Ejemplo n.º 1
static int create_task_21(starpu_data_handle_t dataA, unsigned k, unsigned j, unsigned reclevel)
	int ret;

	struct starpu_task *task = create_task(TAG21_AUX(k, j, reclevel));

	task->cl = &cl21;

	/* which sub-data is manipulated ? */
	task->handles[0] = starpu_data_get_sub_data(dataA, 2, k, k);
	task->handles[1] = starpu_data_get_sub_data(dataA, 2, k, j);

	if (j == k+1)
		task->priority = STARPU_MAX_PRIO;

	/* enforce dependencies ... */
	if (k > 0)
		starpu_tag_declare_deps(TAG21_AUX(k, j, reclevel), 2, TAG11_AUX(k, reclevel), TAG22_AUX(k-1, k, j, reclevel));
		starpu_tag_declare_deps(TAG21_AUX(k, j, reclevel), 1, TAG11_AUX(k, reclevel));

	int n = starpu_matrix_get_nx(task->handles[0]);
	task->flops = FLOPS_STRSM(n, n);

	ret = starpu_task_submit(task);
	if (ret != -ENODEV) STARPU_CHECK_RETURN_VALUE(ret, "starpu_task_submit");
	return ret;
static struct starpu_task * create_task_11(starpu_data_handle_t dataA, unsigned k)
/*	FPRINTF(stdout, "task 11 k = %d TAG = %llx\n", k, (TAG11(k))); */

	struct starpu_task *task = create_task(TAG11(k));

	task->cl = &cl11;

	/* which sub-data is manipulated ? */
	task->handles[0] = starpu_data_get_sub_data(dataA, 2, k, k);

	/* this is an important task */
	if (!noprio)
		task->priority = STARPU_MAX_PRIO;

	/* enforce dependencies ... */
	if (k > 0)
		starpu_tag_declare_deps(TAG11(k), 1, TAG22(k-1, k, k));

	int n = starpu_matrix_get_nx(task->handles[0]);
	task->flops = FLOPS_SPOTRF(n);

	return task;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int STARPU_LU(lu_decomposition_pivot_no_stride)(TYPE **matA, unsigned *ipiv, unsigned size, unsigned ld, unsigned nblocks)
	starpu_data_handle_t *dataAp = malloc(nblocks*nblocks*sizeof(starpu_data_handle_t));

	/* monitor and partition the A matrix into blocks :
	 * one block is now determined by 2 unsigned (i,j) */
	unsigned bi, bj;
	for (bj = 0; bj < nblocks; bj++)
	for (bi = 0; bi < nblocks; bi++)
		starpu_matrix_data_register(&dataAp[bi+nblocks*bj], STARPU_MAIN_RAM,
			(uintptr_t)matA[bi+nblocks*bj], size/nblocks,
			size/nblocks, size/nblocks, sizeof(TYPE));

	unsigned i;
	for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
		ipiv[i] = i;

	struct piv_s *piv_description = malloc(nblocks*sizeof(struct piv_s));
	unsigned block;
	for (block = 0; block < nblocks; block++)
		piv_description[block].piv = ipiv;
		piv_description[block].first = block * (size / nblocks);
		piv_description[block].last = (block + 1) * (size / nblocks);

	double timing;
	int ret = dw_codelet_facto_pivot(dataAp, piv_description, nblocks, get_block_with_no_striding, &timing);
	if (ret)
		return ret;

	unsigned n = starpu_matrix_get_nx(dataAp[0])*nblocks;
	double flop = (2.0f*n*n*n)/3.0f;

	PRINTF("# size\tms\tGFlops");
	if (bound)
	PRINTF("%u\t%.0f\t%.1f", n, timing/1000, flop/timing/1000.0f);
	if (bound)
		double min;
		starpu_bound_compute(&min, NULL, 0);
		PRINTF("\t%.0f\t%.1f", min, flop/min/1000000.0f);

	for (bj = 0; bj < nblocks; bj++)
	for (bi = 0; bi < nblocks; bi++)
	return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 4
double gemm_cost(starpu_buffer_descr *descr)
	/* C = A * B */
	uint32_t nxC, nyC, nxA;

	nxC = starpu_matrix_get_nx(descr[2].handle);
	nyC = starpu_matrix_get_ny(descr[2].handle);
	nxA = starpu_matrix_get_nx(descr[0].handle);

