static void skey_challenge_response_cb (GtkWidget *dialog, int response_id, SkeyData *data) { if (response_id == GTK_RESPONSE_OK) { GtkWidget *entry; const char *password; char *response; entry = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "skey-entry"); password = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (entry)); /* FIXME: fix skey to use g_malloc */ response = skey (data->hash, data->seq, data->seed, password); if (response) { VteTerminal *vte_terminal = VTE_TERMINAL (data->screen); static const char newline[2] = "\n"; vte_terminal_feed_child (vte_terminal, response, strlen (response)); vte_terminal_feed_child (vte_terminal, newline, strlen (newline)); free (response); } } gtk_widget_destroy (dialog); }
QByteArray CppRsaPublicKeyImpl::Encrypt(const QByteArray &data) const { if(!IsValid()) { return QByteArray(); } RSAES<OAEP<SHA> >::Encryptor encryptor(*m_public_key); int clength = ((data.size() / AES::BLOCKSIZE) + 1) * AES::BLOCKSIZE; int data_start = encryptor.FixedCiphertextLength() + AES::BLOCKSIZE; QByteArray ciphertext(data_start + clength, 0); CryptoRandom rand; QByteArray skey(AES::BLOCKSIZE, 0); rand.GenerateBlock(skey); QByteArray iv(AES::BLOCKSIZE, 0); rand.GenerateBlock(iv); ciphertext.replace(encryptor.FixedCiphertextLength(), iv.size(), iv); CBC_Mode<AES>::Encryption enc; enc.SetKeyWithIV(reinterpret_cast<byte *>(, skey.size(), reinterpret_cast<byte *>(; StringSource(reinterpret_cast<const byte *>(, data.size(), true, new StreamTransformationFilter(enc, new ArraySink(reinterpret_cast<byte *>( + data_start), clength))); encryptor.Encrypt(GetCppRandom(rand), reinterpret_cast<const byte *>(, skey.size(), reinterpret_cast<byte *>(; return ciphertext; }
void IniSetting::ParserCallback::onPopEntry( const std::string &key, const std::string &value, const std::string &offset, void *arg) { Variant *arr = (Variant*)arg; forceToArray(*arr); bool oEmpty = offset.empty(); // Substitution copy or symlink // Offset come in like: hhvm.a.b\0c\0@ // Check for `\0` because it is possible, although unlikely, to have // something like hhvm.a.b[c@]. Thus we wouldn't want to make a substitution. if (!oEmpty && (offset.size() == 1 || offset[offset.size() - 2] == '\0') && (offset.back() == '@' || offset.back() == ':')) { makeSettingSub(key, offset, value, *arr); } else { // Normal array value String skey(key); auto& hash = arr->toArrRef().lvalAt(skey); forceToArray(hash); if (!oEmpty) { // a[b] makeArray(hash, offset, value); } else { // a[] hash.toArrRef().append(value); } } }
logical pc_ADKC_Bitmap_ :: DefineFromList (srt *srtptr, char *sysvar, char *filext ) { char *name; char *pkt; char string[1000]; int32 indx0 = 0; logical term = NO; while ( name = (char *)srtptr->srtigt(++indx0) ) { if ( pkt = strchr(name,'.') ) *pkt = 0; PropertyHandle skey(strcat(strcat(strcpy(string,sysvar),"_"),name)); if ( pkt ) *pkt = '.'; if ( !Get(skey) ) { Add(skey); *GPH("inaktiv_bitmap.path") = strcat(strcat(strcat(strcpy(string,"%"),sysvar),"%"),name); } } return(term); }
common::Error LmdbRaw::keys(const std::string &key_start, const std::string &key_end, uint64_t limit, std::vector<std::string> *ret) { MDB_cursor *cursor; MDB_txn *txn = NULL; int rc = mdb_txn_begin(lmdb_->env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, &txn); if (rc == LMDB_OK) { rc = mdb_cursor_open(txn, lmdb_->dbir, &cursor); } if (rc != LMDB_OK) { mdb_txn_abort(txn); char buff[1024] = {0}; common::SNPrintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "Keys function error: %s", mdb_strerror(rc)); return common::make_error_value(buff, common::ErrorValue::E_ERROR); } MDB_val key; MDB_val data; while ((mdb_cursor_get(cursor, &key, &data, MDB_NEXT) == LMDB_OK) && limit > ret->size()) { std::string skey((const char*)key.mv_data, key.mv_size); if (key_start < skey && key_end > skey) { ret->push_back(skey); } } mdb_cursor_close(cursor); mdb_txn_abort(txn); return common::Error(); }
