Ejemplo n.º 1
void *array_alloc_2D_ret(int dim1, int dim2, size_t size)
               			/* size of first dimension */
               			/* size of second dimension */
                  		/* size of array elements */
  size_t    total;		/* Total size of the array */
  int       aligned_dim;	/* dim1 or dim1+1 to ensure data alignement */
  int       offset;		/* offset of array elements */
  char     *field;		/* The multi-dimensional array */
  char    **ptr;		/* Pointer offset */
  char     *data;		/* Data offset */
  int       j;		/* loop counter */

  aligned_dim = (dim1 % 2) ? dim1 + 1 : dim1;
  offset = aligned_dim * sizeof(void *);
  total = offset + dim1 * dim2 * size;
  field = smalloc_ret(total);

  if (field != NULL) {
    ptr = (char **)field;
    data = (char *)field;
    data += offset;
    for (j = 0; j < dim1; j++) {
      ptr[j] = data + j * size * dim2;

  return (field);
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* Allocates a float vector with range [nl..nh]. Returns error code. */
float   *mkvec_ret_float(int nl, int nh)
    float   *v;

    v = smalloc_ret((nh - nl + 1) * sizeof(float));
    if (v == NULL) 
        return (v - nl);
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* Allocates a double vector with range [nl..nh]. Returns error code. */
double   *mkvec_ret(int nl, int nh)
    double   *v;

    v = smalloc_ret((nh - nl + 1) * sizeof(double));
    if (v == NULL) 
        return (v - nl);
Ejemplo n.º 4
klv_init (
    struct bilist ***lbucket_ptr,	/* space for left bucket sorts */
    struct bilist ***rbucket_ptr,	/* space for right bucket sorts */
    struct bilist **llistspace,	/* space for elements of linked lists */
    struct bilist **rlistspace,	/* space for elements of linked lists */
    int **ldvals,		/* change in separator for left moves */
    int **rdvals,		/* change in separator for right moves */
    int nvtxs,		/* number of vertices in the graph */
    int maxchange		/* maximum change by moving a vertex */
    int       sizeb;		/* size of set of buckets */
    int       sizel;		/* size of set of pointers for all vertices */
    int       flag;		/* return code */

    /* Allocate appropriate data structures for buckets, and listspace. */

    sizeb = (2 * maxchange + 1) * sizeof(struct bilist *);
    *lbucket_ptr = smalloc_ret(sizeb);
    *rbucket_ptr = smalloc_ret(sizeb);

    *ldvals = smalloc_ret((nvtxs + 1) * sizeof(int));
    *rdvals = smalloc_ret((nvtxs + 1) * sizeof(int));

    sizel = (nvtxs + 1) * sizeof(struct bilist);
    *llistspace = smalloc_ret(sizel);
    *rlistspace = smalloc_ret(sizel);

    if (*lbucket_ptr == NULL || *rbucket_ptr == NULL || *ldvals == NULL ||
	*rdvals == NULL || *llistspace == NULL || *rlistspace == NULL) {
	flag = 1;

    else {
        flag = 0;

Ejemplo n.º 5
int nway_klv(struct vtx_data **graph,      /* data structure for graph */
             int               nvtxs,      /* number of vtxs in graph */
             struct bilist **  lbuckets,   /* array of lists for bucket sort */
             struct bilist **  rbuckets,   /* array of lists for bucket sort */
             struct bilist *   llistspace, /* list data structure for each vertex */
             struct bilist *   rlistspace, /* list data structure for each vertex */
             int *             ldvals,     /* d-values for each transition */
             int *             rdvals,     /* d-values for each transition */
             int *             sets,       /* processor each vertex is assigned to */
             int               maxdval,    /* maximum d-value for a vertex */
             double *          goal,       /* desired set sizes */
             int               max_dev,    /* largest allowed deviation from balance */
             int **            bndy_list,  /* list of vertices on boundary (0 ends) */
             double *          weightsum   /* sum of vweights in each set (in and out) */
  struct bilist **to_buckets;           /* buckets I'm moving to */
  struct bilist **from_buckets;         /* buckets I'm moving from */
  struct bilist * to_listspace;         /* list structure I'm moving to */
  struct bilist * from_listspace;       /* list structure I'm moving from */
  struct bilist * out_list;             /* list of vtxs moved out of separator */
  int *           to_dvals;             /* d-values I'm moving to */
  int *           from_dvals;           /* d-values I'm moving from */
  extern double   kl_bucket_time;       /* time spent in KL bucketsort */
  extern int      KL_BAD_MOVES;         /* # bad moves in a row to stop KL */
  extern int      DEBUG_KL;             /* debug flag for KL */
  extern int      KL_NTRIES_BAD;        /* number of unhelpful passes before quitting */
  extern int      KL_MAX_PASS;          /* maximum # outer KL loops */
  int *           bspace;               /* list of active vertices for bucketsort */
  int *           edges;                /* edge list for a vertex */
  int *           edges2;               /* edge list for a vertex */
  int *           bdy_ptr;              /* loops through bndy_list */
  double          total_weight;         /* weight of all vertices */
  double          partial_weight;       /* weight of vertices not in separator */
  double          ratio;                /* fraction of weight not in separator */
  double          time;                 /* timing parameter */
  double          delta0;               /* largest negative deviation from goal size */
  double          delta1;               /* largest negative deviation from goal size */
  double          left_imbalance = 0.0; /* imbalance if I move to the left */
  double          right_imbalance;      /* imbalance if I move to the right */
  double          balance_val;          /* how imbalanced is it */
  double          balance_best;         /* best balance yet if trying hard */
  int             flag;                 /* condition indicator */
  int             to = -1, from;        /* sets moving into / out of */
  int             rtop, ltop;           /* top of each set of buckets */
  int *           to_top;               /* ptr to top of set moving to */
  int             lvtx, rvtx;           /* next vertex to move left/right */
  int             lweight, rweight;     /* weights of moving vertices */
  int             weightfrom = 0;       /* weight moving out of a set */
  int             list_length;          /* how long is list of vertices to bucketsort? */
  int             balanced;             /* is partition balanced? */
  int             temp_balanced;        /* is intermediate partition balanced? */
  int             ever_balanced;        /* has any partition been balanced? */
  int             bestvtx = -1;         /* best vertex to move */
  int             bestval = -1;         /* best change in value for a vtx move */
  int             vweight;              /* weight of best vertex */
  int             gtotal;               /* sum of changes from moving */
  int             improved;             /* total improvement from KL */
  double          bestg;                /* maximum gtotal found in KL loop */
  double          bestg_min;            /* smaller than any possible bestg */
  int             beststep;             /* step where maximum value occurred */
  int             bestlength;           /* step where maximum value occurred */
  int             neighbor;             /* neighbor of a vertex */
  int             step_cutoff;          /* number of negative steps in a row allowed */
  int             cost_cutoff;          /* amount of negative d-values allowed */
  int             neg_steps;            /* number of negative steps in a row */
  int             neg_cost;             /* decrease in sum of d-values */
  int             vtx;                  /* vertex number */
  int             dval;                 /* dval of a vertex */
  int             group, group2;        /* set that a vertex is assigned to */
  int             left_too_big;         /* is left set too large? */
  int             right_too_big;        /* is right set too large? */
  int             vwgt;                 /* weight of a vertex */
  int             gain;                 /* reduction in separator due to a move */
  int             neighbor2;            /* neighbor of a vertex */
  int             step;                 /* loops through movements of vertices */
  int             parity;               /* sort forwards or backwards? */
  int             done;                 /* has termination criteria been achieved? */
  int             nbad;                 /* number of unhelpful passes in a row */
  int             npass;                /* total number of passes */
  int             nbadtries;            /* number of unhelpful passes before quitting */
  int             enforce_balance;      /* force a balanced partition? */
  int             enforce_balance_hard; /* really force a balanced partition? */
  int             i, j, k;              /* loop counters */

  double seconds(), drandom();
  int    make_sep_list();
  void   bucketsortsv(), clear_dvals(), p1bucket();
  void   removebilist(), movebilist(), add2bilist();

  nbadtries = KL_NTRIES_BAD;

  enforce_balance      = FALSE;
  enforce_balance_hard = FALSE;

  total_weight = goal[0] + goal[1];

  bspace = smalloc_ret((nvtxs + 1) * sizeof(int));

  if (bspace == NULL) {
    return (1);

  bdy_ptr     = *bndy_list;
  list_length = 0;
  while (*bdy_ptr != 0) {
    bspace[list_length++] = *bdy_ptr++;


  clear_dvals(graph, nvtxs, ldvals, rdvals, bspace, list_length);

  step_cutoff = KL_BAD_MOVES;
  cost_cutoff = maxdval * step_cutoff / 7;
  if (cost_cutoff < step_cutoff)
    cost_cutoff = step_cutoff;

  partial_weight = weightsum[0] + weightsum[1];
  ratio          = partial_weight / total_weight;
  delta0         = fabs(weightsum[0] - goal[0] * ratio);
  delta1         = fabs(weightsum[1] - goal[1] * ratio);
  balanced =
      (delta0 + delta1 <= max_dev) && weightsum[0] != total_weight && weightsum[1] != total_weight;

  bestg_min = -2.0 * nvtxs * maxdval;
  parity    = FALSE;
  nbad      = 0;
  npass     = 0;
  improved  = 0;
  done      = FALSE;
  while (!done) {
    ever_balanced = FALSE;
    balance_best  = delta0 + delta1;

    /* Initialize various quantities. */
    ltop = rtop = 2 * maxdval;

    gtotal     = 0;
    bestg      = bestg_min;
    beststep   = -1;
    bestlength = list_length;
    out_list   = NULL;

    neg_steps = 0;

    /* Compute the initial d-values, and bucket-sort them. */
    time = seconds();
    bucketsortsv(graph, nvtxs, lbuckets, rbuckets, llistspace, rlistspace, ldvals, rdvals, sets,
                 maxdval, parity, bspace, list_length);
    parity = !parity;
    kl_bucket_time += seconds() - time;

    if (DEBUG_KL > 2) {
      printf("After sorting, left buckets:\n");
      p1bucket(lbuckets, llistspace, maxdval);
      printf("              right buckets:\n");
      p1bucket(rbuckets, rlistspace, maxdval);

    /* Now determine the set of vertex moves. */

    for (step = 1;; step++) {

      /* Find the highest d-value in each set. */
      /* But only consider moves from large to small sets, or moves */
      /* in which balance is preserved. */
      /* Break ties in some nonarbitrary manner. */
      bestval = -maxdval - 1;

      partial_weight = weightsum[0] + weightsum[1];
      ratio          = partial_weight / total_weight;
      left_too_big   = (weightsum[0] > (goal[0] + .5 * max_dev) * ratio);
      right_too_big  = (weightsum[1] > (goal[1] + .5 * max_dev) * ratio);

      while (ltop >= 0 && lbuckets[ltop] == NULL) {
      if (ltop >= 0 && !left_too_big) {
        lvtx           = ((long)lbuckets[ltop] - (long)llistspace) / sizeof(struct bilist);
        lweight        = graph[lvtx]->vwgt;
        rweight        = lweight - (ltop - maxdval);
        weightfrom     = rweight;
        to             = 0;
        bestvtx        = lvtx;
        bestval        = ltop - maxdval;
        partial_weight = weightsum[0] + lweight + weightsum[1] - rweight;
        ratio          = partial_weight / total_weight;
        left_imbalance = max(fabs(weightsum[0] + lweight - goal[0] * ratio),
                             fabs(weightsum[1] - rweight - goal[1] * ratio));

      while (rtop >= 0 && rbuckets[rtop] == NULL) {
      if (rtop >= 0 && !right_too_big) {
        rvtx            = ((long)rbuckets[rtop] - (long)rlistspace) / sizeof(struct bilist);
        rweight         = graph[rvtx]->vwgt;
        lweight         = rweight - (rtop - maxdval);
        partial_weight  = weightsum[0] - lweight + weightsum[1] + rweight;
        ratio           = partial_weight / total_weight;
        right_imbalance = max(fabs(weightsum[0] - lweight - goal[0] * ratio),
                              fabs(weightsum[1] + rweight - goal[1] * ratio));
        if (rtop - maxdval > bestval || (rtop - maxdval == bestval &&
                                         (right_imbalance < left_imbalance ||
                                          (right_imbalance == left_imbalance && drandom() < .5)))) {
          to         = 1;
          weightfrom = lweight;
          bestvtx    = rvtx;
          bestval    = rtop - maxdval;

      if (bestval == -maxdval - 1) { /* No allowed moves */
        if (DEBUG_KL > 0) {
          printf("No KLV moves at step %d.  bestg = %g at step %d.\n", step, bestg, beststep);

      if (to == 0) {
        from           = 1;
        to_listspace   = llistspace;
        from_listspace = rlistspace;
        to_dvals       = ldvals;
        from_dvals     = rdvals;
        to_buckets     = lbuckets;
        from_buckets   = rbuckets;
        to_top         = &ltop;
      else {
        from           = 0;
        to_listspace   = rlistspace;
        from_listspace = llistspace;
        to_dvals       = rdvals;
        from_dvals     = ldvals;
        to_buckets     = rbuckets;
        from_buckets   = lbuckets;
        to_top         = &rtop;

      vweight = graph[bestvtx]->vwgt;

      weightsum[to] += vweight;
      weightsum[from] -= weightfrom;

