Ejemplo n.º 1
  /** \brief Returns the minimum value of all values.
	  \param a_pArg Pointer to an array of Values
	  \param a_iArgc Number of values stored in a_pArg
  void FunMin::Eval(ptr_val_type &ret, const ptr_val_type *a_pArg, int a_iArgc)
	  if (a_iArgc < 1)
		  throw ParserError(ErrorContext(ecTOO_FEW_PARAMS, GetExprPos(), GetIdent()));

	float_type smin(1e30), sval(smin);

	for (int i=0; i<a_iArgc; ++i)
	  case 'f':
	  case 'i': sval = a_pArg[i]->GetFloat();   break;
		  ErrorContext err;
		  err.Errc = ecTYPE_CONFLICT_FUN;
		  err.Arg = i+1;
		  err.Type1 = a_pArg[i]->GetType();
		  err.Type2 = 'f';
		  throw ParserError(err);
	  smin = min(smin, sval);

	*ret = smin;
Ejemplo n.º 2
cl_int2 ObjectClusterer::SearchValidPixelOnLine(const ImLine& border, const cl_int2& centerPixel, const int firstID, const int secondID)
    int majorAxis=0, minorAxis=1;
    cl_int2 linePixel = centerPixel;
    int pxidx, move=1;
    int rangeMin = smin(border.endPixels[0].s[majorAxis], border.endPixels[1].s[majorAxis]);
    int rangeMax = smax(border.endPixels[0].s[majorAxis], border.endPixels[1].s[majorAxis]);
    cl_float4 coef = (cl_float4){border.a, border.b, border.c, 0.f};

    while(linePixel.s[majorAxis] >= rangeMin && linePixel.s[majorAxis] <= rangeMax)
        linePixel.s[majorAxis] = centerPixel.s[majorAxis]-move;
        linePixel.s[minorAxis] = (int)(-coef.s[majorAxis]/coef.s[minorAxis]*linePixel.s[majorAxis] + coef.s[2]/coef.s[minorAxis]);
        pxidx = PIXIDX(linePixel);
        if(nullityMap[pxidx] < NullID::PointNull && (objectMap[pxidx]==firstID || objectMap[pxidx]==secondID))
            return linePixel;

        linePixel.s[majorAxis] = centerPixel.s[majorAxis]+move;
        linePixel.s[minorAxis] = (int)(-coef.s[majorAxis]/coef.s[minorAxis]*linePixel.s[majorAxis] + coef.s[2]/coef.s[minorAxis]);
        pxidx = PIXIDX(linePixel);
        if(nullityMap[pxidx] < NullID::PointNull && (objectMap[pxidx]==firstID || objectMap[pxidx]==secondID))
            return linePixel;
    throw 1;
    return centerPixel;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int test_macros(void)
    ASSERT_EQ(bits(256), 32);
    ASSERT_EQ(bytes(32), 256);

    ASSERT_EQ(smin(1, 2), 1);
    ASSERT_EQ(smax(1, 2), 2);

    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 4
int argmax(double *arrayin, uint32_t *arrayout, size_t nx, size_t ny, int nparallel){

    size_t ix, iy, ix_offset, imax[NBLOCK];
    double vmax[NBLOCK];
	(void) nparallel;


    #if defined(_OPENMP)
        #pragma omp parallel private(iy, ix_offset, imax, vmax) num_threads(nparallel)

    #if defined(_OPENMP)
        #pragma omp for schedule(dynamic, 1) nowait
    for (ix=0; ix<nx; ix+=NBLOCK){
        for (ix_offset=0; ix_offset<smin(NBLOCK, nx-ix); ix_offset++) {
            imax[ix_offset] = 0;
            vmax[ix_offset] = DBL_MIN;
        for (iy=0; iy<ny; iy++){
            for (ix_offset=0; ix_offset<smin(NBLOCK, nx-ix); ix_offset++) {
                if (arrayin[iy*nx + ix + ix_offset] > vmax[ix_offset]){
                    vmax[ix_offset] = arrayin[iy*nx + ix + ix_offset];
                    imax[ix_offset] = iy;
        for (ix_offset=0; ix_offset<smin(NBLOCK, nx-ix); ix_offset++) {
            arrayout[ix+ix_offset] = (uint32_t)imax[ix_offset];


    return SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 /// Set the first saturation to either its min or max value in
 /// the indicated cells. The second saturation value s2 is set
 /// to (1.0 - s1) for each cell. Any further saturation values
 /// are unchanged.
 void setFirstSat(const std::vector<int>& cells,
                  const Opm::BlackoilPropertiesInterface& props,
                  ExtremalSat es)
     const int n = cells.size();
     std::vector<double> smin(num_phases_*n);
     std::vector<double> smax(num_phases_*n);
     props.satRange(n, &cells[0], &smin[0], &smax[0]);
     const double* svals = (es == MinSat) ? &smin[0] : &smax[0];
     for (int ci = 0; ci < n; ++ci) {
         const int cell = cells[ci];
         sat_[num_phases_*cell] = svals[num_phases_*ci];
         sat_[num_phases_*cell + 1] = 1.0 - sat_[num_phases_*cell];
Ejemplo n.º 6
void IntervalFilter::add(uint16 from, uint16 to)
	if (from > MAX_ID)
		from = MAX_ID;
	if (to > MAX_ID)
		to = MAX_ID;
	//assert order
	if (from > to)
		sswap(from, to);
	//adjust lower bound
	fFrom = smin(fFrom, from);
	//adjust upper bound
	fTo = smax(fTo, to);
Ejemplo n.º 7
// Write up to nMax characters of the prepared (by DoSrv) response lines.
// Returns the number of characters sent, including null.
// Zero returned if and only if there's nothing else to send.
int DoSrvMore(char *pOut, size_t nMax)
   wxASSERT(currentLine >= 0);
   wxASSERT(currentPosition >= 0);

   size_t totalLines = aStr.GetCount();
   while (currentLine < totalLines)
      wxString lineString    = aStr[currentLine];
      size_t lineLength      = lineString.Length();
      size_t charsLeftInLine = lineLength - currentPosition;

      wxASSERT(charsLeftInLine >= 0);

      if (charsLeftInLine == 0)
         // Move to next line
         currentPosition = 0;
         // Write as much of the rest of the line as will fit in the buffer
         size_t charsToWrite = smin(charsLeftInLine, nMax - 1);
                               currentPosition + charsToWrite).mb_str(), 
         pOut[charsToWrite] = '\0';
         currentPosition    += charsToWrite;
         // Need to cast to prevent compiler warnings
         int charsWritten = static_cast<int>(charsToWrite + 1);
         // (Check cast was safe)
         wxASSERT(static_cast<size_t>(charsWritten) == charsToWrite + 1);
         return charsWritten;
   return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: main.c Proyecto: samnm/dream
float distance(vec4 point)
  assert(sdf_args.num_edits <= 0 || sdf_args.edits != NULL);

  float dist = FLT_MAX;
  for (int i = 0; i < sdf_args.num_edits; ++i)
    Primative *primative = sdf_args.edits[i];
    switch (primative->operation)
      case ADDITIVE:
        dist = primative->blend > 0
          ? smin(dist, primative_distance(primative, point), primative->blend)
          : min(dist, primative_distance(primative, point));

      case SUBTRACTIVE:
        dist = max(dist, -primative_distance(primative, point));

  return dist;