Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: tar.c Proyecto: jkivilin/qemu
static int is_target_file(BlockDriverState *bs, char *filename,
                          char *header)
    int retval = 0;

    if (str_ends(filename, ".raw"))
        retval = 1;

    if (str_ends(filename, ".qcow"))
        retval = 1;

    if (str_ends(filename, ".qcow2"))
        retval = 1;

    if (str_ends(filename, ".vmdk"))
        retval = 1;

    if (retval &&
        (header[OFFS_TYPE] != '0') &&
        (header[OFFS_TYPE] != 'S')) {
        retval = 0;

    dprintf("does filename %s match? %s\n", filename, retval ? "yes" : "no");

    /* make sure we're not using this name again */
    filename[0] = '\0';

    return retval;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main(void)
  const char *s = "ABCD1234EFGHXXXX";
  const char *t = "ABCD1234EFGHXXXX";
  const char *u = "AbCdEfGh";
  const char *v = "aBcDeFgH";
  char *x;
  long i;
  unsigned long pos;

  test_assert(str_chr(s, 'D') == 3);

  i = str_char(s, 'D', &pos);
  test_assert(i == 1);
  test_assert(pos == 3);

  test_assert(str_diff(s, t) == 0);
  test_assert(str_same(s, t));
  test_assert(str_ndiff(s, t, 8) == 0);
  test_assert(str_nsame(s, t, 8) == 1);

  test_assert(str_casei_diff(u, v) == 0);
  test_assert(str_casei_same(u, v) == 1);
  test_assert(str_casei_ndiff(u, v, 8) == 0);
  test_assert(str_casei_nsame(u, v, 8) == 1);;

  test_assert(str_rchr(s, 'X') == 15);

  i = str_rchar(s, 'X', &pos);
  test_assert(i == 1);
  test_assert(pos == 15);

  test_assert(str_dup(s, &x));

  test_assert(str_same(s, x) == 1);
  test_assert(str_nsame(s, x, 8) == 1);

  test_assert(str_starts(s, "ABCD") == 1);
  test_assert(str_starts(s, "XYZA") == 0);
  test_assert(str_starts(s, "1234EFGH1234EFGH1234EFGH") == 0);

  test_assert(str_ends(s, "XXXX") == 1);
  test_assert(str_ends(s, "ABCD") == 0);
  test_assert(str_ends(s, "GH1234EFGH123GH1234EFGH123") == 0);

  test_assert(str_len(s) == 16);
  test_assert(x[0] == 'A');
  test_assert(x[0] == 'a');

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
struct install_status_t
ntran_copy (struct install_item *ins)
  static char src_name [INSTALL_MAX_PATHLEN];
  static char dst_name [INSTALL_MAX_PATHLEN];
  static char dst_tmp [INSTALL_MAX_PATHLEN];
  struct install_status_t status = INSTALL_STATUS_INIT;

  if (!ins->src) { status.message = "source file undefined"; return status; }
  if (!ins->dir) { status.message = "directory undefined"; return status; }
  if (!ins->dst) ins->dst = ins->src;

  if (str_ends (ins->src, ".vlb")) {
    if (!libname (ins->src, src_name)) {
      status.message = "could not build library name";
      return status;
    ins->src = src_name;
  if (str_ends (ins->dst, ".vlb")) {
    if (!libname (ins->dst, dst_name)) {
      status.message = "could not build library name";
      return status;
    ins->dst = dst_name;

  if (!base_name (ins->dst, &ins->dst)) {
    status.message = "invalid destination path";
    return status;
  if (snprintf (dst_tmp, sizeof (dst_tmp), "%s/%s", ins->dir, ins->dst) < 0) {
    status.status = INSTALL_STATUS_ERROR;
    status.message = "could not format destination path";
    return status;

  ins->dst = dst_tmp;

  status.status = INSTALL_STATUS_OK;
  return status;
Ejemplo n.º 4
DesktopIcon *Desktop::read_desktop_file(const char *path, const char *base, DesktopConfig *pos) {
	DesktopIcon *ret = NULL;
	if(file_test(path, FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) {
		ret = new DesktopIcon(_("No Name"));
		/* hardcoded */

		/* copy label explicitly, as DesktopIcon() will only store a pointer */
	} else {
		 * try to load it as plain .desktop file by looking only at extension
		 * TODO: MimeType can be used here too
		if(!str_ends(path, EDE_DESKTOP_DESKTOP_EXT))
			return ret;

		DesktopFile df;
		char        buf[PATH_MAX];

		E_RETURN_VAL_IF_FAIL(df.load(path), ret);

		ret = new DesktopIcon(_("No Name"));

		if(df.name(buf, sizeof(buf))) ret->copy_label(buf);
		ret->set_image(df.icon(buf, sizeof(buf)) ? buf : NULL);
		if(df.comment(buf, sizeof(buf))) ret->set_tooltip(buf);

