Ejemplo n.º 1
ndfs_blue_handle (void *arg, state_info_t *successor, transition_info_t *ti,
                  int seen)
    wctx_t             *ctx = (wctx_t *) arg;
    alg_local_t        *loc = ctx->local;
    nndfs_color_t color = nn_get_color (&loc->color_map, successor->ref);
    if (proviso == Proviso_Stack)
        ti->por_proviso = !nn_color_eq(color, NNCYAN);
     * The following lines bear little resemblance to the algorithms in the
     * respective papers (NNDFS / LNDFS), but we must store all non-red states
     * on the stack here, in order to calculate all-red correctly later.
    if ( ecd && nn_color_eq(color, NNCYAN) &&
            (GBbuchiIsAccepting(ctx->model, state_info_state(ctx->state)) ||
             GBbuchiIsAccepting(ctx->model, state_info_state(successor))) ) {
        /* Found cycle in blue search */
        ndfs_report_cycle (ctx->run, ctx->model, loc->stack, successor);
    } else if ((loc->strat == Strat_LNDFS && !state_store_has_color(ctx->state->ref, GRED, loc->rec_bits)) ||
               (loc->strat != Strat_LNDFS && !nn_color_eq(color, NNPINK))) {
        raw_data_t stack_loc = dfs_stack_push (loc->stack, NULL);
        state_info_serialize (successor, stack_loc);
    (void) ti; (void) seen;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void
endfs_handle_dangerous (wctx_t *ctx)
    alg_local_t        *loc = ctx->local;
    cndfs_alg_local_t  *cloc = (cndfs_alg_local_t *) ctx->local;

    while ( dfs_stack_size(cloc->in_stack) ) {
        raw_data_t state_data = dfs_stack_pop (cloc->in_stack);
        state_info_deserialize (ctx->state, state_data);
        if ( !state_store_has_color(ctx->state->ref, GDANGEROUS, loc->rec_bits) &&
              ctx->state->ref != loc->seed->ref )
            if (update_color(ctx, ctx->state->ref, CRED, 1))
    if (update_color(ctx, ctx->state->ref, CRED, 1)) {
    if ( state_store_has_color(loc->seed->ref, GDANGEROUS, loc->rec_bits) ) {
        rec_ndfs_call (ctx, loc->seed->ref);
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void
tarjan_handle (void *arg, state_info_t *successor, transition_info_t *ti,
               int seen)
    // parent state is ctx->state

    wctx_t             *ctx   = (wctx_t *) arg;
    alg_local_t        *loc   = ctx->local;
    raw_data_t         *addr;
    hash32_t            hash;
    int                 found;


    // self-loop
    if (ctx->state->ref == successor->ref)

    // completed SCC
    if (state_store_has_color (successor->ref, SCC_STATE, 0))

    hash  = ref_hash (successor->ref);
    found = fset_find (loc->visited_states, &hash, &successor->ref,
                       (void **)&addr, false);

    if (found) {
        // previously visited state ==> update lowlink

        state_info_deserialize (loc->target, *addr);
        if (loc->state_tarjan.lowlink > loc->target_tarjan.lowlink)
            loc->state_tarjan.lowlink = loc->target_tarjan.lowlink;

    } else {
        // unseen state ==> push to search_stack

        raw_data_t stack_loc = dfs_stack_push (loc->search_stack, NULL);
        state_info_serialize (successor, stack_loc);

    (void) ti; (void) seen;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static void
ndfs_red_handle (void *arg, state_info_t *successor, transition_info_t *ti,
                  int seen)
    wctx_t             *ctx = (wctx_t *) arg;
    alg_local_t        *loc = ctx->local;
    nndfs_color_t color = nn_get_color(&loc->color_map, successor->ref);
    ti->por_proviso = 1; // only visit blue states to stay in reduced search space

