SmbProcessResult smbcomflush(SmbSession *s, SmbHeader *h, uchar *pdata, SmbBuffer *) { SmbTree *t; SmbFile *f; ushort fid; Dir nulldir; if (h->wordcount != 1) return SmbProcessResultFormat; fid = smbnhgets(pdata); t = smbidmapfind(s->tidmap, h->tid); if (t == nil) { smbseterror(s, ERRSRV, ERRinvtid); return SmbProcessResultError; } f = smbidmapfind(s->fidmap, fid); if (f == nil) { smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRbadfid); return SmbProcessResultError; } memset(&nulldir, 0xff, sizeof(nulldir)); = nulldir.uid = nulldir.gid = nulldir.muid = nil; dirfwstat(f->fd, &nulldir); return smbbufferputack(s->response, h, &s->peerinfo); }
SmbProcessResult smbcomcreatedirectory(SmbSession *s, SmbHeader *h, uint8_t *, SmbBuffer *b) { int fd; char *path; char *fullpath = nil; SmbTree *t; uint8_t fmt; if (h->wordcount != 0) return SmbProcessResultFormat; if (!smbbuffergetb(b, &fmt) || fmt != 0x04 || !smbbuffergetstring(b, h, SMB_STRING_PATH, &path)) return SmbProcessResultFormat; smblogprint(h->command, "smbcomcreatedirectory: %s\n", path); t = smbidmapfind(s->tidmap, h->tid); if (t == nil) { smbseterror(s, ERRSRV, ERRinvtid); return SmbProcessResultError; } smbstringprint(&fullpath, "%s%s", t->serv->path, path); fd = create(fullpath, OREAD, DMDIR | 0775); if (fd < 0) { smblogprint(h->command, "smbcomcreatedirectory failed: %r\n"); smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRnoaccess); free(path); return SmbProcessResultError; } close(fd); free(fullpath); free(path); return smbbufferputack(s->response, h, &s->peerinfo); }
SmbProcessResult smbcomdelete(SmbSession *s, SmbHeader *h, uint8_t *pdata, SmbBuffer *b) { SmbProcessResult pr; uint16_t sattr; uint8_t fmt; char *pattern = nil; char *dir = nil; char *name = nil; Reprog *r = nil; SmbTree *t; int x, count; SmbDirCache *dc = nil; if (h->wordcount != 1) return SmbProcessResultFormat; sattr = smbnhgets(pdata); if (!smbbuffergetb(b, &fmt) || fmt != 0x04 || !smbbuffergetstring(b, h, SMB_STRING_PATH, &pattern)) return SmbProcessResultFormat; smblogprint(SMB_COM_DELETE, "searchattributes: 0x%.4x\npattern:%s\n", sattr, pattern); smbpathsplit(pattern, &dir, &name); t = smbidmapfind(s->tidmap, h->tid); if (t == nil) { smbseterror(s, ERRSRV, ERRinvtid); pr = SmbProcessResultError; goto done; } dc = smbmkdircache(t, dir); if (dc == nil) { pr = SmbProcessResultMisc; goto done; } r = smbmkrep(name); count = 0; for (x = 0; x < dc->n; x++) { if (!smbmatch(dc->buf[x].name, r)) continue; if (smbremovefile(t, dir, dc->buf[x].name) == 0) count++; } if (count == 0) { smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRnoaccess); pr = SmbProcessResultError; } else pr = smbbufferputack(s->response,h, &s->peerinfo); done: free(pattern); free(dir); free(name); smbdircachefree(&dc); free(r); return pr; }
SmbProcessResult smbcomsetinformation(SmbSession *s, SmbHeader *h, uint8_t *pdata, SmbBuffer *b) { uint16_t attr; uint32_t utime; char *name; if (h->wordcount != 8) return SmbProcessResultFormat; attr = smbnhgets(pdata); pdata += 2; utime = smbnhgetl(pdata); if (!smbbuffergetstring(b, h, SMB_STRING_PATH, &name)) return SmbProcessResultFormat; smblogprint(h->command, "smbcomsetinformation: attr 0x%.4ux utime %lud path %s\n", attr, utime, name); if (utime) { Dir d; memset(&d, 0xff, sizeof(d)); = d.uid = d.gid = d.muid = nil; d.mtime = smbutime2plan9time(utime, s->tzoff); if (dirwstat(name, &d) < 0) { smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRnoaccess); free(name); return SmbProcessResultError; } } free(name); return smbbufferputack(s->response, h, &s->peerinfo); }
int smbcomtransaction(SmbSession *s, SmbHeader *h, uint8_t *pdata, SmbBuffer *b) { int rv; char *errmsg; SmbProcessResult pr = SmbProcessResultDie; errmsg = nil; rv = smbtransactiondecodeprimary(&s->transaction, h, pdata, b, &errmsg); if (rv < 0) { pr = SmbProcessResultFormat; goto done; } if (rv == 0) { h->wordcount = 0; if (smbbufferputack(s->response, h, &s->peerinfo)) { pr = SmbProcessResultReply; s->nextcommand = SMB_COM_TRANSACTION_SECONDARY; } goto done; } smblogprint(h->command, "smbcomtransaction: %s scount %ud tpcount %lud tdcount %lud maxscount %lud maxpcount %lud maxdcount %lud\n", s->, s->, s->, s->, s->, s->, s->; smbbufferfree(&s->transaction.out.parameters); smbbufferfree(&s->; s->transaction.out.parameters = smbbuffernew(s->; s-> = smbbuffernew(s->; if (strcmp(s->, smbglobals.pipelanman) == 0) pr = smbrap2(s); else { smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRbadpath); pr = SmbProcessResultError; goto done; } if (pr == SmbProcessResultReply) { char *errmsg; errmsg = nil; rv = smbtransactionrespond(&s->transaction, h, &s->peerinfo, s->response, &smbtransactionmethod, s, &errmsg); if (!rv) { smblogprint(h->command, "smbcomtransaction: failed: %s\n", errmsg); pr = SmbProcessResultMisc; } else pr = SmbProcessResultOk; } done: free(errmsg); return pr; }