      /* Check if this partition is balanced. */
      partial_weight = weightsum[0] + weightsum[1];
      ratio          = partial_weight / total_weight;
      delta0         = fabs(weightsum[0] - goal[0] * ratio);
      delta1         = fabs(weightsum[1] - goal[1] * ratio);
      temp_balanced  = (delta0 + delta1 <= max_dev) && weightsum[0] != total_weight &&
                      weightsum[1] != total_weight;
      ever_balanced = (ever_balanced || temp_balanced);
      balance_val   = delta0 + delta1;

      gtotal += bestval;

      if ((gtotal > bestg && temp_balanced) ||
          (enforce_balance_hard && balance_val < balance_best)) {
        bestg    = gtotal;
        beststep = step;
        if (balance_val < balance_best) {
          balance_best = balance_val;
        if (temp_balanced) {
          enforce_balance_hard = FALSE;

      if (DEBUG_KL > 1) {
        printf("At KLV step %d, bestvtx=%d, bestval=%d (2->%d), wt0 = %g, wt1 = %g\n", step,
               bestvtx, bestval, to, weightsum[0], weightsum[1]);

      /* Monitor the stopping criteria. */
      if (bestval < 0) {
        if (!enforce_balance || ever_balanced)
        if (bestg != bestg_min)
          neg_cost = bestg - gtotal;
          neg_cost = -maxdval - 1;
        if ((neg_steps > step_cutoff || neg_cost > cost_cutoff) &&
            !(enforce_balance && bestg == bestg_min)) {
          if (DEBUG_KL > 0) {
            if (neg_steps > step_cutoff) {
              printf("KLV step cutoff at step %d.  bestg = %g at step %d.\n", step, bestg,
            else if (neg_cost > cost_cutoff) {
              printf("KLV cost cutoff at step %d.  bestg = %g at step %d.\n", step, bestg,
          gtotal -= bestval;
          weightsum[to] -= vweight;
          weightsum[from] += weightfrom;
      else if (bestval > 0) {
        neg_steps = 0;

      /* Remove vertex from its buckets, and flag it as finished. */
      sets[bestvtx] = to;
      removebilist(&to_listspace[bestvtx], &to_buckets[bestval + maxdval]);
                  printf("After to removebilist\n");
                  p1bucket(to_buckets, to_listspace, maxdval);

      if (from_dvals[bestvtx] != -maxdval - 1) {
        removebilist(&from_listspace[bestvtx], &from_buckets[from_dvals[bestvtx] + maxdval]);
                        printf("After from removebilist\n");
                        p1bucket(from_buckets, from_listspace, maxdval);
      from_dvals[bestvtx] = -maxdval - 1;

      /* Now keep track of vertices moved out of separator so */
      /* I can restore them as needed. */
      llistspace[bestvtx].next = out_list;
      out_list                 = &(llistspace[bestvtx]);

      /* Now update the d-values of all the neighbors */
      /* And neighbors of neighbors ... */

      /* If left move:
         1. Separator neighbors right gain => infinity
         2. Left neighbors unaffected.
         3. Right neighbors move into separator.
            A. Right gain = infinity.
            B. Left gain = computed.
            C. For any of their neighbors in separator increase left gain.

      edges = graph[bestvtx]->edges;
      for (j = graph[bestvtx]->nedges - 1; j; j--) {
        neighbor = *(++edges);

        group = sets[neighbor];

        if (group == 2) { /* In separator. */
          gain = from_dvals[neighbor] + maxdval;
          /* Gain in the from direction => -infinity */
          if (gain >= 0) {
            removebilist(&from_listspace[neighbor], &from_buckets[gain]);
                                    printf("\n  After removing %d\n", neighbor);
                                    p1bucket(from_buckets, from_listspace, maxdval);
            from_dvals[neighbor] = -maxdval - 1;
        else if (group == from) {
          /* Gain in the from direction => -infinity */
          sets[neighbor]       = 2;
          from_dvals[neighbor] = -maxdval - 1;

          if (to == 0) {
            bspace[list_length++] = -neighbor;
          else {
            bspace[list_length++] = neighbor;

          edges2 = graph[neighbor]->edges;
          vwgt   = graph[neighbor]->vwgt;
          gain   = graph[neighbor]->vwgt;
          flag   = FALSE;
          for (k = graph[neighbor]->nedges - 1; k; k--) {
            neighbor2 = *(++edges2);
            group2    = sets[neighbor2];
            if (group2 == 2) {
              dval = to_dvals[neighbor2] + maxdval;
              if (dval >= 0) {
                movebilist(&to_listspace[neighbor2], &to_buckets[dval], &to_buckets[dval + vwgt]);
                                                printf("\n  After moving %d from bucket %d to bucket
                   %d\n", neighbor2, dval, dval + vwgt);
                                                p1bucket(to_buckets, to_listspace, maxdval);
                to_dvals[neighbor2] += vwgt;
                dval += vwgt;
                if (dval > *to_top) {
                  *to_top = dval;
            else if (group2 == from) {
              gain -= graph[neighbor2]->vwgt;
              if (to_dvals[neighbor2] + maxdval < 0) {
                flag = TRUE;

          if (flag) { /* Not allowed to move further. */
            to_dvals[neighbor] = -maxdval - 1;
          else {
            to_dvals[neighbor] = gain;
            /* place in appropriate bucket */

            gain += maxdval;
            add2bilist(&to_listspace[neighbor], &to_buckets[gain]);
                                    printf("\nAfter adding %d to bucket %d\n", neighbor, gain -
                                    p1bucket(to_buckets, to_listspace, maxdval);

            if (gain > *to_top)
              *to_top = gain;
      if (beststep == step) {
        bestlength = list_length;
      if (DEBUG_KL > 2) {
        printf("\n-- After step, left buckets:\n");
        p1bucket(lbuckets, llistspace, maxdval);
        printf("             right buckets:\n");
        p1bucket(rbuckets, rlistspace, maxdval);

    /* Done with a pass; should we actually perform any swaps? */
    if (bestg > 0 || (bestg != bestg_min && !balanced && enforce_balance)) {
      improved += bestg;
    else {
      if (enforce_balance_hard) {
        /* I've done the best I can, give up. */
        done = TRUE;
      if (enforce_balance) {
        enforce_balance_hard = TRUE;
      enforce_balance = TRUE;

    /* Work backwards, undoing all the undesirable moves. */

    /* First reset vertices moved out of the separator. */
    if (out_list) {
      if (beststep < 0)
        beststep = 0;
      for (i = step - 1; i > beststep; i--) {
        vtx = ((long)out_list - (long)llistspace) / sizeof(struct bilist);
        if (sets[vtx] != 2) {
          weightsum[sets[vtx]] -= graph[vtx]->vwgt;
        sets[vtx] = 2;
        out_list  = out_list->next;

    for (i = list_length - 1; i >= bestlength; i--) {
      vtx = bspace[i];
      if (vtx < 0) {
        if (sets[-vtx] == 2) {
          weightsum[1] += graph[-vtx]->vwgt;
        sets[-vtx] = 1;
      else {
        if (sets[vtx] == 2) {
          weightsum[0] += graph[vtx]->vwgt;
        sets[vtx] = 0;

    partial_weight = weightsum[0] + weightsum[1];
    ratio          = partial_weight / total_weight;
    delta0         = fabs(weightsum[0] - goal[0] * ratio);
    delta1         = fabs(weightsum[1] - goal[1] * ratio);
    balanced       = (delta0 + delta1 <= max_dev) && weightsum[0] != total_weight &&
               weightsum[1] != total_weight;

    done = done || (nbad >= nbadtries && balanced);
    if (KL_MAX_PASS > 0) {
      done = done || (npass == KL_MAX_PASS && balanced);

    if (!done) { /* Rezero dval values. */
      clear_dvals(graph, nvtxs, ldvals, rdvals, bspace, list_length);

    /* Construct list of separator vertices to pass to buckets or return */
    list_length = make_sep_list(bspace, list_length, sets);

    if (done) {
      bspace[list_length] = 0;
      bspace              = srealloc(bspace, (list_length + 1) * sizeof(int));
      *bndy_list          = bspace;

    gain = 0;
    j = k = 0;
    for (i = 1; i <= nvtxs; i++) {
      if (sets[i] == 0)
        j += graph[i]->vwgt;
      else if (sets[i] == 1)
        k += graph[i]->vwgt;
      else if (sets[i] == 2)
        gain += graph[i]->vwgt;
            printf("\nAfter pass of KLV: sets = %d/%d, sep = %d  (bestg = %g)\n\n\n",
                   j, k, gain, bestg);

  if (DEBUG_KL > 0) {
    printf("   KLV required %d passes to improve by %d.\n", npass, improved);

  return (0);
Ejemplo n.º 6
/* Construct a weighted quotient graph representing the inter-set communication. */
make_comm_graph (
    struct vtx_data ***pcomm_graph,	/* graph for communication requirements */
    struct vtx_data **graph,	/* graph data structure */
    int nvtxs,		/* number of vertices in graph */
    int using_ewgts,		/* are edge weights being used? */
    int *assign,		/* current assignment */
    int nsets_tot		/* total number of sets */
    float     ewgt;		/* edge weight in graph */
    int     **edges_list = NULL;	/* lists of edges */
    int     **ewgts_list = NULL;	/* lists of edge weights */
    int      *edges = NULL;		/* edges in communication graph */
    int      *ewgts = NULL;		/* edge weights in communication graph */
    float    *float_ewgts = NULL;	/* edge weights in floating point */
    int      *adj_sets = NULL;	/* weights connecting sets */
    int      *order = NULL;	/* ordering of vertices by set */
    int      *sizes = NULL;	/* sizes of different sets */
    int      *start = NULL;	/* pointers into adjacency data */
    int      *adjacency = NULL;	/* array with all the edge info */
    int      *eptr = NULL;		/* loops through edges in graph */
    int      *ewptr = NULL;		/* loop through edge weights */
    int       set, set2;	/* sets two vertices belong to */
    int       vertex;		/* vertex in graph */
    int       ncomm_edges;	/* number of edges in communication graph */
    int       error;		/* out of space? */
    int       i, j;		/* loop counters */
    int       reformat();

    error = 1;
    *pcomm_graph = NULL;

