Ejemplo n.º 1
int prSpeakText(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed){

	OSErr theErr = noErr;
	PyrSlot *obj = g->sp-2;
	PyrSlot *a = g->sp-1;
	PyrSlot *str = g->sp;

	int chan;

	slotIntVal(a, &chan);
	chan = sc_clip(chan, 0, kMaxSpeechChannels);
	if(speechStrings[chan] != NULL) {
		post("voice %i already speaking\n", chan);
		return errNone;
	} else {
//	speechStrings[chan] = (char*)pyr_pool_compile->Alloc((a->uo->size + 1)* sizeof(char));
	speechStrings[chan] = (char*) malloc((str->uo->size + 1)* sizeof(char));

	slotStrVal(str, speechStrings[chan], str->uo->size+1);

	//if(!fCurSpeechChannel) theErr = NewSpeechChannel( NULL, &fCurSpeechChannel );
	theErr = SpeakText( fCurSpeechChannel[chan], speechStrings[chan], strlen(speechStrings[chan]));
	//should be freed only after the text was spoken!
//	todo move this bit to the callback!
//	pyr_pool_compile->Free(theTextToSpeak);
	return errNone;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int prFileCopy(struct VMGlobals * g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot *b = g->sp - 1, *c = g->sp;
	char filename1[PATH_MAX];
	char filename2[PATH_MAX];
	int error;
	error = slotStrVal(b, filename1, PATH_MAX);
	if (error != errNone)
		return error;
	error = slotStrVal(c, filename2, PATH_MAX);
	if (error != errNone)
		return error;

	boost::filesystem::copy(filename1, filename2);
	return errNone;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int ScIDE_Send(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
    if (!gIpcClient) {
        error("ScIDE not connected\n");
        return errFailed;

    if( !gMainVMGlobals->canCallOS ) {
        error("You can not use ScIDE:prSend functionality in the current thread.\nTry scheduling on AppClock instead.\n");
        return errFailed;

    PyrSlot * idSlot = g->sp - 1;
    char id[255];
    if (slotStrVal( idSlot, id, 255 ))
        return errWrongType;

    PyrSlot * argSlot = g->sp;

    try {
        YAMLSerializer serializer(argSlot);
        sendSelectorAndData(gIpcClient->mSocket, QString(id), QString::fromUtf8(serializer.data()));
    } catch (std::exception const & e) {
        postfl("Exception during ScIDE_Send: %s\n", e.what());
        return errFailed;

    return errNone;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int prSCDoc_ParseFile(struct VMGlobals* g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot *a, *b, *c;
    char filename[PATH_MAX];
    int mode, err;

	a = g->sp - 2;
	b = g->sp - 1;
	c = g->sp;

    err = slotStrVal(b, filename, PATH_MAX);
    if (err) return err;
    err = slotIntVal(c, &mode);
    if (err) return err;

    DocNode *n = scdoc_parse_file(filename, mode);
    if(n) {
//        doc_node_dump(n);
        _doc_traverse(g, n, NULL, a);
    } else {
    return errNone;
Ejemplo n.º 5
int ScIDE_GetDocTextMirror(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
    if (!gIpcClient) {
        error("ScIDE not connected\n");
        return errFailed;
    PyrSlot * returnSlot = g->sp - numArgsPushed + 1;
    PyrSlot * docIDSlot = g->sp - 2;
    char id[255];
    if (slotStrVal( docIDSlot, id, 255 ))
        return errWrongType;
    int pos, range, err = errNone;
    PyrSlot * posSlot = g->sp-1;
    err = slotIntVal(posSlot, &pos);
    if (err) return err;
    PyrSlot * rangeSlot = g->sp;
    err = slotIntVal(rangeSlot, &range);
    if (err) return err;
    QByteArray key = QByteArray(id);
    QString docText = gIpcClient->getTextMirrorForDocument(key, pos, range);
    PyrString* pyrString = newPyrString(g->gc, docText.toLatin1().constData(), 0, true);
    SetObject(returnSlot, pyrString);

    return errNone;
Ejemplo n.º 6
int ScIDE_Send(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
    if (!gIpcClient) {
        error("ScIDE not connected\n");
        return errFailed;

