Ejemplo n.º 1
void matrixSquareRoot(Matrix* A, Matrix* S)
  //Approach is to do an SVD of A, then set S to V * sqrt(Sigma) * Vtransposed
  int i, j;

  Matrix* U = allocateMatrix(A->rows, A->columns);
  Matrix* Vtransposed = allocateMatrix(A->rows, A->columns);
  Matrix* Sigma = allocateMatrix(A->rows, A->columns);

  //First do an SVD
  singularValueDecomposition(A, U, Vtransposed, Sigma);

  //Now calculate sqrt(Sigma) * Vtransposed and stick it in U
  for(i = 0; i < Sigma->rows; i++)
    for(j = 0; j < Sigma->columns; j++)
      U->pointer[i + j * U->rows] = Vtransposed->pointer[i + j * Vtransposed->rows] * sqrt(Sigma->pointer[i + i * Sigma->rows]);

  multiplyMatrices(Vtransposed, U, S, 1, 0);

Ejemplo n.º 2
void PivotMDS::pivotMDSLayout(GraphAttributes& GA)
	const Graph& G = GA.constGraph();
	bool use3D = GA.has(GraphAttributes::threeD) && DIMENSION_COUNT > 2;

	const int n = G.numberOfNodes();

	// trivial cases
	if (n == 0)

	if (n == 1) {
		node v1 = G.firstNode();
		GA.x(v1) = 0.0;
		GA.y(v1) = 0.0;
		if (use3D)
			GA.z(v1) = 0.0;

	// check whether the graph is a path or not
	const node head = getRootedPath(G);
	if (head != nullptr) {
		doPathLayout(GA, head);
	else {
		Array<Array<double> > pivDistMatrix;
		// compute the pivot matrix
		getPivotDistanceMatrix(GA, pivDistMatrix);
		// center the pivot matrix
		// init the coordinate matrix
		Array<Array<double> > coord(DIMENSION_COUNT);
		for (int i = 0; i < coord.size(); i++) {
		// init the eigen values array
		Array<double> eVals(DIMENSION_COUNT);
		singularValueDecomposition(pivDistMatrix, coord, eVals);
		// compute the correct aspect ratio
		for (int i = 0; i < coord.size(); i++) {
			eVals[i] = sqrt(eVals[i]);
			for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
				coord[i][j] *= eVals[i];
		// set the new positions to the graph
		int i = 0;
		for (node v : G.nodes)
			GA.x(v) = coord[0][i];
			GA.y(v) = coord[1][i];
			if (use3D){
				GA.z(v) = coord[2][i];//cout << coord[2][i] << "\n";
void LeastSquares::compute_leastSquaresAproxForCurve(int n_)
	n = n_;

	if (n > m)
		std::cout << "Grad größer als Punkteanzahl" << std::endl;

	TNT::Array2D<double> A(m, n+1);
	for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j <= n; j++)
			A[i][j] = std::pow(ti[i], j);

	TNT::Array2D<double> P_plus = singularValueDecomposition(A, m, n+1);

	c_x = TNT::Array2D<double>(m, 1);
	c_y = TNT::Array2D<double>(m, 1);
	c_z = TNT::Array2D<double>(m, 1);

	for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
		c_x[i][0] = x_sorted[i];
		c_y[i][0] = y_sorted[i];
		c_z[i][0] = z_sorted[i];

	c_x = matmult(P_plus, c_x);
	c_y = matmult(P_plus, c_y);
	c_z = matmult(P_plus, c_z);

	result_x = matmult(A, c_x);
	result_y = matmult(A, c_y);
	result_z = matmult(A, c_z);

	for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
		data->lsq_points.push_back(Vector3D(result_x[i][0], result_y[i][0], result_z[i][0]));
Ejemplo n.º 4
void calc_svd(){
	//SVD(singular value decomposition)

	int m = DIMENSION;
	int n = DIMENSION;

