Ejemplo n.º 1
string styles_view (void * webserver_request)
  Webserver_Request * request = (Webserver_Request *) webserver_request;
  string page;
  Assets_Header header = Assets_Header (translate("Style"), webserver_request);
  header.addBreadCrumb (menu_logic_settings_menu (), menu_logic_settings_text ());
  header.addBreadCrumb (styles_indexm_url (), menu_logic_styles_indexm_text ());
  page = header.run ();
  Assets_View view;

  Database_Styles database_styles;
  string sheet = request->query ["sheet"];
  view.set_variable ("sheet", filter_string_sanitize_html (sheet));
  string style = request->query ["style"];
  view.set_variable ("style", filter_string_sanitize_html (style));

  Database_Styles_Item marker_data = database_styles.getMarkerData (sheet, style);
  // Whether the logged-in user has write access to the stylesheet.
  string username = request->session_logic ()->currentUser ();
  int userlevel = request->session_logic ()->currentLevel ();
  bool write = database_styles.hasWriteAccess (username, sheet);
  if (userlevel >= Filter_Roles::admin ()) write = true;

  // The style's name.
  string name = marker_data.name;
  if (request->query.count ("name")) {
    Dialog_Entry dialog_entry = Dialog_Entry ("view", translate("Please enter the name for the style"), name, "name", "");
    dialog_entry.add_query ("sheet", sheet);
    dialog_entry.add_query ("style", style);
    page += dialog_entry.run ();
    return page;
  if (request->post.count ("name")) {
    name = request->post["entry"];
    if (write) database_styles.updateName (sheet, style, name);
  view.set_variable ("name", filter_string_sanitize_html (name));

  // The style's info.
  string info = marker_data.info;
  if (request->query.count ("info")) {
    Dialog_Entry dialog_entry = Dialog_Entry ("view", translate("Please enter the description for the style"), info, "info", "");
    dialog_entry.add_query ("sheet", sheet);
    dialog_entry.add_query ("style", style);
    page += dialog_entry.run ();
    return page;
  if (request->post.count("info")) {
    info = request->post["entry"];
    if (write) database_styles.updateInfo (sheet, style, info);
  view.set_variable ("info", filter_string_sanitize_html (info));
  // The style's category.
  string category = marker_data.category;
  if (request->query.count("category")) {
    category = request->query["category"];
    if (category == "") {
      Dialog_List dialog_list = Dialog_List ("view", translate("Would you like to change the category of this style?"),translate("Here are the various categories:"), translate("Please pick one."));
      dialog_list.add_query ("sheet", sheet);
      dialog_list.add_query ("style", style);
      dialog_list.add_row (styles_logic_category_text ("id"),  "category", "id");
      dialog_list.add_row (styles_logic_category_text ("ith"), "category", "ith");
      dialog_list.add_row (styles_logic_category_text ("ipp"), "category", "ipp");
      dialog_list.add_row (styles_logic_category_text ("ioe"), "category", "ioe");
      dialog_list.add_row (styles_logic_category_text ("t"),   "category", "t");
      dialog_list.add_row (styles_logic_category_text ("h"),   "category", "h");
      dialog_list.add_row (styles_logic_category_text ("cv"),  "category", "cv");
      dialog_list.add_row (styles_logic_category_text ("p"),   "category", "p");
      dialog_list.add_row (styles_logic_category_text ("l"),   "category", "l");
      dialog_list.add_row (styles_logic_category_text ("pe"),  "category", "pe");
      dialog_list.add_row (styles_logic_category_text ("te"),  "category", "te");
      dialog_list.add_row (styles_logic_category_text ("f"),   "category", "f");
      dialog_list.add_row (styles_logic_category_text ("x"),   "category", "x");
      dialog_list.add_row (styles_logic_category_text ("xsn"), "category", "xsn");
      dialog_list.add_row (styles_logic_category_text ("st"),  "category", "st");
      dialog_list.add_row (styles_logic_category_text ("cs"),  "category", "cs");
      dialog_list.add_row (styles_logic_category_text ("sb"),  "category", "sb");
      dialog_list.add_row (styles_logic_category_text ("sf"),  "category", "sf");
      dialog_list.add_row (styles_logic_category_text ("pm"),  "category", "pm");
      dialog_list.add_row (styles_logic_category_text (""),    "category", "");
      page += dialog_list.run ();
      return page;
    } else {
      if (write) database_styles.updateCategory (sheet, style, category);
  view.set_variable ("category", styles_logic_category_text(category));