    /* First construct some mappings to ease later manipulations. */
    sizes = smalloc_ret(nsets_tot * sizeof(int));
    if (sizes == NULL) goto skip;

    for (i = 0; i < nsets_tot; i++)
	sizes[i] = 0;
    for (i = 1; i <= nvtxs; i++)

    /* Now make sizes reflect the start index for each set. */
    for (i = 1; i < nsets_tot - 1; i++)
	sizes[i] += sizes[i - 1];
    for (i = nsets_tot - 1; i; i--)
	sizes[i] = sizes[i - 1];
    sizes[0] = 0;

    /* Now construct list of all vertices in set 0, all in set 1, etc. */
    order = smalloc_ret(nvtxs * sizeof(int));
    if (order == NULL) goto skip;
    for (i = 1; i <= nvtxs; i++) {
	set = assign[i];
	order[sizes[set]] = i;

    /* For each set, find total weight to all neighbors. */
    adj_sets = smalloc_ret(nsets_tot * sizeof(int));
    edges_list = smalloc_ret(nsets_tot * sizeof(int *));
    ewgts_list = smalloc_ret(nsets_tot * sizeof(int *));
    start = smalloc_ret((nsets_tot + 1) * sizeof(int));
    if (adj_sets == NULL || edges_list == NULL || ewgts_list == NULL ||
	start == NULL) goto skip;

    start[0] = 0;
    ewgt = 1;
    ncomm_edges = 0;

    for (set = 0; set < nsets_tot; set++) {
	edges_list[set] = NULL;
	ewgts_list[set] = NULL;

    for (set = 0; set < nsets_tot; set++) {
	for (i = 0; i < nsets_tot; i++)
	    adj_sets[i] = 0;
	for (i = (set ? sizes[set - 1] : 0); i < sizes[set]; i++) {
	    vertex = order[i];
	    for (j = 1; j < graph[vertex]->nedges; j++) {
		set2 = assign[graph[vertex]->edges[j]];
		if (set2 != set) {
		    if (using_ewgts)
			ewgt = graph[vertex]->ewgts[j];
		    adj_sets[set2] += ewgt;


	/* Now save adj_sets data to later construct graph. */
	j = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < nsets_tot; i++)
	    if (adj_sets[i])
	ncomm_edges += j;
	start[set + 1] = ncomm_edges;
	if (j) {
	    edges_list[set] = edges = smalloc_ret(j * sizeof(int));
	    ewgts_list[set] = ewgts = smalloc_ret(j * sizeof(int));
	    if (edges == NULL || ewgts == NULL) goto skip;
	j = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < nsets_tot; i++) {
	    if (adj_sets[i]) {
		edges[j] = i + 1;
		ewgts[j] = adj_sets[i];

    adj_sets = order = sizes = NULL;

    /* I now need to pack the edge and weight data into single arrays. */
    adjacency = smalloc_ret((ncomm_edges + 1) * sizeof(int));
    float_ewgts = smalloc_ret((ncomm_edges + 1) * sizeof(float));
    if (adjacency == NULL || float_ewgts == NULL) goto skip;

    for (set = 0; set < nsets_tot; set++) {
	j = start[set];
	eptr = edges_list[set];
	ewptr = ewgts_list[set];
	for (i = start[set]; i < start[set + 1]; i++) {
	    adjacency[i] = eptr[i - j];
	    float_ewgts[i] = ewptr[i - j];
	if (start[set] != start[set + 1]) {
    edges_list = ewgts_list = NULL;

    error = reformat(start, adjacency, nsets_tot, &ncomm_edges, (int *) NULL,
	     float_ewgts, pcomm_graph);

    if (edges_list != NULL) {
        for (set = nsets_tot-1; set >= 0; set--) {
	    if (edges_list[set] != NULL) sfree(edges_list[set]);

    if (ewgts_list != NULL) {
        for (set = nsets_tot-1; set >= 0; set--) {
	    if (ewgts_list[set] != NULL) sfree(ewgts_list[set]);


Ejemplo n.º 7
interface (
    int nvtxs,		/* number of vertices in full graph */
    int *start,		/* start of edge list for each vertex */
    int *adjacency,		/* edge list data */
    int *vwgts,		/* weights for all vertices */
    float *ewgts,		/* weights for all edges */
    float *x,
    float *y,
    float *z,		/* coordinates for inertial method */
    char *outassignname,	/* name of assignment output file */
    char *outfilename,		/* output file name */
    int *assignment,		/* set number of each vtx (length n) */
    int architecture,		/* 0 => hypercube, d => d-dimensional mesh */
    int ndims_tot,		/* total number of cube dimensions to divide */
    int mesh_dims[3],		/* dimensions of mesh of processors */
    double *goal,			/* desired set sizes for each set */
    int global_method,	/* global partitioning algorithm */
    int local_method,		/* local partitioning algorithm */
    int rqi_flag,		/* should I use RQI/Symmlq eigensolver? */
    int vmax,			/* how many vertices to coarsen down to? */
    int ndims,		/* number of eigenvectors (2^d sets) */
    double eigtol,		/* tolerance on eigenvectors */
    long seed			/* for random graph mutations */
    extern char *PARAMS_FILENAME;	/* name of file with parameter updates */
    extern int MAKE_VWGTS;	/* make vertex weights equal to degrees? */
    extern int MATCH_TYPE;      /* matching routine to use */
    extern int FREE_GRAPH;	/* free graph data structure after reformat? */
    extern int DEBUG_PARAMS;	/* debug flag for reading parameters */
    extern int DEBUG_TRACE;	/* trace main execution path */
    extern double start_time;	/* time routine is entered */
    extern double reformat_time;/* time spent reformatting graph */
    FILE     *params_file=NULL;	/* file for reading new parameters */
    struct vtx_data **graph;	/* graph data structure */
    double    vwgt_sum;		/* sum of vertex weights */
    double    time;		/* timing variable */
    float   **coords;		/* coordinates for vertices if used */
    int      *vptr;		/* loops through vertex weights */
    int       flag;		/* return code from balance */
    int       nedges;		/* number of edges in graph */
    int       using_vwgts;	/* are vertex weights being used? */
    int       using_ewgts;	/* are edge weights being used? */
    int       nsets_tot=0;	/* total number of sets being created */
    int       igeom;		/* geometric dimension for inertial method */
    int       default_goal;	/* using default goals? */
    int       i;		/* loop counter */
    double    seconds();
    int       reformat();
    void      free_graph(), read_params(), strout();

    if (DEBUG_TRACE > 0) {
	printf("<Entering interface>\n");

    flag = 0;
    graph = NULL;
    coords = NULL;

    if (!Using_Main) {		/* If not using main, need to read parameters file. */
	start_time = seconds();
	params_file = fopen(PARAMS_FILENAME, "r");
	if (params_file == NULL && DEBUG_PARAMS > 1) {
	    printf("Parameter file `%s' not found; using default parameters.\n",

    if (goal == NULL) {	/* If not passed in, default goals have equal set sizes. */
	default_goal = TRUE;
	if (architecture == 0)
	    nsets_tot = 1 << ndims_tot;
	else if (architecture == 1) 
	    nsets_tot = mesh_dims[0];
	else if (architecture == 2) 
	    nsets_tot = mesh_dims[0] * mesh_dims[1];
	else if (architecture > 2) 
	    nsets_tot = mesh_dims[0] * mesh_dims[1] * mesh_dims[2];

	if (MAKE_VWGTS && start != NULL) {
	    vwgt_sum = start[nvtxs] - start[0] + nvtxs;
	else if (vwgts == NULL) {
	    vwgt_sum = nvtxs;
	else {
	    vwgt_sum = 0;
	    vptr = vwgts;
	    for (i = nvtxs; i; i--)
		vwgt_sum += *(vptr++);

	vwgt_sum /= nsets_tot;
	goal = smalloc_ret(nsets_tot * sizeof(double));
	if (goal == NULL) {
	    strout("\nERROR: No room to make goals.\n");
	    flag = 1;
	    goto skip;
	for (i = 0; i < nsets_tot; i++)
	    goal[i] = vwgt_sum;
    else {
	default_goal = FALSE;

    if (MAKE_VWGTS) {
	/* Generate vertex weights equal to degree of node. */
	if (vwgts != NULL) {
	    strout("WARNING: Vertex weights being overwritten by vertex degrees.");
	vwgts = smalloc_ret(nvtxs * sizeof(int));
	if (vwgts == NULL) {
	    strout("\nERROR: No room to make vertex weights.\n");
	    flag = 1;
	    goto skip;
	if (start != NULL) {
	    for (i = 0; i < nvtxs; i++)
	        vwgts[i] = 1 + start[i + 1] - start[i];
	else {
	    for (i = 0; i < nvtxs; i++)
	        vwgts[i] = 1;

    using_vwgts = (vwgts != NULL);
    using_ewgts = (ewgts != NULL);

    if (start != NULL || vwgts != NULL) {	/* Reformat into our data structure. */
	time = seconds();
	flag = reformat(start, adjacency, nvtxs, &nedges, vwgts, ewgts, &graph);

	if (flag) {
	    strout("\nERROR: No room to reformat graph.\n");
	    goto skip;

	reformat_time += seconds() - time;
    else {
	nedges = 0;

    if (FREE_GRAPH) {		/* Free old graph data structures. */
	if (vwgts != NULL)
	if (ewgts != NULL)
	start = NULL;
	adjacency = NULL;
	vwgts = NULL;
	ewgts = NULL;

    if (global_method == 3 ||
        (MATCH_TYPE == 5 && (global_method == 1 || 
			     (global_method == 2 && rqi_flag)))) {
	if (x == NULL) {
	    igeom = 0;
	else {			/* Set up coordinate data structure. */
	    coords = smalloc_ret(3 * sizeof(float *));
	    if (coords == NULL) {
		strout("\nERROR: No room to make coordinate array.\n");
		flag = 1;
		goto skip;
	    /* Minus 1's are to allow remainder of program to index with 1. */
	    coords[0] = x - 1;
	    igeom = 1;
	    if (y != NULL) {
		coords[1] = y - 1;
		igeom = 2;
		if (z != NULL) {
		    coords[2] = z - 1;
		    igeom = 3;
    else {
	igeom = 0;

    /* Subtract from assignment to allow code to index from 1. */
    assignment = assignment - 1;
    flag = submain(graph, nvtxs, nedges, using_vwgts, using_ewgts, igeom, coords,
		   outassignname, outfilename,
		   assignment, goal,
		   architecture, ndims_tot, mesh_dims,
		   global_method, local_method, rqi_flag, vmax, ndims,
		   eigtol, seed);

    if (coords != NULL)

    if (default_goal)

    if (graph != NULL)

    if (flag && FREE_GRAPH) {

    if (!Using_Main && params_file != NULL)

    return (flag);
Ejemplo n.º 8
/* Greedily increase the number of internal vtxs in each set. */
force_internal (
    struct vtx_data **graph,	/* graph data structure */
    int nvtxs,		/* number of vertices in graph */
    int using_ewgts,		/* are edge weights being used? */
    int *assign,		/* current assignment */
    double *goal,			/* desired set sizes */
    int nsets_tot,		/* total number of sets */
    int npasses_max		/* number of passes to make */
    extern int DEBUG_TRACE;	/* trace main execution path? */
    extern int DEBUG_INTERNAL;	/* turn on debugging code here? */
    struct bidint *prev;	/* back pointer for setting up lists */
    struct bidint *int_list = NULL;	/* internal vwgt in each set */
    struct bidint *vtx_elems = NULL;	/* linked lists of vtxs in each set */
    struct bidint *set_list = NULL;	/* headers for vtx_elems lists */
    double   *internal_vwgt = NULL;	/* total internal vwgt in each set */
    int      *total_vwgt = NULL;	/* total vertex weight in each set */
    int      *indices = NULL;	/* orders sets by internal vwgt */
    int    *locked = NULL;	/* is vertex allowed to switch sets? */
    int       internal;		/* is a vertex internal or not? */
    int      *space = NULL;	/* space for mergesort */
    int       npasses;		/* number of callse to improve_internal */
    int       nlocked;		/* number of vertices that can't move */
    int     set, set2;	/* sets two vertices belong to */
    int       any_change;	/* did pass improve # internal vtxs? */
    int       niter;		/* counts calls to improve_internal */
    int       vwgt_max;		/* largest vertex weight in graph */
    int       progress;		/* am I improving # internal vertices? */
    int       error;		/* out of space? */
    int       size;		/* array spacing */
    int       i, j;		/* loop counters */
    int       improve_internal();
    void      mergesort(), check_internal(), strout();

    error = 1;

