Ejemplo n.º 1
void inipotential (int *npar, double par[], char *name)
    int n;

    n = *npar;
    if (n>0)  omega = par[0];                /* standard pattern speed */
    if (n>1)  iscale = par[1];               /* scaling factor applied to potential */
    if (n>2)  {                              /* alternate definition of center pixel */
      xcen = par[2];
      if (n>3)  ycen = par[3];
      else ycen = xcen;
    if (n>4)  {                              /* alternate definition of pixel size */
      dx = par[4];
      if (n>5)  dy = par[5];
      else dy = dx;
    if (n>6)  warning("inipotential(ccd): npar=%d only 6 parameter accepted",n);

    /* set some easy to use booleans */
    Qcen = n>2;     /* if a new center was defined via parameters */
    Qdel = n>4;     /* if a new pixel size was defined via parameters */

    dprintf(1,"INIPOTENTIAL: %s: %s\n",CCD_VERSION,name);
    dprintf(1,"  Parameters:  Omega=%g iscale=%g xcen,ycen=%g,%g dx,dy=%g,%g\n",

    potstr = stropen (name, "r");          /* open the image */
    read_image (potstr,&iptr);              /* read the image */
    if (iscale != 1.0) {
      int i,j;
      for (j=0; j<Ny(iptr); j++)
      for (i=0; i<Nx(iptr); i++)
	MapValue(iptr,i,j) =  MapValue(iptr,i,j) * iscale;

    nx = Nx(iptr);
    ny = Ny(iptr);
    if (!Qdel) {
      dx = Dx(iptr);
      dy = Dy(iptr);
    idx = 1.0/dx;
    idy = 1.0/dy;
    if (!Qcen) {
      xmin = Xmin(iptr);
      ymin = Ymin(iptr);
    } else {
      xmin = -xcen*dx;
      ymin = -ycen*dy;

    if (idx != idy) {
        if (idx == -idy && xmin == -ymin) {     /* try and patch it */
            idx = -idx;
            xmin = -xmin;
            warning("Astronomical coordinate convention assumed");
        } else
            warning("Possible bug when using dx != dy");
    if (idx<0) warning("1/Dx=%f",idx);
    if (idy<0) warning("1/Dy=%f",idy);
    xmax = xmin + nx * dx;              /* pixel centers */
    ymax = ymin + ny * dy;
    dprintf(1,"Offset and scale factors: xmin,ymin,1/dx,1/dy=%f %f %f %f\n",
    dprintf(1,"Formal full pixel X-range: %g %g\n",xmin-0.5*dx,xmax+0.5*dx);
    dprintf(1,"Formal full pixel Y-range: %g %g\n",ymin-0.5*dy,ymax+0.5*dy);
    dprintf(1,"Ranges: %g %g %g %g\n",xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax);

    par[0] = omega;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void nemo_main()
    stream instr, outstr;
    real   tsnap, dr, aux, t0, dt;
    string times;
    Body *btab = NULL, *bp, *bq;
    int i, j, k, n, nbody, bits, nopt, ParticlesBit, ntime;
    char fmt[20],*pfmt;
    string *burststring(), *opt;
    rproc btrtrans(), fopt[MAXOPT];
    imageptr iptr = NULL; 
    bool Qfirst = getbparam("first");

    ParticlesBit = (MassBit | PhaseSpaceBit | PotentialBit | AccelerationBit |
            AuxBit | KeyBit | DensBit | EpsBit);
    instr = stropen(getparam("in"), "r");	
    outstr = stropen(getparam("out"), "w");

    opt = burststring(getparam("options"),", ");
    nopt = 0;					/* count options */
    while (opt[nopt]) {				/* scan through options */
        fopt[nopt] = btrtrans(opt[nopt]);
        if (nopt==MAXOPT) {
            dprintf(0,"\n\nMaximum number of options = %d exhausted\n",MAXOPT);
    times = getparam("times");
    ntime = (hasvalue("ntime") ? getiparam("ntime") : 1);
    for(;;) {                /* repeating until first or all times are read */
        if (!get_tag_ok(instr, SnapShotTag))
            break;                                  /* done with work */
        get_snap(instr, &btab, &nbody, &tsnap, &bits);
        if (!streq(times,"all") && !within(tsnap,times,0.0001))
            continue;                   /* skip work on this snapshot */
        if ( (bits & ParticlesBit) == 0)
            continue;                   /* skip work, only diagnostics here */
	if (iptr == NULL) {
	  t0 = tsnap;
	  if (k==0) dt = 0.0;
	if (k==1) dt=tsnap-t0;    /* should be good for the whole snapshot */
	for (j=0; j<nopt; j++) {
	  for (bp = btab, i=0; bp < btab+nbody; bp++, i++) {
	    CubeValue(iptr,i,j,k) = fopt[j](bp,tsnap,i);

	if (k==ntime)  { /* cube is full */
	  iptr = NULL;
	  k = 0;
	  if (Qfirst) break;
    if (!Qfirst && k) {
      warning("k=%d something not written yet, possible trailing garbage written",k);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Stream a pipe/FIFO.
 * The FIFOCONNLD flag is used when CONNLD has been pushed on the stream.
 * If the flag is set, a new vnode is created by calling fifo_connld().
 * Connld logic was moved to fifo_connld() to speed up the open
 * operation, simplify the connld/fifo interaction, and remove inherent
 * race conditions between the connld module and fifos.
 * This routine is single threaded for two reasons.
 * 1) connld requests are synchronous; that is, they must block
 *    until the server does an I_RECVFD (oh, well).  Single threading is
 *    the simplest way to accomplish this.
 * 2) fifo_close() must not send M_HANGUP or M_ERROR while we are
 *    in stropen. Stropen() has a tendency to reset things and
 *    we would like streams to remember that a hangup occurred.
fifo_stropen(vnode_t **vpp, int flag, cred_t *crp, int dotwist, int lockheld)
	int error = 0;
	vnode_t *oldvp = *vpp;
	fifonode_t *fnp = VTOF(*vpp);
	dev_t pdev = 0;
	int firstopen = 0;
	fifolock_t *fn_lock;

	fn_lock = fnp->fn_lock;
	if (!lockheld)

	 * FIFO is in the process of opening. Wait for it
	 * to complete before starting another open on it
	 * This prevents races associated with connld open
	while (fnp->fn_flag & FIFOOPEN) {
		if (!cv_wait_sig(&fnp->fn_wait_cv, &fn_lock->flk_lock)) {
			fifo_cleanup(oldvp, flag);
			if (!lockheld)
			return (EINTR);

	 * The other end of the pipe is almost closed so
	 * reject any other open on this end of the pipe
	 * This only happens with a pipe mounted under namefs
	if ((fnp->fn_flag & (FIFOCLOSE|ISPIPE)) == (FIFOCLOSE|ISPIPE)) {
		fifo_cleanup(oldvp, flag);
		if (!lockheld)
		return (ENXIO);

	fnp->fn_flag |= FIFOOPEN;

	 * can't allow close to happen while we are
	 * in the middle of stropen().
	 * M_HANGUP and M_ERROR could leave the stream in a strange state
	while (fn_lock->flk_ocsync)
		cv_wait(&fn_lock->flk_wait_cv, &fn_lock->flk_lock);

	fn_lock->flk_ocsync = 1;

	if (fnp->fn_flag & FIFOCONNLD) {
		 * This is a reopen, so we should release the fifo lock
		 * just in case some strange module pushed on connld
		 * has some odd side effect.
		 * Note: this stropen is on the oldvp.  It will
		 * have no impact on the connld vp returned and
		 * strclose() will only be called when we release
		 * flk_ocsync
		if ((error = stropen(oldvp, &pdev, flag, crp)) != 0) {
			fifo_cleanup(oldvp, flag);
			fn_lock->flk_ocsync = 0;
			goto out;
		 * streams open done, allow close on other end if
		 * required.  Do this now.. it could
		 * be a very long time before fifo_connld returns.
		 * we need to fake an open here so that if this
		 * end of the pipe closes, we don't loose the
		 * stream head (kind of like single threading
		 * open and close for this end of the pipe)
		 * We'll need to call fifo_close() to do clean
		 * up in case this end of the pipe was closed
		 * down while we were in fifo_connld()
		ASSERT(fnp->fn_open > 0);
		fn_lock->flk_ocsync = 0;
		 * Connld has been pushed onto the pipe
		 * Create new pipe on behalf of connld
		if (error = fifo_connld(vpp, flag, crp)) {
			(void) fifo_close(oldvp, flag, 1, 0, crp, NULL);
			goto out;
		 * undo fake open.  We need to call fifo_close
		 * because some other thread could have done
		 * a close and detach of the named pipe while
		 * we were in fifo_connld(), so
		 * we want to make sure the close completes (yuk)
		(void) fifo_close(oldvp, flag, 1, 0, crp, NULL);
		 * fifo_connld has changed the vp, so we
		 * need to re-initialize locals
		fnp = VTOF(*vpp);
		fn_lock = fnp->fn_lock;
	} else {
		 * release lock in case there are modules pushed that
		 * could have some strange side effect


		 * If this is the first open of a fifo (dotwist
		 * will be non-zero) we will need to twist the queues.
		if (oldvp->v_stream == NULL)
			firstopen = 1;

		 * normal open of pipe/fifo

		if ((error = stropen(oldvp, &pdev, flag, crp)) != 0) {
			fifo_cleanup(oldvp, flag);
			ASSERT(fnp->fn_open != 0 || oldvp->v_stream == NULL);
			fn_lock->flk_ocsync = 0;
			goto out;

		 * twist the ends of the fifo together
		if (dotwist && firstopen)
			strmate(*vpp, *vpp);

		 * Show that this open has succeeded
		 * and allow closes or other opens to proceed
		fn_lock->flk_ocsync = 0;
	fnp->fn_flag &= ~FIFOOPEN;
	if (error == 0) {
		fnp->fn_flag |= FIFOISOPEN;
		 * If this is a FIFO and has the close flag set
		 * and there are now writers, clear the close flag
		 * Note: close flag only gets set when last writer
		 * on a FIFO goes away.
		if (((fnp->fn_flag & (ISPIPE|FIFOCLOSE)) == FIFOCLOSE) &&
		    fnp->fn_wcnt > 0)
			fnp->fn_flag &= ~FIFOCLOSE;
	if (!lockheld)
	return (error);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void nemo_main() {
   string *sp;                   /* string pointer for output of burststring */
   int    nsp;                   /* number of tokens in sp after using burststring */
   double magj,magh,magks;       /* JHKs magnitudes */
   double sigmaj,sigmah,sigmaks; /* JHKs uncertainties in magnitudes */
   double sum_jh,sum_jh2;        /* Sums for J-H weighted averages */
   double sum_hks,sum_hks2;      /* Sums for H-Ks weighted averages */
   double w_jh,w_hks,w_jhhks;    /* sums of weights for J-H,H-Ks, and covariance */
   double w_jh2,w_hks2,w_jhhks2; /* sums of square of weights for J-H,H-Ks, and cov. */
   double sum_jhhks;             /* for covariance matrix */
   double sum_jhalt,sum_hksalt;  /* for covariance matrix */
   double tmp1,tmp2,tmp3;        /* temp variables */
   double avg_jh,avg_hks;        /* average values of J-H,H-Ks */
   double std_jh,std_hks;        /* Std. deviations of J-H,H-Ks*/
   double cov;                   /* covariance of J-H and H-Ks */
   double no_jh,no_hks,no_jhhks; /* unweighted sums */
   double no_jh2,no_hks2;        /* unweighted sums */
   int num;                      /* number of sources read */
   stream fp;                    /* File pointer */
   char line[MAX_LINELEN];       /* Character string for reading from file */

   /* Initialize variables */
   sum_jh    = 0;
   sum_jh2   = 0;
   sum_hks   = 0;
   sum_hks2  = 0;
   sum_jhhks = 0;
   sum_jhalt = 0;
   sum_hksalt= 0;
   w_jh      = 0;
   w_hks     = 0;
   w_jhhks   = 0;
   w_jh2     = 0;
   w_hks2    = 0;
   w_jhhks2  = 0;
   num       = 0;
   no_jh     = 0;
   no_hks    = 0;
   no_jhhks  = 0;
   no_jh2    = 0;
   no_hks2   = 0;
   fp = stropen(getparam("in"),"r");
   while (fgets(line,MAX_LINELEN,fp)){
      if (line[0] != '#'){ /* lines starting with # are comments */
         sp  = burststring(line," \t\n");
         nsp = xstrlen(sp,sizeof(string))-1;
         if (nsp < 8)
            warning("Skipping line: %s",line);
         magj    = natof(sp[2]);
         sigmaj  = natof(sp[3]);
         magh    = natof(sp[4]);
         sigmah  = natof(sp[5]);
         magks   = natof(sp[6]);
         sigmaks = natof(sp[7]);
         num += 1;
         tmp1 = 1.0/(sigmaj*sigmaj + sigmah*sigmah);
         tmp2 = 1.0/(sigmah*sigmah + sigmaks*sigmaks);
         tmp3 = sqrt(tmp1*tmp2);
         sum_jh     += tmp1*(magj - magh);
         sum_jh2    += tmp1*(magj - magh)*(magj - magh);
         sum_hks    += tmp2*(magh - magks);
         sum_hks2   += tmp2*(magh - magks)*(magh - magks);
         sum_jhhks  += tmp3*(magj - magh)*(magh - magks);
         sum_jhalt  += tmp3*(magj - magh);
         sum_hksalt += tmp3*(magh - magks);
         no_jh      += (magj - magh);
         no_jh2     += (magj - magh)*(magj - magh);
         no_hks     += (magh - magks);
         no_hks2    += (magh - magks)*(magh - magks);
         no_jhhks   += (magj - magh)*(magh - magks);
         w_jh       += tmp1;
         w_hks      += tmp2;
         w_jhhks    += tmp3;
         w_jh2      += tmp1*tmp1;
         w_hks2     += tmp2*tmp2;
         w_jhhks2   += tmp3*tmp3;
   avg_jh    = sum_jh/w_jh;
   avg_hks   = sum_hks/w_hks;
   std_jh    = sqrt(w_jh/(w_jh*w_jh - w_jh2)*(sum_jh2 - avg_jh*avg_jh*w_jh));
   std_hks   = sqrt(w_hks/(w_hks*w_hks - w_hks2)*(sum_hks2 - avg_hks*avg_hks*w_hks));
   cov       = sum_jhhks - avg_hks*sum_jhalt - avg_jh*sum_hksalt + avg_jh*avg_hks*w_jhhks;
   cov       = w_jhhks/(w_jhhks*w_jhhks - w_jhhks2)*cov;
   fprintf(stdout,"Average J-H  = %5.3e +- %5.3e\n",avg_jh,std_jh);
   fprintf(stdout,"Average H-Ks = %5.3e +- %5.3e\n",avg_hks,std_hks);
   fprintf(stdout,"Covariance   = %5.3e\n",cov);
   avg_jh    = no_jh/num;
   avg_hks   = no_hks/num;
   std_jh    = sqrt((no_jh2 - avg_jh*avg_jh*num)/(num - 1));
   std_hks   = sqrt((no_hks2 - avg_hks*avg_hks*num)/(num - 1));
   no_jhhks  = (no_jhhks- avg_jh*avg_hks*num)/(num - 1);
   fprintf(stdout,"Average J-H  = %5.3e +- %5.3e\n",avg_jh,std_jh);
   fprintf(stdout,"Average H-Ks = %5.3e +- %5.3e\n",avg_hks,std_hks);
   fprintf(stdout,"Covariance   = %5.3e\n",no_jhhks);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void nemo_main(void)
    char   fmt1[20], fmt2[20], *cp;
    double dms[32];
    double *x;
    int    *ix;
    int    i,nret, nx, seed;
    bool   Qnl, Qint,Qdms;
    stream outstr;

    if (hasvalue("tab"))
        outstr = stropen(getparam("tab"),"w");
        outstr = stdout;                /* is that really ok? */
    cp = getparam("format");            /* get format string to print with */
    if (strchr(cp,'%')==NULL)
      warning("%s badly formed printf-conversion specification ???",cp);
    if (strchr(cp,'d')) {
      dprintf(1,"Using integer math\n");
      Qint = TRUE;
    } else {
      dprintf(1,"Using floating point math\n");
      Qint = FALSE;
    seed = init_xrandom(getparam("seed"));
    dprintf(1,"init_xrandom: seed=%d\n",seed);
    Qdms = getbparam("dms");
    if (Qdms) {
      nret = nemoinpx(getparam("expression"),dms,32);
      if (nret < 0) error("Parsing dms expression");
      for (i=0; i<nret; i++)
      return;  /* for now */

    strcpy (fmt1,cp);                   /* store it in 'fmt' */
    strcpy (fmt2,cp);                   /* and here */
    cp = getparam("separ");             
    if (hasvalue("separ"))              /* separator between numbers ? */
        strcat (fmt2," ");              /* else use blank as separator */

