Ejemplo n.º 1
const Vec3 CPlayerStateJump::CalculateInAirJumpExtraVelocity( const CPlayer& player, const Vec3& desiredVelocity ) const
	const SPlayerStats& stats = player.m_stats;
	const float speedUpFactor = 0.175f;

	Vec3 jumpExtraVelocity(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

	const SActorPhysics& actorPhysics = player.GetActorPhysics();
	if (actorPhysics.velocity.z > 0.0f)
		//Note: Desired velocity is flat (not 'z' component), so jumpHeight should not be altered
		jumpExtraVelocity = desiredVelocity * speedUpFactor;
		//Note: this makes the jump feel less 'floaty', by accelerating the player slightly down
		//      and compensates the extra traveled distance when going up 
		const float g = actorPhysics.gravity.len();
		if (g > 0.0f)
			const float jumpHeightScale = 1.0f;
			const float jumpHeight = player.m_params.jumpHeight * jumpHeightScale;

			const float estimatedLandTime = sqrt_tpl(2.0f*jumpHeight*(1.0f/g)) * (1.0f - speedUpFactor);
			assert(estimatedLandTime > 0.0f);
			if (estimatedLandTime > 0.0f)
				const float requiredGravity = (2.0f*jumpHeight)/(estimatedLandTime * estimatedLandTime);
				const float initialAccelerationScale = clamp_tpl((-actorPhysics.velocity.z * 0.6f), 0.0f, 1.0f);
				jumpExtraVelocity = (requiredGravity - g) * actorPhysics.gravity.GetNormalized() * initialAccelerationScale;

	return jumpExtraVelocity;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool CAreaManager::QueryAudioAreas(Vec3 const& rPos, SAudioAreaInfo *pResults, size_t const nMaxResults, size_t& rNumResults)
	rNumResults = 0;

	if (pResults != NULL)
		// Make sure the area grid is recompiled, if needed, before accessing it

		uint32 numAreas = 0;
		TAreaPointers const& rAreasAtPos(m_areaGrid.GetAreas(rPos));
		TAreaPointers::const_iterator IterAreas(rAreasAtPos.begin());
		TAreaPointers::const_iterator const IterAreasEnd(rAreasAtPos.end());

		for (; IterAreas != IterAreasEnd; ++IterAreas)
			CArea* const pArea = *IterAreas;

			if (!stl::find(m_apAreas, pArea))
				CryFatalError("<AreaManager>: area in entity-area-cache not found in overall areas list!");

			// check if Area is hidden
			IEntity const* const pAreaEntity = m_pEntitySystem->GetEntity(pArea->GetEntityID());

			if (pAreaEntity && !pAreaEntity->IsHidden())
				size_t const nAttachedEntities = pArea->GetEntityAmount();

				if (nAttachedEntities > 0)
					for (size_t iEntity = 0; iEntity < nAttachedEntities; ++iEntity)
						IEntity const* const pEntity = gEnv->pEntitySystem->GetEntity(pArea->GetEntityByIdx(iEntity));

						if (pEntity != NULL)
							IEntityAudioProxy const* const pAudioProxy = (IEntityAudioProxy*)pEntity->GetProxy(ENTITY_PROXY_AUDIO);

							if (pAudioProxy != NULL)
								TAudioEnvironmentID const nEnvironmentID = pAudioProxy->GetEnvironmentID();
								float const fEnvironmentFadeDistance = pAudioProxy->GetEnvironmentFadeDistance();

								if (nEnvironmentID != INVALID_AUDIO_ENVIRONMENT_ID)
									// This is optimized internally and might not recalculate but rather retrieve the cached data.
									bool const bIsPointWithin = (pArea->CalcPosType(INVALID_ENTITYID, rPos, false) == AREA_POS_TYPE_2DINSIDE_ZINSIDE);
									float fEnvironmentAmount = 0.0f;
									if (!bIsPointWithin && (fEnvironmentFadeDistance > 0.0f))
										Vec3 Closest3d(ZERO);
										float const fDistance = sqrt_tpl(pArea->CalcPointNearDistSq(INVALID_ENTITYID, rPos, Closest3d, false));
										if (fDistance <= fEnvironmentFadeDistance)
											fEnvironmentAmount = 1.0f - (fDistance/fEnvironmentFadeDistance);
										fEnvironmentAmount = 1.0f;

									if (fEnvironmentAmount > 0.0f)
										// still have room to put it in?
										if (rNumResults == nMaxResults)
											return false;