//	printf("nxC %d nxC %d nxA %d\n", nxC, nyC, nxA);

	double cost = ((double)nxC)*((double)nyC)*((double)nxA/1000.0f/4.11f);

//	printf("cost %e \n", cost);

	return cost;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void STARPU_LU(lu_decomposition_pivot)(TYPE *matA, unsigned *ipiv, unsigned size, unsigned ld, unsigned nblocks)
	starpu_data_handle dataA;

	/* monitor and partition the A matrix into blocks :
	 * one block is now determined by 2 unsigned (i,j) */
	starpu_matrix_data_register(&dataA, 0, (uintptr_t)matA, ld, size, size, sizeof(TYPE));

	/* We already enforce deps by hand */
	starpu_data_set_sequential_consistency_flag(dataA, 0);

	struct starpu_data_filter f;
		f.filter_func = starpu_vertical_block_filter_func;
		f.filter_arg = nblocks;

	struct starpu_data_filter f2;
		f2.filter_func = starpu_block_filter_func;
		f2.filter_arg = nblocks;

	starpu_data_map_filters(dataA, 2, &f, &f2);

	unsigned i;
	for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
		ipiv[i] = i;

	struct piv_s *piv_description = malloc(nblocks*sizeof(struct piv_s));
	unsigned block;
	for (block = 0; block < nblocks; block++)
		piv_description[block].piv = ipiv;
		piv_description[block].first = block * (size / nblocks);
		piv_description[block].last = (block + 1) * (size / nblocks);

#if 0
	unsigned j;
	for (j = 0; j < nblocks; j++)
	for (i = 0; i < nblocks; i++)
		printf("BLOCK %d %d	%p\n", i, j, &matA[i*(size/nblocks) + j * (size/nblocks)*ld]);

	double timing;
	timing = dw_codelet_facto_pivot(&dataA, piv_description, nblocks, get_block_with_striding);

	fprintf(stderr, "Computation took (in ms)\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "%2.2f\n", timing/1000);

	unsigned n = starpu_matrix_get_nx(dataA);
	double flop = (2.0f*n*n*n)/3.0f;
	fprintf(stderr, "Synthetic GFlops : %2.2f\n", (flop/timing/1000.0f));

	/* gather all the data */
	starpu_data_unpartition(dataA, 0);
double task_11_cost(struct starpu_task *task, unsigned nimpl)
	uint32_t n;

	n = starpu_matrix_get_nx(task->handles[0]);

	double cost = ((n*n*n)/537.5);

	return PERTURBATE(cost);
Ejemplo n.º 7
double task_11_cost(starpu_buffer_descr *descr)
	uint32_t n;

	n = starpu_matrix_get_nx(descr[0].handle);

	double cost = ((n*n*n)/537.5);

	return PERTURBATE(cost);
double task_12_cost_cuda(struct starpu_task *task, struct starpu_perfmodel_arch* arch, unsigned nimpl)
	uint32_t n;

	n = starpu_matrix_get_nx(task->handles[0]);

	double cost = ((n*n*n)/42838.5718);

/*	printf("CUDA task 12 ; predict %e\n", cost); */
	return PERTURBATE(cost);
double task_21_cost_cpu(struct starpu_task *task, struct starpu_perfmodel_arch* arch, unsigned nimpl)
	uint32_t n;

	n = starpu_matrix_get_nx(task->handles[0]);

	double cost = ((n*n*n)/6793.8423);

/*	printf("CPU task 21 ; predict %e\n", cost); */
	return PERTURBATE(cost);
Ejemplo n.º 10
double task_21_cost_cpu(starpu_buffer_descr *descr)
	uint32_t n;

	n = starpu_matrix_get_nx(descr[0].handle);

	double cost = ((n*n*n)/6793.8423);

//	printf("CPU task 21 ; predict %e\n", cost);
	return PERTURBATE(cost);
Ejemplo n.º 11
double task_21_cost_cuda(starpu_buffer_descr *descr)
	uint32_t n;

	n = starpu_matrix_get_nx(descr[0].handle);

	double cost = ((n*n*n)/49208.667);

//	printf("CUDA task 21 ; predict %e\n", cost);
	return PERTURBATE(cost);
double task_21_cost(struct starpu_task *task, unsigned nimpl)
	uint32_t n;

	n = starpu_matrix_get_nx(task->handles[0]);

/*	double cost = ((n*n*n)/1744.695); */
	double cost = ((n*n*n)/3691.53);

