BOOL CFileBasedProjectTemplateItem::InitItem(LPCTSTR lpszPath, CImageList &ImageList32, CImageList &ImageList16) { m_strPath = lpszPath; //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ //extract description, if available CTextSourceFile TextFile; if (TextFile.Create(lpszPath)) { LPCTSTR lpLine; int nLength; if (TextFile.GetNextLine(lpLine, nLength)) { CString strLine(lpLine, nLength); CString strKey(_T("%DESCRIPTION: ")); CString strStartOfLine = strLine.Left(strKey.GetLength()); strStartOfLine.MakeUpper(); if (strStartOfLine == strKey) m_strDescription = strLine.Right(strLine.GetLength() - strKey.GetLength()); } } //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ //generate title m_strTitle = CPathTool::GetFileTitle(m_strPath); //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ //add image to image list and remember index HICON hIcon = theApp.LoadIcon(IDR_LATEXDOCTYPE); m_nImageIndex = hIcon ? ImageList32.Add(hIcon) : -1; ImageList16.Add(hIcon); return TRUE; }
/** This function analyses a given source file and count the lines of bCode, comments etc... */ void Counter::countLines(wxTextFile& file, CounterRule* pRule, int &total_lines, int &code_lines, int &comment_lines, int &codecomments_lines, int &empty_lines) { bool bDelimitedCommentMode = false; total_lines += file.GetLineCount(); for (unsigned int i=0; i<file.GetLineCount(); ++i) { // Trim space wxString strLine(file[i]); strLine = strLine.Trim(true); strLine = strLine.Trim(false); bool bComment = false; bool bCode = false; if (strLine.IsEmpty()) ++empty_lines; else { analyseLine(pRule, strLine, bComment, bCode, bDelimitedCommentMode); if (bComment&&bCode) ++codecomments_lines; else if (bComment) ++comment_lines; else if (bCode) ++code_lines; } }// End for }
void CHTRichEditCtrl::Add(LPCTSTR pszMsg, int iLen) { if (m_hWnd == NULL){ CString strLine(pszMsg); m_astrBuff.Add(strLine); } else{ FlushBuffer(); AddLine(pszMsg, iLen); } }
void CHTRichEditCtrl::AddEntry(LPCTSTR pszMsg) { CString strLine(pszMsg); strLine += _T("\n"); if (m_hWnd == NULL){ m_astrBuff.Add(strLine); } else{ FlushBuffer(); AddLine(strLine, strLine.GetLength()); } }
EC_U32 ECConfig::WriteToFile() { if(EC_Err_None == m_sFile.Open((EC_PCHAR)"rt")) { for(EC_U32 i = 0; i < m_nCount; ++i) { ECString strKey(m_pConfigItem[i].m_sKey); ECString strVal(m_pConfigItem[i].m_sVal); ECString strLine(strKey + strVal + (EC_PCHAR)"\n"); m_sFile.WriteBuffer(strLine.ToCStr(), strLine.Length(), 1); }; m_sFile.Close(); } return EC_Err_None; }
LLDBBreakpoint::Ptr_t LLDBNewBreakpointDlg::GetBreakpoint() { if ( m_checkBoxFileLine->IsChecked() ) { long nLine = 0; wxString strLine( m_textCtrlLine->GetValue() ); strLine.ToCLong( &nLine ); LLDBBreakpoint::Ptr_t bp( new LLDBBreakpoint(m_textCtrlFile->GetValue(), nLine) ); return bp; } else if ( m_checkBoxFuncName->IsChecked() ) { LLDBBreakpoint::Ptr_t bp( new LLDBBreakpoint(m_textCtrlFunctionName->GetValue()) ); return bp; } else { return LLDBBreakpoint::Ptr_t( NULL ); } }
