Ejemplo n.º 1
const vector<Mesh*>& AnimationSequence::getFrame(size_t lowerFrame, size_t upperFrame, float bias) const
	ASSERT(!keyFrames.empty(), "no keyframes in the animation sequence");

		return keyFrames[0].getMeshes();

	ASSERT(lowerFrame < keyFrames.size(), "lower keyframe out of range:" + sizet_to_string(lowerFrame));
	ASSERT(upperFrame < keyFrames.size(), "upper keyframe out of range: "+ sizet_to_string(upperFrame));
	ASSERT(bias >= 0.0f && bias <= 1.0f, "bias is out of range: " + ftos(bias));

	if(lowerFrame == upperFrame)

	const vector<Mesh*> &meshesA = keyFrames[lowerFrame].getMeshes();
	const vector<Mesh*> &meshesB = keyFrames[upperFrame].getMeshes();

	for(size_t i=0; i<meshes.size(); ++i)
		Mesh*const mesh = meshes[i];
		const Mesh*const a = meshesA[i];
		const Mesh*const b = meshesB[i];

		interpolate(bias, *mesh, *a, *b);

	return meshes;
Ejemplo n.º 2
color PropertyBag::getColor(const string &key, size_t instance) const {
	color x;
	VERIFY(get(key, x, instance),
	       "Failed to get color from PropertyBag: " + key +
	       " (instance #" + sizet_to_string(instance) + ")");
	return x;
Ejemplo n.º 3
vec4 PropertyBag::getVec4(const string &key, size_t instance) const {
	vec4 x;
	VERIFY(get(key, x, instance),
	       "Failed to get vec4 from PropertyBag: " + key +
	       " (instance #" + sizet_to_string(instance) + ")");
	return x;
Ejemplo n.º 4
PropertyBag PropertyBag::getBag(const string &key, size_t instance) const {
	PropertyBag x;
	VERIFY(get(key, x, instance),
	       "Failed to get PropertyBag from PropertyBag: " + key +
	       " (instance #" + sizet_to_string(instance) + ")");
	return x;
Ejemplo n.º 5
bool PropertyBag::getBool(const string &key, size_t instance) const {
	bool x = false;
	VERIFY(get(key, x, instance),
	       "Failed to get bool from PropertyBag: " + key +
	       " (instance #" + sizet_to_string(instance) + ")");
	return x;
Ejemplo n.º 6
float PropertyBag::getFloat(const string &key, size_t instance) const {
	float x = 0.0f;
	VERIFY(get(key, x, instance),
	       "Failed to get float from PropertyBag: " + key +
	       " (instance #" + sizet_to_string(instance) + ")");
	return x;
Ejemplo n.º 7
double PropertyBag::getDouble(const string &key, size_t instance) const {
	double x = 0.0;
	VERIFY(get(key, x, instance),
	       "Failed to get double from PropertyBag: " + key +
	       " (instance #" + sizet_to_string(instance) + ")");
	return x;
Ejemplo n.º 8
size_t PropertyBag::getSizeT(const string &key, size_t instance) const {
	size_t x = 0xdeadbeaf;
	VERIFY(get(key, x, instance),
	       "Failed to get size_t from PropertyBag: " + key +
	       " (instance #" + sizet_to_string(instance) + ")");
	return x;
Ejemplo n.º 9
bool PropertyBag::get(const string& key,
                      PropertyBag &dest,
                      size_t instance) const {
	if (data.find(key)==data.end())
		return false;
	PropertyMap::const_iterator iter;
	// check that the desired instance exists
	       "parameter \'instance\' is incorrect: " + sizet_to_string(instance));
	// go to the desired instance
	iter = data.lower_bound(key);
	for (size_t q=0; q < instance; q++) iter++;
	       "iter->second cannot be cast to a PropertyBag object: " \
	       "key = \"" + key + "\"");
	// I would rather have invalid behavior than a crash
	if (dynamic_cast<PropertyBag*>(iter->second)!=0) {
		dest = dynamic_cast<PropertyBag&>(*iter->second);
		return true;
	} else {
		return false;
Ejemplo n.º 10
string PropertyBag::getString(const string &key, size_t instance) const {
	ASSERT(getNumInstances(key) > 0,
	       "Key \"" + key + "\" not found");
	ASSERT(getNumInstances(key) > instance,
	       "Not enough instances of key: " + key +
	       " (wanted instance #" + sizet_to_string(instance) +
	       " of only " + sizet_to_string(getNumInstances(key)) + ")");
	string x = "nill";
	VERIFY(get(key, x, instance),
	       "Failed to get string from PropertyBag: " + key +
	       " (wanted instance #" + sizet_to_string(instance) +
	       " of " + sizet_to_string(getNumInstances(key)) + ")");
	return x;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void PropertyBag::add(const string& key, size_t data) {
	add(key, sizet_to_string(data));