Ejemplo n.º 1
 *  Helper function to write a bitmap subset to a file. Only called if subsets were created
 *  and a writePath was provided. Behaves differently depending on
 *  FLAGS_writeChecksumBasedFilenames. If true:
 *      Writes the image to a PNG file named according to the digest hash, as described in
 *      write_bitmap.
 *  If false:
 *      Creates a subdirectory called 'subsets' and writes a PNG to that directory. Also
 *      creates a subdirectory called 'extracted' and writes a bitmap created using
 *      extractSubset to a PNG in that directory. Both files will represent the same
 *      subrectangle and have the same name for convenient comparison. In this case, the
 *      digest is ignored.
 *  @param writePath Parent directory to hold the folders for the PNG files to write. Must
 *      not be NULL.
 *  @param subsetName Basename of the original file, with the dimensions of the subset tacked
 *      on. Used to name the new file/folder.
 *  @param bitmapAndDigestFromDecodeSubset SkBitmap (with digest) created by
 *      SkImageDecoder::DecodeSubset, using rect as the area to decode.
 *  @param rect Rectangle of the area decoded into bitmapFromDecodeSubset. Used to call
 *      extractSubset on originalBitmap to create a bitmap with the same dimensions/pixels as
 *      bitmapFromDecodeSubset (assuming decodeSubset worked properly).
 *  @param originalBitmap SkBitmap decoded from the same stream as bitmapFromDecodeSubset,
 *      using SkImageDecoder::decode to get the entire image. Used to create a PNG file for
 *      comparison to the PNG created by bitmapAndDigestFromDecodeSubset's bitmap.
 *  @return bool Whether the function succeeded at drawing the decoded subset and the extracted
 *      subset to files.
static bool write_subset(const char* writePath, const SkString& subsetName,
                         const skiagm::BitmapAndDigest bitmapAndDigestFromDecodeSubset,
                         SkIRect rect, const SkBitmap& originalBitmap) {
    // All parameters must be valid.
    SkASSERT(writePath != NULL);

    SkString subsetPath;
    if (FLAGS_writeChecksumBasedFilenames) {
    } else {
        // Create a subdirectory to hold the results of decodeSubset.
        subsetPath = SkOSPath::SkPathJoin(writePath, "subsets");
        if (!sk_mkdir(subsetPath.c_str())) {
            gFailedSubsetDecodes.push_back().printf("Successfully decoded subset %s, but "
                                                    "failed to create a directory to write to.",
            return false;
    SkAssertResult(write_bitmap(subsetPath.c_str(), subsetName.c_str(),
    gSuccessfulSubsetDecodes.push_back().printf("\twrote %s", subsetName.c_str());

    if (!FLAGS_writeChecksumBasedFilenames) {
        // FIXME: The goal of extracting the subset is for visual comparison/using skdiff/skpdiff.
        // Currently disabling for writeChecksumBasedFilenames since it will be trickier to
        // determine which files to compare.

        // Also use extractSubset from the original for visual comparison.
        // Write the result to a file in a separate subdirectory.
        SkBitmap extractedSubset;
        if (!originalBitmap.extractSubset(&extractedSubset, rect)) {
            gFailedSubsetDecodes.push_back().printf("Successfully decoded subset %s, but failed "
                                                    "to extract a similar subset for comparison.",
            return false;

        SkString dirExtracted = SkOSPath::SkPathJoin(writePath, "extracted");
        if (!sk_mkdir(dirExtracted.c_str())) {
            gFailedSubsetDecodes.push_back().printf("Successfully decoded subset%s, but failed "
                                                    "to create a directory for extractSubset "
            return false;

        skiagm::BitmapAndDigest bitmapAndDigestFromExtractSubset(extractedSubset);
        SkAssertResult(write_bitmap(dirExtracted.c_str(), subsetName.c_str(),
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void JsonWriter::DumpJson() {
    if (FLAGS_writePath.isEmpty()) {