  // The style's type.
  int type = marker_data.type;
  if (request->query.count ("type")) {
    string s = request->query["type"];
    type = convert_to_int (s);
    if (s == "") {
      Dialog_List dialog_list = Dialog_List ("view", translate("Would you like to change the type of this style?"), translate("Here are the various types:"), translate("Please pick one."));
      dialog_list.add_query ("sheet", sheet);
      dialog_list.add_query ("style", style);
      for (int i = 0; i < 99; i++) {
        string text = styles_logic_type_text (i);
        if (text.length () > 2) {
          dialog_list.add_row (text, "type", convert_to_string (i));
      page += dialog_list.run ();
      return page;
    } else {
      if (write) database_styles.updateType (sheet, style, type);
  view.set_variable ("type", convert_to_string (type));
  view.set_variable ("type_text", styles_logic_type_text (type));

  // The style's subtype.
  int subtype = marker_data.subtype;
  if (request->query.count ("subtype")) {
    string s = request->query["subtype"];
    subtype = convert_to_int (s);
    if (s == "") {
      Dialog_List dialog_list = Dialog_List ("view", translate("Would you like to change the sub type of this style?"), "", "");
      dialog_list.add_query ("sheet", sheet);
      dialog_list.add_query ("style", style);
      Database_Styles_Item marker_data = database_styles.getMarkerData (sheet, style);
      int type = marker_data.type;
      for (int i = 0; i < 99; i++) {
        string text = styles_logic_subtype_text (type, i);
        if (text.length () > 2) {
          dialog_list.add_row (text, "subtype", convert_to_string (i));
      page += dialog_list.run ();
      return page;
    } else {
      if (write) database_styles.updateSubType (sheet, style, subtype);
  view.set_variable ("subtype",convert_to_string (subtype));
  string subtype_text = styles_logic_subtype_text (type, subtype);
  view.set_variable ("subtype_text", subtype_text);
  if (subtype_text.length () > 2) view.enable_zone ("subtype_text");
  // The fontsize.
  if (styles_logic_fontsize_is_relevant (type, subtype)) view.enable_zone ("fontsize_relevant");
  float fontsize = marker_data.fontsize;
  if (request->query.count ("fontsize")) {
    Dialog_Entry dialog_entry = Dialog_Entry ("view", translate("Please enter a fontsize between 5 and 60 points"), convert_to_string (fontsize), "fontsize", translate ("The value to enter is just a number, e.g. 12."));
    dialog_entry.add_query ("sheet", sheet);
    dialog_entry.add_query ("style", style);
    page += dialog_entry.run ();
    return page;
  if (request->post.count("fontsize")) {
    float fs = convert_to_float (request->post["entry"]);
    if ((fs >= 5) && (fs <= 60)) {
      fontsize = fs;
      if (write) database_styles.updateFontsize (sheet, style, fontsize);
  view.set_variable ("fontsize", convert_to_string (fontsize));

  // Italics, bold, underline, small caps relevance.
  if (styles_logic_italic_bold_underline_smallcaps_are_relevant (type, subtype)) view.enable_zone ("ibus_relevant");

  // Italic.
  int italic = marker_data.italic;
  if (request->query.count ("italic")) {
    string s = request->query["italic"];
    if (s == "") {
      Dialog_List dialog_list = Dialog_List ("view", translate("Would you like to change whether this style is in italics?"), "", "");
      dialog_list.add_query ("sheet", sheet);
      dialog_list.add_query ("style", style);
      Database_Styles_Item marker_data = database_styles.getMarkerData (sheet, style);
      int last_value = ooitOn;
      if (styles_logic_italic_bold_underline_smallcaps_are_full (marker_data.type, marker_data.subtype))
        last_value = ooitToggle;
      for (int i = 0; i <= last_value; i++) {
        dialog_list.add_row (styles_logic_off_on_inherit_toggle_text (i), "italic", convert_to_string (i));
      page += dialog_list.run ();
      return page;
    } else {
      italic = convert_to_int (s);
      if (write) database_styles.updateItalic (sheet, style, italic);
  view.set_variable ("italic", styles_logic_off_on_inherit_toggle_text (italic));

  // Bold.
  int bold = marker_data.bold;
  if (request->query.count ("bold")) {
    string s = request->query["bold"];
    if (s == "") {
      Dialog_List dialog_list = Dialog_List ("view", translate("Would you like to change whether this style is in bold?"), "", "");
      dialog_list.add_query ("sheet", sheet);
      dialog_list.add_query ("style", style);
      Database_Styles_Item marker_data = database_styles.getMarkerData (sheet, style);
      int last_value = ooitOn;
      if (styles_logic_italic_bold_underline_smallcaps_are_full (marker_data.type, marker_data.subtype))
        last_value = ooitToggle;
      for (int i = 0; i <= last_value; i++) {
        dialog_list.add_row (styles_logic_off_on_inherit_toggle_text (i), "bold", convert_to_string (i));
      page += dialog_list.run ();
      return page;
    } else {
      bold = convert_to_int (s);
      if (write) database_styles.updateBold (sheet, style, bold);
  view.set_variable ("bold", styles_logic_off_on_inherit_toggle_text (bold));

