Ejemplo n.º 1
float ofxFTGLFont::stringWidth(const string& c)
    if (c.compare(" ") == 0) {
        // FTGL won't measure a space width properly, so we
        // have to use this hack to get that value.
        return (stringWidth("A A") - stringWidth("AA"));
    else {
        ofRectangle rect = getStringBoundingBox(c, 0,0);
        return rect.width;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void Screen::print(const Common::Point &pt, uint color, const char *formatStr, ...) {
	// Create the string to display
	va_list args;
	va_start(args, formatStr);
	Common::String str = Common::String::vformat(formatStr, args);

	// Figure out area to draw text in
	Common::Point pos = pt;
	int width_ = stringWidth(str);
	pos.y--;		// Font is always drawing one line higher
	if (!pos.x)
		// Center text horizontally
		pos.x = (this->width() - width_) / 2;

	Common::Rect textBounds(pos.x, pos.y, pos.x + width_, pos.y + _fontHeight);
	if (textBounds.right > this->width())
		textBounds.moveTo(this->width() - width_, textBounds.top);
	if (textBounds.bottom > this->height())
		textBounds.moveTo(textBounds.left, this->height() - _fontHeight);

	// Write out the string at the given position
	writeString(str, Common::Point(textBounds.left, textBounds.top), color);

	// Copy the affected area to the screen
Ejemplo n.º 3
void NameDisplay::draw()
    float displayWidth = stringWidth(name)/2;
    int finalx = pos.x - displayWidth;
    if (finalx < 0)
        pos.x -= (finalx - (5 * drawScale));
    else if ((pos.x + displayWidth) > ofGetWidth())
        pos.x -= displayWidth/2;
    ofTranslate(pos.x, pos.y);
    ofScale(currentSize, currentSize, 1);
    ofTrueTypeFont::drawStringAsShapes(name,0 - displayWidth+ (2 * drawScale), -8 * drawScale);
    ofTrueTypeFont::drawStringAsShapes(name, 0 - displayWidth, (-10 * drawScale));
Ejemplo n.º 4
void S_KR_Font::drawString_bold(CGraphics* g,char* argStr, int argX, int argY, int argAnchor, bool argIsNewLine)
	//argStr = utf8ToUnicode(argStr);

	int strWidth = stringWidth(argStr);

	if ((argAnchor & Graphics::HCENTER) == Graphics::HCENTER)
		argX -= (strWidth >> 1);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void QPaintContext::drawString(int x, int y, const char *str, int len) {
	QString qStr = QString::fromUtf8(str, len);
	for (unsigned int i=0; i<qStr.length(); i++) {
	    if (qStr[i] == QChar(0x14,0x20) ||
		qStr[i] == QChar(0x13,0x20))
		qStr[i] = QChar('-', 0);
//	myPainter->drawText(x + leftMargin(), y + topMargin(),0,-1,-1, qStr);
	myPainter->drawText(x + leftMargin(), y + topMargin(),stringWidth(str,len),stringHeight()+3,0, qStr);
//	myPainter->drawText(x + leftMargin(), y + topMargin(), qStr);
void ofxNumberAnimation::startAnimation(int num) {
    // Change number to string
    string numStr = ofToString(num);

    if (!_isNDigitsSet) {
        _nDigits = numStr.size();
    } else if (_nDigits < numStr.size()) {
        cout << "more digits than nDigits." << endl;

    // insert zeros
    int nZeros = _nDigits - numStr.size();
    for (int i=0; i<nZeros; i++) {
        numStr.insert(numStr.begin(), '0');
    _numModulo3 = _nDigits % 3;
    if (_thousandsSeparator) {
        for (int i=0; i<_nDigits; i++) {
            if (i%3 == _numModulo3 && i!= 0) {
    } else {
        for (int i=0; i<_nDigits; i++) {
    // Calculate a position of each number
    int x = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<numStrVec.size(); i++) {
        x += stringWidth(numStrVec[i]) + _fontSize * 0.2 * _spacing;