    if (proviso != Proviso_None && !nn_color_eq(color, NNBLUE))
        return; // only revisit blue states to determinize POR
    if ( nn_color_eq(color, NNCYAN) ) {
        /* Found cycle back to the stack */
        ndfs_report_cycle (ctx->run, ctx->model, loc->stack, successor);
    } else if ( nn_color_eq(color, NNBLUE) && (loc->strat != Strat_LNDFS ||
            !state_store_has_color(ctx->state->ref, GRED, loc->rec_bits)) ) {
        raw_data_t stack_loc = dfs_stack_push (loc->stack, NULL);
        state_info_serialize (successor, stack_loc);
    (void) ti; (void) seen;
Ejemplo n.º 5
tarjan_run (run_t *run, wctx_t *ctx)
    alg_local_t        *loc        = ctx->local;
    raw_data_t         *addr;
    raw_data_t          state_data;
    bool                on_stack;
    hash32_t            hash;

    Warning (info, "Using the profiler");
    ProfilerStart ("tarjan.perf");

    int              init_state = dlopen_get_worker_initial_state (ctx->id, W);
    int              inits      = 0;

    // loop until every state of the graph has been visited
    while ( 1 )
        inits ++;
        // use loc->target as a dummy for the initial state
        loc->target->ref = init_state;

    tarjan_init (ctx);
    // continue until we are done exploring the graph
    while ( !run_is_stopped (run) ) {

        state_data = dfs_stack_top (loc->search_stack);

        if (state_data != NULL) {
            // there is a state on the current stackframe ==> explore it

            state_info_deserialize (ctx->state, state_data);

            // pop the state and continue if it is part of a completed SCC
            if (state_store_has_color (ctx->state->ref, SCC_STATE, 0)) {
                dfs_stack_pop (loc->search_stack);

            hash     = ref_hash (ctx->state->ref);
            on_stack = fset_find (loc->visited_states, &hash,
                                  &ctx->state->ref, (void **) &addr, true);

            if (!on_stack) {
                // unseen state ==> initialize and explore

                HREassert (loc->cnt.tarjan_counter != UINT32_MAX);
                loc->cnt.tarjan_counter ++;
                loc->state_tarjan.index   = loc->cnt.tarjan_counter;
                loc->state_tarjan.lowlink = loc->cnt.tarjan_counter;

                // point visited_states data to stack
                *addr = state_data;

                explore_state (ctx);

                state_info_serialize (ctx->state, state_data);

            } else {
                // previously visited state ==> update parent
                // NB: state is on tarjan_stack

                state_info_deserialize (ctx->state, *addr);
                update_parent (ctx, loc->state_tarjan.lowlink);
                dfs_stack_pop (loc->search_stack);

        } else {
            // there is no state on the current stackframe ==> backtrack

            // we are done if we backtrack from the initial state
            if (0 == dfs_stack_nframes (loc->search_stack))

            // leave the stackframe
            dfs_stack_leave (loc->search_stack);

            // retrieve the parent state from search_stack (to be removed)
            state_data = dfs_stack_top (loc->search_stack);
            state_info_deserialize (ctx->state, state_data);

            Debug ("Backtracking %zu (%d, %d)", ctx->state->ref,
                   loc->state_tarjan.index, loc->state_tarjan.lowlink);

            if (loc->state_tarjan.index == loc->state_tarjan.lowlink) {
                // index == lowlink ==> root of the SCC ==> report the SCC
                pop_scc (ctx, ctx->state->ref, loc->state_tarjan.lowlink);

            } else {
                // lowlink < index ==> LIVE SCC ==> move to tarjan_stack
                move_tarjan (ctx, ctx->state, state_data);
                update_parent (ctx, loc->state_tarjan.lowlink);

            dfs_stack_pop (loc->search_stack);

        init_state = dlopen_get_new_initial_state (init_state);
        if (init_state == -1) {
            Warning(info, "Number of inits : %d", inits);

    Warning(info, "Done profiling");

    if (!run_is_stopped(run) && dfs_stack_size(loc->tarjan_stack) != 0)
        Warning (info, "Tarjan stack not empty: %zu (stack %zu)",
    if (!run_is_stopped(run) && fset_count(loc->visited_states) != 0)
        Warning (info, "Stack-set not empty: %zu",