bool CReactorClass::FindDataField (const ReactorDesc &Desc, const CString &sField, CString *retsValue) // FindDataField // // Finds a data field for the reactor desc. { if (strEquals(sField, FIELD_POWER)) *retsValue = strFromInt(Desc.iMaxPower * 100); else if (strEquals(sField, FIELD_FUEL_CRITERIA)) { if (Desc.pFuelCriteria) *retsValue = CItem::GenerateCriteria(*Desc.pFuelCriteria); else *retsValue = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("f L:%d-%d;"), Desc.iMinFuelLevel, Desc.iMaxFuelLevel); } else if (strEquals(sField, FIELD_FUEL_EFFICIENCY)) *retsValue = strFromInt(Desc.iPowerPerFuelUnit); else if (strEquals(sField, FIELD_FUEL_CAPACITY)) *retsValue = strFromInt(Desc.iMaxFuel / FUEL_UNITS_PER_STD_ROD); else return false; return true; }
CString CCInteger::Print (CCodeChain *pCC, DWORD dwFlags) // Print // // Returns a text representation of this item { // If this is an error code, translate it if (IsError()) { switch (m_iValue) { case CCRESULT_NOTFOUND: return strPatternSubst(LITERAL("[%d] Item not found."), m_iValue); case CCRESULT_CANCEL: return strPatternSubst(LITERAL("[%d] Operation canceled."), m_iValue); case CCRESULT_DISKERROR: return strPatternSubst(LITERAL("[%d] Disk error."), m_iValue); default: return strPatternSubst(LITERAL("[%d] Unknown error."), m_iValue); } } // Otherwise, just print the integer value else return strFromInt(m_iValue, TRUE); }
void CUIHelper::CreateClassInfoCargo (CShipClass *pClass, const CDeviceDescList &Devices, int x, int y, int cxWidth, DWORD dwOptions, int *retcyHeight, IAnimatron **retpInfo) const // CreateClassInfoCargo // // Creates info about the ship class' cargo { const CVisualPalette &VI = m_HI.GetVisuals(); CDeviceClass *pCargoExtension = Devices.GetNamedDevice(devCargo); int iCargoSpace = pClass->GetCargoSpace(); if (pCargoExtension) iCargoSpace += pCargoExtension->GetCargoSpace(); // Icon CItemType *pItemIcon = (pCargoExtension ? pCargoExtension->GetItemType() : g_pUniverse->FindItemType(CARGO_HOLD_EXPANSION_UNID)); // Text CString sText = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("{/rtf {/f:LargeBold;/c:%d; %s} {/f:MediumBold;/c:%d; %s}\n{/f:Medium;/c:%d; %s}}"), CG16bitImage::RGBFromPixel(VI.GetColor(colorTextDialogLabel)), strFromInt(iCargoSpace, TRUE), CG16bitImage::RGBFromPixel(VI.GetColor(colorTextDialogInput)), (pCargoExtension ? strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("ton %s"), CTextBlock::Escape(pCargoExtension->GetItemType()->GetNounPhrase(nounActual))) : CONSTLIT("ton cargo hold")), CG16bitImage::RGBFromPixel(VI.GetColor(colorTextDialogLabel)), (iCargoSpace < pClass->GetMaxCargoSpace() ? strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("optional expansion up to %d tons"), pClass->GetMaxCargoSpace()) : CONSTLIT("cargo space cannot be expanded"))); CreateClassInfoSpecialItem(pItemIcon, sText, x, y, cxWidth, dwOptions, retcyHeight, retpInfo); }
void CArtifactStatPainter::Paint (CG32bitImage &Dest) const // Paint // // Paint the stat { const CG16bitFont &LabelFont = m_VI.GetFont(fontSmall); const CG16bitFont &StatFont = m_VI.GetFont(fontLargeBold); CG32bitPixel rgbBack = AA_STYLECOLOR(colorCountermeasureLocusBack); CG32bitPixel rgbLabel = CG32bitPixel(0x80, 0x80, 0x80); CG32bitPixel rgbStat = AA_STYLECOLOR(colorAICoreFore); // Paint the background first CGDraw::RoundedRect(Dest, m_rcRect.left,, RectWidth(m_rcRect), RectHeight(m_rcRect), CORNER_RADIUS, rgbBack); // Paint the label LabelFont.DrawText(Dest, m_rcRect, rgbLabel, m_sLabel, 0, CG16bitFont::AlignCenter); // Paint the stat RECT rcRect = m_rcRect; += LabelFont.GetHeight(); StatFont.DrawText(Dest, rcRect, rgbStat, strFromInt(m_iValue), 0, CG16bitFont::AlignCenter); }
ALERROR CEffectCreator::CreateFromXML (SDesignLoadCtx &Ctx, CXMLElement *pDesc, const CString &sUNID, CEffectCreator **retpCreator) // CreateFromXML // // Creates the creator from an XML element { ALERROR error; CEffectCreator *pCreator; // Basic info CString sEffectUNID = sUNID; if (sEffectUNID.IsBlank()) { DWORD dwUNID = pDesc->GetAttributeInteger(UNID_ATTRIB); if (dwUNID) sEffectUNID = strFromInt(dwUNID, FALSE); else sEffectUNID = STR_NO_UNID; } // Create the effect based on the child tag if (pDesc->GetContentElementCount() == 0) { *retpCreator = NULL; return NOERROR; } else if (pDesc->GetContentElementCount() == 1) { if (error = CreateSimpleFromXML(Ctx, pDesc->GetContentElement(0), sEffectUNID, &pCreator)) return error; } else { pCreator = new CEffectGroupCreator; if (pCreator == NULL) return ERR_MEMORY; pCreator->m_sUNID = sEffectUNID; // Type-specific creation if (error = pCreator->OnEffectCreateFromXML(Ctx, pDesc, sEffectUNID)) return error; } // Sound Effect (resolved later) pCreator->m_dwSoundUNID = pDesc->GetAttributeInteger(SOUND_ATTRIB); pCreator->m_iSound = -1; // Done *retpCreator = pCreator; return NOERROR; }