    /* For each set, compute the total weight of internal vertices. */

    if (DEBUG_TRACE > 0) {
	printf("<Entering force_internal>\n");

    indices = smalloc_ret(nsets_tot * sizeof(int));
    internal_vwgt = smalloc_ret(nsets_tot * sizeof(double));
    total_vwgt = smalloc_ret(nsets_tot * sizeof(int));
    if (indices == NULL || internal_vwgt == NULL || total_vwgt == NULL) goto skip;

    for (set=0; set < nsets_tot; set++) {
       total_vwgt[set] = internal_vwgt[set] = 0;
       indices[set] = set;

    vwgt_max = 0;
    for (i=1; i<=nvtxs; i++) {
        internal = TRUE;
        set = assign[i];
	for (j = 1; j < graph[i]->nedges && internal; j++) {
	    set2 = assign[graph[i]->edges[j]];
	    internal = (set2 == set);

	total_vwgt[set] += graph[i]->vwgt;
	if (internal) {
	    internal_vwgt[set] += graph[i]->vwgt;
	if (graph[i]->vwgt > vwgt_max) {
	    vwgt_max = graph[i]->vwgt;

    /* Now sort all the internal_vwgt values. */
    space = smalloc_ret(nsets_tot * sizeof(int));
    if (space == NULL) goto skip;
    mergesort(internal_vwgt, nsets_tot, indices, space);
    space = NULL;

    /* Now construct a doubly linked list of sorted, internal_vwgt values. */
    int_list = smalloc_ret((nsets_tot + 1) * sizeof(struct bidint));
    if (int_list == NULL) goto skip;

    prev = &(int_list[nsets_tot]);
    prev->prev = NULL;
    for (i = 0; i < nsets_tot; i++) {
	set = indices[i];
	int_list[set].prev = prev;
	int_list[set].val = internal_vwgt[set];
	prev->next = &(int_list[set]);
	prev = &(int_list[set]);
    prev->next = NULL;
    int_list[nsets_tot].val = -1;

    internal_vwgt = NULL;
    indices = NULL;

    /* Set up convenient data structure for navigating through sets. */
    set_list = smalloc_ret(nsets_tot * sizeof(struct bidint));
    vtx_elems = smalloc_ret((nvtxs + 1) * sizeof(struct bidint));
    if (set_list == NULL || vtx_elems == NULL) goto skip;

    for (i = 0; i < nsets_tot; i++) {
	set_list[i].next = NULL;

    for (i = 1; i <= nvtxs; i++) {
	set = assign[i];
	vtx_elems[i].next = set_list[set].next;
	if (vtx_elems[i].next != NULL) {
	    vtx_elems[i].next->prev = &(vtx_elems[i]);
	vtx_elems[i].prev = &(set_list[set]);
	set_list[set].next = &(vtx_elems[i]);

    locked = smalloc_ret((nvtxs + 1) * sizeof(int));
    if (locked == NULL) goto skip;

    nlocked = 0;
    size = (int) (&(int_list[1]) - &(int_list[0]));

    any_change = TRUE;
    npasses = 1;
    while (any_change && npasses <= npasses_max) {
        for (i = 1; i <= nvtxs; i++) {
	    locked[i] = FALSE;

        /* Now select top guy off the list and improve him. */
	any_change = FALSE;
        progress = TRUE;
	niter = 1;
        while (progress) {
	    prev = int_list[nsets_tot].next;
	    set = ((int) (prev - int_list)) / size;

	    if (DEBUG_INTERNAL > 0) {
	        printf("Before iteration %d, nlocked = %d, int[%d] = %d\n",
	            niter, nlocked, set, prev->val);
	    if (DEBUG_INTERNAL > 1) {
	        check_internal(graph, nvtxs, int_list, set_list, vtx_elems, total_vwgt,
	            assign, nsets_tot);

	    progress = improve_internal(graph, nvtxs, assign, goal, int_list, set_list,
	         vtx_elems, set, locked, &nlocked, using_ewgts, vwgt_max, total_vwgt);
	    if (progress) any_change = TRUE;
    error = 0;


    if (error) {
	strout("\nWARNING: No space to increase internal vertices.");

Ejemplo n.º 9
nway_kl (
    struct vtx_data **graph,	/* data structure for graph */
    int nvtxs,		/* number of vtxs in graph */
    struct bilist ****buckets,	/* array of lists for bucket sort */
    struct bilist **listspace,	/* list data structure for each vertex */
    int **tops,			/* 2-D array of top of each set of buckets */
    int **dvals,		/* d-values for each transition */
    int *sets,			/* processor each vertex is assigned to */
    int maxdval,		/* maximum d-value for a vertex */
    int nsets,		/* number of sets divided into */
    double *goal,			/* desired set sizes */
    float *term_wgts[],		/* weights for terminal propogation */
    int (*hops)[MAXSETS],	/* cost of set transitions */
    int max_dev,		/* largest allowed deviation from balance */
    int using_ewgts,		/* are edge weights being used? */
    int **bndy_list,		/* list of vertices on boundary (0 ends) */
    double *startweight		/* sum of vweights in each set (in and out) */

/* Suaris and Kedem algorithm for quadrisection, generalized to an */
/* arbitrary number of sets, with intra-set cost function specified by hops. */
/* Note: this is for a single divide step. */
/* Also, sets contains an intial (possibly crummy) partitioning. */

    extern double kl_bucket_time;	/* time spent in KL bucketsort */
    extern int KL_BAD_MOVES;	/* # bad moves in a row to stop KL */
    extern int DEBUG_KL;	/* debug flag for KL */
    extern int KL_RANDOM;	/* use randomness in KL? */
    extern int KL_NTRIES_BAD;	/* number of unhelpful passes before quitting */
    extern int KL_UNDO_LIST;	/* should I back out of changes or start over? */
    extern int KL_MAX_PASS;	/* maximum number of outer KL loops */
    extern double CUT_TO_HOP_COST;	/* if term_prop; cut/hop importance */
    struct bilist *movelist;	/* list of vtxs to be moved */
    struct bilist **endlist;	/* end of movelists */
    struct bilist *bestptr;	/* best vertex in linked list */
    struct bilist *bptr;	/* loops through bucket list */
    float    *ewptr=NULL;		/* loops through edge weights */
    double   *locked=NULL;		/* weight of vertices locked in a set */
    double   *loose=NULL;		/* weight of vtxs that can move from a set */
    int      *bspace=NULL;		/* list of active vertices for bucketsort */
    double   *weightsum=NULL;	/* sum of vweights for each partition */
    int      *edges=NULL;		/* edge list for a vertex */
    int      *bdy_ptr=NULL;	 	/* loops through bndy_list */
    double    time;		/* timing parameter */
    double    delta;		/* desire of sets to change size */
    double    bestdelta=-1;	/* strongest delta value */
    double    deltaplus;	/* largest negative deviation from goal size */
    double    deltaminus;	/* largest negative deviation from goal size */
    int       list_length;	/* how long is list of vertices to bucketsort? */
    int       balanced;		/* is partition balanced? */
    int       temp_balanced;	/* is intermediate partition balanced? */
    int       ever_balanced;	/* has any partition been balanced? */
    int       bestvtx=-1;		/* best vertex to move */
    int       bestval=-1;		/* best change in value for a vtx move */
    int       bestfrom=-1, bestto=-1;	/* sets best vertex moves between */
    int       vweight;		/* weight of best vertex */
    int       gtotal;		/* sum of changes from moving */
    int       improved;		/* total improvement from KL */
    double    balance_val=0.0;	/* how imbalanced is it */
    double    balance_best;	/* best balance yet if trying hard */
    double    bestg;		/* maximum gtotal found in KL loop */
    double    bestg_min;	/* smaller than any possible bestg */
    int       beststep;		/* step where maximum value occurred */
    int       neighbor;		/* neighbor of a vertex */
    int       step_cutoff;	/* number of negative steps in a row allowed */
    int       cost_cutoff;	/* amount of negative d-values allowed */
    int       neg_steps;	/* number of negative steps in a row */
    int       neg_cost;		/* decrease in sum of d-values */
    int       vtx;		/* vertex number */
    int       dval;		/* dval of a vertex */
    int       group;		/* set that a vertex is assigned to */
    double    cut_cost;		/* if term_prop; relative cut/hop importance */
    int       diff;		/* change in a d-value */
    int       stuck1st, stuck2nd;	/* how soon will moves be disallowed? */
    int       beststuck1=-1, beststuck2=-1;	/* best stuck values for tie-breaking */
    int       eweight;		/* a particular edge weight */
    int       worth_undoing;	/* is it worth undoing list? */
    float     undo_frac;	/* fraction of vtxs indicating worth of undoing */
    int       step;		/* loops through movements of vertices */
    int       parity;		/* sort forwards or backwards? */
    int       done;		/* has termination criteria been achieved? */
    int       nbad;		/* number of unhelpful passes in a row */
    int       npass;		/* total number of passes */
    int       nbadtries;	/* number of unhelpful passes before quitting */
    int       enforce_balance;	/* force a balanced partition? */
    int       enforce_balance_hard;	/* really force a balanced partition? */
    int       balance_trouble;	/* even balance_hard isn't working */
    int       size;		/* array spacing */
    int       i, j, k, l;	/* loop counters */

    double    drandom(), seconds();
    int       make_kl_list();
    void      bucketsorts(), bucketsorts_bi(), bucketsort1();
    void      pbuckets(), removebilist(), movebilist(), make_bndy_list();

    nbadtries = KL_NTRIES_BAD;

    enforce_balance = FALSE;
    temp_balanced = FALSE;
    enforce_balance_hard = FALSE;
    balance_trouble = FALSE;

    size = (int) (&(listspace[0][1]) - &(listspace[0][0]));

    undo_frac = .3;

    cut_cost = 1;
    if (term_wgts[1] != NULL) {
	if (CUT_TO_HOP_COST > 1) {
	    cut_cost = CUT_TO_HOP_COST;

    bspace = smalloc_ret(nvtxs * sizeof(int));
    weightsum = smalloc_ret(nsets * sizeof(double));
    locked = smalloc_ret(nsets * sizeof(double));
    loose = smalloc_ret(nsets * sizeof(double));

    if (bspace == NULL || weightsum == NULL || locked == NULL || loose == NULL) {

    if (*bndy_list != NULL) {
	bdy_ptr = *bndy_list;
	list_length = 0;
	while (*bdy_ptr != 0) {
	    bspace[list_length++] = *bdy_ptr++;

	if (list_length == 0) {		/* No boundary -> make everybody bndy. */
	    for (i = 0; i < nvtxs; i++) {
		bspace[i] = i + 1;
	    list_length = nvtxs;
	/* Set dvals to flag uninitialized vertices. */
	for (i = 1; i <= nvtxs; i++) {
	    dvals[i][0] = 3 * maxdval;
    else {
        list_length = nvtxs;

    step_cutoff = KL_BAD_MOVES;
    cost_cutoff = maxdval * step_cutoff / 7;
    if (cost_cutoff < step_cutoff)
	cost_cutoff = step_cutoff;

    deltaminus = deltaplus = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < nsets; i++) {
	if (startweight[i] - goal[i] > deltaplus) {
	    deltaplus = startweight[i] - goal[i];
	else if (goal[i] - startweight[i] > deltaminus) {
	    deltaminus = goal[i] - startweight[i];
    balanced = (deltaplus + deltaminus <= max_dev);

    bestg_min = -2.0 * nvtxs * maxdval;
    parity = FALSE;
    eweight = cut_cost + .5;
    nbad = 0;
    npass = 0;
    improved = 0;
    done = FALSE;
    while (!done) {
	ever_balanced = FALSE;