    PyrSlot * idSlot = g->sp - 1;
    char id[255];
    if (slotStrVal( idSlot, id, 255 ))
        return errWrongType;

    PyrSlot * argSlot = g->sp;

    try {
        YAMLSerializer serializer(argSlot);

        QDataStream stream(gIpcClient->mSocket);
        stream << QString(id);
        stream << QString::fromUtf8(serializer.data());
    } catch (std::exception const & e) {
        postfl("Exception during ScIDE_Send: %s\n", e.what());
        return errFailed;

    return errNone;
Ejemplo n.º 7
int ScIDE_SetDocSelectionMirror(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
    if (!gIpcClient) {
        error("ScIDE not connected\n");
        return errFailed;
    PyrSlot * docIDSlot = g->sp - 2;
    char id[255];
    if (slotStrVal( docIDSlot, id, 255 ))
        return errWrongType;
    int start, range, err = errNone;
    PyrSlot * startSlot = g->sp-1;
    err = slotIntVal(startSlot, &start);
    if (err) return err;
    PyrSlot * rangeSlot = g->sp;
    err = slotIntVal(rangeSlot, &range);
    if (err) return err;
    QByteArray key = QByteArray(id);
    gIpcClient->setSelectionMirrorForDocument(key, start, range);
    return errNone;
Ejemplo n.º 8
static int prSerialPort_Open(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot *args = g->sp - 1 - SerialPort::kNumOptions;

	int err;

	PyrSlot* self = args+0;

	if (getSerialPort(self) != 0)
		return errFailed;

	char portName[PATH_MAX];
	err = slotStrVal(args+1, portName, sizeof(portName));
	printf("portName %s\n", portName);
	if (err) return err;

	SerialPort::Options options;
	SerialPort* port = 0;

	options.exclusive = IsTrue(args+2);

	int baudrate;
	err = slotIntVal(args+3, &baudrate);
	if (err) return err;
	options.baudrate = baudrate;

	int databits;
	err = slotIntVal(args+4, &databits);
	if (err) return err;
	options.databits = databits;

	options.stopbit = IsTrue(args+5);

	int parity;
	err = slotIntVal(args+6, &parity);
	if (err) return err;
	options.parity = (SerialPort::Parity)parity;

	options.crtscts = IsTrue(args+7);
	options.xonxoff = IsTrue(args+8);

	try {
		port = new SerialPort(slotRawObject(self), portName, options);
	} catch (SerialPort::Error& e) {
		std::ostringstream os;
		os << "SerialPort Error: " << e.what();
		return errFailed;

	SetPtr(slotRawObject(self)->slots+0, port);

	return errNone;
Ejemplo n.º 9
int prFileType(struct VMGlobals * g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot *a = g->sp - 1, *b = g->sp;
	char filename[PATH_MAX];

	int error = slotStrVal(b, filename, PATH_MAX);
	if (error != errNone)
		return error;

	boost::filesystem::file_status s(boost::filesystem::symlink_status(filename));
	SetInt(a, s.type());
	return errNone;
Ejemplo n.º 10
int prFileExists(struct VMGlobals * g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot *a = g->sp - 1, *b = g->sp;
	char filename[PATH_MAX];

	int error = slotStrVal(b, filename, PATH_MAX);
	if (error != errNone)
		return error;

	bool res = boost::filesystem::exists(filename);
	SetBool(a, res);
	return errNone;
Ejemplo n.º 11
int ScIDE_SetDocTextMirror(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
    if (!gIpcClient) {
        error("ScIDE not connected\n");
        return errFailed;
    PyrSlot * docIDSlot = g->sp - 3;
    char id[255];
    if (slotStrVal( docIDSlot, id, 255 ))
        return errWrongType;
    PyrSlot * textSlot = g->sp - 2;
    int length = slotStrLen(textSlot);
    if(length == -1) return errWrongType;
    std::vector<char> text(length + 1);
    if (slotStrVal( textSlot, text.data(), length + 1))
        return errWrongType;
    int pos, range, err = errNone;
    PyrSlot * posSlot = g->sp-1;
    err = slotIntVal(posSlot, &pos);
    if (err) return err;
    PyrSlot * rangeSlot = g->sp;
    err = slotIntVal(rangeSlot, &range);
    if (err) return err;
    QByteArray key = QByteArray(id);
    QString docText = QString(text.data());
    gIpcClient->setTextMirrorForDocument(key, docText, pos, range);

