Ejemplo n.º 1
  void QpToNlp::init(const Dict& opts) {
    // Initialize the base classes

    // Default options
    string nlpsol_plugin;
    Dict nlpsol_options;

    // Read user options
    for (auto&& op : opts) {
      if (op.first=="nlpsol") {
        nlpsol_plugin = op.second.to_string();
      } else if (op.first=="nlpsol_options") {
        nlpsol_options = op.second;

    // Create a symbolic matrix for the decision variables
    SX X = SX::sym("X", n_, 1);

    // Parameters to the problem
    SX H = SX::sym("H", sparsity_in(QPSOL_H));
    SX G = SX::sym("G", sparsity_in(QPSOL_G));
    SX A = SX::sym("A", sparsity_in(QPSOL_A));

    // Put parameters in a vector
    std::vector<SX> par;

    // The nlp looks exactly like a mathematical description of the NLP
    SXDict nlp = {{"x", X}, {"p", vertcat(par)},
                  {"f", mtimes(G.T(), X) + 0.5*mtimes(mtimes(X.T(), H), X)},
                  {"g", mtimes(A, X)}};

    // Create an Nlpsol instance
    casadi_assert_message(!nlpsol_plugin.empty(), "'nlpsol' option has not been set");
    solver_ = nlpsol("nlpsol", nlpsol_plugin, nlp, nlpsol_options);

    // Allocate storage for NLP solver  parameters
    alloc_w(solver_.nnz_in(NLPSOL_P), true);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  void Callback::eval(const double** arg, double** res, int* iw, double* w, int mem) {
    // Allocate input matrices
    int n_in = this->n_in();
    std::vector<DM> argv(n_in);
    for (int i=0; i<n_in; ++i) {
      argv[i] = DM(sparsity_in(i));
      casadi_copy(arg[i], argv[i].nnz(), argv[i].ptr());

    // Evaluate
    std::vector<DM> resv = eval(argv);

    // Get the outputs
    int n_out = this->n_out();
    for (int i=0; i<n_out; ++i) {
      casadi_copy(resv[i].ptr(), resv[i].nnz(), res[i]);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  void GurobiInterface::
  eval(void* mem, const double** arg, double** res, int* iw, double* w) const {
    auto m = static_cast<GurobiMemory*>(mem);

    // Inputs
    const double *h=arg[CONIC_H],

    // Outputs
    double *x=res[CONIC_X],

    // Temporary memory
    double *val=w; w+=nx_;
    int *ind=iw; iw+=nx_;
    int *ind2=iw; iw+=nx_;
    int *tr_ind=iw; iw+=nx_;

    // Greate an empty model
    GRBmodel *model = 0;
    try {
      int flag = GRBnewmodel(m->env, &model, name_.c_str(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      casadi_assert_message(!flag, GRBgeterrormsg(m->env));

      // Add variables
      for (int i=0; i<nx_; ++i) {
        // Get bounds
        double lb = lbx ? lbx[i] : 0., ub = ubx ? ubx[i] : 0.;
        if (isinf(lb)) lb = -GRB_INFINITY;
        if (isinf(ub)) ub =  GRB_INFINITY;

        // Get variable type
        char vtype;
        if (!vtype_.empty()) {
          // Explicitly set 'vtype' takes precedence
          vtype = vtype_.at(i);
        } else if (!discrete_.empty() && discrete_.at(i)) {
          // Variable marked as discrete (integer or binary)
          vtype = lb==0 && ub==1 ? GRB_BINARY : GRB_INTEGER;
        } else {
          // Continious variable
          vtype = GRB_CONTINUOUS;

        // Pass to model
        flag = GRBaddvar(model, 0, 0, 0, g ? g[i] : 0., lb, ub, vtype, 0);
        casadi_assert_message(!flag, GRBgeterrormsg(m->env));
      flag = GRBupdatemodel(model);
      casadi_assert_message(!flag, GRBgeterrormsg(m->env));

      // Add quadratic terms
      const int *H_colind=sparsity_in(CONIC_H).colind(), *H_row=sparsity_in(CONIC_H).row();
      for (int i=0; i<nx_; ++i) {

        // Quadratic term nonzero indices
        int numqnz = H_colind[1]-H_colind[0];
        casadi_copy(H_row, numqnz, ind);
        H_row += numqnz;

        // Corresponding column
        casadi_fill(ind2, numqnz, i);

        // Quadratic term nonzeros
        if (h) {
          casadi_copy(h, numqnz, val);
          casadi_scal(numqnz, 0.5, val);
          h += numqnz;
        } else {
          casadi_fill(val, numqnz, 0.);

        // Pass to model
        flag = GRBaddqpterms(model, numqnz, ind, ind2, val);
        casadi_assert_message(!flag, GRBgeterrormsg(m->env));

      // Add constraints
      const int *A_colind=sparsity_in(CONIC_A).colind(), *A_row=sparsity_in(CONIC_A).row();
      casadi_copy(A_colind, nx_, tr_ind);
      for (int i=0; i<na_; ++i) {
        // Get bounds
        double lb = lba ? lba[i] : 0., ub = uba ? uba[i] : 0.;
//        if (isinf(lb)) lb = -GRB_INFINITY;
//        if (isinf(ub)) ub =  GRB_INFINITY;

        // Constraint nonzeros
        int numnz = 0;
        for (int j=0; j<nx_; ++j) {
          if (tr_ind[j]<A_colind[j+1] && A_row[tr_ind[j]]==i) {
            ind[numnz] = j;
            val[numnz] = a ? a[tr_ind[j]] : 0;

        // Pass to model
        if (isinf(lb)) {
          if (isinf(ub)) {
            // Neither upper or lower bounds, skip
          } else {
            // Only upper bound
            flag = GRBaddconstr(model, numnz, ind, val, GRB_LESS_EQUAL, ub, 0);
            casadi_assert_message(!flag, GRBgeterrormsg(m->env));
        } else {
          if (isinf(ub)) {
            // Only lower bound
            flag = GRBaddconstr(model, numnz, ind, val, GRB_GREATER_EQUAL, lb, 0);
            casadi_assert_message(!flag, GRBgeterrormsg(m->env));
          } else if (lb==ub) {
            // Upper and lower bounds equal
            flag = GRBaddconstr(model, numnz, ind, val, GRB_EQUAL, lb, 0);
            casadi_assert_message(!flag, GRBgeterrormsg(m->env));
          } else {
            // Both upper and lower bounds
            flag = GRBaddrangeconstr(model, numnz, ind, val, lb, ub, 0);
            casadi_assert_message(!flag, GRBgeterrormsg(m->env));

      // Solve the optimization problem
      flag = GRBoptimize(model);
      casadi_assert_message(!flag, GRBgeterrormsg(m->env));
      int optimstatus;
      flag = GRBgetintattr(model, GRB_INT_ATTR_STATUS, &optimstatus);
      casadi_assert_message(!flag, GRBgeterrormsg(m->env));

      // Get the objective value, if requested
      if (cost) {
        flag = GRBgetdblattr(model, GRB_DBL_ATTR_OBJVAL, cost);
        casadi_assert_message(!flag, GRBgeterrormsg(m->env));

      // Get the optimal solution, if requested
      if (x) {
        flag = GRBgetdblattrarray(model, GRB_DBL_ATTR_X, 0, nx_, x);
        casadi_assert_message(!flag, GRBgeterrormsg(m->env));

      // Free memory

    } catch (...) {
      // Free memory
      if (model) GRBfreemodel(model);