	A[0] = covariance_matrix[0][0];	A[1] = covariance_matrix[1][0];
	A[2] = covariance_matrix[0][1];	A[3] = covariance_matrix[1][1];
	singularValueDecomposition(&(A[0]), m, n, &(svd_value[0]), &(svd_vector[0]));
	for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
		printf("固有値 %d: %f\n", i, svd_value[i]);

	for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
		printf("固有ベクトル: ");
		for(int j=0; j<m; j++)
			printf("%f   ", svd_vector[m*i+j]);
void rectify::initializeProjectiveTransform()
 Matrix3f matPCPT;
 matPCPT.m[0][0] = (scrWidth -1)*(scrWidth -1);	matPCPT.m[0][1] = (scrWidth -1)*(scrHeight -1);	 matPCPT.m[0][2] = (scrWidth -1)*2;
 matPCPT.m[1][0] = (scrWidth -1)*(scrHeight -1);matPCPT.m[1][1] = (scrHeight -1)*(scrHeight -1); matPCPT.m[1][2] = (scrHeight -1)*2;
 matPCPT.m[2][0] = (scrWidth -1)*2;		matPCPT.m[2][1] = (scrHeight -1)*2;	 	 matPCPT.m[2][2] = 4; 
 matPCPT = matPCPT * 0.25; 

 Matrix3f matPPT;
 matPPT.m[0][0] = (scrWidth * scrWidth -1);	matPPT.m[0][1] = 0;	 			matPPT.m[0][2] = 0;
 matPPT.m[1][0] = 0;				matPPT.m[1][1] = (scrHeight * scrHeight -1);	matPPT.m[1][2] = 0;
 matPPT.m[2][0] = 0;				matPPT.m[2][1] = 0;			 	matPPT.m[2][2] = 0;
 float var = (scrWidth * scrHeight)/12.0;
 matPPT  = matPPT * var;

 vector3d epipoleFirst = global::epipoleA;
 Matrix3f epiASymmetric;	//take global::epipoleA and create antiSymmetric Matrix: A = -transpose(A)
 epiASymmetric.m[0][0] = 0;	 		epiASymmetric.m[0][1] = epipoleFirst.z;	 epiASymmetric.m[0][2] = -epipoleFirst.y;
 epiASymmetric.m[1][0] = -epipoleFirst.z;	 epiASymmetric.m[1][1] = 0;	 		epiASymmetric.m[1][2] = epipoleFirst.x;
 epiASymmetric.m[2][0] = epipoleFirst.y;	 epiASymmetric.m[2][1] = -epipoleFirst.x;	 epiASymmetric.m[2][2] = 0;

 Matrix3f fundamentalMat = global::fundamentalMatrix;
//fundamentalMat.m[1][1] *= (-1);

 Matrix3f rectMatA = epiASymmetric.ReturnTranspose() * matPPT * epiASymmetric;
 Matrix3f rectMatB = epiASymmetric.ReturnTranspose() * matPCPT * epiASymmetric;
 Matrix3f rectMatADash = fundamentalMat.ReturnTranspose() * matPPT * fundamentalMat;
 Matrix3f rectMatBDash = fundamentalMat.ReturnTranspose() * matPCPT * fundamentalMat;

 Matrix3f orthoMatD, orthoMatDInv, orthoMatD_Dash, orthoMatDInv_Dash;
 singularValueDecomposition(rectMatA, orthoMatD, orthoMatDInv);		//rectMatA = orthoMatD' * orthoMatD; ' = transpose
 singularValueDecomposition(rectMatADash, orthoMatD_Dash, orthoMatDInv_Dash);	

 std::cout<<std::endl<<" for rectMatA "<<std::endl;
 (orthoMatD.ReturnTranspose() * orthoMatD).Display("MUL");
 (orthoMatD * orthoMatDInv).Display("ID");

 std::cout<<std::endl<<" for rectMatB "<<std::endl;
 (orthoMatD_Dash.ReturnTranspose() * orthoMatD_Dash).Display("MUL");
 (orthoMatD_Dash * orthoMatDInv_Dash).Display("IDDash");