    return errNone;
Ejemplo n.º 12
int prString_System(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot *a = g->sp;

	char cmdline[1024];
	int err = slotStrVal(a, cmdline, 1023);
	if (err) return err;

	int res = system(cmdline);
	SetInt(a, res);

	return errNone;
Ejemplo n.º 13
int prFileSize(struct VMGlobals * g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot *a = g->sp - 1, *b = g->sp;
	char filename[PATH_MAX];

	int error = slotStrVal(b, filename, PATH_MAX);
	if (error != errNone)
		return error;

	uintmax_t sz = boost::filesystem::file_size(filename);
	SetInt(a, (int)sz); // kengo:
	return errNone;
Ejemplo n.º 14
int prFileMTime(struct VMGlobals * g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot *a = g->sp - 1, *b = g->sp;
	char filename[PATH_MAX];

	int error = slotStrVal(b, filename, PATH_MAX);
	if (error != errNone)
		return error;

	time_t mtime = boost::filesystem::last_write_time(filename);
	SetInt(a, (int)mtime);  // kengo:
	return errNone;
Ejemplo n.º 15
int prFileDelete(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot *a = g->sp - 1, *b = g->sp;
	char filename[PATH_MAX];

	int error = slotStrVal(b, filename, PATH_MAX);
	if (error != errNone)
		return error;

	int err = unlink(filename);
	SetBool(a, err == 0);

	return errNone;
Ejemplo n.º 16
int prGetHostByName(VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot *a = g->sp;
	char hostname[256];

	int err = slotStrVal(a, hostname, 255);
	if (err) return err;

	struct hostent *he = gethostbyname(hostname);
	if (!he) return errFailed;

	SetInt(a, ntohl(*(int*)he->h_addr));

	return errNone;
Ejemplo n.º 17
int prFileMkDir(struct VMGlobals * g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot *b = g->sp;
	char filename[PATH_MAX];

	int error = slotStrVal(b, filename, PATH_MAX);
	if (error != errNone)
		return error;

	boost::system::error_code error_code;
	boost::filesystem::create_directories(filename, error_code);
	if (error_code)
		postfl("Warning: %s (\"%s\")\n", error_code.message().c_str(), filename);

	return errNone;
Ejemplo n.º 18
int ScIDE_Connect(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
    if (gIpcClient) {
        error("ScIDE already connected\n");
        return errFailed;

    PyrSlot * ideNameSlot = g->sp;

    char ideName[1024];
    int status = slotStrVal(ideNameSlot, ideName, 1024);
    if (status != errNone)
        return errWrongType;

    gIpcClient = new SCIpcClient(ideName);

    return errNone;
Ejemplo n.º 19
int prString_Dirname(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
        PyrSlot *a = g->sp;

        char path[PATH_MAX];
        int err = slotStrVal(a, path, PATH_MAX);
        if (err) return err;

        char *dirname0 = dirname(path);

        int size = strlen(dirname0);
        PyrString *strobj = newPyrStringN(g->gc, size, 0, true);
        memcpy(strobj->s, dirname0, size);

        SetObject(a, strobj);

        return errNone;
Ejemplo n.º 20
int prFileDelete(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot *a = g->sp - 1, *b = g->sp;
	char filename[PATH_MAX];

	int error = slotStrVal(b, filename, PATH_MAX);
	if (error != errNone)
		return error;

	boost::system::error_code error_code;
	boost::filesystem::remove(filename, error_code);

	if (error_code)

	return errNone;
Ejemplo n.º 21
int prHID_API_Open( VMGlobals* g, int numArgsPushed ){
	PyrSlot *args = g->sp - numArgsPushed + 1;
	PyrSlot* self = args + 0;
	PyrSlot* arg1  = args + 1;
	PyrSlot* arg2  = args + 2;
	PyrSlot* arg3  = args + 3;

	int err;
	char path[256];
	int vendorid;
	int productid;
// 	char serial_number[256]; // could also use serial_number as specification to open device, but this is not working yet

	err = slotIntVal( arg1, &vendorid );
	if ( err != errNone ) return err;

	err = slotIntVal( arg2, &productid );
	if ( err != errNone ) return err;

	int result;

	err = slotStrVal(arg3, path, sizeof(path));
	if (err) return err;
	result = SC_HID_APIManager::instance().open_device_path( path, vendorid, productid );

