Ejemplo n.º 1
void ends_with ( const char *arg ) {
    const size_t sz = strlen ( arg );
    string_ref sr ( arg );
    string_ref sr2 ( arg );
    const char *p = arg;

    while ( *p ) {
        BOOST_CHECK ( sr.ends_with ( p ));

    while ( !sr2.empty ()) {
        BOOST_CHECK ( sr.ends_with ( sr2 ));
        sr2.remove_prefix (1);

    sr2 = arg;
    while ( !sr2.empty ()) {
        BOOST_CHECK ( sr.ends_with ( sr2 ));
        sr2.remove_prefix (1);

    char ch = sz == 0 ? '\0' : arg [ sz - 1 ];
    sr2 = arg;
    if ( sz > 0 )
      BOOST_CHECK ( sr2.ends_with ( ch ));
    BOOST_CHECK ( !sr2.ends_with ( ++ch ));
    BOOST_CHECK ( sr2.ends_with ( string_ref ()));
Ejemplo n.º 2
void cryptos::s1(bybuff& tk, bybuff& r1, bybuff& r2, bybuff& stk)const
    bybuff  sr1(r1.buffer()+8,r1.length()-8);
    bybuff  sr2(r2.buffer()+8,r2.length()-8);
    sr1 << sr2;
    _eee(tk, sr1, stk);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void reverse ( const char *arg ) {
//  Round trip
    string_ref sr1 ( arg );
    std::string string1 ( sr1.rbegin (), sr1.rend ());
    string_ref sr2 ( string1 );
    std::string string2 ( sr2.rbegin (), sr2.rend ());

    BOOST_CHECK ( std::equal ( sr2.rbegin (), sr2.rend (), arg ));
    BOOST_CHECK ( string2 == arg );
    BOOST_CHECK ( std::equal ( sr1.begin (), sr1.end (), string2.begin ()));
Ejemplo n.º 4
void null_tests ( const char *p ) {
//  All zero-length string-refs should be equal
    string_ref sr1; // NULL, 0
    string_ref sr2 ( NULL, 0 );
    string_ref sr3 ( p, 0 );
    string_ref sr4 ( p );
    sr4.clear ();
    BOOST_CHECK ( sr1 == sr2 );
    BOOST_CHECK ( sr1 == sr3 );
    BOOST_CHECK ( sr2 == sr3 );
    BOOST_CHECK ( sr1 == sr4 );    
Ejemplo n.º 5
void starts_with ( const char *arg ) {
    string_ref sr  ( arg );
    string_ref sr2 ( arg );
    const char *p = arg + std::strlen ( arg ) - 1;
    while ( p >= arg ) {
        std::string foo ( arg, p + 1 );
        BOOST_CHECK ( sr.starts_with ( foo ));

    while ( !sr2.empty ()) {
        BOOST_CHECK ( sr.starts_with ( sr2 ));
        sr2.remove_suffix (1);

    BOOST_CHECK ( sr.starts_with ( string_ref ()));
Ejemplo n.º 6
void starts_with ( const char *arg ) {
    const size_t sz = strlen ( arg );
    string_ref sr  ( arg );
    string_ref sr2 ( arg );
    const char *p = arg + std::strlen ( arg ) - 1;
    while ( p >= arg ) {
        std::string foo ( arg, p + 1 );
        BOOST_CHECK ( sr.starts_with ( foo ));

    while ( !sr2.empty ()) {
        BOOST_CHECK ( sr.starts_with ( sr2 ));
        sr2.remove_suffix (1);

    char ch = *arg;
    sr2 = arg;
  if ( sz > 0 )
    BOOST_CHECK ( sr2.starts_with ( ch ));
    BOOST_CHECK ( !sr2.starts_with ( ++ch ));
    BOOST_CHECK ( sr2.starts_with ( string_ref ()));
Ejemplo n.º 7
void ends_with ( const char *arg ) {
    string_ref sr ( arg );
    string_ref sr2 ( arg );
    const char *p = arg;

    while ( !*p ) {
        BOOST_CHECK ( sr.ends_with ( p ));

    while ( !sr2.empty ()) {
        BOOST_CHECK ( sr.ends_with ( sr2 ));
        sr2.remove_prefix (1);

    sr2 = arg;
    while ( !sr2.empty ()) {
        BOOST_CHECK ( sr.ends_with ( sr2 ));
        sr2.remove_prefix (1);

