Ejemplo n.º 1
    Search for a module "filename" in the modulePath. Return the result in "result"
PUBLIC char *mprSearchForModule(cchar *filename)
    char    *path, *f, *searchPath, *dir, *tok;

    filename = mprNormalizePath(filename);

        Search for the path directly
    if ((path = probe(filename)) != 0) {
        return path;

        Search in the searchPath
    searchPath = sclone(mprGetModuleSearchPath());
    tok = 0;
    dir = stok(searchPath, MPR_SEARCH_SEP, &tok);
    while (dir && *dir) {
        f = mprJoinPath(dir, filename);
        if ((path = probe(f)) != 0) {
            return path;
        dir = stok(0, MPR_SEARCH_SEP, &tok);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
PUBLIC int httpParsePlatform(cchar *platform, cchar **osp, cchar **archp, cchar **profilep)
    char   *arch, *os, *profile, *rest;

    if (osp) {
        *osp = 0;
    if (archp) {
       *archp = 0;
    if (profilep) {
       *profilep = 0;
    if (platform == 0 || *platform == '\0') {
        return MPR_ERR_BAD_ARGS;
    os = stok(sclone(platform), "-", &rest);
    arch = sclone(stok(NULL, "-", &rest));
    profile = sclone(rest);
    if (os == 0 || arch == 0 || profile == 0 || *os == '\0' || *arch == '\0' || *profile == '\0') {
        return MPR_ERR_BAD_ARGS;
    if (osp) {
        *osp = os;
    if (archp) {
       *archp = arch;
    if (profilep) {
       *profilep = profile;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    Search for a module "filename" in the modulePath. Return the result in "result"
char *mprSearchForModule(cchar *filename)
    char    *path, *f, *searchPath, *dir, *tok;

    filename = mprNormalizePath(filename);

        Search for the path directly
    if ((path = probe(filename)) != 0) {
        mprLog(6, "Found native module %s at %s", filename, path);
        return path;

        Search in the searchPath
    searchPath = sclone(mprGetModuleSearchPath());
    tok = 0;
    dir = stok(searchPath, MPR_SEARCH_SEP, &tok);
    while (dir && *dir) {
        f = mprJoinPath(dir, filename);
        if ((path = probe(f)) != 0) {
            mprLog(6, "Found native module %s at %s", filename, path);
            return path;
        dir = stok(0, MPR_SEARCH_SEP, &tok);
#endif /* BIT_HAS_DYN_LOAD */
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static void computeUserAbilities(WebsUser *user)
    char    *ability, *roles, *tok;

    if ((user->abilities = hashCreate(-1)) == 0) {
    roles = sclone(user->roles);
    for (ability = stok(roles, " \t,", &tok); ability; ability = stok(NULL, " \t,", &tok)) {
        computeAbilities(user->abilities, ability, 0);
        WebsKey *key;
        trace(5, "User \"%s\" has abilities: ", user->name);
        for (key = hashFirst(user->abilities); key; key = hashNext(user->abilities, key)) {
            trace(5, "%s ", key->name.value.string);
            ability = key->name.value.string;
        trace(5, "\n");
int main()
    setlocale(LC_ALL, "Russian");

    char StringEntered[] = "";
    char *Links[10]; // Массив указателей на подстроки из String;
    char *IPLinks[4]; // Массив указателей на подстроки IP-адреса;
    char DelimeterPath = ':'; // Разделитель для пути;
    char DelimeterIP = '.'; // Разделитель для IP;

    int QuantityOfSubStrings;
    int QuantityOfIPSubStrings;
    int SCPCorrect;
    int IPCorrect;
    int index;

    QuantityOfSubStrings = stok(StringEntered, DelimeterPath, Links);
    QuantityOfSubStrings = stok(Links[0], DelimeterIP, IPLinks);
    IPCorrect = IPChecking(IPLinks);
    printf("Количество подстрок: %d", QuantityOfSubStrings);
    printf("Количество подстрок IP: %d", QuantityOfIPSubStrings);