	// could also use serial_number as specification to open device, but this is not working yet
  if ( NotNil( arg3 ) ){
	err = slotStrVal(arg3, serial_number, sizeof(serial_number));
	if (err) return err;
	// open device
	result = SC_HID_APIManager::instance().open_device( vendorid, productid, serial_number );
  } else {
	  // open device
	result = SC_HID_APIManager::instance().open_device( vendorid, productid, NULL );
	SetInt( self, result );

	return errNone;
Ejemplo n.º 22
int prString_POpen(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	struct sc_process *process;
	PyrSlot *a = g->sp - 1;
	PyrSlot *b = g->sp;
	int err;

	if (!isKindOfSlot(a, class_string)) return errWrongType;

	char *cmdline = (char*)malloc(a->uo->size + 1);
	err = slotStrVal(a, cmdline, a->uo->size + 1);
	if(err) {
		return errFailed;

#ifdef SC_IPHONE
	SetInt(a, 0);
	return errNone;

	process = (struct sc_process *)malloc(sizeof(struct sc_process));
	process->stream = sc_popen(cmdline, &process->pid, "r");
	setvbuf(process->stream, 0, _IONBF, 0);

	process->postOutput = IsTrue(b);


	if(process->stream == NULL) {
		return errFailed;

	pthread_t thread;
	pthread_create(&thread, NULL, string_popen_thread_func, (void*)process);

	SetInt(a, process->pid);
	return errNone;
Ejemplo n.º 23
int prLID_Open(VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot* args = g->sp - 1;
	int err;

	PyrObject* obj = SC_LID::getObject(args+0);
	if (!obj) return errWrongType;

	char path[PATH_MAX];
	err = slotStrVal(args+1, path, sizeof(path));
	if (err) return err;

	SC_LID* dev = new SC_LID(obj);
	err = dev->open(path);
	if (err) {
		delete dev;
		return err;

	return errNone;
Ejemplo n.º 24
int prStrFTime(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
        PyrSlot *a = g->sp - 1;
        PyrSlot *b = g->sp;

        PyrSlot *slots = a->uo->slots;

        if (IsNil(slots + 0)) {
          return errNone;

        struct tm tm0;

        if (slotIntVal(slots+0, &tm0.tm_year)) return errWrongType;
        tm0.tm_year -= 1900;
        if (slotIntVal(slots+1, &tm0.tm_mon)) return errWrongType;
		tm0.tm_mon --;
        if (slotIntVal(slots+2, &tm0.tm_mday)) return errWrongType;
        if (slotIntVal(slots+3, &tm0.tm_hour)) return errWrongType;
        if (slotIntVal(slots+4, &tm0.tm_min)) return errWrongType;
        if (slotIntVal(slots+5, &tm0.tm_sec)) return errWrongType;
        if (slotIntVal(slots+6, &tm0.tm_wday)) return errWrongType;

        char format[1024];
        if (slotStrVal(b, format, 1024)) return errWrongType;

        char buffer[1024];
        if (strftime(buffer, 1024, format, &tm0) != 0) {
          int size = strlen(buffer);
          PyrString *strobj = newPyrStringN(g->gc, size, 0, true);
          memcpy(strobj->s, buffer, size);

          SetObject(a, strobj);
        } else {
          error("could not convert the date to string with the give format");
          return errFailed;
        return errNone;
Ejemplo n.º 25
int prGetHostByName(VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot *a = g->sp;
	char hostname[256];

	int err = slotStrVal(a, hostname, 255);
	if (err) return err;

	struct hostent *he = gethostbyname(hostname);
	if (!he) {
#ifdef _WIN32
		int err = WSAGetLastError();
		error("gethostbyname(\"%s\") failed with error code %i.\n",
			hostname, err);
		return errFailed;