    Json::Value root;

    for (int i = 1; i < FLAGS_properties.count(); i += 2) {
        root[FLAGS_properties[i-1]] = FLAGS_properties[i];
    for (int i = 1; i < FLAGS_key.count(); i += 2) {
        root["key"][FLAGS_key[i-1]] = FLAGS_key[i];

        SkAutoMutexAcquire lock(&gBitmapResultLock);
        for (int i = 0; i < gBitmapResults.count(); i++) {
            Json::Value result;
            result["key"]["name"]              = gBitmapResults[i].name.c_str();
            result["key"]["config"]            = gBitmapResults[i].config.c_str();
            result["key"]["source_type"]       = gBitmapResults[i].sourceType.c_str();
            result["options"]["ext"]           = gBitmapResults[i].ext.c_str();
            result["options"]["gamma_correct"] = gBitmapResults[i].gammaCorrect ? "yes" : "no";
            result["md5"]                      = gBitmapResults[i].md5.c_str();

            // Source options only need to be part of the key if they exist.
            // Source type by source type, we either always set options or never set options.
            if (!gBitmapResults[i].sourceOptions.isEmpty()) {
                result["key"]["source_options"] = gBitmapResults[i].sourceOptions.c_str();


        SkAutoMutexAcquire lock(gFailureLock);
        for (int i = 0; i < gFailures.count(); i++) {
            Json::Value result;
            result["file_name"]     = gFailures[i].fileName;
            result["line_no"]       = gFailures[i].lineNo;
            result["condition"]     = gFailures[i].condition;
            result["message"]       = gFailures[i].message.c_str();


    int maxResidentSetSizeMB = sk_tools::getMaxResidentSetSizeMB();
    if (maxResidentSetSizeMB != -1) {
        root["max_rss_MB"] = sk_tools::getMaxResidentSetSizeMB();

    SkString path = SkOSPath::Join(FLAGS_writePath[0], "dm.json");
    SkFILEWStream stream(path.c_str());
Ejemplo n.º 3
 *  Encode the bitmap to a file, written one of two ways, depending on
 *  FLAGS_writeChecksumBasedFilenames. If true, the final image will be
 *  written to:
 *      outDir/hashType/src/digestValue.png
 *  If false, the final image will be written out to:
 *      outDir/src.png
 *  The function returns whether the file was successfully written.
static bool write_bitmap(const char outDir[], const char src[],
                         const skiagm::BitmapAndDigest& bitmapAndDigest) {
    SkString filename;
    if (FLAGS_writeChecksumBasedFilenames) {
        // First create the directory for the hashtype.
        const SkString hashType = bitmapAndDigest.fDigest.getHashType();
        const SkString hashDir = SkOSPath::SkPathJoin(outDir, hashType.c_str());
        if (!sk_mkdir(hashDir.c_str())) {
            return false;

        // Now create the name of the folder specific to this image.
        SkString basename = SkOSPath::SkBasename(src);
        const SkString imageDir = SkOSPath::SkPathJoin(hashDir.c_str(), basename.c_str());
        if (!sk_mkdir(imageDir.c_str())) {
            return false;

        // Name the file <digest>.png
        SkString checksumBasedName = bitmapAndDigest.fDigest.getDigestValue();

        filename = SkOSPath::SkPathJoin(imageDir.c_str(), checksumBasedName.c_str());
    } else {
        make_outname(&filename, outDir, src, ".png");

    const SkBitmap& bm = bitmapAndDigest.fBitmap;
    if (SkImageEncoder::EncodeFile(filename.c_str(), bm, SkImageEncoder::kPNG_Type, 100)) {
        return true;

    if (bm.colorType() == kN32_SkColorType) {
        // First attempt at encoding failed, and the bitmap was already 8888. Making
        // a copy is not going to help.
        return false;

