Ejemplo n.º 1
static void partialRecordRetrieval(CuTest *testCase) {

    //Make some number of large records
    stList *records = stList_construct3(0, free);
    stList *recordSizes = stList_construct3(0, (void(*)(void *)) stIntTuple_destruct);
    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 300; i++) {
        int32_t size = st_randomInt(0, 80);
        size = size * size * size; //Use cubic size distribution
        char *randomRecord = st_malloc(size * sizeof(char));
        for (int32_t j = 0; j < size; j++) {
            randomRecord[j] = (char) st_randomInt(0, 100);
        stList_append(records, randomRecord);
        stList_append(recordSizes, stIntTuple_construct(1, size));
        CuAssertTrue(testCase, !stKVDatabase_containsRecord(database, i));
        stKVDatabase_insertRecord(database, i, randomRecord, size * sizeof(char));
        CuAssertTrue(testCase, stKVDatabase_containsRecord(database, i));
        //st_uglyf("I am creating the record %i %i\n", i, size);

    while (st_random() > 0.001) {
        int32_t recordKey = st_randomInt(0, stList_length(records));
        CuAssertTrue(testCase, stKVDatabase_containsRecord(database, recordKey));

        char *record = stList_get(records, recordKey);
        int32_t size = stIntTuple_getPosition(stList_get(recordSizes, recordKey), 0);

        //Get partial record
        int32_t start = size > 0 ? st_randomInt(0, size) : 0;
        int32_t partialSize = size - start > 0 ? st_randomInt(start, size) - start : 0;
        assert(start >= 0);
        assert(partialSize >= 0);
        assert(partialSize + start <= size);
        //st_uglyf("I am getting record %i %i %i %i\n", recordKey, start, partialSize, size);
        char *partialRecord = stKVDatabase_getPartialRecord(database, recordKey, start * sizeof(char),
                partialSize * sizeof(char), size * sizeof(char));

        //Check they are equivalent..
        for (int32_t i = 0; i < partialSize; i++) {
            if (record[start + i] != partialRecord[i]) {
                st_uglyf("There was a difference %i %i for record %i %i\n", record[start + i], partialRecord[i], i,
            //CuAssertTrue(testCase, record[start + i] == partialRecord[i]);

        //Check we can not get out of bounds.. (start less than zero)
        stTry {
                stKVDatabase_getPartialRecord(database, recordKey, -1, 1, size * sizeof(char));
                    CuAssertTrue(testCase, stExcept_getId(except) == ST_KV_DATABASE_EXCEPTION_ID);

        //Check we can not get out of bounds.. (start greater than index start)
        stTry {
                stKVDatabase_getPartialRecord(database, recordKey, size, 1, size * sizeof(char));
                    CuAssertTrue(testCase, stExcept_getId(except) == ST_KV_DATABASE_EXCEPTION_ID);

        //Check we can not get out of bounds.. (total size if greater than record length)
        stTry {
                stKVDatabase_getPartialRecord(database, recordKey, 0, size + 1, size * sizeof(char));
                    CuAssertTrue(testCase, stExcept_getId(except) == ST_KV_DATABASE_EXCEPTION_ID);

        //Check we can not get non existent record
        stTry {
                stKVDatabase_getPartialRecord(database, 1000000, 0, size, size * sizeof(char));
                    CuAssertTrue(testCase, stExcept_getId(except) == ST_KV_DATABASE_EXCEPTION_ID);


Ejemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int64_t j = 0;
    char *npReadFile = NULL;
    char *templateModelFile = stString_print("../models/testModelR9_template.model");
    char *complementModelFile = stString_print("../models/testModelR9_complement_pop2.model");
    double threshold = 0.8;

    int key;
    while (1) {
        static struct option long_options[] = {
                {"help",                    no_argument,        0,  'h'},
                {"templateModel",           required_argument,  0,  'T'},
                {"complementModel",         required_argument,  0,  'C'},
                {"npRead",                  required_argument,  0,  'q'},
                {"threshold",               required_argument,  0,  'D'},
                {0, 0, 0, 0} };

        int option_index = 0;

        key = getopt_long(argc, argv, "h:T:C:q:f:b:D:m:",
                          long_options, &option_index);

        if (key == -1) {
        switch (key) {
            case 'h':
                return 1;
            case 'T':
                templateModelFile = stString_copy(optarg);
            case 'C':
                complementModelFile = stString_copy(optarg);
            case 'q':
                npReadFile = stString_copy(optarg);
            case 'D':
                j = sscanf(optarg, "%lf", &threshold);
                assert (j == 1);
                assert (threshold >= 0);
                return 1;

    if (!stFile_exists(npReadFile)) {
        st_errAbort("Could not find npRead here: %s\n", npReadFile);
    // read in the .npRead file
    NanoporeRead *npRead = nanopore_loadNanoporeReadFromFile(npReadFile);

    // build state machines (to use the look up table)
    StateMachine *sMt = getStateMachine3(templateModelFile);
    //StateMachine *sMc = getStateMachine3(complementModelFile);

    // make 1D map of events (mean, noise) to kmers
    stList *templateMap = signalUtils_templateOneDAssignmentsFromRead(npRead, sMt, ASSIGNMENT_THRESHOLD);
    //stList *complementMap = signalUtils_complementOneDAssignmentsFromRead(npRead, sMc, ASSIGNMENT_THRESHOLD);

    // convert template to log normal
    // NB only need this if you're estimating the NOISE parameteres
    //nanopore_convert_to_lognormal_params(sMt->alphabetSize, sMt->kmerLength, sMt->EMISSION_MATCH_MATRIX, templateMap);
    // convert complement to log normal
    //nanopore_convert_to_lognormal_params(sMc->alphabetSize, sMc->kmerLength, sMc->EMISSION_MATCH_MATRIX, complementMap);

    // error log report
    st_uglyf("SENTINEL - Before: shift: %f scale: %f var: %f [template]\n",
             npRead->templateParams.shift, npRead->templateParams.scale, npRead->templateParams.var);

    // compute template params
    //nanopore_compute_noise_scale_params(sMt->EMISSION_MATCH_MATRIX, templateMap, &npRead->templateParams);
    // compute complement params
    //nanopore_compute_noise_scale_params(sMc->EMISSION_MATCH_MATRIX, complementMap, &npRead->complementParams);

    // error log report

    signalUtils_estimateNanoporeParams(sMt, npRead, &npRead->templateParams, ASSIGNMENT_THRESHOLD,
                                       signalUtils_templateOneDAssignmentsFromRead, nanopore_dontAdjustEvents);
    //signalUtils_estimateNanoporeParams(sMc, npRead, &npRead->complementParams, ASSIGNMENT_THRESHOLD,
    //                                   signalUtils_complementOneDAssignmentsFromRead, nanopore_dontAdjustEvents);

    st_uglyf("SENTINEL - After: shift: %f scale: %f var: %f [template]\n",
             npRead->templateParams.shift, npRead->templateParams.scale, npRead->templateParams.var);
    //st_uglyf("SENTINEL - After: shift_sd: %f scale_sd: %f var_sd: %f [template]\n",
    //         npRead->complementParams.shift_sd, npRead->complementParams.scale_sd, npRead->complementParams.var_sd);

    stList *templateKmers = lineTokensFromFile(npReadFile, 10);
    //stList *complementKmers = lineTokensFromFile(npReadFile, 12);
    //printEventNoisesAndParams(npRead, templateKmers, complementKmers);
    printEventMeansAndParams(npRead, templateKmers, NULL);


    (void) j;  // silence unused variable warning.
    return 0;