	/* try to put random icon position in the middle of the desktop, so it is easier to notice */
	int X = (rand() % (w() / 4)) + (w() / 4);
	int Y = (rand() % (h() / 4)) + (h() / 4);

	/* lookup icons locations if possible */
	if(base && pos && *pos) {
		pos->get(base, "X", X, X);
		pos->get(base, "Y", Y, Y);

	E_DEBUG("Setting icon '%s' (%i,%i)\n", base, X, Y);
	ret->position(X, Y);

	/* use loaded icon options */
	return ret;
Ejemplo n.º 5
struct install_status_t
ntran_liblink (struct install_item *ins)
  static char dst_tmp [INSTALL_MAX_PATHLEN];
  static char src_name [INSTALL_MAX_PATHLEN];
  static char src_tmp [INSTALL_MAX_PATHLEN];
  struct install_status_t status = INSTALL_STATUS_INIT;

  if (!ins->src) { status.message = "source file undefined"; return status; }
  if (!ins->dir) { status.message = "directory undefined"; return status; }
  if (!ins->dst) { status.message = "destination file undefined"; return status; }

  if (str_ends (ins->src, ".vlb")) {
    if (!libname (ins->src, src_tmp)) {
      status.message = "could not build library name";
      return status;
    ins->src = src_tmp;
    if (!base_name (ins->src, &ins->src)) {
      status.message = "invalid source path";
      return status;
    memcpy (src_name, ins->src, INSTALL_MAX_PATHLEN);
    ins->src = src_name;

  /* build name of library */
  if (!base_name (ins->dst, &ins->dst)) {
    status.message = "invalid destination path";
    return status;
  if (snprintf (dst_tmp, INSTALL_MAX_PATHLEN, "%s%s", ins->dst, inst_dlib_suffix) < 0) {
    status.status = INSTALL_STATUS_ERROR;
    status.message = "could not format destination path";
    return status;
  ins->dst = dst_tmp;

  status.status = INSTALL_STATUS_OK;
  return status;
Ejemplo n.º 6
bool dir_list(const char *dir, list<String> &lst, bool full_path, bool show_hidden, bool show_dots) {
	E_ASSERT(dir != NULL);

	DIR *dirp = opendir(dir);
	E_RETURN_VAL_IF_FAIL(dirp != NULL, false);

	/* make sure the list is empty */

	String dirstr, tmp;
	if(full_path) {
		/* resolve full name if given folder in form: './file' */
		dirstr = (dir[0] == '.' && dir[1] == '\0') ? dir_current() : dir;

		if(!str_ends(dirstr.c_str(), E_DIR_SEPARATOR_STR))
			dirstr += E_DIR_SEPARATOR_STR;

	for(dirent *dp = readdir(dirp); dp != NULL; dp = readdir(dirp)) {
		if(!show_hidden && dp->d_name[0] == '.' && !DOT_OR_DOTDOT(dp->d_name))

		if(!show_dots && DOT_OR_DOTDOT(dp->d_name))

		if(full_path) {
			tmp = dirstr;
			tmp += dp->d_name;
		} else {

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 7
static void scan_object(EdbusConnection *conn, EdbusMessage &msg, const char *service, const char *path, ObjectTree *self) {
	EdbusMessage reply;
	msg.create_method_call(service, path, INTROSPECTABLE_INTERFACE, INTROSPECTABLE_METHOD);

	if(!conn->send_with_reply_and_block(msg, 1000, reply)) {
		E_WARNING(E_STRLOC ": Did not get reply from service bus. Skipping introspection of '%s' service (object path: '%s')\n", service, path);

	/* reply must be single element and string, which is xml */
	if(reply.size() != 1) {
		E_WARNING(E_STRLOC ": Expected only one element, but got '%i'\n", reply.size());

	EdbusMessage::const_iterator it = reply.begin();
	if(!it->is_string()) {
		E_WARNING(E_STRLOC ": Expected string in reply, but got some junk\n");

	TiXmlDocument doc;
	char buf[128];
	Fl_Tree_Item *titem;

	TiXmlNode *el = doc.FirstChild("node");
	if(!el) return;

	for(el = el->FirstChildElement(); el; el = el->NextSibling()) {
		/* we have subobjects */
		if(STR_CMP_VALUE(el, "node")) {
			const char *name = el->ToElement()->Attribute("name");
			if(!name) {
				E_DEBUG(E_STRLOC ": <node> is expected to have 'name' attribute\n");

			/* TODO: maybe use EdbusObjectPath? */
			if(strcmp(path, "/") == 0)
				snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "/%s", name);
				snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", path, name);

			titem = self->add(buf);