    // Encoding failed. Copy to 8888 and try again.
    SkBitmap bm8888;
    if (!bm.copyTo(&bm8888, kN32_SkColorType)) {
        return false;
    return SkImageEncoder::EncodeFile(filename.c_str(), bm8888, SkImageEncoder::kPNG_Type, 100);
static void make_recursive_dir(const SkString& path) {
    if (sk_exists(path.c_str())) {
    const char* pathStr = path.c_str();
    int last = (int) path.size();
    do {
        while (last > 0 && pathStr[--last] != PATH_SLASH[0])
        SkASSERT(last > 0);
        SkString shorter(pathStr, last);
        if (sk_mkdir(shorter.c_str())) {
    } while (true);
    do {
        while (last < (int) path.size() && pathStr[++last] != PATH_SLASH[0])
        SkString shorter(pathStr, last);
    } while (last < (int) path.size());
Ejemplo n.º 5
 bool write_bitmap_to_disk(const SkBitmap& bm, const SkString& dirPath,
                           const char *subdirOrNull, const SkString& baseName) {
     SkString partialPath;
     if (subdirOrNull) {
         partialPath = SkOSPath::Join(dirPath.c_str(), subdirOrNull);
     } else {
     SkString fullPath = SkOSPath::Join(partialPath.c_str(), baseName.c_str());
     if (SkImageEncoder::EncodeFile(fullPath.c_str(), bm, SkImageEncoder::kPNG_Type, 100)) {
         return true;
     } else {
         SkDebugf("Failed to write the bitmap to %s.\n", fullPath.c_str());
         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
static bool make_out_dirs() {
    SkString outDir = make_filepath(0, OUT_DIR, "");
    if (!sk_exists(outDir.c_str())) {
        if (!sk_mkdir(outDir.c_str())) {
            SkDebugf("could not create dir %s\n", outDir.c_str());
            return false;
    SkString grDir = make_filepath(0, outGrDir, "");
    if (!sk_exists(grDir.c_str())) {
        if (!sk_mkdir(grDir.c_str())) {
            SkDebugf("could not create dir %s\n", grDir.c_str());
            return false;
    SkString skDir = make_filepath(0, outSkDir, "");
    if (!sk_exists(skDir.c_str())) {
        if (!sk_mkdir(skDir.c_str())) {
            SkDebugf("could not create dir %s\n", skDir.c_str());
            return false;
    SkString skpDir = make_filepath(0, outSkpDir, "");
    if (!sk_exists(skpDir.c_str())) {
        if (!sk_mkdir(skpDir.c_str())) {
            SkDebugf("could not create dir %s\n", skpDir.c_str());
            return false;
    SkString diffDir = make_filepath(0, outDiffDir, "");
    if (!sk_exists(diffDir.c_str())) {
        if (!sk_mkdir(diffDir.c_str())) {
            SkDebugf("could not create dir %s\n", diffDir.c_str());
            return false;
    SkString statusDir = make_filepath(0, outStatusDir, "");
    if (!sk_exists(statusDir.c_str())) {
        if (!sk_mkdir(statusDir.c_str())) {
            SkDebugf("could not create dir %s\n", statusDir.c_str());
            return false;
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void WriteTask::makeDirOrFail(SkString dir) {
    if (!sk_mkdir(dir.c_str())) {
Ejemplo n.º 8
void SkDiffContext::setWhiteDiffDir(const SkString& path) {
    if (!path.isEmpty() && sk_mkdir(path.c_str())) {
        fWhiteDiffDir = path;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void SkDiffContext::setAlphaMaskDir(const SkString& path) {
    if (!path.isEmpty() && sk_mkdir(path.c_str())) {
        fAlphaMaskDir = path;
Ejemplo n.º 10
/// Creates difference images, returns the number that have a 0 metric.
/// If outputDir.isEmpty(), don't write out diff files.
static void create_diff_images (DiffMetricProc dmp,
                                const int colorThreshold,
                                RecordArray* differences,
                                const SkString& baseDir,
                                const SkString& comparisonDir,
                                const SkString& outputDir,
                                const StringArray& matchSubstrings,
                                const StringArray& nomatchSubstrings,
                                bool recurseIntoSubdirs,
                                bool getBounds,
                                bool verbose,
                                DiffSummary* summary) {