bool HbSmileyThemeParser::parseDefinitionFile(const QString& fileName, HbSmileyTheme &theme) { QFile file(fileName); if (!file.exists()) { #ifdef HB_SMILEY_THEME_TRACES qDebug() << "HbSmileyThemeParser: File does not exist:" << fileName; #endif return false; } if (! | QFile::Text)) { #ifdef HB_SMILEY_THEME_TRACES qDebug() << "HbSmileyThemeParser: File opening failed:" << fileName; #endif return false; } QByteArray line; while(!file.atEnd()) { line=file.readLine().simplified(); if (line.isEmpty() || == '#') { continue; } QString strLine(line); QStringList strList = strLine.split(QRegExp("\\s+")); QString smiley = strList.first(); strList.removeFirst(); if (!strList.isEmpty()) { theme.insert(smiley,strList); } else { #ifdef HB_SMILEY_THEME_TRACES qDebug() << "HbSmileyThemeParser: Parsing error: " << fileName << "Smiley: " << smiley << "doesn't contain any patterns!"; #endif return false; } } return !theme.isNull(); }
// 切割字符串 std::vector<CString> Split(LPCTSTR pszStrLine, LPCTSTR pszDelim) { std::vector<CString> vecReturn; CString strLine(pszStrLine), strDelim(pszDelim); int nPos = strLine.Find(strDelim); while (-1 != nPos) { if (nPos > 0) { vecReturn.push_back(strLine.Left(nPos)); } strLine.Delete(0, nPos + strDelim.GetLength()); nPos = strLine.Find(strDelim); } if (!strLine.IsEmpty()) { vecReturn.push_back(strLine); } return vecReturn; }
//加载配置文件 BOOL CDataBaseManager::LoadConfig() { wifstream configFile(L"C:\\IOServerConfig.cfg"); if (!configFile.is_open()) { cout << "无法打开数据库配置文件" << endl; return FALSE; } while (!configFile.eof()) { wchar_t wcsLine[512] = { 0 }; configFile.getline(wcsLine, 512); wstring strLine(wcsLine); int nFlag = strLine.find(L":"); wstring strKey = strLine.substr(0, nFlag); wstring strValue = strLine.substr(nFlag + 1); if ("IP") == 0) { m_IP = strValue; } else if ("PORT") == 0) { m_PORT = strValue; } else if ("DBNAME") == 0) { m_DBNAME = strValue; } else if ("DBUSER") == 0) { m_DBUSER = strValue; } else if ("DBPWD") == 0) { m_DBPWD = strValue; } } return TRUE; }
void Hypergraph::loadHypergraph(const QString &fileName) { ifstream graphFile (fileName.toStdString().c_str()); graphFile >>_nVertices; setNumOfVertices(_nVertices); string line; _edges.clear(); while(getline(graphFile,line)) { stringstream strLine(line); HyperEdge e(0); int fibIdx; while (strLine >>fibIdx) { e.push_back(fibIdx); } if (!e.empty()) { _edges.push_back(e); } } graphFile.close(); }
BOOL KFileFormat::_IsCommentInvalid(LPCTSTR lpOristr, int nIndex) { CString strLine(lpOristr); std::vector<int> vecPos; int nStartPos = 0; while (1) { int nIndex = strLine.Find(QUATATION, nStartPos); if (-1 == nIndex) break; if (nIndex > 0 && ('\'' != strLine.GetAt(nIndex - 1) || '\\' != strLine.GetAt(nIndex - 1))) vecPos.push_back(nIndex); nStartPos = nIndex + 1; } for (int i = 0; i < (int)vecPos.size(); i += 2) { if (nIndex > vecPos[i] && (i + 1 < (int)vecPos.size() && nIndex < vecPos[i + 1])) return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
// 初始化更新列表 BOOL CUpdaterApp::_InitFileList() { BOOL bReturn(FALSE); CString strFileList(m_szServer); strFileList += _T("/Filelist.txt"); CInternetSession sess; sess.SetOption(INTERNET_OPTION_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, 5000); sess.SetOption(INTERNET_OPTION_SEND_TIMEOUT, 1000); sess.SetOption(INTERNET_OPTION_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT, 5000); sess.SetOption(INTERNET_OPTION_DATA_SEND_TIMEOUT, 1000); sess.SetOption(INTERNET_OPTION_DATA_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT, 5000); sess.SetOption(INTERNET_OPTION_CONNECT_RETRIES, 1); try { CHttpFile* pHttpFile = (CHttpFile*)sess.OpenURL(strFileList, 1, INTERNET_FLAG_DONT_CACHE | INTERNET_FLAG_TRANSFER_ASCII, NULL, 0); if (pHttpFile) { DWORD