Ejemplo n.º 1
void PeakController::updateValueBuffer()
	if( m_peakEffect )
		float targetSample = m_peakEffect->lastSample();
		if( m_currentSample != targetSample )
			const f_cnt_t frames = engine::mixer()->framesPerPeriod();
			float * values = m_valueBuffer.values();

			const float ratio = ( 44100.0 / 256.0 ) / engine::mixer()->processingSampleRate();
			const float v = m_currentSample >= targetSample
				? m_peakEffect->decayModel()->value()
				: m_peakEffect->attackModel()->value();
			const float diff = ( targetSample - m_currentSample ) * ratio;
			const float a = ( 1.0f - sqrt_neg( sqrt_neg( v ) ) ) * diff;
			const bool att = m_currentSample < targetSample;
			for( f_cnt_t f = 0; f < frames; ++f )
				if( att ) // going up...
					m_currentSample = qMin( targetSample, m_currentSample + a ); // qmin prevents overshoot
					m_currentSample = qMax( targetSample, m_currentSample + a ); // qmax prevents overshoot
				values[f] = m_currentSample;
			m_valueBuffer.fill( m_currentSample );
		m_valueBuffer.fill( 0 );
	m_bufferLastUpdated = s_periods;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool PeakControllerEffect::processAudioBuffer( sampleFrame * _buf,
							const fpp_t _frames )
	PeakControllerEffectControls & c = m_peakControls;

	// This appears to be used for determining whether or not to continue processing
	// audio with this effect	
	if( !isEnabled() || !isRunning() )
		return false;

	// RMS:
	double sum = 0;

	if( c.m_absModel.value() )
		for( int i = 0; i < _frames; ++i )
			// absolute value is achieved because the squares are > 0
			sum += _buf[i][0]*_buf[i][0] + _buf[i][1]*_buf[i][1];
		for( int i = 0; i < _frames; ++i )
			// the value is absolute because of squaring,
			// so we need to correct it
			sum += _buf[i][0] * _buf[i][0] * sign( _buf[i][0] )
				+ _buf[i][1] * _buf[i][1] * sign( _buf[i][1] );

	// TODO: flipping this might cause clipping
	// this will mute the output after the values were measured
	if( c.m_muteModel.value() )
		for( int i = 0; i < _frames; ++i )
			_buf[i][0] = _buf[i][1] = 0.0f;

	float curRMS = sqrt_neg( sum / _frames );
	const float tres = c.m_tresholdModel.value();
	const float amount = c.m_amountModel.value() * c.m_amountMultModel.value();
	curRMS = qAbs( curRMS ) < tres ? 0.0f : curRMS;
	m_lastSample = qBound( 0.0f, c.m_baseModel.value() + amount * curRMS, 1.0f );

	return isRunning();