    // show random numbers for waitTime ms, then show the target numbers
    // for waitTimePerDigit ms for each number.
    waitTimeMs = _animationTimeMs * 0.5;
    waitTimePerDigitMs = (_animationTimeMs - waitTimeMs) / _nDigits;

    startTimeMs = ofGetElapsedTimeMillis();

    status = animating;
Ejemplo n.º 7
    //                            r e n d e r
    void TGButton::render()

        int			x1, y1, x2, y2;
        TGFrameStyle	fs = FS_FLAT;
        getBounds(x1, y1, x2, y2);

        if (getMouseOverControl())
            fs = m_pushed?FS_LOWERED:FS_RAISED;
            fs = FS_FLAT;

        drawFrame(x1, y1, x2, y2, fs);

        if (focused())

        TGSBrush brush;

        if (m_pushed)
            brush = m_theme.getTextInvertedBrush();
                brush = m_theme.getTextFocusedBrush();
            else brush = m_theme.getTextBrush();

        x1 = (x2 - x1 + 1)/2 + x1;
        x1 -= stringWidth(m_caption)/2;
        x2 = 0;
        drawString(x1 + x2, (y2-y1 + 1)/2 + y1 - 
            stringHeight()/2, m_caption, brush);
Ejemplo n.º 8
bool Line::addText(string* xiText)
    Logger::Log("Entering Line.addText (string)...", LOG_DEBUG);

    if (stringWidth(xiText) > mWidth)
        Logger::Log("String too long for line.", LOG_DEBUG);

        // calculating number of characters to include
        float lCurrentWidth = stringWidth(&mText);
        string lHyphenation("-");
        string lLeftText;
        string lRightText;
        int lLeftChars;
        for (lLeftChars = 0; lCurrentWidth < mWidth; lLeftChars++)
            // calculate width of current n characters + string already present + a hyphen
            lLeftText = xiText->substr(0, lLeftChars);
            lCurrentWidth = stringWidth(&mText) + stringWidth(&lLeftText) + stringWidth(&lHyphenation);


        // add the portion of text that fits
        lLeftText = xiText->substr(0, lLeftChars);

        // attempt to add chopped off string to line
        if (addText(&lLeftText))
        Logger::Log("Wrapping remainder of long string onto next line.", LOG_DEBUG);

            // alter string to remainder, and return failiure state
            lRightText = xiText->substr(lLeftChars, xiText->length() - lLeftChars);
            *xiText = lRightText;

            // trim chopped part of line if it begins with a space
            if ((*xiText)[0] == ' ')
                Logger::Log("Trimming first character of string (space).", LOG_DEBUG);
                string lTrimText = xiText->substr(1, xiText->length()-1);

            // and force the second part onto the next line
            return false;
            // induce addition to next line
            return false;

    // if adding the string will make the line too wide, return failiure state
    if ((stringWidth(&mText) + stringWidth(xiText)) > mWidth)
        Logger::Log("Wrapping string onto next line.", LOG_DEBUG);

        // trim chopped part of line if it begins with a space
        if ((*xiText)[0] == ' ')
            Logger::Log("Trimming first char of string (space).", LOG_DEBUG);
            string lTrimText = xiText->substr(1, xiText->length()-1);

        // return failiure state: force it on to the next line
        return false;

    // success case: the string will fit, so concatenate the text

    // fix the previous characters
    // mFixedChars = (int)mText.length();

    // add the new characters
    mText = mText + *xiText;

    // reset animation only if complete
    if (mVisibility == 1.0)
        mVisibility = 0.0;

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 9
float StringTruncator::width(const String& string, const Font& font, bool disableRoundingHacks)
    return stringWidth(font, string.characters(), string.length(), disableRoundingHacks);
Ejemplo n.º 10
static String truncateString(const String& string, float maxWidth, const Font& font, TruncationFunction truncateToBuffer, bool disableRoundingHacks)
    if (string.isEmpty())
        return string;
    ASSERT(maxWidth >= 0);
    float currentEllipsisWidth = stringWidth(font, &horizontalEllipsis, 1, disableRoundingHacks);
    UChar stringBuffer[STRING_BUFFER_SIZE];
    unsigned truncatedLength;
    unsigned keepCount;
    unsigned length = string.length();