			/* recurse */
			scan_object(conn, msg, service, buf, self);
		} else if(STR_CMP_VALUE(el, "interface")) {
			/* full interface: get methods and properties */
			const char *interface_name, *name = el->ToElement()->Attribute("name");
			/* remember it for Entity */
			interface_name = name;
			if(!name) {
				E_DEBUG(E_STRLOC ": <interface> is expected to have 'name' attribute\n");

			/* append interface to tree */
			snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", path, name);
			titem = self->add(buf);

			/* append methods, signals and properties */
			TiXmlNode *sel;
			char buf2[256];
			Fl_Pixmap *icon;
			EntityType et;

			for(sel = el->FirstChildElement(); sel; sel = sel->NextSibling()) {
				if(STR_CMP_VALUE(sel, "method")) {
					icon = &image_method;
					et = ENTITY_METHOD;
				} else if(STR_CMP_VALUE(sel, "signal")) {
					icon = &image_signal;
					et = ENTITY_SIGNAL;
				} else if(STR_CMP_VALUE(sel, "property")) {
					icon = &image_property;
				} else {
					E_WARNING(E_STRLOC ": Got unknown node '%s'. Skipping...\n", sel->Value());

				/* everything else are common elements between different types */
				name = sel->ToElement()->Attribute("name");
				snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "%s/%s", buf, name);
				titem = self->add(buf2);

				/* fill our metadata */
				Entity *en = new Entity();

				/* TODO: this doesn't have to be copied */

				if(et == ENTITY_PROPERTY) {
					const char *argstype, *argsname, *argsaccess;
					argstype = sel->ToElement()->Attribute("type");
					argsname = sel->ToElement()->Attribute("name");
					argsaccess = sel->ToElement()->Attribute("access");

					en->append_arg(argsname, argstype, DIRECTION_NONE, argsaccess);
				} else {
					TiXmlNode *argsnode;
					for(argsnode = sel->FirstChildElement(); argsnode; argsnode = argsnode->NextSibling()) {
						if(STR_CMP_VALUE(argsnode, "arg")) {
							/* arguments */
							const char *argstype, *argsname, *argsdirection;
							ArgDirection dir = DIRECTION_NONE;

							argstype = argsnode->ToElement()->Attribute("type");
							if(!argstype) continue;

							argsname = argsnode->ToElement()->Attribute("name");
							if(!argsname) continue;

							/* it is fine to not have direction, which means it is only a method */
							argsdirection = argsnode->ToElement()->Attribute("direction");
							if(argsdirection) {
								if(STR_CMP(argsdirection, "in"))
									dir = DIRECTION_IN;
								else if(STR_CMP(argsdirection, "out"))
									dir = DIRECTION_OUT;

							en->append_arg(argsname, argstype, dir);
						} else if(STR_CMP_VALUE(argsnode, "annotation")) {
							const char *annoname, *argsval;

							annoname = argsnode->ToElement()->Attribute("name");
							/* allow whatever annotation name ending with '.DocString' to be supported (e.g. org.gtk.GDBus.DocString or org.equinoxproject.DBus.DocString) */
							if(!str_ends(annoname, ".DocString")) {
								E_WARNING(E_STRLOC ": We are supporting now only DocString annotations. Skipping '%s'...\n", annoname);

							argsval = argsnode->ToElement()->Attribute("value");
							if(argsval) en->set_doc(argsval);

				/* put it inside our tree so we can manage it */
				/* add also inside Fl_Tree_Item */
Ejemplo n.º 8
	char s8[] = "some with spaces  ";
	UT_VERIFY( STR_EQUAL("some with spaces", str_trimright(s8)) );

	char s9[] = "some with spaces                |";
	UT_VERIFY( STR_EQUAL("some with spaces                |", str_trimright(s9)) );

	char s10[] = "some without spaces";
	UT_VERIFY( STR_EQUAL("some without spaces", str_trimright(s10)) );

	char s11[] = "\t\t\t\t\tsome\tstring   \t\t";
	UT_VERIFY( STR_EQUAL("some\tstring", str_trim(s11)) );

	char s12[] = "\nsss\n";
	UT_VERIFY( STR_EQUAL("sss", str_trim(s12)) );

	UT_VERIFY( str_ends("sample.png", ".png") == true );
	UT_VERIFY( str_ends("sample", "foo") == false );
	UT_VERIFY( str_ends("sample", "ple") == true );
	UT_VERIFY( str_ends("le", "a long that should fail") == false );
	UT_VERIFY( str_ends("not-empty", "") == false );
	UT_VERIFY( str_ends("sample/path", "/") == false );
	UT_VERIFY( str_ends("sample/path/", "/") == true );
	UT_VERIFY( str_ends("sample/path////", "/") == true );
	UT_VERIFY( str_ends("sample/path////aa", "/aa") == true );
	UT_VERIFY( str_ends("/aa", "/aa") == true );
	UT_VERIFY( str_ends("/aa", "/aaaaa") == false);

