Ejemplo n.º 1
 *		Certificate info:
 *				- id: requester identification
 *				- cname: common name
 *				- time: date on which the certificate has been generated
 *				- valid: date up to the certificate is valid
 *				- auth_key: key used in mutual authentication (SMQV)
 *				- token_key: key used to sign access token (MSS)
 *				- signature: signature under issuer's key
void generate_certificate(const unsigned char csr[CSR_MAX_SIZE], const char valid[TIME_BUFFER_SIZE], const unsigned char ca_skey[ECDSA_SKEY_SIZE], unsigned char certificate[CERTIFICATE_MAX_SIZE]) {
	unsigned int id;
	char cname[CNAME_MAX_SIZE], time[TIME_BUFFER_SIZE];
	unsigned char auth_key[SMQV_PKEY_SIZE], token_key[MSS_PKEY_SIZE], cert_signature[ECDSA_SIGNATURE_SIZE], csr_signature[MSS_SIGNATURE_SIZE];
	unsigned char buffer[CERTIFICATE_MAX_SIZE];
	memset(buffer, 0, CERTIFICATE_MAX_SIZE);


	if(compare_dates(valid, time) == -1 && read_csr(&id, cname, time, auth_key, token_key, csr_signature, csr)) {
		unsigned int index = 0;

		index += cert_append_info(buffer, id, cname, time, valid, auth_key, token_key);

		unsigned char cert_digest[2 * MSS_SEC_LVL];
        	sponge_hash(buffer, index, cert_digest, 2 * MSS_SEC_LVL);
		ecdsa_sign(ca_skey, cert_digest, cert_signature);
		memcpy(buffer + index, cert_signature, ECDSA_SIGNATURE_SIZE);

		base64encode(buffer, index, certificate, CSR_MAX_SIZE);
    certificate[0] = '\0';
		if( compare_dates(valid, time) != -1)
			printf("Authentication ERROR: !(valid > t_now)\n");
			printf("Authentication ERROR: !mss_verify\n");
Ejemplo n.º 2
// read and verify whether the csr's signature is valid. Returns 1 if it is, otherwise 0.
unsigned char read_csr(unsigned int *id, char *cname, char time[TIME_BUFFER_SIZE], unsigned char auth_key[SMQV_PKEY_SIZE], unsigned char token_key[MSS_PKEY_SIZE], unsigned char csr_signature[MSS_SIGNATURE_SIZE], char csr[CSR_MAX_SIZE]) {
	unsigned int index = 0;
	int csr_size = CSR_MAX_SIZE;
	unsigned char buffer[CSR_MAX_SIZE];
	memset(buffer, 0, CSR_MAX_SIZE);
	char t_now[TIME_BUFFER_SIZE];
	base64decode(csr, strlen(csr), buffer, &csr_size);

	csr_split_info(buffer, id, cname, time, auth_key, token_key, csr_signature);

        unsigned char digest[2 * MSS_SEC_LVL];
	index = csr_append_info(buffer, *id, cname, time, auth_key, token_key);
        sponge_hash(buffer, index, digest, 2 * MSS_SEC_LVL);

	// verify [(id || cname || time || auth_key || token_key), csr_signature, token_key]
	return mss_verify(csr_signature, token_key, digest) && compare_dates(time, t_now) != -1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// return 1 if certificate is valid, 0 otherwise
unsigned char read_certificate(unsigned int *id, char *cname, char time[TIME_BUFFER_SIZE], char valid[TIME_BUFFER_SIZE], unsigned char auth_key[SMQV_PKEY_SIZE], unsigned char token_key[MSS_PKEY_SIZE], unsigned char cert_signature[ECDSA_SIGNATURE_SIZE], const unsigned char ca_pkey[ECDSA_PKEY_SIZE], const unsigned char certificate[CERTIFICATE_MAX_SIZE]) {
	unsigned int index = 0;
	int certificate_size = CERTIFICATE_MAX_SIZE;
	unsigned char buffer[CERTIFICATE_MAX_SIZE];
	char t_now[TIME_BUFFER_SIZE];

	memset(buffer, 0, CERTIFICATE_MAX_SIZE);
	base64decode(certificate, strlen(certificate), buffer, &certificate_size);

	cert_split_info(buffer, id, cname, time, valid, auth_key, token_key, cert_signature);

	unsigned char cert_digest[2 * MSS_SEC_LVL];
	index = cert_append_info(buffer, *id, cname, time, valid, auth_key, token_key);
        sponge_hash(buffer, index, cert_digest, 2 * MSS_SEC_LVL);

