static int stunsrv_ereply(struct icem_comp *comp, const struct sa *src, size_t presz, const struct stun_msg *req, uint16_t scode, const char *reason) { struct icem *icem = comp->icem; struct ice *ice = icem->ice; return stun_ereply(icem->proto, comp->sock, src, presz, req, scode, reason, (uint8_t *)ice->lpwd, strlen(ice->lpwd), true, 1, STUN_ATTR_SOFTWARE, sw); }
static int stunsrv_ereply(struct trice *icem, struct ice_lcand *lcand, void *sock, const struct sa *src, size_t presz, const struct stun_msg *req, uint16_t scode, const char *reason) { DEBUG_WARNING("[%H] replying error to %J (%u %s)\n", trice_cand_print, lcand, src, scode, reason); trice_tracef(icem, 31, "[%u] STUNSRV: Tx error [%J <--- %H] (%u %s)\n", lcand->attr.compid, src, trice_cand_print, lcand, scode, reason); return stun_ereply(lcand->attr.proto, sock, src, presz, req, scode, reason, (uint8_t *)icem->lpwd, strlen(icem->lpwd), true, 1, STUN_ATTR_SOFTWARE, icem->sw ? icem->sw : sw); }
void chanbind_request(struct allocation *al, struct restund_msgctx *ctx, int proto, void *sock, const struct sa *src, const struct stun_msg *msg) { struct chan *chan = NULL, *ch_numb = NULL, *ch_peer; struct perm *perm = NULL, *permx = NULL; struct stun_attr *chnr, *peer; int err = ENOMEM, rerr; chnr = stun_msg_attr(msg, STUN_ATTR_CHANNEL_NUMBER); peer = stun_msg_attr(msg, STUN_ATTR_XOR_PEER_ADDR); if (!chnr || !chan_numb_valid(chnr->v.channel_number) || !peer) { restund_info("turn: bad chanbind attributes\n"); rerr = stun_ereply(proto, sock, src, 0, msg, 400, "Bad Attributes", ctx->key, ctx->keylen, ctx->fp, 1, STUN_ATTR_SOFTWARE, restund_software); goto out; } if (sa_af(&peer->v.xor_peer_addr) != sa_af(&al->rel_addr)) { restund_info("turn: chanbind peer address family mismatch\n"); rerr = stun_ereply(proto, sock, src, 0, msg, 443, "Peer Address Family Mismatch", ctx->key, ctx->keylen, ctx->fp, 1, STUN_ATTR_SOFTWARE, restund_software); goto out; } ch_numb = chan_numb_find(al->chans, chnr->v.channel_number); ch_peer = chan_peer_find(al->chans, &peer->v.xor_peer_addr); if (ch_numb != ch_peer) { restund_info("turn: channel %p/peer %p already bound\n", ch_numb, ch_peer); rerr = stun_ereply(proto, sock, src, 0, msg, 400, "Channel/Peer Already Bound", ctx->key, ctx->keylen, ctx->fp, 1, STUN_ATTR_SOFTWARE, restund_software); goto out; } if (!ch_numb) { chan = chan_create(al->chans, chnr->v.channel_number, &peer->v.xor_peer_addr, al); if (!chan) { restund_info("turn: unable to create channel\n"); rerr = stun_ereply(proto, sock, src, 0, msg, 500, "Server Error", ctx->key, ctx->keylen, ctx->fp, 1, STUN_ATTR_SOFTWARE,restund_software); goto out; } } permx = perm_find(al->perms, &peer->v.xor_peer_addr); if (!permx) { perm = perm_create(al->perms, &peer->v.xor_peer_addr, al); if (!perm) { restund_info("turn: unable to create permission\n"); rerr = stun_ereply(proto, sock, src, 0, msg, 500, "Server Error", ctx->key, ctx->keylen, ctx->fp, 1, STUN_ATTR_SOFTWARE,restund_software); goto out; } } err = rerr = stun_reply(proto, sock, src, 0, msg, ctx->key, ctx->keylen, ctx->fp, 1, STUN_ATTR_SOFTWARE, restund_software); out: if (rerr) restund_warning("turn: chanbind reply: %m\n", rerr); if (err) { mem_deref(chan); mem_deref(perm); } else { chan_refresh(ch_numb); perm_refresh(permx); } }