  // Underline.
  int underline = marker_data.underline;
  if (request->query.count ("underline")) {
    string s = request->query["underline"];
    if (s == "") {
      Dialog_List dialog_list = Dialog_List ("view", translate("Would you like to change whether this style is underlined?"), "", "");
      dialog_list.add_query ("sheet", sheet);
      dialog_list.add_query ("style", style);
      Database_Styles_Item marker_data = database_styles.getMarkerData (sheet, style);
      int last_value = ooitOn;
      if (styles_logic_italic_bold_underline_smallcaps_are_full (type, subtype))
        last_value = ooitToggle;
      for (int i = 0; i <= last_value; i++) {
        dialog_list.add_row (styles_logic_off_on_inherit_toggle_text (i), "underline", convert_to_string (i));
      page += dialog_list.run ();
      return page;
    } else {
      underline = convert_to_int (s);
      if (write) database_styles.updateUnderline (sheet, style, underline);
  view.set_variable ("underline", styles_logic_off_on_inherit_toggle_text (underline));

  // Small caps.
  int smallcaps = marker_data.smallcaps;
  if (request->query.count ("smallcaps")) {
    string s = request->query["smallcaps"];
    if (s == "") {
      Dialog_List dialog_list = Dialog_List ("view", translate("Would you like to change whether this style is in small caps?"), "", "");
      dialog_list.add_query ("sheet", sheet);
      dialog_list.add_query ("style", style);
      Database_Styles_Item marker_data = database_styles.getMarkerData (sheet, style);
      int last_value = ooitOn;
      if (styles_logic_italic_bold_underline_smallcaps_are_full (marker_data.type, marker_data.subtype))
        last_value = ooitToggle;
      for (int i = 0; i <= last_value; i++) {
        dialog_list.add_row (styles_logic_off_on_inherit_toggle_text (i), "smallcaps", convert_to_string (i));
      page += dialog_list.run ();
      return page;
    } else {
      smallcaps = convert_to_int (s);
      if (write) database_styles.updateSmallcaps (sheet, style, smallcaps);
  view.set_variable ("smallcaps", styles_logic_off_on_inherit_toggle_text (smallcaps));
  // Superscript.
  if (styles_logic_superscript_is_relevant (type, subtype)) view.enable_zone ("superscript_relevant");
  int superscript = marker_data.superscript;
  if (request->query.count ("superscript")) {
    superscript = convert_to_int (request->query["superscript"]);
    if (write) database_styles.updateSuperscript (sheet, style, superscript);
  view.set_variable ("superscript_value", styles_logic_off_on_inherit_toggle_text (superscript));
  view.set_variable ("superscript_toggle", convert_to_string (!(bool) superscript));

  // Whether a list of the following paragraph treats are relevant.
  if (styles_logic_paragraph_treats_are_relevant (type, subtype)) view.enable_zone ("paragraph_treats_relevant");

  // Text alignment.
  int justification = marker_data.justification;
  if (request->query.count ("alignment")) {
    Dialog_List dialog_list = Dialog_List ("view", translate("Would you like to change the text alignment of this style?"), "", "");
    dialog_list.add_query ("sheet", sheet);
    dialog_list.add_query ("style", style);
    for (int i = AlignmentLeft; i <= AlignmentJustify; i++) {
      dialog_list.add_row (styles_logic_alignment_text (i), "justification", convert_to_string (i));
    page += dialog_list.run ();
    return page;
  if (request->query.count ("justification")) {
    justification = convert_to_int (request->query["justification"]);
    if (write) database_styles.updateJustification (sheet, style, justification);
  view.set_variable ("justification", styles_logic_alignment_text (justification));

  // Space before paragraph.
  float spacebefore = marker_data.spacebefore;
  if (request->query.count ("spacebefore")) {
    Dialog_Entry dialog_entry = Dialog_Entry ("view", translate("Please enter a space of between 0 and 100 mm before the paragraph"), convert_to_string (spacebefore), "spacebefore", translate ("This is the space before, or in other words, above the paragraph. The value to enter is just a number, e.g. 0."));
    dialog_entry.add_query ("sheet", sheet);
    dialog_entry.add_query ("style", style);
    page += dialog_entry.run ();
    return page;
  if (request->post.count ("spacebefore")) {
    spacebefore = convert_to_float (request->post["entry"]);
    if (spacebefore < 0) spacebefore = 0;
    if (spacebefore > 100) spacebefore = 100;
    if (write) database_styles.updateSpaceBefore (sheet, style, spacebefore);
  view.set_variable ("spacebefore", convert_to_string (spacebefore));