    FileArray baseFiles;
    FileArray comparisonFiles;

    get_file_list(baseDir, matchSubstrings, nomatchSubstrings, recurseIntoSubdirs, &baseFiles);
    get_file_list(comparisonDir, matchSubstrings, nomatchSubstrings, recurseIntoSubdirs,

    if (!baseFiles.isEmpty()) {
        qsort(baseFiles.begin(), baseFiles.count(), sizeof(SkString*),
    if (!comparisonFiles.isEmpty()) {
        qsort(comparisonFiles.begin(), comparisonFiles.count(),
              sizeof(SkString*), SkCastForQSort(compare_file_name_metrics));

    if (!outputDir.isEmpty()) {

    int i = 0;
    int j = 0;

    while (i < baseFiles.count() &&
           j < comparisonFiles.count()) {

        SkString basePath(baseDir);
        SkString comparisonPath(comparisonDir);

        DiffRecord *drp = new DiffRecord;
        int v = strcmp(baseFiles[i]->c_str(), comparisonFiles[j]->c_str());

        if (v < 0) {
            // in baseDir, but not in comparisonDir
            drp->fResult = DiffRecord::kCouldNotCompare_Result;


            drp->fBase.fFilename = *baseFiles[i];
            drp->fBase.fFullPath = basePath;
            drp->fBase.fStatus = DiffResource::kExists_Status;

            drp->fComparison.fFilename = *baseFiles[i];
            drp->fComparison.fFullPath = comparisonPath;
            drp->fComparison.fStatus = DiffResource::kDoesNotExist_Status;


        } else if (v > 0) {
            // in comparisonDir, but not in baseDir
            drp->fResult = DiffRecord::kCouldNotCompare_Result;


            drp->fBase.fFilename = *comparisonFiles[j];
            drp->fBase.fFullPath = basePath;
            drp->fBase.fStatus = DiffResource::kDoesNotExist_Status;

            drp->fComparison.fFilename = *comparisonFiles[j];
            drp->fComparison.fFullPath = comparisonPath;
            drp->fComparison.fStatus = DiffResource::kExists_Status;

            VERBOSE_STATUS("MISSING", ANSI_COLOR_YELLOW, comparisonFiles[j]);

        } else {
            // Found the same filename in both baseDir and comparisonDir.
            SkASSERT(DiffRecord::kUnknown_Result == drp->fResult);


            drp->fBase.fFilename = *baseFiles[i];
            drp->fBase.fFullPath = basePath;
            drp->fBase.fStatus = DiffResource::kExists_Status;

            drp->fComparison.fFilename = *comparisonFiles[j];
            drp->fComparison.fFullPath = comparisonPath;
            drp->fComparison.fStatus = DiffResource::kExists_Status;

            sk_sp<SkData> baseFileBits(read_file(drp->fBase.fFullPath.c_str()));
            if (baseFileBits) {
                drp->fBase.fStatus = DiffResource::kRead_Status;
            sk_sp<SkData> comparisonFileBits(read_file(drp->fComparison.fFullPath.c_str()));
            if (comparisonFileBits) {
                drp->fComparison.fStatus = DiffResource::kRead_Status;
            if (nullptr == baseFileBits || nullptr == comparisonFileBits) {
                if (nullptr == baseFileBits) {
                    drp->fBase.fStatus = DiffResource::kCouldNotRead_Status;
                    VERBOSE_STATUS("READ FAIL", ANSI_COLOR_RED, baseFiles[i]);
                if (nullptr == comparisonFileBits) {
                    drp->fComparison.fStatus = DiffResource::kCouldNotRead_Status;
                    VERBOSE_STATUS("READ FAIL", ANSI_COLOR_RED, comparisonFiles[j]);
                drp->fResult = DiffRecord::kCouldNotCompare_Result;

