Ejemplo n.º 1
void display_board(board *b)
	int x, y;

	if (alt_video_page) {
	} else {


	movecur(30, 7);
	os_long_int_to_string(&score, 10, conv_buffer);
	strout("Score: ");

	for (y = 0; y < brd_h; y++) {
		movecur(30, y * 2 + 8);
		movecur(30, y * 2 + 9);

		for (x = 0; x < brd_w; x++) {

			if ((*b)[y][x] < 10000) charout(' ');
			if ((*b)[y][x] < 1000) charout(' ');
			if ((*b)[y][x] < 100) charout(' ');
			if ((*b)[y][x] < 10) charout(' ');

			if ((*b)[y][x] == 0) {
				charout(' ');
			} else {

	movecur(30, 16);

	if (alt_video_page) {
		alt_video_page = 0;
	} else {
		alt_video_page = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 void TestWrappedOutput::testBasicWrap_() {
     UserOutput user_soutput{new StringOutput};
     StringOutput& strout(*dynamic_cast<StringOutput*>(user_soutput.get()));
     UserOutput user_output{new WrappedOutput{user_soutput}};
     WrappedOutput& wrout(*dynamic_cast<WrappedOutput*>(user_output.get()));
     string utterance = "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.";
     string result = strout.getOutput();
     out() << result;
     istringstream istr(result);
     string line;
     deque<string> lines;
     while (getline(istr, line)) {
         ARCHETYPE_TEST(line.size() <= 10);
     ARCHETYPE_TEST(lines.size() > 1);
     // Paste it back together and make sure it matches the original
     ostringstream back_out;
     copy(lines.begin(), lines.end(), ostream_iterator<string>(back_out, " "));
     string back_out_s = back_out.str();
     back_out_s.resize(back_out_s.size() - 1);
     ARCHETYPE_TEST_EQUAL(back_out_s, utterance);
     out() << "TestWrappedOutput finished." << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void    DegreeConverter::ToDMSString(double value, std::wstring& strDMS)
   double fD, fM, fS;
   ToDMS(value, &fD, &fM, &fS);

   std::wostringstream strout(std::wostringstream::out);
   strout << fD << "¡ã" << fM << "'" << fS << "\"";
   strDMS = strout.str();
Ejemplo n.º 4
CStr B64_decode(CStr strin)
	if (!strin.IsEmpty()) {
		CStr strout((int) strin.Length());
		int len = B64_decode(strin, strout.GetBuffer(), strin.Length());
		if (len < 0) len = 0;
		return strout.Grow(len);
	} else 
		return strin;
void DropBoxOperations::authorize(QDropbox* d){

    //TODO Gérer ce cas proprement
    QTextStream strout(stdout);
    QTextStream strin(stdin);
    //qDebug() << " Authorisation URL: " << d->authorizeLink().toString() ;
    //strout << "Press ENTER after you authorized the application!";
    //strout << endl;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void display(void)
  char *ptr, *ft="Outline font";

  glColor3f( 1.,0.,0. );            // 赤はビットマップフォント
  strout( -0.4,0.3,"Bitmap font" );

  glColor3f( 0.,0.,1. );            // 青はアウトラインフォント
  glTranslatef( -0.4,-0.4,0. );
  ptr = ft;
  glFlush();                        // 画面に出力
Ejemplo n.º 7
int newrecv(int fd,char *buff,int size,int flag) {

    int i,k;

            strout("\r\n\r\nServer close!\r\n");

    if(xordatabegin==1) {
        for(i=0; i<k; ++i) {
            buff[i]^=lockcharvar;   // DATAXORCODE;

    else {
        if(k>0) {
            if(strstr(buff,"XORDATA")!=0) {
                for(i=strstr(buff,"\r\nok!!\r\n")-buff+8; i<k; ++i)
                    buff[i]^=lockcharvar;   // DATAXORCODE;


Ejemplo n.º 8
int main()
	int key;



	movecur(15, 9 + brd_h * 2);
	strout("Game Over! Press ESCAPE to exit or ENTER to play again.");

	do {
		key = os_wait_for_key();
	} while (key != ESC_KEY && key != ENTER_KEY);

	if (key == ENTER_KEY) goto play_again;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void  getvar(int argc, char **argv)
	unsigned int i;
	WSADATA wsaData;
    int result;
    struct  sockaddr_in s_in;
    struct  hostent *he;
    int     fd;
    u_short port=WEBPORT;
	SOCKET  d_ip;

	   if(*(char *)(exp_name+i)=='\\')

	for ( i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
         * 同时支持-和/两种引入命令行参数的方式
        if ( ( argv[i][0] == '-' ) || ( argv[i][0] == '/' ) )
             * 在这个字节上,大小写不敏感
            switch ( tolower( argv[i][1] ) )
            case 's':
                 * 服务地址
                server = argv[++i];

            case 'p':
                 * 服务端口
                s_port = argv[++i];
            case 'c':
                 * 回联地址
                callback_address   = argv[++i];
            case 'o':
                 * 回联端口
                callback_port          = argv[++i];
			case 'u':
                 * 网页文件连接
                urlfile                 = argv[++i];
			case 'f':
                 * 文件名
                file                 = argv[++i];

            case 'v':
                 * 系统版本
                version                 = argv[++i];
            case 't':
                 * 溢出点偏移
                offsetstr               = argv[++i];
				if(offsetstr!=NULL)   offset=atoi(offsetstr);

            case 'r':
                 * 代理地址
                proxy                   = argv[++i];
            case 'd':
                 * DOS命令
                doscmd                   = argv[++i];
			case 'h':
            case '?':
                usage( argv[0] );
            }  /* end of switch */
            usage( argv[0] );
    }  /* end of for */

	if(server==NULL) usage( argv[0] );

	result= WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1, 1), &wsaData);
    if (result != 0) {
		strout("Your computer was not connected "
			"to the Internet at the time that "
			"this program was launched, or you "
			"do not have a 32-bit "
			"connection to the Internet.");

       d_ip = inet_addr(callback_address);
          he = gethostbyname(callback_address);
            WSACleanup( );
	        outprintf("\r\nCan't get the ip of %s !\r\n",server);
	      else    memcpy(&d_ip, he->h_addr, 4);

       if(callback_port!=NULL) port=atoi(callback_port);
       if(port==0) port=CALLBACK_PORT;

       fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM,0);
  setsockopt(fd,SOL_SOCKET,SO_RCVTIMEO,(const char *) &i,sizeof(i));
       s_in.sin_family = AF_INET;
       s_in.sin_port = htons(port);
       s_in.sin_addr.s_addr = d_ip;
       if(connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&s_in, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))!=0)
	      WSACleanup( );
	      outprintf("\r\nConnect %s err!\r\n",callback_address);
	   else  callback_socket=fd;

        if(server[i]!=' ')    break;
     if(i<strlen(server)) server+=i;

	  if(server[i-1]=='\\'||server[i-1]=='/') server[i-1]=0;
  if(proxy!=NULL) d_ip=inet_addr(proxy);
  else            d_ip = inet_addr(server);
     if(proxy!=NULL) he = gethostbyname(proxy);
     else            he = gethostbyname(server);
       WSACleanup( );
	   outprintf("\r\nCan't get the ip of %s !\r\n",server);
	 else    memcpy(&d_ip, he->h_addr, 4);
       if(s_port!=NULL) port=atoi(s_port);
       if(port<=0) port=WEBPORT;

       fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM,0);
  setsockopt(fd,SOL_SOCKET,SO_RCVTIMEO,(const char *) &i,sizeof(i));
       s_in.sin_family = AF_INET;
       s_in.sin_port = htons(port);
       s_in.sin_addr.s_addr = d_ip;
       if(connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&s_in, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))!=0)
	      WSACleanup( );
	      outprintf("\r\nConnect %s err!\r\n",server);
	   else  server_socket=fd;

Ejemplo n.º 10
interface (
    int nvtxs,		/* number of vertices in full graph */
    int *start,		/* start of edge list for each vertex */
    int *adjacency,		/* edge list data */
    int *vwgts,		/* weights for all vertices */
    float *ewgts,		/* weights for all edges */
    float *x,
    float *y,
    float *z,		/* coordinates for inertial method */
    char *outassignname,	/* name of assignment output file */
    char *outfilename,		/* output file name */
    int *assignment,		/* set number of each vtx (length n) */
    int architecture,		/* 0 => hypercube, d => d-dimensional mesh */
    int ndims_tot,		/* total number of cube dimensions to divide */
    int mesh_dims[3],		/* dimensions of mesh of processors */
    double *goal,			/* desired set sizes for each set */
    int global_method,	/* global partitioning algorithm */
    int local_method,		/* local partitioning algorithm */
    int rqi_flag,		/* should I use RQI/Symmlq eigensolver? */
    int vmax,			/* how many vertices to coarsen down to? */
    int ndims,		/* number of eigenvectors (2^d sets) */
    double eigtol,		/* tolerance on eigenvectors */
    long seed			/* for random graph mutations */
    extern char *PARAMS_FILENAME;	/* name of file with parameter updates */
    extern int MAKE_VWGTS;	/* make vertex weights equal to degrees? */
    extern int MATCH_TYPE;      /* matching routine to use */
    extern int FREE_GRAPH;	/* free graph data structure after reformat? */
    extern int DEBUG_PARAMS;	/* debug flag for reading parameters */
    extern int DEBUG_TRACE;	/* trace main execution path */
    extern double start_time;	/* time routine is entered */
    extern double reformat_time;/* time spent reformatting graph */
    FILE     *params_file=NULL;	/* file for reading new parameters */
    struct vtx_data **graph;	/* graph data structure */
    double    vwgt_sum;		/* sum of vertex weights */
    double    time;		/* timing variable */
    float   **coords;		/* coordinates for vertices if used */
    int      *vptr;		/* loops through vertex weights */
    int       flag;		/* return code from balance */
    int       nedges;		/* number of edges in graph */
    int       using_vwgts;	/* are vertex weights being used? */
    int       using_ewgts;	/* are edge weights being used? */
    int       nsets_tot=0;	/* total number of sets being created */
    int       igeom;		/* geometric dimension for inertial method */
    int       default_goal;	/* using default goals? */
    int       i;		/* loop counter */
    double    seconds();
    int       reformat();
    void      free_graph(), read_params(), strout();