SmbProcessResult smbcomtreeconnectandx(SmbSession *s, SmbHeader *h, uint8_t *pdata, SmbBuffer *b) { uint8_t andxcommand; uint16_t andxoffset; char *path = nil; char *service = nil; uint16_t flags; uint16_t passwordlength; // ushort bytecount; uint8_t errclass; uint16_t error; SmbService *serv; SmbTree *tree; uint32_t andxfixupoffset, bytecountfixup; SmbProcessResult pr; if (!smbcheckwordcount("comtreeconnectandx", h, 4)) { fmtfail: pr = SmbProcessResultFormat; goto done; } switch (s->state) { case SmbSessionNeedNegotiate: smblogprint(-1, "smbcomtreeconnectandx: called when negotiate expected\n"); return SmbProcessResultUnimp; case SmbSessionNeedSetup: smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRbadpw); return SmbProcessResultError; } andxcommand = *pdata++; switch (andxcommand) { case SMB_COM_OPEN: case SMB_COM_CREATE_NEW: case SMB_COM_DELETE_DIRECTORY: case SMB_COM_FIND_UNIQUE: case SMB_COM_CHECK_DIRECTORY: case SMB_COM_GET_PRINT_QUEUE: case SMB_COM_TRANSACTION: case SMB_COM_SET_INFORMATION: case SMB_COM_OPEN_ANDX: case SMB_COM_CREATE_DIRECTORY: case SMB_COM_FIND: case SMB_COM_RENAME: case SMB_COM_QUERY_INFORMATION: case SMB_COM_OPEN_PRINT_FILE: case SMB_COM_NO_ANDX_COMMAND: case SMB_COM_NT_RENAME: case SMB_COM_CREATE: case SMB_COM_DELETE: case SMB_COM_COPY: break; default: smblogprint(h->command, "smbcomtreeconnectandx: invalid andxcommand %s (0x%.2ux)\n", smboptable[andxcommand].name, andxcommand); goto fmtfail; } pdata++; andxoffset = smbnhgets(pdata); pdata += 2; flags = smbnhgets(pdata); pdata += 2; passwordlength = smbnhgets(pdata); //pdata += 2; // bytecount = smbnhgets(pdata); pdata += 2; smblogprint(h->command, "passwordlength: %ud\n", passwordlength); smblogprint(h->command, "flags: 0x%.4ux\n", flags); if (!smbbuffergetbytes(b, nil, passwordlength)) { smblogprint(h->command, "smbcomtreeconnectandx: not enough bytes for password\n"); goto fmtfail; } smblogprint(h->command, "offset %lud limit %lud\n", smbbufferreadoffset(b), smbbufferwriteoffset(b)); if (!smbbuffergetstring(b, h, SMB_STRING_PATH, &path) || !smbbuffergetstr(b, 0, &service)) { smblogprint(h->command, "smbcomtreeconnectandx: not enough bytes for strings\n"); goto fmtfail; } smblogprint(h->command, "path: %s\n", path); smblogprint(h->command, "service: %s\n", service); if (flags & 1) smbtreedisconnectbyid(s, h->tid); serv = smbservicefind(s, path, service, &errclass, &error); if (serv == nil) { pr = SmbProcessResultError; smbseterror(s, errclass, error); goto done; } tree = smbtreeconnect(s, serv); h->tid = tree->id; h->wordcount = 3; if (!smbresponseputandxheader(s, h, andxcommand, &andxfixupoffset) || !smbresponseputs(s, 1)) { misc: pr = SmbProcessResultMisc; goto done; } bytecountfixup = smbresponseoffset(s); if (!smbresponseputs(s, 0) || !smbresponseputstr(s, serv->type) || !smbresponseputstring(s, 1, s9p2000)) goto misc; if (!smbbufferfixuprelatives(s->response, bytecountfixup)) goto misc; if (andxcommand != SMB_COM_NO_ANDX_COMMAND) { pr = smbchaincommand(s, h, andxfixupoffset, andxcommand, andxoffset, b); } else pr = SmbProcessResultReply; done: free(path); free(service); return pr; }
SmbProcessResult smbtrans2setfileinformation(SmbSession *s, SmbHeader *h) { SmbTree *t; ushort infolevel; SmbBuffer *b; SmbProcessResult pr; ushort fid; SmbFile *f; vlong newsize; uvlong atime, mtime; ulong attr; ulong mode; t = smbidmapfind(s->tidmap, h->tid); if (t == nil) { smbseterror(s, ERRSRV, ERRinvtid); pr = SmbProcessResultError; goto done; } b = smbbufferinit(s->, s->, s->; if (!smbbuffergets(b, &fid) || !smbbuffergets(b, &infolevel)) { misc: pr = SmbProcessResultMisc; goto done; } f = smbidmapfind(s->fidmap, fid); if (f == nil) { smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRbadfid); pr = SmbProcessResultError; goto done; } switch (infolevel) { case SMB_SET_FILE_ALLOCATION_INFO: case SMB_SET_FILE_END_OF_FILE_INFO: if (s-> < 8) goto misc; newsize = smbnhgetv(s->; pr = smbtruncatefile(s, f, newsize); if (pr == SmbProcessResultReply && !smbbufferputs(s->transaction.out.parameters, 0)) goto misc; break; case SMB_SET_FILE_BASIC_INFO: if (s-> < 4 * 8 + 4) goto misc; atime = smbnhgetv(s-> + 