void WriteNumber (CMemoryWriteStream &Stream, int iNumber, int iLeadingZeros) { CString sNumber = strFromInt(iNumber, false); if (sNumber.GetLength() < iLeadingZeros) Stream.Write("0000000000", iLeadingZeros - sNumber.GetLength()); Stream.Write(sNumber.GetASCIIZPointer(), sNumber.GetLength()); }
bool CDriveClass::FindDataField (const CString &sField, CString *retsValue) // FindDataField // // Returns meta-data { if (strEquals(sField, FIELD_MAX_SPEED)) *retsValue = strFromInt((int)((100.0 * m_DriveDesc.rMaxSpeed / LIGHT_SPEED) + 0.5), FALSE); else if (strEquals(sField, FIELD_THRUST)) *retsValue = strFromInt(m_DriveDesc.iThrust, FALSE); else if (strEquals(sField, FIELD_POWER)) *retsValue = strFromInt(m_DriveDesc.iPowerUse * 100); else return false; return true; }
void WriteTimeValue (CMemoryWriteStream &Output, DWORD dwTime) { if (dwTime == INVALID_TIME) Output.Write(NIL_VALUE.GetASCIIZPointer(), NIL_VALUE.GetLength()); else { CString sInt = strFromInt(dwTime); Output.Write(sInt.GetASCIIZPointer(), sInt.GetLength()); } }
ALERROR OutputItemTable (CSymbolTable &AllSystems, int iSystemSample) { ALERROR error; int i, j; CSymbolTable AllItems(TRUE, TRUE); for (i = 0; i < AllSystems.GetCount(); i++) { SystemInfo *pSystemEntry = (SystemInfo *)AllSystems.GetValue(i); for (j = 0; j < pSystemEntry->Items.GetCount(); j++) { ItemInfo *pEntry = (ItemInfo *)pSystemEntry->Items.GetValue(j); CString sKey = strFromInt(pEntry->pType->GetUNID(), false); ItemInfo *pDestEntry; if (error = AllItems.Lookup(sKey, (CObject **)&pDestEntry)) { pDestEntry = new ItemInfo; pDestEntry->pType = pEntry->pType; pDestEntry->rTotalCount = ((double)pEntry->iTotalCount / (double)iSystemSample); AllItems.AddEntry(sKey, pDestEntry); } else pDestEntry->rTotalCount += ((double)pEntry->iTotalCount / (double)iSystemSample); } } // Output all items to a well-known file CTextFileLog Output(ITEM_COUNT_FILENAME); if (error = Output.Create(FALSE)) { printf("ERROR: Unable to create output file: %s\n", ITEM_COUNT_FILENAME.GetASCIIZPointer()); return error; } for (i = 0; i < AllItems.GetCount(); i++) { ItemInfo *pEntry = (ItemInfo *)AllItems.GetValue(i); Output.LogOutput(0, "0x%x\t%d", pEntry->pType->GetUNID(), (int)((pEntry->rTotalCount * 1000) + 0.5)); } if (error = Output.Close()) { printf("ERROR: Unable to create output file: %s\n", ITEM_COUNT_FILENAME.GetASCIIZPointer()); return error; } return NOERROR; }
void AtrmMotors :: statusMotors(AStream *stream) { stream->printPgm(TEXT("Status motor:")); AHardware *hardware = ptrHardware; char szBuffer[10]; //текущие настройки моторов 1 zeroMemory((BYTE*)szBuffer, 10); strFromInt(szBuffer, hardware->motors.getSpeedM1()); AProxyTerminal::sendEnter(stream); stream->printPgm(TEXT(" left motor = ")); stream->print(szBuffer); //текущие настройки моторов 2 zeroMemory((BYTE*)szBuffer, 10); strFromInt(szBuffer, hardware->motors.getSpeedM2()); AProxyTerminal::sendEnter(stream); stream->printPgm(TEXT(" right motor = ")); stream->print(szBuffer); }
CString CAISettings::GetValue (const CString &sSetting) // GetValue // // Get the current value of the given setting { if (strEquals(sSetting, AGGRESSOR_ATTRIB)) return (m_fAggressor ? STR_TRUE : NULL_STR); else if (strEquals(sSetting, ASCEND_ON_GATE_ATTRIB)) return (m_fAscendOnGate ? STR_TRUE : NULL_STR); else if (strEquals(sSetting, COMBAT_SEPARATION_ATTRIB)) return (m_rMinCombatSeparation > 0.0 ? strFromInt((int)(m_rMinCombatSeparation / g_KlicksPerPixel)) : NULL_STR); else if (strEquals(sSetting, COMBAT_STYLE_ATTRIB)) return ConvertToID(m_iCombatStyle); else if (strEquals(sSetting, FIRE_ACCURACY_ATTRIB)) return strFromInt(m_iFireAccuracy); else if (strEquals(sSetting, FIRE_RANGE_ADJ_ATTRIB)) return strFromInt(m_iFireRangeAdj); else if (strEquals(sSetting, FIRE_RATE_ADJ_ATTRIB)) return strFromInt(m_iFireRateAdj); else if (strEquals(sSetting, NO_DOGFIGHTS_ATTRIB)) return (m_fNoDogfights ? STR_TRUE : NULL_STR); else if (strEquals(sSetting, NO_SHIELD_RETREAT_ATTRIB)) return (m_fNoShieldRetreat ? STR_TRUE : NULL_STR); else if (strEquals(sSetting, NO_FRIENDLY_FIRE_ATTRIB)) return (m_fNoFriendlyFire ? STR_TRUE : NULL_STR); else if (strEquals(sSetting, NO_FRIENDLY_FIRE_CHECK_ATTRIB)) return (m_fNoFriendlyFireCheck ? STR_TRUE : NULL_STR); else if (strEquals(sSetting, NO_NAV_PATHS_ATTRIB)) return (m_fNoNavPaths ? STR_TRUE : NULL_STR); else if (strEquals(sSetting, NO_ORDER_GIVER_ATTRIB)) return (m_fNoOrderGiver ? STR_TRUE : NULL_STR); else if (strEquals(sSetting, NON_COMBATANT_ATTRIB)) return (m_fNonCombatant ? STR_TRUE : NULL_STR); else if (strEquals(sSetting, PERCEPTION_ATTRIB)) return strFromInt(m_iPerception); else return NULL_STR; }
