Ejemplo n.º 1
void convertPathL(TDesC& aPath, TDesC& aPathName, RFs& aFs, TDesC& aTargetFile)

	CDir* entryList = NULL;
	TInt error = aFs.GetDir(aPath,KEntryAttMatchMask,ESortByName,entryList);

	TInt numberOfFiles = entryList->Count();
	for (TInt i=0; i<numberOfFiles; i++)
		//get the source file
		HBufC* temp=HBufC::NewLC(((*entryList)[i].iName).Length());
		TPtr sourceFileName(temp->Des());

		HBufC* temp2=HBufC::NewLC(((*entryList)[i].iName).Length()+aPathName.Length());
		TPtr sourceFile(temp2->Des());
		sourceFile = aPathName;
		//do the conversion
		synchronousL(sourceFile, aTargetFile);
		//output result
		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);//temp, temp2

	delete entryList;
	test.Printf(_L("\n%d files converted\n"),numberOfFiles);
QStringList NewClassWidget::files() const
    QStringList rc;
    const QDir dir = QDir(path());
    rc.push_back(expandFileName(dir, headerFileName(), headerExtension()));
    rc.push_back(expandFileName(dir, sourceFileName(), sourceExtension()));
    if (isFormInputVisible())
        rc.push_back(expandFileName(dir, formFileName(), formExtension()));
    return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 3
Foam::error::operator dictionary() const
    dictionary errDict;

    string oneLineMessage(message());
    oneLineMessage.replaceAll('\n', ' ');

    errDict.add("type", word("Foam::error"));
    errDict.add("message", oneLineMessage);
    errDict.add("function", functionName());
    errDict.add("sourceFile", sourceFileName());
    errDict.add("sourceFileLineNumber", sourceFileLineNumber());

    return errDict;
Ejemplo n.º 4
TriaAction::CreateAstConsumerResultType TriaAction::CreateASTConsumer (clang::CompilerInstance &ci,
                                                                       llvm::StringRef fileName) {
	ci.getFrontendOpts().SkipFunctionBodies = true;
	ci.getPreprocessor().enableIncrementalProcessing (true);
	ci.getLangOpts().DelayedTemplateParsing = true;
	// Enable everything for code compatibility
	ci.getLangOpts().MicrosoftExt = true;
	ci.getLangOpts().DollarIdents = true;
	ci.getLangOpts().CPlusPlus11 = true;
	ci.getLangOpts().GNUMode = true;
	ci.getLangOpts().CPlusPlus1y = true;
	ci.getLangOpts().CPlusPlus14 = true;
	if (argVerboseTimes) {
		UNIQUE_COMPAT(PreprocessorHooks, hook, new PreprocessorHooks (ci));
		hook->timing ()->name = sourceFileName (this->m_definitions->sourceFiles ());
		this->m_definitions->setTimingNode (hook->timing ());
		ci.getPreprocessor ().addPPCallbacks (MOVE_COMPAT(hook));
	QStringList whichInherit;
	for (const std::string &cur : argInspectBases) {
		whichInherit.append (QString::fromStdString (cur));
	TriaASTConsumer *consumer = new TriaASTConsumer (ci, fileName, whichInherit, argInspectAll,
	                                                 argGlobalClass, this->m_definitions);
	return consumer;
	return std::unique_ptr< clang::ASTConsumer > (consumer);
Ejemplo n.º 5
TeamWindow::_HandleResolveMissingSourceFile(entry_ref& locatedPath)
	if (fActiveFunction != NULL) {
		LocatableFile* sourceFile = fActiveFunction->GetFunctionDebugInfo()
		if (sourceFile != NULL) {
			BString sourcePath;
			BString sourceFileName(sourcePath);
			int32 index = sourcePath.FindLast('/');
			if (index >= 0)
				sourceFileName.Remove(0, index + 1);

			BPath targetFilePath(&locatedPath);
			if (targetFilePath.InitCheck() != B_OK)

			if (strcmp(sourceFileName.String(), targetFilePath.Leaf()) != 0) {
				BString message;
				message.SetToFormat("The names of source file '%s' and located"
					" file '%s' differ. Use file anyway?",
					sourceFileName.String(), targetFilePath.Leaf());
				BAlert* alert = new(std::nothrow) BAlert(
					"Source path mismatch", message.String(), "Cancel", "Use");
				if (alert == NULL)

				int32 choice = alert->Go();
				if (choice <= 0)
Ejemplo n.º 6
//using namespace cl;
int main(int argc, char ** argv)

try {

    cl_int err;
    cl::vector<cl::Platform> platforms;

    std::cout << "Number of platforms:\t" << platforms.size() << std::endl;
    for (cl::vector<cl::Platform>::iterator i = platforms.begin(); i != platforms.end(); ++i) {
        // pick a platform and do something
        std::cout << " Platform Name: " << (*i).getInfo<CL_PLATFORM_NAME>().c_str()<< std::endl;

    float theta = 3.14159/6;
    int W ;
    int H ;

    const char* inputFile = "input.bmp";
    const char* outputFile = "output.bmp";

    // Homegrown function to read a BMP from file
    float* ip = readImage(inputFile, &W, &H);
    float * op = new float[W*H];

    //Lets choose the first platform
    cl_context_properties cps[3] = {

    CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM, (cl_context_properties)(platforms[PLATFORM_TO_USE])(), 0};

    // Select the default platform and create a context
    // using this platform for a GPU type device

    cl::Context context(DEVICE_TYPE_TO_USE, cps);

    cl::vector<cl::Device> devices = context.getInfo<CL_CONTEXT_DEVICES>();