    if (DEBUG_TRACE > 0) {
	printf("<Entering interface>\n");

    flag = 0;
    graph = NULL;
    coords = NULL;

    if (!Using_Main) {		/* If not using main, need to read parameters file. */
	start_time = seconds();
	params_file = fopen(PARAMS_FILENAME, "r");
	if (params_file == NULL && DEBUG_PARAMS > 1) {
	    printf("Parameter file `%s' not found; using default parameters.\n",

    if (goal == NULL) {	/* If not passed in, default goals have equal set sizes. */
	default_goal = TRUE;
	if (architecture == 0)
	    nsets_tot = 1 << ndims_tot;
	else if (architecture == 1) 
	    nsets_tot = mesh_dims[0];
	else if (architecture == 2) 
	    nsets_tot = mesh_dims[0] * mesh_dims[1];
	else if (architecture > 2) 
	    nsets_tot = mesh_dims[0] * mesh_dims[1] * mesh_dims[2];

	if (MAKE_VWGTS && start != NULL) {
	    vwgt_sum = start[nvtxs] - start[0] + nvtxs;
	else if (vwgts == NULL) {
	    vwgt_sum = nvtxs;
	else {
	    vwgt_sum = 0;
	    vptr = vwgts;
	    for (i = nvtxs; i; i--)
		vwgt_sum += *(vptr++);

	vwgt_sum /= nsets_tot;
	goal = smalloc_ret(nsets_tot * sizeof(double));
	if (goal == NULL) {
	    strout("\nERROR: No room to make goals.\n");
	    flag = 1;
	    goto skip;
	for (i = 0; i < nsets_tot; i++)
	    goal[i] = vwgt_sum;
    else {
	default_goal = FALSE;

    if (MAKE_VWGTS) {
	/* Generate vertex weights equal to degree of node. */
	if (vwgts != NULL) {
	    strout("WARNING: Vertex weights being overwritten by vertex degrees.");
	vwgts = smalloc_ret(nvtxs * sizeof(int));
	if (vwgts == NULL) {
	    strout("\nERROR: No room to make vertex weights.\n");
	    flag = 1;
	    goto skip;
	if (start != NULL) {
	    for (i = 0; i < nvtxs; i++)
	        vwgts[i] = 1 + start[i + 1] - start[i];
	else {
	    for (i = 0; i < nvtxs; i++)
	        vwgts[i] = 1;

    using_vwgts = (vwgts != NULL);
    using_ewgts = (ewgts != NULL);

    if (start != NULL || vwgts != NULL) {	/* Reformat into our data structure. */
	time = seconds();
	flag = reformat(start, adjacency, nvtxs, &nedges, vwgts, ewgts, &graph);

	if (flag) {
	    strout("\nERROR: No room to reformat graph.\n");
	    goto skip;

	reformat_time += seconds() - time;
    else {
	nedges = 0;

    if (FREE_GRAPH) {		/* Free old graph data structures. */
	if (vwgts != NULL)
	if (ewgts != NULL)
	start = NULL;
	adjacency = NULL;
	vwgts = NULL;
	ewgts = NULL;

    if (global_method == 3 ||
        (MATCH_TYPE == 5 && (global_method == 1 || 
			     (global_method == 2 && rqi_flag)))) {
	if (x == NULL) {
	    igeom = 0;
	else {			/* Set up coordinate data structure. */
	    coords = smalloc_ret(3 * sizeof(float *));
	    if (coords == NULL) {
		strout("\nERROR: No room to make coordinate array.\n");
		flag = 1;
		goto skip;
	    /* Minus 1's are to allow remainder of program to index with 1. */
	    coords[0] = x - 1;
	    igeom = 1;
	    if (y != NULL) {
		coords[1] = y - 1;
		igeom = 2;
		if (z != NULL) {
		    coords[2] = z - 1;
		    igeom = 3;
    else {
	igeom = 0;

    /* Subtract from assignment to allow code to index from 1. */
    assignment = assignment - 1;
    flag = submain(graph, nvtxs, nedges, using_vwgts, using_ewgts, igeom, coords,
		   outassignname, outfilename,
		   assignment, goal,
		   architecture, ndims_tot, mesh_dims,
		   global_method, local_method, rqi_flag, vmax, ndims,
		   eigtol, seed);

    if (coords != NULL)

    if (default_goal)

    if (graph != NULL)

    if (flag && FREE_GRAPH) {

    if (!Using_Main && params_file != NULL)

    return (flag);
Ejemplo n.º 11
/* Greedily increase the number of internal vtxs in each set. */
force_internal (
    struct vtx_data **graph,	/* graph data structure */
    int nvtxs,		/* number of vertices in graph */
    int using_ewgts,		/* are edge weights being used? */
    int *assign,		/* current assignment */
    double *goal,			/* desired set sizes */
    int nsets_tot,		/* total number of sets */
    int npasses_max		/* number of passes to make */
    extern int DEBUG_TRACE;	/* trace main execution path? */
    extern int DEBUG_INTERNAL;	/* turn on debugging code here? */
    struct bidint *prev;	/* back pointer for setting up lists */
    struct bidint *int_list = NULL;	/* internal vwgt in each set */
    struct bidint *vtx_elems = NULL;	/* linked lists of vtxs in each set */
    struct bidint *set_list = NULL;	/* headers for vtx_elems lists */
    double   *internal_vwgt = NULL;	/* total internal vwgt in each set */
    int      *total_vwgt = NULL;	/* total vertex weight in each set */
    int      *indices = NULL;	/* orders sets by internal vwgt */
    int    *locked = NULL;	/* is vertex allowed to switch sets? */
    int       internal;		/* is a vertex internal or not? */
    int      *space = NULL;	/* space for mergesort */
    int       npasses;		/* number of callse to improve_internal */
    int       nlocked;		/* number of vertices that can't move */
    int     set, set2;	/* sets two vertices belong to */
    int       any_change;	/* did pass improve # internal vtxs? */
    int       niter;		/* counts calls to improve_internal */
    int       vwgt_max;		/* largest vertex weight in graph */
    int       progress;		/* am I improving # internal vertices? */
    int       error;		/* out of space? */
    int       size;		/* array spacing */
    int       i, j;		/* loop counters */
    int       improve_internal();
    void      mergesort(), check_internal(), strout();

    error = 1;

    /* For each set, compute the total weight of internal vertices. */

    if (DEBUG_TRACE > 0) {
	printf("<Entering force_internal>\n");

    indices = smalloc_ret(nsets_tot * sizeof(int));
    internal_vwgt = smalloc_ret(nsets_tot * sizeof(double));
    total_vwgt = smalloc_ret(nsets_tot * sizeof(int));
    if (indices == NULL || internal_vwgt == NULL || total_vwgt == NULL) goto skip;

    for (set=0; set < nsets_tot; set++) {
       total_vwgt[set] = internal_vwgt[set] = 0;
       indices[set] = set;

    vwgt_max = 0;
    for (i=1; i<=nvtxs; i++) {
        internal = TRUE;
        set = assign[i];
	for (j = 1; j < graph[i]->nedges && internal; j++) {
	    set2 = assign[graph[i]->edges[j]];
	    internal = (set2 == set);

	total_vwgt[set] += graph[i]->vwgt;
	if (internal) {
	    internal_vwgt[set] += graph[i]->vwgt;
	if (graph[i]->vwgt > vwgt_max) {
	    vwgt_max = graph[i]->vwgt;

    /* Now sort all the internal_vwgt values. */
    space = smalloc_ret(nsets_tot * sizeof(int));
    if (space == NULL) goto skip;
    mergesort(internal_vwgt, nsets_tot, indices, space);
    space = NULL;

    /* Now construct a doubly linked list of sorted, internal_vwgt values. */
    int_list = smalloc_ret((nsets_tot + 1) * sizeof(struct bidint));
    if (int_list == NULL) goto skip;

    prev = &(int_list[nsets_tot]);
    prev->prev = NULL;
    for (i = 0; i < nsets_tot; i++) {
	set = indices[i];
	int_list[set].prev = prev;
	int_list[set].val = internal_vwgt[set];
	prev->next = &(int_list[set]);
	prev = &(int_list[set]);
    prev->next = NULL;
    int_list[nsets_tot].val = -1;

    internal_vwgt = NULL;
    indices = NULL;

    /* Set up convenient data structure for navigating through sets. */
    set_list = smalloc_ret(nsets_tot * sizeof(struct bidint));
    vtx_elems = smalloc_ret((nvtxs + 1) * sizeof(struct bidint));
    if (set_list == NULL || vtx_elems == NULL) goto skip;

    for (i = 0; i < nsets_tot; i++) {
	set_list[i].next = NULL;

    for (i = 1; i <= nvtxs; i++) {
	set = assign[i];
	vtx_elems[i].next = set_list[set].next;
	if (vtx_elems[i].next != NULL) {
	    vtx_elems[i].next->prev = &(vtx_elems[i]);
	vtx_elems[i].prev = &(set_list[set]);
	set_list[set].next = &(vtx_elems[i]);

    locked = smalloc_ret((nvtxs + 1) * sizeof(int));
    if (locked == NULL) goto skip;

    nlocked = 0;
    size = (int) (&(int_list[1]) - &(int_list[0]));

    any_change = TRUE;
    npasses = 1;
    while (any_change && npasses <= npasses_max) {
        for (i = 1; i <= nvtxs; i++) {
	    locked[i] = FALSE;

