Ejemplo n.º 1
    void UserGetProfiles(struct soap *soap, struct _tds__GetCapabilitiesResponse *capa_resp)  
	struct _trt__GetProfiles trt__GetProfiles;
        struct _trt__GetProfilesResponse trt__GetProfilesResponse;
        int result= SOAP_OK ;  
        printf("\n-------------------Getting Onvif Devices Profiles--------------\n\n");  
        soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenDigest(soap,"user", ONVIF_USER, ONVIF_PASSWORD);  

        result = soap_call___trt__GetProfiles(soap, capa_resp->Capabilities->Media->XAddr, NULL, &trt__GetProfiles, &trt__GetProfilesResponse);  
        if (result==-1)  
        //NOTE: it may be regular if result isn't SOAP_OK.Because some attributes aren't supported by server.  
          	 printf("soap error: %d, %s, %s\n", soap->error, *soap_faultcode(soap), *soap_faultstring(soap));  
           	 result = soap->error;  
       		 printf("\n-------------------Profiles Get OK--------------\n\n");  
			int profile_cnt = trt__GetProfilesResponse.__sizeProfiles;
			printf("the number of profiles are: %d\n", profile_cnt);
           	         printf("Profiles Name:%s  \n",trt__GetProfilesResponse.Profiles->Name);  

             	       printf("Profiles Taken:%s\n",trt__GetProfilesResponse.Profiles->token);  
		     UserGetUri(soap, &trt__GetProfilesResponse, capa_resp);
            	    printf("Profiles Get inner Error\n");  
        printf("Profiles Get Procedure over\n");  
Ejemplo n.º 2
soap_print_fault(struct soap *soap, std::ostream& msg)
{ if (soap->error)
  { if (!*soap_faultcode(soap))
    if (!*soap_faultstring(soap))
      *soap_faultstring(soap) = "";
    msg << "SOAP FAULT: "
        << *soap_faultcode(soap) << std::endl
        << "\"" << *soap_faultstring(soap) << "\"" << std::endl;
    if (*soap_faultdetail(soap))
      msg << "Detail: " << *soap_faultdetail(soap) << std::endl;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void _fault_to_error(glite_delegation_ctx *ctx, const char *method)
    const char **code, **string, **detail;
    struct soap *soap = ctx->soap;


    if (soap->fault)
        /* Look for a SOAP 1.1 fault */
        if (soap->fault->detail)
            decode_exception(ctx, soap->fault->detail, method);
        /* Look for a SOAP 1.2 fault */
        if (soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Detail)
            decode_exception(ctx, soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Detail, method);

    /* If we did not manage to decode the exception, try generic error
    * decoding */
    if (!ctx->error)
        code = soap_faultcode(soap);
        string = soap_faultstring(soap);
        detail = soap_faultdetail(soap);

        /* If the SOAP 1.1 detail is empty, try the SOAP 1.2 detail */
        if (!detail && soap->fault && soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Detail)
            detail = (const char **)&soap->fault->SOAP_ENV__Detail->__any;

        /* Provide default messages */
        if (!code || !*code)
            code = alloca(sizeof(*code));
            *code = "(SOAP fault code missing)";
        if (!string || !*string)
            string = alloca(sizeof(*string));
            *string = "(SOAP fault string missing)";

        if (detail && *detail)
            glite_delegation_set_error(ctx, "%s: SOAP fault: %s - %s (%s)", method, *code,
                *string, *detail);
            glite_delegation_set_error(ctx, "%s: SOAP fault: %s - %s", method, *code,

