desrPos[7] = eyelidsMin + (desrPos[7] - eyelidsMin)            \
                             *(blinkLength/2 - blinkCount2)/(blinkLength/2);