										// found area that should go into the results
										pResults[rNumResults].pArea									= pArea;
										pResults[rNumResults].fEnvironmentAmount		= fEnvironmentAmount;
										pResults[rNumResults].nEnvironmentID				= nEnvironmentID;
										pResults[rNumResults].nEnvProvidingEntityID	= pEntity->GetId();

		return true;

	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void CBoidBird::Update( float dt,SBoidContext &bc )
	if (m_physicsControlled)
	if (m_dead)
	if (m_heading.IsZero())
		m_heading = Vec3(1,0,0);

	m_lastThinkTime += dt;

		if (bc.followPlayer && !m_spawnFromPt)
			if (m_pos.GetSquaredDistance(bc.playerPos) > MAX_BIRDS_DISTANCE*MAX_BIRDS_DISTANCE)
				float z = bc.MinHeight + (Boid::Frand()+1)/2.0f*(bc.MaxHeight - bc.MinHeight);
				m_pos = bc.playerPos + Vec3(Boid::Frand()*MAX_BIRDS_DISTANCE,Boid::Frand()*MAX_BIRDS_DISTANCE,z );
				m_speed = bc.MinSpeed + ((Boid::Frand()+1)/2.0f) / (bc.MaxSpeed - bc.MinSpeed);
				m_heading = Vec3(Boid::Frand(),Boid::Frand(),0).GetNormalized();

		if(m_status == Bird::TAKEOFF)
			float timePassed = (gEnv->pTimer->GetFrameStartTime() - m_takeOffStartTime).GetSeconds();
			if(m_playingTakeOffAnim &&  timePassed >= m_TakeOffAnimLength)
				m_playingTakeOffAnim = false;
			else if( timePassed > TAKEOFF_TIME)


		if(m_status == Bird::LANDING)
			Vec3 vDist(m_landingPoint - m_pos);
			float dist2 = vDist.GetLengthSquared2D();
			float dist = sqrt_tpl(dist2 + vDist.z*vDist.z);

			if(dist > 0.02f && m_pos.z > m_landingPoint.z)
				//if(vDist.z < 3 && m_heading)
				vDist /= dist;
				float fInterpSpeed = 2+fabs(m_heading.Dot(vDist))*3.f;
				Interpolate(m_heading,vDist, fInterpSpeed, dt);
				if(m_heading.z < vDist.z)

				bool wasLandDeceleratingAlready = m_landDecelerating;
				m_landDecelerating = dist < bc.landDecelerationHeight;
					float newspeed= m_startLandSpeed* dist/3.f;
					if(m_speed > newspeed)
						m_speed = newspeed;
 					if(m_speed < 0.2f)
 						m_speed = 0.2f;
						PlayAnimationId(Bird::ANIM_LANDING_DECELERATING, true);
					m_startLandSpeed = m_speed;

			CalcMovementBird( dt,bc,true );


		if (m_status != Bird::ON_GROUND)

			// Calc movement with current velocity.
			CalcMovementBird( dt,bc,true );
			if(bc.walkSpeed > 0 && m_onGroundStatus == Bird::OGS_WALKING)
			CalcMovementBird( dt,bc,true );


		// Check if landing/on ground after think().
		if ( m_status == Bird::LANDING ||(m_dying && m_status != Bird::ON_GROUND))
			float LandEpsilon = 0.5f;

			// Check if landed on water.
			if (m_pos.z-bc.waterLevel < LandEpsilon+0.1f && !m_dying)
				//! From water immidiatly take off.
				//! Gives fishing effect. 


		m_actionTime += dt;

		if (m_status == Bird::ON_GROUND )
			UpdateOnGroundAction(dt, bc);
			if(!bc.noLanding && m_actionTime > m_maxActionTime 
				&& !static_cast<CBirdsFlock*>(m_flock)->IsPlayerNearOrigin())

Ejemplo n.º 4
bool CDialogActorContext::DoLocalPlayerChecks(const float dt)
	// don't check this every frame, but only every .2 secs
	if (m_checkPlayerTimeOut <= 0.0f)
		do // a dummy loop to use break
			float awareDistance;
			float awareDistanceSq;
			float awareAngle;
			m_pSession->GetPlayerAwarenessValues(awareDistance, awareAngle);

			m_checkPlayerTimeOut = PLAYER_CHECKTIME;
			const float spotAngleCos = cos_tpl(DEG2RAD(awareAngle));
			const CDialogSession::TActorContextMap& contextMap = m_pSession->GetAllContexts();
			if (contextMap.size() == 1 && contextMap.begin()->first == m_actorID)
				m_bIsAware = true;
			// early out, when we don't have to do any checks
			if (awareDistance <= 0.0f && awareAngle <= 0.0f)
				m_bIsAware = true;