    Qnl = getbparam("newline");         /* use newlines also ? */

    if (hasvalue("atof")) {

    if (!hasvalue("expression")) {      /* extra help if nothing given */
    	/* this somewhat unusual exit is because aliens often use this program */
	/* what really should have been done is make "expression=???" default */
        dprintf(0,"Usage: %s <expression>\n",getargv0());
        dprintf(0,"\n<expr> can be of form:  start[:end][:incr][,start::repeat]...\n");
        dprintf(0,"Also try keyword 'help= or help=h'\n");
    nx = getiparam("nmax");

    if (Qint) {
        ix = (int *) allocate(nx * sizeof(int));
        nret = nemoinpi(getparam("expression"),ix,nx);
        if (nret == -23)
            error("Too many items in list, use a bigger nmax=%d",nx);
        else if (nret < 0)
            error("nemoinp (%s) parsing error (%d)",cp,nret);

        for (i=0; i< nret-1; i++) {
            if (Qnl)
        fprintf (outstr,fmt1,ix[nret-1]);
        if (Qnl)
            fprintf (outstr,"\n");
    } else {
        x = (double *) allocate(nx * sizeof(double));
        nret = nemoinpd(getparam("expression"),x,nx);
        if (nret == -23)
            error("Too many items in list, use a bigger nmax=%d",nx);
        else if (nret < 0)
            error("nemoinp (%s) parsing error (%d)",cp,nret);

        for (i=0; i< nret-1; i++) {
            if (Qnl)
        fprintf (outstr,fmt1,x[nret-1]);
        if (Qnl)
            fprintf (outstr,"\n");
    if (!Qnl) fprintf(outstr,"\n");  /* always make sure to add 1 newline */

Ejemplo n.º 6
  stream denstr, velstr, outstr, tabstr;
  real center[2], cospa, sinpa, cosi, sini, cost, costmin, x, y, xt, yt, r, den;
  real vr, wt, frang, dx, dy, xmin, ymin, rmin, rmax, ave, tmp, rms;
  real sincosi, cos2i, tga, dmin, dmax, dval, dr, area, fsum1, fsum2;
  int i, j, k, nx, ny, ir, nring, nundf, nout, nang, nsum;
  string outmode;
  int mode = -1;

  velstr = stropen(getparam("in"),"r");

  nx = Nx(velptr);
  ny = Ny(velptr);

  if (hasvalue("out")) {
    outmode = getparam("mode");
    mode = string_index(outmodes, outmode);
    if (mode < 0) error("Illegal mode=%s [%d], valid:",outmode,mode,outmodes);
    warning("New out= mode mode=%s [%d]",outmode,mode);
    Qout = TRUE;
    outstr = stropen(getparam("out"),"w");

  if (hasvalue("den")) {
    Qden = TRUE;
    denstr = stropen(getparam("den"),"r");
  } else if (mode==2)
    error("Need den=");

  if (hasvalue("tab")) {
    Qtab = TRUE;
    tabstr = stropen(getparam("tab"),"w");

  nrad = nemoinpd(getparam("radii"),rad,MAXRING);
  if (nrad < 2) error("got no rings (%d), use radii=",nrad);
  nring = nrad-1;
  if (hasvalue("center")) {
    if (nemoinpd(getparam("center"),center,2) != 2)
      error("not enuf values for center=, need 2");
    xpos = center[0];
    ypos = center[1];
  } else {
    xpos = (Nx(velptr)-1.0)/2.0;
    ypos = (Ny(velptr)-1.0)/2.0;
  pa    = getdparam("pa");
  inc   = getdparam("inc");
  vsys  = getdparam("vsys");
  undf  = getdparam("blank");
  frang = getdparam("frang");

  cospa   = cos(pa*PI/180.0);
  sinpa   = sin(pa*PI/180.0);
  sini    = sin(inc*PI/180.0);
  cosi    = cos(inc*PI/180.0);
  costmin = sin(frang*PI/180.0);
  sincosi = sini*cosi;
  cos2i   = cosi*cosi;
  for (i=0; i<nring; i++)
    pixe[i] = vsum[i] = vsqu[i] = wsum[i] = 0;
  nundf = nout = nang = 0;

  ymin = Ymin(velptr);
  xmin = Xmin(velptr);
  dx = Dx(velptr);       dx = ABS(dx);    dx = -dx;
  dy = Dy(velptr);       dy = ABS(dy);
  rmin = -nx*dx*10.0;
  rmax = 0.0;
  dprintf(0,"Map %d x %d pixels, size %g x %g\n",
	  Nx(velptr), Ny(velptr), -dx*Nx(velptr), dy*Ny(velptr));
  dprintf(0,"Pixel size: %g x %g\n",-dx, dy);

  dmin = dmax = vsys;

  /* loop over the map, accumulating data for fitting process */

  for (j=0; j<ny; j++) {
    y = (j-ypos)*dy;
    for (i=0; i<nx; i++) {
      if (MapValue(velptr,i,j) == undf) {
	if (Qout) MapValue(outptr,i,j) = undf;
      x = (i-xpos)*dx;
      yt = x*sinpa + y*cospa;      /* major axis now along Y  */
      xt = x*cospa - y*sinpa;      /* minor axis along X      */
      xt /= cosi;                  /* deproject to the circle */
      r  = sqrt(xt*xt+yt*yt);      /* radius in the disk      */
      rmin = MIN(r,rmin);
      rmax = MAX(r,rmax);
      ir = ring_index(nrad,rad,r);
      dprintf(2,"r=%g ir=%d  (x,y)=%g,%g  (xt,yt)=%g,%g\n",
      if (ir < 0) {
      cost = yt/r;
      dval = MapValue(velptr,i,j);
      if (mode==1)
	dval /= r;
      else if (mode==2)
	dval *= MapValue(denptr,i,j) / r;

      if (outptr) {
	if  (ABS(cost) > costmin) {
	  MapValue(outptr,i,j) = dval;
	  if (dval > dmax) dmax = dval;
	  if (dval < dmin) dmin = dval;
	} else {
	  MapValue(outptr,i,j) = undf;

      /* now some ring accumulation, remnant of the velfit fitting */

      if (ABS(cost) > costmin) {
	pixe[ir] += 1;
	wsum[ir] += 1.0;
	vsum[ir] += dval;
	vsqu[ir] += dval*dval;
      } else
    } /* i */
  } /* j */

  /* write output map(s), if needed */
  if (Qout) {
    dprintf(0,"Data min/max = %g %g\n",dmin,dmax);    
    MapMin(outptr) = dmin;
    MapMax(outptr) = dmax;

  /* report on the rings */

  if (Qtab) {
    fprintf(tabstr,"# r I rms I_sum1 I_sum2 i_ring Npoints\n");
    fsum1 = 0.0;  /* this will count rings with average values */
    fsum2 = 0.0;  /* this will count up flux whenever it fell in a ring */
    nsum = 0;
    for (i=0; i<nring; i++) {
      if (wsum[i] == 0.0) continue;
      r = 0.5*(rad[i] + rad[i+1]);
      dr = rad[i+1] - rad[i];
      area = PI*(sqr(rad[i+1]) - sqr(rad[i]));
      ave = vsum[i]/wsum[i];
      rms = vsqu[i]/wsum[i]-ave*ave;
      if (rms <  0) rms=0.0;
      rms = sqrt(rms);
      fsum1 += ave*area;
      fsum2 += vsum[i];
      fprintf(tabstr,"%g %g %g  %g %g  %d %d\n",
  dprintf(0,"Nundf=%d/%d Nout=%d Nang=%d (sum=%d)\n",
  dprintf(0,"Rmin/max = %g %g\n",rmin,rmax);

Ejemplo n.º 7
void nemo_main()
  stream  instr, outstr;
  int     nx, ny, nz, mode;
  int     i,j,k;
  imageptr iptr1=NULL, iptr2=NULL, optr;      /* pointer to images */
  real    d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, dx, dy, dz;
  bool    Qsym = TRUE;            /* symmetric derivates w.r.t. pixel point */
  if (mode==0) error("Not a valid mode; valid:%s",valid_modes);
  dprintf(0,"Image sharpening method #%d\n",mode);
  instr = stropen(getparam("in"), "r");
  read_image( instr, &iptr1);
  nx = Nx(iptr1);	
  ny = Ny(iptr1);
  nz = Nz(iptr1);
  dx = Dx(iptr1);
  dy = Dy(iptr1);
  dz = Dz(iptr1);
  if (mode & MODE_DIV || mode & MODE_VORT) {
    if (read_image(instr,&iptr2) == 0)
      error("No second image found in %s\n",getparam("in"));
    if (nx != Nx(iptr2))  
      error("Second image doesn't match in NX: %d <> %d\n",Nx(iptr2),nx);
    if (ny != Ny(iptr2))  
      error("Second image doesn't match in NY: %d <> %d\n",Ny(iptr2),ny);
    if (nz != Nz(iptr2))  
      error("Second image doesn't match in NZ: %d <> %d\n",Nz(iptr2),nz);
  outstr = stropen(getparam("out"), "w");
  Dx(optr) = Dx(iptr1);
  Dy(optr) = Dy(iptr1);
  Dz(optr) = Dz(iptr1);
  Xmin(optr) = Xmin(iptr1);
  Ymin(optr) = Ymin(iptr1);
  Zmin(optr) = Zmin(iptr1);
  if (mode & MODE_LAPLACE) {
    for (k=1; k<nz-1; k++) {
      for (j=1; j<ny-1; j++) {
	for (i=1; i<nx-1; i++) {
	  d1 = CV1(i,j,k) - CV1(i-1,j,k);
	  d2 = CV1(i,j,k) - CV1(i+1,j,k);
	  d3 = CV1(i,j,k) - CV1(i,j-1,k);
	  d4 = CV1(i,j,k) - CV1(i,j+1,k);
	  d5 = CV1(i,j,k) - CV1(i,j,k-1);
	  d6 = CV1(i,j,k) - CV1(i,j,k+1);
	  CVO(i,j,k) = sqrt(d1*d1+d2*d2+d3*d3+d4*d4+d5*d5+d6*d6);
	CVO(0,j,k)    = 0.0;
	CVO(nx-1,j,k) = 0.0;
      for (i=0; i<nx; i++)
	CVO(i,0,k)    = CVO(i,ny-1,k) = 0.0;
    for(j=0; j<ny; j++)
      for(i=0; i<nx; i++)
	CVO(i,j,0)    = CVO(i,j,nz-1) = 0.0;
  } else if (mode & MODE_DIV || mode & MODE_VORT) {
    warning("only 2D implemented");
    for (k=0; k<nz; k++) {
      for (j=0; j<ny-1; j++) {
	for (i=0; i<nx-1; i++) {
	  if (Qsym) {
	    if (i>0 && j>0) {
	      d1 = 0.5*(CV1(i+1,j,k) - CV1(i-1,j,k));         /* dv_x/dx */
	      d2 = 0.5*(CV1(i,j+1,k) - CV1(i,j-1,k));         /* dv_x/dy */
	      d3 = 0.5*(CV2(i+1,j,k) - CV2(i-1,j,k));         /* dv_y/dx */
	      d4 = 0.5*(CV2(i,j+1,k) - CV2(i,j-1,k));         /* dv_y/dy */
	    } else
	      d1 = d2 = d3 = d4 = 0.0;
	  } else {
	    d1 = CV1(i+1,j,k) - CV1(i,j,k);         /* dv_x/dx */
	    d2 = CV1(i,j+1,k) - CV1(i,j,k);         /* dv_x/dy */
	    d3 = CV2(i+1,j,k) - CV2(i,j,k);         /* dv_y/dx */
	    d4 = CV2(i,j+1,k) - CV2(i,j,k);         /* dv_y/dy */
	  if (mode&MODE_DIV)
	    CVO(i,j,k) = d1/dx + d4/dy;
	  else if (mode&MODE_VORT)
	    CVO(i,j,k) = d3/dx - d2/dy;
	CVO(nx-1,j,k) = 0.0;
      for (i=0; i<nx; i++) {
	CVO(i,ny-1,k) = 0.0;
  } else if (mode & MODE_AREGAN || mode & MODE_PREGAN) {
    warning("only 2D implemented");
    for (k=0; k<nz; k++) {
      for (j=0; j<ny-1; j++) {
	for (i=0; i<nx-1; i++) {
	  d1 = CV1(i,j,k)   - CV1(i+1,j,k);
	  d2 = CV1(i,j+1,k) - CV1(i+1,j+1,k);
	  d3 = CV1(i,j,k)   - CV1(i,j+1,k);
	  d4 = CV1(i+1,j,k) - CV1(i+1,j+1,k);
	  if (mode&MODE_AREGAN)
	    CVO(i,j,k) = sqrt(sqr(d1+d2)+sqr(d3+d4))/2;
	  else {
	    if (d3+d4==0.0 && d1+d2==0.0)
	      CVO(i,j,k) = 0.0;
	      CVO(i,j,k) = atan2(d3+d4,d1+d2) * 180 / PI;
	CVO(nx-1,j,k) = 0.0;
      for (i=0; i<nx; i++) {
	CVO(i,ny-1,k) = 0.0;
  write_image(outstr, optr);
Ejemplo n.º 8
char *
conv_number_str (
    const char *number,                 /*  Number to convert                */
    int   flags,                        /*  Number formatting flags          */
    char  dec_point,                    /*  Decimal point: '.' or ','        */
    int   decimals,                     /*  Number of decimals, or 0         */
    int   dec_format,                   /*  How are decimals shown?          */
    int   width,                        /*  Output field width, or 0         */
    int   sign_format                   /*  How are negatives shown?         */
    static char
        formatted [FORMAT_MAX + 1],     /*  Formatted return string          */
        padded [FORMAT_MAX + 1];        /*  Value with leading zeroes        */
        sep_stop,                       /*  Where we put next sep_char       */
        dec_stop,                       /*  Where we put decimal point       */
        decs_wanted = decimals,         /*  Number of decimals wanted        */
        decs_seen,                      /*  Number of decimals output        */
        sign_pos,                       /*  Where we put sign, if any        */
        digits;                         /*  Number of digits read so far     */
       *dest,                           /*  Store formatted number here      */
        sign_char,                      /*  Number's sign: ' ', '+', '-'     */
        sep_char,                       /*  Thousands separator '.' or ','   */
        drop_zero,                      /*  We suppress this char            */
        ch;                             /*  Next character in picture        */
        have_zero;                      /*  TRUE if whole number is zero     */