    BOOST_CHECK ( sr.ends_with ( string_ref ()));
Ejemplo n.º 8
// Update map window screen
// top_tile top left tile to draw. Not necessarily visible.
// extRect, extRect = map window on screen
// moveX, moveY: when a hero is in movement indicates how to shift the map. Range is -31 to + 31.
void CMapHandler::terrainRect( int3 top_tile, ui8 anim, const std::vector< std::vector< std::vector<ui8> > > * visibilityMap, bool otherHeroAnim, ui8 heroAnim, SDL_Surface * extSurf, const SDL_Rect * extRect, int moveX, int moveY, bool puzzleMode, int3 grailPosRel ) const
	// Width and height of the portion of the map to process. Units in tiles.
	ui32 dx = tilesW;
	ui32 dy = tilesH;

	// Basic rectangle for a tile. Should be a const but conflicts with SDL headers
	SDL_Rect rtile = { 0, 0, 32, 32 };

	// Absolute coords of the first pixel in the top left corner
	int srx_init = offsetX + extRect->x;
	int sry_init = offsetY + extRect->y;

	int srx, sry;	// absolute screen coordinates in pixels

	// If moving, we need to add an extra column/line
	if (moveX != 0) 
		srx_init += moveX;
		if (moveX > 0) 
			// Moving right. We still need to draw the old tile on the
			// left, so adjust our referential
			top_tile.x --;
			srx_init -= 32;

	if (moveY != 0) 
		sry_init += moveY;
		if (moveY > 0) 
			// Moving down. We still need to draw the tile on the top,
			// so adjust our referential.
			top_tile.y --;
			sry_init -= 32;

	// Reduce sizes if we go out of the full map.
	if (top_tile.x < -frameW)
		top_tile.x = -frameW;
	if (top_tile.y < -frameH)
		top_tile.y = -frameH;
	if (top_tile.x + dx > sizes.x + frameW)
		dx = sizes.x + frameW - top_tile.x;
	if (top_tile.y + dy > sizes.y + frameH)
		dy = sizes.y + frameH - top_tile.y;
		heroAnim = anim; //the same, as it should be

	SDL_Rect prevClip;
	SDL_GetClipRect(extSurf, &prevClip);
	SDL_SetClipRect(extSurf, extRect); //preventing blitting outside of that rect

	const BlitterWithRotationVal blitterWithRotation = CSDL_Ext::getBlitterWithRotation(extSurf);
	const BlitterWithRotationVal blitterWithRotationAndAlpha = CSDL_Ext::getBlitterWithRotationAndAlpha(extSurf);
	//const BlitterWithRotationAndAlphaVal blitterWithRotation = CSDL_Ext::getBlitterWithRotation(extSurf);

	// printing terrain
	srx = srx_init;

	for (int bx = 0; bx < dx; bx++, srx+=32)
		// Skip column if not in map
		if (top_tile.x+bx < 0 || top_tile.x+bx >= sizes.x)

		sry = sry_init;

		for (int by=0; by < dy; by++, sry+=32)
			int3 pos(top_tile.x+bx, top_tile.y+by, top_tile.z); //blitted tile position

			// Skip tile if not in map
			if (pos.y < 0 || pos.y >= sizes.y)

			const TerrainTile2 & tile = ttiles[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z];
			const TerrainTile &tinfo = map->getTile(int3(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z));

			SDL_Rect sr;

			//blit terrain with river/road
			{ //if custom terrain graphic - use it
				SDL_Rect temp_rect = genRect(sr.h, sr.w, 0, 0);
				CSDL_Ext::blitSurface(tile.terbitmap, &temp_rect, extSurf, &sr);
			else //use default terrain graphic
                blitterWithRotation(terrainGraphics[tinfo.terType][tinfo.terView],rtile, extSurf, sr, tinfo.extTileFlags%4);
            if(tinfo.riverType) //print river if present
                blitterWithRotationAndAlpha(staticRiverDefs[tinfo.riverType-1]->ourImages[tinfo.riverDir].bitmap,rtile, extSurf, sr, (tinfo.extTileFlags>>2)%4);

			//Roads are shifted by 16 pixels to bottom. We have to draw both parts separately
			if (pos.y > 0 && map->getTile(int3(pos.x, pos.y-1, pos.z)).roadType != ERoadType::NO_ROAD)
			{ //part from top tile
				const TerrainTile &topTile = map->getTile(int3(pos.x, pos.y-1, pos.z));
				Rect source(0, 16, 32, 16);
				Rect dest(sr.x, sr.y, sr.w, sr.h/2);
                blitterWithRotationAndAlpha(roadDefs[topTile.roadType - 1]->ourImages[topTile.roadDir].bitmap, source, extSurf, dest, (topTile.extTileFlags>>4)%4);

            if(tinfo.roadType != ERoadType::NO_ROAD) //print road from this tile
				Rect source(0, 0, 32, 32);
				Rect dest(sr.x, sr.y+16, sr.w, sr.h/2);
                blitterWithRotationAndAlpha(roadDefs[tinfo.roadType-1]->ourImages[tinfo.roadDir].bitmap, source, extSurf, dest, (tinfo.extTileFlags>>4)%4);