	/* Initialize various quantities. */
	balance_best = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < nsets; i++) {
	    for (j = 0; j < nsets; j++)
		tops[i][j] = 2 * maxdval;
	    weightsum[i] = startweight[i];
	    loose[i] = weightsum[i];
	    locked[i] = 0;
	    balance_best += goal[i];

	gtotal = 0;
	bestg = bestg_min;
	beststep = -1;

	movelist = NULL;
	endlist = &movelist;

	neg_steps = 0;

	/* Compute the initial d-values, and bucket-sort them. */
	time = seconds();
	if (nsets == 2) {
	    bucketsorts_bi(graph, nvtxs, buckets, listspace, dvals, sets, term_wgts,
			   maxdval, nsets, parity, hops, bspace, list_length, npass,
	else {
	    bucketsorts(graph, nvtxs, buckets, listspace, dvals, sets, term_wgts,
			maxdval, nsets, parity, hops, bspace, list_length, npass,
	parity = !parity;
	kl_bucket_time += seconds() - time;

	if (DEBUG_KL > 2) {
	    pbuckets(buckets, listspace, maxdval, nsets);

	/* Now determine the set of K-L moves. */

	for (step = 1;; step++) {

	    /* Find the highest d-value in each set. */
	    /* But only consider moves from large to small sets, or moves */
	    /* in which balance is preserved. */
	    /* Break ties in some nonarbitrary manner. */
	    bestval = -maxdval - 1;
	    for (i = 0; i < nsets; i++)
		for (j = 0; j < nsets; j++)
		    /* Only allow moves from large sets to small sets, or */
		    /* moves which preserve balance. */
		    if (i != j) {
			/* Find the best move from i to j. */
			for (k = tops[i][j]; k >= 0 && buckets[i][j][k] == NULL;
			     k--) ;
			tops[i][j] = k;

			if (k >= 0) {
			    l = (j > i) ? j - 1 : j;
			    vtx = ((int) (buckets[i][j][k] - listspace[l])) / size;
			    vweight = graph[vtx]->vwgt;

			    if ((enforce_balance_hard && 
				  weightsum[i] >= goal[i] && weightsum[j] <= goal[j] &&
				  weightsum[i] - goal[i] - (weightsum[j] - goal[j]) >
				   max_dev) ||
				(!enforce_balance_hard &&
				  weightsum[i] >= goal[i] && weightsum[j] <= goal[j]) ||
				(!enforce_balance_hard &&
				 weightsum[i] - vweight - goal[i] > -(double)((max_dev + 1) / 2) &&
				 weightsum[j] + vweight - goal[j] <  (double)((max_dev + 1) / 2))) {

				/* Is it the best move seen so far? */
				if (k - maxdval > bestval) {
				    bestval = k - maxdval;
				    bestvtx = vtx;
				    bestto = j;
				    /* DO I NEED ALL THIS DATA?  Just to break ties. */
				    bestdelta = fabs(weightsum[i] - vweight - goal[i]) +
				                fabs(weightsum[j] + vweight - goal[j]);
				    beststuck1 = min(loose[i], goal[j] - locked[j]);
				    beststuck2 = max(loose[i], goal[j] - locked[j]);

				else if (k - maxdval == bestval) {
				    /* Tied.  Is better balanced than current best? */
				    /* If tied, move among sets with most freedom. */
				    stuck1st = min(loose[i], goal[j] - locked[j]);
				    stuck2nd = max(loose[i], goal[j] - locked[j]);
				    delta = fabs(weightsum[i] - vweight - goal[i]) +
				            fabs(weightsum[j] + vweight - goal[j]);

				    /* NOTE: Randomization in this check isn't ideal */
				    /* if more than two guys are tied. */
				    if (delta < bestdelta ||
				    (delta == bestdelta && (stuck1st > beststuck1 ||
							 (stuck1st == beststuck1 &&
							  (stuck2nd > beststuck2 ||
							 (stuck2nd == beststuck2 &&
					      (KL_RANDOM && drandom() < .5))))))) {
					bestval = k - maxdval;
					bestvtx = vtx;
					bestto = j;
					bestdelta = delta;
					beststuck1 = stuck1st;
					beststuck2 = stuck2nd;

	    if (bestval == -maxdval - 1) {	/* No allowed moves */
		if (DEBUG_KL > 0) {
		    printf("No KL moves at step %d.  bestg = %g at step %d.\n",
			   step, bestg, beststep);

	    bestptr = &(listspace[0][bestvtx]);
	    bestfrom = sets[bestvtx];

	    vweight = graph[bestvtx]->vwgt;
	    weightsum[bestto] += vweight;
	    weightsum[bestfrom] -= vweight;
	    loose[bestfrom] -= vweight;
	    locked[bestto] += vweight;

	    if (enforce_balance) {	/* Check if this partition is balanced. */
		deltaminus = deltaplus = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < nsets; i++) {
		    if (weightsum[i] - goal[i] > deltaplus) {
			deltaplus = weightsum[i] - goal[i];
		    else if (goal[i] - weightsum[i] > deltaminus) {
			deltaminus = goal[i] - weightsum[i];
		balance_val = deltaminus + deltaplus;
		temp_balanced = (balance_val <= max_dev);
		ever_balanced = (ever_balanced || temp_balanced);

	    gtotal += bestval;
	    if (((gtotal > bestg && (!enforce_balance || temp_balanced)) ||
		 (enforce_balance_hard && balance_val < balance_best)) &&
		 step != nvtxs) {
		bestg = gtotal;
		beststep = step;
		if (enforce_balance_hard) {
		    balance_best = balance_val;
		if (temp_balanced) {
		    enforce_balance_hard = FALSE;

	    if (DEBUG_KL > 1) {
		printf("At KL step %d, bestvtx=%d, bestval=%d (%d-> %d)\n",
		       step, bestvtx, bestval, bestfrom, bestto);

	    /* Monitor the stopping criteria. */
	    if (bestval < 0) {
		if (!enforce_balance || ever_balanced)
		if (bestg != bestg_min)
		    neg_cost = bestg - gtotal;
		    neg_cost = -maxdval - 1;
		if ((neg_steps > step_cutoff || neg_cost > cost_cutoff) &&
			!(enforce_balance && bestg == bestg_min) &&
			(beststep != step)) {
		    if (DEBUG_KL > 0) {
			if (neg_steps > step_cutoff) {
			    printf("KL step cutoff at step %d.  bestg = %g at step %d.\n",
				   step, bestg, beststep);
			else if (neg_cost > cost_cutoff) {
			    printf("KL cost cutoff at step %d.  bestg = %g at step %d.\n",
				   step, bestg, beststep);
	    else if (bestval > 0) {
		neg_steps = 0;

	    /* Remove vertex from its buckets, and flag it as finished. */
	    l = 0;
	    for (k = 0; k < nsets; k++) {
		if (k != bestfrom) {
		    dval = dvals[bestvtx][l] + maxdval;

	    /* Is there a better way to do this? */
	    sets[bestvtx] = -sets[bestvtx] - 1;

	    /* Set up the linked list of moved vertices. */
	    bestptr->next = NULL;
	    bestptr->prev = (struct bilist *) (unsigned long) bestto;
	    *endlist = bestptr;
	    endlist = &(bestptr->next);

	    /* Now update the d-values of all the neighbors */
	    edges = graph[bestvtx]->edges;
	    if (using_ewgts)
		ewptr = graph[bestvtx]->ewgts;
	    for (j = graph[bestvtx]->nedges - 1; j; j--) {
		neighbor = *(++edges);
		if (using_ewgts)
		    eweight = *(++ewptr) * cut_cost + .5;

		/* First make sure neighbor is alive. */
		if (sets[neighbor] >= 0) {
		    group = sets[neighbor];

                    if (dvals[neighbor][0] >= 3 * maxdval) {
		        /* New vertex, not yet in buckets. */
		        /* Can't be neighbor of moved vtx, so compute */
		        /* inital dvals and buckets, then update. */
			bucketsort1(graph, neighbor, buckets, listspace, dvals, sets,
			    term_wgts, maxdval, nsets, hops, using_ewgts);

		    l = 0;
		    for (k = 0; k < nsets; k++) {
			if (k != group) {
			    diff = eweight * (
					hops[k][bestfrom] - hops[group][bestfrom] +
					    hops[group][bestto] - hops[k][bestto]);
			    dval = dvals[neighbor][l] + maxdval;
				       &buckets[group][k][dval + diff]);
			    dvals[neighbor][l] += diff;
			    dval += diff;
			    if (dval > tops[group][k])
				tops[group][k] = dval;
	    if (DEBUG_KL > 2) {
		pbuckets(buckets, listspace, maxdval, nsets);

	/* Done with a pass; should we actually perform any swaps? */
	bptr = movelist;
	if (bestg > 0 || (bestg != bestg_min && !balanced && enforce_balance) ||
	    (bestg != bestg_min && balance_trouble)) {
	    improved += bestg;
	    for (i = 1; i <= beststep; i++) {
		vtx = ((int) (bptr - listspace[0])) / size;
		bestto = (int) (unsigned long) bptr->prev;
		startweight[bestto] += graph[vtx]->vwgt;
		startweight[-sets[vtx] - 1] -= graph[vtx]->vwgt;
		sets[vtx] = (int) bestto;
		bptr = bptr->next;

	    deltaminus = deltaplus = 0;
	    for (i = 0; i < nsets; i++) {
		if (startweight[i] - goal[i] > deltaplus) {
		    deltaplus = startweight[i] - goal[i];
		else if (goal[i] - startweight[i] > deltaminus) {
		    deltaminus = goal[i] - startweight[i];
printf(" deltaplus = %f, deltaminus = %f, max_dev = %d\n", deltaplus, deltaminus, max_dev);
	    balanced = (deltaplus + deltaminus <= max_dev);
	else {

	if (!balanced || bptr == movelist) {
	    if (enforce_balance) {
	        if (enforce_balance_hard) {
		     balance_trouble = TRUE;
		enforce_balance_hard = TRUE;
	    enforce_balance = TRUE;

	worth_undoing = (step < undo_frac * nvtxs);
	done = (nbad >= nbadtries && balanced);
	if (KL_MAX_PASS > 0) {
	    done = done || (npass == KL_MAX_PASS && balanced);
	if (!done) {		/* Prepare for next pass. */
	    if (KL_UNDO_LIST && worth_undoing && !balance_trouble) {
		/* Make a list of modified vertices for next bucketsort. */
		/* Also, ensure these vertices are removed from their buckets. */
		list_length = make_kl_list(graph, movelist, buckets, listspace,
					   sets, nsets, bspace, dvals, maxdval);
	if (done || !(KL_UNDO_LIST && worth_undoing && !balance_trouble)) {
	    /* Restore set numbers of remaining, altered vertices. */
	    while (bptr != NULL) {
		vtx = ((int) (bptr - listspace[0])) / size;
		sets[vtx] = -sets[vtx] - 1;
		bptr = bptr->next;
	    list_length = nvtxs;

	if (done && *bndy_list != NULL) {
	    make_bndy_list(graph, movelist, buckets, listspace, sets, nsets,
			   bspace, tops, bndy_list);

    if (DEBUG_KL > 0) {
	printf("   KL required %d passes to improve by %d.\n", npass, improved);