dwErrCode(0); pHttpFile->QueryInfo(HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE, dwErrCode); if (dwErrCode >= 200 && dwErrCode < 300) { CStringA strLineA; while (pHttpFile->ReadString((LPTSTR)strLineA.GetBuffer(512), 511)) { strLineA.ReleaseBuffer(); // MFC-bug CString strLine(strLineA); strLine.TrimLeft(); if (strLine.GetLength() > 0 && strLine[0] != _T('\\')) { continue; } std::vector<CString> vecStrs = Split(strLine, _T("^^^^^^")); if (vecStrs.size() >= 2) { LPUPDATEITEM pUpdateItem = new UPDATEITEM; ZeroMemory(pUpdateItem, sizeof(*pUpdateItem)); lstrcpyn(pUpdateItem->szFileName, vecStrs[0], MAX_PATH); lstrcpyn(pUpdateItem->szServerMD5, vecStrs[1], 33); m_arrUpdate.Add(pUpdateItem); } } pHttpFile->Close(); sess.Close(); bReturn = TRUE; } else { LOG(_T("网站访问错误码:%d"), dwErrCode); } } } catch (...) { LOG(_T("下载列表异常!")); } return bReturn; }
wstring MalieExec::ParseString(DWORD dwIndex) { bool fl_rub=0,fl_vol=0; wstring strLine( (WCHAR *)&pStrTable[vStrIndex[dwIndex].offset], (WCHAR *)&pStrTable[vStrIndex[dwIndex].offset+vStrIndex[dwIndex].length] ); wstring outLine(strLine.size()+3,0); size_t len = 0; for (size_t idx = 0;idx<strLine.size();++idx) { switch(strLine[idx]) { case 0: if (fl_rub||fl_vol) fl_rub=fl_vol=0; outLine[len++]=EOSTR; break; case 1: idx+=4; break; case 2: ++idx; break; case 3: idx+=2; break; case 4: ++idx; break; case 5: idx+=2; break; case 6: idx+=2; break; case 0xA: outLine[len++]=fl_rub?STRUB:L'\n'; break; case 7: switch (strLine[++idx]) { case 0x0001://递归调用文字读取,然后继续处理(包含注释的文字) outLine[len++]=TO_RUB; fl_rub=1; break; case 0x0004://下一句自动出来 outLine[len++]=NXL; break; case 0x0006://代表本句结束 outLine[len++]=TO_RTN; break; case 0x0007://递归调用文字读取然后wcslen,跳过不处理。应该是用于注释 ++idx; idx+=wcslen(&strLine[idx]); break; case 0x0008://LoadVoice 后面是Voice名 outLine[len++]=TO_VOL; fl_vol=1; break; case 0x0009://LoadVoice结束 outLine[len++]=EOVOL; break; default: outLine[len++] = UNKNOW_SIG; break; } break; default: outLine[len++]=strLine[idx]; } } outLine[len++]=EOPAR; outLine[len++]=L'\n'; outLine[len++]=L'\n'; return move(outLine); }
//-----------------------------------------------------------------------// void CIO::readUnformattedPdb(const string& strPdbFile, ifstream& ifPdbFileStream, bool& bPostProcess) { int iUnformatID = 0; // idfrm delphi_real fDummy[5]; char cLine[80]; // line ifPdbFileStream.clear(); ifPdbFileStream.seekg(0); // rewind,80); // header reinterpret_cast<char*>(&iUnformatID), sizeof(int) ); // idfrm // First reading of file to determine number of atoms switch (iUnformatID) { case 0: // one form of unformatted file with while (!ifPdbFileStream.eof()) { // one coord, 2 reals reinterpret_cast<char*>(fDummy), 5*sizeof(delphi_real) ); iAtomNum += 1; } break; case 1: // another form of unformatted file reinterpret_cast<char*>(&iAtomNum),sizeof(delphi_integer) ); break; default: throw CUnknownUnformattedPdb(strPdbFile); } cout << "number of atoms read in = " << iAtomNum << " unformatted" << endl; ifPdbFileStream.clear(); ifPdbFileStream.seekg(0); // rewind,80); // header reinterpret_cast<char*>(&iUnformatID), sizeof(int) ); // idfrm CAtomPdb tmpAtomObj; switch (iUnformatID) { case 0: // one form of unformatted file with for (delphi_integer i = 0; i < iAtomNum; i++) { reinterpret_cast<char*>(fDummy), 