			IEntity* pThisEntity = m_pSession->GetActorEntity(m_actorID);
			if (!pThisEntity)
				assert (false);
				m_bIsAware = true;
			IMovementController* pMC = (m_pIActor != NULL) ? m_pIActor->GetMovementController() : NULL;
			if (!pMC)
				assert (false);
				m_bIsAware = true;
			SMovementState moveState;
			Vec3 viewPos = moveState.eyePosition;
			Vec3 viewDir = moveState.eyeDirection;
			viewDir.z = 0.0f;
			// check the player's position
			// check the player's view direction
			AABB groupBounds;

			CDialogSession::TActorContextMap::const_iterator iter = contextMap.begin();
			CDialogScript::SActorSet lookingAt = 0;
			while (iter != contextMap.end())
				if (iter->first != m_actorID)
					IEntity* pActorEntity = m_pSession->GetActorEntity(iter->first);
					if (pActorEntity)
						Vec3 vEntityPos = pActorEntity->GetWorldPos();
						AABB worldBounds;
						// calc if we look at it somehow
						Vec3 vEntityDir = vEntityPos - viewPos;
						vEntityDir.z = 0.0f;
						if (viewDir.IsUnit() && vEntityDir.IsUnit())
							const float dot = clamp_tpl(viewDir.Dot(vEntityDir),-1.0f,+1.0f); // clamping should not be needed
							if (spotAngleCos <= dot)
							DiaLOG::Log(DiaLOG::eDebugC, "Angle to actor %d is %f deg", iter->first, RAD2DEG(acos_tpl(dot)));

			const float distanceSq = pThisEntity->GetWorldPos().GetSquaredDistance(groupBounds.GetCenter());
			CCamera& camera=gEnv->pSystem->GetViewCamera();
			const bool bIsInAABB  = camera.IsAABBVisible_F(groupBounds);
			const bool bIsInRange = distanceSq <= awareDistanceSq;
			const bool bIsLooking = contextMap.empty() || lookingAt.NumActors() > 0;
			m_bIsAwareLooking = awareAngle <= 0.0f || (bIsInAABB || bIsLooking);
			m_bIsAwareInRange = awareDistance <= 0.0f || bIsInRange;
			m_bIsAware = m_bIsAwareLooking && m_bIsAwareInRange;

			DiaLOG::Log(DiaLOG::eDebugB, "[DIALOG] LPC: %s awDist=%f awAng=%f AABBVis=%d IsLooking=%d InRange=%d [Distance=%f LookingActors=%d] Final=%saware", 
				m_pSession->GetDebugName(), awareDistance, awareAngle, bIsInAABB, bIsLooking, bIsInRange, sqrt_tpl(distanceSq), lookingAt.NumActors(), m_bIsAware ? "" : "not ");
		} while (false);

	if (m_bIsAware)
		m_playerAwareTimeOut = m_pSession->GetPlayerAwarenessGraceTime();
		m_playerAwareTimeOut-= dt;
		if (m_playerAwareTimeOut <= 0)
			return false;

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void CPlayerStateJump::StartJump( CPlayer& player, const bool isHeavyWeapon, const float fVerticalSpeedModifier )
	const SActorPhysics& actorPhysics = player.GetActorPhysics();
	const SPlayerStats& stats = *player.GetActorStats();
	const float onGroundTime = 0.2f;

	float g = actorPhysics.gravity.len();

	const float jumpHeightScale = 1.0f;
	const float jumpHeight = player.GetActorParams().jumpHeight * jumpHeightScale;

	float playerZ = player.GetEntity()->GetWorldPos().z;
	float expectedJumpEndHeight = playerZ + jumpHeight;

	pe_player_dimensions dimensions;
	IPhysicalEntity *pPhysics = player.GetEntity()->GetPhysics();
	if (pPhysics && pPhysics->GetParams(&dimensions))
		float physicsBottom = dimensions.heightCollider - dimensions.sizeCollider.z;
		if (dimensions.bUseCapsule)
			physicsBottom -= dimensions.sizeCollider.x;
		expectedJumpEndHeight += physicsBottom;

	float jumpSpeed = 0.0f;

 	if (g > 0.0f)
		jumpSpeed = sqrt_tpl(2.0f*jumpHeight*(1.0f/g)) * g;

		if( isHeavyWeapon )
			jumpSpeed *= g_pGameCVars->pl_movement.nonCombat_heavy_weapon_speed_scale;