Ejemplo n.º 4
static int my_soap_set_error(struct soap *soap, const char *faultcode,
		const char *faultsubcodeQName, const char *faultstring,
		const char *faultdetailXML, int soaperror) {
	*soap_faultcode(soap) = faultcode;
	if (faultsubcodeQName)
		*soap_faultsubcode(soap) = faultsubcodeQName;
	*soap_faultstring(soap) = faultstring;
	if (faultdetailXML && *faultdetailXML) {
		register const char **s = soap_faultdetail(soap);
		if (s)
			*s = faultdetailXML;
	return soap->error = soaperror;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * This method is used to print the SOAP fault to a string
void soap_sprint_fault(struct soap *soap, char *fd)
{ if (soap->error)
  { const char *c, *v = NULL, *s, **d;
    d = soap_faultcode(soap);
    if (!*d)
    c = *d;
    if (soap->version == 2)
      v = *soap_faultsubcode(soap);
    s = *soap_faultstring(soap);
    d = soap_faultdetail(soap);
    sprintf(fd, "%s%d fault: %s [%s]\n\"%s\"\nDetail: %s\n", soap->version ? "SOAP 1." : "Error ", soap->version ? (int)soap->version : soap->error, c, v ? v : "no subcode", s ? s : "[no reason]", d && *d ? *d : "[no detail]");
Ejemplo n.º 6
	void Request::Execute()



		catch (soap* soap)

		    if (soap_check_state(soap))
				<< "Error: soap struct state not initialized\n";
		    else if (soap->error)
			const char *c, *v = NULL, *s, **d;
			d = soap_faultcode(soap);
			if (!*d)
			c = *d;
			if (soap->version == 2)
			    v = *soap_faultsubcode(soap);
			s = *soap_faultstring(soap);
			d = soap_faultdetail(soap);
			std::clog << (soap->version ? "SOAP 1." : "Error ")
				<< (soap->version ? (int) soap->version
					: soap->error) << " fault: " << c
				<< "[" << (v ? v : "no subcode") << "]"
				<< std::endl << "\"" << (s ? s : "[no reason]")
				<< "\"" << std::endl << "Detail: "
				<< (d && *d ? *d : "[no detail]") << std::endl;
	    catch (int a)
		if (a == 100)
		    std::clog << "ERRORE: endpoint non trovato" << std::endl;


Ejemplo n.º 7
    void UserGetUri(struct soap *soap, struct _trt__GetProfilesResponse *trt__GetProfilesResponse,struct _tds__GetCapabilitiesResponse *capa_resp)  
	struct _trt__GetStreamUri *trt__GetStreamUri = (struct _trt__GetStreamUri *)malloc(sizeof(struct _trt__GetStreamUri));
	struct _trt__GetStreamUriResponse *trt__GetStreamUriResponse = (struct _trt__GetStreamUriResponse *)malloc(sizeof(struct _trt__GetStreamUriResponse));
        int result=0 ;  
        trt__GetStreamUri->StreamSetup = (struct tt__StreamSetup*)soap_malloc(soap,sizeof(struct tt__StreamSetup));//初始化,分配空间  
        trt__GetStreamUri->StreamSetup->Stream = 0;//stream type  
        trt__GetStreamUri->StreamSetup->Transport = (struct tt__Transport *)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(struct tt__Transport));//初始化,分配空间  
        trt__GetStreamUri->StreamSetup->Transport->Protocol = 0;  
        trt__GetStreamUri->StreamSetup->Transport->Tunnel = 0;  
        trt__GetStreamUri->StreamSetup->__size = 1;  
        trt__GetStreamUri->StreamSetup->__any = NULL;  
        trt__GetStreamUri->StreamSetup->__anyAttribute =NULL;  
        trt__GetStreamUri->ProfileToken = trt__GetProfilesResponse->Profiles->token ;  
        printf("\n\n---------------Getting Uri----------------\n\n");  
        soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenDigest(soap,"user", ONVIF_USER, ONVIF_PASSWORD);  
        soap_call___trt__GetStreamUri(soap, capa_resp->Capabilities->Media->XAddr, NULL, trt__GetStreamUri, trt__GetStreamUriResponse);  
        if (soap->error) {  
        printf("soap error: %d, %s, %s\n", soap->error, *soap_faultcode(soap), *soap_faultstring(soap));  
        result = soap->error;  
            printf("!!!!NOTE: RTSP Addr Get Done is :%s \n",trt__GetStreamUriResponse->MediaUri->Uri);  
	    //最后我们使用vlc -vvv命令来打开一个rstp网络流
	    char cmd_str[256];
	    memset(cmd_str, 0, sizeof(cmd_str));
	    sprintf(cmd_str, "vlc %s --sout=file/ps:device%d.mp4", trt__GetStreamUriResponse->MediaUri->Uri, HasDev);
	    popen((const char *)cmd_str, "r");		
Ejemplo n.º 8
int soap_fresponse(struct soap *soap, int status, size_t count)
  //int err;
  //std::cout << "DEBUG soap_fresponse" << std::endl;