    SCPCorrect = SCPChecking(IPLinks[0]);
    if(SCPCorrect == 1) printf("Протокол SCP некорректен");

    if(IPCorrect == -1) printf("IP неверен\n");

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
    Can supply a roles or abilities in the "abilities" parameter
PUBLIC void httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities(HttpAuth *auth, cchar *abilities)
    char    *ability, *tok;

    GRADUATE_HASH(auth, abilities);
    for (ability = stok(sclone(abilities), " \t,", &tok); abilities; abilities = stok(NULL, " \t,", &tok)) {
        httpComputeRoleAbilities(auth, auth->abilities, ability);
Ejemplo n.º 7
static void addFormVars(cchar *buf)
    char    *pair, *tok;

    pair = stok(sclone(buf), "&", &tok);
    while (pair != 0) {
        mprAddItem(app->formData, sclone(pair));
        pair = stok(0, "&", &tok);
Ejemplo n.º 8
static void parseQuery(HttpConn *conn)
    HttpRx      *rx;
    HttpDir     *dir;
    char        *value, *query, *next, *tok, *field;

    rx = conn->rx;
    dir = conn->reqData;
    query = sclone(rx->parsedUri->query);
    if (query == 0) {
    tok = stok(query, ";&", &next);
    while (tok) {
        if ((value = strchr(tok, '=')) != 0) {
            *value++ = '\0';
            if (*tok == 'C') {                  /* Sort column */
                field = 0;
                if (*value == 'N') {
                    field = "Name";
                } else if (*value == 'M') {
                    field = "Date";
                } else if (*value == 'S') {
                    field = "Size";
                if (field) {
                    dir->sortField = sclone(field);

            } else if (*tok == 'O') {           /* Sort order */
                if (*value == 'A') {
                    dir->sortOrder = 1;
                } else if (*value == 'D') {
                    dir->sortOrder = -1;

            } else if (*tok == 'F') {           /* Format */ 
                if (*value == '0') {
                    dir->fancyIndexing = 0;
                } else if (*value == '1') {
                    dir->fancyIndexing = 1;
                } else if (*value == '2') {
                    dir->fancyIndexing = 2;

            } else if (*tok == 'P') {           /* Pattern */ 
                dir->pattern = sclone(value);
        tok = stok(next, ";&", &next);
Ejemplo n.º 9
static int parseDigestNonce(char *nonce, cchar **secret, cchar **realm, MprTime *when)
    char    *tok, *decoded, *whenStr;

    if ((decoded = mprDecode64(nonce)) == 0) {
        return MPR_ERR_CANT_READ;
    *secret = stok(decoded, ":", &tok);
    *realm = stok(NULL, ":", &tok);
    whenStr = stok(NULL, ":", &tok);
    *when = (MprTime) stoiradix(whenStr, 16, NULL); 
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 10
    Can also achieve this via abilities
PUBLIC void httpSetAuthPermittedUsers(HttpAuth *auth, cchar *users)
    char    *user, *tok;

    GRADUATE_HASH(auth, permittedUsers);
    for (user = stok(sclone(users), " \t,", &tok); users; users = stok(NULL, " \t,", &tok)) {
        if (smatch(user, "*")) {
            auth->permittedUsers = 0;
        } else {
            mprAddKey(auth->permittedUsers, user, user);
Ejemplo n.º 11
    Options Indexes 
static int optionsDirective(MaState *state, cchar *key, cchar *value)
    Dir     *dir;
    char    *option, *tok;

    dir = getDirObj(state);
    option = stok(sclone(value), " \t", &tok);
    while (option) {
        if (scaselessmatch(option, "Indexes")) {
            dir->enabled = 1;
        option = stok(tok, " \t", &tok);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 12
    function get info(): Object
static EjsObj *http_info(Ejs *ejs, EjsHttp *hp, int argc, EjsObj **argv)
    EjsObj  *obj;
    char    *key, *next, *value;