    ASSERT (width <= FORMAT_MAX);
    ASSERT (dec_point == '.' || dec_point == ',');

    conv_reason = 0;                    /*  No conversion errors so far      */

    /*  ---------------------------------   Prepare to copy digits  ---------*/

    if (decs_wanted > CONV_MAX_DECS)
        conv_reason = CONV_ERR_DECS_OVERFLOW;
        return (NULL);                  /*  Error - too many decimals        */
    /*  Pick-up sign character if present                                    */
    if (*number == ' ' || *number == '+' || *number == '-')
        sign_char = *number++;
        sign_char = ' ';

    /*  While leading zero is '0' we blank-out zeros in the number           */
    drop_zero = (char) (flags & FLAG_N_ZERO_FILL? ' ': '0');

    /*  Prepare for decimals                                                 */
    if ((flags & FLAG_N_DECIMALS) == 0)
        decs_wanted = 0;

    if (strchr (number, '.'))
        dec_stop = (int) (strchr (number, '.') - (char *) number);
        /*  If fraction is provided, fill out to whole + fraction            */
        if (strlen (number) < (size_t) decs_wanted + 1)
            strpad (padded, '0', decs_wanted + 1);
            strcpy (padded + (decs_wanted - strlen (number) + 1), number);
            number = padded;
        dec_stop = strlen (number) - decs_wanted;
    if (dec_stop < 1)
        conv_reason = CONV_ERR_DECS_MISSING;
        return (NULL);                  /*  Error - too few decimals         */

    /*  Prepare for thousands-separators if FLAG_N_THOUSANDS                 */
    if ((flags & FLAG_N_THOUSANDS) && !(flags & FLAG_N_ZERO_FILL))
        /*  Get number of whole digits, allowing for decimals & dec sign     */
        sep_char = (char) (dec_point == '.'? ',': '.');
        sep_stop = (dec_stop - (decs_wanted? decs_wanted + 1: 0)) % 3;
        if (sep_stop == 0)
            sep_stop = 3;               /*  Get into range 1..3              */
        sep_char = ' ';
        sep_stop = 0;                   /*  No thousands separators          */

    /*  ---------------------------------   Copy the digits  ----------------*/

    digits    = 0;                      /*  No digits loaded yet             */
    decs_seen = 0;                      /*  No decimals output yet           */
    have_zero = TRUE;                   /*  Assume number is zero            */
    dest      = formatted;              /*  Format number                    */
    while (*number)                     /*    until we hit the terminator    */
        ch = *number++;
        if (ch == '.')
            continue;                   /*  Ignore '.' in number             */


        if (ch == drop_zero && digits < dec_stop)
            ch = ' ';
        if (isdigit (ch))
            drop_zero = ' ';
            if (ch > '0')
                have_zero = FALSE;
        if (ch != ' ' || (width > 0 && !(flags & FLAG_N_LEFT)))
            *dest++ = ch;               /*  Output this digit                */
            if (digits > dec_stop)
                decs_seen++;            /*  Count the decimal digit          */
            if (digits == dec_stop)     /*  Handle decimal stop              */
              {                         /*    with optional point            */
                if (flags & FLAG_N_DECIMALS)
                    *dest++ = dec_point;
                sep_stop = 0;           /*  And kill further thousand seps   */
        /*  Output thousands separator unless we are in blank area           */
        if (digits == sep_stop)
            if (ch != ' ')
                *dest++ = sep_char;
            sep_stop += 3;
    *dest = 0;                          /*  Terminate the string nicely      */
    /*  ---------------------------------   Post-format the result  ---------*/

    if (decs_wanted > 0)
        /*  Output trailing decimal zeroes if not supplied                   */
        if (decs_seen == 0)
            *dest++ = dec_point;
        while (decs_seen < decs_wanted)
            *dest++ = '0';
        /*  Drop all decimals if format is DEC_HIDE_ALL                      */
        if (dec_format == DECS_HIDE_ALL)
            while (*dest != dec_point)
                dest--;                 /*  Drop-off trailing zero           */
        /*  Drop trailing decimal zeroes if format is DEC_DROP_ZEROS         */
        if (dec_format == DECS_DROP_ZEROS)
            while (*dest != dec_point)
                if (*(dest - 1) > '0')
                    dest--;             /*  Drop-off trailing zero           */
        *dest = 0;                      /*  Terminate the string nicely      */

    /*  Justify within width if width > 0                                    */
    sign_pos = 0;                       /*  Sign normally comes at start     */
    digits   = strlen (formatted);
    if (flags & FLAG_N_SIGNED)
        digits++;                       /*  Allow for eventual sign          */
        if (sign_format == SIGN_FINANCIAL)
            digits++;                   /*  Sign shown like (123)            */
    while (digits < width)
        if (flags & FLAG_N_LEFT && !(flags & FLAG_N_ZERO_FILL))
            strcat (formatted, " ");
            stropen (formatted, FALSE); /*  Insert blank at start of string  */
            if (flags & FLAG_N_ZERO_FILL)
                formatted [0] = '0';
                sign_pos++;             /*  Skip leading space               */

    /*  Format sign if FLAG_N_SIGNED                                         */
    if (flags & FLAG_N_SIGNED)
        if (sign_format == SIGN_NEG_LEAD
        ||  sign_format == SIGN_ALL_LEAD
        ||  sign_format == SIGN_FINANCIAL)
            stropen (formatted, FALSE);

        if (sign_format == SIGN_NEG_TRAIL
        ||  sign_format == SIGN_ALL_TRAIL
        ||  sign_format == SIGN_FINANCIAL)
            strcat (formatted, " ");

        if (!have_zero)                 /*  Zero has no sign                 */
            switch (sign_format)
                case SIGN_NEG_LEAD:
                    if (sign_char != '-')
                        break;          /*  Fall through if negative sign    */
                case SIGN_ALL_LEAD:
                    formatted [sign_pos] = sign_char;

                case SIGN_NEG_TRAIL:
                    if (sign_char != '-')
                        break;          /*  Fall through if negative sign    */
                case SIGN_ALL_TRAIL:
                    strlast (formatted) = sign_char;

                case SIGN_FINANCIAL:
                    if (sign_char == '-')
                        formatted [0]       = '(';
                        strlast (formatted) = ')';

    /*  If all zeroes, return a blank string if FLAG_N_ZERO_BLANK            */
    if ((flags & FLAG_N_ZERO_BLANK) && have_zero)
        memset (formatted, ' ', width);
        formatted [width] = 0;

    if (width > 0 && (strlen (formatted) > (size_t) width))
        conv_reason = CONV_ERR_NUM_OVERFLOW;
        return (NULL);                  /*  Overflow -- number too large     */
        return (formatted);
Ejemplo n.º 9
void nemo_main()
  int colnr[2];
  real *coldat[2], *xdat, *ydat, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
  real *udat, *vdat, umin, umax, vmin, vmax;
  real x, y1, y2, dx, xscale, yscale, xQmin, xQmax;
  real tbb,sum,sum0;
  stream instr, tabstr;
  int i, n, ns, nmax;
  real *sdat, *spdat;
  string spectrum, filter = filtername(getparam("filter"));
  bool Qnorm = getbparam("normalize");
  bool Qmin = hasvalue("xmin");
  bool Qmax = hasvalue("xmax");
  bool Qtab = hasvalue("out");
  nmax = nemo_file_lines(filter,MAXLINES);
  xdat = coldat[0] = (real *) allocate(nmax*sizeof(real));
  ydat = coldat[1] = (real *) allocate(nmax*sizeof(real));
  colnr[0] = 1;  /* wavelenght in angstrom */
  colnr[1] = 2;  /* normalized filter response [0,1] */
  instr = stropen(filter,"r");
  n = get_atable(instr,2,colnr,coldat,nmax);

  if (Qtab) tabstr = stropen(getparam("out"),"w");
  for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
    dprintf(2,"%g %g\n",xdat[i],ydat[i]);
    if (i==0) {
      xmin = xmax = xdat[0];
      ymin = ymax = ydat[0];
    } else {
      if (xdat[i] <= xdat[i-1]) 
	error("Filter %s must be sorted in wavelength",filter);
      xmax = MAX(xmax,xdat[i]);
      ymax = MAX(ymax,ydat[i]);
      xmin = MIN(xmin,xdat[i]);
      ymin = MIN(ymin,ydat[i]);
  dprintf(1,"Filter wavelength range: %g : %g\n",xmin,xmax);
  dprintf(1,"Filter response range: %g : %g\n",ymin,ymax);
  if (ydat[0]   != 0) warning("lower edge filter response not 0: %g",ydat[0]);
  if (ydat[n-1] != 0) warning("upper edge filter response not 0: %g",ydat[n-1]);
  dx = getdparam("step");
  if ((xmax-xmin)/100 < dx) {
    warning("Integration step %g in Angstrom too large, resetting to %g",
	    dx, (xmax-xmin)/100);
    dx = (xmax-xmin)/100;
  /* setup a spline interpolation table into the filter */
  sdat = (real *) allocate(sizeof(real)*n*3);

  if (Qmin) {                  /* override any min/max rules ? */
    xQmin = getdparam("xmin");
    if (xQmin > xmin) warning("xmin=%g greater than minimum in filter (%g)",xQmin,xmin);
  if (Qmax) {
    xQmax = getdparam("xmax");
    if (xQmax < xmax) warning("xmax=%g less than maximum in filter (%g)",xQmax,xmax);
  if (hasvalue("tbb")) {                /* using a Planck curve */
    tbb = getdparam("tbb");
    if (Qmin) xmin = xQmin;
    if (Qmax) xmax = xQmax;

    sum = sum0 = 0;
    for (x = xmin; x <= xmax; x += dx) {
      y1 = seval(x,xdat,ydat,sdat,n);    /* filter */
      y2 = planck(x,tbb);
      dprintf(3,"%g %g %g\n",x,y1,y2);
      if (Qtab) fprintf(tabstr,"%g %g\n",x,MAX(DATAMIN,y1*y2));
      sum += y1*y2;
      sum0 += y1;
    if (Qnorm)
      sum /= sum0;
      sum *= dx;
    if (Qtab)
      dprintf(0,"%g %g %g\n",tbb,sum,-2.5*log10(sum));
      printf("%g %g %g\n",tbb,sum,-2.5*log10(sum));

  } else if (hasvalue("spectrum")) {

    warning("spectrum= is a new feature");
    spectrum = getparam("spectrum");
    nmax = nemo_file_lines(spectrum,MAXLINES);
    udat = coldat[0] = (real *) allocate(nmax*sizeof(real));
    vdat = coldat[1] = (real *) allocate(nmax*sizeof(real));
    colnr[0] = getiparam("xcol");
    colnr[1] = getiparam("ycol");
    instr = stropen(spectrum,"r");
    ns = get_atable(instr,2,colnr,coldat,nmax);

    xscale = getdparam("xscale");
    yscale = getdparam("yscale");

    for(i=0; i<ns; i++) {
      dprintf(2,"%g %g\n",udat[i],vdat[i]);
      udat[i] *= xscale;
      vdat[i] *= yscale;
      if (i==0) {
	umin = umax = udat[0];
	vmin = vmax = vdat[0];
      } else {
	if (udat[i] <= udat[i-1])
	  error("Spectrum %s must be sorted in wavelength",spectrum);
	umax = MAX(umax,udat[i]);
	vmax = MAX(vmax,vdat[i]);
	umin = MIN(umin,udat[i]);
	vmin = MIN(vmin,vdat[i]);
    dprintf(1,"Spectrum wavelength range: %g : %g\n",umin,umax);
    dprintf(1,"Spectrum response range: %g : %g\n",vmin,vmax);
    if (umax < xmin || umin >xmax)
      error("Spectrum and filter do not overlap");

    /* setup a spline interpolation table into the spectrum */
    spdat = (real *) allocate(sizeof(real)*n*3);

    sum = sum0 = 0;
    if (Qmin) xmin = xQmin;
    if (Qmax) xmax = xQmax;
    for (x = xmin; x <= xmax; x += dx) {
      y1 = seval(x,xdat,ydat,sdat,n);    /* filter */
      if (umin < x && x <umax)
	y2 = seval(x,udat,vdat,spdat,ns);  /* spectrum */
	y2 = 0.0;
      dprintf(3,"%g %g %g\n",x,y1,y2);
      if (Qtab) fprintf(tabstr,"%g %g\n",x,MAX(DATAMIN,y1*y2));
      sum += y1*y2;
      sum0 += y1;
    if (Qnorm)
      sum /= sum0;
      sum *= dx;
    if (Qtab)
      dprintf(0,"0   %g %g\n",sum,-2.5*log10(sum));
      printf("0   %g %g\n",sum,-2.5*log10(sum));

  } else
    warning("Either spectrum= or tbb= must be used");
Ejemplo n.º 10
void nemo_main()
    stream instr, outstr;
    int    i, n, naxis1, naxis2, naxis[2], moment;
    double edges[2];
    struct fits_header fh;
    struct my_table_header r;
    char   *record, *cp, mesg[80];
    string *hitem;
    FITS   *map;