    if (length > STRING_BUFFER_SIZE) {
        keepCount = STRING_BUFFER_SIZE - 1; // need 1 character for the ellipsis
        truncatedLength = centerTruncateToBuffer(string, length, keepCount, stringBuffer);
    } else {
        keepCount = length;
        memcpy(stringBuffer, string.characters(), sizeof(UChar) * length);
        truncatedLength = length;

    float width = stringWidth(font, stringBuffer, truncatedLength, disableRoundingHacks);
    if (width <= maxWidth)
        return string;

    unsigned keepCountForLargestKnownToFit = 0;
    float widthForLargestKnownToFit = currentEllipsisWidth;
    unsigned keepCountForSmallestKnownToNotFit = keepCount;
    float widthForSmallestKnownToNotFit = width;
    if (currentEllipsisWidth >= maxWidth) {
        keepCountForLargestKnownToFit = 1;
        keepCountForSmallestKnownToNotFit = 2;
    while (keepCountForLargestKnownToFit + 1 < keepCountForSmallestKnownToNotFit) {
        ASSERT(widthForLargestKnownToFit <= maxWidth);
        ASSERT(widthForSmallestKnownToNotFit > maxWidth);

        float ratio = (keepCountForSmallestKnownToNotFit - keepCountForLargestKnownToFit)
            / (widthForSmallestKnownToNotFit - widthForLargestKnownToFit);
        keepCount = static_cast<unsigned>(maxWidth * ratio);
        if (keepCount <= keepCountForLargestKnownToFit) {
            keepCount = keepCountForLargestKnownToFit + 1;
        } else if (keepCount >= keepCountForSmallestKnownToNotFit) {
            keepCount = keepCountForSmallestKnownToNotFit - 1;
        ASSERT(keepCount < length);
        ASSERT(keepCount > 0);
        ASSERT(keepCount < keepCountForSmallestKnownToNotFit);
        ASSERT(keepCount > keepCountForLargestKnownToFit);
        truncatedLength = truncateToBuffer(string, length, keepCount, stringBuffer);

        width = stringWidth(font, stringBuffer, truncatedLength, disableRoundingHacks);
        if (width <= maxWidth) {
            keepCountForLargestKnownToFit = keepCount;
            widthForLargestKnownToFit = width;
        } else {
            keepCountForSmallestKnownToNotFit = keepCount;
            widthForSmallestKnownToNotFit = width;
    if (keepCountForLargestKnownToFit == 0) {
        keepCountForLargestKnownToFit = 1;
    if (keepCount != keepCountForLargestKnownToFit) {
        keepCount = keepCountForLargestKnownToFit;
        truncatedLength = truncateToBuffer(string, length, keepCount, stringBuffer);
    return String(stringBuffer, truncatedLength);
Ejemplo n.º 11
float StringTruncator::width(const String& string, const FontCascade& font, EnableRoundingHacksOrNot enableRoundingHacks)
    return stringWidth(font, StringView(string).upconvertedCharacters(), string.length(), !enableRoundingHacks);
Ejemplo n.º 12
float StringTruncator::width(const String& string, const Font& font, EnableRoundingHacksOrNot enableRoundingHacks)
    return stringWidth(font, string.characters(), string.length(), !enableRoundingHacks);
Ejemplo n.º 13
float ofxFTGLFont::getSpaceSize(){
	return stringWidth(" ");
Ejemplo n.º 14
static String truncateString(const String& string, float maxWidth, const FontCascade& font, TruncationFunction truncateToBuffer, bool disableRoundingHacks, float* resultWidth = nullptr, bool shouldInsertEllipsis = true,  float customTruncationElementWidth = 0, bool alwaysTruncate = false)
    if (string.isEmpty())
        return string;

    if (resultWidth)
        *resultWidth = 0;

    ASSERT(maxWidth >= 0);

    float currentEllipsisWidth = shouldInsertEllipsis ? stringWidth(font, &horizontalEllipsis, 1, disableRoundingHacks) : customTruncationElementWidth;