static bool request_handler(struct restund_msgctx *ctx, int proto, void *sock, const struct sa *src, const struct sa *dst, const struct stun_msg *msg) { const uint16_t met = stun_msg_method(msg); struct allocation *al; int err = 0; switch (met) { case STUN_METHOD_ALLOCATE: case STUN_METHOD_REFRESH: case STUN_METHOD_CREATEPERM: case STUN_METHOD_CHANBIND: break; default: return false; } if (ctx->ua.typec > 0) { err = stun_ereply(proto, sock, src, 0, msg, 420, "Unknown Attribute", ctx->key, ctx->keylen, ctx->fp, 2, STUN_ATTR_UNKNOWN_ATTR, &ctx->ua, STUN_ATTR_SOFTWARE, restund_software); goto out; } al = allocation_find(proto, src, dst); if (!al && met != STUN_METHOD_ALLOCATE) { restund_debug("turn: allocation does not exist\n"); err = stun_ereply(proto, sock, src, 0, msg, 437, "Allocation Mismatch", ctx->key, ctx->keylen, ctx->fp, 1, STUN_ATTR_SOFTWARE, restund_software); goto out; } if (al && al->username && ctx->key) { struct stun_attr *usr = stun_msg_attr(msg, STUN_ATTR_USERNAME); if (!usr || strcmp(usr->v.username, al->username)) { restund_debug("turn: wrong credetials\n"); err = stun_ereply(proto, sock, src, 0, msg, 441, "Wrong Credentials", ctx->key, ctx->keylen, ctx->fp, 1, STUN_ATTR_SOFTWARE,restund_software); goto out; } } switch (met) { case STUN_METHOD_ALLOCATE: allocate_request(&turnd, al, ctx, proto, sock, src, dst, msg); break; case STUN_METHOD_REFRESH: refresh_request(&turnd, al, ctx, proto, sock, src, msg); break; case STUN_METHOD_CREATEPERM: createperm_request(al, ctx, proto, sock, src, msg); break; case STUN_METHOD_CHANBIND: chanbind_request(al, ctx, proto, sock, src, msg); break; } out: if (err) { restund_warning("turn reply error: %m\n", err); } return true; }
static bool request_handler(struct restund_msgctx *ctx, int proto, void *sock, const struct sa *src, const struct sa *dst, const struct stun_msg *msg) { struct stun_attr *mi, *user, *realm, *nonce; const time_t now = time(NULL); char nstr[NONCE_MAX_SIZE + 1]; int err; (void)dst; if (ctx->key) return false; mi = stun_msg_attr(msg, STUN_ATTR_MSG_INTEGRITY); user = stun_msg_attr(msg, STUN_ATTR_USERNAME); realm = stun_msg_attr(msg, STUN_ATTR_REALM); nonce = stun_msg_attr(msg, STUN_ATTR_NONCE); if (!mi) { err = stun_ereply(proto, sock, src, 0, msg, 401, "Unauthorized", NULL, 0, ctx->fp, 3, STUN_ATTR_REALM, restund_realm(), STUN_ATTR_NONCE, mknonce(nstr, now, src), STUN_ATTR_SOFTWARE, restund_software); goto unauth; } if (!user || !realm || !nonce) { err = stun_ereply(proto, sock, src, 0, msg, 400, "Bad Request", NULL, 0, ctx->fp, 1, STUN_ATTR_SOFTWARE, restund_software); goto unauth; } if (!nonce_validate(nonce->v.nonce, now, src)) { err = stun_ereply(proto, sock, src, 0, msg, 438, "Stale Nonce", NULL, 0, ctx->fp, 3, STUN_ATTR_REALM, restund_realm(), STUN_ATTR_NONCE, mknonce(nstr, now, src), STUN_ATTR_SOFTWARE, restund_software); goto unauth; } ctx->key = mem_alloc(MD5_SIZE, NULL); if (!ctx->key) { restund_warning("auth: can't to allocate memory for MI key\n"); err = stun_ereply(proto, sock, src, 0, msg, 500, "Server Error", NULL, 0, ctx->fp, 1, STUN_ATTR_SOFTWARE, restund_software); goto unauth; } ctx->keylen = MD5_SIZE; if (auth.sharedsecret_length > 0 || auth.sharedsecret2_length > 0) { if (!