/* Setup */
    instr = stropen(getparam("in"),"r");    /* open input */
    moment = getiparam("moment");
    if (moment < 1 || moment > 2) error("moment must be 1 or 2");

    band = getiparam("band");
    if (band < 1 || band > 10) {
        band = band_id(getdparam("band"));
        if (band < 1) error("Invalid DIRBE band");

    naxis[0] = nlon = getiparam("nlong");
    naxis[1] = nlat = getiparam("nlat");
    grid = (entryptr *) allocate(nlat*nlon*sizeof(entryptr));
    for (i=0; i<nlat*nlon; i++)
        grid[i] = NULL;
    cp = getparam("coord");
    switch (*cp) {
      case 'g':  gal_coord = TRUE; break;
      case 'e':  gal_coord = FALSE; break;
      default: error("Bad coordinate system choosen; try gal or ecl");

    if (nemoinpd(getparam("long"),edges,2) != 2) error("long= needs 2 values");
    if (edges[0] <= edges[1]) error("long= needs left edge to be largest");
    lonmin = edges[0];
    lonmax = edges[1];
    dlon = (lonmax-lonmin)/(float)nlon;
    if (nemoinpd(getparam("lat"),edges,2) != 2) error("lat= needs 2 values");
    if (edges[0] >= edges[1]) error("lat= needs right edge to be largest");
    latmin = edges[0];
    latmax = edges[1];
    dlat = (latmax-latmin)/(float)nlat;
    dprintf(1,"GridSize: %d * %d Pixels: %g * %g\n",nlon,nlat,dlon,dlat);
    gc_middle = (lonmax < 0.0 && lonmin > 0.0); /* see if to use SYM_ANGLE */
    ncell = getiparam("ncell");
    sigma2 = 2*sqr(getdparam("sigma"));
/* Open output FITS file, and write a small yet descriptive enough header */
    map = fitopen(getparam("out"),"new",2,naxis);
    fitwrhda(map,"CTYPE1", gal_coord ? "GLON" : "ELON");
    fitwrhdr(map,"CRPIX1",(float) 1.0);     /* should use center */
    fitwrhdr(map,"CRVAL1",(float) (lonmin + 0.5 * dlon));
    fitwrhdr(map,"CDELT1",(float) dlon);
    fitwrhda(map,"CTYPE2", gal_coord ? "GLAT" : "ELAT");
    fitwrhdr(map,"CRPIX2",(float) 1.0);     /* should use center */
    fitwrhdr(map,"CRVAL2",(float) (latmin + 0.5 * dlat));
    fitwrhdr(map,"CDELT2",(float) dlat);

    fitwrhda(map,"ORIGIN","NEMO processing on CDAC data");

    sprintf(mesg,"NEMO: %s VERSION=%s",getargv0(),getparam("VERSION"));
    fitwra(map,"HISTORY", mesg);
    hitem = ask_history();
    fitwra(map,"HISTORY","NEMO: History in reversed order");
    for (i=0, cp=hitem[0]; cp != NULL; i++) {
        cp = hitem[i+1];		/* point to next history item */
/* Open input file, and process all rows */
    fts_zero(&fh);		               /* clean out header */
    n = fts_rhead(&fh,instr);	               /* read primary header */
    if (n<0) error("Error reading primary HDU");
    fts_sdata(&fh,instr);                      /* and skip data .. */

    fts_zero(&fh);                             /* clean out header */
    n = fts_rhead(&fh,instr);	               /* read primary header */
    if (n<0) error("Error reading second HDU");
    naxis1 = fh.naxisn[0];                      /* size of one row */
    naxis2 = fh.naxisn[1];                      /* number of rows */
    record = allocate(naxis1);
    for (i=0; i<naxis2; i++) {                  /* loop reading rows */
        n = fread(record,1,naxis1,instr);
        if (n != naxis1) error("Early EOF on record %d",i+1);
    printf("Used %d/%d points in gridding\n",nused,naxis2);

/* map the data on a grid */


/* finish off */

Ejemplo n.º 11
local void setparams()
    input = getparam("in");
    ncol = nemoinpi(getparam("xcol"),col,MAXCOL);
    if (ncol < 0) error("parsing error col=%s",getparam("col"));
    if (hasvalue("out")) outstr=stropen(getparam("out"),"w");
    else outstr = NULL;

    nsteps = nemoinpd(getparam("bins"),bins,MAXHIST+1) - 1;
    if (nsteps == 0) {
      Qbin = FALSE;
      Qmin = hasvalue("xmin");
      Qmax = hasvalue("xmax");
      if (nsteps > MAXHIST) 
        error("bins=%d too large; MAXHIST=%d",nsteps,MAXHIST);
      if (Qmin) xrange[0] = getdparam("xmin");
      if (Qmax) xrange[1] = getdparam("xmax");
      if (Qmin && Qmax && xrange[0] >= xrange[1]) error("Need xmin < xmax");
    } else if (nsteps > 0) {
      Qbin = TRUE;
      Qmin = TRUE;
      Qmax = TRUE;
      xrange[0] = hasvalue("xmin") ?  getdparam("xmin") : bins[0];
      xrange[1] = hasvalue("xmax") ?  getdparam("xmax") : bins[nsteps];
      warning("new mode: manual bins=%s",getparam("bins"));
    } else
      error("no proper usage for bins=%s",getparam("bins"));
    Qauto = (!Qmin || !Qmax) ;
    Qmad = getbparam("mad");

    headline = getparam("headline");
    Qgauss = getbparam("gauss");
    Qresid = getbparam("residual");
    Qtab = getbparam("tab");
    Qcumul = getbparam("cumul");
    if (Qcumul) {
    Qmedian = getbparam("median");
    Qtorben = getbparam("torben");
    if (Qtorben) Qmedian=FALSE;
    Qrobust = getbparam("robust");
    if (ylog && streq(ylab,"N")) ylab = scopy("log(N)");
    Qdual = getbparam("dual");

    nmax = nemo_file_lines(input,getiparam("nmax"));
    if (nmax<1) error("Problem reading from %s",input);

    nxcoord = nemoinpr(getparam("xcoord"),xcoord,MAXCOORD);

    nsigma = getdparam("nsigma");
    mysort = getsort(getparam("sort"));
    scale = getrparam("scale");
    if (scale != 1.0) {
      int n1=strlen(xlab);
      string s2 = getparam("scale");
      int n2=strlen(s2);
      xlab2 = (string) allocate(n1+n2+20);
      sprintf(xlab2,"%s [scale *%s]",xlab,s2);
      xlab = xlab2;
    instr = stropen (input,"r");
Ejemplo n.º 12
void nemo_main()
    stream instr, outstr;
    real   mscale, pscale, xscale, tsnap, escale, dscale;
    vector rscale, vscale, ascale;
    string times;
    int i, nbody, bits, nrscale, nvscale, nascale, kscale;
    Body *btab = NULL, *bp;
    bool Qmass, Qphase, Qacc, Qpot, Qkey, Qaux, Qeps, Qdens;

    nrscale = nemoinpr(getparam("rscale"),rscale,NDIM);     /* RSCALE */
    if (nrscale==1) 
    	for (i=1; i<NDIM; i++)
    	   rscale[i] = rscale[0];
    else if (nrscale!=NDIM)
    	error("keyword rscale needs either 1 or %d numbers", NDIM);

    nvscale = nemoinpr(getparam("vscale"),vscale,NDIM);     /* VSCALE */
    if (nvscale==1)
    	for (i=1; i<NDIM; i++)
    	   vscale[i] = vscale[0];
    else if (nvscale!=NDIM)
    	error("keyword vscale needs either 1 or %d numbers", NDIM);    

    nascale = nemoinpr(getparam("ascale"),ascale,NDIM);     /* ASCALE */
    if (nascale==1)
    	for (i=1; i<NDIM; i++)
    	   ascale[i] = ascale[0];
    else if (nascale!=NDIM)
    	error("keyword ascale needs either 1 or %d numbers", NDIM);    

    mscale = getdparam("mscale");
    pscale = getdparam("pscale");
    xscale = getdparam("xscale");
    dscale = getdparam("dscale");
    escale = getdparam("escale");
    kscale = getiparam("kscale");
    times = getparam("times");

    instr = stropen(getparam("in"), "r");   /* open files */
    outstr = stropen(getparam("out"), "w");
    for (;;) {
    	get_history(instr);		/* skip over stuff we can forget */
        if (!get_tag_ok(instr, SnapShotTag))
		break;			/* done with work in loop */
        get_snap(instr, &btab, &nbody, &tsnap, &bits);
        if ((bits & MassBit) == 0 && (bits & PhaseSpaceBit) == 0) {
	    continue;       /* just skip it's probably a diagnostics */

        if ((bits & TimeBit) == 0)
	    tsnap = 0.0;
        else if (!streq(times,"all") && !within(tsnap, times, TIMEFUZZ))
        dprintf (1,"Scaling snapshot at time= %f bits=0x%x\n",tsnap,bits);

        Qmass  = MassBit & bits        && !uscalar(mscale);
        Qphase = PhaseSpaceBit & bits  &&(!uvector(rscale) || !uvector(vscale));
        Qacc   = AccelerationBit & bits&& !uvector(ascale);
        Qpot   = PotentialBit & bits   && !uscalar(pscale);
        Qaux   = AuxBit & bits         && !uscalar(xscale);
        Qkey   = KeyBit & bits         && (kscale!=1);
        Qdens  = DensBit & bits        && !uscalar(dscale);
        Qeps   = EpsBit & bits         && !uscalar(escale);

        dprintf(1,"Scaling: ");
        if (Qmass)  dprintf(1," mass");
        if (Qphase) dprintf(1," phase");
        if (Qacc)   dprintf(1," acc");
        if (Qpot)   dprintf(1," pot");
        if (Qaux)   dprintf(1," aux");
        if (Qkey)   dprintf(1," key");
        if (Qdens)  dprintf(1," dens");
        if (Qeps)   dprintf(1," eps");

        if (Qmass || Qphase || Qacc || Qpot || Qaux || Qkey || Qdens || Qeps) {
            for (bp = btab; bp < btab+nbody; bp++) {
                if(Qmass) Mass(bp) *= mscale;
                if(Qphase) {
                if(Qpot) Phi(bp) *= pscale;
                if(Qacc) {
                if(Qaux) Aux(bp) *= xscale;
                if(Qkey) Key(bp) *= kscale;
		if(Qdens) Dens(bp) *= dscale;
		if(Qeps) Eps(bp) *= escale;
        } else {
            warning("No scaling applied to snapshot");

        put_snap(outstr, &btab, &nbody, &tsnap, &bits);
Ejemplo n.º 13
void nemo_main()
    int    i, dir, nrad, npots=0, ltype, ndim = NDIM, nx, ny, ns, ndat, nret;
    int    cols[4], n, idx, idx_max;
    real   pmax, symsize, rr, omk_max = 0.0, omk_rmax;
    real   rad[MAXPT], *vel, *vel1, *vel2, *vel3, *vel4, *curve;
    real   *ome, *kap, *opk, *omk, r0l[MAXPT+2], omega, *f;
    real   inrad[MAXPT], invel[MAXPT], inrade[MAXPT], invele[MAXPT];
    double pos[3], acc[3], pot, time = 0.0;
/*    char   *fmt, s[20], pfmt[256];    */
    char   headline[256], fmt1[80];
    string axis, mode, infile, plotlabel;
    stream instr;
    bool   Qtab, Qplot, Qome, Qvel, Qlv, Qin, QoILR;

    mode = getparam("mode");
    n = getiparam("n");
    plotlabel = getparam("headline");
    sprintf(fmt1,"%s ",getparam("format"));
    Qome = (*mode == 'o');      /*  options are: velocity|omega|lv */
    Qlv = (*mode == 'l');
    Qvel = (*mode == 'v');
    Qtab = getbparam("tab");
    Qplot = getbparam("plot");
    infile = getparam("in");
    Qin =  (*infile != 0);
    if (Qin) {
        nret = nemoinpi(getparam("cols"),cols,4);
        if (nret<0 || nret > 4) error("cols= requires 4 numbers");
        for (i=nret; i<4; i++)
            cols[i] = 0;
        instr = stropen(infile,"r");
        ndat = read_table(instr,MAXPT,inrad,invel,inrade,invele,cols);
    mypot1 = get_potential(getparam("name1"),getparam("pars1"),getparam("file1"));
    omega = get_pattern();
    dprintf(0,"Pattern speed: %f\n",omega);
    mypot2 = get_potential(getparam("name2"),getparam("pars2"),getparam("file2"));
    mypot3 = get_potential(getparam("name3"),getparam("pars3"),getparam("file3"));
    mypot4 = get_potential(getparam("name4"),getparam("pars4"),getparam("file4"));
    headline[0] = '\0';         /* accumulate headline */
    if (mypot1) {
    if (mypot2) {
        strcat(headline,") ");
    if (mypot3) {
        strcat(headline,") ");
    if (mypot4) {

    nrad = nemoinpr(getparam("radii"),rad,MAXPT);   /* get radii */
    if (nrad <= 0)
        warning("Using %d radii is not very productive",nrad);
    vel  = (real *) allocate(sizeof(real) * nrad);  /* allocate stuff */
    vel1 = (real *) allocate(sizeof(real) * nrad);
    vel2 = (real *) allocate(sizeof(real) * nrad);
    vel3 = (real *) allocate(sizeof(real) * nrad);
    vel4 = (real *) allocate(sizeof(real) * nrad);
    if (Qome) {
        ome = (real *) allocate(4 * sizeof(real) * nrad);  /* plus spline */
        kap = (real *) allocate(sizeof(real) * nrad);
        opk = (real *) allocate(sizeof(real) * nrad);
        omk = (real *) allocate(sizeof(real) * nrad);

    axis = getparam("axis");
    dir = 0;
    if (*axis == 'x') dir=0;
    if (*axis == 'y') dir=1;
    if (*axis == 'z') dir=2;
    if (dir>NDIM) error("Axis %s not supported in NDIM=%d",axis,NDIM);

    pmax = 0.0;

    for (i=0; i<nrad; i++) {            /* loop to compute */
        CLRV(pos);                      /* clear positions */
        pos[dir] = rad[i];              /* set the right axis */
        vel[i] = 0.0;
        if (mypot1) {
            (*mypot1) (&ndim,pos,acc,&pot,&time);
            vel1[i] = -rad[i] * acc[dir];
            vel[i] += vel1[i];
            vel1[i] = sqrt(vel1[i]);        
        if (mypot2) {
            (*mypot2) (&ndim,pos,acc,&pot,&time);
            vel2[i] = -rad[i] * acc[dir];
            vel[i] += vel2[i];
	    vel2[i] = sqrt(vel2[i]);        
        if (mypot3) {
            (*mypot3) (&ndim,pos,acc,&pot,&time);
            vel3[i] = -rad[i] * acc[dir];
            vel[i] += vel3[i];
	    vel3[i] = sqrt(vel3[i]);        
        if (mypot4) {
            (*mypot4) (&ndim,pos,acc,&pot,&time);
            vel4[i] = -rad[i] * acc[dir];
            vel[i] += vel4[i];
            vel4[i] = sqrt(vel4[i]);        
        vel[i]  = sqrt(vel[i]);        
    if (Qome) {
        if (omega> 0.0) {                               /* compute resonances */
            f = opk;
            idx = nrad-1;
            if (omega < f[idx]) {
                warning("Radii not far enough out for OLR: %g",f[idx]);
                f = ome;
                if (omega < f[idx]) {
                    warning("Radii not far enough out for CR: %g",f[idx]);
                    f = omk;
            QoILR = FALSE;
            for(; idx>0; idx--) {
                if (omk[idx] > omk_max) {
                    idx_max = idx;
                    omk_max = omk[idx];
                if (f==omk) {
                    if (QoILR) {
                        if (omega < f[idx]) continue;
                    } else {
                        if (omega > f[idx]) continue;
                } else {
                    if (omega > f[idx]) continue;
                /* found a resonance: */

                rr = rad[idx] + (rad[idx+1]-rad[idx])*
                if (f == omk) {
#if 0                    
                    if (QoILR) {
                        dprintf(0,"iILR: %g\n",rr);
                    } else {
                        dprintf(0,"oILR: %g\n",rr);
                        QoILR = TRUE;
                } else if (f == ome) {
                    dprintf(0,"CR: %g\n",rr);
                    f = omk;
                } else if (f == opk) {
                    dprintf(0,"OLR: %g\n",rr);
                    f = ome;
                } else
                    error("impossble resonance");
            peak(nrad,rad,omk,idx_max,1, &omk_rmax, &omk_max);
            dprintf(0,"OMK_max: %g\n",omk_max);
            dprintf(0,"OMK_rmax: %g\n",omk_rmax);