CString CEconomyType::RinHackGet (CSpaceObject *pObj) // RinHackGet // // In previous version we used to store rin as object data on the player ship // This hack returns it from the proper place { CShip *pPlayerShip = pObj->AsShip(); IShipController *pController = (pPlayerShip ? pPlayerShip->GetController() : NULL); CCurrencyBlock *pMoney = (pController ? pController->GetCurrencyBlock() : NULL); return (pMoney ? strFromInt((int)pMoney->GetCredits(CONSTLIT("rin"))) : NULL_STR); }
bool CMissionType::FindDataField (const CString &sField, CString *retsValue) // FindDataField // // Returns the data field. { if (strEquals(sField, FIELD_LEVEL)) *retsValue = strFromInt(GetLevel()); else if (strEquals(sField, FIELD_MAX_LEVEL)) *retsValue = strFromInt(m_iMaxLevel); else if (strEquals(sField, FIELD_MIN_LEVEL)) *retsValue = strFromInt(m_iMinLevel); else if (strEquals(sField, FIELD_NAME)) *retsValue = m_sName; else return false; return true; }
void CGameSettings::SetValueInteger (int iOption, int iValue, bool bSetSettings) // SetValueInteger // // Sets an integer value { if (g_OptionData[iOption].iType != optionInteger) return; m_Options[iOption].iValue = iValue; if (bSetSettings) m_Options[iOption].sSettingsValue = strFromInt(iValue); }
ALERROR LoadTotalCount (const CString &sFilename, CSymbolTable &TotalCount) { ALERROR error; CFileReadBlock Input(sFilename); if (error = Input.Open()) { printf("ERROR: Unable to open total count file. Use /generateSimTables."); return error; } char *pPos = Input.GetPointer(0, -1); char *pEndPos = pPos + Input.GetLength(); while (pPos < pEndPos) { // Read an UNID DWORD dwUNID = (DWORD)strParseInt(pPos, 0, &pPos); if (dwUNID == 0) break; // Read an count if (pPos >= pEndPos) { printf("ERROR: Unexpected end of file."); return ERR_FAIL; } int iCount = strParseInt(pPos, 0, &pPos); // Add the entry CString sKey = strFromInt(dwUNID, false); EntryInfo *pEntry = new EntryInfo; pEntry->dwUNID = dwUNID; pEntry->rTotalCount = (double)iCount / 1000.0; if (error = TotalCount.AddEntry(sKey, pEntry)) { printf("ERROR: Invalid UNID."); return error; } } return NOERROR; }
CString CDatum::AsString (void) const // AsString // // Coerces to a CString { switch (m_dwData & AEON_TYPE_MASK) { case AEON_TYPE_STRING: return (m_dwData == 0 ? NULL_STR : raw_GetString()); case AEON_TYPE_NUMBER: switch (m_dwData & AEON_NUMBER_TYPE_MASK) { case AEON_NUMBER_CONSTANT: { switch (m_dwData) { case constTrue: return STR_TRUE; default: ASSERT(false); return NULL_STR; } } case AEON_NUMBER_28BIT: case AEON_NUMBER_32BIT: return strFromInt((int)*this); case AEON_NUMBER_DOUBLE: return strFromDouble(g_DoubleAlloc.Get(GetNumberIndex())); default: ASSERT(false); return NULL_STR; } case AEON_TYPE_COMPLEX: return raw_GetComplex()->AsString(); default: ASSERT(false); return NULL_STR; } }
bool CItemTable::FindDataField (const CString &sField, CString *retsValue) // FindDataField // // Returns meta-data { // Deal with the meta-data that we know about if (strEquals(sField, FIELD_TREASURE_VALUE)) *retsValue = strFromInt((int)GetAverageValue(1)); else return CDesignType::FindDataField(sField, retsValue); return true; }
void CDockPane::SetCounterValue (int iValue) // SetCounterValue // // Sets the value of the counter { SControl *pControl; if (pControl = GetControlByType(controlCounter)) { CGTextArea *pTextArea = pControl->AsTextArea(); CString sText = strFromInt(iValue); pTextArea->SetText(sText); pControl->bReplaceInput = true; } }
ALERROR CEffectCreator::OnCreateFromXML (SDesignLoadCtx &Ctx, CXMLElement *pDesc) // OnCreateFromXML // // Load from XML. This is only called if we go through the EffectType path // (as opposed to plain Effect). { ALERROR error; // Basic info m_sUNID = strFromInt(GetUNID(), FALSE); m_dwSoundUNID = pDesc->GetAttributeInteger(SOUND_ATTRIB); m_iSound = -1; // Allow our subclass to initialize based on the effect // (We know we have one because we couldn't have gotten this far // without one. See CreateTypeFromXML.) CXMLElement *pEffect = pDesc->GetContentElementByTag(EFFECT_TAG); ASSERT(pEffect); if (pEffect->GetContentElementCount() == 1) error = OnEffectCreateFromXML(Ctx, pEffect->GetContentElement(0), m_sUNID); else error = OnEffectCreateFromXML(Ctx, pEffect, m_sUNID); if (error) return error; // Load damage descriptors CXMLElement *pDamageDesc = pDesc->GetContentElementByTag(DAMAGE_TAG); if (pDamageDesc) { m_pDamage = new CWeaponFireDesc; CString sUNID = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("%d/d"), GetUNID()); if (error = m_pDamage->InitFromXML(Ctx, pDamageDesc, sUNID, true)) return error; } return NOERROR; }