  // Space after paragraph.
  float spaceafter = marker_data.spaceafter;
  if (request->query.count ("spaceafter")) {
    Dialog_Entry dialog_entry = Dialog_Entry ("view", translate("Please enter a space of between 0 and 100 mm after the paragraph"), convert_to_string (spaceafter), "spaceafter", translate ("This is the space after, or in other words, below the paragraph. The value to enter is just a number, e.g. 0."));
    dialog_entry.add_query ("sheet", sheet);
    dialog_entry.add_query ("style", style);
    page += dialog_entry.run ();
    return page;
  if (request->post.count("spaceafter")) {
    spaceafter = convert_to_float (request->post["entry"]);
    if (spaceafter < 0) spaceafter = 0;
    if (spaceafter > 100) spaceafter = 100;
    if (write) database_styles.updateSpaceAfter (sheet, style, spaceafter);
  view.set_variable ("spaceafter", convert_to_string (spaceafter));

  // Left margin.
  float leftmargin = marker_data.leftmargin;
  if (request->query.count ("leftmargin")) {
    Dialog_Entry dialog_entry = Dialog_Entry ("view", translate("Please enter a left margin of between -100 and 100 mm"), convert_to_string (leftmargin), "leftmargin", translate ("This is the left margin of the paragraph. The value to enter is just a number, e.g. 0."));
    dialog_entry.add_query ("sheet", sheet);
    dialog_entry.add_query ("style", style);
    page += dialog_entry.run ();
    return page;
  if (request->post.count("leftmargin")) {
    leftmargin = convert_to_float (request->post ["entry"]);
    if (leftmargin < 0) leftmargin = 0;
    if (leftmargin > 100) leftmargin = 100;
    if (write) database_styles.updateLeftMargin (sheet, style, leftmargin);
  view.set_variable ("leftmargin", convert_to_string (leftmargin));

  // Right margin.
  float rightmargin = marker_data.rightmargin;
  if (request->query.count ("rightmargin")) {
    Dialog_Entry dialog_entry = Dialog_Entry ("view", translate("Please enter a right margin of between -100 and 100 mm"), convert_to_string (rightmargin), "rightmargin", translate ("This is the right margin of the paragraph. The value to enter is just a number, e.g. 0."));
    dialog_entry.add_query ("sheet", sheet);
    dialog_entry.add_query ("style", style);
    page += dialog_entry.run ();
    return page;
  if (request->post.count("rightmargin")) {
    rightmargin = convert_to_float (request->post["entry"]);
    if (rightmargin < -100) rightmargin = -100;
    if (rightmargin > 100) rightmargin = 100;
    if (write) database_styles.updateRightMargin (sheet, style, rightmargin);
  view.set_variable ("rightmargin", convert_to_string (rightmargin));
  // First line indent.
  float firstlineindent = marker_data.firstlineindent;
  if (request->query.count ("firstlineindent")) {
    Dialog_Entry dialog_entry = Dialog_Entry ("view", translate("Please enter a first line indent of between -100 and 100 mm"), convert_to_string (firstlineindent), "firstlineindent", translate ("This is the indent of the first line of the the paragraph. The value to enter is just a number, e.g. 0."));
    dialog_entry.add_query ("sheet", sheet);
    dialog_entry.add_query ("style", style);
    page += dialog_entry.run ();
    return page;
  if (request->post.count ("firstlineindent")) {
    firstlineindent = convert_to_float (request->post["entry"]);
    if (firstlineindent < -100) firstlineindent = -100;
    if (firstlineindent > 100) firstlineindent = 100;
    if (write) database_styles.updateFirstLineIndent (sheet, style, firstlineindent);
  view.set_variable ("firstlineindent", convert_to_string (firstlineindent));

  // Columns spanning.
  if (styles_logic_columns_are_relevant (type, subtype)) view.enable_zone ("columns_relevant");
  bool spancolumns = marker_data.spancolumns;
  if (request->query.count ("spancolumns")) {
    spancolumns = convert_to_bool (request->query["spancolumns"]);
    if (write) database_styles.updateSpanColumns (sheet, style, spancolumns);
  view.set_variable ("spancolumns", styles_logic_off_on_inherit_toggle_text (spancolumns));
  view.set_variable ("spancolumns_toggle", convert_to_string (!spancolumns));