	/* fprintf(stderr, "task 12 predicts %e\n", cost); */
	return PERTURBATE(cost);
double task_22_cost(struct starpu_task *task, unsigned nimpl)
	uint32_t nx, ny, nz;

	nx = starpu_matrix_get_nx(task->handles[2]);
	ny = starpu_matrix_get_ny(task->handles[2]);
	nz = starpu_matrix_get_ny(task->handles[0]);

	double cost = ((nx*ny*nz)/4110.0);

	return PERTURBATE(cost);
Ejemplo n.º 14
double task_21_cost(starpu_buffer_descr *descr)
	uint32_t n;

	n = starpu_matrix_get_nx(descr[0].handle);

//	double cost = ((n*n*n)/1744.695);
	double cost = ((n*n*n)/3691.53);

	//fprintf(stderr, "task 12 predicts %e\n", cost);
	return PERTURBATE(cost);
Ejemplo n.º 15
double task_22_cost(starpu_buffer_descr *descr)
	uint32_t nx, ny, nz;

	nx = starpu_matrix_get_nx(descr[2].handle);
	ny = starpu_matrix_get_ny(descr[2].handle);
	nz = starpu_matrix_get_ny(descr[0].handle);

	double cost = ((nx*ny*nz)/4110.0);

	return PERTURBATE(cost);
Ejemplo n.º 16
double task_22_cost_cpu(starpu_buffer_descr *descr)
	uint32_t nx, ny, nz;

	nx = starpu_matrix_get_nx(descr[2].handle);
	ny = starpu_matrix_get_ny(descr[2].handle);
	nz = starpu_matrix_get_ny(descr[0].handle);

	double cost = ((nx*ny*nz)/4203.0175);

//	printf("CPU task 22 ; predict %e\n", cost);
	return PERTURBATE(cost);
double task_22_cost_cpu(struct starpu_task *task, struct starpu_perfmodel_arch* arch, unsigned nimpl)
	uint32_t nx, ny, nz;

	nx = starpu_matrix_get_nx(task->handles[2]);
	ny = starpu_matrix_get_ny(task->handles[2]);
	nz = starpu_matrix_get_ny(task->handles[0]);

	double cost = ((nx*ny*nz)/4203.0175);

/*	printf("CPU task 22 ; predict %e\n", cost); */
	return PERTURBATE(cost);
Ejemplo n.º 18
static double cpu_chol_task_22_cost(starpu_buffer_descr *descr)
	uint32_t n;

	n = starpu_matrix_get_nx(descr[0].handle);

	double cost = (((double)(n)*n*n)/50.0f/10.75/8.0760);

	printf("cpu_chol_task_22_cost n %d cost %e\n", n, cost);

	return PERTURBATE(cost);
Ejemplo n.º 19
void STARPU_LU(lu_decomposition_pivot_no_stride)(TYPE **matA, unsigned *ipiv, unsigned size, unsigned ld, unsigned nblocks)
	starpu_data_handle *dataAp = malloc(nblocks*nblocks*sizeof(starpu_data_handle));

	/* monitor and partition the A matrix into blocks :
	 * one block is now determined by 2 unsigned (i,j) */
	unsigned bi, bj;
	for (bj = 0; bj < nblocks; bj++)
	for (bi = 0; bi < nblocks; bi++)
		starpu_matrix_data_register(&dataAp[bi+nblocks*bj], 0,
			(uintptr_t)matA[bi+nblocks*bj], size/nblocks,
			size/nblocks, size/nblocks, sizeof(TYPE));

		/* We already enforce deps by hand */
		starpu_data_set_sequential_consistency_flag(dataAp[bi+nblocks*bj], 0);

	unsigned i;
	for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
		ipiv[i] = i;

	struct piv_s *piv_description = malloc(nblocks*sizeof(struct piv_s));
	unsigned block;
	for (block = 0; block < nblocks; block++)
		piv_description[block].piv = ipiv;
		piv_description[block].first = block * (size / nblocks);
		piv_description[block].last = (block + 1) * (size / nblocks);

	double timing;
	timing = dw_codelet_facto_pivot(dataAp, piv_description, nblocks, get_block_with_no_striding);

	fprintf(stderr, "Computation took (in ms)\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "%2.2f\n", timing/1000);

	unsigned n = starpu_matrix_get_nx(dataAp[0])*nblocks;
	double flop = (2.0f*n*n*n)/3.0f;
	fprintf(stderr, "Synthetic GFlops : %2.2f\n", (flop/timing/1000.0f));

	for (bj = 0; bj < nblocks; bj++)
	for (bi = 0; bi < nblocks; bi++)
static void create_task_22(starpu_data_handle_t dataA, unsigned k, unsigned i, unsigned j)
/*	FPRINTF(stdout, "task 22 k,i,j = %d,%d,%d TAG = %llx\n", k,i,j, TAG22(k,i,j)); */

	struct starpu_task *task = create_task(TAG22(k, i, j));

	task->cl = &cl22;

