Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Initialize libsigrokdecode.
 * This initializes the Python interpreter, and creates and initializes
 * a "sigrokdecode" Python module.
 * Then, it searches for sigrok protocol decoders in the "decoders"
 * subdirectory of the the libsigrokdecode installation directory.
 * All decoders that are found are loaded into memory and added to an
 * internal list of decoders, which can be queried via srd_decoder_list().
 * The caller is responsible for calling the clean-up function srd_exit(),
 * which will properly shut down libsigrokdecode and free its allocated memory.
 * Multiple calls to srd_init(), without calling srd_exit() in between,
 * are not allowed.
 * @param path Path to an extra directory containing protocol decoders
 *             which will be added to the Python sys.path. May be NULL.
 * @return SRD_OK upon success, a (negative) error code otherwise.
 *         Upon Python errors, SRD_ERR_PYTHON is returned. If the decoders
 *         directory cannot be accessed, SRD_ERR_DECODERS_DIR is returned.
 *         If not enough memory could be allocated, SRD_ERR_MALLOC is returned.
 * @since 0.1.0
SRD_API int srd_init(const char *path)
	int ret;
	char *env_path;

	if (max_session_id != -1) {
		srd_err("libsigrokdecode is already initialized.");
		return SRD_ERR;

	srd_dbg("Initializing libsigrokdecode.");

	/* Add our own module to the list of built-in modules. */
	PyImport_AppendInittab("sigrokdecode", PyInit_sigrokdecode);

	/* Initialize the Python interpreter. */

	/* Installed decoders. */
	if ((ret = srd_decoder_searchpath_add(DECODERS_DIR)) != SRD_OK) {
		return ret;

	/* Path specified by the user. */
	if (path) {
		if ((ret = srd_decoder_searchpath_add(path)) != SRD_OK) {
			return ret;

	/* Environment variable overrides everything, for debugging. */
	if ((env_path = getenv("SIGROKDECODE_DIR"))) {
		if ((ret = srd_decoder_searchpath_add(env_path)) != SRD_OK) {
			return ret;

	max_session_id = 0;

	return SRD_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static int searchpath_add_xdg_dir(const char *datadir)
	char *decdir;
	int ret;

	decdir = g_build_filename(datadir, PACKAGE_TARNAME, "decoders", NULL);

	if (g_file_test(decdir, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR))
		ret = srd_decoder_searchpath_add(decdir);
		ret = SRD_OK; /* just ignore non-existing directory */


	return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Initialize libsigrokdecode.
 * This initializes the Python interpreter, and creates and initializes
 * a "sigrokdecode" Python module.
 * Then, it searches for sigrok protocol decoders in the "decoders"
 * subdirectory of the the libsigrokdecode installation directory.
 * All decoders that are found are loaded into memory and added to an
 * internal list of decoders, which can be queried via srd_decoder_list().
 * The caller is responsible for calling the clean-up function srd_exit(),
 * which will properly shut down libsigrokdecode and free its allocated memory.
 * Multiple calls to srd_init(), without calling srd_exit() in between,
 * are not allowed.
 * @param path Path to an extra directory containing protocol decoders
 *             which will be added to the Python sys.path. May be NULL.
 * @return SRD_OK upon success, a (negative) error code otherwise.
 *         Upon Python errors, SRD_ERR_PYTHON is returned. If the decoders
 *         directory cannot be accessed, SRD_ERR_DECODERS_DIR is returned.
 *         If not enough memory could be allocated, SRD_ERR_MALLOC is returned.
 * @since 0.1.0
SRD_API int srd_init(const char *path)
	const char *const *sys_datadirs;
	size_t i;
	int ret;
	const char *env_path;

	if (max_session_id != -1) {
		srd_err("libsigrokdecode is already initialized.");
		return SRD_ERR;

	srd_dbg("Initializing libsigrokdecode.");

	/* Add our own module to the list of built-in modules. */
	PyImport_AppendInittab("sigrokdecode", PyInit_sigrokdecode);

	/* Initialize the Python interpreter. */
	/* Locations relative to the XDG system data directories. */
	sys_datadirs = g_get_system_data_dirs();
	for (i = g_strv_length((char **)sys_datadirs); i > 0; i--) {
		ret = searchpath_add_xdg_dir(sys_datadirs[i-1]);
		if (ret != SRD_OK) {
			return ret;
	/* Hardcoded decoders install location, if defined. */
	if ((ret = srd_decoder_searchpath_add(DECODERS_DIR)) != SRD_OK) {
		return ret;
	/* Location relative to the XDG user data directory. */
	ret = searchpath_add_xdg_dir(g_get_user_data_dir());
	if (ret != SRD_OK) {
		return ret;

	/* Path specified by the user. */
	if (path) {
		if ((ret = srd_decoder_searchpath_add(path)) != SRD_OK) {
			return ret;

	/* Environment variable overrides everything, for debugging. */
	if ((env_path = g_getenv("SIGROKDECODE_DIR"))) {
		if ((ret = srd_decoder_searchpath_add(env_path)) != SRD_OK) {
			return ret;

	max_session_id = 0;

	return SRD_OK;