UT_FUNC(stringtok, "Test stringtok")
	list<String> ls;
Ejemplo n.º 9
static struct install_status_t
ntran_copy (struct install_item *item)
  static char src_name [INSTALL_MAX_PATHLEN];
  static char dst_name [INSTALL_MAX_PATHLEN];
  static char dst_tmp [INSTALL_MAX_PATHLEN];
  struct install_status_t status = INSTALL_STATUS_INIT;

  assert (item != NULL);

  if (item->src == NULL) {
    install_status_assign (&status, INSTALL_STATUS_ERROR, "source file undefined");
    return status;
  if (item->dir == NULL) {
    install_status_assign (&status, INSTALL_STATUS_ERROR, "directory undefined");
    return status;
  if (item->dst == NULL) item->dst = item->src;

  /* If source or destination file are virtual library files, build
   * real library names. */
  if (str_ends (item->src, ".vlb") != 0) {
    if (libname (item->src, src_name) == 0) {
      install_status_assign (&status, INSTALL_STATUS_ERROR, "could not build library name");
      return status;
    item->src = src_name;
  if (str_ends (item->dst, ".vlb") != 0) {
    if (libname (item->dst, dst_name) == 0) {
      install_status_assign (&status, INSTALL_STATUS_ERROR, "could not build library name");
      return status;
    item->dst = dst_name;

  assert (item->src != NULL);
  assert (item->dst != NULL);

  if (base_name (item->dst, &item->dst) == 0) {
    install_status_assign (&status, INSTALL_STATUS_ERROR, "invalid destination path");
    return status;

  assert (item->dst != NULL);

  /* Build file names, possibly prefixed with fake root */
  if (inst_fake_root != NULL) {
    if (snprintf (dst_tmp, sizeof (dst_tmp), "%s/%s/%s",
      inst_fake_root, item->dir, item->dst) < 0) {
      install_status_assign (&status, INSTALL_STATUS_ERROR, "could not format destination path");
      return status;
  } else {
    if (snprintf (dst_tmp, sizeof (dst_tmp), "%s/%s", item->dir, item->dst) < 0) {
      install_status_assign (&status, INSTALL_STATUS_ERROR, "could not format destination path");
      return status;

  item->dst = dst_tmp;

  install_status_assign (&status, INSTALL_STATUS_OK, NULL);
  return status;
Ejemplo n.º 10
static struct install_status_t
ntran_liblink (struct install_item *item)
  static char dir_name [INSTALL_MAX_PATHLEN];
  static char dst_tmp [INSTALL_MAX_PATHLEN];
  static char src_name [INSTALL_MAX_PATHLEN];
  static char src_tmp [INSTALL_MAX_PATHLEN];
  struct install_status_t status = INSTALL_STATUS_INIT;

  assert (item != NULL);

  if (item->src == NULL) {
    install_status_assign (&status, INSTALL_STATUS_ERROR, "source file undefined");
    return status;
  if (item->dir == NULL) {
    install_status_assign (&status, INSTALL_STATUS_ERROR, "directory undefined");
    return status;
  if (item->dst == NULL) {
    install_status_assign (&status, INSTALL_STATUS_ERROR, "destination file undefined");
    return status;

  /* Modify path if fake root was specified */
  if (inst_fake_root != NULL) {
    if (snprintf (dir_name, INSTALL_MAX_PATHLEN, "%s/%s", inst_fake_root, item->dir) < 0) {
      install_status_assign (&status, INSTALL_STATUS_ERROR, "could not format destination path");
      return status;
    item->dir = dir_name;

  /* If source or destination file are virtual library files, build
   * real library names. */
  if (str_ends (item->src, ".vlb") != 0) {
    if (libname (item->src, src_tmp) == 0) {
      install_status_assign (&status, INSTALL_STATUS_ERROR, "could not build library name");
      return status;
    item->src = src_tmp;
    if (base_name (item->src, &item->src) == 0) {
      install_status_assign (&status, INSTALL_STATUS_ERROR, "invalid source path");
      return status;
    memcpy (src_name, item->src, INSTALL_MAX_PATHLEN);
    item->src = src_name;

  /* Build library name */
  if (base_name (item->dst, &item->dst) == 0) {
    install_status_assign (&status, INSTALL_STATUS_ERROR, "invalid destination path");
    return status;

  assert (item->dst != NULL);

  if (snprintf (dst_tmp, INSTALL_MAX_PATHLEN, "%s%s", item->dst, inst_dlib_suffix) < 0) {
    install_status_assign (&status, INSTALL_STATUS_ERROR, "could not format destination path");
    return status;
  item->dst = dst_tmp;

  install_status_assign (&status, INSTALL_STATUS_OK, NULL);
  return status;