            if (omega < omk_max) {			/* search for ILR */
            	for (idx=idx_max; idx<nrad; idx++) {
                    if (omega > omk[idx]) {
                        rr = rad[idx-1] + (rad[idx]-rad[idx-1])*
                        dprintf(0,"oILR: %g\n",rr);
                for (idx=idx_max; idx>0; idx--) {
                    if (omega > omk[idx]) {
                        rr = rad[idx] + (rad[idx+1]-rad[idx])*
                        dprintf(0,"iILR: %g\n",rr);
    for (i=0; i<nrad; i++) {                            /* loop to print */
        if (Qtab) {
	if (Qtab && npots>1 && !Qome) {
	    if (mypot1) printf(fmt1,vel1[i]);
	    if (mypot2) printf(fmt1,vel2[i]);
	    if (mypot3) printf(fmt1,vel3[i]);
	    if (mypot4) printf(fmt1,vel4[i]);
        if (Qtab && Qome) {
	if (Qtab) printf("\n");
        if (Qome)
            pmax = MAX(pmax,opk[i]);
            pmax = MAX(pmax,vel[i]);
    if (Qin && Qvel) 
    if (Qplot) {
        plinit("***",0.0,20.0,0.0,20.0);                /* open device */
        nx = nemoinpr(getparam("xrange"),xplot,2);      /* get xrange in plot */
        switch(nx) {
         case 0:
            xplot[0] = rad[0];
         case 1:
            xplot[1] = rad[nrad-1];
         case 2:
            warning("xrange= only accepts two values");
        ny = nemoinpr(getparam("yrange"),yplot,2);      /* get yrange in plot */
        switch(ny) {
         case 0:
            yplot[0] = 0.0;
            yplot[1] = 1.1 * pmax;      /* extra 10% for egde */
         case 1:
            yplot[1] = 1.1 * pmax;      /* extra 10% for egde */
         case 2:
            warning("yrange= only accepts two values");
        xaxis ( 2.0, 2.0, 16.0, xplot, -7, xtrans, "R");    /* plot axes */
        xaxis ( 2.0,18.0, 16.0, xplot, -7, xtrans, NULL);
        if (Qome)
            yaxis ( 2.0, 2.0, 16.0, yplot, -7, ytrans, "[V/R]");
            yaxis ( 2.0, 2.0, 16.0, yplot, -7, ytrans, "V");
        yaxis (18.0, 2.0, 16.0, yplot, -7, ytrans, NULL);
        if (*plotlabel)
        if (*plotmsg)

        curve = (Qome ? ome : vel);            /* assign first curve */
        plltype(3,1);                                 /* thick solid line */
        for (i=1; i<nrad; i++)
        if (Qome) {                   /* if Lindblad - plot omk, opk */
            plltype(1,1);                      /* all regular solid lines */
            plmove(xtrans(rad[0]), ytrans(omk[0]));
            for (i=1; i<nrad; i++)
            plmove(xtrans(rad[0]), ytrans(opk[0]));
            for (i=1; i<nrad; i++)
        } else if (npots>1) {            /* if velocity and > 1 component */
            ltype = 1;
            if (mypot1) {
                for (i=1; i<nrad; i++)
            if (mypot2) {
                for (i=1; i<nrad; i++)
            if (mypot3) {
                for (i=1; i<nrad; i++)
            if (mypot4) {
                for (i=1; i<nrad; i++)
        symsize = 0.1;
        if (Qin && Qvel) {           /* if input file with velocities */
            for (i=0; i<ndat; i++)
            if (cols[3]>0) {        /* if error bars in radius */
                for (i=0; i<ndat; i++) {
            if (cols[4]>0) {        /* if error bars in velocity */
                for (i=0; i<ndat; i++) {
        } else if (Qin && Qome) {       /* if input file with omega */
            for (i=0; i<ndat; i++)
    }  /* if plot vel/ome */
    if (Qlv) {
        ns = nemoinpr(getparam("r0l"),r0l,MAXPT+2) - 2;
        if (ns < 0)
            error("r0l= needs at least two values: r0 and l");
        else if (ns==0)
            warning("r0l= no lv-radii array supplied");
Ejemplo n.º 14
void nemo_main()
    stream  instr, outstr;
    int     nx, ny, nz;        /* size of scratch map */
    int     nx1, ny1, nz1, nz2;
    int     ni, i, ix, iy, iz, iz1;
    real    dmin, dmax;
    imageptr iptr[MAXIM], optr;        /* pointer to image */
    string  flipmode;

    instr = stropen(getparam("in"), "r");
    outstr = stropen(getparam("out"), "w");

    for (i=0; i<MAXIM; i++) {               /* loop over all to gather data */
      iptr[i] = 0;
      if (read_image( instr, &iptr[i]) == 0) break;
      nx1 = Nx(iptr[i]);	
      ny1 = Ny(iptr[i]);
      nz1 = Nz(iptr[i]);
      dprintf(1,"Image %d: %d x %d x %d\n",i,nx1,ny1,nz1);
      if (i==0) {
	nx = nx1;
	ny = ny1;
	nz = nz1;
	dmin = MapMin(iptr[i]);
	dmax = MapMax(iptr[i]);
      } else {
	if (nx != nx1) error("size nx: %d != %d",nx,nx1);
	if (ny != ny1) error("size ny: %d != %d",ny,ny1);
	nz += nz1;
	dmin = MIN(dmin,MapMin(iptr[i]));
	dmax = MAX(dmax,MapMax(iptr[i]));
    ni = i;
    dprintf(0,"Final cube: %d x %d x %d\n",nx,ny,nz);
    dprintf(0,"Data min/max: %g %g\n",dmin,dmax);
    MapMin(optr) = dmin;
    MapMax(optr) = dmax;
    Xmin(optr) = Xmin(iptr[0]);
    Ymin(optr) = Ymin(iptr[0]);
    Zmin(optr) = Zmin(iptr[0]);
    Xref(optr) = Xref(iptr[0]);
    Yref(optr) = Yref(iptr[0]);
    Zref(optr) = Zref(iptr[0]);
    Dx(optr) = Dx(iptr[0]);
    Dy(optr) = Dy(iptr[0]);
    Dz(optr) = Dz(iptr[0]);

    for (i=0, iz=0; i<ni; i++) {       /* grab all data in output cube */
      nz1 = Nz(iptr[i]);
      for (iz1=0; iz1< nz1; iz1++, iz++) {
	for (iy=0; iy<ny; iy++) {
	  for (ix=0; ix<nx; ix++) {
	    CubeValue(optr,ix,iy,iz) = CubeValue(iptr[i],ix,iy,iz1);

    write_image(outstr, optr);
Ejemplo n.º 15
int nemo_main()
    int i, n, nbody, bits, ndata, count, ngrid[3];
    real scale, dt, dtout, dtlog, tstop, tsnap, mass;
    string exefile = getparam("exe");
    string rundir = getparam("outdir");
    string fmt = getparam("format");
    stream datstr, instr, outstr;
    char dname[256];
    char command[256];
    char fmt6[256];
    float *gdata, *gd;
    Body *bp, *btab = NULL;

    if (hasvalue("header"))

    n = nemoinpi(getparam("grid"),ngrid,3);
    if (n>0 && n<=3) {
        for (i=n; i<3; i++)
            ngrid[i] = ngrid[i-1];
    } else
        error("%d Syntax error: %s (need 1,2 or 3 integers)",
    scale = getdparam("scale");
    dt = getdparam("dt");
    dtout = getdparam("dtout");
    dtlog = getdparam("dtlog");
    tstop = getdparam("tstop");
    sprintf(fmt6,"%s %s %s %s %s %s\n",fmt,fmt,fmt,fmt,fmt,fmt);


    /* prepare the parameter file for galaxy */

    datstr = stropen(dname,"w");    
    fprintf(datstr,"%d %d %d\n",ngrid[0],ngrid[1],ngrid[2]);

    /* read snapshot and output it in something galaxy understands */

    instr = stropen(getparam("in"),"r");
    if (!get_tag_ok(instr, SnapShotTag)) error("no snapshot");
    get_snap(instr, &btab, &nbody, &tsnap, &bits);

    if ( (bits & PhaseSpaceBit) == 0) error("no phasespace");
    for (bp=btab;bp<btab+nbody; bp++)
      mass += Mass(bp);
    datstr = stropen(dname,"w");
    fprintf(datstr,"%g %g %d\n",tsnap,mass,nbody);
    for (bp=btab;bp<btab+nbody; bp++)

    /* run the fortran program */

    if (run_program(exefile))
      error("Problem executing %s",exefile);

    /* Output data from native galaxy (.res) format to snapshot */
    instr = stropen(dname,"r");

    outstr = stropen(dname,"w");

    ndata = 7*sizeof(float)*nbody;
    gdata = (float *) allocate(ndata);

    bits = (TimeBit | PhaseSpaceBit | PotentialBit);
    while (1) {
      count = unfread(instr,gdata,ndata);
      if (count <= 0) break;
      tsnap = gdata[0];
      count = unfread(instr,gdata,ndata);
      if (count <= 0) error("Problem reading posvelphi from galaxy.res");
      for (bp=btab, gd=gdata;bp<btab+nbody; bp++) {
	Pos(bp)[0] = *gd++;
	Pos(bp)[1] = *gd++;
	Pos(bp)[2] = *gd++;
	Vel(bp)[0] = *gd++;
	Vel(bp)[1] = *gd++;
	Vel(bp)[2] = *gd++;
	Phi(bp)    = *gd++;
      put_snap(outstr, &btab, &nbody, &tsnap, &bits);
Ejemplo n.º 16
void nemo_main(void)
    stream instr, outstr, nullstr;
    string item, *items;
    string *tags, *sels, *cvt;
    int    i, nsel, select[MAXSEL], cntrd, cntwr;
    bool all;

    instr = stropen(getparam("in"), "r");
    nullstr = stropen("/dev/null","w+");        /* kludge: force write */
    item = getparam("item");
    sels = burststring(getparam("select"),", ");
    nsel = xstrlen(sels, sizeof(string)) - 1;
    for (i=0; i<nsel; i++) {		/* note: array should be sorted */
        select[i] = atoi(sels[i]);
	dprintf(1,"#selected #%d\n",select[i]);
	if (select[i]<1)
            error("%d: bad number for select=, must be > 0",select[i]);
        if (i>0 && (select[i]<select[i-1]))
            error("%d: bad number for select=, array must be sorted",select[i]);
    cvt = burststring(getparam("convert"),", ");

    if (*item == 0) {
        all = TRUE;
	items = (string *) allocate(sizeof(string));    /* PPAP */
	items[0] = NULL;
    } else {
        all = FALSE;
        items = burststring(item,", ");
        if (items==NULL)
            error("error parsing item=%s\n",item);
        dprintf(1,"selected: ");
        for (i=0; items[i]!=NULL; i++)
            dprintf(1," %s",items[i]);
    outstr = stropen(getparam("out"), "w");
    cntrd = 0;      /* keep track of items read */
    cntwr = 0;      /* and written */
    while ((tags = list_tags(instr)) != NULL) {
        if (check(items, *tags)) {
            dprintf(1," %d: %s",cntrd,*tags);
	    if (nsel==0 || (nsel>0 && select[cntwr] == cntrd)) {
               copy_item_cvt(outstr, instr, *tags, cvt);
               dprintf(1," copied\n");
	    } else {
	       copy_item(nullstr, instr, *tags);
               dprintf(1," skipped\n");
        } else {
            dprintf(1," *: %s",*tags);        	
	    copy_item(nullstr, instr, *tags);
            dprintf(1," skipped\n");
	free((char *)*tags);
	free((char *)tags);
        if (nsel>0 && cntwr >= nsel)     /* early bailout ? */
    dprintf(0,"On top-level: %d items  read, %d items written\n",cntrd,cntwr);
Ejemplo n.º 17
Archivo: xyio.c Proyecto: jobovy/nemo
image *xyopen(int *handle, string name, string status, int naxis, int *axes)
    int i, access;
    string read_matdef;
    image *iptr;
    stream str;

        error("naxis=%d not supported: MAXNAXIS=%d",naxis, MAXNAXIS);

    if (first) xy_init();

    str = stropen(name,status);                       /* open file */
    switch (*status) {
        case 'r':               /* "r", "old" */
        case 'o':
            access = GET;
        case 'w':               /* "w", "new" */
        case 'n':
            access = PUT;
            error("xyopen: Unsupported mode %s",status);
    iptr = (imageptr )allocate(sizeof(image));  /* new image */

    if(access == GET){
      get_set (str,ImageTag);
        get_set (str,ParametersTag);
          get_data (str,NxTag,IntType, &(Nx(iptr)), 0);
          get_data (str,NyTag,IntType, &(Ny(iptr)), 0);
          get_data (str,NzTag,IntType, &(Nz(iptr)), 0);
          get_data_coerced (str,XminTag,RealType, &(Xmin(iptr)), 0);
          get_data_coerced (str,YminTag,RealType, &(Ymin(iptr)), 0);
          get_data_coerced (str,ZminTag,RealType, &(Zmin(iptr)), 0);
          get_data_coerced (str,DxTag,RealType, &(Dx(iptr)), 0);
          get_data_coerced (str,DyTag,RealType, &(Dy(iptr)), 0);
          get_data_coerced (str,DzTag,RealType, &(Dz(iptr)), 0);
	  get_data_coerced (str,MapMinTag, RealType, &(MapMin(iptr)), 0);
	  get_data_coerced (str,MapMaxTag, RealType, &(MapMax(iptr)), 0);
	  get_data (str,BeamTypeTag, IntType, &(BeamType(iptr)), 0);
	  get_data_coerced (str,BeamxTag, RealType, &(Beamx(iptr)), 0);
	  get_data_coerced (str,BeamyTag, RealType, &(Beamy(iptr)), 0);
	  get_data_coerced (str,BeamzTag, RealType, &(Beamz(iptr)), 0);
          if (get_tag_ok(str,NamexTag))             /* X-axis name */
            Namex(iptr) = get_string(str,NamexTag);
            Namex(iptr) = NULL;
          if (get_tag_ok(str,NameyTag))             /* Y-axis name */
            Namey(iptr) = get_string(str,NameyTag);
            Namey(iptr) = NULL;
          if (get_tag_ok(str,NamezTag))             /* Z-axis name */
            Namez(iptr) = get_string(str,NamezTag);
            Namez(iptr) = NULL;
          if (get_tag_ok(str,UnitTag))             /* units  */
            Unit(iptr) = get_string(str,UnitTag);
            Unit(iptr) = NULL;
          read_matdef = get_string(str,StorageTag);
	  if (!streq(read_matdef,matdef[idef]))
             dprintf(0,"read_image: StorageTag = %s, compiled with %s\n",
		        read_matdef, matdef[idef]);
        for (i=0; i<naxis; i++) axes[i] = 1;
        axes[0] = Nx(iptr); axes[1] = Ny(iptr); axes[2] = Nz(iptr);
    } else { /* PUT */
      Nx(iptr) = Ny(iptr) = Nz(iptr) = 1;
      if (naxis>0) Nx(iptr)  = axes[0];
      if (naxis>1) Ny(iptr)  = axes[1];
      if (naxis>2) Nz(iptr)  = axes[2];

      put_set (str,ImageTag);
        put_set (str,ParametersTag);
          put_data (str,NxTag,  IntType,  &(Nx(iptr)),   0);
          put_data (str,NyTag,  IntType,  &(Ny(iptr)),   0);
          put_data (str,NzTag,  IntType,  &(Nz(iptr)),   0);
          put_data (str,XminTag,RealType, &(Xmin(iptr)), 0);
          put_data (str,YminTag,RealType, &(Ymin(iptr)), 0);
          put_data (str,ZminTag,RealType, &(Zmin(iptr)), 0);
          put_data (str,DxTag,  RealType, &(Dx(iptr)),   0);
          put_data (str,DyTag,  RealType, &(Dy(iptr)),   0);
          put_data (str,DzTag,  RealType, &(Dz(iptr)),   0);
          put_data (str,MapMinTag, RealType, &(MapMin(iptr)), 0);
          put_data (str,MapMaxTag, RealType, &(MapMax(iptr)), 0);
          put_data (str,BeamTypeTag, IntType, &(BeamType(iptr)), 0);
          put_data (str,BeamxTag, RealType, &(Beamx(iptr)), 0);
          put_data (str,BeamyTag, RealType, &(Beamy(iptr)), 0);
          put_data (str,BeamzTag, RealType, &(Beamz(iptr)), 0);
          if (Namex(iptr))
            put_string (str,NamexTag,Namex(iptr));
          if (Namey(iptr))
            put_string (str,NameyTag,Namey(iptr));
          if (Namez(iptr))
            put_string (str,NamezTag,Namez(iptr));
      	  if (Unit(iptr))
            put_string (str,UnitTag,Unit(iptr));
        put_tes(str, ParametersTag);
        put_set(str, MapTag);