    if (hp->conn && hp->conn->sock) {
        obj = ejsCreateEmptyPot(ejs);
        for (key = stok(mprGetSocketState(hp->conn->sock), ",", &next); key; key = stok(NULL, ",", &next)) {
            stok(key, "=", &value);
            ejsSetPropertyByName(ejs, obj, EN(key), ejsCreateStringFromAsc(ejs, value));
        return obj;
    return ESV(null);
Ejemplo n.º 13
    Map iana names to OpenSSL names so users can provide IANA names as well as OpenSSL cipher names
static char *mapCipherNames(char *ciphers)
    WebsBuf     buf;
    CipherMap   *cp;
    char        *cipher, *next, *str;

    if (!ciphers || *ciphers == 0) {
        return 0;
    bufCreate(&buf, 0, 0);
    ciphers = sclone(ciphers);
    for (next = ciphers; (cipher = stok(next, ":, \t", &next)) != 0; ) {
        for (cp = cipherMap; cp->name; cp++) {
            if (smatch(cp->name, cipher)) {
                bufPut(&buf, "%s:", cp->ossName);
        if (cp->name == 0) {
            bufPut(&buf, "%s:", cipher);
    str = sclone(bufStart(&buf));
    return str;
Ejemplo n.º 14
void ViewDescriptor::LoadFromExtension()
  configElement->GetAttribute(WorkbenchRegistryConstants::ATT_ID, id);

  // Sanity check.
  std::string name;
  if ((configElement->GetAttribute(WorkbenchRegistryConstants::ATT_NAME, name) == false)
      || (RegistryReader::GetClassValue(configElement,
              WorkbenchRegistryConstants::ATT_CLASS) == ""))
    throw CoreException(
        "Invalid extension (missing label or class name)", id);

  std::string category;
  if (configElement->GetAttribute(WorkbenchRegistryConstants::TAG_CATEGORY, category))
    Poco::StringTokenizer stok(category, "/", Poco::StringTokenizer::TOK_IGNORE_EMPTY | Poco::StringTokenizer::TOK_TRIM);
    // Parse the path tokens and store them
    for (Poco::StringTokenizer::Iterator iter = stok.begin(); iter != stok.end(); ++iter)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    Write upload data. This routine blocks. If you need non-blocking ... cut and paste.
ssize httpWriteUploadData(HttpConn *conn, MprList *fileData, MprList *formData)
    char    *path, *pair, *key, *value, *name;
    ssize   rc;
    int     next;

    rc = 0;
    if (formData) {
        for (rc = next = 0; rc >= 0 && (pair = mprGetNextItem(formData, &next)) != 0; ) {
            key = stok(sclone(pair), "=", &value);
            rc += httpWrite(conn->writeq, "%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"%s\";\r\n", conn->boundary, key);
            rc += httpWrite(conn->writeq, "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n\r\n%s\r\n", value);
    if (fileData) {
        for (rc = next = 0; rc >= 0 && (path = mprGetNextItem(fileData, &next)) != 0; ) {
            name = mprGetPathBase(path);
            rc += httpWrite(conn->writeq, "%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file%d\"; filename=\"%s\"\r\n", 
                conn->boundary, next - 1, name);
            rc += httpWrite(conn->writeq, "Content-Type: %s\r\n\r\n", mprLookupMime(MPR->mimeTypes, path));
            rc += blockingFileCopy(conn, path);
            rc += httpWrite(conn->writeq, "\r\n");
    rc += httpWrite(conn->writeq, "%s--\r\n--", conn->boundary);
    return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 16
	int isdomain(char *str)
		char d_ru[] = "ru";
		char d_com[] = "com";
		char d_org[] = "org";
		char *EL[MAXSIZE];
		int i;
		if (6 > slen(str))
			return 0;
		int Z = stok(str, '.', EL);
		if (!((scmp(EL[Z - 1], d_ru) == 0) || (scmp(EL[Z - 1], d_com) == 0) || (scmp(EL[Z - 1], d_org) == 0)))
			suntok(str, '.', EL, Z);
			return 0;
		suntok(str, '.', EL, Z);
		if (3 != Z)
			return 0;
		for (i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++)
			if (!((str[i] >= 'A')&&(str[i] <= 'Z') || ( (str[i] >= 'a')&&(str[i] <= 'z')) || str[i] == '.' ))
				return 0;
		return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 17
    Test if the version is acceptable based on the supplied critera.
    The acceptable formats for criteria are:

    VER                             Allows prereleases
    1.2.[*xX]                       Wild card version portion. (allows prereleases).
    ~VER                            Compatible with VER at the least significant level.
                                    ~1.2.3 == (>=1.2.3 <1.3.0) Compatible at the patch level
                                    ~1.2 == 1.2.x   Compatible at the minor level
                                    ~1 == 1.x   Compatible at the major level
    ^VER                            Compatible with VER at the most significant level.
                                    ^0.2.3 == 0.2.3 <= VER < 0.3.0
                                    ^1.2.3 == 1.2.3 <= VER < 2.0.0
    [>, >=, <, <=, ==, !=]VER       Create range relative to given version
    EXPR1 - EXPR2                   <=EXPR1 <=EXPR2
    EXPR1 || EXPR2 ...              EXPR1 OR EXPR2
    EXPR1 && EXPR2 ...              EXPR1 AND EXPR2
    EXPR1 EXPR2 ...                 EXPR1 AND EXPR2

    Pre-release versions will only match if the criteria contains a "-.*" prerelease suffix
PUBLIC bool mprIsVersionObjAcceptable(MprVersion *vp, cchar *criteria)
    char        *expr, *exprTok, *range, *rangeTok, *low, *high;
    bool        allMatched;

    if (!vp->ok) {
        return 0;
    if (!criteria || *criteria == '\0') {
        return 1;
    criteria = cleanVersion(criteria);
    for (range = (char*) criteria; stok(range, "||", &rangeTok) != 0; range = rangeTok) {
        range = strim(range, " \t", 0);
        allMatched = 1;
        for (expr = (char*) range; sptok(expr, "&&", &exprTok) != 0; expr = exprTok) {
            if (scontains(expr, " - ")) {
                low = sptok(expr, " - ", &high);
                return inRange(vp, sjoin(">=", low, NULL)) && inRange(vp, sjoin("<=", high, NULL));
            if (!inRange(vp, expr)) {
                allMatched = 0;
        if (allMatched) {
            return 1;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 18
int main()
	int i;
	char ch[260]; // vremenniy massiv dlya dannih
	char delim; // razdelitel'

    printf("Vvedite razdlitel':\n");
      scanf("%c", &delim); // razdelitel'
          printf("Vvedite imya polzovatelya:\n");
      scanf("%s", &ch);
       char *username = (int *)malloc(size_s(ch)*sizeof(int)); // imya polzovatelya
        for (i=0; i<size_s(ch); i++)
    printf("Vvedite imya domashney direktorii:\n");
      scanf("%s", &ch);
       char *dir = (int *)malloc(size_s(ch)*sizeof(int)); // imya domashnego kataloga
        for (i=0; i<size_s(ch); i++)
    printf("Vvedite puti cherez razdeliteli:\n");
      scanf("%s", &ch);
       char *paths = (int *)malloc(size_s(ch)*sizeof(int)); // vhodnaya stroka s putyami
        for (i=0; i<size_s(ch); i++)
    //printf("Vvedeno:\n%c\n%s\n%s\n%s\n", delim, username, dir, paths);
	stok(paths, delim);	// zanosim puti v noviy massiv 
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 19
int Researcher(char *Str)
	int isipv4(char *str)
		char *EL[MAXSIZE];
		int i, j;
		if ((7 > slen(str)) || (15 < slen(str)))
			return 0;
		int Z = stok(str, '.', EL);
		if (Z != 4)
			suntok(str, '.', EL, Z);
			return 0;
		for (i = 0; i < Z; ++i)
			for (j = 0; EL[i][j] != '\0'; ++j)
				if (myisdigit(EL[i][j]))
					suntok(str, '.', EL, Z);
					return 0;
			if (255 < myatoi(EL[i]))
				suntok(str, '.', EL, Z);
				return 0;
		suntok(str, '.', EL, Z);
		return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 20
    /* Parses out a start/end date spec from a posix time zone string.
     * Date specs come in three possible formats, this function handles
     * the 'M' spec. Ex "M2.2.4" => 2nd month, 2nd week, 4th day .
    void M_func(const string_type& s, const string_type& e){
      typedef gregorian::nth_kday_of_month nkday;
      unsigned short sm=0,sw=0,sd=0,em=0,ew=0,ed=0; // start/end month,week,day
#ifdef __HP_aCC
      // Work around bug in aC++ compiler: see QXCR1000880488 in the
      // HP bug tracking system
      const char_type sep_chars[3] = {'M','.',0};
      const char_type sep_chars[3] = {'M','.'};
      char_separator_type sep(sep_chars);
      tokenizer_type stok(s, sep), etok(e, sep);