	//this is used to easily find steep ground
	float slopeDelta = (Vec3Constants<float>::fVec3_OneZ - actorPhysics.groundNormal).len();

	SetJumpState(player, JState_Jump);

	Vec3 jumpVec(ZERO);

	bool bNormalJump = true;

	OnSpecialMove(player, IPlayerEventListener::eSM_Jump);

	CCCPOINT_IF( player.IsClient(),   PlayerMovement_LocalPlayerNormalJump);
	CCCPOINT_IF(!player.IsClient(), PlayerMovement_NonLocalPlayerNormalJump);

		// This was causing the vertical jumping speed to be much slower.
		float verticalMult = max(1.0f - m_jumpLock, 0.3f);

		const Quat baseQuat = player.GetBaseQuat();
		jumpVec += baseQuat.GetColumn2() * jumpSpeed * verticalMult;
		jumpVec.z += fVerticalSpeedModifier;

		if (g_pGameCVars->pl_debugInterpolation > 1)
			CryWatch("Jumping: vec from player BaseQuat only = (%f, %f, %f)", jumpVec.x, jumpVec.y, jumpVec.z);
		if (g_pGameCVars->pl_adjustJumpAngleWithFloorNormal && actorPhysics.groundNormal.len2() > 0.0f)
			float vertical = clamp_tpl((actorPhysics.groundNormal.z - 0.25f) / 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
			Vec3 modifiedJumpDirection = LERP(actorPhysics.groundNormal, Vec3(0,0,1), vertical);
			jumpVec = modifiedJumpDirection * jumpVec.len();

		if (g_pGameCVars->pl_debugInterpolation > 1)
			CryWatch("Jumping (%f, %f, %f)", jumpVec.x, jumpVec.y, jumpVec.z);

	NETINPUT_TRACE(player.GetEntityId(), jumpVec);

	FinalizeVelocity( player, jumpVec );

	if (!player.IsRemote())

	IPhysicalEntity* pPhysEnt = player.GetEntity()->GetPhysics();
	if (pPhysEnt != NULL)
		SAnimatedCharacterParams params = player.m_pAnimatedCharacter->GetParams();
		pe_player_dynamics pd;
		pd.kAirControl = player.GetAirControl()* g_pGameCVars->pl_jump_control.air_control_scale;
		pd.kAirResistance = player.GetAirResistance() * g_pGameCVars->pl_jump_control.air_resistance_scale;

		params.inertia = player.GetInertia() * g_pGameCVars->pl_jump_control.air_inertia_scale;

		if(player.IsRemote() && (g_pGameCVars->pl_velocityInterpAirControlScale > 0))
			pd.kAirControl = g_pGameCVars->pl_velocityInterpAirControlScale;


		// Let Animated character handle the inertia

#if 0
	if (debugJumping)
		Vec3 entityPos = m_player.GetEntity()->GetWorldPos();
		gEnv->pRenderer->GetIRenderAuxGeom()->DrawLine(entityPos, ColorB(255,255,255,255), entityPos, ColorB(255,255,0,255), 2.0f);
		gEnv->pRenderer->GetIRenderAuxGeom()->DrawLine(entityPos+Vec3(0,0,2), ColorB(255,255,255,255), entityPos+Vec3(0,0,2) + desiredVel, ColorB(0,255,0,255), 2.0f);
		gEnv->pRenderer->GetIRenderAuxGeom()->DrawLine(entityPos, ColorB(255,255,255,255), entityPos + jumpVec, ColorB(0,255,255,255), 2.0f);
		gEnv->pRenderer->DrawLabel(entityPos - entityRight * 1.0f + Vec3(0,0,3.0f), 1.5f, "Velo[%2.3f = %2.3f, %2.3f, %2.3f]", m_request.velocity.len(), m_request.velocity.x, m_request.velocity.y, m_request.velocity.z);

	m_expectedJumpEndHeight = expectedJumpEndHeight;
	m_bSprintJump = player.IsSprinting();
Ejemplo n.º 6
bool CTracer::Update(float frameTime, const Vec3 &camera, const float fovScale)
	frameTime							= (float)__fsel(-m_age, 0.002f, frameTime);
	const float tracerAge	= (float)__fsel(-m_age, 0.002f, m_age+frameTime);

	m_age = tracerAge;

	if (tracerAge >= m_lifeTime)
		return false;

