Ejemplo n.º 1
struct node * starting_node(struct node * the_node){
	if (the_node->parent->parent != NULL)
		return starting_node(the_node->parent);
		return the_node;
Ejemplo n.º 2
std::vector<goap::Action> goap::AStar::plan(const WorldState& start, const WorldState& goal, const std::vector<Action>& actions) {
    // Feasible we'd re-use a planner, so clear out the prior results

    Node starting_node(start, 0, calculateHeuristic(start, goal), 0, nullptr);

    // TODO figure out a more memory-friendly way of doing this...
    known_nodes_[starting_node.id_] = starting_node;

    //int iters = 0;
    while (open_.size() > 0) {
        //std::cout << "\n-----------------------\n";
        //std::cout << "Iteration " << iters << std::endl;

        // Look for Node with the lowest-F-score on the open list. Switch it to closed,
        // and hang onto it -- this is our latest node.
        Node& current(popAndClose());

        //std::cout << "Open list\n";
        //std::cout << "Closed list\n";
        //std::cout << "\nCurrent is " << current << std::endl;

        // Is our current state the goal state? If so, we've found a path, yay.
        if (current.ws_.meetsGoal(goal)) {
            std::vector<Action> the_plan;
            do {
                current = known_nodes_.at(current.parent_id_);
            } while (current.parent_id_ != 0);
            return the_plan;

        // Check each node REACHABLE from current
        for (const auto& action : actions) {
            if (action.eligibleFor(current.ws_)) {
                WorldState possibility = action.actOn(current.ws_);
                //std::cout << "Hmm, " << action.name() << " could work..." << "resulting in " << possibility << std::endl;

                // Skip if already closed
                if (memberOfClosed(possibility)) {
                    //std::cout << "...but that one's closed out.\n";

                auto needle = memberOfOpen(possibility);
                if (needle==end(open_)) { // not a member of open list
                    // Make a new node, with current as its parent, recording G & H
                    Node found(possibility, current.g_ + action.cost(), calculateHeuristic(possibility, goal), current.id_, &action);
                    known_nodes_[found.id_] = found;

                    // Add it to the open list (maintaining sort-order therein)
                } else { // already a member of the open list
                    // check if the current G is better than the recorded G
                    if ((current.g_ + action.cost()) < needle->g_) {
                        //std::cout << "My path is better\n";
                        needle->parent_id_ = current.id_;                     // make current its parent
                        needle->g_ = current.g_ + action.cost();              // recalc G & H
                        needle->h_ = calculateHeuristic(possibility, goal);
                        std::sort(open_.begin(), open_.end());                // resort open list to account for the new F

    // If there's nothing left to evaluate, then we have no possible path left
    throw std::runtime_error("A* planner could not find a path from start to goal");
Ejemplo n.º 3
int direction_from_node_to_node(int xStart, int yStart, int xDestination, int yDestination){
    if (isValidMoveCell(xStart, yStart) && isValidMoveCell(xDestination,yDestination)){
        struct list * open_list = list_create();
        struct list * close_list = list_create();
        struct node * new_node = node_create();
        new_node->x = xStart;
        new_node->y = yStart;
        new_node->g = 0;
        new_node->h = distance_between_two_points(xStart,yStart,xDestination,yDestination);
        new_node->f = new_node->h;
        open_list->root = new_node;
        while (open_list->root != NULL){
            struct node * q = node_with_least_f(open_list);
            int availableWay = ghost_map[q->x * width + q->y] - '0';
            int up_added = 0;
            int right_added = 0;
            int down_added = 0;
            struct node * sucessor[availableWay];
            for (int i = 0; i < availableWay; i++){
                sucessor[i] = node_create();
                sucessor[i]->parent = q;
                if (isValidMoveCell(q->x-1,q->y) && (up_added == 0)) {
                    sucessor[i]->x = q->x-1;
                    sucessor[i]->y = q->y;
                    up_added = 1;
                } else if (isValidMoveCell(q->x, q->y+1) && (right_added == 0)){
                    sucessor[i]->x = q->x;
                    sucessor[i]->y = q->y+1;
                    right_added = 1;
                } else if (isValidMoveCell(q->x+1, q->y) && (down_added == 0)){
                    sucessor[i]->x = q->x+1;        
                    sucessor[i]->y = q->y;
                    down_added = 1;
                } else if (isValidMoveCell(q->x, q->y-1)){
                    sucessor[i]->x = q->x;
                    sucessor[i]->y = q->y-1;      
                if (sucessor[i]->x == xDestination && sucessor[i]->y == yDestination) {
                    struct node * start_node = starting_node(sucessor[i]);
                    if (start_node->x < xStart){
                        return 0;
                    } else if (start_node->x > xStart){
                        return 2;
                    } else if (start_node->y > yStart){
                        return 1;
                    } else {
                        return 3;
                } else {
                    sucessor[i]->g = q->g + distance_between_two_points(q->x, q->y, sucessor[i]->x, sucessor[i]->y);
                    sucessor[i]->h = distance_between_two_points(sucessor[i]->x,sucessor[i]->y, xDestination, yDestination);
                    sucessor[i]->f = sucessor[i]->g + sucessor[i]->h;
                    if ((ghost_map[sucessor[i]->x * width + sucessor[i]->y] - '0') == 1)
                    else if (better_node_exist(open_list,sucessor[i]))
                    else if (better_node_exist(close_list,sucessor[i])) 
            add_a_node_to_list(close_list, q);
    return 4;