      tokenizer_iterator_type it = stok.begin();
      sm = lexical_cast<unsigned short>(*it++);
      sw = lexical_cast<unsigned short>(*it++);
      sd = lexical_cast<unsigned short>(*it);

      it = etok.begin();
      em = lexical_cast<unsigned short>(*it++);
      ew = lexical_cast<unsigned short>(*it++);
      ed = lexical_cast<unsigned short>(*it);

      dst_calc_rules_ = shared_ptr<dst_calc_rule>(
        new nth_kday_dst_rule(
Ejemplo n.º 21
    Convert queue data in key / value pairs
    MOB - should be able to remove this and use standard form parsing
static int getParams(char ***keys, char *buf, int len)
    char**  keyList;
    char    *eq, *cp, *pp, *tok;
    int     i, keyCount;

    *keys = 0;

        Change all plus signs back to spaces
    keyCount = (len > 0) ? 1 : 0;
    for (cp = buf; cp < &buf[len]; cp++) {
        if (*cp == '+') {
            *cp = ' ';
        } else if (*cp == '&' && (cp > buf && cp < &buf[len - 1])) {
    if (keyCount == 0) {
        return 0;

        Crack the input into name/value pairs 
    keyList = mprAlloc((keyCount * 2) * sizeof(char**));
    i = 0;
    tok = 0;
    for (pp = stok(buf, "&", &tok); pp; pp = stok(0, "&", &tok)) {
        if ((eq = strchr(pp, '=')) != 0) {
            *eq++ = '\0';
            pp = mprUriDecode(pp);
            eq = mprUriDecode(eq);
        } else {
            pp = mprUriDecode(pp);
            eq = 0;
        if (i < (keyCount * 2)) {
            keyList[i++] = pp;
            keyList[i++] = eq;
    *keys = keyList;
    return keyCount;
Ejemplo n.º 22
static int parseDigestNonce(char *nonce, char **secret, char **realm, WebsTime *when)
    char    *tok, *decoded, *whenStr;                                                                      
    assure(nonce && *nonce);

    if ((decoded = websDecode64(nonce)) == 0) {                                                             
        return -1;
    *secret = stok(decoded, ":", &tok);
    *realm = stok(NULL, ":", &tok);
    whenStr = stok(NULL, ":", &tok);
    *when = hextoi(whenStr);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 23
void process(char *str)
    char *ptr[20];
    int count;
    int i;

    count = stok(str, '/', ptr);
    suntok(str, '\\', ptr, count);
Ejemplo n.º 24
    IndexOptions FancyIndexing|FoldersFirst ... (set of options) 
static int indexOptionsDirective(MaState *state, cchar *key, cchar *value)
    Dir     *dir;
    char    *option, *tok;

    dir = getDirObj(state);
    option = stok(sclone(value), " \t", &tok);
    while (option) {
        if (scaselessmatch(option, "FancyIndexing")) {
            dir->fancyIndexing = 1;
        } else if (scaselessmatch(option, "HTMLTable")) {
            dir->fancyIndexing = 2;
        } else if (scaselessmatch(option, "FoldersFirst")) {
            dir->foldersFirst = 1;
        option = stok(tok, " \t", &tok);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 25
void process(char *path, char *delim)
	int count, i;
	char *subpath[10];
	count = stok(path, delim[0], subpath);
	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
	suntok(path, delim[0], subpath, count);
Ejemplo n.º 26
    Parse cached content of the form:  headers \n\n data
    Set headers in the current requeset and return a reference to the data portion
static cchar *setHeadersFromCache(HttpConn *conn, cchar *content)
    cchar   *data;
    char    *header, *headers, *key, *value, *tok;