        /* Now select top guy off the list and improve him. */
	any_change = FALSE;
        progress = TRUE;
	niter = 1;
        while (progress) {
	    prev = int_list[nsets_tot].next;
	    set = ((int) (prev - int_list)) / size;

	    if (DEBUG_INTERNAL > 0) {
	        printf("Before iteration %d, nlocked = %d, int[%d] = %d\n",
	            niter, nlocked, set, prev->val);
	    if (DEBUG_INTERNAL > 1) {
	        check_internal(graph, nvtxs, int_list, set_list, vtx_elems, total_vwgt,
	            assign, nsets_tot);

	    progress = improve_internal(graph, nvtxs, assign, goal, int_list, set_list,
	         vtx_elems, set, locked, &nlocked, using_ewgts, vwgt_max, total_vwgt);
	    if (progress) any_change = TRUE;
    error = 0;


    if (error) {
	strout("\nWARNING: No space to increase internal vertices.");

lanczos_ext_float (
    struct vtx_data **A,		/* sparse matrix in row linked list format */
    int n,			/* problem size */
    int d,			/* problem dimension = number of eigvecs to find */
    double **y,			/* columns of y are eigenvectors of A  */
    double eigtol,		/* tolerance on eigenvectors */
    double *vwsqrt,		/* square roots of vertex weights */
    double maxdeg,		/* maximum degree of graph */
    int version,		/* flags which version of sel. orth. to use */
    double *gvec,		/* the rhs n-vector in the extended eigen problem */
    double sigma		/* specifies the norm constraint on extended
				   eigenvector */
    extern FILE *Output_File;		/* output file or null */
    extern int LANCZOS_SO_INTERVAL;	/* interval between orthogonalizations */
    extern int LANCZOS_MAXITNS;         /* maximum Lanczos iterations allowed */
    extern int DEBUG_EVECS;		/* print debugging output? */
    extern int DEBUG_TRACE;		/* trace main execution path */
    extern int WARNING_EVECS;		/* print warning messages? */
    extern double BISECTION_SAFETY;	/* safety factor for T bisection */
    extern double SRESTOL;		/* resid tol for T evec comp */
    extern double DOUBLE_EPSILON;	/* machine precision */
    extern double DOUBLE_MAX;		/* largest double value */
    extern double splarax_time; /* time matvec */
    extern double orthog_time;  /* time orthogonalization work */
    extern double evec_time;    /* time to generate eigenvectors */
    extern double ql_time;      /* time tridiagonal eigenvalue work */
    extern double blas_time;    /* time for blas. linear algebra */
    extern double init_time;    /* time to allocate, intialize variables */
    extern double scan_time;    /* time for scanning eval and bound lists */
    extern double debug_time;   /* time for (some of) debug computations */
    extern double ritz_time;    /* time to generate ritz vectors */
    extern double pause_time;   /* time to compute whether to pause */
    int       i, j, k;		/* indicies */
    int       maxj;		/* maximum number of Lanczos iterations */
    float    *u, *r;		/* Lanczos vectors */
    double   *u_double;		/* double version of u */
    double   *alpha, *beta;	/* the Lanczos scalars from each step */
    double   *ritz;		/* copy of alpha for ql */
    double   *workj;		/* work vector, e.g. copy of beta for ql */
    float    *workn;		/* work vector, e.g. product Av for checkeig */
    double   *workn_double;	/* work vector, e.g. product Av for checkeig */
    double   *s;		/* eigenvector of T */
    float   **q;		/* columns of q are Lanczos basis vectors */
    double   *bj;		/* beta(j)*(last el. of corr. eigvec s of T) */
    double    bis_safety;	/* real safety factor for T bisection */
    double    Sres;		/* how well Tevec calculated eigvec s */
    double    Sres_max;		/* Max value of Sres */
    int       inc_bis_safety;	/* need to increase bisection safety */
    double   *Ares;		/* how well Lanczos calc. eigpair lambda,y */
    int      *index;		/* the Ritz index of an eigenpair */
    struct orthlink_float **solist;	/* vec. of structs with vecs. to orthog. against */
    struct scanlink *scanlist;		/* linked list of fields to do with min ritz vals */
    struct scanlink *curlnk;		/* for traversing the scanlist */
    double    bji_tol;		/* tol on bji est. of eigen residual of A */
    int       converged;	/* has the iteration converged? */
    double    goodtol;		/* error tolerance for a good Ritz vector */
    int       ngood;		/* total number of good Ritz pairs at current step */
    int       maxngood;		/* biggest val of ngood through current step */
    int       left_ngood;	/* number of good Ritz pairs on left end */
    int       lastpause;	/* Most recent step with good ritz vecs */
    int       nopauses;		/* Have there been any pauses? */
    int       interval;		/* number of steps between pauses */
    double    time;             /* Current clock time */
    int       left_goodlim;	/* number of ritz pairs checked on left end */
    double    Anorm;		/* Norm estimate of the Laplacian matrix */
    int       pausemode;	/* which Lanczos pausing criterion to use */
    int       pause;		/* whether to pause */
    int       temp;		/* used to prevent redundant index computations */
    double   *extvec;		/* n-vector solving the extended A eigenproblem */
    double   *v;		/* j-vector solving the extended T eigenproblem */
    double    extval=0.0;	/* computed extended eigenvalue (of both A and T) */
    double   *work1, *work2;    /* work vectors */
    double    check;		/* to check an orthogonality condition */
    double    numerical_zero;	/* used for zero in presense of round-off  */
    int       ritzval_flag;	/* status flag for get_ritzvals() */
    double    resid;		/* residual */
    int       memory_ok;	/* TRUE until memory runs out */
    float    *vwsqrt_float = NULL;     /* float version of vwsqrt */

    struct orthlink_float *makeorthlnk_float();	/* makes space for new entry in orthog. set */
    struct scanlink *mkscanlist();		/* init scan list for min ritz vecs */
    double   *mkvec();			/* allocates space for a vector */
    float    *mkvec_float();		/* allocates space for a vector */
    float    *mkvec_ret_float();	/* mkvec() which returns error code */
    double    dot_float();		/* standard dot product routine */
    double    ch_norm();			/* vector norm */
    double    norm_float();		/* vector norm */
    double    Tevec();			/* calc eigenvector of T by linear recurrence */
    double    lanc_seconds();   	/* switcheable timer */
          	/* free allocated memory safely */
    int       lanpause_float();      	/* figure when to pause Lanczos iteration */
    int       get_ritzvals();   	/* compute eigenvalues of T */
    void      setvec();         	/* initialize a vector */
    void      setvec_float();         	/* initialize a vector */
    void      vecscale_float();     	/* scale a vector */
    void      splarax();        	/* matrix vector multiply */
    void      splarax_float();        	/* matrix vector multiply */
    void      update_float();         	/* add scalar multiple of a vector to another */
    void      sorthog_float();        	/* orthogonalize vector against list of others */
    void      bail();           	/* our exit routine */
    void      scanmin();        	/* store small values of vector in linked list */
    void      frvec();         		/* free vector */
    void      frvec_float();          	/* free vector */
    void      scadd();          	/* add scalar multiple of vector to another */
    void      scadd_float();          	/* add scalar multiple of vector to another */
    void      scadd_mixed();          	/* add scalar multiple of vector to another */
    void      orthog1_float();        	/* efficiently orthog. against vector of ones */
    void      solistout_float();      	/* print out orthogonalization list */
    void      doubleout();      	/* print a double precision number */
    void      orthogvec_float();      	/* orthogonalize one vector against another */
    void      double_to_float();	/* copy a double vector to a float vector */
    void      get_extval();		/* find extended Ritz values */
    void      scale_diag();		/* scale vector by diagonal matrix */
    void      scale_diag_float();	/* scale vector by diagonal matrix */
    void      strout();			/* print string to screen and file */

    if (DEBUG_TRACE > 0) {
	printf("<Entering lanczos_ext_float>\n");

    if (DEBUG_EVECS > 0) {
	printf("Selective orthogonalization Lanczos for extended eigenproblem, matrix size = %d.\n", n);

    /* Initialize time. */
    time = lanc_seconds();

    if (d != 1) {
	bail("ERROR: Extended Lanczos only available for bisection.",1);
        /* ... something must be wrong upstream. */

    if (n < d + 1) {
	bail("ERROR: System too small for number of eigenvalues requested.",1);
	/* ... d+1 since don't use zero eigenvalue pair */

    /* Allocate space. */
    u = mkvec_float(1, n);
    u_double = mkvec(1, n);
    r = mkvec_float(1, n);
    workn = mkvec_float(1, n);
    workn_double = mkvec(1, n);
    Ares = mkvec(0, d);
    index = smalloc((d + 1) * sizeof(int));
    alpha = mkvec(1, maxj);
    beta = mkvec(0, maxj);
    ritz = mkvec(1, maxj);
    s = mkvec(1, maxj);
    bj = mkvec(1, maxj);
    workj = mkvec(0, maxj);
    q = smalloc((maxj + 1) * sizeof(float *));
    solist = smalloc((maxj + 1) * sizeof(struct orthlink_float *));
    scanlist = mkscanlist(d);
    extvec = mkvec(1, n);
    v = mkvec(1, maxj);
    work1 = mkvec(1, maxj);
    work2 = mkvec(1, maxj);

    /* Set some constants governing orthogonalization */
    ngood = 0;
    maxngood = 0;
    bji_tol = eigtol;
    Anorm = 2 * maxdeg;				/* Gershgorin estimate for ||A|| */
    goodtol = Anorm * sqrt(DOUBLE_EPSILON);	/* Parlett & Scott's bound, p.224 */
    interval = 2 + (int) min(LANCZOS_SO_INTERVAL - 2, n / (2 * LANCZOS_SO_INTERVAL));
    bis_safety = BISECTION_SAFETY;
    numerical_zero = 1.0e-6;

    if (DEBUG_EVECS > 0) {
	printf("  maxdeg %g\n", maxdeg);
	printf("  goodtol %g\n", goodtol);
	printf("  interval %d\n", interval);
        printf("  maxj %d\n", maxj);

    /* Make a float copy of vwsqrt */
    if (vwsqrt != NULL) {
      vwsqrt_float = mkvec_float(0,n);