5*sizeof(delphi_real) ); tmpAtomObj.setPose(fDummy[0],fDummy[1],fDummy[2]); tmpAtomObj.setRadius(fDummy[3]); tmpAtomObj.setCharge(fDummy[4]); tmpAtomObj.setAtInf(" "); vctapAtomPdb.push_back(tmpAtomObj); } bPostProcess = true; break; case 1: // another form of unformatted file reinterpret_cast<char*>(&iAtomNum),sizeof(delphi_integer) ); for (delphi_integer i = 0; i < iAtomNum; i++) {,80); string strLine(cLine); reinterpret_cast<char*>(fDummy), 5*sizeof(delphi_real) ); tmpAtomObj.setPose(fDummy[0],fDummy[1],fDummy[2]); tmpAtomObj.setRadius(fDummy[3]); tmpAtomObj.setCharge(fDummy[4]); tmpAtomObj.setAtInf(strLine); vctapAtomPdb.push_back(tmpAtomObj); } bPostProcess = false; break; } }
static bool compile(bx::CommandLine& _cmdLine, uint32_t _version, const std::string& _code, bx::WriterI* _writer, bool _firstPass) { const char* profile = _cmdLine.findOption('p', "profile"); if (NULL == profile) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Shader profile must be specified.\n"); return false; } s_compiler = load(); bool result = false; bool debug = _cmdLine.hasArg('\0', "debug"); uint32_t flags = D3DCOMPILE_ENABLE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY; flags |= debug ? D3DCOMPILE_DEBUG : 0; flags |= _cmdLine.hasArg('\0', "avoid-flow-control") ? D3DCOMPILE_AVOID_FLOW_CONTROL : 0; flags |= _cmdLine.hasArg('\0', "no-preshader") ? D3DCOMPILE_NO_PRESHADER : 0; flags |= _cmdLine.hasArg('\0', "partial-precision") ? D3DCOMPILE_PARTIAL_PRECISION : 0; flags |= _cmdLine.hasArg('\0', "prefer-flow-control") ? D3DCOMPILE_PREFER_FLOW_CONTROL : 0; flags |= _cmdLine.hasArg('\0', "backwards-compatibility") ? D3DCOMPILE_ENABLE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY : 0; bool werror = _cmdLine.hasArg('\0', "Werror"); if (werror) { flags |= D3DCOMPILE_WARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS; } uint32_t optimization = 3; if (_cmdLine.hasArg(optimization, 'O') ) { optimization = bx::uint32_min(optimization, BX_COUNTOF(s_optimizationLevelD3D11) - 1); flags |= s_optimizationLevelD3D11[optimization]; } else { flags |= D3DCOMPILE_SKIP_OPTIMIZATION; } BX_TRACE("Profile: %s", profile); BX_TRACE("Flags: 0x%08x", flags); ID3DBlob* code; ID3DBlob* errorMsg; // Output preprocessed shader so that HLSL can be debugged via GPA // or PIX. Compiling through memory won't embed preprocessed shader // file path. std::string hlslfp; if (debug) { hlslfp = _cmdLine.findOption('o'); hlslfp += ".hlsl"; writeFile(hlslfp.c_str(), _code.c_str(), (int32_t)_code.size() ); } HRESULT hr = D3DCompile(_code.c_str() , _code.size() , hlslfp.c_str() , NULL , NULL , "main" , profile , flags , 0 , &code , &errorMsg ); if (FAILED(hr) || (werror && NULL != errorMsg) ) { const char* log = (char*)errorMsg->GetBufferPointer(); int32_t line = 0; int32_t column = 0; int32_t start = 0; int32_t end = INT32_MAX; bool found = false || 2 == sscanf(log, "(%u,%u):", &line, &column) || 2 == sscanf(log, " :%u:%u: ", &line, &column) ; if (found && 0 != line) { start = bx::uint32_imax(1, line - 10); end = start + 20; } printCode(_code.c_str(), line, start, end, column); fprintf(stderr, "Error: D3DCompile failed 0x%08x %s\n", (uint32_t)hr, log); errorMsg->Release(); return false; } UniformArray uniforms; uint8_t numAttrs = 0; uint16_t attrs[bgfx::Attrib::Count]; uint16_t size = 0; if (_version == 9) { if (!getReflectionDataD3D9(code, uniforms) ) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Unable to get D3D9 reflection data.