Ejemplo n.º 1
static void parse_SceneCondition(char **s, Game *g) {
	int num;

	assert(g->_sceneConditionsCount < Game::NUM_NEXT_SCENES);
	NextScene *ns = &g->_nextScenesTable[g->_sceneConditionsCount];
	ns->num = num;
	_currentTokenStr = stringNextToken(s);
	strcpy(ns->name, _currentTokenStr);
Ejemplo n.º 2
// -1 if no emotion triggered
int getEmotionIndex( const char *inSpeech ) {
    char *upperSpeech = stringToUpperCase( inSpeech );
    for( int i=0; i<emotions.size(); i++ ) {
        if( strstr( upperSpeech, emotions.getElement(i)->triggerWord ) ==
            upperSpeech ) {
            // starts with trigger
            delete [] upperSpeech;
            return i;
    delete [] upperSpeech;
    return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
	OscillatorDSP::OscillatorType OscillatorDSP::getOscillatorType( const std::string& type ) const
		static std::map< std::string, OscillatorType > oscillatorTypeMap;
		if( oscillatorTypeMap.empty() )
			oscillatorTypeMap[ "SINE" ] = SINE;
			oscillatorTypeMap[ "SQUARE" ] = SQUARE;
			oscillatorTypeMap[ "SAWUP" ] = SAWUP;
			oscillatorTypeMap[ "SAWDOWN" ] = SAWDOWN;
			oscillatorTypeMap[ "TRIANGLE" ] = TRIANGLE;
			oscillatorTypeMap[ "NOISE" ] = NOISE;

		std::string upperStrType = type;
		stringToUpperCase( upperStrType );
		auto iter = oscillatorTypeMap.find( upperStrType );
		if( iter != oscillatorTypeMap.end() )
			return iter->second;
			return SINE;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void initEmotion() {
    char *cont = SettingsManager::getSettingContents( "emotionWords", "" );
    if( strcmp( cont, "" ) == 0 ) {
        delete [] cont;

    int numParts;
    char **parts = split( cont, "\n", &numParts );
    delete [] cont;
    for( int i=0; i<numParts; i++ ) {
        if( strcmp( parts[i], "" ) != 0 ) {
            Emotion e = { stringToUpperCase( parts[i] ), 0, 0, 0 };

            emotions.push_back( e );
        delete [] parts[i];
    delete [] parts;

    // now read emotion objects

    cont = SettingsManager::getSettingContents( "emotionObjects", "" );
    if( strcmp( cont, "" ) == 0 ) {
        delete [] cont;

    parts = split( cont, "\n", &numParts );
    delete [] cont;
    for( int i=0; i<numParts; i++ ) {
        if( strcmp( parts[i], "" ) != 0 ) {
            Emotion *e;
            if( i < emotions.size() ) {
                e = emotions.getElement( i );
            else {
                // the list extends beyond emotion words
                // put dummy trigger in place for these
                // * is a character that the end user cannot type
                Emotion eNew = { stringDuplicate( "DUMMY*TRIGGER" ), 0, 0, 0 };

                emotions.push_back( eNew );
                e = emotions.getElement( emotions.size() - 1 );
            e->eyeEmot = 0;
            e->mouthEmot = 0;
            e->otherEmot = 0;
            e->faceEmot = 0;
            e->bodyEmot = 0;
            e->headEmot = 0;

            sscanf( parts[i], "%d %d %d %d %d %d", 
                    &( e->eyeEmot ), 
                    &( e->mouthEmot ), 
                    &( e->otherEmot ),
                    &( e->faceEmot ),
                    &( e->bodyEmot ),
                    &( e->headEmot ) );
        delete [] parts[i];
    delete [] parts;