	Vec3 currentLimitDestination;
	if (gEnv->bMultiplayer)
		if(m_tracerFlags & kTracerFlag_updateDestFromBullet)
			IEntity* pBulletEntity = gEnv->pEntitySystem->GetEntity(m_boundToBulletId);
				m_dest = pBulletEntity->GetPos();
		currentLimitDestination = m_dest;
		IEntity* pBulletEntity = gEnv->pEntitySystem->GetEntity(m_boundToBulletId);
		currentLimitDestination = pBulletEntity ? pBulletEntity->GetPos() : m_dest;

	const Vec3 maxTravelledDistance = m_dest - m_startingPos;
	const float maxTravelledDistanceSqr = maxTravelledDistance.len2();
	float dist = sqrt_tpl(maxTravelledDistanceSqr);
	if (dist <= 0.001f)
		return false;
	const Vec3 dir = maxTravelledDistance * (float)__fres(dist);
	Vec3 pos = m_pos;
	float lengthScale = 1.f;
	Vec3 newPos = m_pos;
	if (!(m_tracerFlags & kTracerFlag_dontTranslate))
    const float sqrRadius = GetGameConstCVar(g_tracers_slowDownAtCameraDistance) * GetGameConstCVar(g_tracers_slowDownAtCameraDistance);
		const float cameraDistance = (m_pos-camera).len2();
    const float speed = m_speed * (float)__fsel(sqrRadius - cameraDistance, 0.35f + (cameraDistance/(sqrRadius*2)), 1.0f); //Slow down tracer when near the player
    newPos += dir * min(speed*frameTime, dist);
	  pos = newPos;

		if(m_slideFrac > 0.f)
			pos += (((2.f * cry_frand()) - 0.5f) * m_slideFrac * speed * frameTime * dir);

	// Now update visuals...
	if (IEntity *pEntity = gEnv->pEntitySystem->GetEntity(m_entityId))
		AABB tracerBbox;

		float tracerHalfLength = !tracerBbox.IsEmpty() ? tracerBbox.GetRadius() : 0.0f;
		const Vec3 frontOfTracerPos = pos + (dir * tracerHalfLength);

		if((frontOfTracerPos-m_startingPos).len2() > maxTravelledDistanceSqr)
			return false;
		if (!(m_tracerFlags & kTracerFlag_dontTranslate) && tracerHalfLength > 0.f)
			//Ensure that never goes in front of the bullet
			const Vec3 dirFromFrontOfTracerToDestination = currentLimitDestination - frontOfTracerPos;
			if (dir.dot(dirFromFrontOfTracerToDestination) < 0)
				pos += dirFromFrontOfTracerToDestination;

			// ... and check if back of tracer is behind starting point, so adjust length.
			const Vec3 backOfTracerPos = pos - (dir * tracerHalfLength);
			const Vec3 dirFromBackOfTracerToStart = m_startingPos - backOfTracerPos;

			if (dir.dot(dirFromBackOfTracerToStart) > 0)
				if(dir.dot((m_startingPos - pos)) > 0)
					pos = m_startingPos + (dir * cry_frand() * tracerHalfLength);

				lengthScale = ((pos - m_startingPos).GetLength() / tracerHalfLength);
		m_pos = newPos;
		Matrix34 tm(Matrix33::CreateRotationVDir(dir));


		//Do not scale effects
		if((m_tracerFlags & kTracerFlag_useGeometry))
			float finalFovScale = fovScale;
			if((m_tracerFlags & kTracerFlag_scaleToDistance) != 0)
				lengthScale = dist * 0.5f;
				const float cameraDistanceSqr = (m_pos-camera).len2();
				const float minScale = GetGameConstCVar(g_tracers_minScale);
				const float maxScale = GetGameConstCVar(g_tracers_maxScale);
				const float minDistanceRange = GetGameConstCVar(g_tracers_minScaleAtDistance) * GetGameConstCVar(g_tracers_minScaleAtDistance);
				const float maxDistanceRange = max(GetGameConstCVar(g_tracers_maxScaleAtDistance) * GetGameConstCVar(g_tracers_maxScaleAtDistance), minDistanceRange + 1.0f);
				const float currentRefDistance = clamp(cameraDistanceSqr, minDistanceRange, maxDistanceRange);

				const float distanceToCameraFactor = ((currentRefDistance - minDistanceRange) / (maxDistanceRange - minDistanceRange));
				const float distanceToCameraScale = LERP(minScale, maxScale, distanceToCameraFactor);
				lengthScale = m_scale * distanceToCameraScale;
				finalFovScale *= distanceToCameraScale;
			const float widthScale = fovScale;

			tm.SetScale(Vec3(m_scale * finalFovScale, lengthScale, m_scale * finalFovScale));