			//blit objects
			const std::vector < std::pair<const CGObjectInstance*,SDL_Rect> > &objects = tile.objects;
			for(int h=0; h < objects.size(); ++h)
				const CGObjectInstance *obj = objects[h].first;
				if (!graphics->getDef(obj))

				PlayerColor color = obj->tempOwner;

				//checking if object has non-empty graphic on this tile
				if(obj->ID != Obj::HERO && !obj->coveringAt(top_tile.x + bx - obj->pos.x, top_tile.y + by - obj->pos.y))

				static const int notBlittedInPuzzleMode[] = {124};

				//don't print flaggable objects in puzzle mode
				if(puzzleMode && (obj->isVisitable() || std::find(notBlittedInPuzzleMode, notBlittedInPuzzleMode+1, obj->ID) != notBlittedInPuzzleMode+1)) //?

 				SDL_Rect sr2(sr); 

				SDL_Rect pp = objects[h].second;
				pp.h = sr.h;
				pp.w = sr.w;

				const CGHeroInstance * themp = (obj->ID != Obj::HERO
					? NULL  
					: static_cast<const CGHeroInstance*>(obj));

				//print hero / boat and flag
				if((themp && themp->moveDir && themp->type) || (obj->ID == Obj::BOAT)) //it's hero or boat
					const int IMGVAL = 8; //frames per group of movement animation
					ui8 dir;
					std::vector<Cimage> * iv = NULL;
					std::vector<CDefEssential *> Graphics::*flg = NULL;
					SDL_Surface * tb = nullptr; //surface to blitted

					if(themp) //hero
						if(themp->tempOwner >= PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT) //Neutral hero?
                            logGlobal->errorStream() << "A neutral hero (" << themp->name << ") at " << themp->pos << ". Should not happen!";

						dir = themp->moveDir;

						//pick graphics of hero (or boat if hero is sailing)
						if (themp->boat)
							iv = &graphics->boatAnims[themp->boat->subID]->ourImages;
						else if (themp->sex)
							iv = &graphics->heroAnims[themp->type->heroClass->imageMapFemale]->ourImages;
							iv = &graphics->heroAnims[themp->type->heroClass->imageMapMale]->ourImages;

						//pick appropriate flag set
							switch (themp->boat->subID)
							case 0: flg = &Graphics::flags1; break;
							case 1: flg = &Graphics::flags2; break;
							case 2: flg = &Graphics::flags3; break;
                            default: logGlobal->errorStream() << "Not supported boat subtype: " << themp->boat->subID;
							flg = &Graphics::flags4;
					else //boat
						const CGBoat *boat = static_cast<const CGBoat*>(obj);
						dir = boat->direction;
						iv = &graphics->boatAnims[boat->subID]->ourImages;

					if(themp && !themp->isStanding) //hero is moving
						size_t gg;
						for(gg=0; gg<iv->size(); ++gg)
							if((*iv)[gg].groupNumber==getHeroFrameNum(dir, true))
								tb = (*iv)[gg+heroAnim%IMGVAL].bitmap;

						//printing flag
						CSDL_Ext::blitSurface((graphics->*flg)[color.getNum()]->ourImages[gg+heroAnim%IMGVAL+35].bitmap, &pp, extSurf, &sr2);
					else //hero / boat stands still
						size_t gg;
						for(gg=0; gg < iv->size(); ++gg)
							if((*iv)[gg].groupNumber==getHeroFrameNum(dir, false))
								tb = (*iv)[gg].bitmap;

						//printing flag
							&&  obj->pos.x == top_tile.x + bx  
							&&  obj->pos.y == top_tile.y + by)
							SDL_Rect bufr = sr2;
							bufr.h = 64;
							bufr.w = 96;
								CSDL_Ext::blitSurface((graphics->*flg)[color.getNum()]->ourImages[getHeroFrameNum(dir, false) *8+(heroAnim/4)%IMGVAL].bitmap, NULL, extSurf, &bufr);
				else //blit normal object
					const std::vector<Cimage> &ourImages = graphics->getDef(obj)->ourImages;
					SDL_Surface *bitmap = ourImages[(anim+getPhaseShift(obj))%ourImages.size()].bitmap;

					//setting appropriate flag color
					if(color < PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT || color==PlayerColor::NEUTRAL)
						CSDL_Ext::setPlayerColor(bitmap, color);

					if( obj->hasShadowAt(top_tile.x + bx - obj->pos.x, top_tile.y + by - obj->pos.y) )
			//objects blitted

			//X sign
				if(bx == grailPosRel.x && by == grailPosRel.y)
					CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(graphics->heroMoveArrows->ourImages[0].bitmap, NULL, extSurf, &sr);