void CGameSettings::SetValueInteger (int iOption, int iValue, bool bSetSettings) // SetValueInteger // // Sets an integer value { if (g_OptionData[iOption].iType != optionInteger) return; m_Options[iOption].iValue = iValue; if (bSetSettings) { if (g_OptionData[iOption].dwFlags & OPTION_FLAG_HEX) m_Options[iOption].sSettingsValue = strPatternSubst("0x%08x", iValue); else m_Options[iOption].sSettingsValue = strFromInt(iValue); } }
CString IEffectPainter::ReadUNID (SLoadCtx &Ctx) // ReadUNID // // Returns the UNID saved to a stream { CString sUNID; if (Ctx.dwVersion >= 15) sUNID.ReadFromStream(Ctx.pStream); else { DWORD dwUNID; Ctx.pStream->Read((char *)&dwUNID, sizeof(DWORD)); sUNID = strFromInt(dwUNID, FALSE); } return sUNID; }
CString CZoanthropeAI::DebugCrashInfo (void) // DebugCrashInfo // // Returns debug crash info { CString sOrder; try { sOrder = strFromInt((int)GetCurrentOrder()); } catch (...) { } // If GetCurrentOrder crashes, try to determine why if (sOrder.IsBlank()) { try { sOrder = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("crash in GetCurrentOrder; count = %d\r\n"), m_Orders.GetCount()); } catch (...) { sOrder = CONSTLIT("crash in GetCurrentOrder\r\n"); } } CString sResult = CONSTLIT("CZoanthropeAI\r\n"); sResult.Append(strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("Order: %s\r\n"), sOrder)); sResult.Append(strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("m_State: %d\r\n"), m_State)); sResult.Append(strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("m_pBase: %s\r\n"), CSpaceObject::DebugDescribe(m_pBase))); sResult.Append(strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("m_pTarget: %s\r\n"), CSpaceObject::DebugDescribe(m_pTarget))); return sResult; }
CG32bitImage *CDesignCollection::GetImage (DWORD dwUNID, DWORD dwFlags) // GetImage // // Returns an image { CDesignType *pType = m_AllTypes.FindByUNID(dwUNID); if (pType == NULL) return NULL; CObjectImage *pImage = CObjectImage::AsType(pType); if (pImage == NULL) return NULL; if (dwFlags & FLAG_IMAGE_COPY) return pImage->CreateCopy(); else { CString sError; CG32bitImage *pRawImage = pImage->GetImage(strFromInt(dwUNID), &sError); if (pRawImage == NULL) kernelDebugLogMessage(sError); // Lock, if requested. NOTE: Since we obtained the image above, // this call is guaranteed to succeed. if (dwFlags & FLAG_IMAGE_LOCK) pImage->Lock(SDesignLoadCtx()); // Done return pRawImage; } }
void GenerateEncounterTable (CUniverse &Universe, CXMLElement *pCmdLine) { ALERROR error; int i, j; // Get the criteria from the command line SEncounterCriteria Criteria; ParseEncounterCriteria(pCmdLine->GetAttribute(CRITERIA_ATTRIB), &Criteria); bool bAll = pCmdLine->GetAttributeBool(ALL_ATTRIB); // Generate a table of all matching encounters CSymbolTable Table(FALSE, TRUE); // Loop over all items for this level and add them to // a sorted table. for (i = 0; i < Universe.GetStationTypeCount(); i++) { CStationType *pType = Universe.GetStationType(i); int iLevel = pType->GetLevel(); if (iLevel == 0 && !bAll) continue; // If we don't match the criteria, then continue if (!MatchesEncounterCriteria(Criteria, pType->GetAttributes())) continue; // Get the category and name CString sCategory = pType->GetDataField(FIELD_CATEGORY); CString sName = pType->GetDataField(FIELD_NAME); if (*sName.GetASCIIZPointer() == '(') sName = strSubString(sName, 1, -1); // Figure out the sort order char szBuffer[1024]; wsprintf(szBuffer, "%02d%s%s", pType->GetLevel(), sCategory.GetASCIIZPointer(), sName.GetASCIIZPointer()); Table.AddEntry(CString(szBuffer), (CObject *)pType); } // Generate a list of columns to display CStringArray Cols; Cols.AppendString(FIELD_LEVEL); Cols.AppendString(FIELD_CATEGORY); Cols.AppendString(FIELD_NAME); if (pCmdLine->GetAttributeBool(FIELD_ARMOR_CLASS)) Cols.AppendString(FIELD_ARMOR_CLASS); if (pCmdLine->GetAttributeBool(FIELD_HP)) Cols.AppendString(FIELD_HP); if (pCmdLine->GetAttributeBool(FIELD_FIRE_RATE_ADJ)) Cols.AppendString(FIELD_FIRE_RATE_ADJ); if (pCmdLine->GetAttributeBool(FIELD_TOTAL_COUNT)) Cols.AppendString(FIELD_TOTAL_COUNT); if (pCmdLine->GetAttributeBool(FIELD_CAN_ATTACK)) Cols.AppendString(FIELD_CAN_ATTACK); if (pCmdLine->GetAttributeBool(FIELD_EXPLOSION_TYPE)) Cols.AppendString(FIELD_EXPLOSION_TYPE); // If we need to output total count, then load the table CSymbolTable TotalCount(TRUE, TRUE); if (pCmdLine->GetAttributeBool(FIELD_TOTAL_COUNT)) { if (error = LoadTotalCount(TOTAL_COUNT_FILENAME, TotalCount)) return; } // If we've got any entries in the table, output now if (Table.GetCount()) { // Output the header