8); mtime = smbnhgetv(s-> + 24); attr = smbnhgetv(s-> + 32); if (attr) { Dir *od = dirfstat(f->fd); if (od == nil) goto noaccess; mode = smbdosattr2plan9wstatmode(od->mode, attr); free(od); } else mode = 0xffffffff; if (atime || mtime || mode != 0xffffffff) { Dir d; memset(&d, 0xff, sizeof(d)); = d.uid = d.gid = d.muid = nil; if (atime) d.atime = smbtime2plan9time(atime); if (mtime) d.mtime = smbtime2plan9time(mtime); d.mode = mode; if (dirfwstat(f->fd, &d) < 0) { noaccess: smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRnoaccess); pr = SmbProcessResultError; goto done; } } if (!smbbufferputs(s->transaction.out.parameters, 0)) goto misc; pr = SmbProcessResultReply; break; case SMB_SET_FILE_DISPOSITION_INFO: if (s-> < 1) goto misc; f->sf->deleteonclose = *s->; if (!smbbufferputs(s->transaction.out.parameters, 0)) goto misc; pr = SmbProcessResultReply; break; default: smblogprint(-1, "smbtrans2setfileinformation: infolevel 0x%.4ux not implemented\n", infolevel); smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRunknownlevel); pr = SmbProcessResultError; break; } done: smbbufferfree(&b); return pr; }
SmbProcessResult smbtrans2setpathinformation(SmbSession *s, SmbHeader *h) { char *fullpath, *path; SmbTree *t; ushort infolevel; SmbBuffer *b; SmbProcessResult pr; ushort atime, adate, mtime, mdate; ulong attr; ulong mode; ulong size; // uvlong length; t = smbidmapfind(s->tidmap, h->tid); if (t == nil) { smbseterror(s, ERRSRV, ERRinvtid); pr = SmbProcessResultError; goto done; } b = smbbufferinit(s->, s->, s->; path = nil; if (!smbbuffergets(b, &infolevel) || !smbbuffergetbytes(b, nil, 4) || !smbbuffergetstring(b, h, SMB_STRING_PATH, &path)) { misc: pr = SmbProcessResultMisc; goto done; } fullpath = nil; smbstringprint(&fullpath, "%s%s", t->serv->path, path); translogprint(s->[0], "path %s\n", path); translogprint(s->[0], "infolevel 0x%.4ux\n", infolevel); translogprint(s->[0], "fullpath %s\n", fullpath); switch (infolevel) { case SMB_INFO_STANDARD: if (s-> < 6 * 4 + 2 * 2) goto misc; adate = smbnhgets(s-> + 6); atime = smbnhgets(s-> + 4); mdate = smbnhgets(s-> + 10); mtime = smbnhgets(s-> + 8); size = smbnhgetl(s-> + 12); attr = smbnhgets(s-> + 20); if (attr) { Dir *od = dirstat(fullpath); if (od == nil) goto noaccess; mode = smbdosattr2plan9wstatmode(od->mode, attr); free(od); } else mode = 0xffffffff; translogprint(s->[0], "mode 0%od\n", mode); // if (size) // length = size; // else // length = ~0LL; translogprint(s->[0], "size %lld\n", size); translogprint(s->[0], "adate %d atime %d", adate, atime); translogprint(s->[0], "mdate %d mtime %d\n", mdate, mtime); if (size || adate || atime || mdate || mtime || mode != 0xffffffff) { Dir d; memset(&d, 0xff, sizeof(d)); = d.uid = d.gid = d.muid = nil; if (adate || atime) d.atime = smbdatetime2plan9time(adate, atime, s->tzoff); if (mdate || mtime) d.mtime = smbdatetime2plan9time(mdate, mtime, s->tzoff); d.mode = mode; d.length = size; if (dirwstat(fullpath, &d) < 0) { noaccess: smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRnoaccess); pr = SmbProcessResultError; goto done; } } if (!smbbufferputs(s->transaction.out.parameters, 0)) goto misc; pr = SmbProcessResultReply; break; default: smblogprint(-1, "smbtrans2setpathinformation: infolevel 0x%.4ux not implemented\n", infolevel); smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRunknownlevel); pr = SmbProcessResultError; break; } done: smbbufferfree(&b); return pr; }
SmbProcessResult smbcomsessionsetupandx(SmbSession *s, SmbHeader *h, uchar *pdata, SmbBuffer *b) { uchar andxcommand; ushort andxoffset; ulong andxfixupoffset; ushort vcnumber; ulong sessionkey; ushort caseinsensitivepasswordlength; ushort casesensitivepasswordlength; ushort bytecountfixup, offset; uchar *mschapreply; AuthInfo *ai; char *sp; SmbProcessResult pr; char *accountname = nil; char *primarydomain = nil; char *nativeos = nil; char *nativelanman = nil; if (!smbcheckwordcount("comsessionsetupandx", h, 13)) { fmtfail: pr = SmbProcessResultFormat; goto done; } andxcommand = *pdata++; switch (andxcommand) { case SMB_COM_TREE_CONNECT_ANDX: case SMB_COM_OPEN_ANDX: case SMB_COM_CREATE_NEW: case SMB_COM_DELETE: case SMB_COM_FIND: case SMB_COM_COPY: case SMB_COM_NT_RENAME: case SMB_COM_QUERY_INFORMATION: case SMB_COM_NO_ANDX_COMMAND: case SMB_COM_OPEN: case SMB_COM_CREATE: case SMB_COM_CREATE_DIRECTORY: case SMB_COM_DELETE_DIRECTORY: case SMB_COM_FIND_UNIQUE: case SMB_COM_RENAME: case SMB_COM_CHECK_DIRECTORY: case SMB_COM_SET_INFORMATION: case