	SetInt(a, sc_ntohl(*(int*)he->h_addr));

	return errNone;
Ejemplo n.º 26
int ScIDE_GetDocSelectionRange(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
    if (!gIpcClient) {
        error("ScIDE not connected\n");
        return errFailed;
    PyrSlot * returnSlot = g->sp - numArgsPushed + 1;
    PyrSlot * docIDSlot = g->sp;
    char id[255];
    if (slotStrVal( docIDSlot, id, 255 ))
        return errWrongType;
    QByteArray key = QByteArray(id);
    QPair<int, int>selection = gIpcClient->getSelectionMirrorForDocument(key);
    SetInt(returnSlot, selection.second);
    return errNone;
Ejemplo n.º 27
int prFileRealPath(struct VMGlobals* g, int numArgsPushed )
	PyrSlot *a = g->sp - 1, *b = g->sp;
	char ipath[PATH_MAX];
	char opath[PATH_MAX];
	int err;

	err = slotStrVal(b, ipath, PATH_MAX);
	if (err) return err;

	bool isAlias = false;
	if(sc_ResolveIfAlias(ipath, opath, isAlias, PATH_MAX)!=0) {
		return errFailed;

	boost::system::error_code error_code;
	boost::filesystem::path p = boost::filesystem::canonical(opath,error_code);
	if(error_code) {
		return errNone;

	CFStringRef cfstring =
	err = !CFStringGetFileSystemRepresentation(cfstring, opath, PATH_MAX);
	if (err) return errFailed;
#endif // SC_DARWIN

	PyrString* pyrString = newPyrString(g->gc, opath, 0, true);
	SetObject(a, pyrString);

	return errNone;
Ejemplo n.º 28
int prBootInProcessServer(VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot *a = g->sp;

	if (!gInternalSynthServer.mWorld) {
		WorldOptions options = kDefaultWorldOptions;

		PyrObject *optionsObj = a->uo;
		PyrSlot *optionsSlots = optionsObj->slots;

		static char mInputStreamsEnabled[512], mOutputStreamsEnabled[512], mDeviceName[512];
		int err;

		err = slotIntVal(optionsSlots + 0, (int*)&options.mNumAudioBusChannels);
		if (err) return err;

		err = slotIntVal(optionsSlots + 1, (int*)&options.mNumControlBusChannels);
		if (err) return err;

		err = slotIntVal(optionsSlots + 2, (int*)&options.mNumInputBusChannels);
		if (err) return err;

		err = slotIntVal(optionsSlots + 3, (int*)&options.mNumOutputBusChannels);
		if (err) return err;

		err = slotIntVal(optionsSlots + 4, (int*)&options.mNumBuffers);
		if (err) return err;

		err = slotIntVal(optionsSlots + 5, (int*)&options.mMaxNodes);
		if (err) return err;

		err = slotIntVal(optionsSlots + 6, (int*)&options.mMaxGraphDefs);
		if (err) return err;

		err = slotIntVal(optionsSlots + 8, (int*)&options.mBufLength);
		if (err) return err;

		if (NotNil(optionsSlots + 9)) {
			err = slotIntVal(optionsSlots + 9, (int*)&options.mPreferredHardwareBufferFrameSize);
			if (err) return err;

		err = slotIntVal(optionsSlots + 10, (int*)&options.mRealTimeMemorySize);
		if (err) return err;

		err = slotIntVal(optionsSlots + 11, (int*)&options.mNumRGens);
		if (err) return err;

		err = slotIntVal(optionsSlots + 12, (int*)&options.mMaxWireBufs);
		if (err) return err;

		if (NotNil(optionsSlots + 13)) {
			err = slotIntVal(optionsSlots + 13, (int*)&options.mPreferredSampleRate);
			if (err) return err;

		options.mLoadGraphDefs = IsTrue(optionsSlots + 14) ? 1 : 0;

		#ifdef SC_DARWIN
		err = slotStrVal(optionsSlots+15, mInputStreamsEnabled, 512);
		if(err) options.mInputStreamsEnabled = NULL;
		else options.mInputStreamsEnabled = mInputStreamsEnabled;

		err = slotStrVal(optionsSlots+16, mOutputStreamsEnabled, 512);
		if(err) options.mOutputStreamsEnabled = NULL;
		else options.mOutputStreamsEnabled = mOutputStreamsEnabled;

		err = slotStrVal(optionsSlots+17, mDeviceName, 512);
		if(err) options.mInDeviceName = options.mOutDeviceName = NULL;
		else options.mInDeviceName = options.mOutDeviceName = mDeviceName;

		options.mNumSharedControls = gInternalSynthServer.mNumSharedControls;
		options.mSharedControls = gInternalSynthServer.mSharedControls;

		gInternalSynthServer.mWorld = World_New(&options);

	return errNone;
Ejemplo n.º 29
int prString_FindRegexp(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	int err;

