sinode *si_bootstrap(si *i, uint64_t parent) { sr *r = i->r; /* create node */ sinode *n = si_nodenew(r); if (ssunlikely(n == NULL)) return NULL; sdid id = { .parent = parent, .flags = 0, .id = sr_seq(r->seq, SR_NSNNEXT) }; int rc; rc = si_nodecreate(n, r, i->scheme, &id); if (ssunlikely(rc == -1)) goto e0; n->branch = &n->self; n->branch_count++; /* in-memory mode support */ ssblob *blob = NULL; if (i->scheme->storage == SI_SIN_MEMORY) { blob = &n->self.copy; rc = ss_blobensure(blob, 4096); if (ssunlikely(rc == -1)) goto e0; n->in_memory = 1; } /* create index with one empty page */ sdindex index; sd_indexinit(&index); rc = sd_indexbegin(&index, r); if (ssunlikely(rc == -1)) goto e0; ssqf f, *qf = NULL; ss_qfinit(&f); sdbuild build; sd_buildinit(&build); rc = sd_buildbegin(&build, r, i->scheme->node_page_checksum, i->scheme->compression_key, i->scheme->compression, i->scheme->compression_if); if (ssunlikely(rc == -1)) goto e1; sd_buildend(&build, r); rc = sd_indexadd(&index, r, &build, sizeof(sdseal)); if (ssunlikely(rc == -1)) goto e1; /* write seal */ uint64_t seal = n->file.size; rc = sd_writeseal(r, &n->file, blob); if (ssunlikely(rc == -1)) goto e1; /* write page */ rc = sd_writepage(r, &n->file, blob, &build); if (ssunlikely(rc == -1)) goto e1; /* amqf */ if (i->scheme->amqf) { rc = ss_qfensure(&f, r->a, 0); if (ssunlikely(rc == -1)) goto e1; qf = &f; } rc = sd_indexcommit(&index, r, &id, qf, n->file.size); if (ssunlikely(rc == -1)) goto e1; ss_qffree(&f, r->a); /* write index */ rc = sd_writeindex(r, &n->file, blob, &index); if (ssunlikely(rc == -1)) goto e1; /* close seal */ rc = sd_seal(r, &n->file, blob, &index, seal); if (ssunlikely(rc == -1)) goto e1; if (blob) { rc = ss_blobfit(blob); if (ssunlikely(rc == -1)) goto e1; } if (i->scheme->mmap) { rc = si_nodemap(n, r); if (ssunlikely(rc == -1)) goto e1; } si_branchset(&n->self, &index); sd_buildcommit(&build, r); sd_buildfree(&build, r); return n; e1: ss_qffree(&f, r->a); sd_indexfree(&index, r); sd_buildfree(&build, r); e0: si_nodefree(n, r, 0); return NULL; } static inline int si_deploy(si *i, sr *r, int create_directory) { /* create directory */ int rc; if (sslikely(create_directory)) { rc = ss_vfsmkdir(r->vfs, i->scheme->path, 0755); if (ssunlikely(rc == -1)) { sr_malfunction(r->e, "directory '%s' create error: %s", i->scheme->path, strerror(errno)); return -1; } } /* create scheme file */ rc = si_schemedeploy(i->scheme, r); if (ssunlikely(rc == -1)) { sr_malfunction_set(r->e); return -1; } /* create initial node */ sinode *n = si_bootstrap(i, 0); if (ssunlikely(n == NULL)) return -1; SS_INJECTION(r->i, SS_INJECTION_SI_RECOVER_0, si_nodefree(n, r, 0); sr_malfunction(r->e, "%s", "error injection"); return -1); rc = si_nodecomplete(n, r, i->scheme); if (ssunlikely(rc == -1)) { si_nodefree(n, r, 1); return -1; } si_insert(i, n); si_plannerupdate(&i->p, SI_COMPACT|SI_BRANCH|SI_TEMP, n); i->size = si_nodesize(n); return 1; }