((sharedsecret_auth_calc_ha1(user, (uint8_t*) auth.sharedsecret, auth.sharedsecret_length, ctx->key) && !stun_msg_chk_mi(msg, ctx->key, ctx->keylen)) || (sharedsecret_auth_calc_ha1(user, (uint8_t*) auth.sharedsecret2, auth.sharedsecret2_length, ctx->key) && !stun_msg_chk_mi(msg, ctx->key, ctx->keylen)))) { restund_info("auth: shared secret auth for user '%s' (%j) failed\n", user->v.username, src); err = stun_ereply(proto, sock, src, 0, msg, 401, "Unauthorized", NULL, 0, ctx->fp, 3, STUN_ATTR_REALM, restund_realm(), STUN_ATTR_NONCE, mknonce(nstr, now, src), STUN_ATTR_SOFTWARE, restund_software); goto unauth; } else { /* restund_info("auth: shared secret auth for user '%s' (%j) worked\n", user->v.username, src); */ if (STUN_METHOD_ALLOCATE == stun_msg_method(msg) && !sharedsecret_auth_check_timestamp(user, now)) { restund_info("auth: shared secret auth for user '%s' expired)\n", user->v.username); err = stun_ereply(proto, sock, src, 0, msg, 401, "Unauthorized", NULL, 0, ctx->fp, 3, STUN_ATTR_REALM, restund_realm(), STUN_ATTR_NONCE, mknonce(nstr, now, src), STUN_ATTR_SOFTWARE, restund_software); goto unauth; } } } else if (restund_get_ha1(user->v.username, ctx->key)) { restund_info("auth: unknown user '%s' (%j)\n", user->v.username, src); err = stun_ereply(proto, sock, src, 0, msg, 401, "Unauthorized", NULL, 0, ctx->fp, 3, STUN_ATTR_REALM, restund_realm(), STUN_ATTR_NONCE, mknonce(nstr, now, src), STUN_ATTR_SOFTWARE, restund_software); goto unauth; } if (stun_msg_chk_mi(msg, ctx->key, ctx->keylen)) { restund_info("auth: bad password for user '%s' (%j)\n", user->v.username, src); err = stun_ereply(proto, sock, src, 0, msg, 401, "Unauthorized", NULL, 0, ctx->fp, 3, STUN_ATTR_REALM, restund_realm(), STUN_ATTR_NONCE, mknonce(nstr, now, src), STUN_ATTR_SOFTWARE, restund_software); goto unauth; } return false; unauth: if (err) { restund_warning("auth reply error: %m\n", err); } return true; }
static bool request_handler(struct restund_msgctx *ctx, int proto, void *sock, const struct sa *src, const struct sa *dst, const struct stun_msg *msg) { struct stun_attr *mi, *user, *realm, *nonce; const uint32_t now = (uint32_t)time(NULL); char nstr[NONCE_SIZE + 1]; int err; (void)dst; if (ctx->key) return false; mi = stun_msg_attr(msg, STUN_ATTR_MSG_INTEGRITY); user = stun_msg_attr(msg, STUN_ATTR_USERNAME); realm = stun_msg_attr(msg, STUN_ATTR_REALM); nonce = stun_msg_attr(msg, STUN_ATTR_NONCE); if (!mi) { err = stun_ereply(proto, sock, src, 0, msg, 401, "Unauthorized", NULL, 0, ctx->fp, 3, STUN_ATTR_REALM, restund_realm(), STUN_ATTR_NONCE, mknonce(nstr, now, src), STUN_ATTR_SOFTWARE, restund_software); goto unauth; } if (!user || !realm || !nonce) { err = stun_ereply(proto, sock, src, 0, msg, 400, "Bad Request", NULL, 0, ctx->fp, 1, STUN_ATTR_SOFTWARE, restund_software); goto unauth; } if (!nonce_validate(nonce->v.nonce, now, src)) { err = stun_ereply(proto, sock, src, 0, msg, 438, "Stale Nonce", NULL, 0, ctx->fp, 3, STUN_ATTR_REALM, restund_realm(), STUN_ATTR_NONCE, mknonce(nstr, now, src), STUN_ATTR_SOFTWARE, restund_software); goto unauth; } ctx->key = mem_alloc(MD5_SIZE, NULL); if (!ctx->key) { restund_warning("auth: can't to allocate memory for MI key\n"); err = stun_ereply(proto, sock, src, 0, msg, 500, "Server Error", NULL, 0, ctx->fp, 1, STUN_ATTR_SOFTWARE, restund_software); goto unauth; } ctx->keylen = MD5_SIZE; if (restund_get_ha1(user->v.username, ctx->key)) { restund_info("auth: unknown user '%s'\n", user->v.username); err = stun_ereply(proto, sock, src, 0, msg, 401, "Unauthorized", NULL, 0, ctx->fp, 3, STUN_ATTR_REALM, restund_realm(), STUN_ATTR_NONCE, mknonce(nstr, now, src), STUN_ATTR_SOFTWARE, restund_software); goto unauth; } if (stun_msg_chk_mi(msg, ctx->key, ctx->keylen)) { restund_info("auth: bad passwd for '%s'\n", user->v.username); err = stun_ereply(proto, sock, src, 0, msg, 401, "Unauthorized", NULL, 0, ctx->fp, 3, STUN_ATTR_REALM, restund_realm(), STUN_ATTR_NONCE, mknonce(nstr, now, src), STUN_ATTR_SOFTWARE, restund_software); goto unauth; } return false; unauth: if (err) { restund_warning("auth reply error: %s\n", strerror(err)); } return true; }