    if ((data = strstr(content, "\n\n")) == 0) {
        data = content;
    } else {
        headers = snclone(content, data - content);
        data += 2;
        for (header = stok(headers, "\n", &tok); header; header = stok(NULL, "\n", &tok)) {
            key = stok(header, ": ", &value);
            if (smatch(key, "X-Status")) {
                conn->tx->status = (int) stoi(value);
            } else {
                httpAddHeader(conn, key, value);
    return data;
Ejemplo n.º 27
PUBLIC HttpRole *httpAddRole(HttpAuth *auth, cchar *name, cchar *abilities)
    HttpRole    *role;
    char        *ability, *tok;

    GRADUATE_HASH(auth, roles);
    if ((role = mprLookupKey(auth->roles, name)) == 0) {
        if ((role = mprAllocObj(HttpRole, manageRole)) == 0) {
            return 0;
        role->name = sclone(name);
    role->abilities = mprCreateHash(0, 0);
    for (ability = stok(sclone(abilities), " \t", &tok); ability; ability = stok(NULL, " \t", &tok)) {
        mprAddKey(role->abilities, ability, role);
    if (mprAddKey(auth->roles, name, role) == 0) {
        return 0;
    return role;
Ejemplo n.º 28
void check(char *str, char *ptr[], int size)
	int t, i, d;
	if (scspn(str, size) > 0) {
		printf("Is SCP: no\n");
	for(i = 0; (str[i] != '\0'); i++)
		if(str[i] == ':')
	if (d == 1)
		printf("Is SCP: yes\n");
	else { 
		printf("Is SCP: no\n");
	int j = stok(str, ':', ptr, size);
	for(i = 0; (str[i] != '\0'); i++)
		if(str[i] == '.')
	if (t == 3) {
		for(i = 0; i < str[i] != '\0'; i++) 
			if((str[i] >= '0' && str[i] <= '9') || (str[i] == '.')) 
				t = 3;
			else {
				t = 4;
	char *ptr2[228];
	int k = stok(str, '.', ptr2, size);
	isIp(ptr2, size, t);
	suntok(str, '.', ptr2, k);
	suntok(str, ':', ptr, j);
	process(str, size);
Ejemplo n.º 29
CTEST(equation_suite, stok_single)
	char string[]= "haallo";
	char *ptr[1];
	stok(string, ptr);
	char *tmp1 = ptr[0];

	const int real = tmp1[0];

	const int expct = 'h';
	ASSERT_EQUAL(real, expct);
Ejemplo n.º 30
void process(char *pat, char *dir, char del)
	char *RAW[MAXSIZE];
	char *TOK[MAXSIZE];
	char *a;
	int Z = 0, R = 0, i, j, k, dLEN, pLEN;
	pLEN = slen(pat);
	Z = stok(pat, del, RAW);
	dLEN = slen(dir);
	if (Z > 10)
		printf("%sПо заданию программа не может обработать больше 10 путей%s\n", clBoldRed, clNormal);
	for (i = 0; i < Z; i++)
		R = stok(RAW[i], '/', TOK);
		for (j = 0; j < R; j++)
			if ((j == 0) && (slen(TOK[j]) > 1) && (TOK[j][0] == '~'))
				for (a = pat + pLEN; a > TOK[j]; --a)
					*(a + dLEN) = *a;
				scpy(TOK[j], dir);
				*(TOK[j]+dLEN) = '/';
				for (k = i + 1; k < Z; k++)
					RAW[k] += dLEN;
				for (k = j - 1; k < R; k++)
					TOK[k] += dLEN;
		suntok(RAW[i], '/', TOK, R);
	suntok(pat, del, RAW, Z);