    //Lets create a command queue on the first device
    cl::CommandQueue queue = cl::CommandQueue(context, devices[0], 0, &err);

    //[H3] Step2 – Declare Buffers and Move Data

    //We assume that the input image is the array “ip”
    //and the angle of rotation is theta
    float cos_theta = cos(theta);
    float sin_theta = sin(theta);

    cl::Buffer d_ip = cl::Buffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, W*H* sizeof(float));
    cl::Buffer d_op = cl::Buffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, W*H* sizeof(float));
    queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(d_ip, CL_TRUE, 0, W*H* sizeof(float), ip);

    //[H3]Step3 – Runtime kernel compilation

    std::ifstream sourceFileName("rotation.cl");

    std::string sourceFile(
                    std::istreambuf_iterator<char>( sourceFileName),


    cl::Program::Sources rotn_source(1,
                            sourceFile.length() +1

    cl::Program rotn_program(context, rotn_source);

    cl::Kernel rotn_kernel(rotn_program, "img_rotate", &err);

    //[H3]Step4 – Run the program
    rotn_kernel.setArg(0, d_op);
    rotn_kernel.setArg(1, d_ip);
    rotn_kernel.setArg(2, W);
    rotn_kernel.setArg(3, H);
    rotn_kernel.setArg(4, sin_theta);
    rotn_kernel.setArg(5, cos_theta);

    // Run the kernel on specific ND range
    cl::NDRange globalws(W,H);
    //In this example the local work group size is not important because
    //there is no communication between local work items

    queue.enqueueNDRangeKernel(rotn_kernel, cl::NullRange, globalws, cl::NullRange);
     //[H3]Step5 – Read result back to host
    // Read buffer d_op into a local op array
    queue.enqueueReadBuffer(d_op, CL_TRUE, 0, W*H*sizeof(float), op);

    storeImage(op, outputFile, H, W, inputFile);

catch(cl::Error err)
   std::cout << err.what() << "(" << err.err() << ")" << std::endl;

Ejemplo n.º 7
QString CachedImage::_path() const
    return QString("%1/%2").arg(_man->path()).arg(sourceFileName());
Ejemplo n.º 8
QString VisualLog::MessageInfo::expand(const QString &pattern) const{

    QString base = "";
    QDateTime dt = stamp();

    QString::const_iterator it = pattern.begin();
    while ( it != pattern.end() ){
        if ( *it == QChar('%') ){
            if ( it != pattern.end() ){
                char c = it->toLatin1();
                case 'p': {
                    if ( m_location && !m_location->remote.isEmpty() )
                        base += m_location->remote + "> ";
                    base += QString().sprintf(
                        "%0*d-%0*d-%0*d %0*d:%0*d:%0*d.%0*d %s %s@%d: ",
                        4, dt.date().year(),
                        2, dt.date().month(),
                        2, dt.date().day(),
                        2, dt.time().hour(),
                        2, dt.time().minute(),
                        2, dt.time().second(),
                        3, dt.time().msec(),
                case 'r': base += sourceRemoteLocation(); break;
                case 'F': base += sourceFileName(); break;
                case 'N': base += extractFileNameSegment(sourceFileName()); break;
                case 'U': base += sourceFunctionName(); break;
                case 'L': base += QString::number(sourceLineNumber()); break;
                case 'V': base += levelToString(m_level); break;
                case 'v': base += levelToString(m_level).toLower(); break;
                case 'w': base += QDate::shortDayName(dt.date().dayOfWeek()); break;
                case 'W': base += QDate::longDayName(dt.date().dayOfWeek()); break;
                case 'b': base += QDate::shortMonthName(dt.date().month()); break;
                case 'B': base += QDate::longMonthName(dt.date().month()); break;
                case 'd': base += QString().sprintf("%0*d", 2, dt.date().day() ); break;
                case 'e': base += QString().sprintf("%d",      dt.date().day() ); break;
                case 'f': base += QString().sprintf("%*d",  2, dt.date().day() ); break;
                case 'm': base += QString().sprintf("%0*d", 2, dt.date().month() ); break;
                case 'n': base += QString().sprintf("%d",      dt.date().month() ); break;
                case 'o': base += QString().sprintf("%*d",  2, dt.date().month() ); break;
                case 'y': base += QString().sprintf("%0*d", 2, dt.date().year() % 100 ); break;
                case 'Y': base += QString().sprintf("%0*d", 4, dt.date().year() ); break;
                case 'H': base += QString().sprintf("%0*d", 2, dt.time().hour() ); break;
                case 'I': {
                    int hour = dt.time().hour();
                    base += QString().sprintf("%0*d", 2, (hour < 1 ? 12 : (hour > 12 ? hour - 12  : hour)));
                case 'a': base += QString().sprintf(dt.time().hour() < 12  ? "am" : "pm" ); break;
                case 'A': base += QString().sprintf(dt.time().hour() < 12  ? "AM" : "PM" ); break;
                case 'M': base += QString().sprintf("%0*d", 2, dt.time().minute()); break;
                case 'S': base += QString().sprintf("%0*d", 2, dt.time().second() ); break;
                case 's': base += QString().sprintf("%0*d.%0*d", 2, dt.time().second(), 3, dt.time().msec() ); break;
                case 'i': base += QString().sprintf("%0*d", 3, dt.time().msec() ); break;
                case 'c': base += QString().sprintf("%d",      dt.time().msec() / 100 ); break;
                default: base += *it;
        } else {
            base += *it;

    return base;