for (j = 0; j < Cols.GetCount(); j++) { if (j != 0) printf("\t"); printf(Cols.GetStringValue(j).GetASCIIZPointer()); } printf("\n"); // Output each row for (i = 0; i < Table.GetCount(); i++) { CStationType *pType = (CStationType *)Table.GetValue(i); for (j = 0; j < Cols.GetCount(); j++) { if (j != 0) printf("\t"); CString sField = Cols.GetStringValue(j); CString sValue = pType->GetDataField(sField); if (strEquals(sField, FIELD_FIRE_RATE_ADJ)) printf("%.2f", strToInt(sValue, 0, NULL) / 1000.0); else if (strEquals(sField, FIELD_TOTAL_COUNT)) { double rCount = 0.0; CString sKey = strFromInt(pType->GetUNID(), FALSE); EntryInfo *pEntry; if (TotalCount.Lookup(sKey, (CObject **)&pEntry) == NOERROR) rCount = pEntry->rTotalCount; printf("%.2f", rCount); } else printf(sValue.GetASCIIZPointer()); } printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); } else printf("No entries match criteria.\n"); }
void CGSelectorArea::PaintInstalledItem (CG32bitImage &Dest, const RECT &rcRect, const SEntry &Entry) // PaintInstalledItem // // Paints the installed item. { const CItem &Item = Entry.pItemCtx->GetItem(); if (Item.GetType() == NULL) return; CSpaceObject *pSource = Entry.pItemCtx->GetSource(); CInstalledArmor *pArmor = Entry.pItemCtx->GetArmor(); CInstalledDevice *pDevice = Entry.pItemCtx->GetDevice(); CDeviceClass *pDeviceClass; // Paint the item icon bool bGrayed = (pDevice && !pDevice->IsEnabled()); int xIcon = rcRect.left + (RectWidth(rcRect) - ITEM_ICON_WIDTH) / 2; int yIcon = + ITEM_ENTRY_PADDING_TOP; DrawItemTypeIcon(Dest, xIcon, yIcon, Item.GetType(), ITEM_ICON_WIDTH, ITEM_ICON_HEIGHT, bGrayed); // Paint the name of the item below. RECT rcText; rcText.left = rcRect.left + ITEM_ENTRY_PADDING_LEFT; rcText.right = rcRect.right - ITEM_ENTRY_PADDING_RIGHT; = yIcon + ITEM_ICON_HEIGHT; rcText.bottom = rcRect.bottom; m_VI.GetFont(fontMedium).DrawText(Dest, rcText, m_rgbTextColor, Item.GetNounPhrase(nounShort | nounNoModifiers), 0, CG16bitFont::AlignCenter); // If this is an armor segment, then paint HP, etc. if (pArmor) { int x = rcRect.right - ITEM_ENTRY_PADDING_RIGHT; int y = + ITEM_ENTRY_PADDING_TOP; // HP CString sHP = strFromInt(pArmor->GetHitPoints()); m_VI.GetFont(fontLarge).DrawText(Dest, x, y, m_rgbTextColor, sHP, CG16bitFont::AlignRight); y += m_VI.GetFont(fontLarge).GetHeight(); // Damage int iMaxHP = pArmor->GetMaxHP(pSource); if (iMaxHP != pArmor->GetHitPoints() && iMaxHP > 0) { int iPercent = ((1000 * pArmor->GetHitPoints() / iMaxHP) + 5) / 10; CString sPercent = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("%d%%"), iPercent); m_VI.GetFont(fontMedium).DrawText(Dest, x, y, m_VI.GetColor(colorTextDockWarning), sPercent, CG16bitFont::AlignRight); y += m_VI.GetFont(fontMedium).GetHeight(); } // Modifiers if (pArmor->GetMods().IsNotEmpty()) { CString sMods = Item.GetEnhancedDesc(pSource); if (!sMods.IsBlank()) { bool bIsDisadvantage = *sMods.GetASCIIZPointer() == '-'; CG32bitPixel rgbBackColor = (bIsDisadvantage ? m_VI.GetColor(colorAreaDisadvantage) : m_VI.GetColor(colorAreaAdvantage)); CG32bitPixel rgbTextColor = (bIsDisadvantage ? m_VI.GetColor(colorTextDisadvantage) : m_VI.GetColor(colorTextAdvantage)); PaintModifier(Dest, x, y, sMods, rgbTextColor, rgbBackColor, &y); } } } // If this is a device, then paint device-specific stuff else if (pDevice && (pDeviceClass = pDevice->GetClass())) { int x = rcRect.right - ITEM_ENTRY_PADDING_RIGHT; int y = + ITEM_ENTRY_PADDING_TOP; // HP if (pDevice->IsEnabled()) { if (pDevice->GetCategory() == itemcatShields) { int iHP; int iMaxHP; pDevice->GetStatus(pSource, &iHP, &iMaxHP); CString sHP = strFromInt(iHP); m_VI.GetFont(fontLarge).DrawText(Dest, x, y, m_rgbTextColor, sHP, CG16bitFont::AlignRight); y += m_VI.GetFont(fontLarge).GetHeight(); // Shield level if (iMaxHP != iHP && iMaxHP > 0) { int iPercent = ((1000 * iHP / iMaxHP) + 5) / 10; CString sPercent = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("%d%%"), iPercent); m_VI.GetFont(fontMedium).DrawText(Dest, x, y, m_VI.GetColor(colorTextShields), sPercent, CG16bitFont::AlignRight); y += m_VI.GetFont(fontMedium).GetHeight(); } } } else PaintModifier(Dest, x, y, CONSTLIT("disabled"), m_VI.GetColor(colorTextNormal), CG32bitPixel::Null(), &y); // External if (pDevice->IsExternal() || pDeviceClass->IsExternal()) PaintModifier(Dest, x, y, CONSTLIT("external"), m_VI.GetColor(colorTextNormal), CG32bitPixel::Null(), &y); // Damaged if (pDevice->IsDamaged()) PaintModifier(Dest, x, y, CONSTLIT("damaged"), m_VI.GetColor(colorTextDisadvantage), m_VI.GetColor(colorAreaDisadvantage), &y); if (pDevice->IsDisrupted()) PaintModifier(Dest, x, y, CONSTLIT("ionized"), m_VI.GetColor(colorTextDisadvantage), m_VI.GetColor(colorAreaDisadvantage), &y); // Modifiers if (pDevice->GetEnhancements() != NULL) { CString sMods = pDevice->GetEnhancedDesc(pSource, &Item); if (!sMods.IsBlank()) { bool bIsDisadvantage = *sMods.GetASCIIZPointer() == '-'; CG32bitPixel rgbBackColor = (bIsDisadvantage ? m_VI.GetColor(colorAreaDisadvantage) : m_VI.GetColor(colorAreaAdvantage)); CG32bitPixel rgbTextColor = (bIsDisadvantage ? m_VI.GetColor(colorTextDisadvantage) : m_VI.GetColor(colorTextAdvantage)); PaintModifier(Dest, x, y, sMods, rgbTextColor, rgbBackColor, &y); } } } }