    *handle = -1;
    for(i=0; i<MAXOPEN; i++) {        /* look for a new table entry */
      if(images[i].str == NULL) *handle = i;
    if(*handle < 0) 
        error("xyopen: No more free slots; too many open images");
    for (i=0; i<MAXNAXIS; i++)
        images[*handle].axes[i] = 1;

    images[*handle].str     = str;
    images[*handle].iptr    = iptr;
    images[*handle].offset  = 0;
    images[*handle].access  = access;
    images[*handle].naxis   = (Nz(iptr)<=1 ? 2 : 3);
    images[*handle].axes[0] = Nx(iptr);
    images[*handle].axes[1] = Ny(iptr);
    images[*handle].axes[2] = Nz(iptr);

    return iptr;
Ejemplo n.º 18
int main(int argc, string argv[])
    glutInit(&argc, argv);
    initparam(argv, defv);
    instr = stropen(getparam("in"), "r");
    refscale = getdparam("refscale");
    if (! strnull(getparam("colordata"))) {	/* color data wanted?	    */
        if (getbparam("dopcolor"))
	    error("%s: colordata precludes dopcolor\n", getargv0());
	if (! scanopt(PhiTag "," SmoothTag "," RhoTag "," EntFuncTag ","
		      UinternTag "," UdotIntTag "," UdotRadTag ","
		      UdotVisTag "," TauTag "," BirthTag "," DeathTag ","
		      AuxTag, getparam("colordata")))
	    error("%s: %s unknown\n", getargv0(), getparam("colordata"));
	bodytags[1] = getparam("colordata");	/* replace key w/ field...  */
	butbind[2] = COLORMAP;
    } else if (getbparam("dopcolor")) {
        dopcolor = TRUE;
	bodytags[1] = VelTag;			/* replace key w/ velocity  */
	butbind[2] = COLORMAP;
    if (! strnull(getparam("vectordata"))) {
        if (! scanopt(VelTag "," AccTag "," AuxVecTag,
	    error("%s: %s unknown\n", getargv0(), getparam("vectordata"));
	if (! (streq(getparam("vectordata"), VelTag) && dopcolor))
	    bodytags[2] = getparam("vectordata");
	butbind[2] = VSCALE;
    maxfast = getiparam("maxfast");
    if (sscanf(getparam("defcolors"), "%x,%x", &pcolor, &bcolor) != 2)
	error("%s: can't scan defcolor parameter\n", getargv0());
    if (sscanf(getparam("viewsize"), "%ix%i", &wscreen, &hscreen) != 2)
	error("%s: can't scan viewsize parameter\n", getargv0());
    layout_body(bodytags, Precision, NDIM);
    if (! strnull(getparam("colordata"))) {
        scalaroff =
	  streq(bodytags[1], PhiTag)     ? PhiField.offset :
	  streq(bodytags[1], SmoothTag)  ? SmoothField.offset :
	  streq(bodytags[1], RhoTag)     ? RhoField.offset :
	  streq(bodytags[1], EntFuncTag) ? EntFuncField.offset :
	  streq(bodytags[1], UinternTag) ? UinternField.offset :
	  streq(bodytags[1], UdotIntTag) ? UdotIntField.offset :
	  streq(bodytags[1], UdotRadTag) ? UdotRadField.offset :
	  streq(bodytags[1], UdotVisTag) ? UdotVisField.offset :
	  streq(bodytags[1], TauTag)     ? TauField.offset :
	  streq(bodytags[1], BirthTag)   ? BirthField.offset :
	  streq(bodytags[1], DeathTag)   ? DeathField.offset :
	  streq(bodytags[1], AuxTag)     ? AuxField.offset : -1;
	assert(scalaroff != -1);
    if (! strnull(getparam("vectordata"))) {
        vectoroff =
	  streq(getparam("vectordata"), VelTag)    ? VelField.offset :
	  streq(getparam("vectordata"), AccTag)    ? AccField.offset :
	  streq(getparam("vectordata"), AuxVecTag) ? AuxVecField.offset : -1;
	assert(vectoroff != -1);
    if (! getdata())
        error("%s: no data in input file\n", getargv0());
    return (0);
Ejemplo n.º 19
void nemo_main()
    stream  instr, outstr;
    int     nx, ny, nz;        /* size of scratch map */
    int     ix, iy, flip;
    imageptr iptr=NULL;        /* pointer to image */
    real    tmp, zzz;
    string  flipmode;

    flipmode = getparam("flip");
    if (streq(flipmode,"x"))
        flip = X;
    else if (streq(flipmode,"y"))
        flip = Y;
    else if (streq(flipmode,"xy"))
        flip = XY;
        error("Illegal flip axis");

    instr = stropen(getparam("in"), "r");
    outstr = stropen(getparam("out"), "w");

    read_image( instr, &iptr);

    nx = Nx(iptr);	
    ny = Ny(iptr);
    nz = Nz(iptr);

    if(flip==X) {

      for (iy=0; iy<ny; iy++) {		    /* flip in x */
        for (ix=0; ix<nx/2; ix++) {
            tmp = MapValue(iptr,ix,iy);
            zzz = MapValue(iptr,nx-ix-1,iy);
            dprintf(1,"%d %d: %f %f\n",ix,iy,tmp,zzz);
            MapValue(iptr,ix,iy) = MapValue(iptr,nx-ix-1,iy);
            MapValue(iptr,nx-ix-1,iy) = tmp;
    } else if (flip==Y) {
      for (iy=0; iy<ny; iy++) {		    /* flip in y */
        for (ix=0; ix<nx/2; ix++) {
            tmp = MapValue(iptr,iy,ix);
            zzz = MapValue(iptr,iy,nx-ix-1);
            dprintf(1,"%d %d: %f %f\n",ix,iy,tmp,zzz);
            MapValue(iptr,iy,ix) = MapValue(iptr,iy,nx-ix-1);
            MapValue(iptr,iy,nx-ix-1) = tmp;
    } else if (flip==XY) {
      for (iy=0; iy<ny; iy++) {		    /* swap the x and y axes */
        for (ix=iy+1; ix<nx; ix++) {
            tmp = MapValue(iptr,ix,iy);
            dprintf(1,"%d %d: %f \n",ix,iy,tmp);
            MapValue(iptr,ix,iy) = MapValue(iptr,iy,ix);
            MapValue(iptr,iy,ix) = tmp;
      SWAPR(Xmin(iptr),  Ymin(iptr));
      SWAPR(Dx(iptr),    Dy(iptr));
      SWAPS(Namex(iptr), Namey(iptr));
    write_image(outstr, iptr);
Ejemplo n.º 20
    int  i, j, k, ki;
    real x, y, z, xmin, xmax, mean, sigma, skew, kurt,  bad, w, *data;
    real dmin, dmax;
    real sum, sov, q1, q2, q3;
    Moment m;
    bool Qmin, Qmax, Qbad, Qw, Qmedian, Qrobust, Qtorben, Qmmcount = getbparam("mmcount");
    bool Qx, Qy, Qz, Qone, Qall, Qign = getbparam("ignore");
    bool Qhalf = getbparam("half");
    bool Qmaxpos = getbparam("maxpos");
    real nu, nppb = getdparam("nppb");
    int npar = getiparam("npar");
    int ngood;
    int ndat = 0;
    int nplanes;
    int min_count, max_count;
    int maxmom = getiparam("maxmom");
    int maxpos[2];
    char slabel[32];

    instr = stropen (getparam("in"), "r");
    read_image (instr,&iptr);
    nx = Nx(iptr);	
    ny = Ny(iptr);
    nz = Nz(iptr);
    dprintf(1,"# data order debug:  %f %f\n",Frame(iptr)[0], Frame(iptr)[1]);
    if (hasvalue("tab")) tabstr = stropen(getparam("tab"),"w");

    planes = (int *) allocate((nz+1)*sizeof(int));
    nplanes = nemoinpi(getparam("planes"),planes,nz+1);
    Qall = (planes[0]==-1);
    if (planes[0]==0) {
      Qone = FALSE;
      nplanes = nz;
      for (k=0; k<nz; k++)
	planes[k] = k;
    } else if (!Qall) {
      Qone = (!Qall && nplanes==1);
      for (k=0; k<nplanes; k++) {
	if (planes[k]<1 || planes[k]>nz) error("%d is an illegal plane [1..%d]",planes[k],nz);
    if (hasvalue("win")) {
      instr = stropen (getparam("win"), "r");
      read_image (instr,&wptr);
      if (Nx(iptr) != Nx(wptr)) error("X sizes of in=/win= don't match");
      if (Ny(iptr) != Ny(wptr)) error("Y sizes of in=/win= don't match");
      if (Nz(iptr) != Nz(wptr)) error("Z sizes of in=/win= don't match");
      Qw = TRUE;
    } else
      Qw = FALSE;

    Qmin = hasvalue("min");
    if (Qmin) xmin = getdparam("min");
    Qmax = hasvalue("max");
    if (Qmax) xmax = getdparam("max");
    Qbad = hasvalue("bad");
    if (Qbad) bad = getdparam("bad");
    Qmedian = getbparam("median");
    Qrobust = getbparam("robust");
    Qtorben = getbparam("torben");
    if (Qtorben) Qmedian = TRUE;
    if (Qmedian || Qrobust || Qtorben) {
      ndat = nx*ny*nz;
      data = (real *) allocate(ndat*sizeof(real));

    sov = 1.0;       /* volume of a pixel/voxel */
    Qx = Qign && Nx(iptr)==1;
    Qy = Qign && Ny(iptr)==1;
    Qz = Qign && Nz(iptr)==1;
    sov *= Qx ? 1.0 : Dx(iptr);
    sov *= Qy ? 1.0 : Dy(iptr);
    sov *= Qz ? 1.0 : Dz(iptr);
    if (!Qx) strcat(slabel,"Dx*");
    if (!Qy) strcat(slabel,"Dy*");
    if (!Qz) strcat(slabel,"Dz*");
    if (maxmom < 0) {
      warning("No work done, maxmom<0");

    if (Qall) {                 /* treat cube as one data block */

      ngood = 0;
      for (k=0; k<nz; k++) {
	for (j=0; j<ny; j++) {
	  for (i=0; i<nx; i++) {
            x =  CubeValue(iptr,i,j,k);
	    if (Qhalf && x>=0.0) continue;
            if (Qmin  && x<xmin) continue;
            if (Qmax  && x>xmax) continue;
            if (Qbad  && x==bad) continue;
	    w = Qw ? CubeValue(wptr,i,j,k) : 1.0;
	    if (Qhalf && x<0) accum_moment(&m,-x,w);
	    if (Qmedian) data[ngood++] = x;
	    if (tabstr) fprintf(tabstr,"%g\n",x);
      if (npar > 0) {
	nu = n_moment(&m)/nppb - npar;
	if (nu < 1) error("%g: No degrees of freedom",nu);
	printf("chi2= %g\n", show_moment(&m,2)/nu/nppb);
	printf("df= %g\n", nu);
      } else {
	nsize = nx * ny * nz;
	sum = mean = sigma = skew = kurt = 0;
	if (maxmom > 0) {
	  mean = mean_moment(&m);
	  sum = show_moment(&m,1);
	if (maxmom > 1)
	  sigma = sigma_moment(&m);
	if (maxmom > 2)
	  skew = skewness_moment(&m);
	if (maxmom > 3)
	  kurt = kurtosis_moment(&m);
	printf ("Number of points      : %d\n",n_moment(&m));
	printf ("Min and Max           : %f %f\n",min_moment(&m), max_moment(&m));
	printf ("Mean and dispersion   : %f %f\n",mean,sigma);
	printf ("Skewness and kurtosis : %f %f\n",skew,kurt);
	printf ("Sum and Sum*%s        : %f %f\n",slabel, sum, sum*sov);
	if (Qmedian) {
	  if (Qtorben) {
	    printf ("Median Torben         : %f (%d)\n",median_torben(ngood,data,min_moment(&m),max_moment(&m)),ngood);
	  } else {
	    printf ("Median                : %f\n",get_median(ngood,data));
	    q2 = median(ngood,data);
	    q1 = median_q1(ngood,data);
	    q3 = median_q3(ngood,data);
	    printf ("Q1,Q2,Q3              : %f %f %f\n",q1,q2,q3);
#if 1
	  if (ndat>0)
	    printf ("MedianL               : %f\n",median_moment(&m));
	if (Qrobust) {
	  printf ("Mean Robust           : %f\n",mean_robust_moment(&m));
	  printf ("Sigma Robust          : %f\n",sigma_robust_moment(&m));
	  printf ("Median Robust         : %f\n",median_robust_moment(&m));

	if (Qmmcount) {
	  min_count = max_count = 0;
	  xmin = min_moment(&m);
	  xmax = max_moment(&m);
	  for (i=0; i<nx; i++) {
	    for (j=0; j<ny; j++) {
	      for (k=0; k<nz; k++) {
		x =  CubeValue(iptr,i,j,k);
		if (x==xmin) min_count++;
		if (x==xmax) max_count++;
	  } /* i */
	  printf("Min_Max_count         : %d %d\n",min_count,max_count);
	printf ("%d/%d out-of-range points discarded\n",nsize-n_moment(&m), nsize);