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
// Extract the various modifiers out into their own function.
// Aim is to make the code easier to understand and modify, as 
// well as to ease the addition of new modifiers.
void CPlayerView::ViewFirstPerson(SViewParams &viewParams)
		Ang3 angOffset(0,0,0);
		Vec3 weaponOffset(0,0,0);
		Ang3 weaponAngleOffset(0,0,0);

		// jump/land spring effect. Adjust the eye and weapon pos as required.

		//float standSpeed(GetStanceMaxSpeed(STANCE_STAND));

		Vec3 vSpeed(0,0,0);
		if (m_in.standSpeed>0.001f)
			vSpeed = (m_in.stats_velocity / m_in.standSpeed);

		float vSpeedLen(vSpeed.len());
		if (vSpeedLen>1.5f)
			vSpeed = vSpeed / vSpeedLen * 1.5f;

		float speedMul(0);
		if (m_in.standSpeed>0.001f)
			speedMul=(m_in.stats_flatSpeed / m_in.standSpeed * 1.1f);

		speedMul = min(1.5f,speedMul);

		bool crawling(m_in.stance==STANCE_PRONE /*&& m_in.stats_flatSpeed>0.1f*/ && m_in.stats_onGround>0.1f);
		bool weaponZoomed = false;
		bool weaponZomming = false;

		//Not crawling while in zoom mode
		IActor *owner = gEnv->pGame->GetIGameFramework()->GetIActorSystem()->GetActor(m_in.entityId);
		if(owner && owner->IsPlayer())
			IItem *pItem = owner->GetCurrentItem();
				CWeapon *pWeapon = static_cast<CWeapon*>(pItem->GetIWeapon());
					weaponZoomed = pWeapon->IsZoomed();
					weaponZomming = pWeapon->IsZooming();
						crawling = false;
		// On the ground.
		if (m_in.stats_inAir < 0.1f /*&& m_in.stats_inWater < 0.1f*/)
			//--- Bobbing.
			// bobCycle is a speed varying time step running (looping) from 0 to 1 
			// this feeds into a sin eqn creating a double horizontal figure of 8.
			// ( a lissajous figure with the vertical freq twice the horz freq ).

			// To tweak the total speed of the curve:

			// To tweak the effect speed has on the curve:
			float kSpeedToBobFactor=1.15f;//0.9f
			// To tweak the width of the bob:
			float kBobWidth=0.1f;
			// To tweak the height of the bob:
			float kBobHeight=0.05f;
			// To tweak the scale of strafing lag: (may need to manually adjust the strafing angle offsets as well.)
			const float kStrafeHorzScale=0.05f;

			kBobWidth = 0.15f;
			kBobHeight = 0.06f;

			m_io.stats_bobCycle += m_in.frameTime * kSpeedToBobFactor * speedMul;// * (m_in.bSprinting?1.25f:1.0f);

			//if player is standing set the bob to rest. (bobCycle reaches 1.0f within 1 second)
			if (speedMul < 0.1f)
				m_io.stats_bobCycle = min(m_io.stats_bobCycle + m_in.frameTime * 1.0f,1.0f);

			// bobCycle loops between 0 and 1
			if (m_io.stats_bobCycle>1.0f)
				m_io.stats_bobCycle = m_io.stats_bobCycle - 1.0f;

			if (crawling)
				kBobWidth *= 2.0f * speedMul;
			else if (m_in.bSprinting)
				kBobWidth *= 1.25f * speedMul;

			//set the bob offset
			Vec3 bobDir(cry_sinf(m_io.stats_bobCycle*gf_PI*2.0f)*kBobWidth*speedMul,0,cry_sinf(m_io.stats_bobCycle*gf_PI*4.0f)*kBobHeight*speedMul);
			//not the bob offset for the weapon
			bobDir *= 0.25f;
			//if player is strafing shift a bit the weapon on left/right
			if (speedMul > 0.01f)
				// right vector dot speed vector
				float dot(m_io.viewQuatFinal.GetColumn0() * vSpeed);

				bobDir.x -= dot * kStrafeHorzScale;	// the faster we move right, the more the gun lags to the left and vice versa