static void process_msg(struct turnserver *turn, int proto, void *sock, const struct sa *src, struct mbuf *mb) { struct stun_msg *msg = NULL; struct sa laddr; int err = 0; if (stun_msg_decode(&msg, mb, NULL)) { uint16_t numb, len; struct channel *chan; if (!turn->us_relay) return; ++turn->n_raw; numb = ntohs(mbuf_read_u16(mb)); len = ntohs(mbuf_read_u16(mb)); if (mbuf_get_left(mb) < len) { DEBUG_WARNING("short length: %zu < %u\n", mbuf_get_left(mb), len); } chan = find_channel_numb(turn, numb); if (!chan) { DEBUG_WARNING("channel not found: numb=%u\n", numb); return; } /* relay data from channel to peer */ (void)udp_send(turn->us_relay, &chan->peer, mb); return; } #if 0 re_printf("process: %s:%p:%J %s\n", net_proto2name(proto), sock, src, stun_method_name(stun_msg_method(msg))); #endif switch (stun_msg_method(msg)) { case STUN_METHOD_ALLOCATE: /* Max 1 allocation for now */ ++turn->n_allocate; if (turn->us_relay) { err = EALREADY; goto out; } turn->cli = *src; err = sa_set_str(&laddr, "", 0); if (err) goto out; err = udp_listen(&turn->us_relay, &laddr, relay_udp_recv, turn); if (err) goto out; err = udp_local_get(turn->us_relay, &turn->relay); if (err) goto out; udp_rxbuf_presz_set(turn->us_relay, 4); err = stun_reply(proto, sock, src, 0, msg, NULL, 0, false, 2, STUN_ATTR_XOR_MAPPED_ADDR, src, STUN_ATTR_XOR_RELAY_ADDR, &turn->relay); break; case STUN_METHOD_CREATEPERM: { struct stun_attr *peer; ++turn->n_createperm; peer = stun_msg_attr(msg, STUN_ATTR_XOR_PEER_ADDR); TEST_ASSERT(peer != NULL); add_permission(turn, &peer->v.xor_peer_addr); /* todo: install permissions and check them */ err = stun_reply(proto, sock, src, 0, msg, NULL, 0, false, 0); } break; case STUN_METHOD_CHANBIND: { struct stun_attr *chnr, *peer; ++turn->n_chanbind; TEST_ASSERT(turn->us_relay != NULL); chnr = stun_msg_attr(msg, STUN_ATTR_CHANNEL_NUMBER); peer = stun_msg_attr(msg, STUN_ATTR_XOR_PEER_ADDR); if (!chnr || !peer) { DEBUG_WARNING("CHANBIND: missing chnr/peer attrib\n"); } TEST_ASSERT(turn->chanc < ARRAY_SIZE(turn->chanv)); turn->chanv[turn->chanc].nr = chnr->v.channel_number; turn->chanv[turn->chanc].peer = peer->v.xor_peer_addr; ++turn->chanc; err = stun_reply(proto, sock, src, 0, msg, NULL, 0, false, 0); } break; case STUN_METHOD_SEND: { struct stun_attr *peer, *data; ++turn->n_send; TEST_ASSERT(turn->us_relay != NULL); peer = stun_msg_attr(msg, STUN_ATTR_XOR_PEER_ADDR); data = stun_msg_attr(msg, STUN_ATTR_DATA); if (!peer || !data) { DEBUG_WARNING("SEND: missing peer/data attrib\n"); goto out; } /* check for valid Permission */ if (!find_permission(turn, &peer->v.xor_peer_addr)) { DEBUG_NOTICE("no permission to peer %j\n", &peer->v.xor_peer_addr); goto out; } err = udp_send(turn->us_relay, &peer->v.xor_peer_addr, &data->; } break; default: DEBUG_WARNING("unknown STUN method: %s\n", stun_method_name(stun_msg_method(msg))); err = EPROTO; break; } if (err) goto out; out: if (err && stun_msg_class(msg) == STUN_CLASS_REQUEST) { (void)stun_ereply(proto, sock, src, 0, msg, 500, "Server Error", NULL, 0, false, 0); } mem_deref(msg); }