Ejemplo n.º 10
submain (
    struct vtx_data **graph,	/* data structure for graph */
    int nvtxs,		/* number of vertices in full graph */
    int nedges,		/* number of edges in graph */
    int using_vwgts,		/* are vertex weights being used? */
    int using_ewgts,		/* are edge weights being used? */
    int igeom,		/* geometry dimension if using inertial method */
    float **coords,		/* coordinates of vertices if used */
    char *outassignname,	/* name of assignment output file */
    char *outfilename,		/* in which to print output metrics */
    int *assignment,		/* set number of each vtx (length n) */
    double *goal,			/* desired sizes for each set */
    int architecture,		/* 0=> hypercube, d=> d-dimensional mesh */
    int ndims_tot,		/* total number hypercube dimensions */
    int mesh_dims[3],		/* extent of mesh in 3 directions */
    int global_method,	/* global partitioning algorithm */
    int local_method,		/* local partitioning algorithm */
    int rqi_flag,		/* use RQI/Symmlq eigensolver? */
    int vmax,			/* if so, how many vtxs to coarsen down to */
    int ndims,		/* number of eigenvectors (2^d sets) */
    double eigtol,		/* tolerance on eigenvectors */
    long seed			/* for random graph mutations */
    extern int ECHO;		/* controls output to file or screen */
    extern int CHECK_INPUT;	/* should I check input for correctness? */
    extern int SEQUENCE;	/* just generate spectal ordering? */
    extern int OUTPUT_ASSIGN;	/* print assignment to a file? */
    extern int OUTPUT_METRICS;	/* controls formatting of output */
    extern int PERTURB;		/* perturb matrix if quad/octasection? */
    extern int NSQRTS;		/* number of square roots to precompute */
    extern int KL_METRIC;	/* KL interset cost: 1=>cuts, 2=>hops */
    extern int LANCZOS_TYPE;	/* type of Lanczos to use */
    extern int REFINE_MAP;	/* use greedy strategy to improve mapping? */
    extern int REFINE_PARTITION;/* number of calls to pairwise_refine to make */
    extern int VERTEX_COVER;	/* use matching to reduce vertex separator? */
    extern int CONNECTED_DOMAINS;	/* force subdomain connectivity at end? */
    extern int INTERNAL_VERTICES;	/* greedily increase internal vtxs? */
    extern int DEBUG_INTERNAL;		/* debug code about force_internal? */
    extern int DEBUG_REFINE_PART;	/* debug code about refine_part? */
    extern int DEBUG_REFINE_MAP;	/* debug code about refine_map? */
    extern int DEBUG_MACH_PARAMS;	/* print out computed machine params? */
    extern int DEBUG_TRACE;	/* trace main execution path */
    extern int PRINT_HEADERS;	/* print section headings for output? */
    extern int TIME_KERNELS;	/* benchmark some numerical kernels? */
    extern double start_time;	/* time code was entered */
    extern double total_time;	/* (almost) total time spent in code */
    extern double check_input_time;	/* time spent checking input */
    extern double partition_time;	/* time spent partitioning graph */
    extern double kernel_time;	/* time spent benchmarking kernels */
    extern double count_time;	/* time spent evaluating the answer */
    extern double print_assign_time;	/* time spent writing output file */
    FILE     *outfile;		/* output file */
    struct vtx_data **graph2;	/* data structure for graph */
    int     hop_mtx[MAXSETS][MAXSETS];	/* between-set hop cost for KL */
    double   *vwsqrt;		/* sqrt of vertex weights (length nvtxs+1) */
    double    time, time1;	/* timing variables */
    char     *graphname, *geomname;	/* names of input files */
    char     *inassignname;	/* name of assignment input file */
    int       old_nsqrts;	/* old value of NSQRTS */
    int       append;		/* append output to existing file? */
    int       nsets;		/* number of sets created by each divide */
    int       nsets_tot;	/* total number of sets */
    int       bits;		/* used in computing hops */
    int       flag;		/* return code from check_input */
    int       old_perturb=0;	/* saves original pertubation flag */
    int       i, j, k;		/* loop counters */
    double    seconds();
    void      setrandom(long int seed);
    int       check_input(), refine_part();
    void      connect_enforce();
    void      setrandom(), makevwsqrt(), balance(), countup();
    void      force_internal(), sequence(), reflect_input();
    void      machine_params(), assign_out(), refine_map();
    void      time_out(), time_kernels(), strout();

    if (DEBUG_TRACE > 0) {
	printf("<Entering submain>\n");

    /* First check all the input for consistency. */

    if (architecture == 1)
	mesh_dims[1] = mesh_dims[2] = 1;
    else if (architecture == 2)
	mesh_dims[2] = 1;
    /* Check for simple special case of 1 processor. */
    k = 0;
    if (architecture == 0)
      k = 1 << ndims_tot;
    else if (architecture > 0)
      k = mesh_dims[0] * mesh_dims[1] * mesh_dims[2];

    if (k == 1) {
	for (i = 1; i <= nvtxs; i++) assignment[i] = 0;

        if (OUTPUT_ASSIGN > 0 && outassignname != NULL) {
	    time1 = seconds();
	    assign_out(nvtxs, assignment, k, outassignname);
	    print_assign_time += seconds() - time1;

    graphname = Graph_File_Name;
    geomname = Geometry_File_Name;
    inassignname = Assign_In_File_Name;

    /* Turn of perturbation if using bisection */
    if (ndims == 1) {
        old_perturb = PERTURB;

    if (ECHO < 0 && outfilename != NULL) { /* Open output file */
	outfile = fopen(outfilename, "r");
	if (outfile != NULL) {
	    append = TRUE;
	else append = FALSE;
	outfile = fopen(outfilename, "a");
	if (append) {
	    fprintf(outfile, "\n------------------------------------------------\n\n");
    else {
	outfile = NULL;

    Output_File = outfile;

    if (outfile != NULL && PRINT_HEADERS) {
        fprintf(outfile, "\n                    Chaco 2.0\n");
        fprintf(outfile, "          Sandia National Laboratories\n\n");

    if (CHECK_INPUT) {		/* Check the input for inconsistencies. */
	time1 = seconds();

	flag = check_input(graph, nvtxs, nedges, igeom, coords,
			   graphname, assignment, goal,
			   architecture, ndims_tot, mesh_dims,
			   global_method, local_method, rqi_flag, &vmax, ndims,

	check_input_time += seconds() - time1;

	if (flag) {
	    strout("ERROR IN INPUT.\n");
	    return (1);

    if (ECHO != 0) {
	reflect_input(nvtxs, nedges, igeom, graphname, geomname,
		      inassignname, outassignname, outfilename,
		      architecture, ndims_tot, mesh_dims,
		      global_method, local_method, rqi_flag, vmax, ndims,
		      eigtol, seed, outfile);

    if (PRINT_HEADERS) {
        printf("\n\nStarting to partition ...\n\n");
	if (Output_File != NULL ) {
	    "\n\nStarting to partition ... (residual, warning and error messages only)\n\n");

    time = seconds();

    /* Perform some one-time initializations. */
    machine_params(&DOUBLE_EPSILON, &DOUBLE_MAX);

    if (DEBUG_MACH_PARAMS > 0) {
	printf("Machine parameters:\n");
	printf("  DOUBLE_MAX = %e\n", DOUBLE_MAX);

    nsets = (1 << ndims);

    old_nsqrts = NSQRTS;
    if (nvtxs < NSQRTS && !using_vwgts) {
	NSQRTS = nvtxs;
    SQRTS = smalloc_ret((NSQRTS + 1) * sizeof(double));
    if (SQRTS == NULL) {
	strout("ERROR: No space to allocate sqrts\n");
    for (i = 1; i <= NSQRTS; i++)
	SQRTS[i] = sqrt((double) i);

    if (using_vwgts && (global_method == 1 || global_method == 2)) {
	vwsqrt = smalloc_ret((nvtxs + 1) * sizeof(double));
	if (vwsqrt == NULL) {
	    strout("ERROR: No space to allocate vwsqrt\n");
	    NSQRTS = old_nsqrts;
	makevwsqrt(vwsqrt, graph, nvtxs);
	vwsqrt = NULL;

    if (TIME_KERNELS) {
	time1 = seconds();
	time_kernels(graph, nvtxs, vwsqrt);
	kernel_time += seconds() - time1;

    if (SEQUENCE) {
	sequence(graph, nvtxs, nedges, using_ewgts, vwsqrt,
		 LANCZOS_TYPE, rqi_flag, vmax, eigtol);
	goto End_Label;

    /* Initialize cost function for KL-spiff */
    if (global_method == 1 || local_method == 1) {
	for (i = 0; i < nsets; i++) {
	    hop_mtx[i][i] = 0;
	    for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
		if (KL_METRIC == 2) {	/* Count hypercube hops */
		    hop_mtx[i][j] = 0;
		    bits = i ^ j;
		    while (bits) {
			if (bits & 1) {
			bits >>= 1;
		else if (KL_METRIC == 1) {	/* Count cut edges */
		    hop_mtx[i][j] = 1;
		hop_mtx[j][i] = hop_mtx[i][j];
Ejemplo n.º 11
void refine_map(struct vtx_data **graph,        /* graph data structure */
                int               nvtxs,        /* number of vertices in graph */
                int               using_ewgts,  /* are edge weights being used? */
                int *             assign,       /* current assignment */
                int               cube_or_mesh, /* 0 => hypercube, d => d-dimensional mesh */
                int               ndims_tot,    /* if hypercube, number of dimensions */
                int               mesh_dims[3]  /* if mesh, dimensions of mesh */
  struct vtx_data **comm_graph;       /* graph for communication requirements */
  int               nsets_tot = 0;    /* total number of sets */
  int *             vtx2node  = NULL; /* mapping of comm_graph vtxs to processors */
  int *             node2vtx  = NULL; /* mapping of sets to comm_graph vtxs */
  double            maxdesire = 0.0;  /* largest possible desire to flip an edge */
  int               error     = 0;    /* out of space? */
  int               i;                /* loop counter */

  double find_maxdeg();
  void   free_graph(), strout();
  int    make_comm_graph(), refine_mesh(), refine_cube();

  if (cube_or_mesh == 0)
    nsets_tot = 1 << ndims_tot;
  else if (cube_or_mesh == 1)
    nsets_tot = mesh_dims[0];
  else if (cube_or_mesh == 2)
    nsets_tot = mesh_dims[0] * mesh_dims[1];
  else if (cube_or_mesh == 3)
    nsets_tot = mesh_dims[0] * mesh_dims[1] * mesh_dims[2];

  node2vtx = vtx2node = NULL;

  /* Construct the weighted quotient graph representing communication. */
  error = make_comm_graph(&comm_graph, graph, nvtxs, using_ewgts, assign, nsets_tot);

  if (!error) {
    maxdesire = 2 * find_maxdeg(comm_graph, nsets_tot, TRUE, (float *)NULL);

    vtx2node = smalloc_ret((nsets_tot + 1) * sizeof(int));
    node2vtx = smalloc_ret(nsets_tot * sizeof(int));
    if (node2vtx == NULL || vtx2node == NULL) {
      error = 1;
      goto skip;

    for (i = 1; i <= nsets_tot; i++) {
      vtx2node[i]     = (int)i - 1;
      node2vtx[i - 1] = (int)i;

    if (cube_or_mesh > 0) {
      error = refine_mesh(comm_graph, cube_or_mesh, mesh_dims, maxdesire, vtx2node, node2vtx);

    else if (cube_or_mesh == 0) {
      error = refine_cube(comm_graph, ndims_tot, maxdesire, vtx2node, node2vtx);

    if (!error) {
      for (i = 1; i <= nvtxs; i++) {
        assign[i] = vtx2node[assign[i] + 1];


  if (error) {
    strout("\nWARNING: No space to refine mapping to processors.");
    strout("         NO MAPPING REFINEMENT PERFORMED.\n");