    /* Initialize space. */
    if (vwsqrt_float != NULL) {
    check = norm_float(r,1,n);
    if (vwsqrt_float == NULL) {
	orthog1_float(r, 1, n);
    else { 
	orthogvec_float(r, 1, n, vwsqrt_float);
    check = fabs(check - norm_float(r,1,n));
    if (check > 10*numerical_zero && WARNING_EVECS > 0) {
	strout("WARNING: In terminal propagation, rhs should have no component in the"); 
        printf("         nullspace of the Laplacian, so check val %g should be zero.\n", check); 
	if (Output_File != NULL) {
		"         nullspace of the Laplacian, so check val %g should be zero.\n",
    beta[0] = norm_float(r, 1, n);
    q[0] = mkvec_float(1, n);
    setvec_float(q[0], 1, n, 0.0);
    setvec(bj, 1, maxj, DOUBLE_MAX);

    if (beta[0] < numerical_zero) {
     /* The rhs vector, Dg, of the transformed problem is numerically zero or is
	in the null space of the Laplacian, so this is not a well posed extended
	eigenproblem. Set maxj to zero to force a quick exit but still clean-up
	memory and return(1) to indicate to eigensolve that it should call the
	default eigensolver routine for the standard eigenproblem. */
	maxj = 0;
    /* Main Lanczos loop. */
    j = 1;
    lastpause = 0;
    pausemode = 1;
    left_ngood = 0;
    left_goodlim = 0;
    converged = FALSE;
    Sres_max = 0.0;
    inc_bis_safety = FALSE;
    nopauses = TRUE;
    memory_ok = TRUE;
    init_time += lanc_seconds() - time;
    while ((j <= maxj) && (!converged) && memory_ok) {
        time = lanc_seconds();

	/* Allocate next Lanczos vector. If fail, back up to last pause. */
	q[j] = mkvec_ret_float(1, n);
        if (q[j] == NULL) {
	    memory_ok = FALSE;
  	    if (DEBUG_EVECS > 0 || WARNING_EVECS > 0) {
                strout("WARNING: Lanczos_ext out of memory; computing best approximation available.\n");
	    if (nopauses) {
	        bail("ERROR: Sorry, can't salvage Lanczos_ext.",1); 
  	        /* ... save yourselves, men.  */
    	    for (i = lastpause+1; i <= j-1; i++) {
	        frvec_float(q[i], 1);
            j = lastpause;

        /* Basic Lanczos iteration */
	vecscale_float(q[j], 1, n, (float)(1.0 / beta[j - 1]), r);
        blas_time += lanc_seconds() - time;
        time = lanc_seconds(); 
	splarax_float(u, A, n, q[j], vwsqrt_float, workn);
        splarax_time += lanc_seconds() - time;
        time = lanc_seconds();
	update_float(r, 1, n, u, (float)(-beta[j - 1]), q[j - 1]);
	alpha[j] = dot_float(r, 1, n, q[j]);
	update_float(r, 1, n, r, (float)(-alpha[j]), q[j]);
        blas_time += lanc_seconds() - time;

        /* Selective orthogonalization */
        time = lanc_seconds();
	if (vwsqrt_float == NULL) {
	    orthog1_float(r, 1, n);
	else {
	    orthogvec_float(r, 1, n, vwsqrt_float);
	if ((j == (lastpause + 1)) || (j == (lastpause + 2))) {
	    sorthog_float(r, n, solist, ngood);
        orthog_time += lanc_seconds() - time;
	beta[j] = norm_float(r, 1, n);
        time = lanc_seconds();
	pause = lanpause_float(j, lastpause, interval, q, n, &pausemode, version, beta[j]);
        pause_time += lanc_seconds() - time;
	if (pause) {
	    nopauses = FALSE;
	    lastpause = j;

	    /* Compute limits for checking Ritz pair convergence. */
	    if (version == 2) {
		if (left_ngood + 2 > left_goodlim) {
		    left_goodlim = left_ngood + 2;

	    /* Special case: need at least d Ritz vals on left. */
	    left_goodlim = max(left_goodlim, d);

	    /* Special case: can't find more than j total Ritz vals. */
	    if (left_goodlim > j) {
		left_goodlim = min(left_goodlim, j);

	    /* Find Ritz vals using faster of Sturm bisection or ql. */
            time = lanc_seconds();
	    if (inc_bis_safety) {
		bis_safety *= 10;
		inc_bis_safety = FALSE;
	    ritzval_flag = get_ritzvals(alpha, beta, j, Anorm, workj, ritz, d,
			 left_goodlim, 0, eigtol, bis_safety);
            ql_time += lanc_seconds() - time;

	    if (ritzval_flag != 0) {
                bail("ERROR: Lanczos_ext failed in computing eigenvalues of T.",1);
		/* ... we recover from this in lanczos_SO, but don't worry here. */ 

	    /* Scan for minimum evals of tridiagonal. */
            time = lanc_seconds();
	    scanmin(ritz, 1, j, &scanlist);
            scan_time += lanc_seconds() - time;

	    /* Compute Ritz pair bounds at left end. */
            time = lanc_seconds();
	    setvec(bj, 1, j, 0.0);
	    for (i = 1; i <= left_goodlim; i++) {
		Sres = Tevec(alpha, beta - 1, j, ritz[i], s);
		if (Sres > Sres_max) {
		    Sres_max = Sres;
		if (Sres > SRESTOL) {
		    inc_bis_safety = TRUE;
		bj[i] = s[j] * beta[j];
            ritz_time += lanc_seconds() - time;

	    /* Show the portion of the spectrum checked for convergence. */
	    if (DEBUG_EVECS > 2) {
                time = lanc_seconds();
		printf("\nindex         Ritz vals            bji bounds\n");
		for (i = 1; i <= left_goodlim; i++) {
		    printf("  %3d", i);
		    doubleout(ritz[i], 1);
		    doubleout(bj[i], 1);
		curlnk = scanlist;
		while (curlnk != NULL) {
		    temp = curlnk->indx;
		    if ((temp > left_goodlim) && (temp < j)) {
			printf("  %3d", temp);
			doubleout(ritz[temp], 1);
			doubleout(bj[temp], 1);
		    curlnk = curlnk->pntr;
		printf("                            -------------------\n");
		printf("                goodtol:    %19.16f\n\n", goodtol);
                debug_time += lanc_seconds() - time;

	    get_extval(alpha, beta, j, ritz[1], s, eigtol, beta[0], sigma, &extval,
		v, work1, work2);

	    /* check convergence of Ritz pairs */
            time = lanc_seconds();
	    converged = TRUE;
	    if (j < d)
		converged = FALSE;
	    else {
		curlnk = scanlist;
		while (curlnk != NULL) {
		    if (bj[curlnk->indx] > bji_tol) {
			converged = FALSE;
		    curlnk = curlnk->pntr;
            scan_time += lanc_seconds() - time;

	    if (!converged) {
		ngood = 0;
		left_ngood = 0;	/* for setting left_goodlim on next loop */

		/* Compute converged Ritz pairs on left end */
                time = lanc_seconds();
		for (i = 1; i <= left_goodlim; i++) {
		    if (bj[i] <= goodtol) {
			ngood += 1;
			left_ngood += 1;
			if (ngood > maxngood) {
			    maxngood = ngood;
			    solist[ngood] = makeorthlnk_float();
			    (solist[ngood])->vec = mkvec_float(1, n);
			(solist[ngood])->index = i;
			Sres = Tevec(alpha, beta - 1, j, ritz[i], s);
			if (Sres > Sres_max) {
			    Sres_max = Sres;
			if (Sres > SRESTOL) {
			    inc_bis_safety = TRUE;
			setvec_float((solist[ngood])->vec, 1, n, 0.0);
			for (k = 1; k <= j; k++) {
			    scadd_float((solist[ngood])->vec, 1, n, s[k], q[k]);
                ritz_time += lanc_seconds() - time;

		if (DEBUG_EVECS > 2) {
                    time = lanc_seconds();
		    printf("  j %3d; goodlim lft %2d, rgt %2d; list ",
			   j, left_goodlim, 0);
		    solistout_float(solist, n, ngood, j);
                    printf("---------------------end of iteration---------------------\n\n");
                    debug_time += lanc_seconds() - time;

    if (DEBUG_EVECS > 0) {
        time = lanc_seconds();
	if (maxj == 0) {
	    printf("Not extended eigenproblem -- calling ordinary eigensolver.\n");
	else {
	    printf("  Lanczos_ext itns: %d\n",j);
	    printf("  eigenvalue: %g\n",ritz[1]);
	    printf("  extended eigenvalue: %g\n",extval);
       debug_time += lanc_seconds() - time;

    if (maxj != 0) {
        /* Compute (scaled) extended eigenvector. */
        time = lanc_seconds(); 
        setvec(y[1], 1, n, 0.0);
        for (k = 1; k <= j; k++) {
            scadd_mixed(y[1], 1, n, v[k], q[k]);
        evec_time += lanc_seconds() - time;
        /* Note: assign() will scale this y vector back to x (since y = Dx) */ 

       /* Compute and check residual directly. Use the Ay = extval*y + Dg version of
          the problem for convenience. Note that u and v are used here as workspace */ 
        time = lanc_seconds(); 
        splarax(workn_double, A, n, y[1], vwsqrt, u_double);
        scadd(workn_double, 1, n, -extval, y[1]);
        scadd(workn_double, 1, n, -1.0, gvec);
        resid = ch_norm(workn_double, 1, n);
        if (DEBUG_EVECS > 0) {
	    printf("  extended residual: %g\n",resid);
	    if (Output_File != NULL) {
	        fprintf(Output_File, "  extended residual: %g\n",resid);
	if (WARNING_EVECS > 0 && resid > eigtol) {
	    printf("WARNING: Extended residual (%g) greater than tolerance (%g).\n",
		resid, eigtol);
	    if (Output_File != NULL) {
		    "WARNING: Extended residual (%g) greater than tolerance (%g).\n",
		    resid, eigtol);
        debug_time += lanc_seconds() - time;

