static char *status_get_time_str(void) { static char time_buf[64]; int time = estimate_calc_remaining(&gauge_est,gauge_value/1024); if (time < 60) sm_snprintf(time_buf,sizeof(time_buf),_("%d s"),time); else sm_snprintf(time_buf,sizeof(time_buf),_("%d min %d s"),time/60,time%60); return time_buf; }
/** * Turns the backtrace into a string that can be displayed * * @param bt * @return */ char *arch_debug_bt2string(struct bt *bt) { #if defined(__SASC) && defined(DEBUG_RESTRACK) string str; char buf[120]; int i; int last_line = -1; char *last_file = NULL; if (!bt) return NULL; if (!(string_initialize(&str,200))) return NULL; /* Load debug infos if not done yet */ arch_debug_load(); string_append(&str,"Backtrace\n"); for (i=0;i<bt->addr_used;i++) { ULONG offset = (ULONG)bt->addr[i] - (ULONG)__code_base; sm_snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"\t\t%p (offset %p",bt->addr[i],offset); string_append(&str,buf); if (debug_info_count > 0) { struct debug_info *di; int offset = (ULONG)bt->addr[i] - (ULONG)__code_base; BIN_SEARCH(debug_info_array, 0, debug_info_count-1, (debug_info_array[m].offset <= offset) ? (offset < debug_info_array[m+1].offset?0:(1)):(-1), di); if (di && (di->filename != last_file || di->line != last_line)) { string_append(&str,", "); sm_snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"%s/%d",di->filename,di->line); string_append(&str,buf); last_file = di->filename; last_line = di->line; } } string_append(&str,")\n"); } return str.str; #else return NULL; #endif }
/****************************************************************** Returns the status text *******************************************************************/ static char *status_get_status(char *msg) { static char buf[128]; static char time_buf[64]; int time = estimate_calc_remaining(&gauge_est,gauge_value/1024); if (time < 60) sm_snprintf(time_buf,sizeof(time_buf),_("%d s"),time); else sm_snprintf(time_buf,sizeof(time_buf),_("%d min %d s"),time/60,time%60); if (msg) sm_snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"%s\n%s %s",msg,_("Time remaining:"),time_buf); else return time_buf; return buf; }
static int write_unicode(utf8 *src, string *str) { int len; char buf[16]; len = strlen(src); while (len > 0) { unsigned char c; c = *src; if (c > 127) { unsigned int iso = 0; int advance = utf8tochar(src, &iso, user.config.default_codeset); if (iso == 0) iso = '_'; sm_snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"&#%d;",iso); string_append(str,buf); len -= advance; src += advance; } else { string_append_part(str,(char*)&c,1); src++; len--; } } return 1; }
/** * Returns the version of SimpleMail. * * @param rxmsg the message defining the ARexx context * @param args the command's arguments */ static void arexx_version(struct RexxMsg *rxmsg, STRPTR args) { APTR arg_handle; struct { ULONG date; } version_arg; char buf[24]; memset(&version_arg,0,sizeof(version_arg)); if ((arg_handle = ParseTemplate("DATE/S",args,&version_arg))) { if ( { arexx_set_result(rxmsg, SIMPLEMAIL_DATE); } else { sm_snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf), "%d.%d",VERSION,REVISION); arexx_set_result(rxmsg, buf); } FreeTemplate(arg_handle); } }
/****************************************************************** Sets the gauge current value *******************************************************************/ void status_set_gauge(int value) { static char status_buf[100]; static char gauge_buf[256]; static int last_seconds; int seconds = sm_get_current_seconds(); gauge_value = value; if (last_seconds == seconds) return; sm_snprintf(gauge_buf,sizeof(gauge_buf),_("%d KB / %d KB (time left: %s)"), gauge_value / 1024, gauge_maximal / 1024, status_get_time_str()); statuswnd_set_gauge(value); statuswnd_set_gauge_text(gauge_buf); sm_snprintf(status_buf,sizeof(status_buf),_("Processing mail %d (%d KB) of %d"),mail_current,mail_current_size / 1024, mail_maximal); statuswnd_set_status(status_buf); last_seconds = seconds; }