Ejemplo n.º 12
/* begin at 1 instead of at 0. */
int refine_mesh(struct vtx_data **comm_graph,   /* graph for communication requirements */
                int               cube_or_mesh, /* number of dimensions in mesh */
                int               mesh_dims[3], /* dimensions of mesh */
                double            maxdesire,    /* largest possible desire to flip an edge */
                int *             vtx2node,     /* mapping from comm_graph vtxs to mesh nodes */
                int *             node2vtx      /* mapping from mesh nodes to comm_graph vtxs */
  struct refine_vdata * vdata = NULL;      /* desire data for all vertices */
  struct refine_vdata * vptr;              /* loops through vdata */
  struct refine_edata * edata = NULL;      /* desire data for all edges */
  struct refine_edata * eguy;              /* one element in edata array */
  struct refine_edata **desire_ptr = NULL; /* array of desire buckets */
  double *              desires    = NULL; /* each edge's inclination to flip */
  int *                 indices    = NULL; /* sorted list of desire values */
  int *                 space      = NULL; /* used for sorting disire values */
  double                best_desire;       /* highest desire of edge to flip */
  int                   imax;              /* maxdesire rounded up */
  int                   nsets_tot;         /* total number of sets/processors */
  int                   neighbor;          /* neighboring vertex */
  int                   dim;               /* loops over mesh dimensions */
  int                   nwires;            /* number of wires in processor mesh */
  int                   wire;              /* loops through all wires */
  int                   node1, node2;      /* processors joined by a wire */
  int                   vtx1, vtx2;        /* corresponding vertices in comm_graph */
  int                   loc1, loc2;        /* location of vtxs in flipping dimension */
  int                   error;             /* out of space? */
  int                   i, j, k;           /* loop counter */
  double                find_maxdeg();
  double                compute_mesh_edata();

  void compute_mesh_vdata(), init_mesh_edata(), mergesort();
  void update_mesh_vdata(), update_mesh_edata();

  error = 1;

  nsets_tot = mesh_dims[0] * mesh_dims[1] * mesh_dims[2];

  imax = maxdesire;
  if (imax != maxdesire)

  vdata = (struct refine_vdata *)smalloc_ret((cube_or_mesh * nsets_tot + 1) *
                                             sizeof(struct refine_vdata));
  if (vdata == NULL)
    goto skip;

  /* Compute each node's desires to move or stay put. */
  vptr = vdata;
  for (dim = 0; dim < cube_or_mesh; dim++) {
    for (i = 1; i <= nsets_tot; i++) {
      compute_mesh_vdata(++vptr, comm_graph, i, vtx2node, mesh_dims, dim);

  nwires = (mesh_dims[0] - 1) * mesh_dims[1] * mesh_dims[2] +
           mesh_dims[0] * (mesh_dims[1] - 1) * mesh_dims[2] +
           mesh_dims[0] * mesh_dims[1] * (mesh_dims[2] - 1);

  edata   = smalloc_ret((nwires + 1) * sizeof(struct refine_edata));
  desires = smalloc_ret(nwires * sizeof(double));
  if (vdata == NULL || desires == NULL)
    goto skip;

  /* Initialize all the edge values. */
  init_mesh_edata(edata, mesh_dims);
  for (wire = 0; wire < nwires; wire++) {
    desires[wire] = edata[wire].swap_desire =
        compute_mesh_edata(&(edata[wire]), vdata, mesh_dims, comm_graph, node2vtx);

  /* Set special value for end pointer. */
  edata[nwires].swap_desire = 2 * find_maxdeg(comm_graph, nsets_tot, TRUE, (float *)NULL);

  /* I now need to sort all the wire preference values */
  indices = smalloc_ret(nwires * sizeof(int));
  space   = smalloc_ret(nwires * sizeof(int));
  if (indices == NULL || space == NULL)
    goto skip;

  mergesort(desires, nwires, indices, space);

  space   = NULL;
  desires = NULL;

  best_desire = (edata[indices[nwires - 1]]).swap_desire;

  /* Now construct a buckets of linked lists with desire values. */

  if (best_desire > 0) {
    desire_ptr =
        (struct refine_edata **)smalloc_ret((2 * imax + 1) * sizeof(struct refine_edata *));
    if (desire_ptr == NULL)
      goto skip;

    for (i          = 2 * imax; i >= 0; i--)
      desire_ptr[i] = NULL;

    for (i = nwires - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      eguy = &(edata[indices[i]]);
      /* Round the swap desire up. */
      if (eguy->swap_desire >= 0) {
        k = eguy->swap_desire;
        if (k != eguy->swap_desire)
      else {
        k = -eguy->swap_desire;
        if (k != -eguy->swap_desire)
        k = -k;

      k += imax;

      eguy->prev = NULL;
      eguy->next = desire_ptr[k];
      if (desire_ptr[k] != NULL)
        desire_ptr[k]->prev = eguy;
      desire_ptr[k]         = eguy;
  else {
    desire_ptr = NULL;

  indices = NULL;

  loc1 = 0;
  loc2 = 0;

  /* Everything is now set up.  Swap sets across wires until no more improvement. */

  while (best_desire > 0) {
    k = best_desire + 1 + imax;
    if (k > 2 * imax)
      k = 2 * imax;
    while (k > imax && desire_ptr[k] == NULL)
    eguy = desire_ptr[k];

    dim   = eguy->dim;
    node1 = eguy->node1;
    node2 = eguy->node2;
    vtx1  = node2vtx[node1];
    vtx2  = node2vtx[node2];
    if (dim == 0) {
      loc1 = node1 % mesh_dims[0];
      loc2 = node2 % mesh_dims[0];
    else if (dim == 1) {
      loc1 = (node1 / mesh_dims[0]) % mesh_dims[1];
      loc2 = (node2 / mesh_dims[0]) % mesh_dims[1];
    else if (dim == 2) {
      loc1 = node1 / (mesh_dims[0] * mesh_dims[1]);
      loc2 = node2 / (mesh_dims[0] * mesh_dims[1]);

    /* Now swap the vertices. */
    node2vtx[node1] = (int)vtx2;
    node2vtx[node2] = (int)vtx1;
    vtx2node[vtx1]  = (int)node2;
    vtx2node[vtx2]  = (int)node1;

    /* First update all the vdata fields for vertices effected by this flip. */
    for (j = 1; j < comm_graph[vtx1]->nedges; j++) {
      neighbor = comm_graph[vtx1]->edges[j];
      if (neighbor != vtx2)
        update_mesh_vdata(loc1, loc2, dim, comm_graph[vtx1]->ewgts[j], vdata, mesh_dims, neighbor,

    for (j = 1; j < comm_graph[vtx2]->nedges; j++) {
      neighbor = comm_graph[vtx2]->edges[j];
      if (neighbor != vtx1)
        update_mesh_vdata(loc2, loc1, dim, comm_graph[vtx2]->ewgts[j], vdata, mesh_dims, neighbor,

    /* Now recompute all preferences for vertices that were moved. */
    for (j = 0; j < cube_or_mesh; j++) {
      compute_mesh_vdata(&(vdata[j * nsets_tot + vtx1]), comm_graph, vtx1, vtx2node, mesh_dims, j);
      compute_mesh_vdata(&(vdata[j * nsets_tot + vtx2]), comm_graph, vtx2, vtx2node, mesh_dims, j);

    /* Now I can update the values of all the edges associated with all the
       effected vertices.  Note that these include mesh neighbors of node1 and
       node2 in addition to the dim-edges of graph neighbors of vtx1 and vtx2. */

    /* For each neighbor vtx, look at -1 and +1 edge.  If desire hasn't changed,
       return.  Otherwise, pick him up and move him. Similarly for all
       directional neighbors of node1 and node2. */

    for (j = 1; j < comm_graph[vtx1]->nedges; j++) {
      neighbor = comm_graph[vtx1]->edges[j];
      if (neighbor != vtx2)
        update_mesh_edata(neighbor, dim, edata, vdata, comm_graph, mesh_dims, node2vtx, vtx2node,
                          &best_desire, imax, desire_ptr);

    for (j = 1; j < comm_graph[vtx2]->nedges; j++) {
      neighbor = comm_graph[vtx2]->edges[j];
      if (neighbor != vtx1)
        update_mesh_edata(neighbor, dim, edata, vdata, comm_graph, mesh_dims, node2vtx, vtx2node,
                          &best_desire, imax, desire_ptr);
    for (j = 0; j < cube_or_mesh; j++) {
      update_mesh_edata(vtx1, j, edata, vdata, comm_graph, mesh_dims, node2vtx, vtx2node,
                        &best_desire, imax, desire_ptr);
      update_mesh_edata(vtx2, j, edata, vdata, comm_graph, mesh_dims, node2vtx, vtx2node,
                        &best_desire, imax, desire_ptr);

    k = best_desire + 1 + imax;
    if (k > 2 * imax)
      k = 2 * imax;
    while (k > imax && desire_ptr[k] == NULL)
    best_desire = k - imax;
  error = 0;


  return (error);
Ejemplo n.º 13
/* Construct a graph representing the inter-set communication. */
refine_part (
    struct vtx_data **graph,	/* graph data structure */
    int nvtxs,		/* number of vertices in graph */
    int using_ewgts,		/* are edge weights being used? */
    int *assign,		/* current assignment */
    int architecture,		/* 0 => hypercube, d => d-dimensional mesh */
    int ndims_tot,		/* if hypercube, number of dimensions */
    int mesh_dims[3],		/* if mesh, size in each direction */
    double *goal			/* desired set sizes */
    extern int TERM_PROP;	/* perform terminal propagation? */
    struct bilist *set_list = NULL;	/* lists of vtxs in each set */
    struct bilist *vtx_elems = NULL;	/* space for all vtxs in set_lists */
    struct bilist *ptr = NULL;	/* loops through set_lists */
    struct ipairs *pairs = NULL;/* ordered list of edges in comm graph */
    double   *comm_vals = NULL;	/* edge wgts of comm graph for sorting */
    float    *term_wgts[2];	/* terminal propagation vector */
    int     hops[MAXSETS][MAXSETS];	/* preference weighting */
    double   *temp = NULL;	/* return argument from srealloc_ret() */
    int      *indices = NULL;	/* sorted order for communication edges */
    int      *space = NULL;	/* space for mergesort */
    int      *sizes = NULL;	/* sizes of the different sets */
    int    *sub_assign = NULL;	/* new assignment for subgraph */
    int    *old_sub_assign = NULL;	/* room for current sub assignment */
    int     **edges_list = NULL;/* lists of comm graph edges */
    int     **ewgts_list = NULL;/* lists of comm graph edge wgts */
    int      *ewgts = NULL;	/* loops through ewgts_list */
    int      *edges = NULL;	/* edges in communication graph */
    int      *adj_sets = NULL;	/* weights connecting sets */
    int      *eptr = NULL;	/* loop through edges and edge weights */
    int      *ewptr = NULL;	/* loop through edges and edge weights */
    int       ewgt;		/* weight of an edge */
    struct vtx_data **subgraph = NULL;	/* subgraph data structure */
    int      *nedges = NULL;	/* space for saving graph data */
    int    *degrees = NULL;	/* # neighbors of vertices */
    int      *glob2loc = NULL;	/* maps full to reduced numbering */
    int      *loc2glob = NULL;	/* maps reduced to full numbering */
    int       nmax;		/* largest subgraph I expect to encounter */
    int       set, set1, set2;	/* sets vertices belong to */
    int       vertex;		/* vertex in graph */
    int       ncomm;		/* # edges in communication graph */
    int       dist=-1;		/* architectural distance between two sets */
    int       nsets_tot=0;	/* total number of processors */
    int       change;		/* did change occur in this pass? */
    int       any_change = FALSE;/* has any change occured? */
    int       error;		/* out of space? */
    int       size;		/* array spacing */
    int       i, j, k;		/* loop counters */
    int       abs(), kl_refine();
    void      mergesort(), strout();

    error = 1;
    term_wgts[1] = NULL;

    if (architecture == 0) {
	nsets_tot = 1 << ndims_tot;
    else if (architecture > 0) {
	nsets_tot = mesh_dims[0] * mesh_dims[1] * mesh_dims[2];

    hops[0][0] = hops[1][1] = 0;
    if (!TERM_PROP) {
        hops[0][1] = hops[1][0] = 1;