void IniSetting::ParserCallback::onEntry( const std::string &key, const std::string &value, void *arg) { Variant *arr = (Variant*)arg; String skey(key); Variant sval(value); forceToArray(*arr).set(skey, sval); }
static void skey_test (gconstpointer data) { const TestEntry *test = (const TestEntry *) data; char *key; key = skey (test->algorithm, test->count, test->seed, test->passphrase); g_assert (key != NULL); g_assert (strcmp (key, test->btoe) == 0); free (key); }
void rrdb_service_impl::on_get(const ::dsn::blob& key, ::dsn::service::rpc_replier<read_response>& reply) { read_response resp; if (_is_open) { rocksdb::Slice skey(, key.length()); rocksdb::Status status = _db->Get(_rd_opts, skey, &resp.value); resp.error = status.code(); } else { resp.error = ERR_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVE; } reply(resp); }
void rrdb_service_impl::on_remove(const ::dsn::blob& key, ::dsn::service::rpc_replier<int>& reply) { if (_is_open) { rocksdb::WriteOptions opts = _wt_opts; opts.given_sequence_number = static_cast<rocksdb::SequenceNumber>(_last_committed_decree + 1); rocksdb::Slice skey(, key.length()); rocksdb::Status status = _db->Delete(opts, skey); reply(status.code()); } else { reply(ERR_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVE); } }
void rrdb_service_impl::on_merge(const update_request& update, ::dsn::service::rpc_replier<int>& reply) { if (_is_open) { rocksdb::WriteOptions opts = _wt_opts; opts.given_sequence_number = static_cast<rocksdb::SequenceNumber>(_last_committed_decree + 1); rocksdb::Slice skey(, update.key.length()); rocksdb::Slice svalue(, update.value.length()); rocksdb::Status status = _db->Merge(opts, skey, svalue); reply(status.code()); } else { reply(ERR_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVE); } }
QVariant LRSAuthenticate::PrepareForChallenge() { Library *lib = CryptoFactory::GetInstance().GetLibrary(); QSharedPointer<AsymmetricKey> skey(lib->CreatePrivateKey()); QSharedPointer<AsymmetricKey> dkey(lib->CreatePrivateKey()); QSharedPointer<DiffieHellman> dh(lib->CreateDiffieHellman()); _ident = PrivateIdentity(_ori_ident.GetLocalId(), skey, dkey, dh, _ori_ident.GetSuperPeer()); _pub_ident = GetPublicIdentity(_ident); QByteArray bident; QDataStream stream(&bident, QIODevice::WriteOnly); stream << _pub_ident; QVariantList list; list.append(bident); list.append(_lrs->Sign(bident)); return list; }
//not modify bool PrivateKey::From(const std::string &encode_private_key) { valid_ = false; std::string tmp; do { PrivateKeyPrefix prefix; std::string raw_pubkey; valid_ = GetKeyElement(encode_private_key, prefix, type_, raw_priv_key_); if (!valid_) { return false; } if (prefix != PRIVATEKEY_PREFIX) { valid_ = false; return false; } if (type_ == SIGNTYPE_ED25519) { tmp.resize(32); ed25519_publickey((const unsigned char*)raw_priv_key_.c_str(), (unsigned char*)tmp.c_str()); } else if (type_ == SIGNTYPE_CFCASM2) { utils::EccSm2 skey(utils::EccSm2::GetCFCAGroup()); skey.From(raw_priv_key_); tmp = skey.GetPublicKey(); } else{ LOG_ERROR("Unknown signature type(%d)", type_); } //ToBase58(); pub_key_.type_ = type_; pub_key_.Init(tmp); pub_key_.valid_ = true; valid_ = true; } while (false); return valid_; }