int read_window_open(const char *folder, struct mail_info *mail, int window) { int w, h; char buf[256]; getmaxyx(stdscr, h, w); h -= 2; if (!read_wnd) { read_wnd = newwin(h, w, 0, 0); read_panel = new_panel(read_wnd); show_panel(read_panel); } else { show_panel(read_panel); update_panels(); doupdate(); } gui_add_resize_listener(&resize_listener, read_window_resize, NULL); resize_listener_added = 1; if (read_current_mail) { mail_complete_free(read_current_mail); } getcwd(buf, sizeof(buf)); chdir(folder); if ((read_current_mail = mail_complete_create_from_file(NULL, mail->filename))) { struct mail_complete *initial; mail_read_contents(NULL,read_current_mail); if ((initial = mail_find_initial(read_current_mail))) { char buf[380]; utf8 *from_phrase = mail_info_get_from_phrase(read_current_mail->info); utf8 *from_addr = mail_info_get_from_addr(read_current_mail->info); if (from_phrase) { sm_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s: %s <%s>", _("From"), from_phrase, from_addr); } else { sm_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s: %s", _("From"), from_addr); } gadgets_init_simple_text_label(&from_label, buf); sm_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s: %s", _("Date"), sm_get_date_str(read_current_mail->info->seconds)); gadgets_init_simple_text_label(&date_label, buf); sm_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s: %s", _("Subject"), read_current_mail->info->subject); gadgets_init_simple_text_label(&subject_label, buf); mail_decode(initial); gadgets_init_group(&read_group); gadgets_init_text_view(&text_view, initial->decoded_data); gadgets_add(&read_group, &; gadgets_add(&read_group, &; gadgets_add(&read_group, &; gadgets_add(&read_group, &; read_window_layout(); gadgets_display(read_wnd, &read_group.g); } } else { SM_DEBUGF(20, ("Unable to create mail \"%s\"\n", mail->filename)); } chdir(buf); gui_add_key_listener(&close_listener, 'c', "Close", read_window_close_current); refresh(); wrefresh(read_wnd); return 1; }
char *text2html(unsigned char *buffer, int buffer_len, int flags, const char *fonttag) { unsigned char *saved_buffer = buffer; string str; if (string_initialize(&str,1024)) { char buf[512]; int last_color = 0; /* the color of the current line */ int eval_color = 2; /* recheck the color */ int initial_color = 1; int level = 0; int line = 0; /* the type of the line */ if (flags & TEXT2HTML_BODY_TAG) { sm_snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#%06x\" TEXT=\"#%06x\" LINK=\"#%06x\">",user.config.read_background,user.config.read_text,user.config.read_link); string_append(&str,buf); } string_append(&str,fonttag); /* accepts NULL pointer */ /* check for >0, otherwise we'll be in an endless loop if buffer_len becomes <0 */ while (buffer_len > 0) { if (eval_color) { int new_level = 0; int buffer2_len = buffer_len; unsigned char *buffer2 = buffer; int new_color = 0; /* Determine the citation level. Afterwards, buffer2 will point to the end of the citation symbols. */ while (buffer2_len) { unsigned char c = *buffer2; if (c == '>') { new_level++; if (new_color == 1) new_color = 2; else new_color = 1; } else { if (c != ' ') break; if (c == ' ' && !new_level) break; } buffer2_len--; buffer2++; } if (user.config.read_graphical_quote_bar) { /* When graphical quote bar is enabled we skip all quotation symbols */ buffer = buffer2; buffer_len = buffer2_len; if (level != new_level) { const char *begin_quote_string = "<TABLE BGCOLOR=\"#%06x\" WIDTH=\"100%%\" STYLE=\"border-left: 3px solid #%06x; border-right: 3px solid #%06x;\"><TD><FONT COLOR=\"#%06x\">"; const char *end_quote_string = "</FONT></TD></TABLE>"; /* If new level is larger */ for (;level < new_level; level++) { unsigned int color = level%2?user.config.read_quoted:user.config.read_old_quoted; sm_snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),begin_quote_string,user.config.read_quoted_background,color,color,color); string_append(&str,buf); } /* If new level is lower */ for (;level > new_level; level--) string_append(&str,end_quote_string); } } else { if (last_color != new_color) { const char *begin_quote_string = "<FONT COLOR=\"#%x\">"; const char *end_quote_string = "</FONT>"; if (!initial_color) string_append(&str,end_quote_string); if (new_color == 1) { sm_snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),begin_quote_string,user.config.read_quoted); string_append(&str,buf); } else if (new_color == 2) { sm_snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),begin_quote_string,user.config.read_old_quoted); string_append(&str,buf); } last_color = new_color; if (new_color) initial_color = 0; else initial_color = 1; } } eval_color = 0; } if (!mystrnicmp("http:",(char*)buffer,5)) write_uri(&buffer, &buffer_len, &str); else if (!mystrnicmp("mailto:",(char*)buffer,7)) write_uri(&buffer, &buffer_len, &str); else if (!mystrnicmp("ftp:",(char*)buffer,4)) write_uri(&buffer, &buffer_len, &str); else if (!mystrnicmp("https:",(char*)buffer,6)) write_uri(&buffer, &buffer_len, &str); else { unsigned char c; c = *buffer; if ((c == '@') && (buffer > saved_buffer)) { /* A @ has been encountered, check if this belongs to an email adresse by traversing back * within the string */ unsigned char *buffer2 = buffer - 1; unsigned char *buffer3; unsigned char c2; int buffer2_len = buffer_len + 1; char *address; while ((c2 = *buffer2) && buffer2 > saved_buffer) { static const char noaliaschars[] = { " ()<>@,;:\\\"[]\n\r"}; if (strchr(noaliaschars,c2)) { buffer2++; break; } buffer2_len++; buffer2--; } if ((buffer3 = (unsigned char*)parse_addr_spec((char*)buffer2, &address))) { int email_len; /* crop the string to the beginning of the email address */ string_crop(&str,0,str.len - (buffer - buffer2)); buffer_len += buffer - buffer2; buffer -= buffer - buffer2; email_len = buffer3 - buffer; buffer_len -= email_len; buffer = buffer3; sm_snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"<A HREF=\"mailto:%s\"%s>",address, user.config.read_link_underlined?"":" STYLE=\"TEXT-DECORATION: none\""); string_append(&str,buf); write_unicode(address,&str); string_append(&str,"</A>"); free(address); continue; } } if (user.config.read_smilies) { unsigned int i; int smily_used = 0; /* No look into the smily table, this is slow and needs to be improved */ for (i=0;i<sizeof(smily)/sizeof(struct smily);i++) { if (!strncmp(smily[i].ascii,(char*)buffer,strlen(smily[i].ascii))) { buffer += strlen(smily[i].ascii); buffer_len -= strlen(smily[i].ascii); sm_snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"<IMG SRC=\"PROGDIR:Images/%s\" VALIGN=\"middle\" ALT=\"%s\">",smily[i].gfx,smily[i].ascii); string_append(&str,buf); smily_used = 1; } } if (smily_used) continue; } if (!strncmp("\n<sb>",(char*)buffer,5)) { if (line) string_append(&str,"<BR></TD><TD WIDTH=\"50%\"><HR></TD></TR></TABLE>"); line = 1; buffer += 5; buffer_len -= 5; string_append(&str,"<TABLE WIDTH=\"100%\" BORDER=\"0\"><TR><TD VALIGN=\"middle\" WIDTH=\"50%\"><HR></TD><TD>"); continue; } if (!strncmp("\n<tsb>",(char*)buffer,6)) { if (line) string_append(&str,"<BR></TD><TD WIDTH=\"50%\"><HR></TD></TR></TABLE>"); line = 2; buffer += 6; buffer_len -= 6; string_append(&str,"<TABLE WIDTH=\"100%\" BORDER=\"0\"><TR><TD VALIGN=\"middle\" WIDTH=\"50%\"><HR></TD><TD>"); continue; } if (c < 128) { buffer++; buffer_len--; if (c== '<') string_append(&str,"<"); else if (c== '>') string_append(&str,">"); else if (c== '&') string_append(&str,"&"); else if (c == 10) { eval_color = 1; string_append(&str,"<BR>\n"); if (line) { string_append(&str,"</TD><TD WIDTH=\"50%\"><HR></TD></TR></TABLE>"); line = 0; } } else { if (c == 32) { if (*buffer == 32 || (flags & TEXT2HTML_NOWRAP)) string_append(&str," "); else string_append(&str," "); } else { if (c) { string_append_part(&str,(char*)&c,1); } } } } else { unsigned int unicode; int len = 0; /* check if it really could be a utf8 char */ if (utf8islegal((utf8*)buffer, (utf8*)(buffer+buffer_len))) { len = utf8tochar((utf8*)buffer, &unicode, user.config.default_codeset); } if ((len == 0) || (len > buffer_len)) { /* something wrong with that utf8 sequence */ unicode = '?'; len = 1; } buffer_len -= len; buffer += len; if (unicode == 0) unicode = '_'; sm_snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"&#%d;",unicode); string_append(&str,buf); } } } if (fonttag) string_append(&str,"</FONT>"); if (flags & TEXT2HTML_ENDBODY_TAG) string_append(&str,"</BODY>"); SM_DEBUGF(20,("%s\n",str.str)); return str.str; } return NULL; }
/****************************************************************** Set the status line for connecting to a server *******************************************************************/ void status_set_connect_to_server(char *server) { static char buf[80]; sm_snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),_("Connecting to server %s..."),server); statuswnd_set_status(buf); }