    /* Set up convenient data structure for navigating through sets. */
    set_list = smalloc_ret(nsets_tot * sizeof(struct bilist));
    vtx_elems = smalloc_ret((nvtxs + 1) * sizeof(struct bilist));
    sizes = smalloc_ret(nsets_tot * sizeof(int));
    if (set_list == NULL || vtx_elems == NULL || sizes == NULL) goto skip;

    for (i = 0; i < nsets_tot; i++) {
	set_list[i].next = NULL;
	sizes[i] = 0;

    for (i = 1; i <= nvtxs; i++) {
	set = assign[i];
	vtx_elems[i].next = set_list[set].next;
	if (vtx_elems[i].next != NULL) {
	    vtx_elems[i].next->prev = &(vtx_elems[i]);
	vtx_elems[i].prev = &(set_list[set]);
	set_list[set].next = &(vtx_elems[i]);

    /* For each set, find connections to all set neighbors. */
    edges_list = smalloc_ret(nsets_tot * sizeof(int *));
    if (edges_list == NULL) goto skip;
    for (set = 0; set < nsets_tot-1; set++) {
	edges_list[set] = NULL;

    ewgts_list = smalloc_ret(nsets_tot * sizeof(int *));
    if (ewgts_list == NULL) goto skip;
    for (set = 0; set < nsets_tot-1; set++) {
	ewgts_list[set] = NULL;

    nedges = smalloc_ret(nsets_tot * sizeof(int));
    adj_sets = smalloc_ret(nsets_tot * sizeof(int));
    if (nedges == NULL || adj_sets == NULL) goto skip;

    size = (int) (&(vtx_elems[1]) - &(vtx_elems[0]));
    ncomm = 0;
    ewgt = 1;
    nmax = 0;
    for (set = 0; set < nsets_tot-1; set++) {
	if (sizes[set] > nmax) nmax = sizes[set];
        for (i = 0; i < nsets_tot; i++) {
	    adj_sets[i] = 0;
	for (ptr = set_list[set].next; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next) {
	    vertex = ((int) (ptr - vtx_elems)) / size;
	    for (j = 1; j < graph[vertex]->nedges; j++) {
		set2 = assign[graph[vertex]->edges[j]];
		if (using_ewgts)
		    ewgt = graph[vertex]->ewgts[j];
		adj_sets[set2] += ewgt;

	/* Now save adj_sets data to later construct graph. */
	j = 0;
	for (i = set+1; i < nsets_tot; i++) {
	    if (adj_sets[i] != 0)
	nedges[set] = j;
	if (j) {
	    edges_list[set] = edges = smalloc_ret(j * sizeof(int));
	    ewgts_list[set] = ewgts = smalloc_ret(j * sizeof(int));
	    if (edges == NULL || ewgts == NULL) goto skip;
	j = 0;
	for (i = set + 1; i < nsets_tot; i++) {
	    if (adj_sets[i] != 0) {
		edges[j] = i;
		ewgts[j] = adj_sets[i];
	ncomm += j;

    adj_sets = NULL;

    /* Now compact all communication weight information into single */
    /* vector for sorting. */

    pairs = smalloc_ret((ncomm + 1) * sizeof(struct ipairs));
    comm_vals = smalloc_ret((ncomm + 1) * sizeof(double));
    if (pairs == NULL || comm_vals == NULL) goto skip;

    j = 0;
    for (set = 0; set < nsets_tot - 1; set++) {
	eptr = edges_list[set];
	ewptr = ewgts_list[set];
	for (k = 0; k < nedges[set]; k++) {
	    set2 = eptr[k];
	    pairs[j].val1 = set;
	    pairs[j].val2 = set2;
	    comm_vals[j] = ewptr[k];

    nedges = NULL;

    indices = smalloc_ret((ncomm + 1) * sizeof(int));
    space = smalloc_ret((ncomm + 1) * sizeof(int));
    if (indices == NULL || space == NULL) goto skip;

    mergesort(comm_vals, ncomm, indices, space);
    space = NULL;
    comm_vals = NULL;

    for (set = 0; set < nsets_tot - 1; set++) {
	if (edges_list[set] != NULL)
	if (ewgts_list[set] != NULL)
    ewgts_list = NULL;
    edges_list = NULL;

    /* 2 for 2 subsets, 20 for safety margin. Should check this at run time. */
    nmax = 2 * nmax + 20;

    subgraph = smalloc_ret((nmax + 1) * sizeof(struct vtx_data *));
    degrees = smalloc_ret((nmax + 1) * sizeof(int));
    glob2loc = smalloc_ret((nvtxs + 1) * sizeof(int));
    loc2glob = smalloc_ret((nmax + 1) * sizeof(int));
    sub_assign = smalloc_ret((nmax + 1) * sizeof(int));
    old_sub_assign = smalloc_ret((nmax + 1) * sizeof(int));

    if (subgraph == NULL || degrees == NULL || glob2loc == NULL ||
        loc2glob == NULL || sub_assign == NULL || old_sub_assign == NULL) {
	goto skip;

    if (TERM_PROP) {
        term_wgts[1] = smalloc_ret((nmax + 1) * sizeof(float));
	if (term_wgts[1] == NULL) goto skip;
    else {
	term_wgts[1] = NULL;

    /* Do large boundaries first to encourage convergence. */
    any_change = FALSE;
    for (i = ncomm - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
	j = indices[i];
	set1 = pairs[j].val1;
	set2 = pairs[j].val2;

	/* Make sure subgraphs aren't too big. */
	if (sizes[set1] + sizes[set2] > nmax) {
	    nmax = sizes[set1] + sizes[set2];

	    temp = srealloc_ret(subgraph,
		(nmax + 1) * sizeof(struct vtx_data *));
	    if (temp == NULL) {
		goto skip;
	    else {
		subgraph = (struct vtx_data **) temp;

	    temp = srealloc_ret(degrees,
		(nmax + 1) * sizeof(int));
	    if (temp == NULL) {
		goto skip;
	    else {
		degrees = (int *) temp;

	    temp = srealloc_ret(loc2glob,
		(nmax + 1) * sizeof(int));
	    if (temp == NULL) {
		goto skip;
	    else {
		loc2glob = (int *) temp;

	    temp = srealloc_ret(sub_assign,
		(nmax + 1) * sizeof(int));
	    if (temp == NULL) {
		goto skip;
	    else {
		sub_assign = (int *) temp;

	    temp = srealloc_ret(old_sub_assign,
		(nmax + 1) * sizeof(int));
	    if (temp == NULL) {
		goto skip;
	    else {
		old_sub_assign = (int *) temp;

	    if (TERM_PROP) {
	        temp = srealloc_ret(term_wgts[1],
		    (nmax + 1) * sizeof(float));
	        if (temp == NULL) {
		    goto skip;
	        else {
		    term_wgts[1] = (float *) temp;

	if (TERM_PROP) {
	    if (architecture == 0) {
		j = set1 ^ set2;
		dist = 0;
		while (j) {
		    if (j & 1) dist++;
		    j >>= 1;
	    else if (architecture > 0) {
		dist = abs((set1 % mesh_dims[0]) - (set2 % mesh_dims[0]));
		dist += abs(((set1 / mesh_dims[0]) % mesh_dims[1]) -
		            ((set2 / mesh_dims[0]) % mesh_dims[1]));
		dist += abs((set1 / (mesh_dims[0] * mesh_dims[1])) -
		            (set2 / (mesh_dims[0] * mesh_dims[1])));
	    hops[0][1] = hops[1][0] = (int) dist;
Ejemplo n.º 14
int reformat(int *              start,     /* start of edge list for each vertex */
             int *              adjacency, /* edge list data */
             int                nvtxs,     /* number of vertices in graph */
             int *              pnedges,   /* ptr to number of edges in graph */
             int *              vwgts,     /* weights for all vertices */
             float *            ewgts,     /* weights for all edges */
             struct vtx_data ***pgraph     /* ptr to array of vtx data for graph */
  extern FILE *     Output_File;      /* output file or null */
  struct vtx_data **graph     = NULL; /* array of vtx data for graph */
  struct vtx_data * links     = NULL; /* space for data for all vtxs */
  int *             edges     = NULL; /* space for all adjacency lists */
  float *           eweights  = NULL; /* space for all edge weights */
  int *             eptr      = NULL; /* steps through adjacency list */
  int *             eptr_save = NULL; /* saved index into adjacency list */
  float *           wptr      = NULL; /* steps through edge weights list */
  int               self_edge;        /* number of self loops detected */
  int               size;             /* length of all edge lists */
  double            sum;              /* sum of edge weights for a vtx */
  int               using_ewgts;      /* are edge weights being used? */
  int               using_vwgts;      /* are vertex weights being used? */
  int               i, j;             /* loop counters */

  using_ewgts = (ewgts != NULL);
  using_vwgts = (vwgts != NULL);

  graph   = smalloc_ret((nvtxs + 1) * sizeof(struct vtx_data *));
  *pgraph = graph;
  if (graph == NULL)
    return (1);

  graph[1] = NULL;

  /* Set up all the basic data structure for the vertices. */
  /* Replace many small mallocs by a few large ones. */
  links = smalloc_ret((nvtxs) * sizeof(struct vtx_data));
  if (links == NULL)
    return (1);

  for (i = 1; i <= nvtxs; i++) {
    graph[i] = links++;

  graph[1]->edges = NULL;
  graph[1]->ewgts = NULL;

  /* Now fill in all the data fields. */
  if (start != NULL)
    *pnedges = start[nvtxs] / 2;
    *pnedges = 0;
  size       = 2 * (*pnedges) + nvtxs;
  edges      = smalloc_ret(size * sizeof(int));
  if (edges == NULL)
    return (1);

  if (using_ewgts) {
    eweights = smalloc_ret(size * sizeof(float));
    if (eweights == NULL)
      return (1);

  if (start != NULL) {
    eptr = adjacency + start[0];
    wptr = ewgts;
  self_edge = 0;

  for (i = 1; i <= nvtxs; i++) {
    if (using_vwgts)
      graph[i]->vwgt = *(vwgts++);
      graph[i]->vwgt = 1;
    if (start != NULL)
      size = start[i] - start[i - 1];
      size           = 0;
    graph[i]->nedges = size + 1;
    graph[i]->edges  = edges;
    *edges++         = i;
    eptr_save        = eptr;
    for (j = size; j; j--) {
      if (*eptr != i)
        *edges++ = *eptr++;
      else { /* Self edge, skip it. */
        if (!self_edge) {
          printf("WARNING: Self edge (%d,%d) being ignored\n", i, i);
          if (Output_File != NULL) {
            fprintf(Output_File, "WARNING: Self edge (%d,%d) being ignored\n", i, i);
    if (using_ewgts) {
      graph[i]->ewgts = eweights;
      sum = 0;
      for (j = size; j; j--) {
        if (*eptr_save++ != i) {
          sum += *wptr;
          *eweights++ = *wptr++;
      graph[i]->ewgts[0] = -sum;
      graph[i]->ewgts = NULL;
  if (self_edge > 1) {
    printf("WARNING: %d self edges were detected and ignored\n", self_edge);
    if (Output_File != NULL) {
      fprintf(Output_File, "WARNING: %d self edges were detected and ignored\n", self_edge);

  return (0);