\n"); goto error; } } else { UniformNameList unusedUniforms; if (!getReflectionDataD3D11(code, profile[0] == 'v', uniforms, numAttrs, attrs, size, unusedUniforms) ) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Unable to get D3D11 reflection data.\n"); goto error; } if (_firstPass && unusedUniforms.size() > 0) { const size_t strLength = bx::strLen("uniform"); // first time through, we just find unused uniforms and get rid of them std::string output; bx::Error err; LineReader reader(_code.c_str() ); while (err.isOk() ) { char str[4096]; int32_t len = bx::read(&reader, str, BX_COUNTOF(str), &err); if (err.isOk() ) { std::string strLine(str, len); for (UniformNameList::iterator it = unusedUniforms.begin(), itEnd = unusedUniforms.end(); it != itEnd; ++it) { size_t index = strLine.find("uniform "); if (index == std::string::npos) { continue; } // matching lines like: uniform u_name; // we want to replace "uniform" with "static" so that it's no longer // included in the uniform blob that the application must upload // we can't just remove them, because unused functions might still reference // them and cause a compile error when they're gone if (!!bx::findIdentifierMatch(strLine.c_str(), it->c_str() ) ) { strLine = strLine.replace(index, strLength, "static"); unusedUniforms.erase(it); break; } } output += strLine; } } // recompile with the unused uniforms converted to statics return compile(_cmdLine, _version, output.c_str(), _writer, false); } } { uint16_t count = (uint16_t)uniforms.size(); bx::write(_writer, count); uint32_t fragmentBit = profile[0] == 'p' ? BGFX_UNIFORM_FRAGMENTBIT : 0; for (UniformArray::const_iterator it = uniforms.begin(); it != uniforms.end(); ++it) { const Uniform& un = *it; uint8_t nameSize = (uint8_t); bx::write(_writer, nameSize); bx::write(_writer,, nameSize); uint8_t type = uint8_t(un.type | fragmentBit); bx::write(_writer, type); bx::write(_writer, un.num); bx::write(_writer, un.regIndex); bx::write(_writer, un.regCount); BX_TRACE("%s, %s, %d, %d, %d" , , getUniformTypeName(un.type) , un.num , un.regIndex , un.regCount ); } } { ID3DBlob* stripped; hr = D3DStripShader(code->GetBufferPointer() , code->GetBufferSize() , D3DCOMPILER_STRIP_REFLECTION_DATA | D3DCOMPILER_STRIP_TEST_BLOBS , &stripped ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { code->Release(); code = stripped; } } { uint32_t shaderSize = uint32_t(code->GetBufferSize() ); bx::write(_writer, shaderSize); bx::write(_writer, code->GetBufferPointer(), shaderSize); uint8_t nul = 0; bx::write(_writer, nul); } if (_version > 9) { bx::write(_writer, numAttrs); bx::write(_writer, attrs, numAttrs*sizeof(uint16_t) ); bx::write(_writer, size); } if (_cmdLine.hasArg('\0', "disasm") ) { ID3DBlob* disasm; D3DDisassemble(code->GetBufferPointer() , code->GetBufferSize() , 0 , NULL , &disasm ); if (NULL != disasm) { std::string disasmfp = _cmdLine.findOption('o'); disasmfp += ".disasm"; writeFile(disasmfp.c_str(), disasm->GetBufferPointer(), (uint32_t)disasm->GetBufferSize() ); disasm->Release(); } } if (NULL != errorMsg) { errorMsg->Release(); } result = true; error: code->Release(); unload(); return result; }