  // Color.
  if (styles_logic_color_is_relevant (type, subtype)) view.enable_zone ("color_relevant");
  string color = marker_data.color;
  if (request->query.count ("textcolor")) {
    color = request->query["color"];
    if (color == "") {
      Dialog_Color dialog_color = Dialog_Color ("view", translate("Please specify a new color"));
      dialog_color.add_query ("textcolor", "true");
      dialog_color.add_query ("sheet", sheet);
      dialog_color.add_query ("style", style);
      page += dialog_color.run ();
      return page;
    } else {
      if (color.find ("#") == string::npos) color.insert (0, "#");
      if (color.length () != 7) color = "#000000";
      if (write) database_styles.updateColor (sheet, style, color);
  view.set_variable ("color", color);

  string backgroundcolor = marker_data.backgroundcolor;
  if (request->query.count ("backgroundcolor")) {
    backgroundcolor = request->query["color"];
    if (backgroundcolor == "") {
      Dialog_Color dialog_color = Dialog_Color ("view", translate("Please specify a new color"));
      dialog_color.add_query ("backgroundcolor", "true");
      dialog_color.add_query ("sheet", sheet);
      dialog_color.add_query ("style", style);
      page += dialog_color.run ();
      return page;
    } else {
      if (backgroundcolor.find ("#") == string::npos) backgroundcolor.insert (0, "#");
      if (backgroundcolor.length () != 7) backgroundcolor = "#FFFFFF";
      if (write) {
        database_styles.updateBackgroundColor (sheet, style, backgroundcolor);
  view.set_variable ("backgroundcolor", backgroundcolor);

  // Whether to print this style.
  if (styles_logic_print_is_relevant (type, subtype)) view.enable_zone ("print_relevant");
  bool print = marker_data.print;
  if (request->query.count ("print")) {
    print = convert_to_bool (request->query["print"]);
    if (write) database_styles.updatePrint (sheet, style, print);
  view.set_variable ("print", styles_logic_off_on_inherit_toggle_text (print));
  view.set_variable ("print_toggle", convert_to_string (!print));

  // Userbool1
  string userbool1_function = styles_logic_get_userbool1_text (styles_logic_get_userbool1_function (type, subtype));
  if (userbool1_function.length () > 2) view.enable_zone ("userbool1_relevant");
  view.set_variable ("userbool1_function", userbool1_function);
  bool userbool1 = marker_data.userbool1;
  if (request->query.count ("userbool1")) {
    userbool1 = convert_to_bool (request->query["userbool1"]);
    if (write) database_styles.updateUserbool1 (sheet, style, userbool1);
  view.set_variable ("userbool1_value", styles_logic_off_on_inherit_toggle_text (userbool1));
  view.set_variable ("userbool1_toggle", convert_to_string (!userbool1));

  // Userbool2
  string userbool2_function = styles_logic_get_userbool2_text (styles_logic_get_userbool2_function (type, subtype));
  if (userbool2_function.length () > 2) view.enable_zone ("userbool2_relevant");
  view.set_variable ("userbool2_function", userbool2_function);
  bool userbool2 = marker_data.userbool2;
  if (request->query.count ("userbool2")) {
    userbool2 = convert_to_bool (request->query["userbool2"]);
    if (write) database_styles.updateUserbool2 (sheet, style, userbool2);
  view.set_variable ("userbool2_value", styles_logic_off_on_inherit_toggle_text (userbool2));
  view.set_variable ("userbool2_toggle", convert_to_string (!userbool2));

  // Userbool3
  string userbool3_function = styles_logic_get_userbool3_text (styles_logic_get_userbool3_function (type, subtype));
  if (userbool3_function.length () > 2) view.enable_zone ("userbool3_relevant");
  view.set_variable ("userbool3_function", userbool3_function);
  bool userbool3 = marker_data.userbool3;
  if (request->query.count ("userbool3")) {
    userbool3 = convert_to_bool (request->query["userbool3"]);
    if (write) database_styles.updateUserbool3 (sheet, style, userbool3);
  view.set_variable ("userbool3_value", styles_logic_off_on_inherit_toggle_text (userbool3));
  view.set_variable ("userbool3_toggle", convert_to_string (!userbool3));