static inline sibranch* si_branchcreate(si *index, sdc *c, sinode *parent, svindex *vindex, uint64_t vlsn) { sr *r = index->r; sibranch *branch = NULL; /* in-memory mode blob */ int rc; ssblob copy, *blob = NULL; if (parent->in_memory) { ss_blobinit(©, r->vfs); rc = ss_blobensure(©, 10ULL * 1024 * 1024); if (ssunlikely(rc == -1)) { sr_oom_malfunction(r->e); return NULL; } blob = © } svmerge vmerge; sv_mergeinit(&vmerge); rc = sv_mergeprepare(&vmerge, r, 1); if (ssunlikely(rc == -1)) return NULL; svmergesrc *s = sv_mergeadd(&vmerge, NULL); ss_iterinit(sv_indexiter, &s->src); ss_iteropen(sv_indexiter, &s->src, r, vindex, SS_GTE, NULL, 0); ssiter i; ss_iterinit(sv_mergeiter, &i); ss_iteropen(sv_mergeiter, &i, r, &vmerge, SS_GTE); /* merge iter is not used */ sdmergeconf mergeconf = { .size_stream = UINT32_MAX, .size_node = UINT64_MAX, .size_page = index->scheme->node_page_size, .checksum = index->scheme->node_page_checksum, .compression_key = index->scheme->compression_key, .compression = index->scheme->compression_branch, .compression_if = index->scheme->compression_branch_if, .vlsn = vlsn, .vlsn_lru = 0, .save_delete = 1, .save_upsert = 1 }; sdmerge merge; sd_mergeinit(&merge, r, &i, &c->build, &c->upsert, &mergeconf); while ((rc = sd_merge(&merge)) > 0) { assert(branch == NULL); /* write open seal */ uint64_t seal = parent->file.size; rc = sd_writeseal(r, &parent->file, blob); if (ssunlikely(rc == -1)) goto e0; /* write pages */ uint64_t offset = parent->file.size; while ((rc = sd_mergepage(&merge, offset)) == 1) { rc = sd_writepage(r, &parent->file, blob,; if (ssunlikely(rc == -1)) goto e0; offset = parent->file.size; } if (ssunlikely(rc == -1)) goto e0; sdid id = { .parent = parent->, .flags = SD_IDBRANCH, .id = sr_seq(r->seq, SR_NSNNEXT) }; rc = sd_mergecommit(&merge, &id, parent->file.size); if (ssunlikely(rc == -1)) goto e0; /* write index */ rc = sd_writeindex(r, &parent->file, blob, &merge.index); if (ssunlikely(rc == -1)) goto e0; if (index->scheme->sync) { rc = ss_filesync(&parent->file); if (ssunlikely(rc == -1)) { sr_malfunction(r->e, "file '%s' sync error: %s", ss_pathof(&parent->file.path), strerror(errno)); goto e0; } } SS_INJECTION(r->i, SS_INJECTION_SI_BRANCH_0, sd_mergefree(&merge); sr_malfunction(r->e, "%s", "error injection"); return NULL); /* seal the branch */ rc = sd_seal(r, &parent->file, blob, &merge.index, seal); if (ssunlikely(rc == -1)) goto e0; if (index->scheme->sync == 2) { rc = ss_filesync(&parent->file); if (ssunlikely(rc == -1)) { sr_malfunction(r->e, "file '%s' sync error: %s", ss_pathof(&parent->file.path), strerror(errno)); goto e0; } } /* create new branch object */ branch = si_branchnew(r); if (ssunlikely(branch == NULL)) goto e0; si_branchset(branch, &merge.index); } sv_mergefree(&vmerge, r->a); if (ssunlikely(rc == -1)) { sr_oom_malfunction(r->e); goto e0; } assert(branch != NULL); /* in-memory mode support */ if (blob) { rc = ss_blobfit(blob); if (ssunlikely(rc == -1)) { ss_blobfree(blob); goto e1; } branch->copy = copy; } /* mmap support */ if (index->scheme->mmap) { ss_mmapinit(&parent->map_swap); rc = ss_vfsmmap(r->vfs, &parent->map_swap, parent->file.fd, parent->file.size, 1); if (ssunlikely(rc == -1)) { sr_malfunction(r->e, "db file '%s' mmap error: %s", ss_pathof(&parent->file.path), strerror(errno)); goto e1; } } return branch; e0: sd_mergefree(&merge); if (blob) ss_blobfree(blob); return NULL; e1: si_branchfree(branch, r); return NULL; } int si_branch(si *index, sdc *c, siplan *plan, uint64_t vlsn) { sr *r = index->r; sinode *n = plan->node; assert(n->flags & SI_LOCK); si_lock(index); if (ssunlikely(n->used == 0)) { si_nodeunlock(n); si_unlock(index); return 0; } svindex *i; i = si_noderotate(n); si_unlock(index); sibranch *branch = si_branchcreate(index, c, n, i, vlsn); if (ssunlikely(branch == NULL)) return -1; /* commit */ si_lock(index); branch->next = n->branch; n->branch->link = branch; n->branch = branch; n->branch_count++; uint32_t used = sv_indexused(i); n->used -= used; ss_quota(r->quota, SS_QREMOVE, used); index->size += sd_indexsize(branch->index.h) + sd_indextotal(&branch->index); svindex swap = *i; si_nodeunrotate(n); si_nodeunlock(n); si_plannerupdate(&index->p, SI_BRANCH|SI_COMPACT, n); ssmmap swap_map = n->map; n->map = n->map_swap; memset(&n->map_swap, 0, sizeof(n->map_swap)); si_unlock(index); /* gc */ if (index->scheme->mmap) { int rc = ss_vfsmunmap(r->vfs, &swap_map); if (ssunlikely(rc == -1)) { sr_malfunction(r->e, "db file '%s' munmap error: %s", ss_pathof(&n->file.path), strerror(errno)); return -1; } } si_nodegc_index(r, &swap); return 1; } int si_compact(si *index, sdc *c, siplan *plan, uint64_t vlsn, uint64_t vlsn_lru, ssiter *vindex, uint64_t vindex_used) { sr *r = index->r; sinode *node = plan->node; assert(node->flags & SI_LOCK); /* prepare for compaction */ int rc; rc = sd_censure(c, r, node->branch_count); if (ssunlikely(rc == -1)) return sr_oom_malfunction(r->e); svmerge merge; sv_mergeinit(&merge); rc = sv_mergeprepare(&merge, r, node->branch_count + 1); if (ssunlikely(rc == -1)) return -1; /* read node file into memory */ int use_mmap = index->scheme->mmap; ssmmap *map = &node->map; ssmmap preload; if (index->scheme->node_compact_load) { rc = si_noderead(node, r, &c->c); if (ssunlikely(rc == -1)) return -1; preload.p = c->c.s; preload.size = ss_bufused(&c->c); map = &preload; use_mmap = 1; } /* include vindex into merge process */ svmergesrc *s; uint64_t size_stream = 0; if (vindex) { s = sv_mergeadd(&merge, vindex); size_stream = vindex_used; } sdcbuf *cbuf = c->head; sibranch *b = node->branch; while (b) { s = sv_mergeadd(&merge, NULL); /* choose compression type */ int compression; ssfilterif *compression_if; if (! si_branchis_root(b)) { compression = index->scheme->compression_branch; compression_if = index->scheme->compression_branch_if; } else { compression = index->scheme->compression; compression_if = index->scheme->compression_if; } sdreadarg arg = { .index = &b->index, .buf = &cbuf->a, .buf_xf = &cbuf->b, .buf_read = &c->d, .index_iter = &cbuf->index_iter, .page_iter = &cbuf->page_iter, .use_memory = node->in_memory, .use_mmap = use_mmap, .use_mmap_copy = 0, .use_compression = compression, .compression_if = compression_if, .has = 0, .has_vlsn = 0, .o = SS_GTE, .memory = &b->copy, .mmap = map, .file = &node->file, .r = r }; ss_iterinit(sd_read, &s->src); int rc = ss_iteropen(sd_read, &s->src, &arg, NULL, 0); if (ssunlikely(rc == -1)) return sr_oom_malfunction(r->e); size_stream += sd_indextotal(&b->index); cbuf = cbuf->next; b = b->next; } ssiter i; ss_iterinit(sv_mergeiter, &i); ss_iteropen(sv_mergeiter, &i, r, &merge, SS_GTE); rc = si_merge(index, c, node, vlsn, vlsn_lru, &i, size_stream); sv_mergefree(&merge, r->a); return rc; } int si_compact_index(si *index, sdc *c, siplan *plan, uint64_t vlsn, uint64_t vlsn_lru) { sinode *node = plan->node; si_lock(index); if (ssunlikely(node->used == 0)) { si_nodeunlock(node); si_unlock(index); return 0; } svindex *vindex; vindex = si_noderotate(node); si_unlock(index); uint64_t size_stream = sv_indexused(vindex); ssiter i; ss_iterinit(sv_indexiter, &i); ss_iteropen(sv_indexiter, &i, index->r, vindex, SS_GTE, NULL, 0); return si_compact(index, c, plan, vlsn, vlsn_lru, &i, size_stream); }