            } else if (are_buffers_equal(baseFileBits.get(), comparisonFileBits.get())) {
                drp->fResult = DiffRecord::kEqualBits_Result;
                VERBOSE_STATUS("MATCH", ANSI_COLOR_GREEN, baseFiles[i]);
            } else {
                AutoReleasePixels arp(drp);
                get_bitmap(baseFileBits.get(), drp->fBase, false);
                get_bitmap(comparisonFileBits.get(), drp->fComparison, false);
                VERBOSE_STATUS("DIFFERENT", ANSI_COLOR_RED, baseFiles[i]);
                if (DiffResource::kDecoded_Status == drp->fBase.fStatus &&
                    DiffResource::kDecoded_Status == drp->fComparison.fStatus) {
                    create_and_write_diff_image(drp, dmp, colorThreshold,
                                                outputDir, drp->fBase.fFilename);
                } else {
                    drp->fResult = DiffRecord::kCouldNotCompare_Result;


        if (getBounds) {
        SkASSERT(DiffRecord::kUnknown_Result != drp->fResult);

    for (; i < baseFiles.count(); ++i) {
        // files only in baseDir
        DiffRecord *drp = new DiffRecord();
        drp->fBase.fFilename = *baseFiles[i];
        drp->fBase.fFullPath = baseDir;
        drp->fBase.fStatus = DiffResource::kExists_Status;

        drp->fComparison.fFilename = *baseFiles[i];
        drp->fComparison.fFullPath = comparisonDir;
        drp->fComparison.fStatus = DiffResource::kDoesNotExist_Status;

        drp->fResult = DiffRecord::kCouldNotCompare_Result;
        if (getBounds) {

    for (; j < comparisonFiles.count(); ++j) {
        // files only in comparisonDir
        DiffRecord *drp = new DiffRecord();
        drp->fBase.fFilename = *comparisonFiles[j];
        drp->fBase.fFullPath = baseDir;
        drp->fBase.fStatus = DiffResource::kDoesNotExist_Status;

        drp->fComparison.fFilename = *comparisonFiles[j];
        drp->fComparison.fFullPath = comparisonDir;
        drp->fComparison.fStatus = DiffResource::kExists_Status;

        drp->fResult = DiffRecord::kCouldNotCompare_Result;
        if (getBounds) {

Ejemplo n.º 11
int tool_main_core(int argc, char** argv) {
    SkCommandLineFlags::Parse(argc, argv);

    SkAutoGraphics ag;

    SkString outputDir;
    if (FLAGS_outputDir.count() > 0) {
        outputDir = FLAGS_outputDir[0];
        if (!sk_mkdir(outputDir.c_str())) {
            SkDebugf("Unable to mkdir '%s'\n", outputDir.c_str());
            return 1;

    SkTArray<SkString> files;
    process_input_files(FLAGS_inputPaths, &files);

    size_t maximumPathLength = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < files.count(); i ++) {
        SkString basename = SkOSPath::Basename(files[i].c_str());
        maximumPathLength = SkTMax(maximumPathLength, basename.size());

    int failures = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < files.count(); i ++) {
        SkString basename = SkOSPath::Basename(files[i].c_str());

        SkFILEStream inputStream;
        if (!inputStream.isValid()) {
            SkDebugf("Could not open file %s\n", files[i].c_str());

        SkAutoTUnref<SkPicture> picture(
        if (NULL == picture.get()) {
            SkDebugf("Could not read an SkPicture from %s\n",
        SkDebugf("[%6g %6g %6g %6g] %-*s",
            picture->cullRect().fLeft, picture->cullRect().fTop,
            picture->cullRect().fRight, picture->cullRect().fBottom,
            maximumPathLength, basename.c_str());

        SkAutoTDelete<SkWStream> stream(open_stream(outputDir, files[i]));
        if (!stream.get()) {
        if (!pdf_to_stream(picture, stream.get())) {
            SkDebugf("Error in PDF Serialization.");

        int max_rss_mb = sk_tools::getMaxResidentSetSizeMB();
        if (max_rss_mb >= 0) {
            SkDebugf(" %4dM peak rss", max_rss_mb);

    if (failures != 0) {
        SkDebugf("Failed to render %i of %i PDFs.\n", failures, files.count());
        return 1;

    return 0;