  //if ((err = soap->fposthdr(soap, "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")))
  //    return err;
  //if ((err = soap->fposthdr(soap, "Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, CONNECT")))
  //    return err;
  //if ((err = soap->fposthdr(soap, "Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "X-Requested-With, Content-Type")))
  //    return err;
  //if ((err = soap->fposthdr(soap, "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true")))
  //    return err;
  //int ret = old_freponse(soap, soap_error_code, count);

  //return ret;
  std::cout << "debug status=" << status << std::endl;
  status = 200;

register int err;
#ifdef WMW_RPM_IO
  if (soap->rpmreqid)
  if (strlen(soap->http_version) > 4)
    return soap->error = SOAP_EOM;
  if (!status || status == SOAP_HTML || status == SOAP_FILE)
  { const char *s;
    if (count || ((soap->omode & SOAP_IO) == SOAP_IO_CHUNK))
      s = "200 OK";
      s = "202 ACCEPTED";
    DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Status = %s\n", s));
#ifdef WMW_RPM_IO
    if (soap->rpmreqid || soap_valid_socket(soap->master) || soap_valid_socket(soap->socket)) /* RPM behaves as if standalone */
    if (soap_valid_socket(soap->master) || soap_valid_socket(soap->socket)) /* standalone application (socket) or CGI (stdin/out)? */
    { sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, "HTTP/%s %s", soap->http_version, s);
      if ((err = soap->fposthdr(soap, soap->tmpbuf, NULL)))
        return err;
    else if ((err = soap->fposthdr(soap, "Status", s))) /* CGI header */
      return err;
  else if (status >= 200 && status < 600)
  { sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, "HTTP/%s %d %s", soap->http_version, status, http_error(soap, status));
    if ((err = soap->fposthdr(soap, soap->tmpbuf, NULL)))
      return err;
#ifndef WITH_LEAN 
    if (status == 401)
    { sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, "Basic realm=\"%s\"", (soap->authrealm && strlen(soap->authrealm) < sizeof(soap->tmpbuf) - 14) ? soap->authrealm : "gSOAP Web Service");
      if ((err = soap->fposthdr(soap, "WWW-Authenticate", soap->tmpbuf)))
        return err;
    else if ((status >= 301 && status <= 303) || status == 307)
    { if ((err = soap->fposthdr(soap, "Location", soap->endpoint)))
        return err;
  { const char *s = *soap_faultcode(soap);
    //std::cout << "DEBUG status=" << status << std::endl;
    //std::cout << "DEBUG SOAP_GET_METHOD=" << SOAP_GET_METHOD << std::endl;
    //std::cout << "DEBUG SOAP_HTTP_METHOD=" << SOAP_HTTP_METHOD << std::endl;
    if (status >= SOAP_GET_METHOD && status <= SOAP_HTTP_METHOD)
      s = "405 Method Not Allowed";
    else if (soap->version == 2 && (!s || !strcmp(s, "SOAP-ENV:Sender")))
      s = "400 Bad Request";
      s = "500 Internal Server Error";
    DBGLOG(TEST, SOAP_MESSAGE(fdebug, "Error %s (status=%d)\n", s, status));
#ifdef WMW_RPM_IO
    if (soap->rpmreqid || soap_valid_socket(soap->master) || soap_valid_socket(soap->socket)) /* RPM behaves as if standalone */
    if (soap_valid_socket(soap->master) || soap_valid_socket(soap->socket)) /* standalone application */
    { sprintf(soap->tmpbuf, "HTTP/%s %s", soap->http_version, s);
      if ((err = soap->fposthdr(soap, soap->tmpbuf, NULL)))
        return err;
    else if ((err = soap->fposthdr(soap, "Status", s))) /* CGI */
      return err;
  if ((err = soap->fposthdr(soap, "Server", "gSOAP/2.7"))
   || (err = soap_puthttphdr(soap, status, count)))
    return err;
  if (soap_putsetcookies(soap))
    return soap->error;