// to maximize weight matrix
 Matrix3f weightMat, weightMatDash;
 weightMat = orthoMatDInv.ReturnTranspose() * rectMatB * orthoMatDInv;
 weightMatDash = orthoMatDInv_Dash.ReturnTranspose() * rectMatBDash * orthoMatDInv_Dash;

 vector3d way, way_dash;
 powerMaxEigenVec(weightMat, way);
 powerMaxEigenVec(weightMatDash, way_dash);
 vector3d zed, zed_dash;
 zed = orthoMatDInv * way;
 zed_dash = orthoMatDInv_Dash * way_dash;

 vector3d Zedd = zed * 0.5 + zed_dash * 0.5;

 vector3d dublu, dubluDash;
 dublu = epiASymmetric * Zedd;
 dubluDash = fundamentalMat * Zedd;

 dublu.change(dublu.x/dublu.z, dublu.y/dublu.z, 1.0);
 dubluDash.change(dubluDash.x/dubluDash.z, dubluDash.y/dubluDash.z, 1.0);

 projectiveTrans.m[0][0] = 1;		projectiveTrans.m[0][1] = 0;		 projectiveTrans.m[0][2] = 0;
 projectiveTrans.m[1][0] = 0;		projectiveTrans.m[1][1] = 1;		 projectiveTrans.m[1][2] = 0;
 projectiveTrans.m[2][0] = dublu.x;	projectiveTrans.m[2][1] = dublu.y;	 projectiveTrans.m[2][2] = 1;

 projectiveTransDash.m[0][0] = 1;		projectiveTransDash.m[0][1] = 0;		 projectiveTransDash.m[0][2] = 0;
 projectiveTransDash.m[1][0] = 0;		projectiveTransDash.m[1][1] = 1;		 projectiveTransDash.m[1][2] = 0;
 projectiveTransDash.m[2][0] = dubluDash.x;	projectiveTransDash.m[2][1] = dubluDash.y;	 projectiveTransDash.m[2][2] = 1;

 (projectiveTrans * global::epipoleA).Display("epiA");
 (projectiveTransDash * global::epipoleB).Display("epiB");

void LeastSquares::smoothSurface(Data* data_, int n_, bool doNewton)
	data = data_;

	//clear alle verwendeten Vektoren

	if (n_ < 3)
		std::cout << "n muss >= 3 sein" << std::endl;

	//Bereite den Vektor vor, der die neu berechneten Punkte enthaelt
	//Pro Punkte ein Vektor mit seinen zu mittelnden Punkten
	smoothPoints = std::vector<std::vector<Vector3D>>(data->points.size());

	//Pro Punkt, projeziere 20 nearest neighbors in Tangentialebene, benutze dann die x und z Werte als Parametrisierung um einen LeastSquares fit zu berechnen
	//Sample dann mit der bereits erstellten Paramestrisierung die Punkte und speichere für jeden nearestNeighbors sein errechneten Punkt für Mitteln spaeter
	//Wenn eingestellt, führe eine Newton-Iteration vor dem fit durch
	for (unsigned int p = 0; p < data->points.size(); p++)
		//Erst die Projektion in die Tangentialebene
		for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
			Vector3D tmpVecP = Vector3D(data->k_nearest_neighbors[p][i].point.dx, data->k_nearest_neighbors[p][i].point.dy, data->k_nearest_neighbors[p][i].point.dz);
			Vector3D tmpVec = tmpVecP - Vector3D(data->points[p].dx, data->points[p].dy, data->points[p].dz);
			double dot = (tmpVec[0] * data->normals[p][0]) + (tmpVec[1] * data->normals[p][1]) + (tmpVec[2] * data->normals[p][2]);
			tmpVec = tmpVecP - (data->normals[p] * dot);


		//Erstelle Parametrisierung
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < projected_points.size(); i++)

		m = projected_points.size();
		n = (n_ + 1)*(n_ + 1);
		int m_ = m;

		//Fuehre LeastSquares fit ganz normal durch
		TNT::Array2D<double> A(m, n);
		for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
			for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
				int tExp = j % (n_ + 1);
				int vExp = j / (n_ + 1);
				A[i][j] = std::pow(ti[i], tExp) * std::pow(vi[i], vExp);

