Ejemplo n.º 1
void ViewGestureController::SnapshotRemovalTracker::start(Events desiredEvents, std::function<void()> removalCallback)
    m_outstandingEvents = desiredEvents;
    m_removalCallback = WTF::move(removalCallback);
    m_startTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();


Ejemplo n.º 2
int main( int argc, char ** argv ) {
    MPI_Comm tmp, comm, startComm;
    char * fname;
    char * actualFname = NULL;
    char * globalFname = NULL;
    int totalSize, expectedRank, size, cachedRank;
    char portName[MPI_MAX_PORT_NAME];
    int rankToAccept = 1;

    /* Debug - print out where we picked up the MPICH build from */
    msg( "MPICH library taken from: %s\n", MPICHLIBSTR );

    if( argc != 4 ) {
        printf( "Usage: %s <fname> <totalSize> <idx-1-based>\n", argv[0] );
        exit( 1 );

    /* This is the base name of the file into which we write the port */
    fname = argv[1];
    /* This is the total number of processes launched */
    totalSize = atoi( argv[2] );
    /* Each process knows its expected rank */
    expectedRank = atoi( argv[3] )-1;

    /* Start a watchdog thread which will abort after 120 seconds, and will
     * print stack traces using GDB every 5 seconds if you don't call
     * strokeWatchdog() */
    startWatchdog( 120 );

    /* Print a debug header */
    msg( "Waiting for: %d - my rank is %d\n", totalSize, expectedRank );

    /* Singleton init */
    MPI_Init( 0, 0 );

    /* Duplicate from MPI_COMM_SELF the starting point */
    MPI_Comm_dup( MPI_COMM_SELF, &startComm );

    if( expectedRank == 0 ) {
        /* This process opens the port, and writes the information to the file */
        MPI_Open_port( MPI_INFO_NULL, portName );
        /* Write the port to fname.<rank> so that the connecting processes can
         * wait their turn by checking for the correct file to show up */
        actualFname = writePortToFile( portName, "%s.%d", fname, rankToAccept++ );

        /* The wrapper script I'm using checks for the existance of "fname", so
         * create that - even though it isn't used  */
        globalFname = writePortToFile( portName, fname );
        installExitHandler( globalFname );

        comm = startComm;
    } else {
        char * readPort;
        readPort = getPortFromFile( "%s.%d", fname, expectedRank );
        strncpy( portName, readPort, MPI_MAX_PORT_NAME );
        free( readPort );
        msg( "Read port <%s>\n", portName );
        MPI_Comm_connect( portName, MPI_INFO_NULL, 0, startComm, &comm );
        MPI_Intercomm_merge( comm, 1, &tmp );
        comm = tmp;
        MPI_Comm_size( comm, &size );
        msg( "After my first merge, size is now: %d\n", size );
    while( size < totalSize ) {
        /* Make sure we don't print a stack until we stall */

        /* Accept the connection */
        MPI_Comm_accept( portName, MPI_INFO_NULL, 0, comm, &tmp );

        /* Merge into intracomm */
        MPI_Intercomm_merge( tmp, 0, &comm );

        /* Free the intercomm */
        MPI_Comm_free( &tmp );

        /* See where we're up to */
        MPI_Comm_rank( comm, &cachedRank );
        MPI_Comm_size( comm, &size );

        if( expectedRank == 0 ) {
            msg( "Up to size: %d\n", size );

            /* Delete the old file, create the new one */
            unlink( actualFname );
            free( actualFname );

            /* Allow the next rank to connect */
            actualFname = writePortToFile( portName, "%s.%d", fname, rankToAccept++ );
    MPI_Comm_rank( comm, &cachedRank );

    msg( "All done - I got rank: %d.\n", cachedRank );

    MPI_Barrier( comm );

    if( expectedRank == 0 ) {

        /* Cleanup on rank zero - delete some files */
        sleep( 4 );
        unlink( actualFname );
        free( actualFname );
        unlink( globalFname );
        free( globalFname );

        /* This lets my wrapper script know that we did everything correctly */

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void app_main(void *data)
    EatEvent_st event;
    eat_bool rc;
    EatEntryPara_st *para;

    APP_InitRegions();//Init app RAM
    APP_init_clib(); //C library initialize, second step

    para = (EatEntryPara_st*)data;
    if(para->is_update_app && para->update_app_result)
        //APP update succeed
        LOG_DEBUG("app upgrade success");
        eat_update_app_ok(); //clear update APP flag

    LOG_INFO("booting: version:%s, build_time=%s %s. core(version:%s, buildno=%s, buildtime=%s)",
            VERSION_STR, __DATE__, __TIME__, eat_get_version(), eat_get_buildno(), eat_get_buildtime());

    rc = eat_mem_init(s_memPool, EAT_MEM_MAX_SIZE);
    if (!rc)
    	LOG_ERROR("eat memory initial error:%d!", rc);

    if (lzo_init() != LZO_E_OK)






    	unsigned int event_num = eat_get_event_num();
    	if (event_num != 0)
    		int i = 0;
    		for (i = 0; i < event_num; i++)