  //if ((err = soap->fposthdr(soap, "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")))
  //    return err;

  //if ((err = soap->fposthdr(soap, "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true")))
  //    return err;

  //if ((err = soap->fposthdr(soap, "Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "origin,x-requested-with,access-control-request-headers,content-type,access-control-request-method,accept")))
  //    return err;

  //if ((err = soap->fposthdr(soap, "Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST,HEAD,GET,PUT,DELETE,OPTIONS")))
  //    return err;

  //if ((err = soap->fposthdr(soap, "Allow", "HEAD,GET,PUT,DELETE,OPTIONS")))
  //    return err;

  return soap->fposthdr(soap, NULL, NULL);

Ejemplo n.º 9
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    /* 变量声明 */
    struct soap *soap;  //soap环境变量      
    struct wsdd__ProbeType req;   //用于发送消息描述   
    struct wsdd__ProbeType wsdd__Probe;
    struct __wsdd__ProbeMatches resp;
    //struct wsdd__ProbeMatchesType resp; //请求消息的回应
    struct wsdd__ScopesType sScope; //描述查找哪类的Web服务
    struct SOAP_ENV__Header header; //soap消息头描述
    int count = 0;  //获得的设信息备个数
    int result = 0;    //返回值        
	unsigned char macaddr[6];  
	char _HwId[1024];  
	unsigned int Flagrand;

	// Create SessionID randomly  
	Flagrand = rand()%9000 + 8888;   
	macaddr[0] = 0x1;
	macaddr[1] = 0x2; 
	macaddr[2] = 0x3; 
	macaddr[3] = 0x4; 
	macaddr[4] = 0x5; 
	macaddr[5] = 0x6;  
	sprintf(_HwId,"urn:uuid:%ud68a-1dd2-11b2-a105-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X", Flagrand, macaddr[0], macaddr[1], macaddr[2], macaddr[3], macaddr[4], macaddr[5]);
    soap = soap_new(); //为soap申请变量空间,并初始化
    if ( soap == NULL) {
		return -1;
    soap_set_namespaces(soap, namespaces); //设置soap的namespaces
    soap->recv_timeout = 5; //超过5秒钟没有数据就退出
    soap_default_SOAP_ENV__Header(soap, &header);//将header设置为soap消息    头属性
    header.wsa__MessageID = _HwId;
    header.wsa__To     = "urn:schemas-xmlsoap-org:ws:2005:04:discovery";
    header.wsa__Action = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/04/discovery/Probe";
    soap->header = &header; //设置soap头消息的ID
    soap_default_wsdd__ScopesType(soap, &sScope);
    sScope.__item = "";     
	//sScope.__item = "onvif://www.onvif.org";
    soap_default_wsdd__ProbeType(soap, &req);
    req.Scopes = &sScope;
    //req.Types = "tdn:NetworkVideoTransmitter";
    req.Types = "tds:Device";
    result  = soap_send___wsdd__Probe(soap, "soap.udp://", NULL, &req);
    printf("%s: %d, send probe request success!\n",__FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
    if ( result == -1 ) {
        printf ( "soap error: %d, %s, %s\n", soap->error, *soap_faultcode(soap), *soap_faultstring(soap));
        result = soap->error;
    } else {
        do {
            printf("%s: %d, begin receive probematch... \n",__FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
            printf("count=%d \n",count);
            result = soap_recv___wsdd__ProbeMatches(soap, &resp);
            printf(" --soap_recv___wsdd__ProbeMatches() result=%d \n",result);
            if (result==-1) {
                printf("Find %d devices!\n", count);
            } else {                     
				if ( resp.wsdd__ProbeMatches){
					printf("soap_recv___wsdd__Probe:  __sizeProbeMatch=%d\r\n",resp.wsdd__ProbeMatches->__sizeProbeMatch);
					printf("Target EP Address : %s\r\n",      resp.wsdd__ProbeMatches->ProbeMatch->wsa__EndpointReference.Address);
					printf("Target Type : %s\r\n",            resp.wsdd__ProbeMatches->ProbeMatch->Types);
					printf("Target Service Address : %s\r\n", resp.wsdd__ProbeMatches->ProbeMatch->XAddrs);
					printf("Target Metadata Version : %d\r\n",resp.wsdd__ProbeMatches->ProbeMatch->MetadataVersion);
					printf("Target Scopes Address : %s\r\n",  resp.wsdd__ProbeMatches->ProbeMatch->Scopes->__item);
					DeviceInfo device;
					device.dev_uuid = resp.wsdd__ProbeMatches->ProbeMatch->wsa__EndpointReference.Address;
					device.dev_server_address =  resp.wsdd__ProbeMatches->ProbeMatch->XAddrs;
					char duplicate = 0;
					int index = 0;
					while ( index < MAX_DEVICE) {
						char *uuid = g_device_list[ index].dev_uuid;
						if ( uuid != NULL && strcmp( uuid, device.dev_uuid) == 0 ) {
							duplicate = 1;
					if ( duplicate == 0) {
						printf ( " find device no :%d  \n" , ( count +1));
						printf ( " uuid : %s  \n" , device.dev_uuid);
						printf ( " server address : %s  \n" , device.dev_server_address);
						g_device_list[ count] = device;
						count += 1;
        } while ( 1);
    soap_end(soap); // clean up and remove deserialized data
    soap_free(soap);//detach and free runtime context
    soap_done(soap); // detach context (last use and no longer in scope)
    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 10
int ONVIF_ClientDiscovery( )
	int retval = SOAP_FAULT;
	wsdd__ProbeType req;       
	struct __wsdd__ProbeMatches resp;
	wsdd__ScopesType sScope;
	struct soap *soap = NULL; 
	struct SOAP_ENV__Header header;	

