Ejemplo n.º 1
bool isIntel() {
	std::string	results;

	exec::execute("uname -p", results);
	if(stripEOL(results) == "i386") {
		return true;
	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
double runNoResultsExpected(const String &command, const char * const action) {
	std::string		results;
	double			duration;
	dt::DateTime	start;

	exec::execute(command, results);
	duration= dt::DateTime() - start;
	if(stripEOL(results).size() != 0) {
		printf("unexpected %s result '%s'\n", action, results.c_str());

	return duration;
Ejemplo n.º 3
Baseline *newBaseline(const char *confFile)
	Baseline *B;
	FILE *in;
	const int NItem = 3;
	char buffer[NItem][MaxLineLen+1];
	int i;
	char *v;

	in = fopen(confFile, "r");
		fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open conf file %s\n", confFile);

	B = (Baseline *)calloc(1, sizeof(Baseline));
	B->confFile = strdup(confFile);
	B->ds1 = newDataStream(in);
	B->ds2 = newDataStream(in);

	if(!B->ds1 || !B->ds2)


		return 0;

	if(B->ds1->ms->sec != B->ds2->ms->sec ||
	   B->ds1->ms->ns  != B->ds2->ms->ns)
		printf("\n\n*** WARNING *** Data stream times do not match ***\n\n");
	for(i = 0; i < NItem; i++)
		v = fgets(buffer[i], MaxLineLen, in);


			return 0;


	if(abs(B->ds1->nChan) != abs(B->ds2->nChan))
		fprintf(stderr, "Number of channels per datastream must match (%d %d)\n",
			B->ds1->nChan, B->ds2->nChan);


		return 0;
	B->nChan = abs(B->ds1->nChan);
	B->visFile = strdup(buffer[0]);
	B->lagFile = strdup(buffer[1]);
	B->nFFT = atoi(buffer[2]);
	if(B->nFFT <= 0)
		B->nFFT = 0x7FFFFFFF;	/* effectively no limit */
	B->visibility = (fftw_complex *)calloc(B->nChan, sizeof(fftw_complex));
	B->lags = (fftw_complex *)calloc(B->nChan, sizeof(fftw_complex));
	B->ac1 = (double *)calloc(B->nChan, sizeof(double));
	B->ac2 = (double *)calloc(B->nChan, sizeof(double));

	B->outVis = fopen(B->visFile, "w");
		fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %s for output\n", B->visFile);


		return 0;

	B->outLag = fopen(B->lagFile, "w");
		fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %s for output\n", B->lagFile);


		return 0;

	B->plan = fftw_plan_dft_1d(B->nChan, B->visibility, B->lags, FFTW_BACKWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE);

	/* FIXME: check that ds1 and ds2 have same */
	B->deltaF = B->ds1->deltaF;
	B->deltaT = 1.0/(B->nChan*B->ds1->deltaF);

	return B;
Ejemplo n.º 4
DataStream *newDataStream(FILE *in)
	const int NItem = 7;
	DataStream *ds;
	char buffer[NItem][MaxLineLen+1];
	int i;
	char *v;

	ds = (DataStream *)calloc(1, sizeof(DataStream));

	for(i = 0; i < NItem; i++)
		v = fgets(buffer[i], MaxLineLen, in);
			return 0;

	ds->inputFile = strdup(buffer[0]);
	ds->dataFormat = strdup(buffer[1]);
	ds->subBand = atoi(buffer[2]);
	ds->offset = atoll(buffer[3]);
	ds->fftSize = atoi(buffer[4]);
	ds->startChan = atoi(buffer[5]);
	ds->nChan = atoi(buffer[6]);
	if(ds->startChan < 0 || ds->startChan > ds->fftSize/2 ||
	   (ds->nChan > 0 && (ds->startChan + ds->nChan) > ds->fftSize/2) ||
	   (ds->nChan < 0 && (ds->startChan + ds->nChan) < -1))
		printf("The start channel must be in 0 .. %d, inclusive, and\n"
		       "the number of channels to keep must be as well:\n"
		       "For file %s\n"
		       "you have %d < 0 or %d > %d with %d channels to keep\n",
			ds->fftSize/2, ds->inputFile, ds->startChan,
			ds->startChan, ds->fftSize/2, ds->nChan);

		ds = 0;

		return 0;

	ds->ms = new_mark5_stream_absorb(
		new_mark5_stream_file(ds->inputFile, ds->offset),
		new_mark5_format_generic_from_string(ds->dataFormat) );

		printf("problem opening %s\n", ds->inputFile);

		ds = 0;
		return 0;


	ds->data = (double **)calloc(ds->ms->nchan, sizeof(double *));
	for(i = 0; i < ds->ms->nchan; i++)
		ds->data[i] = (double *)calloc(ds->fftSize+2, sizeof(double));
	ds->zdata = (fftw_complex *)calloc(ds->fftSize/2+2, sizeof(fftw_complex));
	ds->spec = (fftw_complex *)calloc(abs(ds->nChan), sizeof(fftw_complex));
	ds->plan = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d(ds->fftSize, ds->data[ds->subBand], ds->zdata, FFTW_ESTIMATE);