int main(int argc, const char *ppArgv[]) { std::shared_ptr<FILE> spfOutput(stdout, fclose_checked); const char *pszInputFile = nullptr; bool bLaserMode = false; unsigned int uiLinesOut = 0; // // Parse command-line arguments: // -o outputfile // -i inputfile // -l or -laser = laser-mode std::string strAppName(ppArgv[0]); #ifdef _WIN32 std::string::size_type szSlash = strAppName.rfind('\\'); #else std::string::size_type szSlash = strAppName.rfind('/'); #endif if (szSlash != strAppName.npos) { strAppName.erase(0, szSlash); } // // Turn on laser mode if the executable name contains the word laser, e.g. gcodeoptlaser std::transform(strAppName.begin(), strAppName.end(), strAppName.begin(), ::tolower); if (strAppName.npos != strAppName.find("laser")) { bLaserMode = true; } for (int iArg = 1; iArg < argc; ++iArg) { const std::string strOption(ppArgv[iArg]); if (strOption == "-o" && iArg < (argc - 1) && spfOutput.get() == stdout) { spfOutput.reset(fopen(ppArgv[iArg + 1], "wt"), fclose); if (nullptr == spfOutput) { fprintf(stderr, "Error %i opening %hs\n", errno, ppArgv[iArg + 1]); return 0; } ++iArg; } else if (strOption == "-laser" || strOption == "-l") { bLaserMode = true; } else if (strOption == "-i" && pszInputFile == nullptr && iArg < (argc - 1)) { if (false == FileExists(ppArgv[iArg + 1])) { return 0; } pszInputFile = ppArgv[iArg + 1]; ++iArg; } else if (pszInputFile == nullptr && FileExists(strOption)) { pszInputFile = ppArgv[iArg]; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown command-line argument: %hs\n", strOption.c_str()); return 0; } } if (pszInputFile == nullptr) { fprintf(stderr, "USAGE: %hs inputfile [-o outputfile][-laser|-l][-x|-y|-xy]\n", ppArgv[0]); return 0; } std::shared_ptr<FILE> spFile(fopen(ppArgv[1], "rt"), fclose); if (spFile.get() == nullptr) { fprintf(stderr, "Error %i opening %hs\n", errno, ppArgv[1]); return 1; } unsigned int uiLine = 0; std::deque<GCodeSet> vCurrentSets; bool bInPrologue = true; bool bInEpilogue = false; GCodeSet gcCurrent(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); std::string strPreviousLine; double dCurrentZ = 0.0f; double dCurrentX = 0.0f; double dCurrentY = 0.0f; double dLastZ = 0.0f; double dLastX = 0.0f; double dLastY = 0.0f; unsigned int uiSets = 0; bool bCutterEngaged = false; // // Add an attribution fprintf(spfOutput.get(), "(Optimized by %hs)\n(Written by Andrew L. Sandoval)\n", strAppName.c_str()); // Read file and break into sections... while (!feof(spFile.get())) { std::array<char, 2048> szLine = { }; if (nullptr == fgets(&szLine[0], szLine.size(), spFile.get())) { continue; } ++uiLine; std::string strLine(&szLine[0]); std::string strLineCodes(strLine); std::string::size_type szLE = strLineCodes.find_first_of("\r\n"); if (szLE != strLineCodes.npos) { strLineCodes.erase(szLE); } PreviousLine prevLine(strPreviousLine, strLine); std::string::size_type szX = strLine.find(" X"); std::string::size_type szY = strLine.find(" Y"); std::string::size_type szZ = strLine.find(" Z"); if (strLine.length() > 1 && strLine[0] == 'G' && strLine[1] == '0') { bCutterEngaged = false; } else if (strLine.length() > 2 && strLine[0] == 'G' && strLine[1] == '1' && false == isdigit(strLine[2])) // Don't clobber G17 { bCutterEngaged = true; } else if (bInPrologue) { if (strLineCodes == "M3" && bLaserMode) { fprintf(spfOutput.get(), "(M3 - removed in laser mode)\n"); } else { fprintf(spfOutput.get(), strLine.c_str()); } ++uiLinesOut; continue; // Stay in prologue until a G0/G1 } // // From here on, past prologue // // Check for start of