Ejemplo n.º 1
static int
callback (void *data, int argc, char **argv, char **colname)
	SoupCookie *cookie = NULL;
	SoupCookieJar *jar = SOUP_COOKIE_JAR (data);

	char *name, *value, *host, *path;
	time_t max_age, now;
	gboolean http_only = FALSE, secure = FALSE;

	now = time (NULL);

	name = argv[COL_NAME];
	value = argv[COL_VALUE];
	host = argv[COL_HOST];
	path = argv[COL_PATH];
	max_age = strtoul (argv[COL_EXPIRY], NULL, 10) - now;

	if (max_age <= 0)
		return 0;

	http_only = (strcmp (argv[COL_HTTP_ONLY], "1") == 0);
	secure = (strcmp (argv[COL_SECURE], "1") == 0);

	cookie = soup_cookie_new (name, value, host, path, max_age);

	if (secure)
		soup_cookie_set_secure (cookie, TRUE);
	if (http_only)
		soup_cookie_set_http_only (cookie, TRUE);

	soup_cookie_jar_add_cookie (jar, cookie);

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static SoupCookie*
parse_cookie (char *line, time_t now)
	char **result;
	SoupCookie *cookie = NULL;
	gboolean http_only;
	gulong expire_time;
	int max_age;
	char *host, *path, *secure, *expires, *name, *value;

	if (g_str_has_prefix (line, "#HttpOnly_")) {
		http_only = TRUE;
		line += strlen ("#HttpOnly_");
	} else if (*line == '#' || g_ascii_isspace (*line))
		return cookie;
		http_only = FALSE;

	result = g_strsplit (line, "\t", -1);
	if (g_strv_length (result) != 7)
		goto out;

	/* Check this first */
	expires = result[4];
	expire_time = strtoul (expires, NULL, 10);
	if (now >= expire_time)
		goto out;
	max_age = (expire_time - now <= G_MAXINT ? expire_time - now : G_MAXINT);

	host = result[0];

	/* result[1] is not used because it's redundat; it's a boolean
	 * value regarding whether the cookie should be used for
	 * sub-domains of the domain that is set for the cookie. It is
	 * TRUE if host starts with '.', and FALSE otherwise.

	path = result[2];
	secure = result[3];

	name = result[5];
	value = result[6];

	cookie = soup_cookie_new (name, value, host, path, max_age);

	if (strcmp (secure, "FALSE") != 0)
		soup_cookie_set_secure (cookie, TRUE);
	if (http_only)
		soup_cookie_set_http_only (cookie, TRUE);

	g_strfreev (result);

	return cookie;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static SoupCookie* toSoupCookie(const Cookie& cookie)
    SoupCookie* soupCookie = soup_cookie_new(cookie.name.utf8().data(), cookie.value.utf8().data(),
        cookie.domain.utf8().data(), cookie.path.utf8().data(), -1);
    soup_cookie_set_http_only(soupCookie, cookie.httpOnly);
    soup_cookie_set_secure(soupCookie, cookie.secure);
    if (!cookie.session) {
        SoupDate* date = msToSoupDate(cookie.expires);
        soup_cookie_set_expires(soupCookie, date);
    return soupCookie;
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* Cookie jar saving to Mozilla format
   Copyright (C) 2008 Xan Lopez <*****@*****.**>
   Copyright (C) 2008 Dan Winship <*****@*****.**>
   Mostly copied from libSoup 2.24, coding style adjusted */
static SoupCookie*
parse_cookie (gchar* line,
              time_t now)
    gchar** result;
    SoupCookie *cookie = NULL;
    gboolean http_only;
    time_t max_age;
    gchar* host/*, *is_domain*/, *path, *secure, *expires, *name, *value;

    if (g_str_has_prefix (line, "#HttpOnly_"))
        http_only = TRUE;
        line += strlen ("#HttpOnly_");
    else if (*line == '#' || g_ascii_isspace (*line))
        return cookie;
        http_only = FALSE;

    result = g_strsplit (line, "\t", -1);
    if (g_strv_length (result) != 7)
        goto out;

    /* Check this first */
    expires = result[4];
    max_age = strtoul (expires, NULL, 10) - now;
    if (max_age <= 0)
        goto out;

    host = result[0];
    /* is_domain = result[1]; */
    path = result[2];
    secure = result[3];

    name = result[5];
    value = result[6];

    cookie = soup_cookie_new (name, value, host, path, max_age);

    if (strcmp (secure, "FALSE"))
        soup_cookie_set_secure (cookie, TRUE);
    if (http_only)
        soup_cookie_set_http_only (cookie, TRUE);

        g_strfreev (result);

    return cookie;
Ejemplo n.º 5
static SoupCookie*
cookie_new_from_table(lua_State *L, gint idx, gchar **error)
    SoupCookie *cookie = NULL;
    SoupDate *date;
    const gchar *name, *value, *domain, *path;
    name = value = domain = path = NULL;
    gboolean secure, http_only;
    gint expires;

    /* correct relative index */
    if (idx < 0)
        idx = lua_gettop(L) + idx + 1;

    /* check for cookie table */
    if (!lua_istable(L, idx)) {
        *error = g_strdup_printf("invalid cookie table, got %s",
            lua_typename(L, lua_type(L, idx)));
        return NULL;

#define IS_STRING  (lua_isstring(L, -1)  || lua_isnumber(L, -1))
#define IS_BOOLEAN (lua_isboolean(L, -1) || lua_isnil(L, -1))
#define IS_NUMBER  (lua_isnumber(L, -1))

#define GET_PROP(prop, typname, typexpr, typfunc)                           \
    lua_pushliteral(L, #prop);                                              \
    lua_rawget(L, idx);                                                     \
    if ((typexpr)) {                                                        \
        prop = typfunc(L, -1);                                              \
        lua_pop(L, 1);                                                      \
    } else {                                                                \
        *error = g_strdup_printf("invalid cookie." #prop " type, expected " \
            #typname ", got %s",  lua_typename(L, lua_type(L, -1)));        \
        return NULL;                                                        \

    /* get cookie properties */
    GET_PROP(name,      string,  IS_STRING,  lua_tostring)
    GET_PROP(value,     string,  IS_STRING,  lua_tostring)
    GET_PROP(domain,    string,  IS_STRING,  lua_tostring)
    GET_PROP(path,      string,  IS_STRING,  lua_tostring)
    GET_PROP(secure,    boolean, IS_BOOLEAN, lua_toboolean)
    GET_PROP(http_only, boolean, IS_BOOLEAN, lua_toboolean)
    GET_PROP(expires,   number,  IS_NUMBER,  lua_tonumber)

#undef IS_STRING
#undef IS_NUMBER
#undef GET_PROP

    /* create soup cookie */
    if ((cookie = soup_cookie_new(name, value, domain, path, expires))) {
        soup_cookie_set_secure(cookie, secure);
        soup_cookie_set_http_only(cookie, http_only);

        /* set real expiry date from unixtime */
        if (expires > 0) {
            date = soup_date_new_from_time_t((time_t) expires);
            soup_cookie_set_expires(cookie, date);

        return cookie;

    /* soup cookie creation failed */
    *error = g_strdup_printf("soup cookie creation failed");
    return NULL;