SMB_COM_OPEN_PRINT_FILE: break; default: smblogprint(h->command, "smbcomsessionsetupandx: invalid andxcommand %s (0x%.2ux)\n", smboptable[andxcommand].name, andxcommand); goto fmtfail; } pdata++; andxoffset = smbnhgets(pdata); pdata += 2; s->peerinfo.maxlen = smbnhgets(pdata); pdata += 2; smbresponseinit(s, s->peerinfo.maxlen); s->client.maxmpxcount = smbnhgets(pdata); pdata += 2; vcnumber = smbnhgets(pdata); pdata += 2; sessionkey = smbnhgetl(pdata); pdata += 4; caseinsensitivepasswordlength = smbnhgets(pdata); pdata += 2; casesensitivepasswordlength = smbnhgets(pdata); pdata += 2; pdata += 4; s->peerinfo.capabilities = smbnhgetl(pdata); /*pdata += 4;*/ smbloglock(); smblogprint(h->command, "andxcommand: %s offset %ud\n", smboptable[andxcommand].name, andxoffset); smblogprint(h->command, "client.maxbuffersize: %ud\n", s->peerinfo.maxlen); smblogprint(h->command, "client.maxmpxcount: %ud\n", s->client.maxmpxcount); smblogprint(h->command, "vcnumber: %ud\n", vcnumber); smblogprint(h->command, "sessionkey: 0x%.8lux\n", sessionkey); smblogprint(h->command, "caseinsensitivepasswordlength: %ud\n", caseinsensitivepasswordlength); smblogprint(h->command, "casesensitivepasswordlength: %ud\n", casesensitivepasswordlength); smblogprint(h->command, "clientcapabilities: 0x%.8lux\n", s->peerinfo.capabilities); smblogunlock(); mschapreply = smbbufferreadpointer(b); if (!smbbuffergetbytes(b, nil, caseinsensitivepasswordlength + casesensitivepasswordlength)) { smblogprint(h->command, "smbcomsessionsetupandx: not enough bdata for passwords\n"); goto fmtfail; } if (!smbbuffergetstring(b, h, 0, &accountname) || !smbbuffergetstring(b, h, 0, &primarydomain) || !smbbuffergetstring(b, h, 0, &nativeos) || !smbbuffergetstring(b, h, 0, &nativelanman)) { smblogprint(h->command, "smbcomsessionsetupandx: not enough bytes for strings\n"); goto fmtfail; } for (sp = accountname; *sp; sp++) *sp = tolower(*sp); smblogprint(h->command, "account: %s\n", accountname); smblogprint(h->command, "primarydomain: %s\n", primarydomain); smblogprint(h->command, "nativeos: %s\n", nativeos); smblogprint(h->command, "nativelanman: %s\n", nativelanman); if (s->client.accountname && accountname[0] && strcmp(s->client.accountname, accountname) != 0) { smblogprint(h->command, "smbcomsessionsetupandx: more than one user on VC (before %s, now %s)\n", s->client.accountname, accountname); smbseterror(s, ERRSRV, ERRtoomanyuids); errordone: pr = SmbProcessResultError; goto done; } if (s->client.accountname == nil) { /* first time */ if (accountname[0] == 0) { smbseterror(s, ERRSRV, ERRbaduid); goto errordone; } if ((casesensitivepasswordlength != 24 || caseinsensitivepasswordlength != 24)) { smblogprint(h->command, "smbcomsessionsetupandx: case sensitive/insensitive password length not 24\n"); smbseterror(s, ERRSRV, ERRbadpw); goto errordone; } memcpy(&s->client.mschapreply, mschapreply, sizeof(s->client.mschapreply)); if(s->cs == nil){ smbseterror(s, ERRSRV, ERRerror); goto errordone; } s->cs->user = accountname; s->cs->resp = &s->client.mschapreply; s->cs->nresp = sizeof(MSchapreply); ai = auth_response(s->cs); if (ai == nil) { smblogprint(h->command, "authentication failed\n"); smbseterror(s, ERRSRV, ERRbadpw); goto errordone; } smblogprint(h->command, "authentication succeeded\n"); if (auth_chuid(ai, nil) < 0) { smblogprint(h->command, "smbcomsessionsetupandx: chuid failed: %r\n"); auth_freeAI(ai); miscerror: pr = SmbProcessResultMisc; goto done; } auth_freeAI(ai); h->uid = 1; s->client.accountname = accountname; s->client.primarydomain = primarydomain; s->client.nativeos = nativeos; s->client.nativelanman = nativelanman; accountname = nil; primarydomain = nil; nativeos = nil; nativelanman = nil; } else { if (caseinsensitivepasswordlength == 24 && casesensitivepasswordlength == 24 && memcmp(&s->client.mschapreply, mschapreply, sizeof(MSchapreply)) != 0) { smblogprint(h->command, "second time authentication failed\n"); smbseterror(s, ERRSRV, ERRbadpw); goto errordone; } } /* CIFS says 4 with or without extended security, samba/ms says 3 without */ h->wordcount = 3; if (!smbresponseputandxheader(s, h, andxcommand, &andxfixupoffset)) goto miscerror; if (!smbresponseputs(s, 0)) goto miscerror; bytecountfixup = smbresponseoffset(s); if (!smbresponseputs(s, 0)) goto miscerror; if (!smbresponseputstring(s, 1, smbglobals.nativeos) || !smbresponseputstring(s, 1, smbglobals.serverinfo.nativelanman) || !smbresponseputstring(s, 1, smbglobals.primarydomain)) goto miscerror; offset = smbresponseoffset(s); smbresponseoffsetputs(s, bytecountfixup, offset - bytecountfixup - 2); s->state = SmbSessionEstablished; if (andxcommand != SMB_COM_NO_ANDX_COMMAND) pr = smbchaincommand(s, h, andxfixupoffset, andxcommand, andxoffset, b); else pr = SmbProcessResultReply; done: free(accountname); free(primarydomain); free(nativeos); free(nativelanman); return pr; }
