Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: main.c Proyecto: arctanb/srtm
void read_waypoint(FILE *file) {
  uint32_t num_points;
  fscanf(file, "%d\n", &num_points);
  double s_dist = 0;
  int32_t prev_east, prev_north, cur_east, cur_north;
  for (int i = 0; i < num_points; ++i) {
    char cs[2];
    uint32_t ns[6];
    if (fscanf(file, "%c %d %d %d %c %d %d %d\n", &cs[0], &ns[0], &ns[1],
        &ns[2], &cs[1], &ns[3], &ns[4], &ns[5]) <= 0) {
      fprintf(stderr, "file cannot be read\n");
    prev_east = cur_east;
    prev_north = cur_north;
    cur_north =  ns[0] * 60*60 + ns[1] * 60 + ns[2];
    cur_east = ns[3] * 60*60 + ns[4] * 60 + ns[5];
    if (cs[0] == 'S') {
      cur_north = -cur_north;
    if (cs[1] == 'W') {
      cur_east = -cur_east;
    if (i > 0) {
      straight_line(prev_east, prev_north, cur_east, cur_north, &s_dist);
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: main.c Proyecto: Truphino/fdf
int				print_it(t_ref *d_ref, t_mlx *d_mlx)
	straight_line(d_ref->conv, d_mlx);
	mlx_put_image_to_window(d_mlx->mlx, d_mlx->win, d_mlx->img, 0, 0);
	return (1);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void main(void){
// Main Program
// Description: This function contains the while loop that runs continuously
// to act for the operating system. It also calls all the functions to
// initialize the system.
// Passed : no variables passed
// Locals: no variables declared
// Returned: no values returned
// Globals:     volatile unsigned int Time_Sequence;
//              volatile char one_time;
//              char* display_1
//              char* display_2
//              char* display_3
//              char* display_4
//              slow_input_down
//              control_state[CNTL_STATE_INDEX]
//              char big
//              char size_count;
//              char posL1
//              char posL2
//              char posL3
//              char posL4
// Author: David Pryor
// Date: Feb 2016
// Compiler: Built with IAR Embedded Workbench Version: V4.10A/W32 (6.4.1)
  Init_Ports();                             // Initialize Ports
  Init_Clocks();                            // Initialize Clock System 
  Time_Sequence = SWITCH_OFF;               // 
  Init_Timers();                            // Initialize Timers
  Init_LEDs();                              // Initialize LEDs
  Init_LCD();                               // Initialize LCD

// Begining of the "While" Operating System
 while(ALWAYS) {                            // Can the Operating system run
   if(do_this == TRUE){
      Five_msec_Delay(FOR_ONE_SECOND);                     //pause
      display_2 = "FORWARD";                    //change display
      posL2 = LINE_POS_1;
      Display_Process();                        //push display
      straight_line();                          //forward
      Five_msec_Delay(FOR_ONE_SECOND);                     //pause
      display_2 = "REVERSE";                    //change display
      posL2 = LINE_POS_1;
      Display_Process();                        //push display
      straight_line_reverse();                  //reverse
      display_2 = "FORWARD";                    //change display
      posL2 = LINE_POS_1;
      Display_Process();                        //push display
      straight_line();                          //forward
      display_2 = "CW-SPIN";                   //change display
      posL2 = LINE_POS_1;
      Display_Process();                         //push display
      clockwise_spin();                          //forward
      display_2 = "CCW-SPIN";                   //change display
      posL2 = LINE_POS_1;
      Display_Process();                         //push display
      counterclockwise_spin();                          //forward
      Five_msec_Delay(FOR_ONE_SECOND);                     //pause
      display_2 = "";                           //clear display
      posL2 = LINE_POS_1;
      Display_Process();                        //push display
      do_this = FALSE;