  // Userint1.
  int userint1 = marker_data.userint1;
  switch (styles_logic_get_userint1_function (type, subtype)) {
    case UserInt1None :
    case UserInt1NoteNumbering :
      view.enable_zone ("userint1_notenumbering");
      if (request->query.count ("notenumbering")) {
        Dialog_List dialog_list = Dialog_List ("view", translate("Would you like to change the numbering of the note?"), "", "");
        dialog_list.add_query ("sheet", sheet);
        dialog_list.add_query ("style", style);
        for (int i = NoteNumbering123; i <= NoteNumberingUser; i++) {
          dialog_list.add_row (styles_logic_note_numbering_text (i), "userint1", convert_to_string (i));
        page += dialog_list.run ();
        return page;
      if (request->query.count ("userint1")) {
        userint1 = convert_to_int (request->query["userint1"]);
        if (write) database_styles.updateUserint1 (sheet, style, userint1);
      view.set_variable ("userint1", styles_logic_note_numbering_text (userint1));
    case UserInt1TableColumnNumber :
      view.enable_zone ("userint1_columnnumber");
      if (request->query.count ("userint1")) {
        Dialog_Entry dialog_entry = Dialog_Entry ("view", translate("Please enter a column number between 1 and 4"), convert_to_string (userint1), "userint1", translate ("This is the column number for the style. The first columm is number 1."));
        dialog_entry.add_query ("sheet", sheet);
        dialog_entry.add_query ("style", style);
        page += dialog_entry.run ();
        return page;
      if (request->post.count ("userint1")) {
        int value = convert_to_int (request->post["entry"]);
        if ((value >= 1) && (value <= 4)) {
          userint1 = value;
          if (write) database_styles.updateUserint1 (sheet, style, userint1);
      view.set_variable ("userint1", convert_to_string (userint1));
  // Userint2.
  int userint2 = marker_data.userint2;
  switch (styles_logic_get_userint2_function (type, subtype)) {
    case UserInt2None :
    case UserInt2NoteNumberingRestart :
      view.enable_zone ("userint2_notenumberingrestart");
      if (request->query.count ("notenumberingrestart")) {
        Dialog_List dialog_list = Dialog_List ("view", translate("Would you like to change when the note numbering restarts?"), "", "");
        dialog_list.add_query ("sheet", sheet);
        dialog_list.add_query ("style", style);
        for (int i = NoteRestartNumberingNever; i <= NoteRestartNumberingEveryChapter; i++) {
          dialog_list.add_row (styles_logic_note_restart_numbering_text (i), "userint2", convert_to_string (i));
        page += dialog_list.run ();
        return page;
      if (request->query.count ("userint2")) {
        userint2 = convert_to_int (request->query["userint2"]);
        if (write) database_styles.updateUserint2 (sheet, style, userint2);
      view.set_variable ("userint2", styles_logic_note_restart_numbering_text (userint2));
    case UserInt2EndnotePosition :
      view.enable_zone ("userint2_endnoteposition");
      if (request->query.count ("endnoteposition")) {
        Dialog_List dialog_list = Dialog_List ("view", translate("Would you like to change the position where to dump the endnotes?"), "", "");
        dialog_list.add_query ("sheet", sheet);
        dialog_list.add_query ("style", style);
        for (int i = EndNotePositionAfterBook; i <= EndNotePositionAtMarker; i++) {
          dialog_list.add_row (styles_logic_end_note_position_text (i), "userint2", convert_to_string(i));
        page += dialog_list.run ();
        return page;
      if (request->query.count ("userint2")) {
        userint2 = convert_to_int (request->query["userint2"]);
        if (write) database_styles.updateUserint2 (sheet, style, userint2);
      view.set_variable ("userint2", styles_logic_end_note_position_text (userint2));

  // Userint3 not yet used.

  // Userstring1.
  string userstring1 = marker_data.userstring1;
  string userstring1_question;
  string userstring1_help;
  switch (styles_logic_get_userstring1_function (type, subtype)) {
    case UserString1None :
    case UserString1NoteNumberingSequence :
      if (userint1 == NoteNumberingUser) {
        view.enable_zone ("userstring1_numberingsequence");
        userstring1_question = translate("Please enter a new note numbering sequence");
        userstring1_help = translate("This gives a sequence for numbering the notes. When for example § † * is entered, the numbering goes like §, †, *, §, †, *, and so forth. Any sequence of characters can be used. Spaces should separate the characters");
    case UserString1WordListEntryAddition :
      view.enable_zone ("userstring1_wordlistaddition");
      userstring1_question = translate("Please enter a new addition to the word list entry");
      userstring1_help = translate("This given an optional string to be added after each definition in the body of text. In some Bibles the unusual words are marked with an asterisk and then explained in a glossary. If you would enter the asterisk here, or indeed any string, Bibledit would include this in the exported documents.");
  if (request->query.count ("userstring1")) {
    Dialog_Entry dialog_entry = Dialog_Entry ("view", userstring1_question, userstring1, "userstring1", userstring1_help);
    dialog_entry.add_query ("sheet", sheet);
    dialog_entry.add_query ("style", style);
    page += dialog_entry.run ();
    return page;
  if (request->post.count ("userstring1")) {
    userstring1 = request->post["entry"];
    if (write) database_styles.updateUserstring1 (sheet, style, userstring1);
  if (userstring1 == "") userstring1 = "--";
  view.set_variable ("userstring1", filter_string_sanitize_html (userstring1));