SmbProcessResult smbtrans2findnext2(SmbSession *s, SmbHeader *h) { SmbBuffer *b; int debug; ushort sid, scount, infolevel; ulong resumekey; ushort flags; char *filename = nil; SmbProcessResult pr; ushort e; ulong nameoffset; ushort eos; SmbTree *t; SmbSearch *search; debug = smboptable[h->command].debug || smbtrans2optable[SMB_TRANS2_FIND_NEXT2].debug || smbglobals.log.find; b = smbbufferinit(s->, s->, s->; if (!smbbuffergets(b, &sid) || !smbbuffergets(b, &scount) || !smbbuffergets(b, &infolevel) || !smbbuffergetl(b, &resumekey) || !smbbuffergets(b, &flags) || !smbbuffergetstring(b, h, 0, &filename)) { pr = SmbProcessResultFormat; goto done; } smblogprintif(debug, "smbtrans2findnext2: sid %d scount %d infolevel 0x%.4ux resumekey %lud flags 0x%.4ux filename %s\n", sid, scount, infolevel, resumekey, flags, filename); if (infolevel != SMB_INFO_STANDARD && infolevel != SMB_FIND_FILE_BOTH_DIRECTORY_INFO) { smblogprint(-1, "smbtrans2findnext2: infolevel 0x%.4ux not implemented\n", infolevel); smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRunknownlevel); pr = SmbProcessResultError; goto done; } t = smbidmapfind(s->tidmap, h->tid); if (t == nil) { smbseterror(s, ERRSRV, ERRinvtid); pr = SmbProcessResultError; goto done; } search = smbidmapfind(s->sidmap, sid); if (search == nil) { smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRnofiles); pr = SmbProcessResultError; goto done; } if (search->t != t) { smbseterror(s, ERRSRV, ERRinvtid); pr = SmbProcessResultError; goto done; } if ((flags & (1 << 3)) == 0) { long i; if (filename == nil) { smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRnofiles); pr = SmbProcessResultError; goto done; } for (i = 0; i < search->dc->n; i++) if (strcmp(search->dc->buf[i].name, filename) == 0) { search->dc->i = i + 1; break; } } populate(s, search->dc, search->rep, infolevel, flags, scount, &e, &nameoffset); eos = search->dc->i >= search->dc->n; if ((flags & SMB_FIND_CLOSE) != 0 || ((flags & SMB_FIND_CLOSE_EOS) != 0 && eos)) smbsearchclose(s, search); smbbufferputs(s->transaction.out.parameters, e); smbbufferputs(s->transaction.out.parameters, eos); smbbufferputs(s->transaction.out.parameters, 0); smbbufferputs(s->transaction.out.parameters, nameoffset); pr = SmbProcessResultReply; done: smbbufferfree(&b); free(filename); return pr; }
SmbProcessResult smbcomwriteandx(SmbSession *s, SmbHeader *h, uchar *pdata, SmbBuffer *b) { uchar andxcommand; ushort andxoffset; ulong andxoffsetfixup; SmbTree *t; SmbFile *f; ushort dataoff, fid, count; vlong offset; long nb; if (h->wordcount != 12 && h->wordcount != 14) return SmbProcessResultFormat; andxcommand = *pdata++; // andx command pdata++; // reserved andxoffset = smbnhgets(pdata); pdata += 2; // andx offset fid = smbnhgets(pdata); pdata += 2; // fid offset = smbnhgetl(pdata); pdata += 4; // offset in file pdata += 4; // timeout pdata += 2; // write mode pdata += 2; // (Remaining) bytes waiting to be written pdata += 2; // Reserved count = smbnhgets(pdata); pdata += 2; // LSBs of length dataoff = smbnhgets(pdata); pdata += 2; // offset to data in packet if (dataoff + count > smbbufferwriteoffset(b)) return SmbProcessResultFormat; if(h->wordcount == 14) offset |= (vlong)smbnhgetl(pdata)<<32; smblogprint(SMB_COM_WRITE_ANDX, "smbcomwriteandx: fid 0x%.4ux count 0x%.4ux offset 0x%.llux\n", fid, count, offset); t = smbidmapfind(s->tidmap, h->tid); if (t == nil) { smbseterror(s, ERRSRV, ERRinvtid); return SmbProcessResultError; } f = smbidmapfind(s->fidmap, fid); if (f == nil) { smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRbadfid); return SmbProcessResultError; } if (!f->ioallowed) { smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRbadaccess); return SmbProcessResultError; } seek(f->fd, offset, 0); nb = write(f->fd, smbbufferpointer(b, dataoff), count); if (nb < 0) { smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRnoaccess); return SmbProcessResultError; } h->wordcount = 6; if (!smbbufferputandxheader(s->response, h, &s->peerinfo, andxcommand, &andxoffsetfixup)) return SmbProcessResultMisc; if (!smbbufferputs(s->response, nb) // Count || !smbbufferputs(s->response, 0) // Available || !smbbufferputl(s->response, 0) // Reserved || !smbbufferputs(s->response, 0)) // byte count in reply return SmbProcessResultMisc; if (andxcommand != SMB_COM_NO_ANDX_COMMAND) return smbchaincommand(s, h, andxoffsetfixup, andxcommand, andxoffset, b); return SmbProcessResultReply; }