    UChar stringBuffer[STRING_BUFFER_SIZE];
    unsigned truncatedLength;
    unsigned keepCount;
    unsigned length = string.length();

    if (length > STRING_BUFFER_SIZE) {
        if (shouldInsertEllipsis)
            keepCount = STRING_BUFFER_SIZE - 1; // need 1 character for the ellipsis
            keepCount = 0;
        truncatedLength = centerTruncateToBuffer(string, length, keepCount, stringBuffer, shouldInsertEllipsis);
    } else {
        keepCount = length;
        truncatedLength = length;

    float width = stringWidth(font, stringBuffer, truncatedLength, disableRoundingHacks);
    if (!shouldInsertEllipsis && alwaysTruncate)
        width += customTruncationElementWidth;
    if ((width - maxWidth) < 0.0001) { // Ignore rounding errors.
        if (resultWidth)
            *resultWidth = width;
        return string;

    unsigned keepCountForLargestKnownToFit = 0;
    float widthForLargestKnownToFit = currentEllipsisWidth;
    unsigned keepCountForSmallestKnownToNotFit = keepCount;
    float widthForSmallestKnownToNotFit = width;
    if (currentEllipsisWidth >= maxWidth) {
        keepCountForLargestKnownToFit = 1;
        keepCountForSmallestKnownToNotFit = 2;
    while (keepCountForLargestKnownToFit + 1 < keepCountForSmallestKnownToNotFit) {
        ASSERT_WITH_SECURITY_IMPLICATION(widthForLargestKnownToFit <= maxWidth);
        ASSERT_WITH_SECURITY_IMPLICATION(widthForSmallestKnownToNotFit > maxWidth);

        float ratio = (keepCountForSmallestKnownToNotFit - keepCountForLargestKnownToFit)
            / (widthForSmallestKnownToNotFit - widthForLargestKnownToFit);
        keepCount = static_cast<unsigned>(maxWidth * ratio);
        if (keepCount <= keepCountForLargestKnownToFit)
            keepCount = keepCountForLargestKnownToFit + 1;
        else if (keepCount >= keepCountForSmallestKnownToNotFit)
            keepCount = keepCountForSmallestKnownToNotFit - 1;
        ASSERT_WITH_SECURITY_IMPLICATION(keepCount < length);
        ASSERT(keepCount > 0);
        ASSERT_WITH_SECURITY_IMPLICATION(keepCount < keepCountForSmallestKnownToNotFit);
        ASSERT_WITH_SECURITY_IMPLICATION(keepCount > keepCountForLargestKnownToFit);

        truncatedLength = truncateToBuffer(string, length, keepCount, stringBuffer, shouldInsertEllipsis);

        width = stringWidth(font, stringBuffer, truncatedLength, disableRoundingHacks);
        if (!shouldInsertEllipsis)
            width += customTruncationElementWidth;
        if (width <= maxWidth) {
            keepCountForLargestKnownToFit = keepCount;
            widthForLargestKnownToFit = width;
            if (resultWidth)
                *resultWidth = width;
        } else {
            keepCountForSmallestKnownToNotFit = keepCount;
            widthForSmallestKnownToNotFit = width;
    if (keepCountForLargestKnownToFit == 0) {
        keepCountForLargestKnownToFit = 1;
    if (keepCount != keepCountForLargestKnownToFit) {
        keepCount = keepCountForLargestKnownToFit;
        truncatedLength = truncateToBuffer(string, length, keepCount, stringBuffer, shouldInsertEllipsis);
    return String(stringBuffer, truncatedLength);
Ejemplo n.º 15
float Line::stringWidth()
    // Logger::Log("Calculating Line.stringWidth (member string)...", LOG_DEBUG);
    return stringWidth(&mText);
Ejemplo n.º 16
float ofxFontStash::getSpaceSize(){
    return stringWidth(" ");
Ejemplo n.º 17
 //                            s e t T e x t
 void TGListBoxItem::setText(TGString newText)
     text = newText;
     minimumWidth = stringWidth(newText) + 16;
Ejemplo n.º 18
int GtkPaintContext::spaceWidth() const {
	if (mySpaceWidth == -1) {
		mySpaceWidth = stringWidth(" ", 1);
	return mySpaceWidth;
Ejemplo n.º 19
float StringTruncator::width(const String& string, const Font& font)
    return stringWidth(font, string);