    /* free up memory */
    time = lanc_seconds();
    frvec_float(u, 1);
    frvec(u_double, 1);
    frvec_float(r, 1);
    frvec_float(workn, 1);
    frvec(workn_double, 1);
    frvec(Ares, 0);
    frvec(alpha, 1);
    frvec(beta, 0);
    frvec(ritz, 1);
    frvec(s, 1);
    frvec(bj, 1);
    frvec(workj, 0);
    for (i = 0; i <= j; i++) {
	frvec_float(q[i], 1);
    while (scanlist != NULL) {
	curlnk = scanlist->pntr;
	scanlist = curlnk;
    for (i = 1; i <= maxngood; i++) {
	frvec_float((solist[i])->vec, 1);
    frvec(extvec, 1);
    frvec(v, 1);
    frvec(work1, 1);
    frvec(work2, 1);
    if (vwsqrt != NULL)
      frvec_float(vwsqrt_float, 1);
    init_time += lanc_seconds() - time;

    if (maxj == 0) return(1);  /* see note on beta[0] and maxj above */
    else return(0);
Ejemplo n.º 13
CStr HEX_decode(CStr strin)
	CStr strout((int) strin.Length() / 2);
	HEX_decode(strin, strout.GetBuffer(), strin.Length());
	return strout;
Ejemplo n.º 14
CStr HEX_encode(CStr strin)
	CStr strout(strin.Length() * 2);
	HEX_encode(strin, strout.GetBuffer(), strin.Length());
	return strout;
Ejemplo n.º 15
CStr MD5_string(CStr strin)
	CStr strout(MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH);
	MD5_string(strin, strin.Length(), strout.GetBuffer());
	return strout;
Ejemplo n.º 16
CStr SHA1_string(CStr strin)
	SHA1_string(strin, strin.Length(), strout.GetBuffer());
	return strout;
Ejemplo n.º 17
submain (
    struct vtx_data **graph,	/* data structure for graph */
    int nvtxs,		/* number of vertices in full graph */
    int nedges,		/* number of edges in graph */
    int using_vwgts,		/* are vertex weights being used? */
    int using_ewgts,		/* are edge weights being used? */
    int igeom,		/* geometry dimension if using inertial method */
    float **coords,		/* coordinates of vertices if used */
    char *outassignname,	/* name of assignment output file */
    char *outfilename,		/* in which to print output metrics */
    int *assignment,		/* set number of each vtx (length n) */
    double *goal,			/* desired sizes for each set */
    int architecture,		/* 0=> hypercube, d=> d-dimensional mesh */
    int ndims_tot,		/* total number hypercube dimensions */
    int mesh_dims[3],		/* extent of mesh in 3 directions */
    int global_method,	/* global partitioning algorithm */
    int local_method,		/* local partitioning algorithm */
    int rqi_flag,		/* use RQI/Symmlq eigensolver? */
    int vmax,			/* if so, how many vtxs to coarsen down to */
    int ndims,		/* number of eigenvectors (2^d sets) */
    double eigtol,		/* tolerance on eigenvectors */
    long seed			/* for random graph mutations */
    extern int ECHO;		/* controls output to file or screen */
    extern int CHECK_INPUT;	/* should I check input for correctness? */
    extern int SEQUENCE;	/* just generate spectal ordering? */
    extern int OUTPUT_ASSIGN;	/* print assignment to a file? */
    extern int OUTPUT_METRICS;	/* controls formatting of output */
    extern int PERTURB;		/* perturb matrix if quad/octasection? */
    extern int NSQRTS;		/* number of square roots to precompute */
    extern int KL_METRIC;	/* KL interset cost: 1=>cuts, 2=>hops */
    extern int LANCZOS_TYPE;	/* type of Lanczos to use */
    extern int REFINE_MAP;	/* use greedy strategy to improve mapping? */
    extern int REFINE_PARTITION;/* number of calls to pairwise_refine to make */
    extern int VERTEX_COVER;	/* use matching to reduce vertex separator? */
    extern int CONNECTED_DOMAINS;	/* force subdomain connectivity at end? */
    extern int INTERNAL_VERTICES;	/* greedily increase internal vtxs? */
    extern int DEBUG_INTERNAL;		/* debug code about force_internal? */
    extern int DEBUG_REFINE_PART;	/* debug code about refine_part? */
    extern int DEBUG_REFINE_MAP;	/* debug code about refine_map? */
    extern int DEBUG_MACH_PARAMS;	/* print out computed machine params? */
    extern int DEBUG_TRACE;	/* trace main execution path */
    extern int PRINT_HEADERS;	/* print section headings for output? */
    extern int TIME_KERNELS;	/* benchmark some numerical kernels? */
    extern double start_time;	/* time code was entered */
    extern double total_time;	/* (almost) total time spent in code */
    extern double check_input_time;	/* time spent checking input */
    extern double partition_time;	/* time spent partitioning graph */
    extern double kernel_time;	/* time spent benchmarking kernels */
    extern double count_time;	/* time spent evaluating the answer */
    extern double print_assign_time;	/* time spent writing output file */
    FILE     *outfile;		/* output file */
    struct vtx_data **graph2;	/* data structure for graph */
    int     hop_mtx[MAXSETS][MAXSETS];	/* between-set hop cost for KL */
    double   *vwsqrt;		/* sqrt of vertex weights (length nvtxs+1) */
    double    time, time1;	/* timing variables */
    char     *graphname, *geomname;	/* names of input files */
    char     *inassignname;	/* name of assignment input file */
    int       old_nsqrts;	/* old value of NSQRTS */
    int       append;		/* append output to existing file? */
    int       nsets;		/* number of sets created by each divide */
    int       nsets_tot;	/* total number of sets */
    int       bits;		/* used in computing hops */
    int       flag;		/* return code from check_input */
    int       old_perturb=0;	/* saves original pertubation flag */
    int       i, j, k;		/* loop counters */
    double    seconds();
    void      setrandom(long int seed);
    int       check_input(), refine_part();
    void      connect_enforce();
    void      setrandom(), makevwsqrt(), balance(), countup();
    void      force_internal(), sequence(), reflect_input();
    void      machine_params(), assign_out(), refine_map();
    void      time_out(), time_kernels(), strout();

    if (DEBUG_TRACE > 0) {
	printf("<Entering submain>\n");

    /* First check all the input for consistency. */

    if (architecture == 1)
	mesh_dims[1] = mesh_dims[2] = 1;
    else if (architecture == 2)
	mesh_dims[2] = 1;
    /* Check for simple special case of 1 processor. */
    k = 0;
    if (architecture == 0)
      k = 1 << ndims_tot;
    else if (architecture > 0)
      k = mesh_dims[0] * mesh_dims[1] * mesh_dims[2];

    if (k == 1) {
	for (i = 1; i <= nvtxs; i++) assignment[i] = 0;

        if (OUTPUT_ASSIGN > 0 && outassignname != NULL) {
	    time1 = seconds();
	    assign_out(nvtxs, assignment, k, outassignname);
	    print_assign_time += seconds() - time1;

    graphname = Graph_File_Name;
    geomname = Geometry_File_Name;
    inassignname = Assign_In_File_Name;

    /* Turn of perturbation if using bisection */
    if (ndims == 1) {
        old_perturb = PERTURB;

    if (ECHO < 0 && outfilename != NULL) { /* Open output file */
	outfile = fopen(outfilename, "r");
	if (outfile != NULL) {
	    append = TRUE;
	else append = FALSE;
	outfile = fopen(outfilename, "a");
	if (append) {
	    fprintf(outfile, "\n------------------------------------------------\n\n");
    else {
	outfile = NULL;

    Output_File = outfile;

    if (outfile != NULL && PRINT_HEADERS) {
        fprintf(outfile, "\n                    Chaco 2.0\n");
        fprintf(outfile, "          Sandia National Laboratories\n\n");

    if (CHECK_INPUT) {		/* Check the input for inconsistencies. */
	time1 = seconds();

	flag = check_input(graph, nvtxs, nedges, igeom, coords,
			   graphname, assignment, goal,
			   architecture, ndims_tot, mesh_dims,
			   global_method, local_method, rqi_flag, &vmax, ndims,

	check_input_time += seconds() - time1;

	if (flag) {
	    strout("ERROR IN INPUT.\n");
	    return (1);

    if (ECHO != 0) {
	reflect_input(nvtxs, nedges, igeom, graphname, geomname,
		      inassignname, outassignname, outfilename,
		      architecture, ndims_tot, mesh_dims,
		      global_method, local_method, rqi_flag, vmax, ndims,
		      eigtol, seed, outfile);

    if (PRINT_HEADERS) {
        printf("\n\nStarting to partition ...\n\n");
	if (Output_File != NULL ) {
	    "\n\nStarting to partition ... (residual, warning and error messages only)\n\n");

    time = seconds();

    /* Perform some one-time initializations. */
    machine_params(&DOUBLE_EPSILON, &DOUBLE_MAX);

    if (DEBUG_MACH_PARAMS > 0) {
	printf("Machine parameters:\n");
	printf("  DOUBLE_MAX = %e\n", DOUBLE_MAX);

    nsets = (1 << ndims);

    old_nsqrts = NSQRTS;
    if (nvtxs < NSQRTS && !using_vwgts) {
	NSQRTS = nvtxs;
    SQRTS = smalloc_ret((NSQRTS + 1) * sizeof(double));
    if (SQRTS == NULL) {
	strout("ERROR: No space to allocate sqrts\n");
    for (i = 1; i <= NSQRTS; i++)
	SQRTS[i] = sqrt((double) i);

    if (using_vwgts && (global_method == 1 || global_method == 2)) {
	vwsqrt = smalloc_ret((nvtxs + 1) * sizeof(double));
	if (vwsqrt == NULL) {
	    strout("ERROR: No space to allocate vwsqrt\n");
	    NSQRTS = old_nsqrts;
	makevwsqrt(vwsqrt, graph, nvtxs);
	vwsqrt = NULL;

    if (TIME_KERNELS) {
	time1 = seconds();
	time_kernels(graph, nvtxs, vwsqrt);
	kernel_time += seconds() - time1;

    if (SEQUENCE) {
	sequence(graph, nvtxs, nedges, using_ewgts, vwsqrt,
		 LANCZOS_TYPE, rqi_flag, vmax, eigtol);
	goto End_Label;