    } else {             /* treat each plane seperately */

      /* tabular output, one line per (selected) plane */

      printf("# iz z min  max  N  mean sigma skew kurt sum sumsov ");
      if (Qmedian) printf(" [med med]");
      if (Qrobust) printf(" robust[N mean sig med]");
      if (Qmaxpos) printf(" maxposx maxposy");

      for (ki=0; ki<nplanes; ki++) {
	k = planes[ki];
	z = Zmin(iptr) + k*Dz(iptr);
	ngood = 0;
	for (j=0; j<ny; j++) {
	  for (i=0; i<nx; i++) {
            x =  CubeValue(iptr,i,j,k);
            if (Qmin && x<xmin) continue;
            if (Qmax && x>xmax) continue;
            if (Qbad && x==bad) continue;
	    if (Qmaxpos) {
	      if (i==0 && j==0) { dmax = x; maxpos[0] = 0; maxpos[1] = 0;}
	      else if (x>dmax) {  dmax = x; maxpos[0] = i; maxpos[1] = j;}
	    w = Qw ? CubeValue(wptr,i,j,k) : 1.0;
	    if (Qmedian) data[ngood++] = x;

	nsize = nx * ny * nz;
	sum = mean = sigma = skew = kurt = 0;
	if (maxmom > 0) {
	  mean = mean_moment(&m);
	  sum = show_moment(&m,1);
	if (maxmom > 1)
	  sigma = sigma_moment(&m);
	if (maxmom > 2)
	  skew = skewness_moment(&m);
	if (maxmom > 3)
	  kurt = kurtosis_moment(&m);
	if (n_moment(&m) == 0) {
	  printf("# %d no data\n",k+1);
	printf("%d %f  %f %f %d  %f %f %f %f  %f %f",
	       k+1, z, min_moment(&m), max_moment(&m), n_moment(&m),
	if (Qmedian) {
	  printf ("   %f",get_median(ngood,data));
	  if (ndat>0) printf (" %f",median_moment(&m));
	if (Qrobust) {
	  printf ("   %d %f %f %f",n_robust_moment(&m), mean_robust_moment(&m),
		  sigma_robust_moment(&m), median_robust_moment(&m));
	if (Qmaxpos) {
	  printf("   %d %d",maxpos[0],maxpos[1]);
#if 0	  
	if (Qmmcount) {
	  min_count = max_count = 0;
	  xmin = min_moment(&m);
	  xmax = max_moment(&m);
	  for (i=0; i<nx; i++) {
	    for (j=0; j<ny; j++) {
	      x =  CubeValue(iptr,i,j,k);
	      if (x==xmin) min_count++;
	      if (x==xmax) max_count++;
	  } /* i,j */
	  printf(" %d %d",min_count,max_count);
	printf ("%d/%d out-of-range points discarded\n",nsize-n_moment(&m), nsize);
      } /* ki */
Ejemplo n.º 21
scan_sd(string infile)		/* this is the fancy new version */
    float **dump, **coord;
    int i, j, k, ret, old_size, size, type, nsds, old_rank;
    char ntype[32];
    bool *visib, axis_visib[MAXRANK];
    int nselect, select[MAXSDS];
    string format, sselect;
    stream outstr;
    bool Qdummy = getbparam("dummy");
    bool Qout = hasvalue("out");

    if (!Qdummy) warning("dummy may not be working so well");

    nsds = DFSDndatasets(infile);
    if (nsds<0) 
        error("%s is probably not an HDF scientific dataset",infile);
    dprintf(0,"Found %d scientific data set%s in %s\n",
            nsds,(nsds > 1 ? "s" : ""),infile);
    visib = (bool *) allocate(sizeof(bool)*nsds);
    if (hasvalue("out")) {
        dump = (float **) allocate(nsds*sizeof(float *));   /* all data !! */
        format = getparam("format");
        outstr = stropen(getparam("out"),"w");
    } else
        outstr = NULL;

    for (k=0; k<nsds; k++)    /* first flag all SDS to be shown */
        visib[k] = TRUE;
    for (k=0; k<MAXRANK; k++)  /* first flag all axes to be shown (in case coord=t) */
        axis_visib[k] = TRUE;

    sselect = getparam("select");
    if (!streq(sselect,"all")) {
      nselect = nemoinpi(sselect,select,MAXSDS);
      if (nselect < 0) error("%d error parsing %s",nselect,sselect);
      if (nselect > nsds) error("%s: too many specified, nsds=%d",nselect,nsds);
      for (k=0; k<nsds; k++)
        visib[k] = FALSE;
      for (k=0; k<nselect; k++) {
	if (select[k] < 1 || select[k] > nsds) error("%d: bad SDS selection, nsds=%d",select[k],nsds);
	visib[select[k]-1] = TRUE;
    for (k=0; k<nsds; k++) 
      dprintf(1,"%d: %s\n", k+1, visib[k] ? "OK" : "hidden");

    old_size = -1;
    for (k=0; k<nsds; k++) {               /* loop over all SDS to get the rank, shape, size and info */
    	ret = DFSDgetdims(infile,&rank, shape, MAXRANK);
    	if (ret < 0) error("Problem getting rank/shape at SDS #%d",k+1);

    	label[0] = unit[0] = fmt[0] = coordsys[0] = 0;
        ret = DFSDgetdatastrs(label, unit, fmt, coordsys);
	if (ret < 0) error("Problem getting labels at SDS #%d",k+1);

        ret = DFSDgetNT(&type);
	if (ret < 0) error("Problem getting data type at SDS #%d",k+1);

        if (! visib[k]) continue;          /* don't count SDS# that were not selected */

        if (old_size < 0) {                /* first time around allocate coordinates */
            if (getbparam("coord")) {
                coord = (float **) allocate(rank*sizeof(float *));
            } else {
                coord = NULL;

    	dprintf(0,"%d: %s(",k+1,label);
    	for (i=0, size=1; i<rank; i++) {
    	    if (i==rank-1)
    	    size *= shape[i];

            if (old_size < 0 && coord) {
                coord[i] = (float *) allocate(shape[i] * sizeof(float));
                ret = DFSDgetdimscale(i+1, shape[i],coord[i]);
                if (ret<0) error("getting shape[%d]",i+1);
    	dprintf(0," %s ",unit);
    	dprintf(0," -> [%d elements of type: %d (%s)]\n", size, type, ntype);
        if (outstr) {
            dump[k] = (float *) allocate(size * sizeof(float));
            ret = DFSDgetdata(infile,rank,shape,dump[k]);

	if (old_size < 0) {       /* first time around */
	  old_size = size;
	  old_rank = rank;
	  for (i=0; i<rank; i++) old_shape[i] = shape[i];
	} else {                   /* make sure subsequent ones have the same size for display */
	  if (old_size != size) {
	    if (Qout) warning("bad shape for SDS #%d, removing from selection list",k+1);
	    visib[k] = FALSE;
	    size = old_size;
	  } else if (old_rank != rank) {
	    if (Qout) warning("bad rank for SDS #%d, removing from selection list",k+1);
	    visib[k] = FALSE;
	    rank = old_rank;
    } /* k */
    rank = old_rank;   /* restore it, in case the last one was a bad one */
    for (i=0; i<rank; i++) shape[i] = old_shape[i] ;

#if 0
    for (k=0; k<nsds; k++)
      if (!visib[k]) warning("SDS #%d cannot be displayed, it has a different size",k+1);

    if (outstr) {
        for (i=0; i<rank; i++) {
	  run[i] = 0;      /* reset run (coordinate index) array */
	  axis_visib[i] = Qdummy ? TRUE : shape[i] > 1;
	  dprintf(1,"axis %d=%d => %d\n",i+1,shape[i],axis_visib[i]);

        for (i=0; i<size; i++) {                /* loop over all data */
            if (coord) {                        /* print coord system ? */
                for (j=rank-1; j>=0; j--) {
		  if (Qdummy || axis_visib[j]) {
                    fprintf(outstr," ");
                for (j=rank-1; j>=0; j--) {     /* check if axis reset needed */
                    if (run[j] >= shape[j]) {
                        run[j] = 0;
                        if (j>0) run[j-1]++;
                    } else
            } /* coord */
            for (k=0; k<nsds; k++) {            /* loop over all columns */
	      if (visib[k]) {
                fprintf(outstr," ");
Ejemplo n.º 22
int main(int argc,char **argv)
    ros::init(argc, argv, "rtk_robot");

    ROS_INFO("RTKlib for ROS Robot Edition");

    ros::NodeHandle nn;
    ros::NodeHandle pn("~");

    ros::Subscriber ecef_sub;
    if(pn.getParam("base_position/x", ecef_base_station.position.x) && pn.getParam("base_position/y", ecef_base_station.position.y) && pn.getParam("base_position/z", ecef_base_station.position.z))
        ROS_INFO("RTK -- Loading base station parameters from the parameter server...");

        XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue position_covariance;
        if( pn.getParam("base_position/covariance", position_covariance) )
            ROS_ASSERT(position_covariance.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray);

            if(position_covariance.size() != 9)
                ROS_WARN("RTK -- The base station covariances are not complete! Using default values...");
                for(int i=0 ; i<position_covariance.size() ; ++i)
                    ROS_ASSERT(position_covariance[i].getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeDouble);

                    ecef_base_station.position_covariance[i] = static_cast<double>(position_covariance[i]);
        ROS_INFO("RTK -- Subscribing to the base station for online parameters...");

        ecef_sub = nn.subscribe("base_station/gps/ecef", 50, ecefCallback);

    double rate;
    pn.param("rate", rate, 2.0);

    std::string gps_frame_id;
    pn.param<std::string>("gps_frame_id", gps_frame_id, "gps");

    std::string port;
    pn.param<std::string>("port", port, "ttyACM0");
    int baudrate;
    pn.param("baudrate", baudrate, 115200);

    ros::Publisher gps_pub = nn.advertise<sensor_msgs::NavSatFix>("gps/fix", 50);
    ros::Publisher status_pub = nn.advertise<rtk_msgs::Status>("gps/status", 50);

    ros::Subscriber gps_sub = nn.subscribe("base_station/gps/raw_data", 50, baseStationCallback);

    int n;

    //********************* rtklib stuff *********************

	ROS_FATAL("RTK -- Failed to initialize rtklib server!");

    gtime_t time, time0 = {0};
    int format[] = {STRFMT_UBX, STRFMT_UBX, STRFMT_RTCM2};

    prcopt_t options = prcopt_default;
    options.mode = 2;
    options.nf = 1;
    options.navsys = SYS_GPS | SYS_SBS;
    options.modear = 3;
    options.glomodear = 0;
    options.minfix = 3;
    options.ionoopt = IONOOPT_BRDC;
    options.tropopt = TROPOPT_SAAS;
    options.rb[0] = ecef_base_station.position.x;
    options.rb[1] = ecef_base_station.position.y;
    options.rb[2] = ecef_base_station.position.z;

    server.cycle = 10;
    server.nmeacycle = 1000;
    server.nmeareq = 0;
    for(int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) server.nmeapos[i] = 0;
    server.buffsize = BUFFSIZE;
    for(int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) server.format[i] = format[i];
    server.navsel = 0;
    server.nsbs = 0;
    server.nsol = 0;
    server.prcout = 0;
    rtkinit(&server.rtk, &options);

    for(int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
        server.nb[i] = server.npb[i] = 0;
        if(!(server.buff[i]=(unsigned char *)malloc(BUFFSIZE)) || !(server.pbuf[i]=(unsigned char *)malloc(BUFFSIZE)))
            ROS_FATAL("RTK -- Failed to initialize rtklib server - malloc error!");
        for(int j=0 ; j<10 ; j++) server.nmsg[i][j] = 0;
        for(int j=0 ; j<MAXOBSBUF ; j++) server.obs[i][j].n = 0;
        /* initialize receiver raw and rtcm control */
        init_raw(server.raw + i);
        init_rtcm(server.rtcm + i);
        /* set receiver option */
        strcpy(server.raw[i].opt, "");
        strcpy(server.rtcm[i].opt, "");
        /* connect dgps corrections */
        server.rtcm[i].dgps = server.nav.dgps;
    /* output peek buffer */
    for(int i=0 ; i<2 ; i++)
        if (!(server.sbuf[i]=(unsigned char *)malloc(BUFFSIZE)))
            ROS_FATAL("RTK -- Failed to initialize rtklib server - malloc error!");

    /* set solution options */
    solopt_t sol_options[2];
    sol_options[0] = solopt_default;
    sol_options[1] = solopt_default;

    for(int i=0 ; i<2 ; i++) server.solopt[i] = sol_options[i];
    /* set base station position */
    for(int i=0 ; i<6 ; i++) server.rtk.rb[i] = i < 3 ? options.rb[i] : 0.0;
    /* update navigation data */
    for(int i=0 ; i<MAXSAT*2 ; i++) server.nav.eph[i].ttr = time0;
    for(int i=0 ; i<NSATGLO*2 ; i++) server.nav.geph[i].tof = time0;
    for(int i=0 ; i<NSATSBS*2 ; i++) server.nav.seph[i].tof = time0;
    /* set monitor stream */
    server.moni = NULL;

    /* open input streams */
    int stream_type[8] = {STR_SERIAL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
    char gps_path[64];
    sprintf(gps_path, "%s:%d:8:n:1:off", port.c_str(), baudrate);
    char * paths[] = {gps_path, "localhost:27015", "", "", "", "", "", ""};
    char * cmds[] = {"", "", ""};
    int rw;
    for(int i=0 ; i<8 ; i++)
        rw = i < 3 ? STR_MODE_R : STR_MODE_W;
	if(stream_type[i] != STR_FILE) rw |= STR_MODE_W;
        if(!stropen(server.stream+i, stream_type[i], rw, paths[i]))
            ROS_ERROR("RTK -- Failed to open stream %s", paths[i]);
            for(i-- ; i>=0 ; i--) strclose(server.stream+i);
            ROS_FATAL("RTK -- Failed to initialize rtklib server - failed to open all streams!");
        /* set initial time for rtcm and raw */
            time = utc2gpst(timeget());
            server.raw[i].time = stream_type[i] == STR_FILE ? strgettime(server.stream+i) : time;
            server.rtcm[i].time = stream_type[i] == STR_FILE ? strgettime(server.stream+i) : time;
    /* sync input streams */
    strsync(server.stream, server.stream+1);
    strsync(server.stream, server.stream+2);
    /* write start commands to input streams */
    for(int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
        if(cmds[i]) strsendcmd(server.stream+i, cmds[i]);
    /* write solution header to solution streams */
    for(int i=3 ; i<5 ; i++)
	unsigned char buff[1024];
    	int n;
    	n = outsolheads(buff, server.solopt+i-3);
    	strwrite(server.stream+i, buff, n);

    obs_t obs;
    obsd_t data[MAXOBS*2];
    double tt;
    unsigned int tick;
    int fobs[3] = {0};

    server.tick = tickget();

    ROS_DEBUG("RTK -- Initialization complete.");

    ros::Rate r(rate);
        tick = tickget();

        unsigned char *p = server.buff[RTK_ROBOT]+server.nb[RTK_ROBOT];
        unsigned char *q = server.buff[RTK_ROBOT]+server.buffsize;
        ROS_DEBUG("RTK -- Getting data from GPS...");
        /* read receiver raw/rtcm data from input stream */
        n = strread(server.stream, p, q-p);

        /* write receiver raw/rtcm data to log stream */
        strwrite(server.stream+5, p, n);
        server.nb[RTK_ROBOT] += n;

        /* save peek buffer */
        n = n < server.buffsize - server.npb[RTK_ROBOT] ? n : server.buffsize - server.npb[RTK_ROBOT];
        memcpy(server.pbuf[RTK_ROBOT] + server.npb[RTK_ROBOT], p, n);
        server.npb[RTK_ROBOT] += n;

        ROS_DEBUG("RTK -- Decoding GPS data...");
        /* decode data */
        fobs[RTK_ROBOT] = decoderaw(&server, RTK_ROBOT);
        fobs[RTK_BASE_STATION] = decoderaw(&server, RTK_BASE_STATION);