bool CShieldClass::FindDataField (const CString &sField, CString *retsValue) // FindDataField // // Returns meta-data { int i; if (strEquals(sField, FIELD_HP)) *retsValue = strFromInt(m_iHitPoints); else if (strEquals(sField, FIELD_EFFECTIVE_HP)) { int iHP; int iHPbyDamageType[damageCount]; GetReferenceDamageAdj(NULL, NULL, &iHP, iHPbyDamageType); *retsValue = strFromInt(::CalcEffectiveHP(GetLevel(), iHP, iHPbyDamageType)); } else if (strEquals(sField, FIELD_REGEN)) *retsValue = strFromInt((int)m_Regen.GetHPPer180()); else if (strEquals(sField, FIELD_ADJUSTED_HP)) { int iHP; int iHPbyDamageType[damageCount]; GetReferenceDamageAdj(NULL, NULL, &iHP, iHPbyDamageType); CString sResult; for (i = 0; i < damageCount; i++) { if (i > 0) sResult.Append(CONSTLIT("\t")); sResult.Append(strFromInt(iHPbyDamageType[i])); } *retsValue = sResult; } else if (strEquals(sField, FIELD_DAMAGE_ADJ)) { retsValue->Truncate(0); for (i = 0; i < damageCount; i++) { if (i > 0) retsValue->Append(CONSTLIT("\t")); retsValue->Append(strFromInt(m_DamageAdj.GetAdj((DamageTypes)i))); } } else if (strEquals(sField, FIELD_POWER)) *retsValue = strFromInt(m_iPowerUse * 100); else if (strEquals(sField, FIELD_HP_BONUS)) { CString sResult; for (i = 0; i < damageCount; i++) { if (i > 0) sResult.Append(CONSTLIT(", ")); int iBonus = m_DamageAdj.GetHPBonus((DamageTypes)i); if (iBonus == -100) sResult.Append(CONSTLIT("***")); else sResult.Append(strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("%3d"), iBonus)); } *retsValue = sResult; } else if (strEquals(sField, FIELD_BALANCE)) *retsValue = strFromInt(CalcBalance()); else if (strEquals(sField, FIELD_WEAPON_SUPPRESS)) { if (m_WeaponSuppress.IsEmpty()) *retsValue = NULL_STR; else { *retsValue = CONSTLIT("=("); bool bNeedSeparator = false; for (i = 0; i < damageCount; i++) if (m_WeaponSuppress.InSet(i)) { if (bNeedSeparator) retsValue->Append(CONSTLIT(" ")); retsValue->Append(::GetDamageType((DamageTypes)i)); bNeedSeparator = true; } retsValue->Append(CONSTLIT(")")); } } else return false; return true; }
void GenerateSimTables (CUniverse &Universe, CXMLElement *pCmdLine) { ALERROR error; int i, j; int iSystemSample = pCmdLine->GetAttributeInteger(CONSTLIT("count")); if (iSystemSample == 0) iSystemSample = DEFAULT_SYSTEM_SAMPLE; // Generate systems for multiple games CSymbolTable AllSystems(TRUE, TRUE); for (i = 0; i < iSystemSample; i++) { printf("sample %d...\n", i+1); CTopologyNode *pNode = Universe.GetFirstTopologyNode(); while (true) { // Create the system CSystem *pSystem; if (error = Universe.CreateStarSystem(pNode, &pSystem)) { printf("ERROR: Unable to create star system.\n"); return; } // Find this system in the table. SystemInfo *pSystemEntry; if (error = AllSystems.Lookup(pNode->GetSystemName(), (CObject **)&pSystemEntry)) { pSystemEntry = new SystemInfo; pSystemEntry->sName = pNode->GetSystemName(); pSystemEntry->iLevel = pNode->GetLevel(); pSystemEntry->dwSystemType = pNode->GetSystemDescUNID(); pSystemEntry->iCount = 1; AllSystems.AddEntry(pSystemEntry->sName, pSystemEntry); } else pSystemEntry->iCount++; // Add the encounters to the appropriate tables for (j = 0; j < pSystem->GetObjectCount(); j++) { CSpaceObject *pObj = pSystem->GetObject(j); if (pObj) { // Add this encounter to the table CStationType *pType; if (pType = pObj->GetEncounterInfo()) { CString sKey = strFromInt(pType->GetUNID(), false); // See if we have this type in the table StationInfo *pEntry; if (error = pSystemEntry->Stations.Lookup(sKey, (CObject **)&pEntry)) { pEntry = new StationInfo; pEntry->pType = pType; pEntry->iSystemCount = 0; pEntry->iTotalCount = 1; pSystemEntry->Stations.AddEntry(sKey, pEntry); } else pEntry->iTotalCount++; } // Enumerate the items in this object CItemListManipulator ItemList(pObj->GetItemList()); ItemList.ResetCursor(); while (ItemList.MoveCursorForward()) { const CItem &Item(ItemList.GetItemAtCursor()); if (!Item.IsInstalled() && !Item.IsDamaged()) { CString sKey = strFromInt(Item.GetType()->GetUNID(), false); // Find the item type in the table ItemInfo *pEntry; if (error = pSystemEntry->Items.Lookup(sKey, (CObject **)&pEntry)) { pEntry = new ItemInfo; pEntry->pType = Item.GetType(); pEntry->iTotalCount = Item.GetCount(); pSystemEntry->Items.AddEntry(sKey, pEntry); } else pEntry->iTotalCount += Item.GetCount(); } } } } // Get the next node CString sEntryPoint; pNode = pSystem->GetStargateDestination(CONSTLIT("Outbound"), &sEntryPoint); if (pNode == NULL || pNode->IsEndGame()) break; // Done with old system Universe.DestroySystem(pSystem); } Universe.Reinit(); } // Output if (error = OutputItemTable(AllSystems, iSystemSample)) return; if (error = OutputEncounterTable(AllSystems, iSystemSample)) return; // Create a table with the sum of all items for the game printf("Total count statistic computed.\n"); }
void CUIHelper::PaintReferenceDamageAdj (CG16bitImage &Dest, int x, int y, int iLevel, int iHP, const int *iDamageAdj) const // PaintReferenceDamageAdj // // Takes an array of damage type adj values and displays them { int i; bool bSortByDamageType = true; bool bOptionShowDamageAdjAsHP = false; const CVisualPalette &VI = m_HI.GetVisuals(); const CG16bitFont &Small = VI.GetFont(fontSmall); const CG16bitFont &Medium = VI.GetFont(fontMedium); WORD wColorRef = VI.GetColor(colorTextHighlight); // Must have positive HP if (iHP == 0) return; // Sort damage types from highest to lowest CSymbolTable Sorted; int iLengthEstimate = 0; int iImmuneCount = 0; for (i = 0; i < damageCount; i++) { // Skip if this damage type is not appropriate to our level int iDamageLevel = GetDamageTypeLevel((DamageTypes)i); if (iDamageLevel < iLevel - 5 || iDamageLevel > iLevel + 3) continue; // Skip if the damage adj is 100% if (iDamageAdj[i] == iHP) continue; // Figure out the sort order CString sKey; if (bSortByDamageType) sKey = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("%02d"), i); else { DWORD dwHighToLow = (iDamageAdj[i] == -1 ? 0 : 1000000 - iDamageAdj[i]); sKey = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("%08x %02d"), dwHighToLow, i); } // Add to list DWORD dwValue = MAKELONG((WORD)i, (WORD)(short)iDamageAdj[i]); Sorted.AddEntry(sKey, (CObject *)dwValue); // Estimate how many entries we will have (so we can decide the font size) // We assume that immune entries get collapsed. if (iDamageAdj[i] != -1) iLengthEstimate++; else iImmuneCount++; } // If we have six or more icons, then we need to paint smaller iLengthEstimate += Min(2, iImmuneCount); const CG16bitFont &TheFont = (iLengthEstimate >= 6 ? Small : Medium); int cyOffset = (Medium.GetHeight() - TheFont.GetHeight()) / 2; // Paint the icons for (i = 0; i < Sorted.GetCount(); i++) { DWORD dwValue = (DWORD)Sorted.GetValue(i); int iDamageType = LOWORD(dwValue); int iDamageAdj = (int)(short)HIWORD(dwValue); int iPercentAdj = (100 * (iDamageAdj - iHP) / iHP); // Prettify the % by rounding to a number divisible by 5 int iPrettyPercent = 5 * ((iPercentAdj + 2 * Sign(iPercentAdj)) / 5); // Skip if prettify results in 0% if (bOptionShowDamageAdjAsHP && iPrettyPercent == 0) continue; // Draw icon g_pHI->GetVisuals().DrawDamageTypeIcon(Dest, x, y, (DamageTypes)iDamageType); x += DAMAGE_TYPE_ICON_WIDTH + DAMAGE_ADJ_ICON_SPACING_X; // If we have a bunch of entries with "immune", then compress them if (i < (Sorted.GetCount() - 1) && iDamageAdj == -1 && (iDamageAdj == (int)(short)HIWORD((DWORD)Sorted.GetValue(i + 1)))) continue; // Figure out how to display damage adj CString sStat; if (iDamageAdj == -1) sStat = CONSTLIT("immune"); else if (bOptionShowDamageAdjAsHP) sStat = strFromInt(iDamageAdj); else sStat = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("%s%d%%"), (iPrettyPercent > 0 ? CONSTLIT("+") : NULL_STR), iPrettyPercent); // Draw Dest.DrawText(x, y + cyOffset, TheFont, wColorRef, sStat, 0, &x); x += DAMAGE_ADJ_SPACING_X; } }
void GenerateEncounterTable (CUniverse &Universe, CXMLElement *pCmdLine) { ALERROR error; int i, j; // Get the criteria from the command line. Always append 't' because we // want station types. CString sCriteria = strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("%s t"), pCmdLine->GetAttribute(CRITERIA_ATTRIB)); // Parse it CDesignTypeCriteria Criteria; if (CDesignTypeCriteria::ParseCriteria(sCriteria, &Criteria) != NOERROR) { printf("ERROR: Unable to parse criteria.