	const char *was_To = "urn:schemas-xmlsoap-org:ws:2005:04:discovery";
	const char *was_Action = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/04/discovery/Probe";
	const char *soap_endpoint = "soap.udp://";

	// 但是后期会作其他操作,此部分剔除出来后面的操作就相对简单了,只是调用接口就好
	soap = ONVIF_Initsoap(&header, was_To, was_Action, 5);
	soap_default_SOAP_ENV__Header(soap, &header);
	soap->header = &header;

	soap_default_wsdd__ScopesType(soap, &sScope);
	sScope.__item = "";
	soap_default_wsdd__ProbeType(soap, &req);
	req.Scopes = &sScope;
	req.Types = "tdn:NetworkVideoTransmitter";
	retval = soap_send___wsdd__Probe(soap, soap_endpoint, NULL, &req);		
	while (retval == SOAP_OK)
		retval = soap_recv___wsdd__ProbeMatches(soap, &resp);//这个函数用来接受probe消息,存在resp里面
        if (retval == SOAP_OK) 
            if (soap->error)
                printf("[%d]: recv soap error :%d, %s, %s\n", __LINE__, soap->error, *soap_faultcode(soap), *soap_faultstring(soap)); 
			    retval = soap->error;
            else //成功接收某一个设备的消息
				HasDev ++;
				if (resp.wsdd__ProbeMatches->ProbeMatch != NULL && resp.wsdd__ProbeMatches->ProbeMatch->XAddrs != NULL)
					printf(" ################  recv  %d devices info #### \n", HasDev );
					printf("Target Service Address  : %s\n", resp.wsdd__ProbeMatches->ProbeMatch->XAddrs);	
					printf("Target EP Address       : %s\n", resp.wsdd__ProbeMatches->ProbeMatch->wsa__EndpointReference.Address);  
					printf("Target Type             : %s\n", resp.wsdd__ProbeMatches->ProbeMatch->Types);  
					printf("Target Metadata Version : %d\n", resp.wsdd__ProbeMatches->ProbeMatch->MetadataVersion); 
		else if (soap->error)  
			if (HasDev == 0)
				printf("[%s][%s][Line:%d] Thers Device discovery or soap error: %d, %s, %s \n",__FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, soap->error, *soap_faultcode(soap), *soap_faultstring(soap)); 
				retval = soap->error;  
				printf(" [%s]-[%d] Search end! It has Searched %d devices! \n", __func__, __LINE__, HasDev);
				retval = 0;