		TNT::Array2D<double> P_plus = singularValueDecomposition(A, m_, n);

		c_x = TNT::Array2D<double>(m_, 1);
		c_y = TNT::Array2D<double>(m_, 1);
		c_z = TNT::Array2D<double>(m_, 1);

		for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
			c_x[i][0] = data->k_nearest_neighbors[p][i].point.dx;
			c_y[i][0] = data->k_nearest_neighbors[p][i].point.dy;
			c_z[i][0] = data->k_nearest_neighbors[p][i].point.dz;

		c_x = matmult(P_plus, c_x);
		c_y = matmult(P_plus, c_y);
		c_z = matmult(P_plus, c_z);

		//Berechne einen Schritt mit der Newton-Iteration wenn eingestellt
		if (doNewton)
			for (int h = 0; h < 1; h++)
				//Fuer jeden nearest Neighbor
				for (int i = 0; i < projected_points.size(); i++)
					//Erstelle Jacobi-Matrix
					TNT::Array2D<double> jacobi(2, 2);
					jacobi[0][0] = 0.0;
					jacobi[0][1] = 0.0;
					jacobi[1][0] = 0.0;
					jacobi[1][1] = 0.0;
					//Partielle Ableitungen
					for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
						int tExp = j % (n_ + 1);
						int vExp = j / (n_ + 1);

						//F1 nach x
						if (!((tExp - 2) < 0))
							jacobi[0][0] += tExp * (tExp - 1) * std::pow(ti[i], tExp - 2) * std::pow(vi[i], vExp);
						//F1 nach y
						if (!((vExp - 1) < 0 && (tExp - 1) < 0))
							jacobi[0][1] += tExp * std::pow(ti[i], tExp - 1) * vExp * std::pow(vi[i], vExp - 1);
						//F2 nach x
						if (!((vExp - 1) < 0 && (tExp - 1) < 0))
							jacobi[1][0] += tExp *  std::pow(ti[i], tExp - 1) * vExp * std::pow(vi[i], vExp - 1);
						//F2 nach y
						if (!((vExp - 2) < 0))
							jacobi[1][1] += std::pow(ti[i], tExp) * vExp * (vExp - 1)* std::pow(vi[i], vExp - 2);

					//Berechne Determinante
					double det = ((jacobi[0][0] * jacobi[1][1]) - (jacobi[0][1] * jacobi[1][0]));

					//Nur wenn Determinante nicht 0, führe Newton-Iteration Schritt durch
					if (det < -0.01 || det > 0.01)
						//Inverse der Jacobi-Matrix berechnen
						double one_det = 1.0f / det;

						double a_ = jacobi[1][1] * one_det;
						double b_ = -jacobi[0][1] * one_det;
						double c_ = -jacobi[1][0] * one_det;
						double d_ = jacobi[0][0] * one_det;

						jacobi[0][0] = a_;
						jacobi[0][1] = b_;
						jacobi[1][0] = c_;
						jacobi[1][1] = d_;

						//Berechne noch fehlenden Vektor mit den ersten Ableitungen nach x und y
						TNT::Array2D<double> tivi_delta(2, 1);
						tivi_delta[0][0] = 0.0;
						tivi_delta[1][0] = 0.0;
						for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
							int tExp = j % (n_ + 1);
							int vExp = j / (n_ + 1);

							//Berechne F1, leite Polygon nach x ab
							if (!((tExp - 1) < 0))
								tivi_delta[0][0] += tExp * std::pow(ti[i], tExp - 1) * std::pow(vi[i], vExp);
							//Berechne F2, leite Polygon nach y ab
							if (!((vExp - 1) < 0))
								tivi_delta[1][0] += std::pow(ti[i], tExp) * vExp * std::pow(vi[i], vExp - 1);

						tivi_delta[0][0] *= -1.0;
						tivi_delta[1][0] *= -1.0;
						//Führe letzten Schritt, Multiplikation mit der Inversen der Jacobi-Matrix, durch
						tivi_delta = matmult(jacobi, tivi_delta);
						//Addire Delta t/v zu den ti/vi
						ti[i] += tivi_delta[0][0];
						vi[i] += tivi_delta[1][0];

		for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
			for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
				int tExp = j % (n_ + 1);
				int vExp = j / (n_ + 1);
				A[i][j] = std::pow(ti[i], tExp) * std::pow(vi[i], vExp);

