Ejemplo n.º 1
DebuggerProxyPtr Debugger::createProxy(req::ptr<Socket> socket, bool local) {
  TRACE(2, "Debugger::createProxy\n");
  // Creates a proxy and threads needed to handle it. At this point, there is
  // not enough information to attach a sandbox.
  auto proxy = std::make_shared<DebuggerProxy>(socket, local);
    // Place this new proxy into the proxy map keyed on the dummy sandbox id.
    // This keeps the proxy alive in the server case, which drops the result of
    // this function on the floor. It also makes the proxy findable when a
    // dummy sandbox thread needs to interrupt.
    const StringData* sid =
    ProxyMap::accessor acc;
    m_proxyMap.insert(acc, sid);
    acc->second = proxy;
  if (!local) {
  return proxy;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * This file represents the client half of the JCEP communication.  It
 * operates in much the same way as the RMI skeleton expect for two important
 * points:
 * 1) It doesn't use JRMP.  Instead it uses JCEP.  JCEP is a much simpler and
 * more expressive protocol for this specific task.  This means that all the
 * complicated unwinding of serialized Java objects that the RMI skeleton had
 * are no longer necesasary.  This JCEP skeleton does not have to understand
 * one lick of Java.
 * 2) It is a two-way communication.  The RMI skeleton just feed a job to the
 * server and read the response, which either said it was received or not.  It
 * did not continue running for the duration of the job.  That means that SGE
 * couldn't track the job past its submission.  That also meant that problems
 * with the job that came after execution started had to be passed back to the
 * ComputeProxy is be logged.  Now the skeleton runs through the entire
 * duration of the job.  Any messages or errors generated as the job runs are
 * sent to the skeleton, which will print them out to stdout or stderr so that
 * SGE can log them.  That means that all information from the running of the
 * job is in the same SGE-generated files.  It also means that the job continues
 * to be trackable by SGE throughout its duration.  This two-way communication
 * also means that the JCEP skeleton has to be multi-threaded.
 * Only one JCEPskeleton may be allowed to attach to a given job.  The reason is
 * that a failed command for one will terminate them all.  See the comments on
 * listenerThread() about line 600 for more info.
int main (int argc, char** argv) {
	int serverPort, threadStatus, code;
	char serverIP[32];
	pthread_t threadId, sigThreadId;
	//Process arguments
	processArgs (argc, argv);
	//Set the buffering on STDOUT to line buffering
	setlinebuf (stdout);
	//Connect to server
	if (debug) {
		printf ("**DEBUG: Beginning skeleton...\n");
		printf ("**DEBUG: Creating socket to JCEP server...\n");
	// Open a socket to RMI registry
	if (createConnection ("", PORT) < 0) {
		fprintf (stderr, "Unable to establish connection to JCEP server:\n\t%s\n", errorMessage);
		exit (1);
	if (debug) {
		printf ("**DEBUG: Connection established.\n");
	/* The order of the following events is purposeful.  The signal thread must
	 * start before the listener thread so that the listener thread can inherit
	 * the signal mask set in startSignalThread().  The signal thread has to
	 * start after the command is sent because otherwise there could be
	 * synchronization problems with the main thread and the signal thread both
	 * trying to send a command to the server at the same time.  Starting the
	 * signal thread after the command does leave a small hole, where if SGE
	 * tried to cancel or suspend the job immediately after starting it, the
	 * signal could come before the signal thread is ready.  This should be fixed
	 * in the future with some explicit synchronization. */
	if (taskType == SUBMIT_JOB) {
		/* Send job to server */
		submitJob ();
	else if (taskType == SHUTDOWN) {
		shutdownServer ();
	else if (taskType == CHECKPOINT_JOB) {
		checkpointJob (jobId);
	else if (taskType == CANCEL_JOB) {
		cancelJob (jobId);
	else if (taskType == REGISTER) {
		listenToJob (jobId);
	else if (taskType == SUSPEND) {
		suspendJob (jobId);
	else if (taskType == RESUME) {
		resumeJob (jobId);
	/* Start up a thread to handle SIGUSR1 (pending suspend), SIGUSR2 (pending
	 * cancel), and SIGCONT (just resumed). */
	if ((code = startSignalThread (&sigThreadId)) != 0) {
		fprintf (stderr, "Unable to start signal thread: error code %d.\n", code);
		exit (1);
	/* Start listener thread */
	if ((code = startListenerThread (&threadId)) != 0) {
		fprintf (stderr, "Unable to start listener thread: error code %d.\n", code);
		exit (1);
	/* Wait for a job finished notice */
	pthread_join (threadId, (void**)&threadStatus);
	if (debug) {
		printf ("**DEBUG: Listener thread has exited.\n");
	if (threadStatus < 0) {
		fprintf (stderr, "Listener thread received the following error:\n\t%s\n", errorMessage);
		exit (1);
	/* Exit upon receipt of job finished notice */
	return (EXIT_SUCCESS);