				//tweak the right strafe for weapon laser
				if (dot>0.0f)
					weaponAngleOffset.z += dot * 1.5f;	// kStrafeHorzScale
					weaponAngleOffset.z -= dot * 2.0f;	// kStrafeHorzScale

				weaponAngleOffset.y += dot * 5.0f;		// kStrafeHorzScale
			//CryLogAlways("bobDir.z: %f", bobDir.z);
			if (bobDir.z < 0.0f)
				bobDir.x *= 1.0f;
				bobDir.y *= 1.0f;
				bobDir.z *= 0.35f;
				speedMul *= 0.65f;
				bobDir.z *= 1.85f;

			//CryLogAlways("bobDir.z: %f after", bobDir.z);
			weaponOffset += m_io.viewQuatFinal * bobDir;
			weaponOffset -= m_io.baseQuat.GetColumn2() * 0.035f * speedMul;

			weaponAngleOffset.y += cry_sinf(m_io.stats_bobCycle*gf_PI*2.0f) * speedMul * -1.5f;
			if (crawling)
				weaponAngleOffset.y *= 3.0f;

			weaponAngleOffset.x += speedMul * 1.5f;
			if (crawling)
				weaponAngleOffset.z += cry_sinf(m_io.stats_bobCycle*gf_PI*2.0f) * speedMul * 3.0f;

			//FIXME: viewAngles must include all the view offsets, otherwise aiming wont be precise.
			angOffset.x += cry_sinf(m_io.stats_bobCycle*gf_PI*4.0f)*0.7f*speedMul;

			if (crawling)
				angOffset.x *= 2.5f;
				angOffset.y += cry_sinf(m_io.stats_bobCycle*gf_PI*2.0f)*1.25f*speedMul;
				angOffset.z -= cry_sinf(m_io.stats_bobCycle*gf_PI*2.0f)*2.5f*speedMul;

			else if (m_in.bSprinting)
				angOffset.x *= 2.5f;
				angOffset.y += cry_sinf(m_io.stats_bobCycle*gf_PI*2.0f)*1.0f*speedMul;
				angOffset.z -= cry_sinf(m_io.stats_bobCycle*gf_PI*2.0f)*2.25f*speedMul;
			else if(m_in.stance==STANCE_CROUCH && !weaponZoomed && !weaponZomming)
				weaponOffset.z   += 0.035f;
				weaponOffset.y   -= m_io.viewQuatFinal.GetColumn1().y * 0.03f;
			else if(m_in.stance==STANCE_CROUCH && weaponZomming)
				weaponOffset.z	-= 0.07f;
				weaponOffset.y	+=  m_io.viewQuatFinal.GetColumn1().y * 0.06f;
				//angOffset.x *= 2.25f;
				//angOffset.y += cry_sinf(m_io.stats_bobCycle*gf_PI*2.0f)*0.5f*speedMul;
				//angOffset.z -= cry_sinf(m_io.stats_bobCycle*gf_PI*2.0f)*1.125f*speedMul;
			m_io.stats_bobCycle = 0;

			//while flying offset a bit the weapon model by the player speed	
			if (m_in.stats_velocity.len2()>0.001f)
				float dotFwd(m_io.viewQuatFinal.GetColumn1() * vSpeed);
				float dotSide(m_io.viewQuatFinal.GetColumn0() * vSpeed);
				float dotUp(m_io.viewQuatFinal.GetColumn2() * vSpeed);

				weaponOffset += m_io.viewQuatFinal * Vec3(dotSide * -0.05f,dotFwd * -0.035f,dotUp * -0.05f);

				weaponAngleOffset.x += dotUp * 2.0f;
				weaponAngleOffset.y += dotSide * 5.0f;
				weaponAngleOffset.z -= dotSide * 2.0f;