  // Userstring2
  string userstring2 = marker_data.userstring2;
  string userstring2_question;
  string userstring2_info;
  switch (styles_logic_get_userstring2_function (type, subtype)) {
    case UserString2None :
    case UserString2DumpEndnotesHere :
      if (userint2 == EndNotePositionAtMarker) {
        view.enable_zone ("userstring2_dumpendnotes");
        userstring2_question = translate("Please enter a marker at which the endnotes should be dumped");
        userstring2_info = translate("The marker is to be given without the backslash, e.g. \"zendnotes\".");
  if (request->query.count ("userstring2")) {
    Dialog_Entry dialog_entry = Dialog_Entry ("view", userstring2_question, userstring2, "userstring2", userstring2_info);
    dialog_entry.add_query ("sheet", sheet);
    dialog_entry.add_query ("style", style);
    page += dialog_entry.run ();
    return page;
  if (request->post.count("userstring2")) {
    userstring2 = request->post["entry"];
    if (write) database_styles.updateUserstring2 (sheet, style, userstring2);
  if (userstring2 == "") userstring2 = "--";
  view.set_variable ("userstring2", filter_string_sanitize_html (userstring2));
  // Recreate stylesheets after editing a style.
  if ((request->query.size () != 2) || (request->post.size () != 0)) {
    styles_sheets_create_all ();

  // Userstring3 not yet used.
  page += view.render ("styles", "view");
  page += Assets_Page::footer ();
  return page;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Cleans and resets the data in the Bibledit installation.
void demo_clean_data ()
  Database_Logs::log ("Cleaning up the demo data");

  Webserver_Request request;
  // Set user to the demo credentials (admin) as this is the user who is always logged-in in a demo installation.
  request.session_logic ()->setUsername (session_admin_credentials ());
  // Delete empty stylesheet that may have been there.
  request.database_styles()->revokeWriteAccess ("", styles_logic_standard_sheet ());
  request.database_styles()->deleteSheet ("");
  styles_sheets_create_all ();
  // Set the export stylesheet to "Standard" for all Bibles and the admin.
  vector <string> bibles = request.database_bibles()->getBibles ();
  for (auto & bible : bibles) {
    Database_Config_Bible::setExportStylesheet (bible, styles_logic_standard_sheet ());
  request.database_config_user()->setStylesheet (styles_logic_standard_sheet ());
  // Set the site language to "Default"
  Database_Config_General::setSiteLanguage ("");
  // Ensure the default users are there.
  map <string, int> users = {
    make_pair ("guest", Filter_Roles::guest ()),
    make_pair ("member", Filter_Roles::member ()),
    make_pair ("consultant", Filter_Roles::consultant ()),
    make_pair ("translator", Filter_Roles::translator ()),
    make_pair ("manager", Filter_Roles::manager ()),
    make_pair (session_admin_credentials (), Filter_Roles::admin ())
  for (auto & element : users) {
    if (!request.database_users ()->usernameExists (element.first)) {
      request.database_users ()->addNewUser(element.first, element.first, element.second, "");
    request.database_users ()->updateUserLevel (element.first, element.second);

  // Create / update sample Bible.
  demo_create_sample_bible ();

  // Create sample notes.
  demo_create_sample_notes (&request);
  // Create samples for the workbenches.
  demo_create_sample_workbenches (&request);
  // Set navigator to John 3:16.
  Ipc_Focus::set (&request, 43, 3, 16);
  // Set and/or trim resources to display.
  // Too many resources crash the demo: Limit the amount.
  vector <string> resources = request.database_config_user()->getActiveResources ();
  bool reset_resources = false;
  if (resources.size () > 25) reset_resources = true;
  vector <string> defaults = demo_logic_default_resources ();
  for (auto & name : defaults) {
    if (!in_array (name, resources)) reset_resources = true;
  if (reset_resources) {
    resources = demo_logic_default_resources ();
    request.database_config_user()->setActiveResources (resources);
  // No flipped basic <> advanded mode.
  request.database_config_user ()->setFlipInterfaceMode (false);
Ejemplo n.º 3
string styles_indexm (void * webserver_request)
  Webserver_Request * request = (Webserver_Request *) webserver_request;
  string page;
  Assets_Header header = Assets_Header (translate("Styles"), webserver_request);
  header.addBreadCrumb (menu_logic_settings_menu (), menu_logic_settings_text ());
  header.addBreadCrumb (menu_logic_settings_styles_menu (), menu_logic_styles_text ());
  page = header.run ();
  Assets_View view;
  Database_Styles database_styles;
  string username = request->session_logic ()->currentUser ();
  int userlevel = request->session_logic ()->currentLevel ();
  if (request->post.count ("new")) {
    string name = request->post["entry"];
    // Remove spaces at the ends of the name for the new stylesheet.
    // Because predictive keyboards can add a space to the name,
    // and the stylesheet system is not built for whitespace at the start / end of the name of the stylesheet.
    name = filter_string_trim (name);
    vector <string> existing = database_styles.getSheets ();
    if (find (existing.begin(), existing.end (), name) != existing.end ()) {
      page += Assets_Page::error (translate("This stylesheet already exists"));
    } else {
      database_styles.createSheet (name);
      database_styles.grantWriteAccess (username, name);
      styles_sheets_create_all ();
      page += Assets_Page::success (translate("The stylesheet has been created"));
  if (request->query.count ("new")) {
    Dialog_Entry dialog_entry = Dialog_Entry ("indexm", translate("Please enter the name for the new stylesheet"), "", "new", "");
    page += dialog_entry.run();
    return page;
  if (request->query.count ("delete")) {
    string del = request->query ["delete"];
    if (del != "") {
      string confirm = request->query ["confirm"];
      if (confirm == "yes") {
        bool write = database_styles.hasWriteAccess (username, del);
        if (userlevel >= Filter_Roles::admin ()) write = true;
        if (write) {
          database_styles.deleteSheet (del);
          database_styles.revokeWriteAccess ("", del);
          page += Assets_Page::success (translate("The stylesheet has been deleted"));
      } if (confirm == "") {
        Dialog_Yes dialog_yes = Dialog_Yes ("indexm", translate("Would you like to delete this stylesheet?"));
        dialog_yes.add_query ("delete", del);
        page += dialog_yes.run ();
        return page;
  // Delete empty sheet that may have been there.
  database_styles.deleteSheet ("");

