Ejemplo n.º 1
// SharedUtil_String_Tests
// Test behaviour of strings
void SharedUtil_String_Tests ( void )
    // Formatting
        SString strTemp1 ( "name:" PRSinS, "dave" );
        SString strTemp2 ( "name:" PRWinS, L"dave" );
        WString wstrTemp3 ( L"name:" PRSinW, "dave" );
        WString wstrTemp4 ( L"name:" PRWinW, L"dave" );

        assert ( strTemp1 == "name:dave" );
        assert ( strTemp2 == "name:dave" );
        assert ( wstrTemp3 == L"name:dave" );
        assert ( wstrTemp4 == L"name:dave" );

    // To/From Ansi
        SString strTemp1 = "abcABC 123";
        WString wstrTemp2 = "defDEF 456";
        WString wstrTemp3 = L"ghiGHI 789";

        assert ( wstrTemp2 == L"defDEF 456" );

        SString strTemp2 = wstrTemp2.ToAnsi ();
        SString strTemp3 = wstrTemp3.ToAnsi ();

        assert ( strTemp2 == "defDEF 456" );
        assert ( strTemp3 == "ghiGHI 789" );
Foam::string Foam::equationReader::stringPreconditioner
    const string& rawText
    string rawWorking(rawText);

    // Negative exponent workaround
    for (label i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        string strTemp(name(i));
        string strTempU(name(i));
        string strTemp2(name(i));
        stringReplaceAll(rawWorking, strTemp, strTemp2);
        stringReplaceAll(rawWorking, strTempU, strTemp2);

    stringReplaceAll(rawWorking, "^", " : ");
    stringReplaceAll(rawWorking, "(", " ( ");
    stringReplaceAll(rawWorking, ")", " ) ");
    stringReplaceAll(rawWorking, "+", " + ");
    stringReplaceAll(rawWorking, "-", " - ");
    stringReplaceAll(rawWorking, "&", "e-");
    stringReplaceAll(rawWorking, "*", " * ");
    stringReplaceAll(rawWorking, "/", " / ");
    stringReplaceAll(rawWorking, ",", " , ");

    return rawWorking;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// SharedUtil_String_Tests
// Test behaviour of strings
void SharedUtil_String_Tests ( void )
    // Formatting
        SString strTemp1 ( "name:" PRSinS, "dave" );
        SString strTemp2 ( "name:" PRWinS, L"dave" );
        WString wstrTemp3 ( L"name:" PRSinW, "dave" );
        WString wstrTemp4 ( L"name:" PRWinW, L"dave" );

        assert ( strTemp1 == "name:dave" );
        assert ( strTemp2 == "name:dave" );
        assert ( wstrTemp3 == L"name:dave" );
        assert ( wstrTemp4 == L"name:dave" );

    // To/From Ansi
        SString strTemp1 = "abcABC 123";
        WString wstrTemp2 = "defDEF 456";
        WString wstrTemp3 = L"ghiGHI 789";

        assert ( wstrTemp2 == L"defDEF 456" );

        SString strTemp2 = wstrTemp2.ToAnsi ();
        SString strTemp3 = wstrTemp3.ToAnsi ();

        assert ( strTemp2 == "defDEF 456" );
        assert ( strTemp3 == "ghiGHI 789" );

    // Escaping URL arguments
            SStringX strInputA( (const char*)a, sizeof( a ) );
            SString strEscaped = EscapeURLArgument( strInputA );
            SString strUnescaped = UnescapeString ( strEscaped, '%' );
            assert ( strEscaped == result );
            assert ( strInputA == strUnescaped );
            const uchar a[5];
            const char* result;
            { {0x00, 0x10, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22},       "%00%10%20%21%22" },
            { {0x7F, 0x80, 0x81, 0xFE, 0xFF},       "%7F%80%81%FE%FF" },
Ejemplo n.º 4
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hinst, HINSTANCE hinstExePrev, 
   LPSTR pszCmdLine, int nCmdShow) {