		//Benutze Parametrisierung für den fit auch zum Berechnen der Punkte
		result_x = matmult(A, c_x);
		result_y = matmult(A, c_y);
		result_z = matmult(A, c_z);

		for (int l = 0; l < m_; l++)
			smoothPoints[data->k_nearest_neighbors[p][l].index].push_back(Vector3D(result_x[l][0], result_y[l][0], result_z[l][0]));

		//std::cout << p + 1 << " von " << data->points.size() << " Punkten geglaettet." << std::endl;

	//Punkte müssen jetzt noch gemittelt werden
	Vector3D tmpVec__;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < smoothPoints.size(); i++)
		tmpVec__ = Vector3D(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

		for (unsigned int j = 0; j < smoothPoints[i].size(); j++)
			tmpVec__ = Vector3D(tmpVec__.dx + smoothPoints[i][j].dx, tmpVec__.dy + smoothPoints[i][j].dy, tmpVec__.dz + smoothPoints[i][j].dz);
		tmpVec__ = Vector3D(tmpVec__.dx / smoothPoints[i].size(), tmpVec__.dy / smoothPoints[i].size(), tmpVec__.dz / smoothPoints[i].size());

void LeastSquares::compute_leastSquaresAproxForPlane(int n_)
	//clear den Vektor, der die Ergebnispunkte enthält

	//Setzen von n (Anzahl der Komponenten pro Polygon) und m (Anzahl der Punkte)
	n = (n_ + 1)*(n_ + 1);
	int m_ = m;

	if (n_ > m)
		std::cout << "Grad größer als Punkteanzahl" << std::endl;

	//Erstellen von A, die dann bei der Singulärwertzerlegung benutzt wird
	//Pro eingelesenem Punkt ein Eintrag in A
	TNT::Array2D<double> A(m_, n);
	for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
			int tExp = j % (n_ + 1);
			int vExp = j / (n_ + 1);
			//Ich benutze einfach die x und z Werte der Punkte (werden aus einer .off Datei gelesen) als Stützstellen
			A[i][j] = std::pow(x_sorted[i], tExp) * std::pow(z_sorted[i], vExp);

	//Singulärwertzerlegung nach Ingos Beispiel
	TNT::Array2D<double> P_plus = singularValueDecomposition(A, m_, n);

	c_x = TNT::Array2D<double>(m_, 1);
	c_y = TNT::Array2D<double>(m_, 1);
	c_z = TNT::Array2D<double>(m_, 1);

	//Initialisiere c_* mit den eingelesenen Punkten
	for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
		c_x[i][0] = x_sorted[i];
		c_y[i][0] = y_sorted[i];
		c_z[i][0] = z_sorted[i];

	//Berechne Koeffizienten
	c_x = matmult(P_plus, c_x);
	c_y = matmult(P_plus, c_y);
	c_z = matmult(P_plus, c_z);

	//Erstelle zweite Matrix mit den Werten zum samplen
	//Pro Punkt und x-Wert einmal alle z Werte durch um rechteckigen Samplebereich zu erreichen
	ti[0] vi[0] / ti[0] vi[1] / ti[0] vi[2] / ti[0] vi[3] ...
	ti[1] vi[0] / ti[1] vi[1] / ti[1] vi[2] / ti[1] vi[3] ...
	//Die ti/vi Werte werden in der Funktion initPlane erstellt
	TNT::Array2D<double> Atwo(size*size, n);
	for (int k = 0; k < size; k++)
		for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
			for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
				int tExp = j % (n_ + 1);
				int vExp = j / (n_ + 1);
				Atwo[(k * size) + i][j] = std::pow(ti[k], tExp) * std::pow(vi[i], vExp);

	//Werte die Matrix Atwo mit den Samplestützstellen und die Koeffizienten aus
	result_x = matmult(Atwo, c_x);
	result_y = matmult(Atwo, c_y);
	result_z = matmult(Atwo, c_z);

	//Fülle Vektor mit Ergebnispunkten
	for (int i = 0; i < size*size; i++)
		data->lsq_points.push_back(Vector3D(result_x[i][0], result_y[i][0], result_z[i][0]));