	/* which sub-data is manipulated ? */
	task->handles[0] = starpu_data_get_sub_data(dataA, 2, k, i);
	task->handles[1] = starpu_data_get_sub_data(dataA, 2, k, j);
	task->handles[2] = starpu_data_get_sub_data(dataA, 2, i, j);

	if (!noprio && (i == k + 1) && (j == k +1) )
		task->priority = STARPU_MAX_PRIO;

	/* enforce dependencies ... */
	if (k > 0)
		starpu_tag_declare_deps(TAG22(k, i, j), 3, TAG22(k-1, i, j), TAG21(k, i), TAG21(k, j));
		starpu_tag_declare_deps(TAG22(k, i, j), 2, TAG21(k, i), TAG21(k, j));

	int n = starpu_matrix_get_nx(task->handles[0]);
	task->flops = FLOPS_SGEMM(n, n, n);

	int ret = starpu_task_submit(task);
        if (STARPU_UNLIKELY(ret == -ENODEV))
                FPRINTF(stderr, "No worker may execute this task\n");
Ejemplo n.º 21
static int create_task_22(starpu_data_handle_t dataA, unsigned k, unsigned i, unsigned j, unsigned reclevel)
	int ret;

/*	FPRINTF(stdout, "task 22 k,i,j = %d,%d,%d TAG = %llx\n", k,i,j, TAG22_AUX(k,i,j)); */

	struct starpu_task *task = create_task(TAG22_AUX(k, i, j, reclevel));

	task->cl = &cl22;

	/* which sub-data is manipulated ? */
	task->handles[0] = starpu_data_get_sub_data(dataA, 2, k, i);
	task->handles[1] = starpu_data_get_sub_data(dataA, 2, k, j);
	task->handles[2] = starpu_data_get_sub_data(dataA, 2, i, j);

	if ( (i == k + 1) && (j == k +1) )
		task->priority = STARPU_MAX_PRIO;

	/* enforce dependencies ... */
	if (k > 0)
		starpu_tag_declare_deps(TAG22_AUX(k, i, j, reclevel), 3, TAG22_AUX(k-1, i, j, reclevel), TAG21_AUX(k, i, reclevel), TAG21_AUX(k, j, reclevel));
		starpu_tag_declare_deps(TAG22_AUX(k, i, j, reclevel), 2, TAG21_AUX(k, i, reclevel), TAG21_AUX(k, j, reclevel));

	int n = starpu_matrix_get_nx(task->handles[0]);
	task->flops = FLOPS_SGEMM(n, n, n);

	ret = starpu_task_submit(task);
	if (ret != -ENODEV) STARPU_CHECK_RETURN_VALUE(ret, "starpu_task_submit");
	return ret;
static void _cholesky(starpu_data_handle_t dataA, unsigned nblocks)
	double start;
	double end;

	struct starpu_task *entry_task = NULL;

	/* create all the DAG nodes */
	unsigned i,j,k;

	start = starpu_timing_now();

	for (k = 0; k < nblocks; k++)
		struct starpu_task *task = create_task_11(dataA, k);
		/* we defer the launch of the first task */
		if (k == 0)
			entry_task = task;
			int ret = starpu_task_submit(task);
                        if (STARPU_UNLIKELY(ret == -ENODEV))
                                FPRINTF(stderr, "No worker may execute this task\n");


		for (j = k+1; j<nblocks; j++)
			create_task_21(dataA, k, j);

			for (i = k+1; i<nblocks; i++)
				if (i <= j)
					create_task_22(dataA, k, i, j);

	/* schedule the codelet */
	int ret = starpu_task_submit(entry_task);
        if (STARPU_UNLIKELY(ret == -ENODEV))
                FPRINTF(stderr, "No worker may execute this task\n");

	/* stall the application until the end of computations */

	starpu_data_unpartition(dataA, STARPU_MAIN_RAM);

	end = starpu_timing_now();

	double timing = end - start;

	unsigned n = starpu_matrix_get_nx(dataA);

	double flop = (1.0f*n*n*n)/3.0f;