	PyrSlot *a = g->sp - 2; // source string
	PyrSlot *b = g->sp - 1; // pattern
	PyrSlot *c = g->sp;     // offset

	if (!isKindOfSlot(b, class_string) || (NotInt(c))) return errWrongType;
//	post("prString_FindRegexp\n");
	int maxfind = MAXREGEXFIND;
	int offset = slotRawInt(c);
	int stringsize = slotRawObject(a)->size + 1;
	int patternsize =  slotRawObject(b)->size + 1;
	char *string = (char*)malloc(slotRawObject(a)->size + 1);
	err = slotStrVal(a, string, slotRawObject(a)->size + 1);
	if (err){
		return err;
	char *pattern = (char*)malloc(slotRawObject(b)->size + 1);
	err = slotStrVal(b, pattern, slotRawObject(b)->size + 1);
	if (err) return err;
	UParseError uerr;
	UErrorCode status = (UErrorCode)0;
	UChar *regexStr;
	UChar *ustring;

	regexStr =  (UChar*)malloc((patternsize)*sizeof(UChar));
	u_charsToUChars (pattern, regexStr, patternsize);

	ustring =  (UChar*)malloc((stringsize)*sizeof(UChar));
	u_charsToUChars (string+offset, ustring, stringsize-offset);

	unsigned flags = UREGEX_MULTILINE;
	int groupNumber = 0;
	SCRegExRegion * what;
	int indx = 0;
	int size = 0;

	URegularExpression *expression = uregex_open(regexStr, -1, flags, &uerr, &status);
	if(U_FAILURE(status)) goto nilout;

	 if(!U_FAILURE(status)) {
		uregex_setText(expression, ustring, -1, &status);
		what =  (SCRegExRegion*)malloc((maxfind)*sizeof(SCRegExRegion));
		for(int i=0; i< maxfind; i++)
			SCRegExRegion range;
			range.matched = false;
			what[i] = range;

		int32_t groups = uregex_groupCount(expression, &status) + 1;
		if(U_FAILURE(status)) goto nilout;
//		post("groups: %i\n", groups);
		while (uregex_findNext(expression, &status) && size<maxfind)
			if(U_FAILURE(status)) return errNone;

			for(int i=0; i< groups; ++i){
				what[size].group = i;
				what[size].start = sc_clip(uregex_start(expression, i, &status), 0, stringsize) ;
				if(U_FAILURE(status)) goto nilout;
				what[size].end = sc_clip(uregex_end(expression, i, &status), 0, stringsize);
				what[size].matched = true;
//				post("index:%i, size:%i, start %i, end %i\n", i, size, what[i].start, what[i].end);
				size = indx++ + 1;
				if(U_FAILURE(status)) goto nilout;

		PyrObject *result_array = newPyrArray(g->gc, size, 0, true);
		result_array->size = 0;

		if (size>0) //(matched)
			for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
				if (what[0].matched == false)

					int match_start =  what[i].start;
					int match_length = what[i].end -  what[i].start;
//					post("for i:%i, start %i, end %i\n",  i, what[i].start,  what[i].end);
//					char *match = (char*)malloc(match_length);
					char match[match_length];

					strncpy(match, string + offset + match_start, match_length);
					match[match_length] = 0;
					PyrObject *array = newPyrArray(g->gc, 2, 0, true);
					array->size = 2;
					SetInt(array->slots, match_start + offset);

					PyrObject *matched_string = (PyrObject*)newPyrString(g->gc, match, 0, true);
					SetObject(array->slots+1, matched_string);
					g->gc->GCWrite(matched_string, array->slots + 1);

					SetObject(result_array->slots + i, array);
					g->gc->GCWrite(array, result_array->slots + i);
		SetObject(a, result_array);
		return errNone;

			return errNone;