Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: hit.c Proyecto: Elytum/rtv1
int			find_closest(t_data *data, const int get_normal)
	data->closest[1] = -1;
	if (get_normal == 1)
		find_closest_sphere(data, data->viewray, &(data->t));
		find_closest_plane(data, data->viewray, &(data->t));
		find_closest_cone(data, data->viewray, &(data->t));
		find_closest_cylinder(data, data->viewray, &(data->t));
		if (data->closest[1] == -1)
			return (0);
		if (data->closest[0] == SPHERE)
			return (sphere_normal(data));
		else if (data->closest[0] == PLANE)
			return (plane_normal(data));
		else if (data->closest[0] == CYLINDER)
			return (cylinder_normal(data));
		else if (data->closest[0] == CONE)
			return (cone_normal(data));
		return (1);
	return (hit_any_sphere(data, data->lightray, data->t) ||
			hit_any_plane(data, data->lightray, data->t) ||
			hit_any_cone(data, data->lightray, data->t) ||
			hit_any_cylinder(data, data->lightray, data->t));
Ejemplo n.º 2
// computation of the input point/dir and output point/dir of the refractor light
bool refraction(vec3 inpoint, vec3 invector, void* obj, int isplane, bool inobj, vec3* outlightvector) {
//	printf("*****");
	if(isplane) return false;
//	printf("not plane\n");
	Spheres * sph = (Spheres *)obj;
	//intermediate light
	vec3 in_normal = sphere_normal(inpoint, sph);
	float ratio;
	if(!inobj) ratio = 1.0/sph->refractivity;
	else ratio = sph->refractivity;
	if(!refract_light(in_normal, invector, ratio, outlightvector)) return false;
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
RGB_float recursive_ray_trace(Vector ray, Point p, int step) {

	RGB_float color = background_clr;
	RGB_float reflected_color = {0,0,0};
	RGB_float refracted_color = {0,0,0};
	Spheres *closest_sph;
	Point *hit = new Point;
	closest_sph = intersect_scene(p, ray, scene, hit);

	//get the point color here
	//intersects a sphere
	Point *plane_hit = new Point;
	color = background_clr;
	if(chessboard_on && intersect_plane(p, ray, N_plane, p0, plane_hit))
		Vector eye_vec = get_vec(*plane_hit, eye_pos);
		Vector light_vec = get_vec(*plane_hit, p);
		color = colorPlane(*plane_hit);
		Vector shadow_vec = get_vec(*plane_hit, light1);
		Spheres *sph = NULL;
		if(inShadow(*plane_hit, shadow_vec, scene, sph) && shadow_on)
			color = clr_scale(color, .5);


	if(closest_sph != NULL)
		Vector eye_vec = get_vec(*hit, eye_pos);
		Vector surf_norm = sphere_normal(*hit, closest_sph);
		Vector light_vec = get_vec(*hit, p);

		color = phong(*hit, eye_vec, surf_norm, closest_sph);

		if(step < step_max && reflection_on)
			Vector reflect_vec = vec_minus(vec_scale(surf_norm, vec_dot(surf_norm, light_vec)*2), light_vec);
			step += 1;

			reflected_color = recursive_ray_trace(reflect_vec, *hit, step);
			reflected_color = clr_scale(reflected_color, closest_sph->reflectance);
			color = clr_add(color, reflected_color);


		if(step < step_max && refraction_on)
			Vector refracted_ray = getRefractedRay(1.51, closest_sph, surf_norm, light_vec);
			step += 1;
			refracted_ray.x = hit->x + refracted_ray.x;
			refracted_ray.y = hit->x + refracted_ray.y;
			refracted_ray.z = hit->x + refracted_ray.z;
			refracted_color = recursive_ray_trace(refracted_ray, *hit, step);
			color = clr_add(color, reflected_color);

		return color;

		return color;

Ejemplo n.º 4
 * This is the recursive ray tracer - you need to implement this!
 * You should decide what arguments to use.
vec3 recursive_ray_trace(vec3 eye, vec3 ray, int num, bool inobj) {
// do your thing here
	if(num>step_max) return null_clr;
	vec3 hit;
	int isplane;
	void *sph = intersect_scene(eye, ray, scene, &hit, &isplane);

	vec3 color = null_clr;
	if(sph==NULL) { 
		return background_clr;

	vec3 lightvec = light1 - hit;
	vec3 lightvec_normal = normalize(lightvec);
	vec3 lighthit;
	int lightisplane;
	void * light_sph = intersect_scene(hit, lightvec_normal, scene, &lighthit, &lightisplane);
	vec3 surf_normal = isplane?vec3(0,1,0):sphere_normal(hit, (Spheres*)sph);

	if(light_sph==NULL) {
		color += phong(-1*ray, lightvec, surf_normal, sph, hit, isplane);
	else {
		if(!shadow_on) {
			color += phong(-1*ray, lightvec, surf_normal, sph, hit, isplane);
		else {
			color += get_shadow(-1*ray, lightvec, surf_normal, sph, hit, isplane);

	if(reflect_on) {
		vec3 reflect_vector = 2*dot(-1*ray, surf_normal)*surf_normal + ray;
		reflect_vector = normalize(reflect_vector);
		if(isplane) {
			color += ((struct plane*)sph)->reflectance * recursive_ray_trace(hit, reflect_vector,num+1, inobj);
		else if(!isplane)
			color += ((Spheres *)sph)->reflectance * recursive_ray_trace(hit, reflect_vector, num+1, inobj);
	if(refract_on) {
		vec3 outlightvector; 
		if(refraction(hit, -1*ray, sph, isplane, inobj, &outlightvector)) {
			if(!isplane) {
//				printf("refraction point\n");
				Spheres * refractsph = (Spheres *)sph;
				color += refractsph->refr*recursive_ray_trace(hit, outlightvector, num+1, !inobj);
	if(diffuse_reflection_on && num<2) {
		int i;
		for (i=0;i<DIFFUSE_REFLECTION;i++) {
			float xtheta = 2.0 * static_cast <float> (rand()) / static_cast <float> (RAND_MAX) - 1.0;
			float ytheta = 2.0 * static_cast <float> (rand()) / static_cast <float> (RAND_MAX) - 1.0;
			float ztheta = 2.0 * static_cast <float> (rand()) / static_cast <float> (RAND_MAX) - 1.0;
			vec3 dfray;
			dfray = rotateX(xtheta*M_PI,surf_normal);
			dfray = rotateY(ytheta*M_PI,dfray);
			dfray = rotateZ(ztheta*M_PI,dfray);
			color += (0.1/DIFFUSE_REFLECTION)*recursive_ray_trace(hit, dfray, num+1, inobj);

	return color;