void SimTK_about_SimTKcommon(const char* key, int maxlen, char* value) { if (maxlen <= 0 || value==0) return; value[0] = '\0'; // in case we don't find a match if (key==0) return; // downshift the key std::string skey(key); for (int i=0; i<(int)skey.size(); ++i) skey[i] = (char)std::tolower((unsigned char)skey[i]); const char* v = 0; if (skey == "version") v = GET_VERSION_STRING; else if (skey == "library") v = GET_LIBRARY_STRING; else if (skey == "type") v = GET_TYPE_STRING; else if (skey == "copyright") v = GET_COPYRIGHT_STRING; else if (skey == "authors") v = GET_AUTHORS_STRING; else if (skey == "debug") v = GET_DEBUG_STRING; if (v) { std::strncpy(value,v,maxlen-1); value[maxlen-1] = '\0'; // in case we ran out of room } }
ConfigUtil::ConfigUtil(const char *path) { int i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(DEFAULT_SETTING) / sizeof(DEFAULT_SETTING[0]); i++) { string key(DEFAULT_SETTING[i].key); string val(DEFAULT_SETTING[i].val); items.insert(pair<string, string>(key, val)); } ifstream ifs(path); if (ifs.good()) { char line[1024]; char key[1024]; char val[1024]; while (!ifs.eof()) { ifs.getline(line, sizeof(line)); if (line[0] == '[') { continue; } for (i = 0; line[i]; i++) { if (line[i] == ';' || line[i] == '#') { line[i] = 0; break; } } for (i--; i >= 0; i--) { if (line[i] == ' ' || line[i] == '\t') { line[i] = 0; } else { break; } } if (!line[0]) { continue; } string sline(line); istringstream issline(sline); issline.getline(key, sizeof(key), ':'); string skey(key); if (skey.length() == 0) { continue; } issline.getline(val, sizeof(val), ':'); string sval(val); if (sval.length() == 0) { //continue; } items.erase(skey); items.insert(pair<string, string>(skey, sval)); } } ifs.close(); }
static const std::string valid_key_to_string(KEY key) { std::string skey(1,(char)key); std::string strkey = LLKeyboard::stringFromKey(key); return ((skey == strkey && key >= ' ' && key <= '~') || (skey != strkey) ) ? strkey : ""; }
static int _buildHeader(const char* infile, FPTREE * fpt, HashTable * item_dict, char sep){ FILE * fp = NULL; if ((fp = fopen(infile,"r")) == NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"open input file failed\n"); return -1; } char buffer[LINE_LEN]; char ** str_array = NULL; int count = 0, item_count = 0; int line = 0; HashTable * tmp_dict = create_hashtable(5000000,char*,int); while (NULL != fgets(buffer,LINE_LEN,fp)){ str_array = split(trim(buffer,3), sep ,&count); if (count < 3){ goto str_free; } int t_count = atoi(str_array[count-1]); for (int i = 0; i< count - 1; i++){ if (strlen(str_array[i]) < 6) continue; if (NOTEXISTS == hash_exists(tmp_dict,str_array[i])){ hash_add(tmp_dict,str_array[i],t_count); } else{ hash_find(tmp_dict,str_array[i],&item_count); item_count += t_count; hash_add(tmp_dict,str_array[i],item_count); } } str_free: free(str_array[0]); free(str_array); if (++line % 1000000 == 0){ fprintf(stderr,"load lines %d\n", line); } } fclose(fp); fprintf(stderr,"totle words %d\n", hash_num_elements(tmp_dict)); for (reset(tmp_dict); isnotend(tmp_dict); next(tmp_dict)){ char * key = skey(tmp_dict); int item_sup = *((int*)value(tmp_dict)); if (item_sup >= fpt->minsup){ hash_add(item_dict,key,item_sup); } } hash_free(tmp_dict); tmp_dict = NULL; int item_size = 0; fpt->headsize = item_size = hash_num_elements(item_dict); fpt->header = (FPTLIST *)malloc(sizeof(FPTLIST) * item_size); ItemCount * ic = (ItemCount*)malloc(sizeof(ItemCount) * item_size); int i = 0; for (reset(item_dict); isnotend(item_dict); next(item_dict)){ char * key = skey(item_dict); int item_sup = *((int*)value(item_dict)); strncpy(ic[i].key,key,KEY_SIZE-1); ic[i].key[KEY_SIZE-1] = '\0'; ic[i].count = item_sup; i += 1; } reset(item_dict); qsort(ic,item_size,sizeof(ItemCount),itemcompare); for (int i = 0; i< item_size; i++){ strncpy(fpt->header[i].itemname,ic[i].key,KEY_SIZE-1); fpt->header[i].itemname[KEY_SIZE-1] = '\0'; fpt->header[i].supp = ic[i].count; fpt->header[i].itemlink = 0; hash_add(item_dict,ic[i].key,i); } free(ic);ic = NULL; return 0; }