	return retval;
Ejemplo n.º 11
int ONVIF_Capabilities(struct __wsdd__ProbeMatches *resp)
	struct _tds__GetCapabilities capa_req;
	struct _tds__GetCapabilitiesResponse capa_resp;

	struct soap *soap = NULL; 
	struct SOAP_ENV__Header header;		

        int retval = 0;   
	soap = ONVIF_Initsoap(&header, NULL, NULL, 5);
        char *soap_endpoint = (char *)malloc(256);  
        memset(soap_endpoint, '\0', 256);  
        //海康的设备,固定ip连接设备获取能力值 ,实际开发的时候,""地址以及80端口号需要填写在动态搜索到的具体信息  
        sprintf(soap_endpoint, resp->wsdd__ProbeMatches->ProbeMatch->XAddrs);  
        capa_req.Category = (enum tt__CapabilityCategory *)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(int));  

        capa_req.__sizeCategory = 1;  
        *(capa_req.Category) = (enum tt__CapabilityCategory)0;  
        const char *soap_action = "http://www.onvif.org/ver10/device/wsdl/GetCapabilities";  
	capa_resp.Capabilities = (struct tt__Capabilities*)soap_malloc(soap,sizeof(struct tt__Capabilities)) ;

	soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenDigest(soap, "user", ONVIF_USER, ONVIF_PASSWORD);
            int result = soap_call___tds__GetCapabilities(soap, soap_endpoint, soap_action, &capa_req, &capa_resp);  
            if (soap->error)  
                    printf("[%s][%d]--->>> soap error: %d, %s, %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, soap->error, *soap_faultcode(soap), *soap_faultstring(soap));  
                    retval = soap->error;  
            else   //获取参数成功  
                // 走到这里的时候,已经就是验证成功了,可以获取到参数了,  
                // 在实际开发的时候,可以把capa_resp结构体的那些需要的值匹配到自己的私有协议中去,简单的赋值操作就好              
                  printf("[%s][%d] Get capabilities success !\n", __func__, __LINE__);  
		if(capa_resp.Capabilities == NULL)
			printf("GetCapabilities failed! result = %d\n", result);
			printf(" Media->XAddr=%s \n", capa_resp.Capabilities->Media->XAddr);
			UserGetProfiles(soap, &capa_resp);//
        soap_endpoint = NULL;  
        return retval;  
 * List all replicas of a given InputDataType. A replica needs to contain
 * a valid SEId that is registered with the Information Service.
 * @param inputDataType Defines one of the following InputDataTypes:
 *                      lfn   ... LogicalFileName
 *                      guid  ... GUID Global Unique Idenifier
 *                      lds   ... LogicalDataSet
 *                      query ... generic query to the catalogue
 *        Further InputDataTypes can be extended in the future but need to
 *        be understood by the remote catalogue. 
 *        Note that a catalogue does not need to implement all of the four
 *        InputDataTypes but is free to support any subset.
 * @param inputData     Actutual InputData variable
 * @returns a vector of URLs that represent the locations of where
 *          the InputData is located. The URL can either be a full URL
 *          of the form    protocol://hostname/pathname
 *          or             hostname
 *          where hostname is a registered SEId.
dli::DataLocationInterfaceSOAP::listReplicas(std::string inputDataType,
					     std::string inputData,
                                             const classad::ClassAd & ad,
                                             const std::string& endpoint)
///////////////////...for using secure endpoint

   bool proxyInJdl = true;
   std::string proxy;
   try {
      proxy =  jdl::get_x509_user_proxy(ad);
   } catch(...) {
      proxyInJdl = false;
   if(0 == strncasecmp(endpoint.c_str(), "https://", 8)) {
      if (proxyInJdl) {
         if (!m_ctx) {
            if ( glite_gsplugin_init_context(&m_ctx) ) {
               throw DLIerror("gsplugin_init_context FAILED");
         if (glite_gsplugin_set_credential(m_ctx, proxy.c_str(), proxy.c_str())) {
            std::string gss_err(m_ctx->error_msg); 
            m_ctx = NULL;
            throw DLIerror("Cannot set credentials in the gsoap-plugin context: " + gss_err);
      } else {
        throw DLIerror("UserProxy not specified in the ClassAd");
      if (soap_register_plugin_arg(&m_soap, glite_gsplugin, m_ctx)) {
         std::stringstream ss;
         ss << m_soap.error;
         std::string soap_err = ss.str();