epilogue (before we much with M5's) if (strLine.find("M5") == 0 || strLine.find("M30") == 0) { // sort and flush last set, in epilogue -- sort and output vCurrentSets vCurrentSets.push_back(gcCurrent); OptimizeAndOutputSets(vCurrentSets, uiLinesOut, spfOutput.get()); gcCurrent.Reset(); vCurrentSets.clear(); // Only supporting one tool currently, so first spindle stop means prologue... bInEpilogue = true; bInPrologue = false; if (dCurrentZ < 0.0f && bLaserMode == false) { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING!!!! Program Ends with cutter down, Z = %.02f\n", dCurrentZ); } } if (bInEpilogue) { fprintf(spfOutput.get(), strLine.c_str()); ++uiLinesOut; continue; } // // G0 w/Z or G1 w/Z // If Laser Mode, change any G0 Z to an M5 (laser off) // If Laser Mode, change and G1 Z to M3 (laser on) if (strLine[0] == 'G' && szZ != strLine.npos) { if (bCutterEngaged) { dLastZ = dCurrentZ; dCurrentZ = atof(strLine.c_str() + szZ + 2); gcCurrent.SetZStart(dCurrentZ); if (dLastZ != dCurrentZ) { // sort and flush last set, new depth -- sort and output vCurrentSets // This line will end up in gcCurrent so it can be ignored OptimizeAndOutputSets(vCurrentSets, uiLinesOut, spfOutput.get()); vCurrentSets.clear(); } } if (bLaserMode) { // G0 Z (replace with M3 - shut off laser) // G1 Z (replace with M5) if (bCutterEngaged == false) { // Moving with laser disengaged strLine = "M5 (laser off - was "; strLine += strLineCodes; strLine += ")\n"; } else { strLine = "M3 (laser on - was "; strLine += strLineCodes; strLine += ")\n"; } if (bInPrologue) // Only place this should happen... { fprintf(spfOutput.get(), strLine.c_str()); } } } // // G0 w/X or G1 w/X if (strLine[0] == 'G' && // Cutter engaged or not, move to X szX != strLine.npos) { // Update current position for tracking end position of set dLastX = dCurrentX; dCurrentX = atof(strLine.c_str() + szX + 2); } // // G0 w/Y or G1 w/Y if (strLine[0] == 'G' && // Cutter engaged or not, move to Y szY != strLine.npos) { // Update current position for tracking end position of set dLastY = dCurrentY; dCurrentY = atof(strLine.c_str() + szY + 2); } // // G0 X - start of a set if (strLine.find("G0 X") == 0) // Rapid Linear Motion, cutter not engaged { bInPrologue = false; bInEpilogue = false; // NOTE: Though x and y will be the end of the G0 rapid linear motion, it is the start of a set // where cutting begins! // Error if the depth is not positive!!! // Start of a new set... if (szX == strLine.npos || szY == strLine.npos) { fprintf(stderr, "Critical Error: expected a G0 line to contain X and Y axis settings on line #%u: %hs\n", uiLine, strLine.c_str()); return 0; } // // Update the last set's end point: gcCurrent.SetZEnd(dLastZ); gcCurrent.SetXEnd(dLastX); gcCurrent.SetYEnd(dLastY); if (gcCurrent.GetLines().empty() == false) { vCurrentSets.push_back(gcCurrent); } // A new set is started with a G0 X // When a G1 Z to a new depth is encountered all previous sets can be sorted and output // Same for epilogue start // // Record new set's start point and update references gcCurrent.Reset(dCurrentX, dCurrentY, dCurrentZ); // Current Z may change on next line ++uiSets; } // // Part of a set... if (bInPrologue == true) { continue; } gcCurrent.LineVector().push_back(strLine); } fprintf(stderr, "Output Lines: %lu\n", uiLinesOut); fprintf(stderr, "Input Lines: %lu\n", uiLine); return 0; }