		//add some inertia to weapon due view direction change.
		float deltaDotSide(m_io.vFPWeaponLastDirVec * m_io.viewQuatFinal.GetColumn0());
		float deltaDotUp(m_io.vFPWeaponLastDirVec * m_io.viewQuatFinal.GetColumn2());

		weaponOffset += m_io.viewQuatFinal * Vec3(deltaDotSide * 0.1f + m_in.stats_leanAmount * 0.05f,0,deltaDotUp * 0.1f - fabs(m_in.stats_leanAmount) * 0.05f) * m_in.params_weaponInertiaMultiplier;

		weaponAngleOffset.x -= deltaDotUp * 5.0f * m_in.params_weaponInertiaMultiplier;
		weaponAngleOffset.z += deltaDotSide * 5.0f * m_in.params_weaponInertiaMultiplier;
		weaponAngleOffset.y += deltaDotSide * 5.0f * m_in.params_weaponInertiaMultiplier;

			weaponAngleOffset.y += m_in.stats_leanAmount * 5.0f;

		//the weapon model tries to stay parallel to the terrain when the player is freefalling/parachuting

		if (m_in.stats_inWater > 0.0f)
			weaponOffset -= m_io.viewQuat.GetColumn2() * 0.15f;

		if (m_in.stats_inWater>0.1f && !m_in.stats_headUnderWater)
			Ang3 offset(m_io.viewQuatFinal);
			offset.z = 0;
			if (offset.x<0.0f)
				offset.x = 0;

			weaponAngleOffset -= offset*(180.0f/gf_PI)*0.75f;
		else if (m_io.stats_inFreefall)
			Ang3 offset(m_io.viewQuatFinal);
			offset.z = 0;

			weaponAngleOffset -= offset*(180.0f/gf_PI)*0.5f;
		//same thing with crawling
		else if (crawling)
			//FIXME:to optimize, looks like a bit too expensive
			Vec3 forward(m_io.viewQuatFinal.GetColumn1());
			Vec3 up(m_io.baseQuat.GetColumn2());
			Vec3 right(-(up % forward));

			Matrix33 mat;

			Ang3 offset(m_io.viewQuatFinal.GetInverted() * Quat(mat));

			weaponAngleOffset += offset*(180.0f/gf_PI)*0.5f;

			float lookDown(m_io.viewQuatFinal.GetColumn1() * m_io.baseQuat.GetColumn2());
			weaponOffset += m_io.baseQuat * Vec3(0,-0.5f*max(-lookDown,0.0f),-0.05f);

			float scale = 0.5f;;
				scale = min(0.5f,weaponAngleOffset.x/15.0f);
				weaponAngleOffset.x *= scale;
				scale = min(0.5f,-weaponAngleOffset.x/20.0f);
				weaponAngleOffset *= (1.0f-scale);
				weaponOffset *= scale;
				//weaponAngleOffset += Ang3(-8.0f,0,-12.5f);
		else if (m_in.bSprinting && vSpeedLen>0.5f)
			weaponAngleOffset += Ang3(-20.0f,0,10.0f);
			weaponOffset += m_io.viewQuatFinal * Vec3(0.0f, -.01f, .1f);
		else if (m_in.bLookingAtFriendlyAI && !weaponZomming && !weaponZoomed)
			weaponAngleOffset += Ang3(-15.0f,0,8.0f);
			weaponOffset += m_io.viewQuatFinal * Vec3(0.0f, -.01f, .05f);

		//apply some multipliers
		weaponOffset *= m_in.params_weaponBobbingMultiplier;
		angOffset *= m_io.bobMul * 0.25f;
		if (m_io.bobMul*m_io.bobMul!=1.0f)
			weaponOffset *= m_io.bobMul;
			weaponAngleOffset *= m_io.bobMul;

		float bobSpeedMult(1.0f);
			bobSpeedMult = 0.75f;
//		m_io.viewQuatForWeapon *= Quat::CreateRotationXYZ(Ang3(rx,ry,rz));

			m_io.vFPWeaponLastDirVec = m_io.viewQuatFinal.GetColumn1();

		if (m_in.bSprinting)
			float headBobScale = (m_in.stats_flatSpeed / m_in.standSpeed);
			headBobScale = min(1.0f, headBobScale);

			m_io.bobOffset = m_io.vFPWeaponOffset * 2.5f * g_pGameCVars->cl_headBob * headBobScale;
			float bobLenSq = m_io.bobOffset.GetLengthSquared();
			float bobLenLimit = g_pGameCVars->cl_headBobLimit;
			if (bobLenSq > bobLenLimit*bobLenLimit)
				float bobLen = sqrt_tpl(bobLenSq);
				m_io.bobOffset *= bobLenLimit/bobLen;
			viewParams.position += m_io.bobOffset;