	PRINTF("# size\tms\tGFlops\n");
	PRINTF("%u\t%.0f\t%.1f\n", n, timing/1000, (flop/timing/1000.0f));
Ejemplo n.º 23
static double sgemm_cuda_cost(struct starpu_task *task, enum starpu_perf_archtype arch, unsigned nimpl) {
    uint32_t n = starpu_matrix_get_nx(task->handles[0]);
    double cost = (((double)(n)*n*n)/50.0f/10.75/76.30666);
    return cost;
Ejemplo n.º 24
int STARPU_LU(lu_decomposition_pivot)(TYPE *matA, unsigned *ipiv, unsigned size, unsigned ld, unsigned nblocks)
	starpu_data_handle_t dataA;

	/* monitor and partition the A matrix into blocks :
	 * one block is now determined by 2 unsigned (i,j) */
	starpu_matrix_data_register(&dataA, STARPU_MAIN_RAM, (uintptr_t)matA, ld, size, size, sizeof(TYPE));

	struct starpu_data_filter f =
		.filter_func = starpu_matrix_filter_vertical_block,
		.nchildren = nblocks

	struct starpu_data_filter f2 =
		.filter_func = starpu_matrix_filter_block,
		.nchildren = nblocks

	starpu_data_map_filters(dataA, 2, &f, &f2);

	unsigned i;
	for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
		ipiv[i] = i;

	struct piv_s *piv_description = malloc(nblocks*sizeof(struct piv_s));
	unsigned block;
	for (block = 0; block < nblocks; block++)
		piv_description[block].piv = ipiv;
		piv_description[block].first = block * (size / nblocks);
		piv_description[block].last = (block + 1) * (size / nblocks);

	double timing;
	int ret = dw_codelet_facto_pivot(&dataA, piv_description, nblocks, get_block_with_striding, &timing);
	if (ret)
		return ret;

	unsigned n = starpu_matrix_get_nx(dataA);
	double flop = (2.0f*n*n*n)/3.0f;

	PRINTF("# size\tms\tGFlops");
	if (bound)
	PRINTF("%u\t%.0f\t%.1f", n, timing/1000, flop/timing/1000.0f);
	if (bound)
		double min;
		starpu_bound_compute(&min, NULL, 0);
		PRINTF("\t%.0f\t%.1f", min, flop/min/1000000.0f);

	/* gather all the data */
	starpu_data_unpartition(dataA, STARPU_MAIN_RAM);

	return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 25
static int dw_codelet_facto_v3(starpu_data_handle_t dataA, unsigned nblocks)
	double start;
	double end;
	int ret;

	/* create all the DAG nodes */
	unsigned i,j,k;

	if (bound)
		starpu_bound_start(bounddeps, boundprio);

	start = starpu_timing_now();

	for (k = 0; k < nblocks; k++)
		ret = create_task_11(dataA, k);
		if (ret == -ENODEV) return ret;

		for (i = k+1; i<nblocks; i++)
		     ret = create_task_12(dataA, k, i);
		     if (ret == -ENODEV) return ret;
		     ret = create_task_21(dataA, k, i);
		     if (ret == -ENODEV) return ret;
		starpu_data_wont_use(starpu_data_get_sub_data(dataA, 2, k, k));

		for (i = k+1; i<nblocks; i++)
		     for (j = k+1; j<nblocks; j++)
			  ret = create_task_22(dataA, k, i, j);
			  if (ret == -ENODEV) return ret;
		for (i = k+1; i<nblocks; i++)
		    starpu_data_wont_use(starpu_data_get_sub_data(dataA, 2, k, i));
		    starpu_data_wont_use(starpu_data_get_sub_data(dataA, 2, i, k));

	/* stall the application until the end of computations */

	end = starpu_timing_now();

	if (bound)

	double timing = end - start;
	unsigned n = starpu_matrix_get_nx(dataA);
	double flop = (2.0f*n*n*n)/3.0f;

	PRINTF("# size\tms\tGFlops");
	if (bound)
	PRINTF("%u\t%.0f\t%.1f", n, timing/1000, flop/timing/1000.0f);
	if (bound)
		double min;
		starpu_bound_compute(&min, NULL, 0);
		PRINTF("\t%.0f\t%.1f", min, flop/min/1000000.0f);

	return 0;