\n"); return; } bool bAll = pCmdLine->GetAttributeBool(ALL_ATTRIB); // Generate a table of all matching encounters CSymbolTable Table(FALSE, TRUE); // Loop over all items for this level and add them to // a sorted table. for (i = 0; i < Universe.GetStationTypeCount(); i++) { CStationType *pType = Universe.GetStationType(i); int iLevel = pType->GetLevel(); if (iLevel == 0 && !bAll) continue; // If we don't match the criteria, then continue if (!pType->MatchesCriteria(Criteria)) continue; // Get the category and name CString sCategory = pType->GetDataField(FIELD_CATEGORY); CString sName = pType->GetDataField(FIELD_NAME); if (*sName.GetASCIIZPointer() == '(') sName = strSubString(sName, 1, -1); // Figure out the sort order char szBuffer[1024]; wsprintf(szBuffer, "%02d%s%s", pType->GetLevel(), sCategory.GetASCIIZPointer(), sName.GetASCIIZPointer()); Table.AddEntry(CString(szBuffer), (CObject *)pType); } // Generate a list of columns to display TArray<CString> Cols; Cols.Insert(FIELD_LEVEL); Cols.Insert(FIELD_CATEGORY); Cols.Insert(FIELD_NAME); for (i = 0; i < pCmdLine->GetAttributeCount(); i++) { CString sAttrib = pCmdLine->GetAttributeName(i); if (!strEquals(sAttrib, CONSTLIT("all")) && !strEquals(sAttrib, CONSTLIT("criteria")) && !strEquals(sAttrib, CONSTLIT("encountertable")) && !strEquals(sAttrib, CONSTLIT("nologo"))) { CString sValue = pCmdLine->GetAttribute(i); if (!strEquals(sValue, CONSTLIT("true"))) Cols.Insert(strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("%s:%s"), sAttrib, sValue)); else Cols.Insert(sAttrib); } } #if 0 if (pCmdLine->GetAttributeBool(FIELD_ARMOR_CLASS)) Cols.Insert(FIELD_ARMOR_CLASS); if (pCmdLine->GetAttributeBool(FIELD_HP)) Cols.Insert(FIELD_HP); if (pCmdLine->GetAttributeBool(FIELD_FIRE_RATE_ADJ)) Cols.Insert(FIELD_FIRE_RATE_ADJ); if (pCmdLine->GetAttributeBool(FIELD_TOTAL_COUNT)) Cols.Insert(FIELD_TOTAL_COUNT); if (pCmdLine->GetAttributeBool(FIELD_CAN_ATTACK)) Cols.Insert(FIELD_CAN_ATTACK); if (pCmdLine->GetAttributeBool(FIELD_EXPLOSION_TYPE)) Cols.Insert(FIELD_EXPLOSION_TYPE); #endif // If we need to output total count, then load the table CSymbolTable TotalCount(TRUE, TRUE); if (pCmdLine->GetAttributeBool(FIELD_TOTAL_COUNT)) { if (error = LoadTotalCount(TOTAL_COUNT_FILENAME, TotalCount)) return; } // If we've got any entries in the table, output now if (Table.GetCount()) { // Output the header for (j = 0; j < Cols.GetCount(); j++) { if (j != 0) printf("\t"); printf(Cols[j].GetASCIIZPointer()); } printf("\n"); // Output each row for (i = 0; i < Table.GetCount(); i++) { CStationType *pType = (CStationType *)Table.GetValue(i); for (j = 0; j < Cols.GetCount(); j++) { if (j != 0) printf("\t"); const CString &sField = Cols[j]; CString sValue = pType->GetDataField(sField); if (strEquals(sField, FIELD_FIRE_RATE_ADJ)) printf("%.2f", strToInt(sValue, 0, NULL) / 1000.0); else if (strEquals(sField, FIELD_TOTAL_COUNT)) { double rCount = 0.0; CString sKey = strFromInt(pType->GetUNID(), false); EntryInfo *pEntry; if (TotalCount.Lookup(sKey, (CObject **)&pEntry) == NOERROR) rCount = pEntry->rTotalCount; printf("%.2f", rCount); } else printf(sValue.GetASCIIZPointer()); } printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); } else printf("No entries match criteria.\n"); }
bool CArmorClass::FindDataField (const CString &sField, CString *retsValue) // FindDataField // // Returns meta-data { int i; if (strEquals(sField, FIELD_HP)) *retsValue = strFromInt(m_iHitPoints); else if (strEquals(sField, FIELD_BALANCE)) *retsValue = strFromInt(CalcBalance()); else if (strEquals(sField, FIELD_EFFECTIVE_HP)) { int iHP; int iHPbyDamageType[damageCount]; GetReferenceDamageAdj(NULL, NULL, &iHP, iHPbyDamageType); *retsValue = strFromInt(::CalcEffectiveHP(m_pItemType->GetLevel(), iHP, iHPbyDamageType)); } else if (strEquals(sField, FIELD_ADJUSTED_HP)) { int iHP; int iHPbyDamageType[damageCount]; GetReferenceDamageAdj(NULL, NULL, &iHP, iHPbyDamageType); CString sResult; for (i = 0; i < damageCount; i++) { if (i > 0) sResult.Append(CONSTLIT("\t")); sResult.Append(strFromInt(iHPbyDamageType[i])); } *retsValue = sResult; } else if (strEquals(sField, FIELD_DAMAGE_ADJ)) { retsValue->Truncate(0); for (i = 0; i < damageCount; i++) { if (i > 0) retsValue->Append(CONSTLIT("\t")); retsValue->Append(strFromInt(m_DamageAdj.GetAdj((DamageTypes)i))); } } else if (strEquals(sField, FIELD_HP_BONUS)) { CString sResult; for (i = 0; i < damageCount; i++) { if (i > 0) sResult.Append(CONSTLIT(", ")); int iBonus = m_DamageAdj.GetHPBonus((DamageTypes)i); if (iBonus == -100) sResult.Append(CONSTLIT("***")); else sResult.Append(strPatternSubst(CONSTLIT("%3d"), iBonus)); } *retsValue = sResult; } else if (strEquals(sField, FIELD_REPAIR_COST)) *retsValue = strFromInt(m_iRepairCost); else if (strEquals(sField, FIELD_REGEN)) *retsValue = strFromInt((int)m_Regen.GetHPPer180()); else if (strEquals(sField, FIELD_INSTALL_COST)) *retsValue = strFromInt(m_iInstallCost); else if (strEquals(sField, FIELD_SHIELD_INTERFERENCE)) { if (m_fShieldInterference) *retsValue = CONSTLIT("True"); else *retsValue = NULL_STR; } else return false; return true; }