Ejemplo n.º 1
CatCommand::CatCommand(args::Parser& parser, Command*& command) {
    args::Parser& cat = parser.add_subparser(
            "cat", "print binary resource data", store_const(command, this));
    cat.add_argument("type", store(_type))
    cat.add_argument("id", store(_id))
Ejemplo n.º 2
void main(int argc, char** argv) {
    args::Parser parser(argv[0], "Plays a replay into a set of images and a log of sounds");

    String replay_path(utf8::decode(argv[0]));
    parser.add_argument("replay", store(replay_path)).help("an Antares replay script").required();

    Optional<String> output_dir;
    parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", store(output_dir))
            .help("place output in this directory");

    int  interval = 60;
    int  width    = 640;
    int  height   = 480;
    bool text     = false;
    bool smoke    = false;
    parser.add_argument("-i", "--interval", store(interval))
            .help("take one screenshot per this many ticks (default: 60)");
    parser.add_argument("-w", "--width", store(width)).help("screen width (default: 640)");
    parser.add_argument("-h", "--height", store(height)).help("screen height (default: 480)");
    parser.add_argument("-t", "--text", store_const(text, true)).help("produce text output");
    parser.add_argument("-s", "--smoke", store_const(smoke, true)).help("run as smoke text");

    parser.add_argument("--help", help(parser, 0)).help("display this help screen");

    String error;
    if (!parser.parse_args(argc - 1, argv + 1, error)) {
        print(io::err, format("{0}: {1}\n", parser.name(), error));

    if (output_dir.has()) {
        makedirs(*output_dir, 0755);

    Preferences preferences;
    preferences.play_music_in_game = true;
    NullPrefsDriver prefs(preferences);

    EventScheduler scheduler;
    scheduler.schedule_event(unique_ptr<Event>(new MouseMoveEvent(wall_time(), Point(320, 240))));
    // TODO(sfiera): add recurring snapshots to OffscreenVideoDriver.
    for (int64_t i = 1; i < 72000; i += interval) {

    unique_ptr<SoundDriver> sound;
    if (!smoke && output_dir.has()) {
        String out(format("{0}/sound.log", *output_dir));
        sound.reset(new LogSoundDriver(out));
    } else {
        sound.reset(new NullSoundDriver);
    NullLedger ledger;

    MappedFile replay_file(replay_path);
    if (smoke) {
        TextVideoDriver video({width, height}, Optional<String>());
        video.loop(new ReplayMaster(replay_file.data(), output_dir), scheduler);
    } else if (text) {
        TextVideoDriver video({width, height}, output_dir);
        video.loop(new ReplayMaster(replay_file.data(), output_dir), scheduler);
    } else {
        OffscreenVideoDriver video({width, height}, output_dir);
        video.loop(new ReplayMaster(replay_file.data(), output_dir), scheduler);
Ejemplo n.º 3
inline int MacroAssembler::store_const(const Address &dest, long imm, Register scratch, bool is_long) {
  unsigned int lm = is_long ? 8 : 4;
  unsigned int lc = is_long ? 8 : 4;
  return store_const(dest, imm, lm, lc, scratch);