    /* Initialize cost function for KL-spiff */
    if (global_method == 1 || local_method == 1) {
	for (i = 0; i < nsets; i++) {
	    hop_mtx[i][i] = 0;
	    for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
		if (KL_METRIC == 2) {	/* Count hypercube hops */
		    hop_mtx[i][j] = 0;
		    bits = i ^ j;
		    while (bits) {
			if (bits & 1) {
			bits >>= 1;
		else if (KL_METRIC == 1) {	/* Count cut edges */
		    hop_mtx[i][j] = 1;
		hop_mtx[j][i] = hop_mtx[i][j];
Ejemplo n.º 18
void refine_map(struct vtx_data **graph,        /* graph data structure */
                int               nvtxs,        /* number of vertices in graph */
                int               using_ewgts,  /* are edge weights being used? */
                int *             assign,       /* current assignment */
                int               cube_or_mesh, /* 0 => hypercube, d => d-dimensional mesh */
                int               ndims_tot,    /* if hypercube, number of dimensions */
                int               mesh_dims[3]  /* if mesh, dimensions of mesh */
  struct vtx_data **comm_graph;       /* graph for communication requirements */
  int               nsets_tot = 0;    /* total number of sets */
  int *             vtx2node  = NULL; /* mapping of comm_graph vtxs to processors */
  int *             node2vtx  = NULL; /* mapping of sets to comm_graph vtxs */
  double            maxdesire = 0.0;  /* largest possible desire to flip an edge */
  int               error     = 0;    /* out of space? */
  int               i;                /* loop counter */

  double find_maxdeg();
  void   free_graph(), strout();
  int    make_comm_graph(), refine_mesh(), refine_cube();

  if (cube_or_mesh == 0)
    nsets_tot = 1 << ndims_tot;
  else if (cube_or_mesh == 1)
    nsets_tot = mesh_dims[0];
  else if (cube_or_mesh == 2)
    nsets_tot = mesh_dims[0] * mesh_dims[1];
  else if (cube_or_mesh == 3)
    nsets_tot = mesh_dims[0] * mesh_dims[1] * mesh_dims[2];

  node2vtx = vtx2node = NULL;

  /* Construct the weighted quotient graph representing communication. */
  error = make_comm_graph(&comm_graph, graph, nvtxs, using_ewgts, assign, nsets_tot);

  if (!error) {
    maxdesire = 2 * find_maxdeg(comm_graph, nsets_tot, TRUE, (float *)NULL);

    vtx2node = smalloc_ret((nsets_tot + 1) * sizeof(int));
    node2vtx = smalloc_ret(nsets_tot * sizeof(int));
    if (node2vtx == NULL || vtx2node == NULL) {
      error = 1;
      goto skip;

    for (i = 1; i <= nsets_tot; i++) {
      vtx2node[i]     = (int)i - 1;
      node2vtx[i - 1] = (int)i;

    if (cube_or_mesh > 0) {
      error = refine_mesh(comm_graph, cube_or_mesh, mesh_dims, maxdesire, vtx2node, node2vtx);

    else if (cube_or_mesh == 0) {
      error = refine_cube(comm_graph, ndims_tot, maxdesire, vtx2node, node2vtx);

    if (!error) {
      for (i = 1; i <= nvtxs; i++) {
        assign[i] = vtx2node[assign[i] + 1];


  if (error) {
    strout("\nWARNING: No space to refine mapping to processors.");
    strout("         NO MAPPING REFINEMENT PERFORMED.\n");

Ejemplo n.º 19
rqi (
    struct vtx_data **A,		/* matrix/graph being analyzed */
    double **yvecs,		/* eigenvectors to be refined */
    int index,		/* index of vector in yvecs to be refined */
    int n,			/* number of rows/columns in matrix */
    double *r1,
    double *r2,
    double *v,
    double *w,
    double *x,
    double *y,
    double *work,	/* work space for symmlq */
    double tol,			/* error tolerance in eigenpair */
    double initshift,		/* initial shift */
    double *evalest,		/* returned eigenvalue */
    double *vwsqrt,		/* square roots of vertex weights */
    struct orthlink *orthlist,	/* lower evecs to orthogonalize against */
    int cube_or_mesh,		/* 0 => hypercube, d => d-dimensional mesh */
    int nsets,		/* number of sets to divide into */
    int *assignment,		/* set number of each vtx (length n+1) */
    int *active,		/* space for nvtxs integers */
    int mediantype,		/* which partitioning strategy to use */
    double *goal,			/* desired set sizes */
    int vwgt_max,		/* largest vertex weight */
    int ndims		/* dimensionality of partition */
    extern int DEBUG_EVECS;	/* debug flag for eigen computation */
    extern int DEBUG_TRACE;	/* trace main execution path */
    extern int WARNING_EVECS;	/* warning flag for eigen computation */
    extern int RQI_CONVERGENCE_MODE;	/* type of convergence monitoring to do */
    int       rqisteps;		/* # rqi rqisteps */
    double    res;		/* convergence quant for rqi */
    double    last_res;		/* res on previous rqi step */
    double    macheps;		/* machine precision calculated by symmlq */
    double    normxlim;		/* a stopping criteria for symmlq */
    double    normx;		/* norm of the solution vector */
    int       symmlqitns;	/* # symmlq itns */
    int       inv_it_steps;	/* intial steps of inverse iteration */
    long      itnmin;		/* symmlq input */
    double    shift, rtol;	/* symmlq input */
    long      precon, goodb, nout;	/* symmlq input */
    long      checka, intlim;	/* symmlq input */
    double    anorm, acond;	/* symmlq output */
    double    rnorm, ynorm;	/* symmlq output */
    long      istop, itn;	/* symmlq output */
    long      long_n;		/* copy of n for passing to symmlq */
    int       warning;		/* warning on possible misconvergence */
    double    factor;		/* ratio between previous res and new tol */
    double    minfactor;	/* minimum acceptable value of factor */
    int       converged;	/* has process converged yet? */
    double   *u;		/* name of vector being refined */
    int    *old_assignment=NULL;/* previous assignment vector */
    int    *assgn_pntr;	/* pntr to assignment vector */
    int    *old_assgn_pntr;	/* pntr to previous assignment vector */
    int       assigndiff=0;	/* discrepancies between old and new assignment */
    int       assigntol=0;	/* tolerance on convergence of assignment vector */
    int       first;		/* is this the first RQI step? */
    int       i;		/* loop index */

    double    dot(), ch_norm();
    int       symmlq_();
    void      splarax(), scadd(), vecscale(), doubleout(), assign(), x2y(), strout();

    if (DEBUG_TRACE > 0) {
	printf("<Entering rqi>\n");

    /* Initialize RQI loop */
    u = yvecs[index];
    splarax(y, A, n, u, vwsqrt, r1);
    shift = dot(u, 1, n, y);
    scadd(y, 1, n, -shift, u);
    res = ch_norm(y, 1, n);	/* eigen-residual */
    rqisteps = 0;		/* a counter */
    symmlqitns = 0;		/* a counter */

    /* Set invariant symmlq parameters */
    precon = FALSE;		/* FALSE until we figure out a good way */
    goodb = TRUE;		/* should be TRUE for this application */
    nout = 0;			/* set to 0 for no Symmlq output; 6 for lots */
    checka = FALSE;		/* if don't know by now, too bad */
    intlim = n;			/* set to enforce a maximum number of Symmlq itns */
    itnmin = 0;			/* set to enforce a minimum number of Symmlq itns */
    long_n = n;			/* type change for alint */

    if (DEBUG_EVECS > 0) {
	printf("Using RQI/Symmlq refinement on graph with %d vertices.\n", n);
    if (DEBUG_EVECS > 1) {
	printf("  step      lambda est.            Ares          Symmlq its.   istop  factor  delta\n");
	printf("    0");
	doubleout(shift, 1);
	doubleout(res, 1);

    if (RQI_CONVERGENCE_MODE == 1) {
	assigntol = tol * n;
	old_assignment = smalloc((n + 1) * sizeof(int));

    /* Perform RQI */
    inv_it_steps = 2;
    warning = FALSE;
    factor = 10;
    minfactor = factor / 2;
    first = TRUE;
    if (res < tol)
	converged = TRUE;
	converged = FALSE;
    while (!converged) {
	if (res / tol < 1.2) {
	    factor = max(factor / 2, minfactor);
	rtol = res / factor;

	/* exit Symmlq if iterate is this large */
	normxlim = 1.0 / rtol;

	if (rqisteps < inv_it_steps) {
	    shift = initshift;

	symmlq_(&long_n, &u[1], &r1[1], &r2[1], &v[1], &w[1], &x[1], &y[1],
		work, &checka, &goodb, &precon, &shift, &nout,
		&intlim, &rtol, &istop, &itn, &anorm, &acond,
		&rnorm, &ynorm, (double *) A, vwsqrt, (double *) orthlist,
		&macheps, &normxlim, &itnmin);
	symmlqitns += itn;
	normx = ch_norm(x, 1, n);
	vecscale(u, 1, n, 1.0 / normx, x);
	splarax(y, A, n, u, vwsqrt, r1);
	shift = dot(u, 1, n, y);
	scadd(y, 1, n, -shift, u);
	last_res = res;
	res = ch_norm(y, 1, n);
	if (res > last_res) {
	    warning = TRUE;

	if (res < tol)
	    converged = TRUE;

	if (RQI_CONVERGENCE_MODE == 1 && !converged && ndims == 1) {
	    if (first) {
		assign(A, yvecs, n, 1, cube_or_mesh, nsets, vwsqrt, assignment,
		       active, mediantype, goal, vwgt_max);
		x2y(yvecs, ndims, n, vwsqrt);
		first = FALSE;
		assigndiff = n;	/* dummy value for debug chart */
	    else {
		/* copy assignment to old_assignment */
		assgn_pntr = assignment;
		old_assgn_pntr = old_assignment;
		for (i = n + 1; i; i--) {
		    *old_assgn_pntr++ = *assgn_pntr++;

		assign(A, yvecs, n, ndims, cube_or_mesh, nsets, vwsqrt, assignment,
		       active, mediantype, goal, vwgt_max);
		x2y(yvecs, ndims, n, vwsqrt);