SmbProcessResult smbtruncatefile(SmbSession *s, SmbFile *f, vlong offset) { Dir *d; ulong o; uchar *db = nil; vlong length; int rv; SmbProcessResult pr; d = dirfstat(f->fd); assert(d); length = d->length; free(d); if (length == offset) return SmbProcessResultReply; rv = dirfwstatlength(f->fd, offset); if (rv == 0) { pr = SmbProcessResultReply; goto done; } //smblogprint(-1, "dirfwstatlength failed: %r\n"); if (length > offset) { int nfd; char *fullpath; if (offset > INMEMORYTRUNCTHRESH) { smblogprint(-1, "smbcomwrite: truncation beyond %lud not supported\n", offset); pr = SmbProcessResultUnimp; goto done; } db = smbemalloc(offset); if (pread(f->fd, db, offset, 0) != offset) { pr = SmbProcessResultMisc; goto done; } fullpath = nil; smbstringprint(&fullpath, "%s%s", f->t->serv->path, f->name); nfd = open(fullpath, f->p9mode | OTRUNC); free(fullpath); if (nfd < 0) { smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRnoaccess); pr = SmbProcessResultError; goto done; } close(nfd); if (pwrite(f->fd, db, offset, 0) != offset) { pr = SmbProcessResultMisc; goto done; } pr = SmbProcessResultReply; } else { db = smbemalloc(16384); memset(db, 0, 16384); o = length; while (o < offset) { long tt = 16384; if (tt > offset - o) tt = offset - o; if (pwrite(f->fd, db, tt, o) != tt) { smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRnoaccess); pr = SmbProcessResultError; goto done; } o += tt; } pr = SmbProcessResultReply; } done: free(db); return pr; }
SmbProcessResult smbcomsetinformation2(SmbSession *s, SmbHeader *h, uint8_t *pdata, SmbBuffer *) { uint16_t fid, adate, atime, mdate, mtime; SmbTree *t; SmbFile *f; Dir d; if (h->wordcount != 7) return SmbProcessResultFormat; fid = smbnhgets(pdata); adate = smbnhgets(pdata + 6); atime = smbnhgets(pdata + 8); mdate = smbnhgets(pdata + 10); mtime = smbnhgets(pdata + 12); smblogprint(h->command, "smbcomsetinformation2: fid 0x%.4ux adate 0x%.4ux atime 0x%.4ux mdate 0x%.4ux mtime 0x%.4ux\n", fid, adate, atime, mdate, mtime); t = smbidmapfind(s->tidmap, h->tid); if (t == nil) { smbseterror(s, ERRSRV, ERRinvtid); return SmbProcessResultError; } f = smbidmapfind(s->fidmap, fid); if (f == nil) { smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRbadfid); return SmbProcessResultError; } memset(&d, 0xff, sizeof(d)); = d.uid = d.gid = d.muid = nil; if (adate || atime || mdate || mtime) { //smblogprint(-1, "smbcomsetinformation2: changing times not implemented\n"); // return SmbProcessResultUnimp; /* something to change */ if (!(adate && atime && mdate && mtime)) { /* some null entries */ uint16_t odate, otime; Dir *od = dirfstat(f->fd); if (od == nil) { smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRnoaccess); return SmbProcessResultError; } if (adate || atime) { /* something changed in access time */ if (!(adate && atime)) { /* some nulls in access time */ smbplan9time2datetime(d.atime, s->tzoff, &odate, &otime); if (adate == 0) adate = odate; if (atime == 0) atime = otime; } d.atime = smbdatetime2plan9time(adate, atime, s->tzoff); } if (mdate || mtime) { /* something changed in modify time */ if (!(mdate && mtime)) { /* some nulls in modify time */ smbplan9time2datetime(d.mtime, s->tzoff, &odate, &otime); if (mdate == 0) mdate = odate; if (mtime == 0) mtime = otime; } d.mtime = smbdatetime2plan9time(mdate, mtime, s->tzoff); } free(od); } if (dirfwstat(f->fd, &d) < 0) { smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRnoaccess); return SmbProcessResultError; } } return smbbufferputack(s->response, h, &s->peerinfo); }
SmbProcessResult smbcomlockingandx(SmbSession *s, SmbHeader *h, uchar *pdata, SmbBuffer *b) { uchar andxcommand; ushort andxoffset; ulong andxoffsetfixup; ushort fid; uchar locktype; uchar oplocklevel; ulong timeout; ushort numberofunlocks; ushort numberoflocks; SmbTree *t; SmbFile *f; int l; SmbProcessResult pr; ulong backupoffset; int large; if (!smbcheckwordcount("comlockingandx", h, 8)) return SmbProcessResultFormat; andxcommand = *pdata++; pdata++; andxoffset = smbnhgets(pdata); pdata += 2; fid = smbnhgets(pdata); pdata += 2; locktype = *pdata++; oplocklevel = *pdata++; timeout = smbnhgetl(pdata); pdata += 4; numberofunlocks = smbnhgets(pdata); pdata += 2; numberoflocks = smbnhgets(pdata); smblogprint(h->command, "smbcomlockingandx: fid 0x%.4ux locktype 0x%.2ux oplocklevel 0x%.2ux timeout %lud numberofunlocks %d numberoflocks %ud\n", fid, locktype, oplocklevel, timeout, numberofunlocks, numberoflocks); large = locktype & 0x10; locktype &= ~0x10; if (locktype != 0 || oplocklevel != 0) { smblogprint(-1, "smbcomlockingandx: locktype 0x%.2ux unimplemented\n", locktype); return SmbProcessResultUnimp; } if (oplocklevel != 0) { smblogprint(-1, "smbcomlockingandx: oplocklevel 0x%.2ux unimplemented\n", oplocklevel); return SmbProcessResultUnimp; } t = smbidmapfind(s->tidmap, h->tid); if (t == nil) { smbseterror(s, ERRSRV, ERRinvtid); error: return SmbProcessResultError; } f = smbidmapfind(s->fidmap, fid); if (f == nil) { smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRbadfid); goto error; } backupoffset = smbbufferreadoffset(b); for (l = 0; l < numberofunlocks; l++) { ushort pid; uvlong offset; uvlong length; if (!getlock(b, large, &pid, &offset, &length)) { pr = SmbProcessResultFormat; goto done; } smblogprint(h->command, "smbcomlockingandx: unlock pid 0x%.4ux offset %llud length %llud\n", pid, offset, length); smbsharedfileunlock(f->sf, s, h->pid, offset, offset + length); } for (l = 0; l < numberoflocks; l++) { ushort pid; uvlong offset; uvlong length; if (!getlock(b, large, &pid, &offset, &length)) { pr = SmbProcessResultFormat; goto done; } smblogprint(h->command, "smbcomlockingandx: lock pid 0x%.4ux offset %llud length %llud\n", pid, offset, length); if (!smbsharedfilelock(f->sf, s, h->pid, offset, offset + length)) break; } if (l < numberoflocks) { ushort i; ushort pid; uvlong offset; uvlong length; smbbufferreadbackup(b, backupoffset); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { assert(getlock(b, large, &pid, &offset, &length)); smbsharedfileunlock(f->sf, s, h->pid, offset, offset + length); } smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRlock); goto error; } h->wordcount = 2; if (!smbbufferputandxheader(s->response, h, &s->peerinfo, andxcommand, &andxoffsetfixup) || !smbbufferputs(s->response, 0)) { // bytecount 0 pr = SmbProcessResultMisc; goto done; } if (andxcommand != SMB_COM_NO_ANDX_COMMAND) pr = smbchaincommand(s, h, andxoffsetfixup, andxcommand, andxoffset, b); else pr = SmbProcessResultReply; done: return pr; }
int smbsessionwrite(SmbSession *smbs, void *p, int32_t n) { SmbHeader h; SmbOpTableEntry *ote; uint8_t *pdata; int rv; SmbBuffer *b = nil; uint16_t bytecount; SmbProcessResult pr; if (smbs->response == nil) smbs->response = smbbuffernew(576); else smbresponsereset(smbs); smbs->errclass = SUCCESS; smbs->error = SUCCESS; // print("received %ld bytes\n", n); if (n <= 0) goto closedown; b = smbbufferinit(p, p, n); if (!smbbuffergetheader(b, &h, &pdata, &bytecount)) { smblogprint(-1, "smb: invalid header\n"); goto closedown; } smbloglock(); smblogprint(h.command, "received:\n"); smblogdata(h.command, smblogprint, p, n, 0x1000); smblogunlock(); ote = smboptable + h.command; if (ote->name == nil) { smblogprint(-1, "smb: illegal opcode 0x%.2x\n", h.command); goto unimp; } if (ote->process == nil) { smblogprint(-1, "smb: opcode %s unimplemented\n", ote->name); goto unimp; } if (smbs->nextcommand != SMB_COM_NO_ANDX_COMMAND && smbs->nextcommand != h.command) { smblogprint(-1, "smb: wrong command - expected %.2x\n", smbs->nextcommand); goto misc; } smbs->nextcommand = SMB_COM_NO_ANDX_COMMAND; switch (h.command) { case SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE: case SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX: case SMB_COM_TREE_CONNECT_ANDX: case SMB_COM_ECHO: break; default: if (smbs->state != SmbSessionEstablished) { smblogprint(-1, "aquarela: command %.2x unexpected\n", h.command); goto unimp; } } pr = (*ote->process)(smbs, &h, pdata, b); switch (pr) { case SmbProcessResultUnimp: unimp: smbseterror(smbs, ERRDOS, ERRunsup); pr = SmbProcessResultError; break; case SmbProcessResultFormat: smbseterror(smbs, ERRSRV, ERRsmbcmd); pr = SmbProcessResultError; break; case SmbProcessResultMisc: misc: smbseterror(smbs, ERRSRV, ERRerror); pr = SmbProcessResultError; break; case SmbProcessResultOk: case SmbProcessResultError: case SmbProcessResultReply: case SmbProcessResultDie: break; } if (pr == SmbProcessResultError) { smblogprint(h.command, "reply: error %d/%d\n", smbs->errclass, smbs->error); if (!smbresponseputerror(smbs, &h, smbs->errclass, smbs->error)) pr = SmbProcessResultDie; else pr = SmbProcessResultReply; } else smblogprint(h.command, "reply: ok\n"); if (pr == SmbProcessResultReply) rv = smbresponsesend(smbs) == SmbProcessResultOk ? 0 : -1; else if (pr == SmbProcessResultDie) rv = -1; else rv = 0; goto done; closedown: rv = -1; done: if (rv < 0) { smblogprintif(smbglobals.log.sessions, "shutting down\n"); smbsessionfree(smbs); } smbbufferfree(&b); if (smbglobals.log.poolparanoia) poolcheck(mainmem); return rv; }