  vector <string> sheets = database_styles.getSheets();
  vector <string> sheetblock;
  for (auto & sheet : sheets) {
    sheetblock.push_back ("<p>");
    sheetblock.push_back (sheet);
    bool editable = database_styles.hasWriteAccess (username, sheet);
    if (userlevel >= Filter_Roles::admin ()) editable = true;
    // Cannot edit the Standard stylesheet.
    if (sheet == styles_logic_standard_sheet ()) editable = false;
    if (editable) {
      sheetblock.push_back ("<a href=\"sheetm?name=" + sheet + "\">[" + translate("edit") + "]</a>");
    sheetblock.push_back ("</p>");
  view.set_variable ("sheetblock", filter_string_implode (sheetblock, "\n"));

  page += view.render ("styles", "indexm");
  page += Assets_Page::footer ();
  return page;
Ejemplo n.º 4
string styles_sheetm (void * webserver_request)
    Webserver_Request * request = (Webserver_Request *) webserver_request;

    string page;

    Assets_Header header = Assets_Header (translate("Stylesheet"), webserver_request);
    header.addBreadCrumb (menu_logic_settings_menu (), menu_logic_settings_text ());
    header.addBreadCrumb (styles_indexm_url (), menu_logic_styles_indexm_text ());
    page = header.run ();

    Assets_View view;

    string name = request->query["name"];
    view.set_variable ("name", filter_string_sanitize_html (name));

    Database_Styles database_styles;

    string username = request->session_logic ()->currentUser ();
    int userlevel = request->session_logic ()->currentLevel ();
    bool write = database_styles.hasWriteAccess (username, name);
    if (userlevel >= Filter_Roles::admin ()) write = true;

    if (request->post.count ("new")) {
        string newstyle = request->post["entry"];
        vector <string> existing_markers = database_styles.getMarkers (name);
        if (find (existing_markers.begin(), existing_markers.end(), newstyle) != existing_markers.end()) {
            page += Assets_Page::error (translate("This style already exists"));
        } else {
            database_styles.addMarker (name, newstyle);
            styles_sheets_create_all ();
            page += Assets_Page::success (translate("The style has been created"));
    if (request->query.count("new")) {
        Dialog_Entry dialog_entry = Dialog_Entry ("sheetm", translate("Please enter the name for the new style"), "", "new", "");
        dialog_entry.add_query ("name", name);
        page += dialog_entry.run ();
        return page;

    string del = request->query["delete"];
    if (del != "") {
        if (write) database_styles.deleteMarker (name, del);

    vector <string> markerblock;
    map <string, string> markers_names = database_styles.getMarkersAndNames (name);
    for (auto & item : markers_names) {
        string marker = item.first;
        string marker_name = item.second;
        markerblock.push_back ("<tr>");
        markerblock.push_back ("<td><a href=\"view?sheet=" + name + "&style=" + marker + "\">" + marker + "</a></td>");
        markerblock.push_back ("<td>" + marker_name + "</td>");
        markerblock.push_back ("<td>[<a href=\"?name=" + name + "&delete=" + marker + "\">" + translate("delete") + "]</a></td>");
        markerblock.push_back ("</tr>");
    view.set_variable ("markerblock", filter_string_implode (markerblock, "\n"));

    page += view.render ("styles", "sheetm");

    page += Assets_Page::footer ();

    return page;