		/* count differences in assignment */
		assigndiff = 0;
		assgn_pntr = assignment;
		old_assgn_pntr = old_assignment;
		for (i = n + 1; i; i--) {
		    if (*old_assgn_pntr++ != *assgn_pntr++)
		assigndiff = min(assigndiff, n - assigndiff);
		if (assigndiff <= assigntol)
		    converged = TRUE;

	if (DEBUG_EVECS > 1) {
	    printf("   %2d", rqisteps);
	    doubleout(shift, 1);
	    doubleout(res, 1);
	    printf("     %3ld", itn);
	    printf("          %ld", istop);
	    printf("      %g", factor);
		printf("     %d\n", assigndiff);
    *evalest = shift;

    if (WARNING_EVECS > 0 && warning) {
	strout("WARNING: Residual convergence not monotonic; RQI may have misconverged.\n");

    if (DEBUG_EVECS > 0) {
	printf("Eval ");
	doubleout(*evalest, 1);
	printf("   RQI steps %d,  Symmlq iterations %d.\n\n", rqisteps, symmlqitns);

    if (RQI_CONVERGENCE_MODE == 1) {
Ejemplo n.º 20
lanczos_FO (
    struct vtx_data **A,		/* graph data structure */
    int n,			/* number of rows/colums in matrix */
    int d,			/* problem dimension = # evecs to find */
    double **y,			/* columns of y are eigenvectors of A  */
    double *lambda,		/* ritz approximation to eigenvals of A */
    double *bound,		/* on ritz pair approximations to eig pairs of A */
    double eigtol,		/* tolerance on eigenvectors */
    double *vwsqrt,		/* square root of vertex weights */
    double maxdeg,               /* maximum degree of graph */
    int version		/* 1 = standard mode, 2 = inverse operator mode */

    extern FILE *Output_File;	/* output file or NULL */
    extern int DEBUG_EVECS;	/* print debugging output? */
    extern int DEBUG_TRACE;	/* trace main execution path */
    extern int WARNING_EVECS;	/* print warning messages? */
    extern int LANCZOS_MAXITNS;         /* maximum Lanczos iterations allowed */
    extern double BISECTION_SAFETY;	/* safety factor for bisection algorithm */
    extern double SRESTOL;		/* resid tol for T evec comp */
    extern double DOUBLE_MAX;	/* Warning on inaccurate computation of evec of T */
    extern double splarax_time;	/* time matvecs */
    extern double orthog_time;	/* time orthogonalization work */
    extern double tevec_time;	/* time tridiagonal eigvec work */
    extern double evec_time;	/* time to generate eigenvectors */
    extern double ql_time;      /* time tridiagonal eigval work */
    extern double blas_time;	/* time for blas (not assembly coded) */
    extern double init_time;	/* time for allocating memory, etc. */
    extern double scan_time;	/* time for scanning bounds list */
    extern double debug_time;	/* time for debug computations and output */
    int       i, j;		/* indicies */
    int       maxj;		/* maximum number of Lanczos iterations */
    double   *u, *r;		/* Lanczos vectors */
    double   *Aq;		/* sparse matrix-vector product vector */
    double   *alpha, *beta;	/* the Lanczos scalars from each step */
    double   *ritz;		/* copy of alpha for tqli */
    double   *workj;		/* work vector (eg. for tqli) */
    double   *workn;		/* work vector (eg. for checkeig) */
    double   *s;		/* eigenvector of T */
    double  **q;		/* columns of q = Lanczos basis vectors */
    double   *bj;		/* beta(j)*(last element of evecs of T) */
    double    bis_safety;	/* real safety factor for bisection algorithm */
    double    Sres;		/* how well Tevec calculated eigvecs */
    double    Sres_max;		/* Maximum value of Sres */
    int       inc_bis_safety;	/* need to increase bisection safety */
    double   *Ares;		/* how well Lanczos calculated each eigpair */
    double   *inv_lambda;	/* eigenvalues of inverse operator */
    int      *index;		/* the Ritz index of an eigenpair */
    struct orthlink *orthlist  = NULL;	/* vectors to orthogonalize against in Lanczos */
    struct orthlink *orthlist2 = NULL;	/* vectors to orthogonalize against in Symmlq */
    struct orthlink *temp;	/* for expanding orthogonalization list */
    double   *ritzvec=NULL;	/* ritz vector for current iteration */
    double   *zeros=NULL;	/* vector of all zeros */
    double   *ones=NULL;	/* vector of all ones */
    struct scanlink *scanlist;	/* list of fields for min ritz vals */
    struct scanlink *curlnk;	/* for traversing the scanlist */
    double    bji_tol;		/* tol on bji estimate of A e-residual */
    int       converged;	/* has the iteration converged? */
    double    time;		/* current clock time */
    double    shift, rtol;		/* symmlq input */
    long      precon, goodb, nout;	/* symmlq input */
    long      checka, intlim;	/* symmlq input */
    double    anorm, acond;	/* symmlq output */
    double    rnorm, ynorm;	/* symmlq output */
    long      istop, itn;	/* symmlq output */
    double    macheps;		/* machine precision calculated by symmlq */
    double    normxlim;		/* a stopping criteria for symmlq */
    long      itnmin;		/* enforce minimum number of iterations */
    int       symmlqitns;	/* # symmlq itns */
    double   *wv1=NULL, *wv2=NULL, *wv3=NULL;	/* Symmlq work space */
    double   *wv4=NULL, *wv5=NULL, *wv6=NULL;	/* Symmlq work space */
    long      long_n;		/* long int copy of n for symmlq */
    int       ritzval_flag = 0;	/* status flag for ql() */
    double    Anorm;            /* Norm estimate of the Laplacian matrix */
    int       left, right;      /* ranges on the search for ritzvals */
    int       memory_ok;        /* TRUE as long as don't run out of memory */

    double   *mkvec();		/* allocates space for a vector */
    double   *mkvec_ret();      /* mkvec() which returns error code */
    double    dot();		/* standard dot product routine */
    struct orthlink *makeorthlnk();	/* make space for entry in orthog. set */
    double    ch_norm();		/* vector norm */
    double    Tevec();		/* calc evec of T by linear recurrence */
    struct scanlink *mkscanlist();	/* make scan list for min ritz vecs */
    double    lanc_seconds();	/* current clock timer */
    int       symmlq_(), get_ritzvals();
    void      setvec(), vecscale(), update(), vecran(), strout();
    void      splarax(), scanmin(), scanmax(), frvec(), orthogonalize();
    void      orthog1(), orthogvec(), bail(), warnings(), mkeigvecs();

    if (DEBUG_TRACE > 0) {
        printf("<Entering lanczos_FO>\n");

    if (DEBUG_EVECS > 0) {
	if (version == 1) {
    	    printf("Full orthogonalization Lanczos, matrix size = %d\n", n);
	else {
    	    printf("Full orthogonalization Lanczos, inverted operator, matrix size = %d\n", n);

    /* Initialize time. */
    time = lanc_seconds();

    if (n < d + 1) {
	bail("ERROR: System too small for number of eigenvalues requested.",1);
	/* d+1 since don't use zero eigenvalue pair */

    /* Allocate Lanczos space. */
    u = mkvec(1, n);
    r = mkvec(1, n);
    Aq = mkvec(1, n);
    ritzvec = mkvec(1, n);
    zeros = mkvec(1, n);
    setvec(zeros, 1, n, 0.0);
    workn = mkvec(1, n);
    Ares = mkvec(1, d);
    inv_lambda = mkvec(1, d);
    index = smalloc((d + 1) * sizeof(int));
    alpha = mkvec(1, maxj);
    beta = mkvec(1, maxj + 1);
    ritz = mkvec(1, maxj);
    s = mkvec(1, maxj);
    bj = mkvec(1, maxj);
    workj = mkvec(1, maxj + 1);
    q = smalloc((maxj + 1) * sizeof(double *));
    scanlist = mkscanlist(d);

    if (version == 2) {
        /* Allocate Symmlq space all in one chunk. */
        wv1 = smalloc(6 * (n + 1) * sizeof(double));
        wv2 = &wv1[(n + 1)];
        wv3 = &wv1[2 * (n + 1)];
        wv4 = &wv1[3 * (n + 1)];
        wv5 = &wv1[4 * (n + 1)];
        wv6 = &wv1[5 * (n + 1)];

        /* Set invariant symmlq parameters */
        precon = FALSE;		/* FALSE until we figure out a good way */
        goodb = FALSE;		/* should be FALSE for this application */
        checka = FALSE;		/* if don't know by now, too bad */
        intlim = n;			/* set to enforce a maximum number of Symmlq itns */
        itnmin = 0;			/* set to enforce a minimum number of Symmlq itns */
        shift = 0.0;		/* since just solving rather than doing RQI */
        symmlqitns = 0;		/* total number of Symmlq iterations */
        nout = 0;			/* Effectively disabled - see notes in symmlq.f */
        rtol = 1.0e-5;		/* requested residual tolerance */
        normxlim = DOUBLE_MAX;	/* Effectively disables ||x|| termination criterion */
        long_n = n;			/* copy to long for linting */

    /* Initialize. */
    vecran(r, 1, n);
    if (vwsqrt == NULL) {
	/* whack one's direction from initial vector */
	orthog1(r, 1, n);

	/* list the ones direction for later use in Symmlq */
	if (version == 2) {
	    orthlist2 = makeorthlnk();
	    ones = mkvec(1, n);
	    setvec(ones, 1, n, 1.0);
	    orthlist2->vec = ones;
	    orthlist2->pntr = NULL;
    else {
	/* whack vwsqrt direction from initial vector */
	orthogvec(r, 1, n, vwsqrt);

	if (version == 2) {
	    /* list the vwsqrt direction for later use in Symmlq */
	    orthlist2 = makeorthlnk();
	    orthlist2->vec = vwsqrt;
	    orthlist2->pntr = NULL;
    beta[1] = ch_norm(r, 1, n);
    q[0] = zeros;
    bji_tol = eigtol;
    orthlist = NULL;
    Sres_max = 0.0;
    Anorm = 2 * maxdeg;                         /* Gershgorin estimate for ||A|| */
    bis_safety = BISECTION_SAFETY;
    inc_bis_safety = FALSE;
    init_time += lanc_seconds() - time;

    /* Main Lanczos loop. */
    j = 1;
    converged = FALSE;
    memory_ok = TRUE;
    while ((j <= maxj) && (converged == FALSE) && memory_ok) {
	time = lanc_seconds();