         throw DLIerror("soap_register_plugin_arg FAILED: " + soap_err);

   std::vector<std::string> urlVector;
   struct datalocationinterface__listReplicasResponse theList;
   // Call listReplicas and handle potential SOAP Faults
   if (soap_call_datalocationinterface__listReplicas(
     inputDataType, inputData, theList)) {

      std::string ex;
      if (m_soap.error) {

         const char** faultdetail_ptr = soap_faultdetail(&m_soap);
         std::string faultdetail;
         if (*faultdetail_ptr != NULL) {
           faultdetail = *faultdetail_ptr;
         } else {
           faultdetail = "unknown";
         const char** faultcode_ptr = soap_faultcode(&m_soap);
         std::string faultcode;
         if ( *faultcode_ptr != NULL ) faultcode = *faultcode_ptr;
            else faultcode = "unknown";

         const char** faultstring_ptr = soap_faultstring(&m_soap);
         std::string faultstring;
         if (*faultstring_ptr != NULL ) faultstring = *faultstring_ptr;
            else faultstring = "unknown";

         std::string SOAP_FAULTCODE = "SOAP_FAULTCODE: ";
         std::string SOAP_FAULTSTRING = "SOAP_FAULTSTRING: ";
         std::string SOAP_FAULT_DETAIL = "SOAP_FAULT_DETAIL: ";
         std::string new_line = "\n";

         ex = new_line + SOAP_FAULTCODE + faultcode + new_line +
                         SOAP_FAULTSTRING +  faultstring + new_line +
                         SOAP_FAULT_DETAIL + faultdetail + new_line;
      } else {
         ex = "Error in soap request towards StorageIndex Catalog. Unknown error.";
      throw DLIerror(ex);

   for (int i = 0; i < (theList.urlList)->__size; i++)  {
#ifdef GSOAP_279_TRICK
      std::string *thisS = *(theList.urlList->__ptritem);
      std::string *thisS = (theList.urlList->__ptritem);
      //std::string str( ((theList.urlList)->__ptritem)[i] );
      std::string str( *(thisS + i) );
      urlVector.push_back( str );

   return urlVector;
} // listReplicas
Ejemplo n.º 13
int ONVIF_DEVICEIO_GetServiceCapabilities(char *username, char *password, char *deviceioService)
    int retval = 0;
    struct soap *soap = NULL;
    struct _tmd__GetServiceCapabilities deviceio_GetServiceCapabilities_req;
    struct _tmd__GetServiceCapabilitiesResponse deviceio_GetServiceCapabilities_resp;

    struct SOAP_ENV__Header header;

    UserInfo_S stUserInfo;
    memset(&stUserInfo, 0, sizeof(UserInfo_S));
    strcpy(stUserInfo.username, username);
    strcpy(stUserInfo.password, password);
    soap = ONVIF_Initsoap(&header, NULL, NULL, 5, &stUserInfo);
    char *soap_endpoint = (char *)malloc(256);
    memset(soap_endpoint, '\0', 256);
    sprintf(soap_endpoint, "%s", deviceioService);
    const char *soap_action = "http://www.onvif.org/ver10/deviceIO/wsdl/GetServiceCapabilities";

        soap_call___tmd__GetServiceCapabilities(soap, soap_endpoint, soap_action, &deviceio_GetServiceCapabilities_req, &deviceio_GetServiceCapabilities_resp);
        if (soap->error)
                printf("[%s][%d]--->>> soap error: %d, %s, %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, soap->error, *soap_faultcode(soap), *soap_faultstring(soap));
                retval = soap->error;
                return retval;
              printf("[%s][%d]   success !\n", __func__, __LINE__);

    soap_endpoint = NULL;
    return retval;