	ds->deltaF = (double)(ds->ms->samprate)/(double)(ds->fftSize);

	return ds;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void runTest(const String &name, const String &compiler, uint32_t testedLines, double durationInSeconds, double totalTimeInSeconds) {
	std::string		results;
	std::string		command;
	std::string		executableName;
	std::string		logName;
	std::string		runLogName;
	dt::DateTime	start, end;
	double			compilePerfTime, compileCoverageTime, runPerfTime, runCoverageTime, totalTime;
	uint32_t		coverage;
	uint32_t		warnings, errors, failures;
	bool			displayNewLine= false;

	if(gCompilerLocations[compiler].size() == 0) {
		exec::execute("which "+compiler, results);
		if(stripEOL(results).size() == 0) {
			results= "-";
			printf("WARNING: Unable to find compiler %s\n", compiler.c_str());
		gCompilerLocations[compiler]= results;
		//printf("COMPILER='%s'\n", results.c_str());
	command= gCompilerLocations[compiler];
	if(command != "-") {
		printf("%-18s %9s about %0.3fs\n", name.c_str(), compiler.c_str(), totalTimeInSeconds);
		executableName= name + '_' + compiler + "_performance";
		logName= executableName + "_compile.log";
		runLogName= executableName + "_run.log";
		command+= " -o bin/tests/"+executableName+" tests/"+name+"_test.cpp "
					+(gDebugging ? " -g " : "")+gCompilerFlags+" &> bin/logs/"+logName;
		compilePerfTime= runNoResultsExpected(command, "compile performance");
		command= "bin/tests/"+executableName+" &> bin/logs/"+runLogName;
		runPerfTime= runNoResultsExpected(command, "run performance");

		if(runPerfTime < gTestMinimumTimeInSeconds * (1.0 + gTestTimeAllowancePercent/100.0) ) {
			printf("\tTest is too short, run it %0.1f times\n", 1.0 / runPerfTime);

		failures= runIntegerExpected("cat bin/logs/"+runLogName+" | grep FAIL | sort | uniq | wc -l");
		if(failures > 0) {
			printf("\t%d Test Failures\n", failures);

		errors= runIntegerExpected("cat bin/logs/"+logName+" | grep error: | sort | uniq | wc -l");
		errors+= runIntegerExpected("cat bin/logs/"+logName+" | grep ld: | sort | uniq | wc -l");
		if(errors > 0) {
			printf("\t%d Compile Errors\n", errors);

		warnings= runIntegerExpected("cat bin/logs/"+logName+" | grep warning: | sort | uniq | wc -l");
		if(warnings > 0) {
			printf("\t%d Compile Warnings\n", warnings);

		executableName= name + '_' + compiler + "_trace";
		logName= executableName + "_compile.log";
		runLogName= executableName + "_run.log";
		command= gCompilerLocations[compiler]
					+ " -o bin/tests/"+executableName+" tests/"+name+"_test.cpp "
					+(gDebugging ? " -g " : "")+gCompilerFlags+" -include Tracer.h &> bin/logs/"+logName;
		compileCoverageTime= runNoResultsExpected(command, "compile trace");
		command= "bin/tests/"+executableName+" &> bin/logs/"+runLogName;
		runCoverageTime= runNoResultsExpected(command, "run trace");

		coverage= runIntegerExpected("cat bin/logs/"+runLogName+" | grep ../os/"+name+"\\\\.h: | sort | uniq | wc -l");
		if( (coverage != testedLines) ) {
			printf("\tTested Lines: %d Expected %d\n", coverage, testedLines);
			displayNewLine= true;
		if( (runPerfTime > durationInSeconds * (1 + gTestTimeAllowancePercent/100) ) ) {
			printf("\tTest took %0.3fs seconds, expected %0.3fs seconds\n", runPerfTime+0.000999, durationInSeconds);
			displayNewLine= true;
		totalTime= compilePerfTime + compileCoverageTime + runPerfTime + runCoverageTime;
		if( (totalTime > totalTimeInSeconds) ) {
			printf("\tBuild/Test took %0.3fs seconds, expected %0.3fs seconds\n", totalTime+0.000999, totalTimeInSeconds);
			displayNewLine= true;
		if(displayNewLine) {
				compiler.c_str(), coverage,
				runPerfTime > durationInSeconds ? runPerfTime+0.000999 : durationInSeconds,
				totalTime > totalTimeInSeconds ? totalTime+0.000999 : totalTimeInSeconds
		if(gVerbose) {
			printf("Coverage %d (expected %d) Compile: %0.3fs Run: %0.3fs (expected %0.3fs) Trace Compile: %0.3fs Trace Run: %0.3fs\n",
				coverage, testedLines,
				compilePerfTime, runPerfTime, durationInSeconds, compileCoverageTime, runCoverageTime
		gCompilerTimes[name][compiler].perfCompile= compilePerfTime;
		gCompilerTimes[name][compiler].perfRun= runPerfTime;
		gCompilerTimes[name][compiler].traceCompile= compileCoverageTime;
		gCompilerTimes[name][compiler].traceRun= runCoverageTime;
		gCompilerTimes[name][compiler].testedLines= coverage;
		gCompilerTimes[name][compiler].warnings= warnings;