SmbProcessResult smbcomwrite(SmbSession *s, SmbHeader *h, uchar *pdata, SmbBuffer *b) { SmbTree *t; SmbFile *f; ushort fid; ushort count; ulong offset; long nb; ushort yacount; uchar fmt; if (h->wordcount != 5) return SmbProcessResultFormat; fid = smbnhgets(pdata); pdata += 2; count = smbnhgets(pdata); pdata += 2; offset = smbnhgetl(pdata); smblogprint(SMB_COM_WRITE, "smbcomwrite: fid 0x%.4ux count 0x%.4ux offset 0x%.8lux\n", fid, count, offset); if (!smbbuffergetb(b, &fmt) || fmt != 1 || !smbbuffergets(b, &yacount) || yacount != count || smbbufferreadspace(b) < count) return SmbProcessResultFormat; t = smbidmapfind(s->tidmap, h->tid); if (t == nil) { smbseterror(s, ERRSRV, ERRinvtid); return SmbProcessResultError; } f = smbidmapfind(s->fidmap, fid); if (f == nil) { smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRbadfid); return SmbProcessResultError; } if (!f->ioallowed) { smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRbadaccess); return SmbProcessResultError; } if (count == 0) { SmbProcessResult pr = smbtruncatefile(s, f, offset); if (pr != SmbProcessResultReply) return pr; nb = 0; } else { seek(f->fd, offset, 0); nb = write(f->fd, smbbufferreadpointer(b), count); if (nb < 0) { smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRnoaccess); return SmbProcessResultError; } } h->wordcount = 1; if (!smbbufferputheader(s->response, h, &s->peerinfo) || !smbbufferputs(s->response, nb) || !smbbufferputs(s->response, 0)) return SmbProcessResultMisc; return SmbProcessResultReply; }
SmbProcessResult smbtrans2findfirst2(SmbSession *s, SmbHeader *h) { SmbBuffer *b; char *pattern = nil; char *dir = nil; char *name = nil; ushort searchattributes, searchcount, flags, informationlevel; ulong searchstoragetype; SmbDirCache *dc = nil; ushort e; ulong nameoffset; ushort eos; SmbSearch *search; SmbProcessResult pr; Reprog *r = nil; SmbTree *t; int debug; debug = smboptable[h->command].debug || smbtrans2optable[SMB_TRANS2_FIND_FIRST2].debug || smbglobals.log.find; poolcheck(mainmem); b = smbbufferinit(s->, s->, s->; if (!smbbuffergets(b, &searchattributes) || !smbbuffergets(b, &searchcount) || !smbbuffergets(b, &flags) || !smbbuffergets(b, &informationlevel) || !smbbuffergetl(b, &searchstoragetype) || !smbbuffergetstring(b, h, SMB_STRING_PATH, &pattern)) { pr = SmbProcessResultFormat; goto done; } smbloglock(); smblogprintif(debug, "searchattributes: 0x%.4ux\n", searchattributes); smblogprintif(debug, "searchcount: 0x%.4ux\n", searchcount); smblogprintif(debug, "flags: 0x%.4ux\n", flags); smblogprintif(debug, "informationlevel: 0x%.4ux\n", informationlevel); smblogprintif(debug, "searchstoragetype: 0x%.8lux\n", searchstoragetype); smblogprintif(debug, "pattern: %s\n", pattern); smblogunlock(); smbpathsplit(pattern, &dir, &name); if (informationlevel != SMB_INFO_STANDARD && informationlevel != SMB_FIND_FILE_BOTH_DIRECTORY_INFO) { smblogprint(-1, "smbtrans2findfirst2: infolevel 0x%.4ux not implemented\n", informationlevel); smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRunknownlevel); pr = SmbProcessResultError; goto done; } t = smbidmapfind(s->tidmap, h->tid); if (t == nil) { smbseterror(s, ERRSRV, ERRinvtid); pr = SmbProcessResultError; goto done; } dc = smbmkdircache(t, dir); if (dc == nil) { smbseterror(s, ERRDOS, ERRnoaccess); pr = SmbProcessResultError; goto done; } poolcheck(mainmem); r = smbmkrep(name); populate(s, dc, r, informationlevel, flags, searchcount, &e, &nameoffset); poolcheck(mainmem); eos = dc->i >= dc->n; if ((flags & SMB_FIND_CLOSE) != 0 || ((flags & SMB_FIND_CLOSE_EOS) != 0 && eos)) smbdircachefree(&dc); poolcheck(mainmem); if (dc) { /* create a search handle */ search = smbsearchnew(s, dc, r, t); r = nil; dc = nil; } else search = nil; smbbufferputs(s->transaction.out.parameters, search ? search->id : 0); smbbufferputs(s->transaction.out.parameters, e); smbbufferputs(s->transaction.out.parameters, eos); smbbufferputs(s->transaction.out.parameters, 0); smbbufferputs(s->transaction.out.parameters, nameoffset); pr = SmbProcessResultReply; done: smbbufferfree(&b); free(pattern); free(dir); free(name); smbdircachefree(&dc); free(r); return pr; }