	/* Allocate next Lanczos vector. If fail, back up one step and compute approx. eigvec. */
	q[j] = mkvec_ret(1, n);
        if (q[j] == NULL) {
	    memory_ok = FALSE;
  	    if (DEBUG_EVECS > 0 || WARNING_EVECS > 0) {
                strout("WARNING: Lanczos out of memory; computing best approximation available.\n");
	    if (j <= 2) {
	        bail("ERROR: Sorry, can't salvage Lanczos.",1); 
  	        /* ... save yourselves, men.  */

	vecscale(q[j], 1, n, 1.0 / beta[j], r);
	blas_time += lanc_seconds() - time;
	time = lanc_seconds();
	if (version == 1) {
            splarax(Aq, A, n, q[j], vwsqrt, workn);
	else {
	    symmlq_(&long_n, &(q[j][1]), &wv1[1], &wv2[1], &wv3[1], &wv4[1], &Aq[1], &wv5[1],
		&wv6[1], &checka, &goodb, &precon, &shift, &nout,
		&intlim, &rtol, &istop, &itn, &anorm, &acond,
		&rnorm, &ynorm, (double *) A, vwsqrt, (double *) orthlist2,
		&macheps, &normxlim, &itnmin);
	    symmlqitns += itn;
	    if (DEBUG_EVECS > 2) {
	        printf("Symmlq report:      rtol %g\n", rtol);
	        printf("  system norm %g, solution norm %g\n", anorm, ynorm);
	        printf("  system condition %g, residual %g\n", acond, rnorm);
	        printf("  termination condition %2ld, iterations %3ld\n", istop, itn);
	splarax_time += lanc_seconds() - time;
	time = lanc_seconds();
	update(u, 1, n, Aq, -beta[j], q[j - 1]);
	alpha[j] = dot(u, 1, n, q[j]);
	update(r, 1, n, u, -alpha[j], q[j]);
	blas_time += lanc_seconds() - time;
	time = lanc_seconds();
	if (vwsqrt == NULL) {
	    orthog1(r, 1, n);
	else {
	    orthogvec(r, 1, n, vwsqrt);
	orthogonalize(r, n, orthlist);
	temp = orthlist;
	orthlist = makeorthlnk();
	orthlist->vec = q[j];
	orthlist->pntr = temp;
	beta[j + 1] = ch_norm(r, 1, n);
	orthog_time += lanc_seconds() - time;

	time = lanc_seconds();
	left = j/2;
	right = j - left + 1;
	if (inc_bis_safety) {
	    bis_safety *= 10;
	    inc_bis_safety = FALSE;
	ritzval_flag = get_ritzvals(alpha, beta+1, j, Anorm, workj+1, 
                                    ritz, d, left, right, eigtol, bis_safety);
        /* ... have to off-set beta and workj since full orthogonalization
               indexes these from 1 to maxj+1 whereas selective orthog.
               indexes them from 0 to maxj */ 

	if (ritzval_flag != 0) {
            bail("ERROR: Both Sturm bisection and QL failed.",1);
	    /* ... give up. */
        ql_time += lanc_seconds() - time;

	/* Convergence check using Paige bji estimates. */
	time = lanc_seconds();
	for (i = 1; i <= j; i++) {
	    Sres = Tevec(alpha, beta, j, ritz[i], s);
	    if (Sres > Sres_max) {
		Sres_max = Sres;
	    if (Sres > SRESTOL) {
		inc_bis_safety = TRUE;
	    bj[i] = s[j] * beta[j + 1];
	tevec_time += lanc_seconds() - time;

	time = lanc_seconds();
	if (version == 1) {
	    scanmin(ritz, 1, j, &scanlist);
	else {
	    scanmax(ritz, 1, j, &scanlist);
	converged = TRUE;
	if (j < d)
	    converged = FALSE;
	else {
	    curlnk = scanlist;
	    while (curlnk != NULL) {
		if (bj[curlnk->indx] > bji_tol) {
		    converged = FALSE;
		curlnk = curlnk->pntr;
	scan_time += lanc_seconds() - time;

    /* Collect eigenvalue and bound information. */
    time = lanc_seconds();
    evec_time += lanc_seconds() - time;

    /* Analyze computation for and report additional problems */
    time = lanc_seconds();
    if (DEBUG_EVECS>0 && version == 2) {
	printf("\nTotal Symmlq iterations %3d\n", symmlqitns);
    if (version == 2) {
        for (i = 1; i <= d; i++) {
	    lambda[i] = 1.0/lambda[i];
    warnings(workn, A, y, n, lambda, vwsqrt, Ares, bound, index,
             d, j, maxj, Sres_max, eigtol, u, Anorm, Output_File);
    debug_time += lanc_seconds() - time;

    /* Free any memory allocated in this routine. */
    time = lanc_seconds();
    frvec(u, 1);
    frvec(r, 1);
    frvec(Aq, 1);
    frvec(ritzvec, 1);
    frvec(zeros, 1);
    if (vwsqrt == NULL && version == 2) {
	frvec(ones, 1);
    frvec(workn, 1);
    frvec(Ares, 1);
    frvec(inv_lambda, 1);
    frvec(alpha, 1);
    frvec(beta, 1);
    frvec(ritz, 1);
    frvec(s, 1);
    frvec(bj, 1);
    frvec(workj, 1);
    if (version == 2) {
	frvec(wv1, 0);
    while (scanlist != NULL) {
	curlnk = scanlist->pntr;
	scanlist = curlnk;
    for (i = 1; i <= j; i++) {
	frvec(q[i], 1);
    while (orthlist != NULL) {
	temp = orthlist->pntr;
	orthlist = temp;
    while (version == 2 && orthlist2 != NULL) {
	temp = orthlist2->pntr;
	orthlist2 = temp;
    init_time += lanc_seconds() - time;
Ejemplo n.º 21
/* Finds needed eigenvalues of tridiagonal T using either the QL algorithm
   or Sturm sequence bisection, whichever is predicted to be faster based
   on a simple complexity model. If one fails (which is rare), the other
   is tried. The return value is 0 if one of the routines succeeds. If they
   both fail, the return value is 1, and Lanczos should compute the best
   approximation it can based on previous iterations. */
int get_ritzvals(double *alpha,         /* vector of Lanczos scalars */
                 double *beta,          /* vector of Lanczos scalars */
                 int     j,             /* number of Lanczos iterations taken */
                 double  Anorm,         /* Gershgorin estimate */
                 double *workj,         /* work vector for Sturm sequence */
                 double *ritz,          /* array holding evals */
                 int     d,             /* problem dimension = num. eigenpairs needed */
                 int     left_goodlim,  /* number of ritz pairs checked on left end */
                 int     right_goodlim, /* number of ritz pairs checked on right end */
                 double  eigtol,        /* tolerance on eigenpair */
                 double  bis_safety     /* bisection tolerance function divisor */
  extern int DEBUG_EVECS;     /* debug flag for eigen computation */
  extern int WARNING_EVECS;   /* warning flag for eigen computation */
  int        nvals_left;      /* numb. evals to find on left end of spectrum */
  int        nvals_right;     /* numb. evals to find on right end of spectrum */
  double     bisection_tol;   /* width of interval bisection should converge to */
  int        pred_steps;      /* predicts # of required bisection steps per eval */
  int        tot_pred_steps;  /* predicts total # of required bisection steps */
  double *   ritz_sav = NULL; /* copy of ritzvals for debugging */
  int        bisect_flag;     /* return status of bisect() */
  int        ql_flag;         /* return status of ql() */
  int        local_debug;     /* whether to check bisection results with ql */
  int        bisect();        /* locates eigvals using bisection on Sturm seq. */
  int        ql();            /* computes eigenvalues of T using eispack algorithm */
  void       shell_sort();    /* sorts vector of eigenvalues */
  double *   mkvec();         /* to allocate a vector */
  void       frvec();         /* free vector */
  void       cpvec();         /* vector copy */
  void       bail();          /* our exit routine */
  void       strout();        /* string out to screen and output file */

  /* Determine number of ritzvals to find on left and right ends */
  nvals_left  = max(d, left_goodlim);
  nvals_right = min(j - nvals_left, right_goodlim);

  /* Estimate work for bisection vs. ql assuming bisection takes 5j flops per
     step, ql takes 30j^2 flops per call. (Ignore sorts, copies, addressing.) */

  bisection_tol  = eigtol * eigtol / bis_safety;
  pred_steps     = (log10(Anorm / bisection_tol) / log10(2.0)) + 1;
  tot_pred_steps = (nvals_left + nvals_right) * pred_steps;

  bisect_flag = ql_flag = 0;

  if (5 * tot_pred_steps < 30 * j) {
    if (DEBUG_EVECS > 2)
      printf("  tridiagonal solver: bisection\n");

    /* Set local_debug = TRUE for a table checking bisection against QL. */
    local_debug = FALSE;
    if (local_debug) {
      ritz_sav = mkvec(1, j);
      cpvec(ritz_sav, 1, j, alpha);
      cpvec(workj, 0, j, beta);
      ql_flag = ql(ritz_sav, workj, j);
      if (ql_flag != 0) {
        bail("Aborting debugging procedure in get_ritzvals().\n", 1);
      shell_sort(j, &ritz_sav[1]);

    bisect_flag = bisect(alpha, beta, j, Anorm, workj, ritz, nvals_left, nvals_right, bisection_tol,
                         ritz_sav, pred_steps + 10);

    if (local_debug)
      frvec(ritz_sav, 1);

  else {
    if (DEBUG_EVECS > 2)
      printf("  tridiagonal solver: ql\n");
    cpvec(ritz, 1, j, alpha);
    cpvec(workj, 0, j, beta);
    ql_flag = ql(ritz, workj, j);
    shell_sort(j, &ritz[1]);

  if (bisect_flag != 0 && ql_flag == 0) {
    if (DEBUG_EVECS > 0 || WARNING_EVECS > 0) {
      strout("WARNING: Sturm bisection of T failed; switching to QL.\n");
    if (DEBUG_EVECS > 1 || WARNING_EVECS > 1) {
      if (bisect_flag == 1)
        strout("         - failure detected in sturmcnt().\n");
      if (bisect_flag == 2)
        strout("         - maximum number of bisection steps reached.\n");
    cpvec(ritz, 1, j, alpha);
    cpvec(workj, 0, j, beta);
    ql_flag = ql(ritz, workj, j);
    shell_sort(j, &ritz[1]);

  if (ql_flag != 0 && bisect_flag == 0) {
    if (DEBUG_EVECS > 0 || WARNING_EVECS > 0) {
      strout("WARNING: QL failed for T; switching to Sturm bisection.\n");
    bisect_flag = bisect(alpha, beta, j, Anorm, workj, ritz, nvals_left, nvals_right, bisection_tol,
                         ritz_sav, pred_steps + 3);

  if (bisect_flag != 0 && ql_flag != 0) {
    if (DEBUG_EVECS > 0 || WARNING_EVECS > 0) {
      return (1); /* can't recover; bail out with error code */

  return (0); /* ... things seem ok. */