	// verify [(id || cname || time || valid || auth_key || token_key), csr_signature, token_key]
	return compare_dates(t_now, time) <= 0 && compare_dates(t_now, valid) >= 0 && ecdsa_verify(ca_pkey, cert_digest, cert_signature);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 *	CSR stands for certificate request, which is sent by the client (or gateway) in order to provide the info needed by the AAAS to generate the certificate.
 *		CSR info:
 *				- id: requester identification
 *				- cname: common name
 *				- time: date on which the csr has been generated
 *				- auth_key: key used in mutual authentication (SMQV)
 *				- token_key: key used to sign access token (MSS)
 *				- csr_signature: CSR signature under token_key
void generate_csr(unsigned int id, char *cname, unsigned char auth_key[SMQV_PKEY_SIZE], unsigned char token_key[MSS_PKEY_SIZE], unsigned char mss_skey[MSS_SKEY_SIZE], char csr[CSR_MAX_SIZE]) {
	// append byte array of (id || cname || time || auth_key || token_key)
	unsigned int index = 0;
	unsigned char buffer[CSR_MAX_SIZE];
	memset(buffer, 0, CSR_MAX_SIZE);
	memset(csr, 0, CSR_MAX_SIZE);
	char time[TIME_BUFFER_SIZE];
	index += csr_append_info(buffer, id, cname, time, auth_key, token_key);

	// sign (id || cname || time || auth_key || token_key)
	sponge_state sponge;
        unsigned char digest[2 * MSS_SEC_LVL];

        sponge_hash(buffer, index, digest, 2 * MSS_SEC_LVL);
	memcpy(buffer + index, mss_sign(mss_skey, digest), MSS_SIGNATURE_SIZE);

	base64encode(buffer, index, csr, CSR_MAX_SIZE);
Ejemplo n.º 5
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
  int ec_fifo, ce_fifo, es_fifo, se_fifo;
  FILE* fp;
  ssize_t msg_size;
  uint8_t *buff;
  char client_nm[NM_LENGTH], client_nm_tmp[NM_LENGTH];
  uint8_t rsa_tmp[RSA_LENGTH], rsa_tmp2[RSA_LENGTH];
  BIGNUM /**bn_n, *bn_d,*/ *bn_client_e, *bn_client_n, *bn_r;
  char client_cipher_suite;
  uint8_t sym_id, hash_id, public_id;
  uint8_t k[K_SIZE] = {0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1};
  int i, done;
  int k_len, c_hex_len, c_len;
  uint8_t g[HASH_LENGTH], g1[HASH_LENGTH];
  uint8_t c[MSG_SIZE_MAX];
  unsigned int tmp;

  assert(K_SIZE == 8);

  bn_client_e = BN_new();
  bn_client_n = BN_new();
  bn_r = BN_new();

  /* Mandatory arguments */
  if (!argv[1] || !argv[2] || !argv[3] || !argv[4] ||
      !argv[1] || !argv[2] || !argv[3] || !argv[4]) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s [server->eve fifo] [eve->server fifo] [eve->client fifo] [client->eve fifo]\n", argv[0]);

  se_fifo = open_channel(argv[1]);
  es_fifo = open_channel(argv[2]);
  ec_fifo = open_fifo(argv[3]);
  ce_fifo = open_fifo(argv[4]);

  /* wait real client to connect */
  fprintf(stderr,"(E) Waiting connection...\n");
  if (wait_connection(ce_fifo) < 0) {
    fprintf(stderr,"(E) Communication error...\n");
    goto next;
  /* connect to server */
  write_msg(es_fifo, (const u_int8_t *)CONNECTION_STRING, strlen(CONNECTION_STRING));

  forward_string(se_fifo, ec_fifo, OK_STRING);

  /* Server authentication */
  /* client challange */
  forward_msg(ce_fifo, es_fifo);
  /* server response to challange */
  forward_msg(se_fifo, ec_fifo);

  /* Client authentication */
  /* Client name */
  msg_size = forward_msg_read(ce_fifo, es_fifo, &buff);

  /*  vvvv  copy-paste from server  vvvv  */
  buff[msg_size] = '\0';
  strncpy((char *)client_nm, (const char *) buff, NM_LENGTH);
  /* EXTRACT from (names[],c_puk[],n[]) the pair (c_puk[i],n[i]) where names[i] = nm */
  if ((fp = fopen("server_folder/clients_rsa64_public_keys.txt", "r")) == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error while getting clients RSA public keys...\n");
    goto next;
  done = 0;
  while (!feof(fp)) {
    fscanf(fp, "%129s %129s %129s", client_nm_tmp, rsa_tmp, rsa_tmp2);
    if (strcmp(client_nm_tmp, client_nm) == 0) {
      done = 1;
  if (done == 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: unrecognized client\n");
    goto next;