        ROS_DEBUG("RTK -- Got %d observations.", fobs[RTK_ROBOT]);
        /* for each rover observation data */
        for(int i=0 ; i<fobs[RTK_ROBOT] ; i++)
            obs.n = 0;
            for(int j=0 ; j<server.obs[RTK_ROBOT][i].n && obs.n<MAXOBS*2 ; j++)
                obs.data[obs.n++] = server.obs[RTK_ROBOT][i].data[j];
            for(int j=0 ; j<server.obs[1][0].n && obs.n<MAXOBS*2 ; j++)
                obs.data[obs.n++] = server.obs[1][0].data[j];
            ROS_DEBUG("RTK -- Calculating RTK positioning...");
            /* rtk positioning */
            rtkpos(&server.rtk, obs.data, obs.n, &server.nav);

            sensor_msgs::NavSatFix gps_msg;
            gps_msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
            gps_msg.header.frame_id = gps_frame_id;

            rtk_msgs::Status status_msg;
            status_msg.stamp = gps_msg.header.stamp;

            if(server.rtk.sol.stat != SOLQ_NONE)
                /* adjust current time */
                tt = (int)(tickget()-tick)/1000.0+DTTOL;
                /* write solution */
                unsigned char buff[1024];
                n = outsols(buff, &server.rtk.sol, server.rtk.rb, server.solopt);
                if(n==141 && buff[0]>'0' && buff[0]<'9')
                    int ano,mes,dia,horas,minutos,Q,nsat;
                    double segundos,lat,longi,alt,sde,sdn,sdu,sdne,sdeu,sdun;

                    sscanf((const char *)(buff),"%d/%d/%d %d:%d:%lf %lf %lf %lf %d %d %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf", &ano, &mes, &dia, &horas, &minutos, &segundos, &lat, &longi, &alt, &Q, &nsat, &sdn, &sde, &sdu, &sdne, &sdeu, &sdun);

                    gps_msg.latitude = lat;
                    gps_msg.longitude = longi;
                    gps_msg.altitude = alt;

                    gps_msg.position_covariance_type = sensor_msgs::NavSatFix::COVARIANCE_TYPE_KNOWN;
                    gps_msg.position_covariance[0] = sde + ecef_base_station.position_covariance[0];
                    gps_msg.position_covariance[1] = sdne + ecef_base_station.position_covariance[1];
                    gps_msg.position_covariance[2] = sdeu + ecef_base_station.position_covariance[2];
                    gps_msg.position_covariance[3] = sdne + ecef_base_station.position_covariance[3];
                    gps_msg.position_covariance[4] = sdn + ecef_base_station.position_covariance[4];
                    gps_msg.position_covariance[5] = sdun + ecef_base_station.position_covariance[5];
                    gps_msg.position_covariance[6] = sdeu + ecef_base_station.position_covariance[6];
                    gps_msg.position_covariance[7] = sdun + ecef_base_station.position_covariance[7];
                    gps_msg.position_covariance[8] = sdu + ecef_base_station.position_covariance[8];

                    gps_msg.status.status = Q==5 ? sensor_msgs::NavSatStatus::STATUS_FIX : sensor_msgs::NavSatStatus::STATUS_GBAS_FIX;
                    gps_msg.status.service = sensor_msgs::NavSatStatus::SERVICE_GPS;

		    status_msg.fix_quality = Q;
		    status_msg.number_of_satellites = nsat;
                gps_msg.status.status = sensor_msgs::NavSatStatus::STATUS_NO_FIX;
                gps_msg.status.service = sensor_msgs::NavSatStatus::SERVICE_GPS;


            ROS_DEBUG("RTK -- Publishing ROS msg...");


Ejemplo n.º 23
void nemo_main()
	int i, seed, bits;
	real mg, mh, tsnap;
	double vx, vy, vz;
	double fmax, f0, f1, v2, vmax, vmax2;
        bool Qcenter = getbparam("zerocm");
        bool Qphi = getbparam("addphi");
        stream outstr = stropen(getparam("out"),"w");

        mu = getdparam("m");
        a = getdparam("a");
        seed = init_xrandom(getparam("seed"));
        nobj = getiparam("nbody");
	if (nobj%2) 
	    warning("Total number of particles reset to %d\n",2*((nobj+1)/2));
        nobj = ((nobj+1)/2);
        if (hasvalue("headline"))

	b = a - 1;

	btab = (Body *) allocate(2*nobj*sizeof(Body));

	for(i=0, bp=btab; i<2*nobj; i++, bp++) {
		double eta, radius, cth, sth, phi;
		double psi0;

		eta = (double) xrandom(0.0,1.0);
		radius = rad(eta);
		if( i >= nobj ) {
			if( mu == 0.0 ) break;
			radius *= a;
		if( i<nobj ) {
			galaxy = 1;
		} else {
			galaxy = 0;

		phi = xrandom(0.0,2*M_PI);
		cth = xrandom(-1.0,1.0);
		sth = sqrt(1.0 - cth*cth);
		Pos(bp)[0] = (real) (radius*sth*cos(phi));
		Pos(bp)[1] = (real) (radius*sth*sin(phi));
		Pos(bp)[2] = (real) (radius*cth);

		psi0 = -pot(radius);
                if (Qphi) Phi(bp) = psi0;
		vmax2 = 2.0*psi0;
		vmax = sqrt(vmax2);
		fmax = f(psi0);
		f0 = fmax; f1 = 1.1*fmax;        /* just some initial values */
		while( f1 > f0 ) {

                        /* pick a velocity */
			v2 = 2.0*vmax2;
			while( v2 > vmax2 ) {    /* rejection technique */
				vx = vmax*xrandom(-1.0,1.0);
				vy = vmax*xrandom(-1.0,1.0);
				vz = vmax*xrandom(-1.0,1.0);
				v2 = vx*vx + vy*vy + vz*vz;

			f0 = f((psi0 - 0.5*v2));
			f1 = fmax*xrandom(0.0,1.0);

		Vel(bp)[0] = vx;
		Vel(bp)[1] = vy;
		Vel(bp)[2] = vz;
	mg = 1.0/nobj;
	mh = mu/nobj;
	for(i=0, bp=btab; i<2*nobj; i++, bp++) {
            if (i<nobj)
                Mass(bp) = mg;
                Mass(bp) = mh;

	if (Qcenter)

        bits = MassBit | PhaseSpaceBit;
        if (Qphi)  bits |= PotentialBit;
        nobj *= 2;
        tsnap = 0.0;
        put_snap(outstr, &btab, &nobj, &tsnap, &bits);
Ejemplo n.º 24
void nemo_main ()
  string  fnames;
  stream  instr;                      /* input file (optional) */
  stream  outstr;                     /* output file */
  int     size[3],nx, ny, nz;         /* size of scratch map */
  int     ncen;
  string  object;
  string  headline;
  int seed = init_xrandom(getparam("seed"));

  object = getparam("object");
  npar = nemoinpr(getparam("spar"),spar,MAXPAR);
  if (npar < 0) error("Syntax error %s",getparam("spar"));

  Qtotflux = getbparam("totflux");
  factor = getdparam("factor");

  pa = getdparam("pa");
  inc = getdparam("inc");
  sinp = sin(pa*PI/180.0);
  cosp = cos(pa*PI/180.0);
  sini = sin(inc*PI/180.0);
  cosi = cos(inc*PI/180.0);
  dprintf(0,"%s: disk with pa=%g inc=%g\n",object,pa,inc);
  dprintf(1,"pa(%g %g) inc(%g %g)\n",sinp,cosp,sini,cosi);

  ncen = nemoinpr(getparam("center"),center,2);
  if (ncen<0) error("Syntax error %s",getparam("center"));
  if (ncen==1) center[1] = center[0];

  nwcs = nemorinpd(getparam("crval"),crval,MAXNAX,0.0,FALSE);
  nwcs = nemorinpd(getparam("cdelt"),cdelt,MAXNAX,1.0,FALSE);
  nwcs = nemorinpd(getparam("crpix"),crpix,MAXNAX,1.0,FALSE);
  if (hasvalue("in")) {
    instr = stropen(getparam("in"),"r");    /* open file */
    read_image (instr, &iptr);
  } else {
    dprintf(0,"Generating a map from scratch\n");
    switch (nemoinpi(getparam("size"),size,3)) {
    case 1:			/*  nx[,nx,1] */
      size[1] = size[0];
      size[2] = 1;
    case 2:			/*  nx,ny[,1] */
      size[2] = 1;
    case 3:			/*  nx,ny,nz  */
    case 0:			/*  [10,10,1] */
      dprintf(0,"Cannot have no size, default 10 assumed\n");
      size[0] = size[1] = 10;
      size[2] = 1;
    default:			/* --- some error --- */
      error("Syntax error in size keyword\n");
    nx = size[0];
    ny = size[1];
    nz = size[2];
#if 0
    if (nwcs == 0) {    /* last one for crpix */
      warning("going to set the center of the map in new NEMO convention");
      crpix[0] = (nx-1)/2.0;
      crpix[1] = (ny-1)/2.0;
      crpix[2] = (nz-1)/2.0;

  if (ncen==0) {   /* fix center if it has not been set yet */
    center[0] = (Nx(iptr)-1)/2.0;     /* 0 based center= */
    center[1] = (Ny(iptr)-1)/2.0;
  dprintf(0,"%s: center pixel: %g %g\n",object,center[0],center[1]);
  surface = Dx(iptr)*Dy(iptr);
  surface = ABS(surface);

  if (streq(object,"flat"))
  else if (streq(object,"exp"))
  else if (streq(object,"gauss"))
  else if (streq(object,"bar"))
  else if (streq(object,"ferrers"))
  else if (streq(object,"spiral"))
  else if (streq(object,"noise"))
  else if (streq(object,"jet"))
  else if (streq(object,"j1x"))
  else if (streq(object,"isothermal"))
  else if (streq(object,"comet"))
  else if (streq(object,"shell"))
    error("Unknown object %g",object);
  outstr = stropen (getparam("out"),"w");  /* open output file first ... */
  if (hasvalue("headline"))
  write_image (outstr,iptr);         /* write image to file */
Ejemplo n.º 25
Archivo: ccdrt.c Proyecto: jobovy/nemo
void nemo_main()
    stream  instr, outstr;
    int     nx, ny, nz, nx1, ny1, nz1;
    int     axis, mom;
    int     i,j,k, apeak, cnt;
    imageptr iptr=NULL, iptr1=NULL, iptr2=NULL;      /* pointer to images */
    real    tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp00, newvalue, peakvalue, scale, offset;
    bool    Qpeak;

    instr = stropen(getparam("in"), "r");
    mom = 0;
    axis = 3;
    Qpeak = getbparam("peak");

    read_image( instr, &iptr);

    nx1 = nx = Nx(iptr);	
    ny1 = ny = Ny(iptr);
    nz1 = 1;
    nz  = Nz(iptr);

    outstr = stropen(getparam("out"), "w");


    scale = Dz(iptr);
    offset = Zmin(iptr);
    for(j=0; j<ny; j++)
      for(i=0; i<nx; i++) {
	tmp0 = tmp00 = tmp1 = tmp2 = 0.0;
	cnt = 0;
	peakvalue = CubeValue(iptr,i,j,0);
	for(k=0; k<nz; k++) {
	  if (out_of_range(CubeValue(iptr,i,j,k))) continue;
	  tmp0 += CubeValue(iptr,i,j,k);
	  tmp00 += sqr(CubeValue(iptr,i,j,k));
	  if (CubeValue(iptr,i,j,k) > peakvalue) {
	    apeak = k;
	    peakvalue = CubeValue(iptr,i,j,k);
	if (cnt==0 || tmp0==0.0) {
	  newvalue = 0.0;
	} else {
	  if (Qpeak) 
	    newvalue = peakvalue;
	    newvalue = tmp0;
	CubeValue(iptr1,i,j,1) = newvalue;
    Xmin(iptr1) = Xmin(iptr);
    Ymin(iptr1) = Ymin(iptr);
    Zmin(iptr1) = Zmin(iptr) + 0.5*(nz-1)*Dz(iptr);
    Dx(iptr1) = Dx(iptr);
    Dy(iptr1) = Dy(iptr);
    Dz(iptr1) = nz * Dz(iptr);
    Namex(iptr1) = Namex(iptr); /* care: we're passing a pointer */
    Namey(iptr1) = Namey(iptr);
    Namez(iptr1) = Namez(iptr);
    write_image(outstr, iptr1);
Ejemplo n.º 26
void nemo_main()
    stream  instr, outstr;
    int     nx, ny, nz;
    int     nstep,nstep1;
    int     i,j,k, n, n1, i1, j1, m;
    int     ix[2], iy[2];
    imageptr iptr=NULL, optr;      /* pointer to images */
    real    *vals, fraction;
    string  mode = getparam("mode");
    bool Qmedian = (*mode == 'm');
    bool Qmean = (*mode == 'a');

    nstep = getiparam("nstep");
    if (nstep%2 != 1) error("step size %d needs to be odd",nstep);
    nstep1 = (nstep-1)/2;

    n = getiparam("n");
    if (Qmedian)
      dprintf(1,"Median filter size %d\n",n);
    else if (Qmean) 
      dprintf(1,"Mean filter size %d\n",n);
      dprintf(1,"Subtraction filter size %d\n",n);
    if (n%2 != 1) error("filter size %d needs to be odd",n);
    n1 = (n-1)/2;
    vals = (real *) allocate (sizeof(real) * (n*n + 1));

    instr = stropen(getparam("in"), "r");
    read_image( instr, &iptr);
    nx = Nx(iptr);	
    ny = Ny(iptr);
    nz = Nz(iptr);
    if (nz > 1) error("Cannot do 3D cubes properly; use 2D");

    if (hasvalue("x") && hasvalue("y")) {
    } else {
      ix[0] = 0;
      ix[1] = nx-1;
      iy[0] = 0;
      iy[1] = ny-1;
    dprintf(1,"Xrange: %d - %d   Yrange: %d - %d\n",ix[0],ix[1],iy[0],iy[1]);
    outstr = stropen(getparam("out"), "w");
    Dx(optr) = Dx(iptr);
    Dy(optr) = Dy(iptr);
    Dz(optr) = Dz(iptr);
    Xmin(optr) = Xmin(iptr);
    Ymin(optr) = Ymin(iptr);
    Zmin(optr) = Zmin(iptr);

    if (nstep > 1) {
      warning("Cheat mode nstep=%d",nstep);

      for (j=nstep1; j<ny-nstep1; j+=nstep) {
	for (i=nstep1; i<nx-nstep1; i+=nstep) {
	  if (j<n1 || j >= ny-n1 || j < iy[0] || j > iy[1]) {
	    CVO(i,j) = CVI(i,j);
	  if (i<n1 || i >= nx-n1 || i < ix[0] || i > ix[1]) {
	    CVO(i,j) = CVI(i,j);
	  m = 0;
	  for (j1=j-n1; j1<=j+n1; j1++)
	    for (i1=i-n1; i1<=i+n1; i1++)
	      vals[m++] = CVI(i1,j1);
	  CVO(i,j) = median(m,vals,fraction);
	  for (j1=j-nstep1; j1<=j+nstep1; j1++)
	    for (i1=i-nstep1; i1<=i+nstep1; i1++)
	      CVO(i1,j1) = CVO(i,j);
    } else {

      for (j=0; j<ny; j++) {
	for (i=0; i<nx; i++) {
	  if (j<n1 || j >= ny-n1 || j < iy[0] || j > iy[1]) {
	    CVO(i,j) = CVI(i,j);
	  if (i<n1 || i >= nx-n1 || i < ix[0] || i > ix[1]) {
	    CVO(i,j) = CVI(i,j);
	  m = 0;
	  for (j1=j-n1; j1<=j+n1; j1++)
	    for (i1=i-n1; i1<=i+n1; i1++)
	      vals[m++] = CVI(i1,j1);

	  if (Qmedian)
	    CVO(i,j) = median(m,vals,fraction);
	  else if (Qmean)
	    CVO(i,j) = mean(m,vals,fraction);
	    CVO(i,j) = subtract(m,vals,fraction);

    write_image(outstr, optr);