	// ***** To debug this application  ****
	// set fDebug to 1, then recompile (in debug mode)
	// and run the program in a debugger like any windows .exe
	// The exact same code executes as if the user clicked the 
	// 'start' button in the NT services manager.
	int fDebug = 0;

   int nArgc = __argc;
#ifdef UNICODE
   LPCTSTR *ppArgv = (LPCTSTR*) CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLine(), &nArgc);
   LPCTSTR *ppArgv = (LPCTSTR*) __argv;

   BOOL fStartService = (nArgc < 2);
   int i;

   int bInstall = 0;
   int bRemove  = 0;
   int bChange  = 0;
   GString  strPort("10888");

   GString strBoot;
   GString strRoot("NotUsed");
   for (i = 1; i < nArgc; i++) 
      if ((ppArgv[i][0] == __TEXT('-')) || (ppArgv[i][0] == __TEXT('/'))) 
         // Command line switch
         if (lstrcmpi(&ppArgv[i][1], __TEXT("install")) == 0) 
            bInstall = 1;

         if (lstrcmpi(&ppArgv[i][1], __TEXT("remove"))  == 0)
            bRemove = 1;

         if (lstrcmpi(&ppArgv[i][1], __TEXT("change"))  == 0)
            bChange = 1;

         GString strTemp(&ppArgv[i][1],strlen("desc:"));
		 if (strTemp.CompareNoCase("desc:") == 0)
            strServerDescription = &ppArgv[i][1+strlen("desc:")];

         GString strTemp2(&ppArgv[i][1],strlen("name:"));
		 if (strTemp2.CompareNoCase("name:") == 0)
            strServerName = &ppArgv[i][1+strlen("name:")];

         GString strTemp3(&ppArgv[i][1],strlen("pass:"******"pass:"******"pass:"******"boot:"));
		 if (strTemp4.CompareNoCase("boot:") == 0)
            strBoot = &ppArgv[i][1+strlen("boot:")];

         GString strTemp5(&ppArgv[i][1],strlen("port:"));
		 if (strTemp5.CompareNoCase("port:") == 0)
            strPort = &ppArgv[i][1+strlen("port:")];

         GString strTemp6(&ppArgv[i][1],strlen("root:"));
		 if (strTemp6.CompareNoCase("root:") == 0)
            strRoot = &ppArgv[i][1+strlen("root:")];

	if (bChange)

	if (bInstall)
		GString strThisEXEName(GetThisEXEName());

		// uuencode strBoot 
		uuencode((unsigned char *)(const char *)strBoot, (int)strBoot.Length(), &b);
		GString strEncodedBoot((char *)b.pBuf, b.cLen);

		// open the registry, save the coded boot key, close the registry
		HKEY hk;
		if (RegCreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,(const char *)strThisEXEName,&hk) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
			RegSetValue(hk,NULL,REG_SZ,(const char *)strEncodedBoot,0);

		// use root of file system to store the startup file 
		// unless specified otherwise by environment setting
		GString strOutFile("c:\\");
		strOutFile += strThisEXEName;
		if (getenv(strThisEXEName))
			strOutFile += getenv(strThisEXEName);
		// create the startup file
		GString strTempFile;
		strTempFile << strServerPassword << "&&" << strRoot << "&&" << strPort;
		GString strErrorOut;
		FileEncrypt(strBoot, "tempfile", strOutFile, strErrorOut);

	if (bRemove)

		GString strThisEXEName(GetThisEXEName());

		// remove the registry entry
		RegDeleteKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,(const char *)strThisEXEName);

		// remove the startup file
		GString strOutFile("c:\\");
		strOutFile += strThisEXEName;
		if (getenv(strThisEXEName))
			strOutFile += getenv(strThisEXEName);



   if (fDebug) 
      // Running as EXE not as service, just run the service for debugging
	  TimeServiceMain(0, NULL);

   if (fStartService) {
      SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY ServiceTable[] = {
         { pzServer, TimeServiceMain },
         { NULL,        NULL }   // End of list