  BN_hex2bn(&bn_client_n, (const char *) rsa_tmp);
  BN_hex2bn(&bn_client_e, (const char *) rsa_tmp2);

  /*  ^^^^  copy-paste from server  ^^^^  */
  /* now I know client name and pub key */

  /* server challange */
  forward_msg(se_fifo, ec_fifo);
  /* client response */
  forward_msg(ce_fifo, es_fifo);

  /* Negotiation of the cipher suite */
  /* cipher suite c -> s */
  forward_msg_read(ce_fifo, es_fifo, &buff);

  /*  vvvv  copy-paste from server  vvvv  */
  client_cipher_suite = buff[0];
  cipher_suite_table(client_cipher_suite, &sym_id, &hash_id, &public_id);
  /*  ^^^^  copy-paste from server  ^^^^  */

  /* Negotiation of the private key */
  /* k already set as an arbitrary key */

  /*  vvvv  copy-paste from server  vvvv  */

  if (sym_id == 1) {
    k_len = 3;
  else {
    k_len = K_SIZE;
  BN_bin2bn(k, k_len, bn_r);

  /* If we're using RSA512 read the correct key (we have the 64bit one) */
  if (public_id == 6) {
    if ((fp = fopen("server_folder/clients_rsa512_public_keys.txt", "r")) == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error while getting clients RSA public keys...\n");
      goto next;
    done = 0;
    while (!feof(fp)) {
      fscanf(fp, "%129s %129s %129s", client_nm_tmp, rsa_tmp, rsa_tmp2);
      if (strcmp(client_nm_tmp, client_nm) == 0) {
        done = 1;
    if (done == 0) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error: unrecognized client\n");
      goto next;

    BN_hex2bn(&bn_client_n, (const char *) rsa_tmp);
    BN_hex2bn(&bn_client_e, (const char *) rsa_tmp2);

  /* ENCRYPT key */
  rsa_encrypt(bn_r, bn_client_e, bn_client_n);

  /* WRITE encrypted k to C */
  buff = (uint8_t *) BN_bn2hex(bn_r);
  if ((write_msg(ec_fifo, buff, strlen((char *) buff))) < 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error while sending C to the client...\n");
    goto next;

  /* Encrypted communication */
  if ((msg_size = read_msg(ce_fifo,&buff)) < 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error while reading message from the client...\n");
    goto next;

  c_hex_len = msg_size - HASH_LENGTH * 2;
  if (c_hex_len <= 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error, malformed message...\n");
    goto next;

  c_len = c_hex_len / 2;
  for (i=0; i<msg_size; i+=2) {
    if (i < c_hex_len) {
      sscanf((char *) (buff+i), "%02x", &tmp);
      c[i/2] = (uint8_t) tmp;
    else {
      sscanf((char *) (buff+i), "%02x", &tmp);
      g[(i - c_hex_len) / 2] = (uint8_t) tmp;

  /* Decrypt C */
  decrypt(sym_id, c, c_len, k);

  /* COMPUTE G' = H(M) */
  sponge_hash(c, c_len, g1);

  c[c_len] = '\0';

  /* CHECK G' = G */
  done = 1;
  for (i=0; i<HASH_LENGTH; i++) {
    if (g[i] != g1[i]) {
      done = 0;

  /* If the check fails print error message */
  if (done == 0) {
    if ((write_msg(ec_fifo, (uint8_t *) CORRUPTED_STRING, strlen(CORRUPTED_STRING))) < 0) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error while writing to the client...\n");
      goto next;

  /* PUT M' on a file */
  if ((fp = fopen("eve_folder/received_messages.txt", "a+")) == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error while saving message...\n");
    goto next;
  fprintf(fp, "%s", c);
  fprintf(stdout, "MESSAGGIO SEGRETO >>>%s<<< FINE MESSAGGIO SEGRETO\n", c);

  /* WRITE ok message to C */
  if ((write_msg(ec_fifo, (uint8_t *) DECRYPTED_STRING, strlen(DECRYPTED_STRING))) < 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error while writing C to the client...\n");
    goto next;

  /*  ^^^^  copy-paste from server  ^^^^  */


  /*close_channels ...!*/

